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Old 02-05-2005, 05:37 PM
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And one of the biggest fans of the show is one of our construction workers. (He's 28. All of his friends, guys included, watch. Luke is their hero.)
You know I have read from other fans as well that Luke is a big reason why guys watch the show. He represents that "guy's guy" and is relatable. I think SP brings a level of down-to-earthness to Luke because he's not your typical GQ kind of guy. I mean, he's an attractive man, but not the typical leading man type.

One thing I always wonder is whether ASP would have cast SP had she known from the beginning that Luke was supposed to be the guy Lorelai falls in love with. In other words, if she had known that Luke was supposed to be the ONE.

From what I've read in articles, the Luke and Lorelai idea only came after the show started and ASP realized that SP and LG had good chemistry together. But, that it was never planned from the beginning. I would love hear what ASP would say to that question.


LUKE: You're an amazing woman.
LORELAI: Thank you for noticing.

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Old 02-05-2005, 05:53 PM
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Originally Posted by ecouteuse
I have a feeling, too. See, I'm wondering if they don't find a way to reconcile after that play at the end of 5.15. Or at least start moving towards it. And Luke is throwing people out of the diner at the top of 5.16 because they're still wearing the stupid ribbons even though he posted a no ribbons sign or something. He would be especially annoyed if he and Lorelai have made up and yet the town still thinks it's their business and won't let it go.
ecouteuse and other Friends - This is not correct. We have absolutely nothing that says Luke throwing people out of the Diner because of Ribbons.

This has to be some sort of FanFic thing that got started. Please read the Castsing Sides Info on Page 1 for 5.16. That is all of the factual information we have.

For example: The first guy get thrown out because he is complaining about his omlet being soft and other things being overdone.

For the Big, Burly Customer, we are not told why Luke thows him out, but he does.

For all our Friends, we need to be careful and not state speculations or hopes, or desires, as actual facts. It tends to distract and confuse things.
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Old 02-05-2005, 05:55 PM
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She violated the one thing that Luke has to have - trust. How can he ever trust her again? Man I am so nervous!!
I'm probably in the minority but I think Luke wants a break not because of trust issues/Lorelai lied to him, but more because of him not feeling he can ever be a part of the Gilmore family/Emily and Richard will never approve of him.

He already had Emily pretty much disrespecting him in his face with the remarks and looks she gives him. To find out that she went to Chris and told him that even though LL are together he should break them up and try to win Lorelai back would make him feel terrible.

With RL, their scenes are great. I knew I loved them for a reason. Can't wait to see what happens with them after this episode. I hope Matt is signed on if there are more seasons.
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Old 02-05-2005, 05:56 PM
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My husband thinks he's being hilarous when occasionally, out of the blue, he goes upstairs just before the show, puts on a flannel shirt and backwards baseball cap and then comes down and sits next to me on the sofa to watch. Says he's trying to distract me from Luke. Ha. Ha. There is, however, no way I am putting on a Jets uniform and jumping around the living room on weekends to reciprocate.

ETA I agree that the break is more about the family disapproval thing. Luke did something similar (though for not as long) about his Dark Day. Both jumped to lying first to save on emotional wear and tear. They are figuring out though that this is exactly what real relationships are---not what dating is perhaps, but relationships, yes.
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Old 02-05-2005, 05:59 PM
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Jim, sorry about that... I thought (at the time of writing it) that it was clear I was strictly speculating about another reason why the tossing out of people could have happened. And honestly, I had forgotten the food complaint from the sides, so that should have ended my spec'ing right there. Will re-read before spec'ng again, that's for sure.
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Old 02-05-2005, 06:03 PM
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Originally Posted by germ881
I'm probably in the minority but I think Luke wants a break not because of trust issues/Lorelai lied to him, but more because of him not feeling he can ever be a part of the Gilmore family/Emily and Richard will never approve of him.

He already had Emily pretty much disrespecting him in his face with the remarks and looks she gives him. To find out that she went to Chris and told him that even though LL are together he should break them up and try to win Lorelai back would make him feel terrible.

With RL, their scenes are great. I knew I loved them for a reason. Can't wait to see what happens with them after this episode. I hope Matt is signed on if there are more seasons.
I don't think you are really in the minority. I defintely agree that a big part of it is that he doesn't feel like he is good enough to fit in to that world. I mean, he already felt this way and now not only Chris but Emily had to throw it in his face. And he found this out in front of Lorelai, which is embarrassing. Yes, the trust issue is a problem, but I think this break is not really entirely about that.
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Old 02-05-2005, 06:06 PM
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Originally Posted by gilmoregal
ETA:"To all the guy's guys still resisting the Gilmore phenomenon, it's time to bite the bullet" I still don't know any guys who watch this show. And, maybe like 5 people in total who watch it. How sad.
Me either, lol. But I don't know many guys who watch any of those WB dramas. Like, I can't imagine any of my guy friends saying "OMG TONIGHT IS THE OC" or "FINALLY, DAWSON'S CREEK" haha. But I AM loving the fact that my best friend just got into Gilmore Girls since it's been on ABC Family, it's great to be able to discuss it with her.

At first I had reservations about a possible 7th season, too, but I think it could work. All they'd have to do is make one little change to a character's life, and a whole new realm of storylines/possibilities opens up. So I think it could in fact work just fine.
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Old 02-05-2005, 06:14 PM
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I think a 7th season would work but ONLY if Amy is in charge of steering the ship.

She has clearly had a 'plan' since the start - I mean, she has clearly thought about all the possibilities and has a beginning, middle and end for her show.

If the WB were to get rid of her they would be fools - she seems to have a reputation for being a bit difficult to work with but all the best are like that. The woman is brilliant - she IS Gilmore Girls and if the network wants a show that will work - beginning, middle AND end - they have to keep her involved. No matter what size headache comes with it!!

Can I just say her cartwheels comment in regards to Levin was classic!
"I don't want ordinary....I want....."
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Old 02-05-2005, 06:31 PM
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Originally Posted by ABitStormy
Me either, lol. But I don't know many guys who watch any of those WB dramas. Like, I can't imagine any of my guy friends saying "OMG TONIGHT IS THE OC" or "FINALLY, DAWSON'S CREEK" haha. But I AM loving the fact that my best friend just got into Gilmore Girls since it's been on ABC Family, it's great to be able to discuss it with her.
I happen to watch both GG and the OC Aint no shame! Im sure there are a lot more guys out there that wont come forward. Oh well, i like it and i dont care who knows it
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Old 02-05-2005, 07:06 PM
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Originally Posted by gilmoregal

ETA:"To all the guy's guys still resisting the Gilmore phenomenon, it's time to bite the bullet" I still don't know any guys who watch this show. And, maybe like 5 people in total who watch it. How sad.
I know of one guy that watches GG, and I got him started on it. I actually started watching the show myself this season, mainly because I found the Luke and Lorelai interaction fascinating, and I just mentioned to him how much I like the show and how upset I was that I couldn't watch all of the eps from seasons 1-4. So, he somehow was able to download all of the eps from those 4 seasons for me, and in the process he watched the first ep and then got addicted. My current goal is to convert my sister into becoming a die hard GG fan. I think I have her close
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Old 02-05-2005, 07:33 PM
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Originally Posted by mild toxicity
I happen to watch both GG and the OC Aint no shame! Im sure there are a lot more guys out there that wont come forward. Oh well, i like it and i dont care who knows it
You are not alone. There's a guy who reviews movies on our local radio station and has his own show as well. He's mid-late 30's and really a "guy" guy. He was a HUGE Felicity fan, and also watches Gilmore Girls. His review of Bad Santa and LG's performance was hilarious.

To go back OT, I think Lorelai might come around to Logan. It may take awhile, but I think she'll find in him a kindred spirit. Someone, like her, who rebels at life that is expected of him. Lorelai had Rory as motivation to leave the lifestyle of her parents she hated, Logan hasn't found the thing yet that will make him walk away from the life his father has chosen for him. A lot of people, me included, think Logan will be an influence on Rory. In turn, Rory may be an influence on Logan. Maybe an influence that will not please his father. Powerful publisher and friend to Richard and Emily. That could be very interesting.
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Old 02-05-2005, 07:50 PM
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Anyone feel like promoting our favorite show?

"It does seem a shame that some of the most wonderful things this nation was built on – free speech, a questioning of authority, and non conformity have somehow been twisted into being labeled ‘Un-American’." - John Oliver
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Old 02-05-2005, 07:54 PM
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Ooh, great banner Audi!

My dad, who is in his 50s, watches Gilmore Girls on his own accord now.
RORY: Originally named Sophie Friedricke Augustine von Anhalt-Zerbst.
LORELAI: But everybody called her "Kitten."
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Old 02-05-2005, 07:55 PM
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That banner is beautiful!
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Old 02-05-2005, 08:00 PM
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AudiRox I'm snagging that banner right now

My dad was watching a s2 ep (Lorelai's Graduation Day) and at the end of the ep he was like "that's how it ends?" - cracked up laughing since he usually loathes watching the show yet I managed to get him to watch *G*
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