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Old 06-23-2008, 02:29 PM
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OTH B♥L S&S #482: You Can Never Be Too Rich Or Too Safe.

This is a reminder to let you know that this is the Brooke & Lucas spoiler thread for OTH, meant for fans of this particular couple.
If you're not a fan of them, this place is not for you. Keep the posts on topic with them, and keep posts from other threads out of the B/L one. Shipper wars are not tolerated and will not be tolerated. If this thread gets abused again we can/will close it again. Please keep things civilized.

Thank you for your cooperation.

-sick jag- & NikNak

The Brucas League Podcast
The Brucas League LJ

The first BL spoiler thread opened April 12th, 2005 which was in the end of the second season and since then we have come a long way as we are now celebrating 300 threads of spoiler and speculations for this lovely couple. On our way we have reached several milestone threads that we've decided to celebrate and pay extra attention to so feel free to take a trip down memory lane and remember a few of these memorable threads.

#1 - Because a new beginning calls for a new thread!
Premiered on April 12th, 2005. {Link}

#50 - Because we will not settle for sloppy seconds!
Premiered on October 9th, 2006. {Link}

#100 - Prettiest thread. Hottest couple. Greatest fans. Oh, & crappiest spoilers!
Premiered on April 8th, 2007. {Link}

#150 - A Weight is Lifted On This Evening, I Give The Final Blow.
Premiered on June 15th, 2007. {Link}

#200 - Behind The Red Door New Beginnings Await.
Premiered on August 11th, 2007. {Link}

#300 - "Brooke & Lucas Forever." His Words Not Ours.
Premiered on December 11, 2007. {Link}

Your character in twenty years?
"I think that Brooke sort of dreams of continuing to have a career that is fulfilling but I think the thing that is gonna matter the most to her in 20 years is to have a family and a life. Because those are the things she really missed out on and I think you generally experience when someone has not had the most wonderful life at home that they really want to give that to their family and to their kids. I think that Brooke will be one of those women who end up being as good of a mom as a mogul."

Your character in twenty years?
"Lucas in 20 years will be a therapist in my humble opinion. His second book is going to fail miserably or it’s gonna open up the minds of everybody but what they are gonna realize is for the past 4 years or now 5 he just gonna sit and listen to peoples problem and then deals with them and says ‘how do you feel about that?’. He becomes a therapist."

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without alcohol.
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Old 06-23-2008, 02:29 PM
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Returning for its sixth season to the town of Tree Hill, last season ONE TREE HILL made the unprecedented move of taking the storylines four years into the future. Season four ended as the young characters graduated high school and season five began post-college, four years later. The show also dipped into the past, returning to incidents and events that impacted the lives of this close group of friends who call Tree Hill home. The series stars Chad Michael Murray as Lucas Scott, James Lafferty as Nathan Scott, Hilarie Burton as Peyton Sawyer, Sophia Bush as Brooke Davis, Bethany Joy Galeotti as Haley James Scott, Lee Norris as Mouth, Antwon Tanner as Skills and Paul Johansson as Dan Scott. ONE TREE HILL was created by Mark Schwahn and is executive produced by Schwahn, Joe Davola, Greg Prange, Mike Tollin and Brian Robbins. ONE TREE HILL is a Tollin/Robbins Production in association with Warner Bros. Television.

"One Tree Hill" returns for season six on September 1st, 2008. Tune in to find out just who did Lucas call for a Vegas Nuptial - Brooke, Peyton or Lindsey?

I don't know if this is consider a spoiler or not, but the cast & crew will not actually be filming in Vegas. Everything will be filmed on set. They were not able to spend the money to go and film there.
Credit: to anonymous.

I wouldn't rule out Brooke.

All i know, is that a friend of a friend supposedly talked to crew in Wilmy and they told him it was Brooke going to Vegas. how reliable that is, I don't know.
Credit: sunchick116

The story board for shooting in Vegas includes wedding preparations and shots of a chapel.
Credit: Amanda (hoydenish)

Peyton's the one who goes to Vegas with Lucas
Confirmation. I'm in Wilmington and am able to find out stuff. As far as if Lucas and Peyton actually get married though, I have no idea, I just know she goes to Vegas with him.
Credit: StuckeyGilmore (TWOP)

CH are definitely filming the airport scene (s).
Credit: Rebecca (curlyhead)

I have to be honest. I don't think there are three versions of the proposal thing. Someone with very tight connections to the show told me earlier in the week that Luke called Peyton, then someone else did yesterday, and now this person from TWOP. No one has mentioned Lindsey or Brooke's name in any of the scenarios. I'm only saying this, because I've been friends with Eva for a couple of seasons and I have talked with a couple more of you during the past year, and I feel like you are owed the truth.
Credit: Rebecca (curlyhead)

Lucas will be involved with the story involving Brooke and Sam, in some capacity.
Credit: Rebecca (curlyhead)

Chad is writing an episode of the show this season too. That is a definite.
Credit: Rebecca (curlyhead)

Samantha: 15 year old foster child who is a student of Haley's. Seems to be a hardened version of Brooke in S1. She mentions partying, alcohol, and drug use. She was abused by her foster parents. SIDE

Episode 6.01

Written by: ? & Directed by: ?

There is a scene very early in the sixth season premiere where Skills and Brooke are in bed acting romantic. (Yes, I said Skills and Brooke, so what do you think? Dream? Names changed to hide other identities?)
Credit: Rebecca

Samantha goes into Clothes over Bros and tries to steal something then Brooke grabs here arm. Samantha pushes Brooke down and runs out. Samantha looks like a 14 year old. She is thin with long brown hair and cute.
Credit: Taylor (TSOneTreeHillz)

We are at clothes over bros and we saw Milli and Brooke's mom.
Sophia is also filming at C/B right now with Daphne and Lisa.
Credit: mandylh72590 @

Episode 6.02

Written by: ? & Directed by: ?

September 2008

For full information about the episodes timeline and info regarding other characters visit the main spoiler thread for One Tree Hill. Sides for the episodes can be found on our LJ.

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Old 06-23-2008, 02:30 PM
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Brooke/Lucas 2008 Summer Project.
This is how we're gonna spend our summer......

Project details: we’re going to make two boxes with memorabilia. We will make one Brooke box for Lucas and we will make one Lucas box for Brooke and later during the summer give them to Mark.

We already have some given some thought to the things that will go into one of the boxes but we need your help to complete both boxes. For the first step, please tell us what you think Lucas have in his Brooke box and what you think Brooke has in her Lucas box.

Brooke’s box for Lucas

Remember how Mark has told us the 86 letters is a spoiler as in S3 we know Brooke only gave Luke 82 letters. Well we’re gonna complete this box with the remaining 4 letters Brooke has written to Lucas but probably never sent, hence them still being in the box.

We’re looking for 4 different moments that Brooke should have written these 4 letters. We’ve decided on two already.

1) After the High School Graduation
2) After their night as a pretend engaged couple (carriage ride night) 5.05
3) ??
4) ??

When we’ve picked out all 4 moments. We’re gonna ask four of our best writers to write the letters.

What other memorabilia/things does Brooke has in her box for Lucas?

Lucas’ box for Brooke

What memorabilia/things does Lucas has in his box for Brooke?

Suggestions on what should be in the boxes is step 1 of this project. Then we're gonna have to look at it with realistic eyes and decide how much money can and should be put in to the project to make it possible to be able to put all the things you want in these boxes.

This idea is all Corey's. So thanks to her.

Please PM your suggestions as soon as possible to either BrucasplusNaley (Corey) or BrownEyes1980 (Eva)

You can still read about the last project we did and how it went here > dollhouse project
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Old 06-23-2008, 02:30 PM
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BL Season 6 Scene Wish List

1) Brooke reads the second book for first time (since we never saw her read the first one) and goes to see luke about it (I see a love declaration somehow coming with this)- I don't want to know the title then though. i think that should be unknown for a while to build up to who he picks in the end since i really think that title will be an illusion to whomever he chooses in the end. - Laura (Freshgirlly908)

2) Jamie finds an old picture of Lucas and Brooke kissing in Lucas's room/closet/a photo album and asks Lucas why he used to kiss Aunt Brooke (I [Laura] added and why he doesn't now). Something along the lines of, "do you love Aunt Brooke like daddy loves mom? - Kristin (everglow)

3) Lucas is talking to Brooke, and they're talking about his new book and then he's going to tell her that Peyton is NOT the comet, and it was never intended for her to be in the book. It's actually Brooke. - Melissa (BL4ever)

4) Whitey comes back and gives a Pro BL speech to Lucas. - Laura (laurapinkstar)

5) Lucas puts the purple monkey in Brooke's box, with the feather and the letters, the box he has kept because in knew one day it'd be full of love again! - Jess (jess890)

6) For the opening scene, a Lucas voiceover from his second book...something that we haven't heard yet. Cut to Peyton talking to the person who knew Ellie, Lindsey talking to her office, Brooke talking the agency about Angie...and Lucas...leaving a message....for.....???? We won't find out until the end of the episode who he took to Vegas. - Ali (FinallyPJ)

7) I want a scene where peyton is asking Lucas where his heart is at this point as a friend. Lucas says that his heart is where it was left years ago. Peyton says i'm sorry and Lucas says "you said no but I left. I felt lost that night and many after and with this recent situation with lindsey I guess I felt lost again" Peyton says "you seem to be doing better now?" Lucas says "so are you." Peyton says "thats what happens when you face reality" Lucas says "I guess so and the reality is that its been in the same place for years. Constant and always there when I need it, in tree hill or..." and then suddenly Brooke enters and Lucas looks up and says "hey beautiful" Brooke says "luke" and smiles and says hey "p sawyer" and peyton smiles and looks over to Lucas staring at Brooke in amazement and she finally gets it. Its always been Brooke Davis - Janie (janie23)

8) A really great RP scene where Peyton tells Rachel that she has been a great friend to Brooke and that's why Brooke is going to be there for her, and Rachel say's "I have been a great friend to Brooke but that's not why she's helping me. She's helping me because she's Brooke. I mean you broke her heart and she was still there for you. Even after she saw your boyfriend stealing ass with her true love on her birthday." and Peyton is like "Wait she went that night?" "Of course she went that night she was in love with him P.****ty" and Peyton realizes that all these years she had thought that Brooke had fallen out of love with Luke but the truth is her friend had stepped aside for her. - Adrienne (IloveMeSomeBrucas)

9) A scene where Brucas are babysitting Jamie! I mean come on, they're his godparents for godsake! We need to have a scene with the three of them! And while they're babysitting him, they'll be talking and laughing together and then they'll realize that maybe they still have feelings for one another. And Jamie will tell them they look cute together! - Melissa (BL4ever)

10) A scene I would like to see is Brooke and Lucas talking about their mutal want of children and a family. And I would like Lucas to ask Brooke if she thought things would have been different if she had been pregnant, and for Brooke to shove it off in her usual way. And him to go on and tell her what he pictured the child looking like. And she would give him one of those looks and he could say.. " I always pictured us being it, Married with kids. You were it for me Brooke." And for her to just give him one of those smiles. - Corey (BrucasplusNaley)

11) A scene where Naley wants to celebrate their anniversary with their friends but noone can make it except for Brooke and Lucas. They could all be out to dinner having a good time talking and hanging out. Then a song starts to play and they get up to dance all innocently at first but as they are in each other’s arms memories start flooding back and when the music stops they just stand there in each other’s arms for an extra minute. By the time they get back to the table they are both so overcome with emotion. This could also be when Haley see that there is still something between the two of them and she is the one that finally gets Brooke to admit her true feelings that she has been hiding behind for so many years. - Michelle (tvfan29)

12) Luke and Brooke have a heart-to-heart, mainly with Luke talking about how screwed up his love life has been, venting about Lindsey leaving him at the altar, Peyton messing with his head. Brooke just sits there smiles at him and tells him consolingly not to worry, people that are meant to be together always find their way back in the end, he'll see. She gets up to leave him with his thoughts, and Lucas sits there and watches her go, remembering. – Gelina (ForeverOTH_Sevengee)

13) a scene where Albert Camus is quoted by either Brooke or Lucas. Like after talking about his book and/or Peyton, and how everybod thinks they are destined to be, how they are meant to be and blah blah blah, when Brooke is about to leave, convince deep inside of her that there really is no hope for Luke and her, he calls her name. She stops and turn, facing him. Then he says "Le bonheur est la plus grande des conquêtes, celle qu'on fait contre le destin qui nous est imposé." (which basically means: happiness is the greatest conquest, the one against the destiny that others impose to you. Sorry about the translation, it's really bad ^^). Brooke says "Camus". He smiles. Lucas: did you finally read it? Brooke: I read it every stormy day. She leaves and Lucas understands she never stopped loving him, as she told him in 401. – Marine (WatchMeWatchU)

14) I would love there to be a scene between lucas and brooke talking about there past relationships and then lucas out of the blue asked brooke why she stopped loving him back in senior year and brooke would be like is that what you really think, and luke is like well you said it wasnt about P and you stopped missing me. brooke then says did P ever tell you why we fell out before haleys and nathans wedding and he says no, and brooke says she told me she till had feelings for you and then you told me you kissed her and i got scared and lucas doeant say any thing because he is to shocked – Gemma (Brucas4eva08)

15) Brooke finishes reading Lucas' second book and goes to return it. He's not home, so she goes to his room (because no one locks their door in Tree Hill) and places his book on his desk. Pondering what his book is about, out of the corner of her eye, she sees a box. Thinking of whether or not she should take a look inside, curiosity gets the better of her. Inside she sees the red feather, a picture of her and Lucas, and letters to her that were responses to her letters from senior year. And then in walks Lucas... – Ali (FinallyPJ)

16) What if Haley asked Brooke if she still have romantic feelings for Lucas. Brooke gets shocked and doesn't really answer the question right away, mainly because she doesn't know what to answer. She knows feelings between them are developing, but she doesn't want to hurt Peyton, like she hurt her. Haley then says "You still have feelings for him, don't you?", Brooke looks down, almost ashamed as she knows Peyton has been pining after him. And that's when Haley get's it. Brooke is, and will always be in love with her bestfriend! Then she smiles at Brooke. – Cristin (xChristinx)

17) Lucas is at RC trying to decide who his heart really belongs too, he notice Rachel walk on to the court with a basketball in her hand smiling. Lucas ask "What are you doing here?" Rachel shrugs and replies, "You made the shot once, why can't you make it again?" Lucas looks at Rachel confused and she continues, "In senior year you said it's Brooke, you said she was the one, your destiny, your soulmate. So, if that's true make the shot again Luke." She throws the ball towards him and he catches it, Rachel wraps a blindfold around his eyes. Lucas makes the shot and Rachel smiles, "I guess she's still the one." - Marco (BrookeDavisFan)

18) A scene I would like to see...Luke coming back from Vegas with whoever he went with (in my world, Lindsey since I don't see it as a good thing) and Lindsey is in Luke's room helping him pack up his closet b/c they are going to move somewhere together (they didn't get married in Vegas, just re-engaged) and she stumbles across the Brooke box. She begins looking through it and as she has just finished reading the last letter, Luke walks in... – Suzy (sassysuzy84)

19) On Christmas Eve Naley is having a Christmas Party at their house. Naley, Brucas, Jeyton, MM, Karen, Deb, and Jamie are all there together. They exchange gifts and sing songs around the piano are all just enjoying each others company. As it starts to get late Nathan tries to get Jamie to bed who is way to excited to go. Then the doorbell rings and Lucas open the door and Santa is there (It is actually Whitey dressed like him) and Jamie gets so excited but nervous that Santa is going to leave because he is still up he runs up stairs and gets right into bed. Brooke follows his upstairs to check on him and reads him "Twas the night before Christmas" and then after he falls asleep she kisses him on the cheek and goes downstairs as Haley opens up a bottle of champaigne to toast the holiday. Glasses are passed out but Brooke puts the glass down and just gets a glass of cider. They raise their glasses and Haley looks around the room and then stops as she eyes Brooke and says "Oh My Gosh You're Pregnant"! As everyone stares at her she coyly looks at Lucas and says "Merry Christmas". He stares at her in disbelief and then walks over to her pats her stomach and then grabs her into the biggest hug and kiss ever. - Michelle (tvfan29)

20) Since Brooke and Lucas have reconnected as "friends" and have begun being there for each other I'd like to see a scene where they're sitting in Lucas' bedroom--him in a chair and her on the bed--similar to 4.01. Lucas is telling Brooke about his last encounter with Lindsey when she drops off his manuscript and he asks her if she missed him. As he is telling Brooke the details he flashes back to their break-up scene in 4.01 where she tells him Peyton isn't why she's breaking up with him and when she kisses him like Lindsay did and walks out and then a montage of some of their greatest moments: the season 2 finale when Brooke is leaving for California, followed by their rain kiss, their moment at the cabin in season 3, Brooke giving him the 82 letters, the state championship game before he goes to Peyton and the scene with them and Angie on his couch while a voice over of Brooke's famous line "People who are meant to be always their way in the end," plays and then Brooke asks if he's okay which causes him to snap back to reality and prompts him to ask Brooke about the real reason they broke up in season 4 and she tells him about Peyton's "innoncent confession" and he that Brooke did the most selfless act for her friend and that through everything Brooke is the one that has always been by his side and he gives one of his grand speeches that he's only ever given to Brooke and we fade to black as they begin to make a Brucas baby. - Olivia (LivvieLove)

21) Brooke and Lucas would have some significant moment. Maybe at their first ultrasound for the Vegas-baby or maybe their first date after getting back together. But they would make some reference to Angie, and how she got them there. It would be like a callback to what Dr. Copeland said to Brooke about how Angie would think of her at her graduation, wedding, etc. But Brooke and Lucas would think of Angie at any landmark occasion of their own, because she brought them closer again and made it possible for them to get back together. - Christine (catkirk7)

22) Lucas is at the RC , it's few weeks after the Vegas thing, Brooke went with him and they slept together after a drunken night.. They never really talked about it since. he is alone thinking of all the things that had happened to him. Lindsey , peyton and this week end. He wants to clear his head , because his heart is conflicted. He doesn't to make another mistake, like he had done so much time. He goes in front of the basket and closes his eyes. the first thing he's thinking is Brooke and what Rachel told him few years ago about the destiny shot. After few minutes standing there and asking himself if the whole situation is not weird he makes the shot and it goes in. He smiles. Then he runs to his car and go find brooke. In his car he's thinking that he's stupid for what he had done to her. He finds her at her house. "Brooke?" "Upstairs" "Here you are" Lucas said. She goes out of the bathroom. "Luke i have to talk to you..." "Me too.. You first!" "I'm pregnant" And Lucas says, " I know you'll maybe think i'm crazy, but i thought about it , again and again. Actually i think about that all the time since that night, and that whole week end. Brooke, i mean , i think , no.. no , this time , i'm sure. I want you in my life , i mean not just as a friend, i want you. I want to grow up with you, have kids with you, be there if you want to cry and tell you sweet words to comfort you. Anything that will make you feel better. I just want to be the man that you can trust and tell if something is wrong. The man that you are proud to be with. I want to be that man for you Brooke. I want to be able to feel you next to me when i wake up, be lucky enough to see those beautiful dimples every day... I just want you to know that I love you. " - Lena (FrenchOthFan)

23) I wouldn't mind Lucas calling Peyton to get married in Vegas and just as the two are about to board the plane Brooke shows up. There we have Brooke trying to knock some sense into both that both Lucas and Peyton are making a huge mistake and only doing it because both have been incredibly hurt by the ones they love. I would love for the two to understand what Brooke is trying to say and end up not going to Vegas after all. In the end Peyton is still hurting and decides to head down to Savannah to visit Mia where she runs into Jake and Brooke tries to help Lucas get over everything thats happened with Lindsey and being suspended as coach for the ravens. Their friendship is strengthened and both begin to realize that they can never be just friends. - Sophia (prettygirl6310)

24) Lucas is at home, back form the airport. He called Lindsey but she said no and he's back home. He is putting all his stuff on the closet again and he finds Brooke's box. It's full of pictures, her letters and the feather. He looks to his bed where the purple monkey is. He smiles and then he sits and starts watching photos and remebers their relationships. He realizes he's always been happier with Brooke, she makes him a better person. Then Brooke knocks on the door and enters the room almost crying and says: Luke, I need your help... Angie's mom is dead and her dad wants to give her in adoption but the assistant wants her to be in a non monoparental homre. I need you. Lucas stares at her and says: It's Ok Brooke. I'm here for you...And they hug and Lucas gives the "i'm in love with Brooke" face. - Núria (Honey_12686)

25) We would like to find out in S6 that Brooke had a miscarriage shortly before the Naley wedding in S3. Lucas would find out, and this would trigger them rehashing all of the things that went wrong between them back then and how they let it all effect them so much. Brooke would explain that she felt like she couldn't tell him after him not calling her while he was away and how he was struggling with Keith's death and, finally, how it all culminated with what Peyton told her and how she couldn't take it anymore. Lucas would be upset at first but he would be understanding and hang on to the knowledge he's finally gained of Brooke this season. This way, BL could start over with everything back them cleared up; they would have a clean slate and be able to make it work this time. - Corey (BrucasplusNaley) and Christine (catkirk7)

26) Something I wish for s6 is for Peyton to go at Brooke's closet to see if she has any clothes she could borrow, and then see a box with Lucas' name on it, she would open, and not trying to read anything, she would see 4 letters on top of it all, she would read them all and suddenly realize that Brooke had written them along those 4 years, and realize that Brooke's still in love with Lucas, and how selfish she was to go after him and hurt Brooke so much. So, she goes after Brooke, and when she finds her, she tells her she read the letters, Brooke would make a joke and try to get out of the situation but Peyton apologizes to her, and tells her that it's okay if she wants to go after Lucas in vegas, that she wouldn't mind, and if that'd make Brooke happy, then she'd be happy too. Brooke would cry and tell her that she loves Lucas, but she won't go after him because of her, because she knows how it feels when your best friend is so selfish to not take your feelings in consideration... Peyton tells her that she is letting go of Lucas, and that she'd be mad if after all this years, Brooke still give up her happiness for her, that she's okay with it, and that she wishes BL the best. - Leo (strikeleo)

27) If I could pick a scene to have for season six I would love to have Brooke be in some kind of accidnet or something so that she is in the hospital. Then have all her friends; Lucas, Peyton, Rachel, Haley and Nathan reflect on all she has done for them and others. - Katie (Ooops)

28) Since lucas is noticing how much brooke helps people (and that he thinks it beautiful), He should kinda yell at peyton for more or less taking advantage of brooke and not relealizing how much brooke has put aside her feelings for peyton and peyton has never once realized it. - Laura (Freshgirlly908)

29) What I wish for season 6 is that someone-Nathan or Karen, I'm not sure-has some serious talk with Lucas. It could be Nathan because I don't he's as pro LP as the other, or Karen because she is not really involved into this mess. But I highly doubt Karen will be back so let's say Nathan. So, Nathan and Lucas are at the RC. They're playing basketball together. After that they sit together and Lucas has a sad face. Then Nathan says something like: "Lucas, I don't know if you're thinking about P or L, but you knoww what dude? I've never seen you so desperate when you were dating Brooke. I know it's an old story but I had to point out this. Your relationship with P has nearly always been pain and suffering. And because of her L left you. And now you barely smile. But you were always smiling when Brooke was around... But that's none of my business so, let's finish this game and I'll kick your ***" - Virginie (Twiggy Ramirez)

30) My ideal scene of S6 would be for Brooke's father to come back into town, wanting to make amends, with Brooke being the confident woman who feels more confused than ever by her father's sudden identity crisis and change of mannerisms. Obviously, things don't go well, but in the interim, Luke appears, seemingly calming her distraught nerves. Then, of course, we get a spiel from Luke about what on earth could have possessed Mr. Davis to not feel a connection to his child, nor what could have possessed him to give up such a precious gift as Brooke's love for her absentee parents because she's worthy of so much more, because she deserves better, because she matters. Then, of course, we get another ideal BL moment where Luke progresses into his speech about how amazing Brooke Davis is and why she deserves to love and be loved more than anyone else he knows. - Kat (:Kat: )

31) Ok so, my friend and I had this wish scene since a lonnnnnng time. We'd like to see Brooke coming in Lucas's High school office to cheer him up since he's now suspended. She knocks on the door and open to see a broody Lucas. Then they hear some music coming from the gym. They go and see girl dancing sadly on "cry me a river". They just stand here and watch, once she's finished Brooke make her presence known and applause her. The girl quickly dry the tears streaming down her face as Brooke approachs asking what is wrong (because as we all know: Brooke saves people, it's what she do). The girl angrily answer her someting like that: "Try to be cheated by you boyfriend and your bestfriend and tell me how you'd feel". Brooke quickly tries to mask her shock and glances at Lucas. Then she put a hand on the girl's arm. "Everything will be okay, you'll forgive them one day. You'll see." "How" answer the girls desparately seaking for a solution. Brooke glances once again at lucas and then smiles sadly. "Love..." - Laura (luluc88) and Mia (mialys)

32) I want a scene based on what Mili said at Tric, that Brooke hasn't had anyone special in her life, she just kind of dates and sleeps around. I want to see a scene between Peyton and Brooke at home where Peyton asks Brooke why she hasn't had anyone serious since Chase. Brooke would reply with something along the lines of, "I wasn't even that serious about Chase.." and kind of be hesitant to say much more. Then Peyton would say that she thought Brooke was happy back then. Brooke would reply that she had to pretend to be happy and then go on to say that she never really was happy because she had to watch her best friend be with the love of her life. Peyton would be speechless and be thinking for a moment and then Brooke would mumble under her breath that she would have liked her best friend to realize that she wasn't really happy with anyone else but Lucas. - Kristin (everglow)

33) I would love for them to do a staff vs. students basketball game and it would of course mainly focus on the staff and have Lucas, Nathan and Skillz be on the staff team. Then have Haley be the staff's team cheerleader and she recruits Brooke (unfortunatley Peyton can't or won't do it). So Lucas and Brooke see each other in their uniforms and talk about thier past and then Lucas comments that Brooke still looks good in her uniform and Brooke says the same thing. Or something along those lines. - Katie (Ooops)

34) Like a lot of other people, I've been hoping for a scene where Brooke finally tells Lucas that the reason she broke up with him was because Peyton confessed to having feelings for him. I'd want this to be a pretty emotional scene... I imagine Brooke & Lucas are hanging out watching TV or a movie when the plot suddenly mirrors the cheating in S1. This causes Brooke to make a little jab towards Lucas & he in turn gets upset and yells at her "I apologized a million times for that Brooke! I loved you, I was in love with you Senior Year, and you broke my heart because you were insecure over a meaningless kiss!" And with that, the gates are opened. Brooke finally tells Lucas about Peyton confessing her feelings at the wedding rehearsal... Cut to Lucas storming into Peyton's office at Tric, he's very obviously angry. I want him to just start yelling at her, "How could you Peyton?! How could you ruin my relationship when you knew how much she meant to me, how much she still means to me?!" Peyton being her usual crappy friend self would just assume he was talking about Lindsay and try to explain how "All I ever wanted was for you to be happy Luke... I'm sorry Lindsay left..." "Lindsay?? You think this is about Lindsay leaving? No Peyton, this is about how back in senior year you told Brooke you still had feelings for me. You told her you still loved me even though you knew it would devastate her.” Peyton would of course beg Lucas to understand & try to convince him she isn’t a horrible friend but he wouldn’t want to hear it. I can see him walking out on her but not before delivering a crushing blow… “I still love Brooke, I never stopped loving her Peyton, and I never would have been with you if I didn’t think I had no chance with Brooke… I wasn’t lying when I said I hate you Peyton, you really did ruin my life.”
- Holly (xoheartinohioxo)

35) Lucas and brooke go for fun (so he was joking) and they hang out and bond and he gets the call about dan and brooke is their for him and they go back earlier than planned and she is their for him and they bond some more and say if dan some how dies and she is there for them cause he gets upset and she tells him it is ok to be upset and we get a raw moment between the two of them and maybe they fall asleep together, brooke in lucas' arms, and the realize just how much they want that for their future and some later point of the season they cosumate their realtionship and they get a cute bubbly little baby girl with hazel eyes, and dimples, in other words the spitting image of brooke and lucas wouldn't have it any other way. - Laura (Freshgirlly908)

36) What I'd like to see this season is an episode where Brooke is talking to Haley one-on-one, and Lucas doing the same with Nathan, about personal stuff. They talk about things like what they regret in life, when their happiest time was, then we are shown a series of flashbacks to when Brooke and Lucas were in love, when they wanted to be with each other but were afraid to say it, when they were dating, and when they broke up. I'd like these talks between Lucas/Nathan and Brooke/Haley to bring them to realizations that they should never have broken up in the first place. And somehow, all this is the beginning of what will lead up to a beautiful reunion between them. Except this time, we know it's forever. - Gwen (4brathan&brucas)

If you have any questions just PM Freshgirlly908 (Laura). Post your scene wish here.

1) Please be fairly specific.
2) Inlcude your first name so we can credit you as the previous submissions are.
3) No limits to content
4) Preferably no more than 200 words.

I can't wait to get your submissions.

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Old 06-23-2008, 02:34 PM
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Old 06-23-2008, 02:35 PM
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Laura, I thought this title from Cami was really appropriate. Let's remember yours for next thread.

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Old 06-23-2008, 02:35 PM
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Old 06-23-2008, 02:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Brucas4life (View Post)
Well I think if they are going to have Brooke get quite badly hurt then she is going to need to be on her own. I wonder if Brooke tries to stop the robber, I mean usually they don't attack you unless you get in their way right? Most just want the money, at least that's what I thought.

maybe she was thinking that it was sam again and she wants to stop her, but realises that it's a man ,but later!

and she screams so he has to stop her!
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Old 06-23-2008, 02:35 PM
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Fine I just thought mine was appropriate, too
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Old 06-23-2008, 02:37 PM
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Thanks for the new thread. This one is very fitting.

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Old 06-23-2008, 02:39 PM
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Old 06-23-2008, 02:39 PM
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Thanks for the new thread. I love the title.

So are we going to have two robberies? Or just the one? Becuase it sounds to me like we have two which seems kinda strange. I think Brooke is going to be on her own in the one where she gets hurt. I just wonder if anyone will come to her rescue or who will be the one to find her. I would think it would be Millicent if anyone seeing as she works there.
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Old 06-23-2008, 02:41 PM
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Thanks for the new thread!


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Old 06-23-2008, 02:42 PM
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I just like to think of Brooke as catching herself most times. Shes tough as nails and it's why I love her. I may want Lucas to be there for her emotionally 100% but I do not want or need him to ever "physically" save her. That's LPs thing. And it's really superficial and on the surface. Lucas would save anyone physically. Hell he even saved Dan. So that's not what I need. What I need it Lucas to be an open book for Brooke. For him to NEED her. For her to NEED him. And for it to build up into pure beauty. A true love story. Not in your face this is my soulmate you're always saving me crap. But I love you and because of that I need you and you are my meant to be. So yea.. I like this title better.


ILY Cami Title Rocks.

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Old 06-23-2008, 02:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Brucas4life (View Post)
Thanks for the new thread. I love the title.

So are we going to have two robberies? Or just the one? Becuase it sounds to me like we have two which seems kinda strange.
Shoplifting isn't the same as robbery at all. Although it is weird to have both in one episode.
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