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Old 02-06-2009, 03:10 PM
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Well here it is from the IDW panel.

Buffyfest - A Buffy Blog: IDW Panel Bombshell - Major Spoilers

Friday, February 6, 2009

IDW Panel Bombshell - Major Spoilers

MAJOR COMIC SPOILERS - Don't read below if you don't want to know
the IDW panel opened up with Brian Lynch and Chris Ryall announcing the

Brian Lynch and Juliet Landau spoke over Facebook about how she was
intrigued by what's going on in the story and Spike's story. From that
conversation they are now going to be co-writing a 2-shot for IDW about

They also spoke about some sort of Gunn story (apparently Gunn's alive
in Kelley Armstrong's Angel: Aftermath....or something).

Finally, the announced that they are doing a Spike Comic written by
Lynch and it has an indefinite issue amount as of now. I think Lynch's
words were "we'll keep doing it until people get sick of it".

Check back for full video later (along with video of the Dark Horse

So a Spike ongoing series by Brian and Franco starting in the fall and Brian and Juliet Landau are writing together a Dru 2 parter.

Buffyfest - A Buffy Blog: IDW Follow up

Friday, February 6, 2009

IDW Follow up

Wow, you look away for 2 seconds, more news for the IDW panel, currently
underway here at NY Comic Con.
The character of Illyria will be crossing over to another title called
"Fallen Angel: Reborn". Apparently, this is the first time anything has
been done this way and they had to get special permission from Joss
Whedon to make this happen. The story will take place during season 5
after Illyria had lost her powers. She goes on a journey to get those
powers back.

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Old 02-07-2009, 07:44 AM
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Here's a more detailed report of the IDW panel plus the Dark Horse Panel.It has some more details.To see cover art,head over to link.

Buffyverse Comic Reviews: ANGEL #17 review; MET BRIAN LYNCH; ANGEL/SPIKE details, all at NYCC

Friday, February 6, 2009

ANGEL #17 review; MET BRIAN LYNCH; ANGEL/SPIKE details, all at NYCC

NY Comic Con.

I met a lot of wonderful people that I admire. Met the man who has quickly become my favorite writer. Met some of the best artists working, met some cool up-and-comers. Also saw a dude at a certain popular Comic Con booth try to go stealth for an ass-scratch, but he wasn't as suave as he thought.

All in all, fantastic experience, ass-scratcher aside.

Since this is a review site, I'll start with--gasp--a review. I'll do a proper review for Angel #17 this Wednesday when I get a copy to keep, but yes, I did get to read it in full. Which means, yes, I got to meet Brian Lynch, who is one of the men I mentioned above. Hint? Not the ass scratcher.


Man,Brian wasn't kidding when he hinted that the issue 17 cover was just like the Georges Jeanty cover for Buffy Season 8 #21

Loved it. It's such a perfect end to the series, packed with huge character moments and a lot of action as well. The Angel/Spike talk Brian promised? It delivers. It's funny, poignant, and gives insight into Spike's role in the overall scheme of things. It's gives us some of the most brotherly, emotional Angel and Spike moments of the entire series, but keeps it popping with all the bickering and quipping you'd expect from a conversation between our two vamps. There are great moments for Nina, Illyria, and a lot of the earlier villains (who, after the physical reboot, are all alive again). It's so low key, and really feels at once like a return to the normalcy of the Angel series and like an effective ending to the most epic story that has ever been told about these characters. There are some great exchanges between Spike, Betta George, and a certain early villain who gets a lot of screen time, and oh is it deserving. It's Franco's best art even, the colors are great, and it is every bit as good as #17. I'll give a more insightful review when I've read it again and I'm not so worn out, but damn what an ending. What an ending.

Before I get into the bigger stuff--the IDW panel, as it was big on announcements--I'll tackle the Dark Horse panel. I didn't stick around for the entire thing, because I heard they were selling colorful energy drinks for affordable prices next to the Image Comics booth, but I caught all the Buffy announcements. As Buffyfest (grumble, grumble) (just kidding, love you guys) posted earlier, there is going to be a Tales of the Vampires one shot that focuses on a slayer and vampire in modern times. That comes out in June, which is great, as that is when the Buffy comic will go on a one month hiatus. Gotta say, I'm glad they gave us another issue this time, as it was pretty hard going that long without a Buffy fix. Allie announced a writer and artist, but I didn't really catch the name. Becky something is the writer, and Fabio Moon and someone else is on cover duty, along with our beloved Jo Chen.

Scott Allie really breezed through Buffy, but he did reveal the cover of the "Predators and Prey" trade, which I have... here.

...No, just kidding. Here it is.

So, that's it on the Buffy front.

Before I go into the autographs, pictures, and assorted nuzzles I got, it's time for the big stuff. This may/may not be the first time you're hearing this stuff, so read carefully, favorite the site, tell all your friends, etcetera.


Yup, you knew it. It's been implied quite a lot, but now it's official. Brian Lynch is writing, Franco Urru is pencilling. It's about Spike trying to find himself, find his true purpose. And if you read Spike: Asylum, Shadow Puppets... you know like I do that it'll be a risk, seeing Lynch take on a character like Spike that he's never really dealt with before. *cricket* Really, though, it'll be awesome. Can't believe we're lucky enough to get an ongoing anything from Mr. Lynch, who already has enough on his plate. Oh, which I will get to later.

But yeah. You knew all that, so how about some NEWISH Spike details?

+ Will BECK be in it? Uhhhhhh yes. She will. In other news, Brian Lynch said that Beck is based on the lady sitting behind me who (Pat Shand turns around) just happens to be Brian's wife!

+ Will BETTA GEORGE be in it? Uhh, yeah. Notice how many less h's there are there. It's because while Betta George is awesome, Brian feels that "the fish has had his time in the spotlight." I think Spike might find it hard to stay away from George, though, I think he has a fish thing.
+ It's an on-going. Brian said it will go for at least a bit over a year.

+ Not really related to the SPIKE series, but there was a moment right before the spin-off was revealed that Brian "revealed" that Spike dies in #17. For those that bought it, there was collective gaspage. The panel was really pretty damn funny the whole time. My friend Anthony, who I'll get into later, was cracking up the whole time, and he doesn't really even read comics.

To break up the big mondo revelation news, and also because it was the highlight of the con for me and my buddy Anthony (Twon, we call him, Twon), I'll get into my meeting with Brian Lynch. Pretty cool when your favorite writer is also the most down to earth, chill dude there is. I was thrilled that he recognized me, and equally thrilled that he recognized Anthony from his role as DRAKE in Whatz Good Studios, a webseries I created. I got to talk to Brian for a while about Angel, got to meet his wife and some of the dudes around him, and yeah, t'was awesome to meet the guy whose books I've been buying/reading/reviewing/repeat for the past... damn, has it really been more than two years since Spike: Asylum #1 came out? But yeah, definitely the highlight of Comic Con for me, seeing the IDW team. So even if I was the unfortunate witness to a gruesome ass scratch, I also met Brian Lynch, so all is well in the world.


Yep, really couldn't come up with a better title there. Speaking of Mr. Brian Lynch, he's also writing more books in the official Angel title. Well, co-writing is more like it. Let me start over.

An Angel comic. Two issues. In the main series. Centering on Drusilla. Art by Franco Urru. Written by Brian Lynch and... and... get ready for it... are you ready?... ew, are you peeing in anticipation?........... Juliet Landau. Yup, best Angel writer there is teams up with Drusilla to write about Drusilla.

Remember that moment in Lost when Hurley tells Jack that he thinks they're all dead and in Heaven, because everything is perfect? I agree with good old Hugo, things are lookin' mighty fine.

Oh, on the topic of the main ANGEL line...


Yup, new Nick Runge cover. Best of his work on the series yet, easy. And that's saying a lot, have you seen his covers to #18-21? Whew! I'm guessing this is for #22.

Some small info on the Aftermath title was announced during the panel by Brian, with a bit of input from Chris Ryall. Gunn is (SPOILER comatose in Angel #17 but (SPOILER "upright" in Angel #18. There will be an issue--it might have been implied the Drusilla centric issues would handle this--that explains. As Brian put it, the Gunn moment in "Aftermath" might make fans go "WTF." The explanation will make 'em go "THAT T.F."


So before the interwebs start talking, as they inevitably do, let me clear the air. We all know the letter section of the Buffy comic has been dismissive of Angel: After the Fall. Scott Allie recently apologized for being snarky after some fans got riled up at a comment he made about the book over at Slay Alive. The Buffy book was brought up at the panel, and Brian made a joking comment about the book. Something along the lines of "Buffy who?" and "I skip out on the letters section," the former maybe in reference to how Allie reminds us at every Q&A that he doesn't read the Angel book. BUT. But but but. Throughout, he assured the audience that he was joking about the book, loved the story, and respected the entire creative team. The question that Brian Lynch was answering, to get to the center of that, was if LA citizens remembering Hell was the real reason the public knew about vampires in Buffy #21. The answer was an "I don't know." But yeah, in short, I'm squashing this before it's whined about by anyone else. Yes, Brian Lynch reads Buffy. Yes, Brian Lynch loves Buffy. Yes, Brian Lynch was joking, had you missed the assorted ****s/giggles/and "I'm kidding"s. A year ago, I might have had confidence in the interwebs to not have to clarify, but after the whole "IZ DIZZ CANNON" debacle, I feel I sort of have to spell it out.

Oh, and by the way, that's canon.

As you can see, I'm a master at blocking photographs. This is a picture of the IDW panel. On the far left is J. K. Woodward, center is Chris Ryall, far right is Ben Templesmith, who is obscured by a computer (I got a better picture coming up). I'll talk about Woodward first.

How is he involved in Angel? Well, he's the artist of Fallen Angel, which will cross-over with Angel for four issues this summer. Illyria will visit Peter David's Fallen Angel world in Fallen Angel: Reborn 1-4, with art by the stylish Woodward. It's set during the fifth season of Angel, shortly after Illyria gets depowered. The series deals with Illyria looking for a way to regain her full power, and Peter David gave cryptic hints about her true form. He also signed a Fallen Angel TPB for me, so I'll be all caught up in time for the issue.

Cover art for Fallen Angel: Reborn #1 by Franco Urru. Who I also met. I heard an Italian voice behind me, looked, saw a handsome man. I remembered that Franco is Italian. I remembered that Brian said he was handsome. Me, being the genius that I am, put simple numbers together and shook hands with the hand that pencilled "After the Fall."

Didn't see Mooney, though.

Who I did see, however, was Ben Templesmith.

Ben Templesmith! It's true, there isn't always a computer that obscures his face. He's an actual face-having person!

NOTE TO SELF: Next time, be spiffier. Next to the dapper Mr. Templesmith, it's hard to be stylin'.

So Ben. Ben Templesmith. This is non-Buffyverse related, but he's working on a book with Chris Ryall called Groom Lake. It's out in March. I tried to track Mr. Ryall down after I finished reading Angel #17 to see if I can get in a sneak peek of Groom Lake #1 so I could do an early, non-spoilery review... but the thing about Comic Con? Looooootta people. Saw two of my professors, though, which was a bit beyond awesome.

Yup, met Georges Jeanty, Buffy artist, also. The guy did a fairly extensive Illyria sketch for me, which was cool. I'll talk more about Georges and the sketch later, when I get the sketch scanned. I'll save the Jeanty and Andy Owens bits for then.

So yeah. That's all folks. Loved Comic Con, loved the IDW Panel, will be going back next year, and hopefully to the SDCC. We shall see.

I got a lot of free **** that I said I'd review, so look out for some new comic reviews on the page this week. And stay tuned for a more in depth review of Angel #17 on Wednesday, as well as a NEW YORK COMIC CON/PAT SHAND PART II: THE CONSIDERABLY SHORTER AND LESS REVEALING AND LESS PICTUREY SEQUEL in the next few days.

Posted by PatShand at 8:06 PM
Labels: Angel: After the Fall, Angel: Aftermath, Brian Lynch, comic con, Season Eight, Spike, tales of the vampires

So a lot more details in this report.Sounds like the Dru story will be occuring in Angel's book at some point after Kelley's Aftermath arc.
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Old 02-07-2009, 06:51 PM
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Here's Comic Book Resources report of the IDW panel.Has some more details.

Comic Book Resources > CBR News: NYCC: 10 Years Later: IDW Expands Past Its Horror Roots

NYCC: 10 Years Later: IDW Expands Past Its Horror Roots

by Benjamin Birdie, Reviewer

Next up, Ryall revealed the company’s plans for their successful series of “Angel” comics, including both their ongoing series and other releases. Starting things off was the announcement that Kelly Armstrong would be picking up “Angel: After The Fall” series where Brian Lynch leaves off with #17, featuring artist Dave Ross on a five issue story. Brian Lynch then discussed his continuing involvement with “Angel” books in a series of specials issues, with “everybody dealing with Spike’s death, because he dies in [Lynch’s last issue,], and, he doesn’t really die, I was just trying to spoil everyone. You’ll get it later, it’s funny,” hinting at the conclusion to his run on Angel, perhaps? One of the more interesting reveals of the show was Lynch explaining how Juliet Landau, who played Drusilla on the original “Angel” and “Buffy The Vampire Series” television series, contacted him on Facebook about how much she was enjoying his work on the Angel comics. (To which Tony Lee interjected, “Juliet Landau stalked you on Facebook?” causing Lynch to cheekily admit he may have stalked her first.) This led to IDW signing Landau on to write two upcoming issues dealing with Drusilla’s reaction to recent events in the book and what Spike has been up to, with art by Franco Urru, who will be working on the bulk of the upcoming issues of the series.

Lynch will also write a story explaining Gunn’s mobility in a sequence during Armstrong’s story (he was comatose as of #16). “So readers are going to be like, WTF?” explained Lynch. “And then I’m writing an issue [where] readers are going to go, ‘Oh, that TF!’” John Byrne will also be writing and drawing a stand alone story of Angel in during World War I and is “doing some special things with the art."

Ryall then revealed that Spike would be receiving his own series of indefinite length. Lynch, who will be writing the series, described it as a “big, fun, comedy, romance, western, musical, cartoon documentary. With Spike.”

It sounds like Spike will be involved in the Dru two parter from Brian and Juliet Landau.And Franco will be drawing it too.

It also sounds like the Gunn story Brian is doing is going to eleberate on Gunn's state during Kelley's Aftermath arc.
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Old 02-08-2009, 07:20 AM
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I missed this part from the Comic Book Resources report of the IDW panel.It was towards the end of the report.

Brian Lynch was asked if the recent development in “Angel,” where all of LA now knows of the existence of vampires, was in any way influenced a recent similar development in Dark Horse’s “Buffy” series. It is not. Lynch talked a bit more about his “Spike” series, describing it as featuring an “aimless” Spike running into all sorts of fan favorite and new characters. “Don’t take this out of context,” he assured, “but this is officially Spike: Season One.” Lynch went on to describe the irony of this definitive statement as any number of legal entities would never allow such a thing to pass. “It’ll be our secret,” he said to the crowded room.

The first part of a very indepth Brian Lynch video Interview from NYCC.He gives a lot more deails about the Spike series(going to be set in L.A. and maybe Vegas and what Joss's involvment is) and more details on the Dru 2 parter.Plus just general thoughts on the state of the Buffyverse and ATF #16.

Buffyfest - A Buffy Blog: NYCC Day 2 Recap and video Interview with Brian Lynch *Spoilers*

Saturday, February 7, 2009
NYCC Day 2 Recap and video Interview with Brian Lynch *Spoilers*

Day 2 at Comic Con was amazing! There were a lot more people which made it harder to navigate, but we have some great news to report.

The day started out with a fantastic interview with Brian Lynch. Brian sat with us for quite some time and gave us the scoop on Spike, Gunn, Drusilla and Angel. Also, some great insight into his feelings for the characters he spent time with for so long. Oh, and chock-full-o spoilers! To make matter even better, yesterday Brian passed us a copy of the final issue of Angel:After the Fall #17 (it practically glowed when he gave it to us).We read it, it's fantastic, and part 2 of our interview with Brian where we discuss the issue will be up on Wednesday, it's release day.

Before our next interview with Scott Allie, we headed over to the packed Robot Chicken Panel where Seth Green struck a sexy pose and made everyone laugh a bunch of times.

Scott Allie talked Buffy: Season 8 and more with us. It was a great interview amongst the chaos of the con around us. Scott is such a seasoned professional and he was very nice to take the time out of his packed Comic Con schedule. We'll be posting the full video of that tomorrow.

Lastly, the one who makes Buffy look and feel like Buffy, Georges Jeanty. Our interview with Georges was so fun and really showed us what passion he has for the characters of Buffy. We took some questions from Slayalivers wenxina, iloveromy, and Trey for Georges as well. Expect the video of that soon.

Here's the first part of the interview with Brian Lynch. Please be warned there are spoilers galore in here. Again, look out for the second part of the interview on Wednesday, which is all about Angel:ATF issue #17.
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Old 02-09-2009, 04:43 PM
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The Alex Garner cover for this weeks conclusion of Angel:ATF(#17).

Angel: After the Fall 17 Cover by *AlexGarner on deviantART

It's a great companion to Georges Jeanty's cover for Buffy Season 8 #21.
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Old 02-09-2009, 05:54 PM
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the Illyria shot
"Champions. We live as though the world was as it should be, to show it what it can be." Angel Deep Down

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Old 02-11-2009, 07:53 AM
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The conclusion of Angel:After The Fall(issue 17) is out today.
Preview page from the upcoming Dru 2 parter.

RyallTime: A hint of Dru

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A hint of Dru

There are more NYCC con photos to post when time allows, but for now, since the talk of a Druzilla two-parter, written by Brian Lynch & Juliet Landau, has the Whedon corner of the 'net a-buzzing, how about a first look at the b&w art for the first cover of the issue (which will likely be ANGEL #24), as displayed by the dapper and charming artist himself, Franco Urru.

You can see it at the link..
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Old 02-11-2009, 06:10 PM
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The second part of that Brian Lynch interview from Buffyfest at the NYCC is up.

Buffyfest - A Buffy Blog: Exclusive Interview with Brian Lynch Part 2: Angel: ATF Finale *Major Spoilers*

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Exclusive Interview with Brian Lynch Part 2: Angel: ATF Finale *Major Spoilers*

The final issue of Angel comes out today, but Brian was kind enough to give us an advanced copy on Friday. Here's the 2nd part of our interview from NYCC and as you'll see from this discussion, Brian has a great understanding and love for these characters. Please be aware that there are major spoilers in this interview, not only for Angel #17 but for the Spike comic and all that comes next. You have been warned.

It's really worth a watch.Has a lot of juicy info.

On the IDW board,Brian pointed out that issue 17 has two errors that could cause confusion.One in particular and to pass it around.

IDW Publishing Forums :: View topic - Fixes for ANGEL:AFTER THE FALL # 17! SPOILERS!


Two errors. Sucks, I know. Hopefully they don't take you right out of the story. Anyway, don't read these until you read the issue, please.


Page 13, last panel

Angel and Spike in the car. The balloons are reversed. It should say:

Good for you. You're officially the man.

Until I cause the downfall of man, yes.

Yes, well, there's that.


Page 18, first panel

After "my well-being". Spike was supposed to say "You wanna get outta here, get a pint?"


Not sure what happened here. My sincerest apologies.

The first one is especially weird, as now Spike is saying Angel's the man, but then brags about how he, not Angel, will be the downfall of man. Quite strange how one little rearranging of panels will suddenly make it look like Spike has gone evil.
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Old 02-11-2009, 08:23 PM
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i have never read any of the comics are they good
Angel&Cordelia Spike&Buffy Dylan&Kelly Jackie&Hyde Peg&Al Alison&Carter Sid&Cassie Cappie&Rebecca Chris&Jal Cook&Effy
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Old 02-13-2009, 07:51 AM
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Originally Posted by tootyfnfrooty (View Post)
i have never read any of the comics are they good
They are pretty good.

A couple of interesting quotes from Brian Lynch about Nina and Anne over at IDW.

IDW Publishing Forums :: View topic - NYCC 09:Spike Ongoing Series & Drusilla Mini Announced.

Joss brought up Anne early one, but truth be told, didn't know how she'd fit. I think if she DID appear, it would have been in issue 17, to help Angel sort out some stuff, but Spike kinda filled that role better.

Nina, I hope, will be back. Too early to know if she's in SPIKE, but I hope someone does something cool with her. Franco and I kinda fell in love with her in issue 17. I love the shot of her with her hands on Angel's shoulders.

I have my copy of Angel:ATF #17 but don't have lot of time to post thoughts so i'll just do this for now.

Favorite Character

I'm going with Angel and Spike.I really enjoyed there interaction this issue.

Favorite Surprise

Wes and Fred getting the library dedication.Very fitting for them since they were always the researchers.I also liked how the departure of Cordy The Dragon was handled.I figured having a dragon once L.A. was returned from hell wasn't likely and this was a good exit.

Least Favorite Surprise

I guess I wanted some Angel/Connor interaction.Actually more Connor overall.But I guess that's coming in Angel:Aftermath starting next issue.More Lorne too

Favorite line of dialogue

Angel's talk to Gunn.It really brought things full circle in my mind.Second would be the Angel/Spike talk.I think the shanshu issue was settled in this series but I liked how they both gave each other good advice on having a destiny and seemingly not having one.I think how the shanshu will ultimately play out for Angel is uncertain and Angel could end up on either side.W&H's failure in ATF mirrors there failure back in season 2 of pushing Angel over the edge.And Angel advice to Spike is so true.Having no perceived destiny makes you unpredicatable.They underestimate you and that makes you dangerous

Least favorite line of dialogue

Don't really have one.

Favorite Panel of Art

I love the final panel of the issue.It sort of mirrors the end of the teaser of City Of.

Questions I most want answered

What happens now for everyone.
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Old 02-15-2009, 12:07 PM
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Preview pages for Angel:Smile Time #2.

Angel: Smile Time #2

Cover to Angel:Aftermath #22.

Issue #22 Runge Cover - BuffyForums
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Old 02-15-2009, 11:27 PM
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I think i would miss cordelia and i really really hated nina

do you think angel will end up with buffy
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Old 02-16-2009, 08:05 AM
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Originally Posted by tootyfnfrooty (View Post)
I think i would miss cordelia and i really really hated nina
Cordy makes a return appearence in issue 12/13.Angel is dying and Cordy appears,sent by TPTB, to help Angel crossover easier.In the end though he decides to live.

I disagreed with her making a return appearence since so many characters have died and returned in some way that death has lost all meaning in the verse.And I thought it took away from her death.Joss told Brian Lynch that he dosen't want Cordy to return and feels her story is done.Brian convinced Joss of letting this one appearence happen in issue 12/13 but I suspect and hope that will be it as far as Cordy making post death returns.

It is implied that Cordy is looking over Angel and his friends when she sends a warm breeze in issue 9 and 17.In issue 9 she sends it to ghost Wes to let him know she's listening even though she can't help him.And she sends a warm breeze to Angel in issue 17 to let him know that Wes and Fred are going to be okay when he worries and hopes they are finally at peace and together in the afterlife.

There is some specualtion that Cordy might make another post death return in Angel:Aftermath issue 21 based off one of the covers for this issue and the new info down below that reveals that Angel confronts TPTB.

I'm hoping Cordy isn't trotted out yet again.I still disagree with her appearence in issue 12/13 and thought what was done in issue 9 and 17 was handled with much more grace and subtly.And I think yet another return will just compound my problems with deceased characters keep making return appearences.Basically,I didn't think it should of been done in the first place and to do it yet again will just dig the hole deeper IMO.

I'm hoping the cover just uses Cordy as a symbol rather than having her actually show up again.

Nina has a supporting role in Angel:After The Fall but she and Angel are not together anymore.It's made pretty clear in the comic that Angel dosen't think of Nina in that way and she seems to understand that and accepts just being there for him as a friend.She's part of Connor's group at the start of ATF.She only has a small role in ATF although Lynch likes her and he and Joss even toyed with pairing Spike and Nina together before nixing it.It doesn't look like she's going to be in Angel:Aftermath at this point.

do you think angel will end up with buffy
Well as a B/A shipper,I hope one day they will in the future but I don't see that heppening in the near future.BTVS and ATS are at two different comic companies for starters.Buffy is at Dark Horse where Joss is in the middle of his currently running canon continuation of Buffy Season 8.We're 22 issues into the 40 issue series and Joss already announced he's doing a Buffy Season 9 comic after that.IDW has the rights to Angel and have done the just completed canon continuation of Angel which is Angel:After The Fall which Joss co-wrote.Angel's story is continuing with Angel:Aftermath and Spike is getting his own series at IDW.

Now this dosen't mean there can't be occasional crossovers.There actually already have been.Angel already appeared in two issues of Buffy Season 8 (issue 3 along with Spike) and issue 20.Both were dream appearences though.In issue 3,Buffy imagines herself in a sexy threesome with Angel and Spike although Buffy is leaning more into Angel's embrace then Spike's which the artist confirmed was Joss's specific instructions to him on how the scene should be drawn.In issue 20,Buffy imagines herself back in high school during the middle of Buffy season 1 and there is a sweet B/A scene there where she asks Angel advice about revealing future events to people(she had just learned in the previous arc that Willow survives to the future of Fray and goes evil again and Buffy was forced to kill her).

Last weekend though Joss pretty much confirmed at the NYCC that Angel will be making a present day appearence in Buffy Season 8 later in the series and to expect it to be when it will bring the most pain for Buffy.

Buffy Season 8 and Angel's world have now linked up continutiy wise with vampires being revealed to the world thanks to the events of ATF and Angel becoming a celebrity(the vampire who saved L.A.)and Harmony using this to start a smear campagin aganist the Slayers in season 8.

IDW Angel solicitations for May.

Comics Continuum: IDW Publishing for May


Written by Kelley Armstrong, art by Dave Ross, covers by Gabriel Rodriguez and Nick Runge.

The aftermath of the city's return from hell continues to plague Angel, leading to a confrontation with the Powers-That-Be and some winged visitors from beyond the pale, even as Connor and Gwen face off with Dez.

32 pages, $3.99.


Written, art and cover by John Byrne.

In this issue of John Byrne's Angel opus, the focus shifts to Colonel Geoffrey Wyndham-Price, a man with a sworn mission to destroy all vampires, who has Angel squarely in his sights.

32 pages, $3.99.


Written by Joss Whedon, Jeffrey Bell and Scott Tipton, art and cover by Stephen Mooney.

Before Angel: After the Fall, there was Not Fade Away. The final episode of Joss Whedon's Angel television series is being adapted in a three-part miniseries that leads to a climactic battle in an alleyway that fans now know was only the end of the beginning.

32 pages, $3.99.

I think the descriptions for Angel #21 and Blood and Trenches #3 sound interesting.

In regards to Angel #21,it sounds like Angel is going to confront TPTB over recent events.Also sounds like Dez might be an adversary.

Wes's grandfather being involved in Blood And Trenches #3 could be cool.

I like the idea of comic adaptations and hope more episodes get this treatment.I don't think all episodes should but some standouts wouldn't hurt.

Last edited by comic fan; 02-16-2009 at 10:18 AM
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Old 02-21-2009, 07:45 PM
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New Franco Urru interview where he offers hints about the upcoming Gunn story and Dru two parter.

The Comic Book Guide to Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Franco Urru is an Italian comic artist best known in America for his work on Spike: Asylum, Spike: Shadow Puppets and Angel: After The Fall for IDW Publishing . The Comic Book Guide sat down with Urru to find out what he was up to before he was the go-to artist for Angel and Spike, his experiences at IDW and what's coming up.

QUESTION: Franco, How did you break into the comic book industry? When did you first begin pursuing it? What were you doing before?

I broke into the comic biz many years ago but kept a very low profile as I worked for a studio of very renowned Italian artists. For several months I just did some works as assistant, inking or penciling backgrounds, doing some references research etcetera. I still remember that time as one of the nicest of my career. Eagerness, totally new challenges for me and struggling to learn more were such fun most of the times.

QUESTION: Was Spike your first big break? How did you land the gig working with IDW? What, if any books were you working on prior to Spike: Asylum?

On an international level, yes. Spike was the big break. I landed into that wonderful script after a friend showed my pages to Chris Ryall. At the time Brian Lynch had written his first story for IDW and I started to work immediately on the covers of the entire mini. After finishing the first cover I realized that I was exactly where I wanted to be.

In Italy I worked on different series: various projects through which I explored the most varied genres. Fantasy, superheroes, ehm...erotic. But I also did some illustrations for children books, for commercials and even some graphic designs.

QUESTION: Living in Italy, did you read a lot of American comics growing up, or does Italy have their own comic book market? What titles do you enjoy reading?

The 80 % of my reading has focused on American comics since the seventies and I hardly spoke English at that time. Italy has its own market which I followed (and still follow) eagerly but my priority always went to the main series of superheroes like X-Men, JLA, Fantastic Four, The Defenders, Batman and too many others to even mention them all. Even Creepy, Eerie and Vampirella at the times of Warren Publishing. I still follow most of the above-mentioned series and added more to my buying list. Hellboy, Buffy (of course) and some of the independents like Madman. A lot...

QUESTION: Were you a fan of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer and/or Angel television shows before you began working for IDW?

I bought the ANGEL series on DVD at the Amazon UK long before even thinking about drawing such wonderful characters. The moment I started to work on Spike, I already had completed my collection of both Whedon series (and FIREFLY as well) [for] a long time. Consider that the ANGEL DVDs were available in England a long time before they were in USA, I could understand any situation or flashback on Spike and Angel Brian Lynch was referring to.

QUESTION: Have you read Dark Horse Comics' Buffy Season Eight at all?

Buffy is an extraordinary series so far. I enjoy both the story and the art. The writers know Buffy and all the Scoobies so well that I can imagine their voices while reading the books and Jeanty is such a talented narrator. He manages to balance the funny moments with the darker ones so well.

QUESTION: You have an uncanny ability to capture the likenesses of the cast of Angel, while still giving them a sense of movement so that they aren't just static images from photo references. Do you have certain methods to how you get comfortable with the character and more at ease with drawing them?

I don't use photos usually and if I do I don't 'trace' them. I redraw the faces free handedly. Of course after a few issues one manages to metabolize some features and drawing certain characters becomes easier. As for the figures I enjoy too much creating dynamic and impossible poses. I leave detailed references for other things like backgrounds and effects. Those have to be very similar to the TV series.

QUESTION: Have you had any challenges in getting one of your characters to look like the actors from the show or as the readers might expect?

A few of them, actually. I am gettin' the right synthesis of Wesley right now. Also Groo is not very easy to draw. Consider also that when you pencil a character it comes out in a way. While inking instead you tend to lose a few lines in order not to make the features too 'heavy'. That may change completely the resemblance sometimes...

QUESTION: Have you found that you've changed your drawing style at all from when you first began to now? Has there been anything to took you much longer when you first began that you can do with ease now?

Oh yes. I am a lot more fluid and aware after all those issues. Drawing a certain number of panels required more time once and also crowd scenes, which are so frequent in Angel.

Sometimes it takes a little longer to work on some sequences because I try to do everything Brian asks. I always imagine that he spent nights and days on a script and it would not be fair to change anything because I feel lazy. I changed a few minor things and mostly added a few panels in order to create a better graphic balance on the page,but that's it.

By the way everything is much easier for me now because after hundreds of pages I think I know exactly what Brian and Chris want.

QUESTION: How have you found the response to Angel: After the Fall been?

The response was overwhelming. There were so many good reviews and a couple of not so flattering reviews. One was about the second ish of Angel, which I did in a hurry but came out nicely (or so I thought). Unfortunately like many other artists I can hardly keep the pace with 22 (sometimes more) pages per month plus covers. Sometimes a few things may come out not exactly the way you want them. And there is hardly time to do some corrections. For that I apologize with all the fans. But I think they know I really put all the love I got in this work.

QUESTION: Any hobbies or side projects when you are in between books?

Actually I have not between books for years. I traveled to the tropics one year ago and brought the script of Spike ATF with me. It ended up with me sketching the first 10 pages on a wonderful beach being careful not to leave the sketchbook under a direct sunlight for obvious reasons.

I have plenty of hobbies and a few side projects that will have just to wait their turn.

QUESTION: How did you enjoy the recent New York Comic Con you attended?

That was fantastic. I enjoyed the Comicon and spent a considerable amount of money. I met Brian for the first time and the extraordinary Chris Ryall (whom I already met two years ago at the same Convention) and Scott Tipton,Stephen Mooney, Ben Templesmith. Lots of people working for IDW. We had a wonderful dinner and spoke about many things and projects. Wish we could do that more often.

QUESTION: Do you have a favorite moment from After the Fall?

A lot. The opening sequence from Angel #1, Illyria and the dragon. The reveal of a powerless Angel, The fight in ish #5, the death of Connor and even a few minor sequences. Brian wrote such memorable moments...

QUESTION: IDW recently revealed that you are returning for at least two more issues of Angel, with the return of Drusilla! Exciting!

Yes. That should happen in July . I can't spoil the plot but it's going to be really outstanding. I love Drusilla and the way the beautiful Juliet Landau portrayed her gives me plenty of material to work on. The covers are almost ready...

QUESTION: Any other stuff coming up, or are you going to take a break from the Whedonverse for a while?

Before the Drusilla arc we will make a Gunn special, which will reveal some important things and showing a character that... No. That would be telling. There are also rumors on the return of a fan favorite vamp with a soul. Wait! There are two of them... No. I don't think I can take any break for awhile.

QUESTION: Franco, thanks so much! Do you have a website or blog or anything you'd like to promote here, or is Facebook the best way for fans to reach out to you?

Thank you! Can you believe I have not had time to put my work on the blog and that it is on hiatus since months? I would love to hear from the fans and in a few weeks my blog should be online. Arrivederci.

Stay tuned for Franco Urru's Blog, which will be posted here!
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Old 02-23-2009, 07:38 AM
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Angel:Aftermath #18 is out this week.Here's what Chris Ryall said at his blog.

RyallTime: IDW's new releases for February 25

The subtitle won't be on the covers but it'll be the name of Kelley's arc (and the resulting HC that follows).

In other Angel news, I got both Brian's Gunn (issue 23) script and Franco's first Dru cover (actually now going to be used on issue 25) this weekend. Some days, the Inbox is my friend.

And here's some comments from Brian about Aftermath,The Gunn story and the Dru 2 parter.

SlayAlive: A Buffy Forum - Angel: Drusilla - Issue 25 Discussion

You should read AFTERMATH. I read the first issue, and I think it benefits from a smaller cast. Also, it seems more like classic ANGEL, and I mean that in a good way. Kind of a return to it's roots.

And then, after that, the GUNN one issue is a nice little epilogue to AFTER THE FALL.
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