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Old 06-05-2006, 09:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Bootie
I think they both need a good smack upside the head.

As for a smackdown for Lorelai - I don't think anyone who cares about her will be any harder on her than she'll be on herself.
I agree. And I really don't think they can gloss this over. Which won't make for a happy launch to the season. Maybe it's good news for the Sophies? Or maybe we'll get huge helpings of Emily and Richard and FNDs, for balance. I could get behind that

Trying to be positive here. I know that looking for grief and regret doesn't quite sound positive, but in a wierd way it is, so that's what I'm hoping for. *crosses fingers and toes, ties self up like a bloody pretzel till those damned spoilers...*

Lorelai, about her dog: He's totally fine having his personal freedoms slowly stripped away,
as long as he's completely unaware that it's happening - just like a true American.
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Old 06-05-2006, 09:16 PM
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I think Lorelai will give herself a smack-down in the form of a rant to either Rory or Sookie saying how despicable she was/is. I refuse to believe she will pursue a relationship with Christopher (because if she does, I for one will not be watching it). I hope that she tells Luke about it immediately because the quicker Luke knows that faster their relationship can get back on track. But mostly I also hope they write it as a dream, there were so many other contrived, soap opera like and ridiculous story lines this season one more couldn't hurt.

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Old 06-05-2006, 09:19 PM
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I understand everyone's need for a smackdown, but I feel like that is partially why we have ended up with a broken Lorelai. While Rory needed to declare independence, it was done in a very hurtful way. (I still can't believe she had the nerve to play the "you never went to college" card. Grr. *nonFFapprovedword*) Emily and Richard may have improved in the last month, but after a lifetime of hurt, that isn't much. Even Sookie, BFOTB, kept saying that Lorelai was going to run in the beginning of the season. And then there was the whole chewing Lorelai out for ruining everything at the flower market. (I haven't really gotten past that either. Heh.) Frankly, for me, all of those people have used up their right to talk smack to Lorelai. Now, if it is done in a thoughtful way, as opposed to the attack dog methods most of them use, I'll be alright with it. But I really don't think any thing any one else says is going to punish her as much as she is going to punish herself. And let's face it, Luke says stupid, mean things when he is pissed (see NN/SN), so you KNOW that's going to be something else she punishes herelf with. And then he'll get to feel bad about that. I can't wait. /snark

I am not saying she doesn't deserve to feel bad, if she slept with Chris, but from that last scene, I am kind of not concerned about that. It was obvious to me, and everyone else I talked to, that this was not a good thing. Of course, I am holding my hands over my ears and singing to put ASP's plan out of my head and hoping the new guy doesn't try for that NESHBE ship.

*breathes deep*
*thinks happy thoughts*

eta: well, after reading all the smackdown posts, I see that while I was being a windbag, other people said what I meant much more quickly and concisely. LOL
And if you and I are powerless now, I want to believe that if we listen to what's speaking, it can give us the power to save ourselves.
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Old 06-05-2006, 09:19 PM
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My main wish is that Lorelai acknowledge that sleeping with Chris was a mistake. I'm a bit worried that she won't see that what she did was wrong. I'm having flashbacks to the Rory/Dean situation and how Rory never regretted her transgression.
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Old 06-05-2006, 09:23 PM
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But Lorelai saw R/D as wrong. If she has changed that much, then I really will feel like "my Lorelai" is gone. I think it would be even more out of character than the squicky for her not feel some regret.

eta: Totally OT, but do you guys ever look at your icon and sort of notice it all over again? I just did, and all I could think was, "Damn. They are pretty."
And if you and I are powerless now, I want to believe that if we listen to what's speaking, it can give us the power to save ourselves.
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Old 06-05-2006, 09:25 PM
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Oh I agree that it would be OOC, but what wasn't OOC about L/L after 6.10?
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Old 06-05-2006, 09:28 PM
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I think both deserve a smack down. My brain deserves a smack down for still caring.

And that House episode, the one where that woman had that weird African (whatever) disease that she caught from having an affair on her husband. As the episode goes on, Cameron and House keep saying "she made a mistake/people make mistakes.” And as her husband walked out of the hospital, I sat there thinking about GG instead of paying attention to House. It's a sickness.

I just wonder how Luke will handle a C/L relationship. How Lorelai would even consider doing that. How would Amy have made Lorelai deciding to give Chris another chance believable?

Saranoh--I don't think we'll have to worry about Lorelai not thinking what she did was wrong. That look at the end is just filled with either disgust or shock.
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Old 06-05-2006, 09:29 PM
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Originally Posted by BariLace
I think both deserve a smack down. My brain deserves a smack down for still caring.
Mine too. Heh.

Lorelai, about her dog: He's totally fine having his personal freedoms slowly stripped away,
as long as he's completely unaware that it's happening - just like a true American.
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Old 06-05-2006, 09:31 PM
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What actually worries me more, and that I wouldn't find out of character, is for her not to tell him. I think back to her advice to Rory, post-Tristan kiss. And of course, the infamous, "What the Amish don't know won't hurt them...Unless I want to hurt them." Because as much as I would be pissed if she didn't tell, I wouldn't be able to call OOC. That would leave a huge black cloud over the season. The thought almost makes me foam at the mouth with anger, but I could see it playing that way. Especially if the don't persue the L/C thing.

*crosses finger, toes, and eyes*
*performs double jinxback*
And if you and I are powerless now, I want to believe that if we listen to what's speaking, it can give us the power to save ourselves.
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Old 06-05-2006, 09:36 PM
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The thought of a "let's keep this secret" storyline makes me want to throw stones. Heh. But I wouldn't find it unbelievable if it were to happen, judging by how this season has played out.

More soap opera plots: LL will be about to get married. Snow. Winter wedding. Etc. And then either Lorelai can't deal with the guilt and spills her guts, or Christopher messes up yet another wedding on this show and tells Luke.

Oy, the possibilities. Shame, shame Amy.

*crosses finger, toes, and eyes*
*performs double jinxback*
I'm with you there. Hahahaha.

Poor, poor Everwood. Is it sad that I feel sorry for a show that I've never seen? Basically, I feel for the fans.

Goodnight everyone.
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Old 06-05-2006, 09:40 PM
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Goodnight BariLace
Still watching Everwood, ugg stupid stupid CW.
This is a interesting convo everyone.
Sorry I killed the thread guys.
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Old 06-05-2006, 10:33 PM
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Thanks Bootie.
Just subscribing carry on
Today I was going to take over the world-then i got distracted by something sparkly
AVI By Kendra323
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Old 06-05-2006, 10:47 PM
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I'll scream if there's a "let's keep this a secret" SL. I do think, however, that news of the L/C sex WOULD come out eventually. I can't imagine Lorelai even considering a marriage to Luke without him knowing about it. Plus, she has to return the ring at some point. The fact that she kept leaves an opening for a powerful and heartbreaking "I slept with Chris" L/L convo next season.JMO
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Old 06-05-2006, 10:50 PM
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Originally Posted by BariLace
The bottom line IMP: Why didn't she say something beforehand? That is what makes me dislike Lorelai in this situation. If she would have said from the get go .."Luke, I feel like our relationship no longer holds high priority in your life now. I know your consumed with April at the moment, but I need to know...etc..etc" and he would have continued to ignore her feelings, then I could understand her feeling as if he no longer loved her. Without her speaking up and asking him, I see her feelings as being almost selfish, especially when you take in the fact that he'd just met his 12 year old kid.

And then the fact that she ran to Chris 5 minutes afterwards just to feel validated. is just...sick. Running to Chris makes me loose all feeling I have for Lorelai in this situation.

Damn, I want new spoilers! This talk hurts me. Heh.
ITA - and this is why I'm more on Luke's side now.

No matter how much Luke stuffed up this season with not introducing them he can not be held to blame if his fiancé didn't speak up and call him on this crap, she knows Luke. She knows deep down he loves her and how he gets, he waited 8 years for the time to be right to ask her out. I would have been 50/50 without the last 2 scenes from Lorelai.

IMO it would have been more in character for her to go to Rory, or at least called her. Rory regardless that this was Logan’s last night in the US would IMO have dropped everything to go to her.

Chris is just the tool being used in the 2nd half of the season to make Luke and Lorelai realize how much they need each other in season 7. It’s a repeat of the season 5 break up but this time things happen with Chris and she screwed up big time and knows it.

ETA - I agree
Lorelai will be hard on herself about how much she stuffed up.

Luke will be the same for his actions but also will be mad at Lorelai for not saying something sooner.

Emily will likly not want to talk to her and I hope surprises by still being on Luke's team.

Richard will be supportive but also disapointed with her actions.

Rory will feel sorry for her, Mad at Chris and Sad for Luke.


Last edited by lancer1993; 06-05-2006 at 10:59 PM
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Old 06-05-2006, 10:57 PM
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If Lorelai doesn´t tell Luke about sleeping with Dopey, then I will scream too.
But it´s gonna be a sad and depressing first half of the season anyway IMO. Not much L/L scenes, not much of the diner. So give me a reason to watch S7. I will NOT watch L/C. So, whats left ???
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