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Old 07-16-2022, 04:21 PM
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They care more about their corporate sponsors and their re-election. In that order. It's not about public service.
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Old 07-16-2022, 10:04 PM
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Some rabbis are trying to protect abortions, such as Barry Silver in Florida as the separation between "church and state" in the U.S. gets all but gone.
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Old 07-17-2022, 08:58 AM
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He's a bit late, isn't he? Whatever he manages to accomplish won't stand a challenge with SCOTUS.
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Old 07-21-2022, 09:31 PM
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Maybe, which is in my opinion another reason not to live in Florida. I missed the hearing today about the D.C. riot last year. I am currently watching the news. It's unsurprisingly not good news about what Trump did on that day. He did not call law enforcement when the life of Mike Pence was in danger. I do plan to watch this hearing on YouTube at some point.
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Old 07-23-2022, 12:01 PM
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I think the problem is these anti-abortion laws affect the kind of people who don't have the means to travel where they might legally get an abortion.

Which means it affects the kind of people who don't have the means to move just like that.

And even that is almost not the point. The point is you have laws popping all over the place enshrining the fact that people aren't equal. Which is not a good look for the so-called Home of the Free.
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Old 07-24-2022, 06:21 PM
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I agree. There's news this week about Pope Francis in I believe Edmonton to apologize for what happened to indigenous people in Catholic residential schools. This is a big deal. Pope Francis is in his 80s & from what I understand his health is not great. He has knee problems, but hopefully this trip goes well & people that he will be apologizing to accepts his apology. I do not know at this time if he will mention specific people in this apparent apology.
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Old 07-25-2022, 03:48 PM
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The Pope coming to apologize to the First Peoples is a significant and historic gesture. I certainly hope it will help some survivors come to terms with the abuse they suffered.

But it can't possibly wipe away over 100 years of oppression, and he can't possibly start naming victims because it's literally all the First Nations. There are 11 First Nations in Quebec alone and a lot more across the country. Like everywhere else, not one of them is a homogeneous group without differences. And they're not all looking for the same thing from Pope France either.

So he's got zero chance of satisfying everyone and he hasn't got the power to heal the damage that's been done. But, again, the fact that he's willing to apologize is significant and historic.

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Old 08-06-2022, 07:44 PM
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Agreed. I'm finally here this week. A lot going on in the news.

Indiana has banned abortion. Unlike in Kansas, voters did not get to vote as to whether or not they want abortion legal there. Because my view is that women that are willing to do what it takes to get abortions will ultimately get them, I do not know how many women women in Indiana this ban will deter from getting abortions. Maybe it makes women more determined to have abortions.

So, CPAC was this week. I thought they had an event earlier this year, but nevertheless there has been 1 going on in Dallas this week. Typically I choose to not watch CPAC events or Republicans & conservatives in general on T.V. give speeches, but I saw on MSNBC tonight they show clips of people there talking about which Republicans they would like to see run for U.S. president in 2024. Here is a quote from a woman who appeared to be at least in her 60s, which I do not know the demographic for CPAC. I would guess that most people in their early 20s are not visiting there, but unsure. Here is her quote: "If Donald Trump don't win, I'm gonna pray that God will just end it. I'm very adamant about that." Victor Orban was at this event by the way. That was just 1 person that said that I know of, but yikes if you're a Republican thinking of running for president. There was also a a rioter from January 6th last year in a "mock jail cell" pretending to cry at CPAC.

In other news Alex Jones lost defamation lawsuit & has been ordered by Texas court to pay $50,000,000 to families that he defamed regarding Sandy Hook & made off doing so.

There is also Ron DeSantis acting like his typical tyrant self in my opinion by suspending state attorneys that will not enforce laws regarding abortion & transgender surgeries. I'll say this as a liberal & not wanting people with tendencies of tyrants & dictators in governments, at least people are seeing what a potential Ron DeSantis presidency could very well be, before if & when he does run for that position.
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Old 08-06-2022, 08:17 PM
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Yawn. This constant fear porn and conservatives = bigot racists is just tired and false, to boot, I guess we know which side this site swings politically

Oh no! How dare people support the second amendment and the right to life

lol the only people upset still about Roe Vs Wade are people that don’t understand the ruling

Comparing the two recent SCOTUS opinions are laughable. One of these things are protected by the constitution , the other isn’t. Just a tiny detail people want to gloss over. These are the some of the same people that scream from the roof tips about how January 6th was death of democracy!! but call the 2020 riots “peaceful protests”
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Old 08-06-2022, 08:40 PM
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Well, people have different opinions here. I do not think that every conservative is racist. Some have shown to have racist policies & have on camera spoken racist things, such as Donald Trump in my opinion. I do not understand likely a lot of what this U.S. Supreme Court has been doing for a while lately, but I can hope that they do not think that guns are more important than living breathing people. I'm Matt by the way.
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Old 08-06-2022, 09:56 PM
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Abortion isn't a political issue. It's a medical procedure. For those who have religious convictions that run counter to abortion, it's a moral issue. But at no point should it be a legal or a political issue.

But, in the United States, it's been made one. By one party. The notion of conservative v liberals means something different in the U.S.A. than it does everywhere else around the world, so that makes it difficult to relate for the rest of us, so I won't go there.

I have seen some very open-minded people express the belief that banning abortion means a woman who is "intent on having one" (as though any woman has fantasies of the day where she'll get pregnant just so she can abort) will just have to find an alternative solution if she lives in a state that bans abortions. Except that's not the point. When half the population of a country can be robbed of autonomy over their private medical decisions, we are reminded that the U.S. constitution holds that all men are created equal, not all people.

I mean, how would U.S. society react if there were legal bans on treating prostate cancer? Or on Viagra? If a pregnancy is an act of God that must be protected by the law at the expense of the mother's human rights, then surely the same holds true for cancer or erectile disfunction? It's easy enough to make fun of that idea because we're all socialized into considering these issues as not having any moral weight. It's not for me to say why that is.

It's also a bit naive to think that a woman who wants or needs an abortion may have the time or ressources to avail herself of an alternative solution when the need arises. Abortion is the medical recourse for situations when the life of the mother is in danger. That's an emergency. The kind where ambulances flash lights and get to disregard road laws.
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Old 08-07-2022, 12:28 AM
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I’m sorry I got so heated, it’s obvious we have very different political views but I’ve always enjoyed your posts anyways and I hope we can agree to disagree. There’s enough divide already and I hate when people refuse to converse or enjoy others company because their views are different

Anna Heche crashed her car into a house and is in serious condition
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Old 08-07-2022, 10:31 AM
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I hope the best for her recovery.

And I certainly don't mind political disagreements. Everyone is entitled to have their own beliefs.

I just don't think that medical decisions should be legislated.
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Old 08-07-2022, 02:12 PM
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I came across this story I found interesting from yesterday at Yahoo. It's titled: A challenge for antiabortion states: Doctors reluctant to work there

This is a lengthy story, so I'll only post a bit of it & give the link:

''Doctors said they are grappling with the fallout from broadly worded legislation written by politicians without detailed medical knowledge. The environment creates a high degree of legal and professional risk for specialists, said David Turok, an associate professor of OB/GYN at the University of Utah who is also a board member of Physicians for Reproductive Health, which supports abortion rights.

"What we have is laws that are not representative of medical practice, that are not framed in ways that we think or speak as medical professionals," Turok said, "and that makes it confusing."

Officials in some states are working to clarify how abortion bans are going to be applied. The Louisiana Department of Health on Monday issued a list of 25 fetal conditions that can justify termination.

The legal uncertainty adds to the burdens on OB/GYNs. They must respond to deliver babies 24 hours a day, emergencies are emotionally stressful, and practitioners face some of the highest rates of malpractice lawsuits and accompanying insurance costs.

The federal government has said the United States needs 9,000 more OB/GYNs and that the shortage will reach 22,000 by 2050.

In Michigan, an old, pre-Roe abortion ban was renewed after the Supreme Court ruling. The looming ban has prompted Tim Johnson, a veteran of high-risk pregnancy care at Michigan Health, to consider moving out of the state. Although he is 73 and no longer provides elective abortions, he still treats patients and is not ready to retire. If Michigan's abortion ban sticks, he may move to Maryland to practice, he said.

"I always said if (Roe were overturned) quickly like this, it would be terribly disruptive," he said, "We are starting to understand how truly disruptive it is."
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Old 08-08-2022, 04:34 PM
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Well, duh.

What kind of doctor would choose, if they can, to work in an environnement where they can be sued for doing their job or for an interpretation given by people who don't understand science of how they do their job?

Plus, there is the hippocratic oat to consider. I would imagine it goes against nature for most doctors to let their patient die because she's pregnant and trying to save her would open you up to a lawsuit.
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