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Old 02-23-2009, 12:11 PM
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More on the Dru Comic.

RyallTime: Drawing Dru

We announced at the New York Comic-Con that Brian Lynch and Franco Urru would be returning to ANGEL following Kelley Armstrong and Dave Ross's 5-part "Aftermath" storyline (which starts up this week). Brian is going to be accompanied by Juliet Landau for a 2-part story that explores Druzilla's whereabouts in the "After the Fall" world. And outside of a couple earlier cameos/flashbacks, this will be Dru's first appearance in our ANGEL comics. They'll be co-writing it together but the story is all Juliet's. Here's Franco's cover for one of the issues (for those keeping score, this cover will be for ANGEL 25. Issue 23 will be a standalone Gunn story by Lynch and Urru, and this cover now makes more sense for part 2 of the Dru story, so it'll be issue 25. And what's coming after issue 25, you might ask? We'll be talking about that soon enough...).

See a good look at the cover here.
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Old 02-25-2009, 07:28 AM
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Angel #18 is out today.The beginning of Angel:Aftermath.
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Old 02-25-2009, 01:34 PM
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I have my copy of Angel #18.Part 1 of Angel:Aftermath

It has very season 1 vibe but instead of Angel,Cordy and Doyle/Wes it's Angel,Kate and Connor.

Angel feels he's redeemed his past and wants to get on with his life especially now that he doesn't have to hide he's a vampire to the world. He feels he has a new beginning and wants to get back to what he did when he first came to L.A. which was help the helpless instead of just dealing with the pissed off leftover Hell-A demon lords.

Kate joins up with him in re-opening Angel Investigations and Connor does as well but on a part time basis since he wants to prove he can make it on his own too and make his own money.

Gwen has been trying to contact Connor but he refuses to speak to her.

We also learn from Angel that Gunn is trying to get better.It seems Gunn and Illyria are hanging together.We see them in a car on a freeway.I suspect how we get to this will be revealed in the Gunn story by Brian.

Angel dosen't know what Spike is up to and Lorne is trying to put his life back together.It looks like Lorne's bought a cafe.

The new base of Angel Investigations is an old church with underground tunnels.

The only problem is the public keeps mobbing him,wanting autographs,to be rescued by him etc etc.

The City Councle has put together a commitee to handle the fallout of Hell-A.Two members with magical abilities approach Angel with a job offer to help deal with that.Angel is reluctant at first until Kate suggests a city ordinance for a city wide restraining order against the public to allow Angel to do his work without crowds following him everywhere.

The job they want Angel to handle is that a small group of people came back from Hell-A nuts/feral and they want team Angel to round these people up so they can get the help they need

I suspect there is more to this that will be revealed.

Thoughout the issue the werecat/shapshifter is stalking Angel and at the end of the issue sneaks into his room while he is sleeping intent on staking him.

I really like the friendship between Angel and Kate in this issue and the interaction between Angel and Connor.
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Old 02-26-2009, 06:57 AM
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Juliet Landau -talks about writing the Dru 2 parter with Brian Lynch.

Moviehole. Landau back in Sunnydale...

Landau back in Sunnydale...
Former "Buffy" star on her current projects, including "Green Lantern"

Author: Clint Morris Date: Wednesday, February 25th, 2009

Had the pleasure of catching up with "Buffy" favourite Juliet Landau - the only woman capable of doing a good Drusilla; has anyone else had to endure a bad impersonation!? - this morning. Seems Juliet - daughter of the fabulous Martin Landau, who my bud Doug Ellin has been using in "Entourage" of late - has been keeping quite busy since hanging up her fangs...

... not that she's completely done with Sunnydale.

''I am in the midst of co-writing 2 issues of the Angel : After the Fall comic book about Drusilla", says Landau, who played the bloodsucker on both "Buffy" and "Angel". "They approached me. I then came up with the idea for the two issues and they loved it. I wrote it in script form and now Brian Lynch and I are co-writing it into comic book format''.

Aside from that, Landau's also recently voiced a character in the animated "Green Lantern" film (''It was really fun! It was the same producer that I worked with on Justice League Unlimited and Ben 10") and has a couple of film appearances on the way (''Material Lies'' is in pre-production and "Yellow Wallpaper" is in post). In addition, she's making her own films - accompanied on one by a fellow former coffin dodger, Gary 'Dracula' Oldman.

''I have been busy with all kinds of cool stuff in addition to the Hero music video. I directed the short documentary film, Take Flight about Gary Oldman. Gary is very excited about the film because it shows him in a way that he's never been seen! The Official TAKE FLIGHT website is: We have had over 400 thousand hits to the site in just a few months.

"I am in pre- production for my short film, It's Raining Cats and Dogs. I have raised the funds from selling autographed merchandise on my Official site: I followed the same model as Amber Benson did to make her two features in this regard. From the advance screening of Take Flight we have had all these amazing people sign on for Cats. 4x Academy Award winning, Drac Studios, Todd Tucker (Dracula, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) is designing and doing all of the make- ups. I am co-directing and will play 7 different characters in the piece".

You all know what a big fan of "Buffy" and "Angel" I am - hell, I named my daughter 'Charisma'! - and want nothing but to see the ex-residents of the Hell Hole do well for themselves post-Whedon. Get on over to Juliet's site and support, yo!

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Old 02-28-2009, 08:03 AM
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Cover For Ange:Smile Time #3.Follow link to see.

RyallTime: Smryall Time

Friday, February 27, 2009

Smryall Time

The art for David Messina's ANGEL: SMILE TIME #3 cover came in today (along with all the finished pages. I'd say David was a workhorse but that somehow cheapens the great work he does, finishing this book along with COUNTDOWN #4 at the same time). Each issue of this series had a cover based on a previous image. The first issue was inspired by an old Bob Larkin HULK cover, issue 2 was a take-off on the FIGHT CLUB poster and now the final issue and its inspiration are below. Some dramatic license was granted in making Spike a puppet on this image, too.

And speaking of inspiration, I was working on something to do with "Smile Time" a year or so ago while putting this blog together, which is what led to the "Ryall Time" name (not some of the more... colorful reasons and guesses that a few people offered). There, my secret's out, and entirely uninteresting...
Posted by Chris Ryall at 3:00 PM
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Old 02-28-2009, 06:36 PM
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Buffyfest interview with Angel:Aftermath writer Kelley Armstrong is up where fan questions were taken.

Buffyfest - A Buffy Blog: Exclusive Interview: Angel's Kelley Armstrong Answers Our Questions and Yours

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Exclusive Interview: Angel's Kelley Armstrong Answers Our Questions and Yours

**Spoilers for Angel: Aftermath**

Our first interview with Kelley Armstrong was actually the first we ever had on Buffyfest, so we definitely hold her near and dear to our hearts and want to give a big thanks for giving us her time once again. Kelley already has a fanbase all its own from her successful Otherworld series. Now, with the premier issue of Angel:Aftermath dropping this past Wednesday, she has a whole new fandom to get used to. What better way to do that than by giving readers a chance to ask Kelley their own questions too, which you'll find after the jump. Thanks to all of you who participated.

Buffyfest: Which character do you find the easiest to write for in Angel: Aftermath? Which is the hardest? Why?

Kelley Armstrong: Angel would be easiest in the sense that I feel fairly confident in writing him, though I worry about getting him just right. The toughest would be Gwen because I find her viewpoint hardest to understand, but I want to explore it.

B: On that note, do you ever look back at the TV show for references or clues into the character's nuances when writing the comic?

KA: I've rewatched the whole TV series since agreeing to do this. I'm not sure how much it helped. In some ways, I think it panicked me a bit--I'd be watching season 4 and see a reference to season 1 and draw a complete blank on it, then start worrying about what I'd forget when I wrote my story arc. It's like studying for an exam and realizing not matter how many times you go over it, you'll never remember everything covered.

B: There have been a lot of characters from Angel: After the Fall who have not made it into Aftermath. Which character would you like to have a chance to write if they could be brought back into your series?

KA: It would be a toss-up between Fred and Spike. There were a lot of characters I couldn't use for various reasons, and they were two.

B: Many fans have been talking about the line Angel says within the first few pages while fighting off a demon, "I've redeemed my past." Has he really learned to accept his past? How do you think Angel's personal view of himself has changed since the end of season 5 and his experience in hell? [credit to Buffyfantic who submitted a very similar question and also says "Very nice first issue."]

KA: I think he has redeemed himself, between the work he did in the TV series and After the Fall. The question is whether he believes it or he's just paying lip service to the notion. Either way, he's in a position of not quite knowing where to go next, so this story is about Angel (and most of the characters) in a state of flux, searching for their way.

B: Kate seems decidedly different since we last saw her in "First Night" both in personality and clothing choice! Will there be backstory revealed on what happened to her in Hell-A? [Credit to AndrewCrossett who submitted a very similar question.]

KA: I know what I think happened to her, but that backstory doesn't come out in this story. Aftermath starts with characters who are all a little lost...all except Kate, whose experiences in Hell-A showed her exactly what she wanted to do with her life. So we get a very happy Kate here, in contrast to the other characters. Whether she stays that way is another question. As for the clothing choice, that's the artist, but I think the new Kate would approve.

B: Angel and Kate start the new Angel Inc. in a church. Where did that idea come from? Why didn't Angel go back to the Hyperion?

KA: Aftermath really is about starting over. For some, like Lorne, they want to go back to exactly where they were. For others, like Angel, they want to go back, but not completely. There are a lot of memories at the Hyperion and Angel isn't ready to deal with that. In this, he wants a fresh start. Why a church? A thematic choice.

B: Connor is looking for a job, is he no longer attending Stanford?

KA: Again, Connor is someone who isn't the same and who's learned a lot about himself and what he does (or doesn't) want from life. There will be more on that in the next issue. I just couldn't imagine Connor, after everything that happened in Aftermath, thinking "You know what I really want? To go back to college." It's too different a mental place for him right now, if that makes sense.

B: Wolfram & Hart are still M.I.A. Any chance they'll be back during Aftermath or will Angel and co. be dealing with a whole new set of enemies?

KA: I left W&H out of this one. It was a compromise. Being new to writing for Angel, I was worried that if I brought in too much of the "big" stuff from the series, I'd screw up worse than I was already going to, getting even more wrong and pissing off even more fans, no matter how much research I did.

B: What do you find the most surprising aspect of writing comics? Is there anything that you weren't expecting out of this experience that has happened or vice versa?

KA: I don't know about most surprising. I've dabbled with the form before, so there was nothing new there. What was new was writing in someone else's universe, and it taught me a lot, namely that however big a fan I consider myself, it's such a complex world that I struggled at times, knowing I was going to make mistakes. I hate continuity errors in a series. I'm paranoid about them in my own work, with a series bible to remind myself and a half-dozen beta readers making sure I don't miss something.

Again, thank you very much to the always lovely Kelley Armstrong for doing this interview with us and check out Angel: Aftermath if you haven't already. Continue reading below to see the answers to all the fan-submitted questions like: The status of Angel's Shanshu prophecy, why Kelley loves Willow so much and whether Buffy will be showing up in Aftermath or not!

Fan Questions submitted to Buffyfest:

Ryan wrote: Without her electric powers, assuming the LISA device still works, does this mean Gwen's main role in Aftermath is less battle savvy, to explore the "aftermath" of her betrayal and feelings for Connor?

KA: Yes, she's definitely going to be less battle-savvy here. They particularly want her watching their backs....if they want her around at all.

Elena wrote: Do you plan to mention shanshu again or do you think that the window of opportunity has closed?

KA: Oh, it's still there. Part of what we'll see in Aftermath is Angel dealing with the whole concept of prophesies and the role they play in his life.

Anonymous wrote: Nice way to set up the change in theme, a theme that seems to be saying "back to the beginning". If we are heading back to the beginning, any chance we might see Angel mention Buffy? Is there ANY chance that she could cross-over? Or maybe another BTVS character? Like Giles?

KA: No, there isn't, as much as I would love to. It's a rights issue. One company holds rights to the Buffy comics and another to Angel, so that was one firm restriction I was working under--no cross-over with characters from that series.

Anonymous wrote: Cordelia Chase is on a cover for #21, so is there is a good chance that she may be appearing again? Are you a fan of her and is there any way you can confirm that she is back without spoiling your work? Thank-you.

KA: Mmm. Yes, she will return, but it will be a fairly...restricted return.

Blade wrote: Just wondering if you'd heard anything about any crossover type moments with the events of the Buffy comic you'll be allowed to address? For example (and I know you can't give specifics), would there ever be a situation where Angel might comment on what's going on with his former employee Harmony?

KA: I'm sure I'd be allowed to comment on what's happening over there, as long as I didn't show it. One problem I've found so far, though, is that I have this mega-list of "stuff I'd love to do" that isn't fitting into the story-line, as hard as I try. I find the same thing with my novel series. I work with a huge revolving cast of characters there, so I always want to give little updates on the characters who aren't part of the current novel...and my editor keeps slashing them out with "Kelley, that isn't part of THIS story" So I've been well-trained. If the update doesn't arise organically from the current story, it stays out.

Enisy wrote: Which of your original characters are you most proud of? Are we going to see any payoff for Lindsey's murder on Lorne's or Angel's part, or has that ship sailed? You've said your favorite Angel character was Fred; who was your favorite Buffy character?

KA: For original characters, I'm going to guess you mean ones I created for this comic, and there's only two, so while I'm tempted to choose, that might give away spoilers! We aren't going to see more of Lorne here, so that issue won't be addressed. I'd considered it, but in my mind, Lorne would be the "character most in need of a rest," just wanting to get away from everything and everyone for a while. My favourite Buffy character? Hard to pick, but I was always partial to Willow, probably because I'm a former computer programmer.

Allycat wrote: I know the series won't carry the subtitle "Aftermath", but I thought that at least would be the name of the arc. I couldn't find it anywhere in the issue. Have they/you decided not to name the issues?

KA: I wasn't sure myself so I had to check! Apparently, they dropped the After the Fall title from the last few issues (which I saw in PDF so I didn't notice). While the title isn't going on the covers, my arc is still called Angel: Aftermath. Which is good, because that's what I've been calling it!

Craigoxbrow wrote: After the pretty straight-faced After the Fall, "Aftermath" already seems quite a bit lighter and more comedic. Is this going to run through the story?

KA: No, it won't continue. One problem I faced with starting Aftermath is that I was following an amazingly high-impact story, chock full of great action sequences and world-altering stakes. And my story won't be like that. It can't be--it wouldn't make sense to solve that and jump into something just as big. The characters need time to recover and find their footing again. So I decided to signal the change with a lighter issue, like sherbet between courses to cleanse the palate and prepare fans for a different tone. That first issue really lent itself to that tone. (Come on, how could I resist playing with "Angel as celebrity"?) While there will be a lighter tone overall, it's going to get more serious--just don't expect the heavy-duty action of After the Fall, please!

Good interview

Anonymous wrote: Cordelia Chase is on a cover for #21, so is there is a good chance that she may be appearing again? Are you a fan of her and is there any way you can confirm that she is back without spoiling your work? Thank-you.

KA: Mmm. Yes, she will return, but it will be a fairly...restricted return.

Nice interview

I'm very unhappy though about Cordelia's return even a fairly...restricted return.

This is becoming a bad joke now.It's just too much.Way to much IMO now since i didn't agree with the return in ATF #12/13.

I suppose I should wait to find out what a fairly,"...restricted return" means but considering I think it was a bad move in ATF,this doesen't give me any confidence since I feel it was a mistake the first time.A second time just compounds the same mistake over IMO.
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Old 03-02-2009, 08:29 PM
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Cover(pencil version) for Angel:#23.The Gunn One-shot.Follow link to see.

Brian Lynch: Been a while since I had a spoiler!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Been a while since I had a spoiler!

So in ANGEL 17 Gunn was in a coma, badly beaten, possibly dying.
But in ANGEL 18, he's up and about and driving and has Illyria riding shotgun.

How did this happen? Well, here are Franco's pencils and inks for the cover of issue 23, which will shed a little light:

Faithful readers can probably tell just who is standing over Gunn. And yes, that person (?) does in fact have a hand in his speedy recovery. But I can tell you that physical healing is only the tip of the iceberg in this issue. This one is packed with big shake-ups. We see a couple of reunions, some fun cameos, characters charting new journeys, and Franco and I tell a little tale that serves as a wonderful capper to the AFTER THE FALL storyline. In fact, if ATF is ever collected in one volume, I hope this is the last chapter in the book.

Hope you enjoy the sneak peek!
Posted by Brian Lynch at 3:39 PM

Here's a larger version of cover.

-2.jpg (image)

Looks like Non to me.The villain from Spike:After The Fall.
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Old 03-04-2009, 02:17 AM
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The title of the upcoming Gunn story in Angel #23.

Brian Lynch: Become What You Are

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Become What You Are

That's the title of ANGEL 23. While I like titles like SPIKE:ASYLUM and ANGEL:AFTER THE FALL, I really enjoy comics wherein each issue has a different title. We did this a bit with SHADOW PUPPETS, each chapter was a play on BUFFY and ANGEL episode titles ("Once More, With Felt"), and now I get to name a single issue as it's a self-contained story.

So, ANGEL 23 is called "Become What You Are". It's also the name of an album by Juliana Hatfield, but don't go looking at the song lyrics for hints or clues about the storyline, as there aren't any (though you should check out the album, as it's wonderful). The title will make sense once you read the issue, I think.

Back to work for me!

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Old 03-06-2009, 07:33 AM
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Preview pages for Angel:Blood And Trenches #1.

Comics Continuum: IDW Publishing First Looks


Angel: Blood and Trenches #1 will arrive in stores on March 11 from IDW Publishing. The issue is written by John Byrne, with art and cover by Byrne.

Here's how IDW describes the book:

"In Europe, war ravages nations, but a greater darkness than human conflict calls Angel back across the ocean from his distant home in America -- bodies of combatants found drained of blood, and signs of an ancient evil once more abroad in the world. An untold tale of Angel's WWI exploits!"

Angel: Blood and Trenches #1 will be 32 pages and will cost $3.99.

Follow link to see.
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Old 03-10-2009, 06:25 PM
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So, I finally caught up with the last couple of issues of the comics.

Not too much to say about After the Fall #17, except:

- I thought the issue did a good job of wrapping up where everyone was. Some of the characters were left fairly unresolved, but that felt right after such a monumental, world-changing event.

- I liked the small flashes to Gwen and to Spike's friend from Spike: AtF (can't remember his name). I also liked the library dedicated to Fred and Wes, but was a bit bugged by the fact that Wes's last name was misspelled (it's Wyndam-Pryce, guys, not Wyndam-Price). I'm just picky, though; it was still a nice moment.

- Best part of the issue was probably the Angel/Spike stuff, particularly since I don't think we'll be seeing much of them together for a while. The moment outside the hospital was nice, but my favorite bit was probably at the end of the scene in the car, when Betta George says, "You just thanked each other in your heads! Simultaneously!" and they both awkwardly deny it. Just . . . aww. Those two are so great together.

Now, for #18, the first issue of Aftermath:

- Seeing Kate again was nice. She seems to have gotten a bit more easygoing in the past few years and developed more of a sense of humor. Still, it was odd to see her in a dress in the scene where she says that she wants to join him. It seemed more like a wardrobe choice that Fred would make than one Kate would, and I had a hard time picturing her in it, even with the changes in her personality, so it took me out of the story a little.

- I liked the humor in this issue. AtF was so dark that it was good to see some more broad humor here, with Angel becoming disillusioned with the 'helpless' who call on him and the whole "screening process?" refrain.

- I'm intrigued by the two government people who offered to Angel a job. There's a bit of a Lilah & Lindsey vibe to them, with the whole mysterious, slightly sinister, corporate thing. It's hard to tell at this point whether their motives are going to be pure and where they'll fall on the good/evil spectrum.

- Liking the church as the new home base for Angel Investigations. It's got that same spacious, pretty, slightly noirish look to it that the Hyperion has and that was sadly lacking at Wolfram and Hart.

- Finally, I knew that Connor would be around for Aftermath, so not much to say about his inclusion except that I'm glad to see him again. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the whole Angel Investigations 2.0 thing, especially since they seem to be going back to a somewhat smaller core team like they had back in seasons 1 and 2 of Ats, and taking characters who still have lots of opportunities for development.

So, on the whole, I'm optimistic about Aftermath. It seems to be moving Angel's story forward while at the same time going back to the core Angel Investigations concept, and that makes me happy, even though I loved later years Ats as well.
oh, can it be, the voices calling me, they get lost and out of time
i should have seen a glow
but everybody knows
that a broken heart is blind
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Old 03-10-2009, 07:40 PM
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Originally Posted by comic fan (View Post)
I'm very unhappy though about Cordelia's return even a fairly...restricted return.

This is becoming a bad joke now.It's just too much.Way to much IMO now since i didn't agree with the return in ATF #12/13.
i can understand that since that is exactly how i feel about certain character reunions

i keep thinking i will check the comics out but so far pretty much everything i read about them turns me off
Angel&Cordelia Spike&Buffy Dylan&Kelly Jackie&Hyde Peg&Al Alison&Carter Sid&Cassie Cappie&Rebecca Chris&Jal Cook&Effy
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Old 03-11-2009, 05:44 AM
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Originally Posted by ~*Echo*~ (View Post)
So, I finally caught up with the last couple of issues of the comics.

Not too much to say about After the Fall #17, except:

- I thought the issue did a good job of wrapping up where everyone was. Some of the characters were left fairly unresolved, but that felt right after such a monumental, world-changing event.

- I liked the small flashes to Gwen and to Spike's friend from Spike: AtF (can't remember his name). I also liked the library dedicated to Fred and Wes, but was a bit bugged by the fact that Wes's last name was misspelled (it's Wyndam-Pryce, guys, not Wyndam-Price). I'm just picky, though; it was still a nice moment.

- Best part of the issue was probably the Angel/Spike stuff, particularly since I don't think we'll be seeing much of them together for a while. The moment outside the hospital was nice, but my favorite bit was probably at the end of the scene in the car, when Betta George says, "You just thanked each other in your heads! Simultaneously!" and they both awkwardly deny it. Just . . . aww. Those two are so great together.
Spike's friend is Jermey.

Spike isn't involved in Angel:Aftermath(#18-22) but he will both Angel and SPike will be involved in the Dru two parter(issues 24-25).Plus Angel will also be appearing occasionally in the Spike monthly series starting in the fall.Brian already confirmed he'll be in the first issue and that there will be crossovers between the Angel monthly and the Spike monthly.

Now, for #18, the first issue of Aftermath:

- Seeing Kate again was nice. She seems to have gotten a bit more easygoing in the past few years and developed more of a sense of humor. Still, it was odd to see her in a dress in the scene where she says that she wants to join him. It seemed more like a wardrobe choice that Fred would make than one Kate would, and I had a hard time picturing her in it, even with the changes in her personality, so it took me out of the story a little.

- I liked the humor in this issue. AtF was so dark that it was good to see some more broad humor here, with Angel becoming disillusioned with the 'helpless' who call on him and the whole "screening process?" refrain.

- I'm intrigued by the two government people who offered to Angel a job. There's a bit of a Lilah & Lindsey vibe to them, with the whole mysterious, slightly sinister, corporate thing. It's hard to tell at this point whether their motives are going to be pure and where they'll fall on the good/evil spectrum.

- Liking the church as the new home base for Angel Investigations. It's got that same spacious, pretty, slightly noirish look to it that the Hyperion has and that was sadly lacking at Wolfram and Hart.

- Finally, I knew that Connor would be around for Aftermath, so not much to say about his inclusion except that I'm glad to see him again. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the whole Angel Investigations 2.0 thing, especially since they seem to be going back to a somewhat smaller core team like they had back in seasons 1 and 2 of Ats, and taking characters who still have lots of opportunities for development.

So, on the whole, I'm optimistic about Aftermath. It seems to be moving Angel's story forward while at the same time going back to the core Angel Investigations concept, and that makes me happy, even though I loved later years Ats as well.
It has a very season 1 vibe.

Angel:Blood And Trenches is out today.
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Old 03-11-2009, 08:26 AM
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The finished colored Franco Urru cover for Angel#23(the Gunn issue).

RyallTime: The Smoking Gunn

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Smoking Gunn

Fabio Mantovani's colors of the Franco Urru ANGEL #23 cover. Which, based on the shadow standing over Gunn, should appeal to you "Non"-Angel fans, too.

Head over to see it

i can understand that since that is exactly how i feel about certain character reunions

i keep thinking i will check the comics out but so far pretty much everything i read about them turns
I've enjoyed them.With no onscreen continuation in the pipeline,this is all we have for more of the verse.
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Old 03-12-2009, 01:14 PM
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First,I have my copy of Angel:Blood And Trenches #1..And I loved it.I loved the look and the texture of the book.I've always been a fan of John Bryne's.I have his entire Superman run and while his Spider-Man run was less than steller.I always loved his art.The black and white suites this so well.I always thought the episode,"Are You Now or Have You Ever Been" should of been filmed in black and white(the parts not in the present day).It's so nice to see that be done here with Blood And Trenches.Plus having Wesley's family involved in this is neat.You can sort of see the pompous attitude is hereditary.Thankfully Wes broke out of that after working with Angel.

I really need to read the issue again but I'm the fly right now.First impression is thumbs up though.

Preview pages for next week's Angel:#19(Angel:Aftermath Part 2 of 5).

Comics Continuum: IDW Publishing First Looks


Angel #19 will arrive in stores on March 18 from IDW Publishing. The issue is written by Kelley Armstrong, with art by Dave Ross and covers by Gabriel Rodriguez and Nick Runge.

Here's how IDW describes the issue:

"As Angel and the remaining survivors from their sojourn to Hell attempt to rebuild their lives and find purpose once again, they must also contend with the threat of a vengeful Lord, a mysterious cat-changer and a winged being from beyond..."

Angel #19 will be 32 pages and will cost $3.99.

Head over to see pages.

I get an early season 4 Gwen vibe from Dez aka a Catwoman to Angel's Batman vibe.
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Old 03-17-2009, 03:26 AM
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Happy St Patricks Day from Angel and artist Stephen Mooney.
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