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Old 02-05-2005, 04:30 PM
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I don't see next season they could not skip foward to Rory's graduation. The whole point of a series finale, is to give the viewers resolution about what is happening with the characters. So I think the audience would want to know that Rory graduated from Yale...
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Old 02-05-2005, 04:35 PM
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Because the links died....

Ok, so... to keep the Rory/Logan love from dying with the downloads... I thought I'd do my part by setting them up at again... Enjoy! Oh, and I hope they work - I'm quite technically uninclined.

Rory and Logan Dance

Rory and Logan - Do you want to dance?

Rory and Logan - going to 'coatroom'

Last edited by LilyBriscoe; 02-05-2005 at 06:08 PM
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Old 02-05-2005, 04:36 PM
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Originally Posted by bekalynn
I don't see next season they could not skip foward to Rory's graduation.
I agree. Other shows have skipped forward in time to conclude the series. Felicity and Dawson's Creek both did it recently, IIRC.

ETA: Thank you so much, LilyBriscoe!
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Old 02-05-2005, 04:42 PM
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Also on EW...

Gilmore Girls made it to the 'What to Watch' of the week (like there was any doubt!). Anyhow, they gave the episode an A-.

Here's the little description:

Gilmore Girls (The WB, TV-PG-D) For its 100th episode, Gilmore Girls gets back to core relationships. Emily and Richard retake their vows, Christopher pines for Lorelai. And Emily and Lorelai throw their family beef back on broil. All fine, but even better is this promising new development: Perhaps stealing a tip from In Good Company's Scarlett Johansson and her big-screen Topher taking, Rory holes up with a bottle of champagne and a spiky-haired boy toy and morphs into the vampy seductress we always knew she could be. To all the guy's guys still resisting the Gilmore phenomenon, it's time to bite the bullet. A- Nell Drumming.

Oh yeah, and next to this little bit is a pic of Lorelai and Luke from 5.13.
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Old 02-05-2005, 04:43 PM
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Personally, I would love for the show to go 7 seasons if they have enough good stories to sustain it (which I think they could have). But, if they only go to 6 seasons, then I would HATE for them to skip time. I think it would be completely out of the context and format of the show. I would much rather they send Rory off to England to study in an exchange program or something.

But, I do agree with ASP that the BEST scenario is to see Rory graduate from Yale. Because it completes the journey.

I would like to believe that the writers on staff are talented enough to make it to 7 seasons. And, I think *because* they are so stingy with storyline on the show that there is so much more left to explore.


ETA:"To all the guy's guys still resisting the Gilmore phenomenon, it's time to bite the bullet" I still don't know any guys who watch this show. And, maybe like 5 people in total who watch it. How sad.

LUKE: You're an amazing woman.
LORELAI: Thank you for noticing.

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Old 02-05-2005, 04:44 PM
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Ecouteuse, I loved your idea for the title of ep 5-16. "All ln"....wouldn't that just be a wonderful title!! I too am beginning to think that maybe it's a good sign we haven't heard what the title is yet---maybe it does have something to do with an L/L reconciliation and therefore would give too much away. I sure hope that's the reason we don't have the title yet.

And word to seven seasons of GG if we are that lucky! Amy has already proven that she can break the Moonlighting curse of getting a couple together without hurting the show. In fact the L/L pairing is a big reason for the show's ratings resurgence this season. Amy has done a fabulous job with it, and two more seasons would give her a wonderful opportunity to really flesh out L/L's relationship, as well as other storylines that need to be tied up. The show is filled with great characters and tons of possibilities. To paraphrase Lauren Graham, as long as there are good stories to tell, the show could continue.

I'm sure Amy's brilliant mind can come up with plenty of good stories for two more seasons....let's just hope we get the chance to see them.
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Old 02-05-2005, 04:47 PM
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i agree with you, luke does have a lot of his own interests, they just aren't as obvius as lor's. i'm going to fall in love with this episode, i can already tell!

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Old 02-05-2005, 04:52 PM
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Originally Posted by ecouteuse
Man, me, too. I keep running scenarios of how I'd write this to keep the depth of emotion and find a way that they can come back together in a realistic way, without Luke just giving in at some point.
I've thought about this long and hard as well, because trust is the easiest thing you can lose in a relationship, yet the hardest to get back.

That is why having a beautiful ILY scene is not enough. It is cliche that love isn't enough, but all cliches are based on reality and so is this one. With life experience comes the realization that even when you love people, you still do stupid things, you still hurt them, and you still have to put an awful lot of work besides just loving a man or a woman. Love was never a problem between these two, it is there and obviously so.

What it will come down to in the end, I think, is Luke having to take a giant leap of faith. She can apologize until she's blue in the face and tell him she loves him and kick Christopher to the curb, but Luke has to be the one willing to take a huge, huge risk. And he has to get to that point somehow, probably over time, which is why I'd love to see a slow rebuilding, not a one-episode-fixes-all, but for God's sake, let it start in 5.16 so we can see it play out on our screens towards the season finale.

But because Luke has to take a huge leap of faith and because the trust is shattered and because Lorelai has to earn it all back, I think that Christopher must be completely excised from the picture. She can simply not have him show up at her doorstep when her relationship with Luke is so thin and stretched. She can't have him calling her and she can't risk breaking Luke's heart again, because this is her last chance. It's put out or get out time, and if she walks all over Luke again, it will be the last time.
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Old 02-05-2005, 04:54 PM
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Where is this 7th Season info coming from? I didn't see it listed at the top, so is it varified that there are signed contracts? Is it just rumor/assumption based on AS-P's desire to see Rory grad from Yale? (And is that just rumor too?) And IMO, LL need to get married to really show commitment - it's forshadowed, it can't just be a "let's move in together" ending to the series (esp since they already practically are). AND, I pray so much that she is NOT preggo, tho thats been forshadowed a bit in seasons past. Luke has said way too many nasty, mean, rotten, butt-faced comments about babies and children. He can be great with Rory, but to have him get all mushy about a baby would be way out of character, as I said IMO. And I hope Christopher stays in the picture, as a Dad & friend.

OMG!! Just watched the Rory & Logan Dance clip!!! (the only other one I've watched is the Lor wants to get married clip) Wow, have to agree with all the other posters who've said that all came out way better than I ever imagined! Of course, Logan is hitting the nail on the head when he says "You may feel that way now, but..." Not to be sexists, but it's a girl thing. We may desire to have flings, but unless you are totally a Madeleine/Louise type it's going to bite you back sooner or later & the girl will pine or regret or whatever (and I really believe that deep-down M/L have scars too).

So, will there be 5.17 info this week, or does the shooting hiatus begin again after 5.16?
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Old 02-05-2005, 04:56 PM
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Lilybriscoe, thank you very much for the R/L clips
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Old 02-05-2005, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by tilou
Lilybriscoe, thank you very much for the R/L clips
Oh yeah, thanks to you and to Gen in the first place!
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Old 02-05-2005, 05:16 PM
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Originally Posted by gilmoregal

ETA:"To all the guy's guys still resisting the Gilmore phenomenon, it's time to bite the bullet" I still don't know any guys who watch this show. And, maybe like 5 people in total who watch it. How sad.
I got my older brother, a 28 year old, to watch it. In fact, he told me he lost his "Man Card" last week because he had a bunch of guys over who were complaining about the Pistons. The conversation went a little something like:

Guys: Man, can you believe the Pistons? They suck this season.
My Brother: Man, screw the Pistons.
Guys: Why?
My Brother: Because they keep pre-empting Gilmore Girls.
Guys: *insert a room of blank stares and cricket noises here*
RORY: So Grandpa, what's new in the world today?
RICHARD: As usual, it's going to hell in a hand basket.
RORY: Its nice to have something you can always count on.
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Old 02-05-2005, 05:21 PM
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I still don't know any guys who watch this show. And, maybe like 5 people in total who watch it. How sad.
I knew a ton of people who watched it and I really didn't get started watching until this past season when I happened to catch the pilot re-airing on ABCF. Then started watching season 5, then begged and borrowed tapes from previous seasons. And one of the biggest fans of the show is one of our construction workers. (He's 28. All of his friends, guys included, watch. Luke is their hero.)

Where is this 7th Season info coming from? I didn't see it listed at the top, so is it varified that there are signed contracts? Is it just rumor/assumption based on AS-P's desire to see Rory grad from Yale? (And is that just rumor too?)
All rumor and supposition. Amy said in the EW interview linked upthread that she always thought the show would end with Rory's graduation from Yale, which would be two years from now. Hence the speculation. However, there's been no definitive confirmation of a sixth season yet, much less a seventh.
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Old 02-05-2005, 05:25 PM
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Originally Posted by newoldfan
Where is this 7th Season info coming from? I didn't see it listed at the top, so is it varified that there are signed contracts? Is it just rumor/assumption based on AS-P's desire to see Rory grad from Yale?
So, will there be 5.17 info this week, or does the shooting hiatus begin again after 5.16?
There shouldn't be any shooting hiatus - the filming schedule for the last two weeks have been out of whack (irregular) because of the 100th ep press junkets they've all had to endure (and that won't stop until Tuesday).

The actors on the show when they originally signed up were signed to 7 year contracts - it's an usual process in Hollywood - whether or not the show goes 7 years is another story all together.

Amy's contract is different though it's on either a year-to-year or 2-year (season) basis - hence why she's not sure if she'll be around.

Basically what WB have the option to do is to sign the show up to a 2 season deal - which would reach the end of LG and AB's contract or just for 1 season (with the option for the 7th season).
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Old 02-05-2005, 05:27 PM
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Originally Posted by gilmoregal
ETA:"To all the guy's guys still resisting the Gilmore phenomenon, it's time to bite the bullet" I still don't know any guys who watch this show. And, maybe like 5 people in total who watch it. How sad.
I finally got my husband to watch it with me and he likes it well enough to watch all of the Season 1 and 2 DVDs with me as well. Awww....what a guy!
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