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Old 04-02-2020, 07:16 AM
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^ Thanks!

Put link in opening.

Looking forward to the read!
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Old 04-04-2020, 12:42 PM
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Originally Posted by fulfilledღ (View Post)
The Girl Who Cried The Truth

Dear Diary,

Why can’t I tell everyone the truth? what is wrong with me? Everyone thinks that Madison was driving the car. That’s not the truth. I was driving the car. There wasn’t a cloud in the night sky, so they’ll know it wasn’t inclement weather that made the car run into the tree, throwing Madison thirty feet from the car. I didn’t know what to think. It’s not like we were close or anything. Sure, I liked her, but hey, everyone loved Madison Kelner. I liked her as much as I like getting stung by a bee. Not sure what everyone saw in her. I know what you’re thinking, I helped Madison get thrown from her car. I’m not sad that she died, but then again, I’m really sad that it all happened to her. That the last moments of her living in this world were being thwarted through the air and her head landing on the rock, cracking her skull open. No one really knows what happened. The only things people are talking about are how her body was found and what the coroner found during the autopsy. They don’t know the real story. Madison was a bitch! All she cared about was herself. I was in the car with her that night because she needed some responsible person to drive her home so that she could at least tell her parents she was being responsible. No one knows the real Madison Kelner. If they did, they may not be so sorry that she’s dead…I’m not.


“Dude, you are so late..” Bright looked at his watch and then back at Ephram. “You skipped like two classes.”
“Yeah, I’m hoping no one will notice, but I doubt it. So, do you have any ideas of how to explain why I’m late. You must have a million of them.”

“Usually I would let you have one of my special vaulted excused absence reasons, but you don’t need it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Word is there was a diary entry found on the school property that gives details on how Madison died..”
”Really, it’s been a year, I thought that was over.”

Bright remembered the party. “A year ago tomorrow. Tyler Braxton’s party. It was a rager, everyone was there.”
“So, what did the diary entry say?”

“Well, when trying to decipher the rumor mill, it seems that Madison wasn’t driving the car and she’s a terrible person, something like that.”
“Who would hate Madison? She always seems nice to me.”

“Not sure, but whoever it was, they definitely have an axe to grind when they wrote that entry.”

“And it was just a piece of paper floating around school..”
“Not sure, I’m just piecing together what everyone else is saying.”
“Wow, I could’ve missed the entire school day and no one would’ve noticed.”
Amy came running up to Ephram, kissing him hard on the mouth. “I would’ve noticed.”
”And I’m gone.” Bright started walking towards another hallway.

Ephram and Amy locked hands, continuing the walk to class.

“Bright said there was a letter found about the night Madison Kelner died.”
Amy shrugged. “Really? That happened like a year ago, who would bring it up now?”
“The letter was just found, I think. I don’t know much either, I just got here.”
Amy laugh, smiling. “What are you doing just walking into school anytime you want like you own the place.”
“Traffic from New York was crazy and I didn’t get in until early this morning….and I slept through my alarm.”
Amy wrapped her arm in his as they continued walking. “How was visiting your mom?”

“Good, I needed to visit her. It’s been a long time. Hey, why don’t you come with me next time I go.”
“Sure. Let me know when.”

Both Amy and Ephram stopped in their tracks when seeing the poster.

New details into the death of Madison Kelner have been discovered. If you have any information, please come by the principal’s office.

“I guess they’re reopening the case.” Amy read the sign.
“I guess so. I hope they find out what happened to her. The way she died, seemed really awful.”
“I’ve heard a lot of things, so I’m not sure what to believe happened to her.”
“We’ve got more things to worry about.”
“What’s that?” Amy let go of Ephram’s hand when they sat in their individual desks.
Ephram pointed to the black board. “History pop quiz.”

“Piece of cake." Amy grimaced. "Well, History, I know fairly well, it’s the now I have trouble with.”

Ephram took out his phone as the teacher walked into class, sent a text message and put it away.

Amy glances at her phone when the text message ring tone sounded. Meet me later at the house and I’ll help you forget about the now.


Amy walked into the library, walked over to the table Hannah was sitting at.

“What’s going on at that table, what is everyone signing?”
“Oh, no one’s signing anything, well, not really. They’re doing handwriting samples to figure out who the diary entry note belonged to. I already wrote my name down, you should go to, then we can study.”
“Oh, I’ll do it later. I have some good thoughts on The Scarlet Letter that I want to get down.”
“Sure, they’re having it every day until they get every single student. Kind of pointless if you ask me.”


“Like whoever wrote it is going to be honest about their own handwriting. No one wants to be found out about a diary entry. I want to know is how the diary entry ended up on the outside of the diary and why was it at school. I keep my diary locked up in my bedroom. It never sees the light of day, although I don’t write much in it…I tell you everything and what’s going on. So you’re like my diary.” Hannah smiled peacefully.
“I might as well get it over with.” Amy stood back up walking towards the other table.

She stood in line and stepped up to the table.

“Amy Abbott.”
“Middle Initial?”
“Amber, you’ve known me since I was in first grade, really?”
The lady looked up at Amy, with a serious face. “Middle Initial, please.”
“Geez.” Amy rolled her eyes, shrugging. “N as in Nicole.”

“Alright.” Amber wrote Amy’s full name on the list and handed her the clipboard. “Okay, Amy, write your name, in your own handwriting, on the line next to where I just wrote.”
“Sure.” Amy picked up the clipboard, put the pen to the paper and when she started writing, the pen wasn’t producing any ink. “Do you have another pen, this one isn’t working.”
“Oh, sure.”
“You’re making Amy Abbott produce a handwriting sample?” A fellow teacher approached Amber. “I’ve known her since the first grade, she wouldn’t have anything to do with this.”
“I’m just following the rules.”

“Rules? Amy knows the rules backwards and forwards, and probably better than you do. Just write a line through it, everyone knows Amy didn’t know do it.”
“Well, I guess you’re right. You’re excused Amy.”

“Are you sure, I mean, I don’t mind.”
“Nah, go on.”

Amy shrugged and sat down with Hannah, opening her notebook.

“That took a long time just to sign your name.”

“The pen ran out of ink and the teacher said I didn’t have to, so I didn’t. Apparently I’m the good girl.”
“Everyone knows that, not sure why you even went up there. I’m sure they’ll have a good laugh when this is over that you actually almost submitted a handwriting sample.”

“Hmm, maybe.”


“Come on, Ephram.” Amy giggled as he continued to kiss her neck. “We have to watch this movie for class.”
“We’ll watch it later.” He started to slowly slip his hand under her shirt.

A commercial came on from the local news, talking about the case of Madison’s death being reopened and now calling it a homicide. The TV was turned down enough to where the voices couldn’t be heard. Amy shrugged and turned the tv off.

“Not to spoil this moment of passion.” Amy paused when Ephram unclasped her bra. “But your dad and Delia could be home any second..”
“They’re in Denver, staying the night.”
He reached up, kissing her neck, Amy straining her voice., “but, Ephram.” She strained her voice.
He was panting. “What’s wrong?”
“The Couch?”
“What’s wrong with having sex on the couch?” Ephram nodded his head. “Wouldn’t be our first time.”
“I want this to be more than…” Amy shrugged, her face turning red, “more than just sex.”
“Like…making love?” Ephram caressed the side of her face.
“Yeah…I mean, it seems silly to ask because it’s always more than just about sex with us. I just…”
Ephram kissed her slowly, before saying, “let’s go to the bedroom.”


Ephram caught up with Amy in the hall, kissing the cheek.

“I missed you this morning, I thought you were going to stay the night.”
“I thought I was, but then I remembered I left my homework and with that pop quiz in History yesterday, I don’t want to be caught off guard again.”

“So, since it’s a three day weekend, we should go up to the cabin, you know, have a nice relaxing weekend.”
“There’s so much to do, though before school ends.”
“Amy, it’s our junior year. We don’t have to stress until next year.”
“I know, but I just want next year to be easy and stress free.”
Ephram pulled Amy into a hallway , secluded from everyone else. “What’s going on with you?”

“What do you mean, I’m fine, why are you asking?”
“Because you’re asking me three questions in a row and you’re jittery. Did drink any coffee this morning.”
“I don’t drink coffee.”
“I know that, that’s why I’m asking because I know how you get when you do drink coffee.”
“What are you my keeper now?”
“No, I’m your boyfriend who loves you and wants to know why you’re being crazy and maybe I can help.”
Amy lightened the pressure she realized was on her shoulders. “Ephram, I am o…k…, there’s no reason to worry about me.” She kissed him

Someone walking by tossed a flyer at them, Ephram catching it.

“Tyler Braxton is having his annual party. I guess his parents went out of town again.”
“Why is Tyler Braxton having another party, it’s he same thing every year.”
“Yeah and it’s the last party Madison was at.”
Amy sighed. “Well, maybe…maybe Tyler wants to start a clean slate. Not sure who’s going to show up since it is the last party Madison was at.”
“You wanna go?”
Do you? Amy asked, making a face..
“Yes, [I]I do[/]. I’m sure Tyler feels pretty bad about what happened last year and he needs support. Not sure a lot o people will show up anyway.”
“Why, it’s not like Tyler had anything to do with it.”
“Maybe? I mean Madison was drinking, everyone saw her and she ends up running into a tree.”
“Ephram, everyone was drinking. I think I saw Hannah stumble with Bright a couple of times.”

The class bell rang throughout the school.

Amy sighed again. “Back to reality.” Ephram pulled Amy into him, kissing her fully on the lips. “That was nice…what was it for?”
Ephram cleared his throat. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just told you that.”
“You can tell me anything, no matter what’s going on. You know that, right.”
“Of course, is there something you want to tell me?”
“No…I just love you and want you to be happy.” He smiled, grimacing a little.
“I am happy.” She kissed him back quickly and rushed off to class.


“And you are sure you got everyone’s signatures at County High.” Detective Ormanda questioned her partner. 

“Yes, we set up stations at the library, the auditorium, everywhere we knew all students would go to at some point.” Detective James verified.
“And no one was skipped, or got out of line?”
“Not any station I was working.”
“And we made sure everyone signed the correct line, there is no room for error?”
“Everwood only has one high school and there weren’t but so many kids at that party. Everyone was questioned?”

“Yeah and they all had the same story.” Detective James continued. “The same story as they recalled the same events, nothing was rehearsed. Madison Kelner was seen at the party and then left.”
“Had she been drinking.”

“I think it’s a safe bet to say yes, lots of red plastic cups everywhere the day after.”
“Let me see the signature list.”

Ormanda opened up the file and scanned her finger down every line of every sheet of paper. She stopped on one line.

“Amy Abbott, who is she?”
James looked at his computer records. “She is a junior at County High.”
“She didn’t sign her name.”
“She didn’t?”
“No, she did not. Mr. Masta, a teacher, was on duty that day from what’s written on this paper. Masta is a veteran teacher, he wouldn’t just skip anyone, would he?”
“I don’t think so. I will call up Ms. Abbott and have her submit a sample.”
“No, let’s not alarm her, just yet, she’s just a kid. I want to ask Mr. Masta for why Amy didn’t submit a sample when clearly, her name was written on the line.” Ormanda sipped her lukewarm coffee. “It’s obvious that Amy approached the table, she gave her name…her full name and just…walked away? I’m not buying that.”
“Alright, I’ll give Mr. Masta a call.”
“Okay, let me know what he says.” Ormanda nodded and headed back to her office.


Amy was sitting in her guidance counselor’s office after being called out of class. Recently, a lot of juniors were being called into the guidance counselor’s offices to prepare for the senior year and set up college resumes. Calmly Amy sat in the office, looking at all the degrees her counselor had. She was quite impressed.

“Sorry for the wait, Amy. It’s been crazy here this week.” Counselor Hetwood walked briskly into the office, plopping into her office chair.
“That’s okay, I got pulled out of class, so I’m grateful.”
Ms. Hetwood smiled. “I didn’t think you’d mind.”
“So, I’m not sure why I’m here, though.”
Ms. Hetwood seemed annoyed when trying not to roll her eyes. “Well, this is just a formality, but apparently when they were doing the handwriting samples last week, you didn’t sign.”
“Oh, they said I didn’t have to, according to the officer, or detective…whomever it was. Apparently, I’m a good kid.” Amy tried to laugh.
“Well, I agree, you are a good kid. But we all still need to follow rules.”
“It’s okay, I understand.”
“So, I don’t have their document, roster, paper thing. So if you could write your full name, Amy Nicole Abbott, right under the line where I wrote your name, you’re all set.”
“Sure.” Amy lifted up the paper and placed it on a book she took out of her bag. She wrote her name carefully, making, like always when it was her full name. Amy was always nervous when seeing her full name written out. Like she was in trouble at home and her mom would all out all three names to get her attention.”
"All done?”
Amy handed the paper back over. “Yep! All done!”
“Then you are good to go. I’m so sorry for interrupting your class for something so…preposterous. Thanks for understand, you are the good kid.”
“Thanks Ms. Hetwood.”


Hannah caught up with Amy in the hallway.

“So, what was the mysterious meeting you had to go to?”
“Oh, it was just there to submit the handwriting thing.”

“Wait, I thought everyone did that already.”

“I tried the other day we were in the library. The pen wasn’t working and Mr. Masta said I didn’t need to, that I was the most unlikely person to have written that letter.”
“Amy, you are the most unlikely person to have written that letter. Besides, you don’t keep a diary.”
“Yeah, I do.”
Hannah was surprised, caught off guard. “Wait, you have a diary. I thought you told me everything and Ephram…everything else.”
“I do, but you know, sometimes I want to work on some thoughts before telling you and Ephram.”
“Makes sense.”
“What are you doing this weekend?”
“Oh, yeah, Bright and I were going to Tyler Baxter’s party…for like a minute.”

“Really, Ephram wants to go too, but seems kind of morbid, don’t you think?”

“No, why. I know it’s the, I guess anniversary, of the night Madison died, but she didn’t die at the party.”
“Still, it’s the last place anyone seen her alive. That’s what everyone is going to be talking about. It’s a small town, nothing is never not talked about.”
“Then we can stay in our little circle or since it’s four of us, our little square like we usually do and say we where there.”
“You said you and Bright were staying there for a little bit, what else you two have going on.”
“I don’t know. Bright and I have decided to have one night, usually Saturday, totally dedicated to surprises. So we plan one thing, earlier in the evening and when that’s over, we just see where the night takes us. Sometimes we’ll go see a movie, get ice cream…get dinner or just hang out at the house and watch a movie. What are you and Ephram planning this weekend.”

“I think he mentioned something about wanting to go to the cabin this weekend, since Monday is a holiday…three day weekend.”
“Wow, that’ll be nice. Get away for a little while.” Hannah had a skip in her step. “Hey, wasn’t that the place you two had your first time together.”
Amy still blushed from that night. “Yeah, it was. The place is kind of special for us.”

“So that’s why Bright says that place is off limits for us.”
“Off limits?
“Yeah, it was strange. I suggested it and he was like a deer caught in headlights when I mentioned it. Like it was forbidden that I even mentioned it.”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t want to stay where my brother had sex either.” Amy looked and saw Hannah’s face fall. “Sorry, I’m a total idiot for mentioning Bright and…that.”
“No, Amy, it’s okay. Bright had other relationships before we met. From what I remember, when we first met, he was, I could say, scandalous around Everwood…for Everwood standards, that is.”
“Any change on that front?”
“As Beyonce would say, he’s gotta put a ring on it.”
“Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you reference a musician and you did a good job.”
“Thanks! I’ve been working on my pop culture references.”

“Well, my friend, it definitely shows.”


Detective James knocked on Ormanda’s office door.

“I have an update on the Kelner case.”

“Good, what did that teacher have to say.”
“Turns out that this Amy Abbot girl is the perfect kid that he didn’t have her sign.” James shrugged. “He said he apologized and would get Ms. Abbott submit a handwriting sample.”
“Good, and what else did Mr. Masta have to say.”
“That he apologizes and Everwood has never been though anything quite like this and will make sure to use better judgement next time.”
“Good, and when should we expect Ms. Abbott’s handwriting sample?”
“Right now.” James handed the sample over to Oramanda.

Ormanda put Amy’s handwriting sample beside the diary letter. She shrugged.

“I will send this to the handwriting expert to see if they can find any matches. If not…case closed.”
“I wish we had better news for her parents. For all they had to say, Madison wasn’t the person to drive at night, especially in the area…where she was found.”
“Was she driving?”
“She was the only one at the scene and was thrown from the car. Unless the car drove it self there, Madison was driving.”
Ormanda got up from her desk, and started to pace around. “It’s fairly impossible for a driver to be thrown from a vehicle and the steering wheel be perfectly intact. Did forensics have a point of impact on where the front windshield was broken?”
“The way Ms. Kelner was lifted out of the far with force, it’s hard to tell. The reports stated that the side of her body went through the windshield. But I agree, the car’s driver side wasn’t touched, it was more the center and passenger sides. So, maybe she wasn’t driving.”
“Then who would be driving. Did you get any finger prints from the steering wheel?”
“Noting conclusive. But it was below freezing that night, the driver was probably wearing gloves.”
“No fibers? Hair, skin…nails?”
“No. The car wasn’t wiped down, but you could tell the person wasn’t in there that long or was too nervous to really sink into the seat and get comfortable.”
“Good point! So it was someone that maybe Madison didn’t know very well. Madison wanted to be responsible and got someone to drive her home.”
“Maybe at first? The location was the car was not anywhere near the party nor near her neighborhood. I’m guessing she was having someone drive her somewhere else.”
“Great! See if the parents know of anyone who Madison hangs out with.”
“We did, right after the crash. Reid Bardem, her college boyfriend. But he has an airtight alibi. He was in a study group with five people…at least, that can vouch for him.”
“Well, another dead end. Every time we get a lead, something else kills it. I feel like the person responsible for this is right under our noses and we’re just not seeing it.”
James was rereading the report on the car. “Wait a minute.”
“What is it?”
“I found something.”


Ephram walked out onto the back deck of Tyler Braxton’s house. Amy was sitting atop the railing, shivering.

“Amy, it’s freezing out here. What are you doing.”
“I had to get some air.”
“Okay, now let’s go inside.”
Amy looked up at him, smiling and her eyes watering. “Ephram, I love you.”
He tilted his head, smiling. “I love you too, Amy…can we go inside.”
“Can you take a walk with me?”

They had been walking for about a mile, not saying anything.

“Amy, honey, I really love you, I do. But it is really cold out here.” Ephram saw the vapor pour out of his mouth as he spoke. “What did you want to take a walk for.”
“That night, it’s been eating at me and I keep thinking it’ll just go away and it hasn’t.”
Ephram stood in front of her, lifting Amy’s head up, tears escaping her face. “What night?”
“Last year, the night of Tyler Braxton’s party.”
“Okay.” Ephram held his breath, feeling in his heart, that whatever was going on with Amy, he promised himself he’d be there for her.
“I offered to drive Madison home.” Amy spoke deeply, all the events of the night coming back to her.

Ephram didn’t want to say anything. He wanted to, but he knew this wasn’t about him right now. He continued to hold Amy’s hand.

“She had been drinking and I guess I…I don’t know. It’s not like we were friends. I guess I thought it would be five minutes and I’d be back. The roads were slippery and it was a short drive.” Amy sighed, continuing. “So we got into the car and just down the street, Madison told me where to turn and as we kept driving, I realized that she wasn’t taking me to her house, but instead, we were taking her to her boyfriend’s house, Reid…something or another. So i went along with it. We were already in the car anyway. But then, I guess, then, Madison’s alcohol took over and she kept ragging on me about not being popular and that we only dated because you couldn’t have her or something. I wanted to turn around, go back, really, I wanted to go back in time and never offer to get into the car with her. But she kept telling me we were getting closer.” Amy swallowed, then continued. “We ended up on a dead end road.” Amy let go of Ephram’s hand and wiped the tears away on her face. It was so cold that the tears seemed to be freezing to her face. Amy folded her arms to keep warm and continued. “We didn’t have a cell signal so I went to a gas station so I could call someone with a truck to get us out of the ditch seemed to be stuck in.”

Ephram waited for Amy to continue but she stayed silent as they made the way back.

“What happened when you got back.” He asked softly.
Amy’s lips started to tremble and not because shew as cold, although the memory of the events always ran a cold chill down her spine. “I wasn’t able to find anyone that would come out to that part of town since I didn’t know where we were anyway. So when I went back, the car was gone, like vanished.” Her voice was trembling as she continued. “I thought she got into the driver’s seat and went to wherever she was going. I just walked home, it was just a few miles.”

“That’s why you disappeared on me.”
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know what to do. I just thought she ditched me for whoever she was going. I knew she didn’t like me anyway. Then when I found out she was killed and they found the car and Madison’s body…I didn’t know what to think. I mean, I was there, I could’ve stopped it, if I had just stayed, Madison would still be alive, everything okay be okay.” Amy stopped to catch her breath. “I don’t know what happened between me going to the gas station to the car sliding off the rails. But I was the last person to see Madison alive.”
Ephram backed from Amy, letting go of her hands. “It was you, you wrote the letter.”
Amy nodded, crying. “I did.”
“Why didn’t you tell anyone the truth?”

“Because, I honestly, I don’t know. I wasn’t there, but I left her alone, so I might as well of been the one to end her life…so I didn’t say anything. When the news announced that there was no evidence found and the case was going to be closed, I didn’t think there was a point to me saying anything.”
“If I’ve learned one thing from losing my mom and moving to Everwood, it’s that, it’s never too late.”
“I’m really scared…I mean, not saying anything makes me look more guilty, doesn’t it?”
“But the truth always helps. I’ll go with you, if you want.”
“Yeah, that would be nice.”
“Hey before we go inside…”
Amy turned around. “Yeah?”
Ephram placed a kiss on her mouth. “It’s going to be okay.”
Amy nodded nervously. “I hope so.”


Detective Ormando looked up to see Amy and Ephram walking into the precinct.

“Can I help you?”
“Yeah.” Amy sighed, tucking the hair behind her ears, standing up straight. “I need to confess something.”
“What did you want to confess to?”
Ephram placed his hands on Amy’s shoulders for reassurance as she began to speak. “I think I had something to do with the night Madison Kelner died.”
Detective Ormando’s eyes grew wider and hair stood up on the back of her neck. “Okay, let’s take your statement.” She saw Ephram walking with Amy. “Just you, your friend needs to stay behind.”
“Oh, okay.”

Ephram gave Amy a light kiss before she headed back with Detective Ormando.

“So, what information do you have about that night Madison Kelner died?” Detective Ormando asked.

Amy went over the details of what happened from when she and Madison got into the car up to when she returned from the gas station to see the car had vanished.

“I appreciate your honesty, but why did it take you a whole year to come forward.”
“Fear? Selfishness that I only cared about what happened to me. I wasn’t thinking about Madison’s parents and how they didn’t know anything.”
“We find that happens a lot in younger people.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I know you think you had a hand in Ms. Kelner’s death, but you didn’t? From the location of where the car was found, Ms. Kelner’s location and forensics in the car, the only thing you did wrong was drive on an icy road, which is not your fault…just more bad judgement.”
“What do you mean? I drove there, left her there, I’m guilty of something.”
“Yes, a guilty conscience and not coming forward sooner, yes. But those aren’t crimes in the court of law.”
“I don’t understand, I was there.”
“From what the forensic team and me and my partner put together, the car’s gear shift was not in park. I know, from the road you said you stopped on, you would have had to put the car in park, yes?”
“Yeah, I did, I didn't know where the emergency break was, I should’ve used that.”
“Ms. Abbott, you could put a car on chains hooked to a big rig, nothing is going to protect a car fro sliding against ice.”
‘So, if I put the car in park, how did it move?”
“Well, it had been raining combined with the snow and slush already on the ground, everything froze twice over. We gather that Ms. Kelner was going to move herself over to the drivers seat and didn’t want to slip on the roads outside. Upon moving, she must have involuntarily, moved the gear shift into neutral and the car started to move. Once the car started moving there was no way to stop it. So the car rolled by itself, and as you know, cars gain speed on a titled road. And, well, the rest is in the report which is now closed.”
“So I’m not guilty.”
“Not officially, but I think, based on the diary entry, you should talk to someone. Those were some very strong feelings you had to say about Ms. Kelner. I gather you didn’t like her, and that could be used as motive if Mr. and Mrs. Kelner wanted to press charges…in which they do not. They understand it was just an accident. They just wanted the truth and you provided that. You gave them peace of mind and I want to thank you for coming forward.” Detective Ormando stood up, walking towards the door.
“That’s it?”
“Yes, that’s it. We actually had already figured out what happened before you came in, we just didn’t have the whole story.”
“What happens now?”
“I talk to Ms. Kelner’s parents and relive of the worry about not knowing what happened to their daughter.”
“Tell them I’m sorry…that it took me this long.”
“They’ll just be relieved to know the truth.”


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Old 07-16-2020, 01:06 AM
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This story, very short story ...that brings a lot of Everwood to this story. I'm dedicating this story and my future stories to Alan. His passion for Everwood and comic books and damn near everything is why I wanted to put something out that showed truth and passion. A lot of scary real life stuff is going on in the world right now, so I hope you enjoy this little tidbit of a story and be able to put wear a smile...even if it's for a short period of time.

I'm still working on a really long...well, you know...novel of sorts that is really Ephram/Amy based and I just love the heck out of this story and I wanna do it right for so many reasons that go beyond Everwood. It's called "The Outsider" and it's like 20 some pages so far and I'm nowhere near done with it yet. Hopefully that'll be out soon.

This story below is called The Ring. It has Ephram and Amy, of course, also some really good Bright/Hannah moments too. Hope you enjoy

Again, the spoiler tag is put in there for the love scene. Some like to read the love scenes, some like to not. It's racy for network TV. So, click if you like, it doesn't take anything away from the story if you don't


The Ring

“Ephram, you didn't pack any warm clothes. It's going to be freezing up there.”
“It’s in the other bag.” He called out from the bathroom.

Amy could hear him shaking the razor on the edge of the sink. She did interrupt him accidentally shaving and still, to this day, she remembers how scared she was while Ephram still gets a laugh about it. Amy finds herself smiling at that too. All their moments, the good ones and the not-so-good ones make Ephram and Amy…Ephram and Amy. Although she may not admit it, Amy wouldn’t change a single thing. Madison. Okay, she may change one thing.

“All good?” Ephram asked for Amy to make sure he is clean shaven.
“Very handsome.” She kissed him on the mouth. “Now grab your shaving kit before you forget it and we walk out without it.”
“It’s only the weekend, I don’t think I’m going to become that grizzly in a couple days." He then remembered a few years ago they went for a weekend in Denver and got snowed in. For a week he was scratching his face for the amount of facial hair he had accumulated. “Never mind that thought, it’s going in the bag.”
“I think that’s everything.” Amy looked around the room and then she heard the front door open downstairs. “Oh, that must be Bright and Hannah.”
“I’ll go help them load the car…” Ephram said when struggling with the zipper. “And you help this do what it needs to do.”
“Okay.” She had a light laugh. This was their ritual. Ephram struggles with the suitcase and gives in for Amy’s help and she has it zipped and ready to go in two seconds. This time she was having the same trouble he was. “What is stuck…” She felt around and felt the sweater material that was caught on the zipper. “There, now that’s b…” Then her fingers felt an odd shaped object in the box. Making sure neither of them were grabbing non-essential items, she unzipped the back and saw the little blue velvet box. She stared at it, knowing exactly what the box had inside, but she dare not open it.

Ephram walked back into their bedroom with Amy facing him, holding the tiny box in her hand.

“Ephram…I know what this is…and I know in every tv show it’s this ‘what is this’ comment, so cutting out the middle question.”
“Um…” He cleared his throat and coughed, went silent and then spoke. “Bright.”
“Bright, what does Bright have to do with this?”
“Bright…he is going to ask Hannah to marry him.”

Ephram’s stomach dropped when he saw Amy’s face fall. They’d talked about marriage but not in a serious, let’s buy a house kind of way, although they had been living together for what any relationship to consider marriage as the next step. But, it was always more talking about in the far, far future. He grabbed the suitcase off the bed and didn’t look at Amy as he carried it out the room. This is going to be a long weekend he thought.


The foursome stopped at a gas station about an hour away from the cabin site. Everyone had been silent, mostly Amy sleeping on a pillow Ephram made sure to pack for her since car rides make her drowsy. Off an on, Amy would wake up and look at her brother and then look at Hannah. Sure they had been dating for a long time, not as long as her and Ephram, but a long time to consider marriage. But is Bright really ready to be a husband? Is Hannah really ready to be a wife and eventually a mother. Sure, they daydreamed about in high school, but for it actually be happening now…Amy’s brain started to hurt with the thought of the two of them settling down. Most of all, it was starting to break her heart to know that her brother knows when to ask the woman he loves to marry him but unfortunately her boyfriend hasn’t figured that out yet.

“Hey, gotta use the bathroom?” Hannah nudged Amy who started to moan and open her eyes. “We’re about ready to get out of here…wherever here is.”
“How long until we get to the cabin?” Amy asked in a raspy voice.
“Hey, long long until we get there captain?” Hannah called out.
Bright checked his map on his phone. “Two hours, give or take traffic. Gotta pee? Do it now…no side trips.”
And this man is ready to get married? Amy thought and then looked at Hannah who smiled at his words. Bright obviously has something Hannah likes that he doesn’t let anyone else know exists. Amy’s thoughts kept pouring in of how she couldn’t see her brother and Hannah be ready to start their lives together.

Amy got out slowly, stretched her legs and walked towards the public restrooms. She wrapped her arms around her waist, feeling the cold air going through her body. Amy was glad she packed the sweaters and got excited for all the bonfires and nature walking the four of them will do. Then her brain wrapped around the ring Ephram had in his suitcase he was holding for Bright…then her stomach started to feel queasy again.

Bright nudged Ephram. “What’s with Amy?”
“What do you mean? Amy’s fine, she just hates the cold weather.”
“It’s more than that” Bright gave Ephram a look “No, seriously, what’s going on with my sister.”
Ephram turned his phone off, looking at his friend, whispering. “She found the ring.”

They both glanced at Hannah for a second who was busying herself in journal writing.

“Oh crap, how’d she react.”
“There’s not enough of a hole in the world that would make her fall any lower. I wanted to cry for her.”
“She cried?”
“No, but she might as well have. So badly I wanted to propose to her right there with the ring I had to tell her was for you and…” Ephram nodded his head towards Hannah.
“Ouch.” Bright put his seat belt on and turned the key in the ignition as soon as he saw Amy exiting the convenience store.

Hannah put her journal away, ready to see where the journey took them next and all the pretty fall scenery she would get to see. Ephram looked back at Amy who simply placed the pillow under her head, against the window and went back to sleep.


Amy woke up when she felt the vehicle come to a huge stop. Looking around, she saw the cabin and smiled.

“I didn’t know it was this cabin.” She said aloud when opening the door.
“Still looks the same, doesn’t it?” Ephram said when he saw Amy stand beside him.
“Why didn’t you say it was our cabin?”
Our cabin?” He gave her an inquisitive look.
“Well, the cabin where we…”
Ephram smiled down at her blush colored face and whispered, “Yeah, the cabin where we made love for the first time.”
Amy rolled her eyes in embarrassment, looking back at Hannah and Bright to make sure no one heard what Ephram just said. “I wonder if the room is still the same as it was. I think my parents have rented this place out from time to time.”
“Bright and I checked this place out a few weeks ago to make sure everything was okay to stay for the weekend.” He kissed the side of her head. “And yes our room is still the same…I checked.”
“Wait, Bright doesn’t know about…”
Ephram shrugged, watching Bright and Hannah starting to collect some of the bags from the trunk. “Nah, Bright has no idea this was the place I gave you you first orgasm.”
Amy gasped and playfully shoved him. “Ephram Andrew Brown…”
Hannah smiled at the two of them. “Uh oh, must be trouble in paradise…all three names have been spoken.”
“Yep, that’s how half of County High knows all three of my names.”
“Well, that and given it’s a small town and you’re named after one of the town doctors.”

Ephram truly wanted to see how Amy would react to his suggest words. She had been in a funk ever since she found the ring in his luggage. He saw her smile for the first time all day, maybe the weekend wouldn’t be as long as he thought.


The night was magical. The snow had started to fall and the area was expecting seven or so inches by dawn. The only thing illuminating the downstairs was the fireplace as Hannah was reading Little Fires Everywhere on her Kindle and Bright was passed out asleep with a throw pillow clutched to his chest. She’d look over at him, smiling, feeling how her life, right now, if it were to be just like this, she wouldn’t ever have to worry about any sad days.

Upstairs, Amy and Ephram were enjoying each other’s company in a different way.


Amy snuggled up to Ephram as she felt the temperature in the room dropping. He wrapped his arm around, pulling her close.

“I can grab a shirt out of the bag if you like.” Ephram mentioned since he knew she was still naked from their love making.
“No, I just want to.” She kissed his shoulder. “be close to you…that’s enough for me.”


Amy half way woke up and felt the other side of the bed, which was empty and cold. She rose up, making sure to cover her bare chest with a sheet. Ephram had come back into the room, closing the door quietly. He had put on his white t-shirt and long pajama bottoms on and was starting to feel the chill. He didn’t have the heart to wake Amy and went to adjust the thermostat.

“The temperature dropped like ten degrees in the last hour and with the snow still falling…” Ephram looked out the window to see the near blizzard conditions covering the nearby cabins. “It’s going to get even colder.” He smiled at Amy covering up herself with a sheet. “As much as I love to see you naked, would you like me to grab you some pajamas.”
“No, that’s okay, I’ll get it.” Amy quickly ran over to the half open suitcase and grabbed her purple pajamas and underwear and quickly dressed. “Yeah, that is better.” She saw Ephram laughing and trying not to. “What’s so funny.”
“You…you getting dressed at record speed in a dark room.”
“I didn’t want to show everything.”
“Amy, we just spent hours making love and you’re worried about me seeing you naked?” He let out a laugh. “I cannot help but laugh at the irony.”
“Ha…ha! I know it’s silly, but it just makes sense to me.”
“As long as you’re happy, I’m happy.”
She looked up at him, only he outside cloudiness lighting up her face. “Are you happy…we me, I mean?”

He got back into bed slowly, pondering how to answer the question and more importantly, why he thinks Amy feels the need to ask that question.

“I don’t know how to answer that.”
“You don’t know how to answer if you’re happy…well that answers it right there.”
“Amy!” He raised his voice, filling the room and she stopped, her back still turned to him. “I don’t know how to answer that question because I don’t know why you feel you need to ask me that question.”
“You love me enough to make me feel special, to make me feel beautiful and to make love to me…” She looked up at him, tears surrounding her eyes. “But not enough to make me your wife.”

Ephram knew Amy was angry. He could only assume she was a little upset earlier, now, he knew she was mad. “Damnit!” He shouted wanting to kick something and then stumbled realizing he was still barefoot. It was best to let things calm down, Ephram knew Amy needed time.

A few minutes later, Bright came up the steps, knocking on the bedroom door.

“Everything okay…Amy just stormed outside…well, then she came back inside because it’s freezing and is on the indoor patio. What happened.”
He stared out and then to his best friend, feeling emotions he never felt before. “I think I really screwed this up.”
“Was this about this morning.”
“What else could it be about?” Ephram snapped and held his hands up in defense. “I’m sorry…I had it all and I think I could actually lose her this time.”
“You two always figure it out, no matter what. I’ve never seen two people who love each other more and are willing to fight for it.”
“She has every right to doubt every move I make at this point.”
“She’s still here…you haven’t lost her.”
Ephram had a sniffle and nodded. “Yet.”


The next night, the bonfire was raging and the firewood logs were crackling away. Amy kept starring at the flames. She just kept looking around, trying to find Ephram and kept landing her gaze on Bright and Hannah who seemed to be in each other’s world. This was their last night here and all Amy could think of was getting back home and looking for apartments. What if Ephram really didn’t want to get married? His own parent’s relationship was riddled with Julia’s affair and Andy’s constant absentee status. Was that what he expected out of life…was only being Amy’s boyfriend and Amy being his girlfriend enough.

She was startled by Ephram kissing her cheek and grabbing her hand in his.

“What are you doing?”
“Come with me.” He smiled.

Amy saw a little twinkle in his eye and wasn’t sure if it meant he was up to something or he had been crying as much as she had been. She gave Hannah a look who nodded to take Ephram up on his offer.

“Where are we going…where are you taking me.”
He knelt down. “Do you trust me?”
“Yeah, of course I do.” She replied quickly.
“Then come with me.” He placed a kiss on her lips and took her hand and guided her back to the house.

They were walking at a pace that allowed Amy to relive the events of the previous evening, smiling when remembering love making but also having a huge pain in her chest from the fight afterwards. She was so confused until she looked up and saw candles in their bedroom.

“You did all of this?”
He leaned in, held her face in his hands and kissed her. “I love you. Please, always know that I will never stop loving you.

Amy nodded, feeling the tears come. She wanted to hide her face so he wouldn’t see her cry but to her surprise, he lifted her chin with his two forefingers. He kissed a tear sliding down her cheek.

“You’re always beautiful to me, don’t ever hide that.”
“I’m sorry about last night, I…”
“Shhh…” He whispered kissing her lips, “let’s not think about that.”

They walked in, the candles filling the room with light and warmth at the same time.

Ephram led Amy to the edge of the bed, having her sit before him.

“I have a confession to make.” He backed away, Amy felt her heart beating faster as he walked towards the suitcase. “I lied to you the other day.”
“Ephram, what is this about…you’ve never lied to me.” Amy couldn’t help but feel nervous at Ephram’s words.
“My dad says little white lies don’t count…but…a little white lie turned into something else.”

Amy was amused by the conversation turning from a confession to something Andy Brown would say. She loved Ephram for his randomness. She didn’t know what to say or think when looking up to see Ephram holding the same blue velvet box.

“Oh…it’s the box.” Her spirit fell a little bit.
“Amy…this box…it holds something very special. It’s actually for you.”

Amy never wanted to jump to conclusions and definitely felt herself doing that this entire weekend. She just wanted to sit here, enjoying the moment, feeling the love Ephram has for her in their room.

Ephram sighed as he knelt down on both knees in front of her, holding both of her hands in his left hand as he held the box in his right.

“In this very room, many…many moons ago, you gave me a very special gift…you gave me you. We made love that night and I never…ever want to experience that moment with anyone else. No matter what happens in our lives, no matter what the future holds, I will always know that it will the best life we can possibly have because we will be together.” Ephram exhaled the breath he was holding and Amy did so as well, not realizing she stopped breathing for a second. “Yes, Amy Nicole Abbott, I am asking you to be my wife because I need you in my life and I want to be your husband and you are the only woman in the world I want to have children with.” Ephram took his eyes away from Amy’s to open up the ring box and heard her gasp. Julia’s ring fit Amy’s finger perfectly, as if it was designed to do so. “Amy…Nicole…Abbott, will you marry me.”
She started nodding quickly and saw that Ephram wasn’t moving. “Yes, oh my God, yes…”



Hannah was putting out the fire when she heard Ephram’s voice shouting from the balcony of their cabin.

“I’m guessing someone said yes to a certain question.” She turned around, Bright’s chair was empty and she looked over to see him standing, holding a blue velvet box.
He sighed. “I’m hoping that someone else will say yes to a certain question, too.”

Hannah could feel herself shaking as Bright knelt down, holding her hand.

Bright continued. “I love you, I’ve been in love with you ever since we made…ketchup children at that little restaurant.”

She let the tears fall when remembering their Ketchup children.

“You loved me for who I was in despite of who I was. You saw me when I didn’t want to be found…and you stayed with me when I still wasn’t the man you needed me to be. You make me want to be a better man and I am asking you, with my whole heart, to let me prove to you that I can always be the man you need me to be.” He opened up the box, showing her the emerald green and yellow diamond he designed specially for her ring finger. “Hannah Rogers…will you marry me?”
“Yes, yes…absolutely yes!”

I see you when no one else can
I feel you when you're not there
I love you like no one else ever could

Last edited by break the window; 07-16-2020 at 10:18 AM
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Old 07-16-2020, 09:43 AM
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I can't see perfectly. I was at a retinal specialist appointment this morning and have two dilating drops that will last 24-48 hours which sucks, lol. So I'll let Betty add to OP of this thread and OP of our Intro thread when she sees this.

Thanks, Betty, by the way, haha.

Patricia, check the Treat thread! Chesapeake Shores.
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Old 07-16-2020, 02:54 PM
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Stupid me was thinking I had to paste the entire thing.

Adding the link now!
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Old 07-16-2020, 03:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Auror (View Post)

I can't see perfectly. I was at a retinal specialist appointment this morning and have two dilating drops that will last 24-48 hours which sucks, lol. So I'll let Betty add to OP of this thread and OP of our Intro thread when she sees this.

Thanks, Betty, by the way, haha.

Patricia, check the Treat thread! Chesapeake Shores.
You're welcome, Michelle, but you beat me to the punch! LOL

Looking forward to reading your stuff, Patricia!
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Old 07-16-2020, 04:21 PM
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Originally Posted by everwoodfan52 (View Post)
You're welcome, Michelle, but you beat me to the punch! LOL

Looking forward to reading your stuff, Patricia!
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Old 07-19-2020, 08:10 AM
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Thanks for posting the link, ladies
I see you when no one else can
I feel you when you're not there
I love you like no one else ever could
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Old 08-01-2020, 11:21 PM
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Hey all, really short story, hope you like it. Id idn't really have a title for it, so I just went with a theme. I hope you like it

Finding Our Way Back Home

“Santa was fun, wasn’t he?”
“He was so much fun, mom. I can’t believe he knew my name.”
“Well, Santa is pretty special.”
“Can we go see him again?”
“Maybe, if we have time. Right now, we have to go. I promised grandma and grandpa we’d get them a Christmas gift from New York City!”
“Why is New York so special, I think Everwood is kind of special, too.”
“Yeah, Everwood is special and it’s our home. New York just has life and Christmas and so many magical things during the holidays that grandma and grandpa want in Everwood, too?”
“Did dad ever like Christmas?”
“Oh, your dad…”

Amy never wanted to shy away from answering questions regarding Noah’s father, Peter. She just never thought there would be a time she would have to tell her child about their father who would always be in the past tense. But he was.

Peter was an amazing man to everyone he came in contact with. Amy was sure that when he came to Everwood, he made the place just a little bit brighter and no, it wasn’t because the mayor finally installed new street lamps around town. She and Peter met and it was an instant attraction, they both fell for each other quickly. Peter arrived in Everwood around Spring, a day trip he was taking when taking a leave from Fort Carson. It was a story for the storybooks. He took one look at Amy and knew he had found his soulmate. They started dating and everyone around them knew, they were going to be Everwood’s newest love story. But some love stories don’t have a happy ending.

The snow had blanketed the entire town that day, almost making sure there was complete silence when an out-of-town Army Captain paid a visit to Mrs. Amy Jenkins that day. The screams coming from Amy’s house are still a sound that made you feel chill bumps. Peter had died in an explosion. There were no other witnesses, however, his battalion officer stated that he was always the last to report in. Making sure everything was safe. On a random detail, Peter had stepped onto an IUD that had exploded immediately, killing him instantly. Amy felt a little, tiny bit of relief knowing her her husband had not suffered and probably never realized what happened the moment he left this world.

For months, Amy walked around, not looking at anyone. Not that she couldn’t force a smile, she just didn’t want to see others force a smile in her direction. She didn’t want them to pity her, seeing a young widow, broken and barely holding on. The times she did manage to leave the house, its as a few moments at a time. She actually hired some local kids in the community to go to the market for her several times a week to pick up some groceries. People eventually got used to Amy not coming out and started sending her letters and emails in way of communicating knowing they would not get a chance to see her face-to-face.

The only thing that bought Amy out of her darkness was Noah. She knows he is the only part of Peter she will ever have left. The morning she found out she was pregnant, she thought it was some cruel joke by the doctors. Her and Peter had always wanted children and tried for several months and days up until he was deployed. Ever since they talked about having children, Amy had a planned everything out of how she was going to tell Peter they were going to have a baby. Why is this happening now? She would think to herself. Why do I have to do this alone she would think all the time as she saw her stomach grow. It wasn’t up until she was three months along that Amy knew it was time to see a doctor. She had shared the news with parents and of course brother and sister-in-law, but no one else in town knew. So imagine he surprise when Amy would make a rare appearance in town, pregnant and her husband having passed and not been home in months. The gossip mill with the Everwoodians was swirling around. Then in Rose Abbott’s fashion, to protect her daughter, and also being the former mayor and putting the end to the gossip, stood on a booth and told everyone to Mind your own small town business. So my daughter is pregnant, and yes, Peter Jenkins is the father. So you go on, eat your breakfast and if you have questions, you may ask me personally…don’t go thinking things that shouldn’t be thought about. We are a town that helps one another, not label them about what we might think is going on.. After that, Amy seemed to be able to breathe a little better when going around town. It seemed that maybe Rose had not only opened up the minds of the fellow Everwoodians, but also opened up Amy’s mind and heart to accept her new life.

Before Amy knew it, she was holding Noah in her arms. She so badly wanted to put on a spell to somehow make Peter appear and be able to see their son. But instead, Amy sighed heavily, holding her newborn’s tiny hand in hers. It’s just you an me.

“Your dad was the greatest, the best dad ever! He loved Christmas just as much as you do…well, if not more actually.”
“Not possible!’
“Oh, it’s possIBLE!” She smiled at her son, noticing Noah fixes his eyes the same way Peter used to when he talked about Christmas. Amy was feeling the snow starting to get hard and slippery against her shoes, the day was winding down and the weather was starting to making everything freeze. “Hey, let’s get a cab, it’s getting cold out.” She went to reach for the cab door and realized a man opening the door on the other side of the van. “Excuse me, this is our cab.”
Ephram looked up at her. “Out of all the cabs in New York City…”
“Ephram Brown?” Amy blinked a few times to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. “How is this possible, I never thought I’d run into you!”
The cabbie in a strong New York accent got out of his car. “Are you two love birds going to get int he cab or what?”
“We can share?”
“Okay.” Amy nodded for Ben to climb in and sat opposite of the two fo them. “This is greatest cab I’ve ever been in.”
“It’s the only cab you’ve ever been in.” Amy laughed at her son.
“Still, it’s the greatest.” Noah looked at Ephram. “Who are you…well, besides being a guy named Ephram Brown.”
“Yep, I’m Ephram and you must be Noah.”
“Yes.” Amy interjected. “Noah, this is my friend from Everwood, Ephram, this is my son, Noah Jenkins.”
“Nice to meet you.” Ephram nodded in the boy’s direction.
“We’re here visiting, seeing Santa.”
“It was the greatest ever!”
“The greatest…ever!? That’s really tough to beat with all the other things to do in New York.”
“We’ve seen the Empire state building., I’m still bummed about not going to the park.”
“Wait, you have not taken your son to Central Park?”
Amy blushed, not sure why she was so taken by Ephram after all these years. “Well with all the snow and the ice and it just seemed too much. I think they were closing it down or something.”
“Central Park never closes.”
Noah nodded, pointing to Ephram while looking at his mother. “See, told you.”
“Okay, so I was wrong!”
“I can take you there.”
“No, really, it was closing or closed.”
“It’s never closed.”
“Okay, it never closes.” Amy finally agreed with Ephram for the sake of Noah and the cab ride, but knowing she was right.
Ephram spoke to the driver. “Sir, can you take us to Central Park West.”
“Sure thing, boss.” The cabbie said when moving into another lane.
“Ephram, it’s out of your way, you don’t have to do this.”
“I think it’s out of your way, that’s my apartment, it just happens to be at Central Park.”


“And you’re going to hold this against me for the rest of our lives.”
“I just might.”

They were now at Ephram’s apartment on Central Park West. Amy was right and the park had been closed down temporarily to asses the movability around the park with the falling snow. Once Ephram said he had Netflix, Noah was sold and they picked up a pizza on the way.

“He seems like a really good kid.” Ephram sat beside Amy at the island watching Noah on the couch watching television.
“He’s great, I got really lucky.”
“You can tell me to back off, but where’s Noah’s dad? I probably shouldn’t ask, and you don’t have to answer-“
“Noah’s dad, Peter…um….he died.”
“Amy, why didn’t you tell me, I would’ve been there.”
“I didn’t want to see anybody or speak to anyone. I basically became a recluse.”
“What changed?”
Amy nodded towards Noah. “He did. When I found out I was pregnant, that got me out of the fog. I realized it’s the only piece of Peter I’ll ever have left and I need to take care of it, meaning I needed to start taking care of myself.”
“How’d it happen?”
“Well, Peter was stationed overseas and he was in a war zone or something and stepped on an IUD. They…the man at my front door…told me that Peter was killed instantly. So, I hold on to the hope that he didn’t know what happened and didn’t feel anything.”
“I…um…wow. I wish I had something to say…but does Noah know?”
“Noah never met his father and Peter never got to meet his son. I found out I was pregnant after Peter had died.” Amy brushed the hair hanging in her face. “Seems stupid now, I planned this whole thing when we talked about kids of how I was going to tell him we were going to have a baby.”
“It’s not stupid, it’s incredibly sweet.”
“Amy wiped her face dry. So, what’s going on with you? You’re obviously doing well…I mean, Central Park.”
“The company pays for the apartment, I just pay for everything else…which isn’t much considering most of my meals are at the studio.”
“Yeah, I’m helping artists record music that need a piano in the background. My dad or Deliah didn’t tell you any of this?”
“If they did I didn’t really remember it. I was too busy either being married to Peter or mourning Peter…either way, didn’t leave room for much else.”
“Besides Central Park being closed, how is Noah enjoying New York.”
“He loves it, I think he’s more at home here than he is in Everwood. That’ll probably all change when he gets back home and realizes how much he’s missed it there too.”
“I think you might be staying a while.” Ephram nodded to a sleeping Noah on the couch.
“My gosh, I’m so sorry about this, he never falls asleep anywhere. It’s like I have to an ambien to get him to sleep.” Amy looked back at Ephram. “Totally kidding.”
“Yeah, I got that.” He smiled. “He can stay here. The snow is coming down pretty hard and probably won’t let up until morning.”
“Ephram, we can’t stay here. You probably only have one bedroom and I have a hotel to stay in.”
“Not really seeing you being able to get back to a hotel tonight. Seriously, plenty of room, three bedrooms.”
“I guess we can stay a little while…or until he wakes up.”

Smoothly, Ephram scooped Noah up into his arms, and placed him on the bed in the spare bedroom.


“And now this is the point where you can tell me to back off.” Her and Ephram sat down on the couch. “Three bedrooms for just you?”
“There was someone.” Ephram fell silent before continuing. “Her name was Stephanie. She worked at one of the Broadway theaters when I met her. I went to a showing that had some of my music playing in the background and Stephanie was there, singing her little heart out.”
“That’s really sweet. Did you two date long.”
“Yeah, enough for me to want to have a three bedroom, oversized apartment, yeah. But as soon as it was time to really move in and go to the next step, Stephanie decided it was time to have a new direction.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” Amy swallowed. “You don’t still see her, do you?”
“No, thankfully Broadway just isn’t for New Yorkers. She’s an actress out in Los Angeles now and doing well I’ve heard. So no, there’s awkward run-ins with exes…besides today.” He smiled mischievously at her.”
“Awkward? How was it awkward?”
“I’m just your friend now?”
“What was I supposed to say to my son who has never heard of you.”
“That I was an old boyfriend…the guy I used to date.”
“Okay, I get it…”
“The Guy I used to have great sex with…” Ephram trailed off..
“Okay, fine.” She laughed out loud, covering her mouth, hoping Noah doesn’t wake up before he’s ready to. She settled herself, then looked at him. “We were really great.”
“Yeah, we were.”
“But then the adult thing happened.”
“Yeah, the adult thing.” Ephram chuckled. “I feel like we never said goodbye though.”
“Yeah…I think we did. I found the letter.”
“I wanted to tell you in person and not some letter that basically makes me a chicken through it all.”
“It was nice, I’m glad you took the time to say what you wanted to say. I could feel that you meant it.”
Ephram cleared his throat. “I miss you.” He lifted his gaze up to hers to see a reaction. 
“I know you were meant to meet Peter and have an amazing son and this amazing life in Everwood, but I always told myself that if I ever got to see you again, I’d tell you that I never stopped loving you and I don’t want to love anyone else because it will never amount to the way I loved you."
“What about Stephanie? I know it didn’t work out between you two but you moved on.”
“I think that’s why she left. I wouldn’t allow myself to really connect with her, not the way I can connect with you.”
Amy uncrossed her legs and grabbed her jacket. “I’m gonna get Noah and I think we need to be leaving.”
“I’m sorry if I overwhelmed you.”
“Overwhelmed me, Ephram? How dare you say these things to me? It’s been years, a while since my husband died, but damnit, he was my husband. The only way I am surviving most days is because of that little boy in there. Then you tell me you’ve always loved me? Part of me wants to take that and pretend that I can stay here and build a life for Noah and me. I can’t do that. I just can’t throw my feelings around like nothing back home matters. I’m happy you’re doing well, and…well, I just can’t think right now, I have to go.”
“Amy, please…” She slapped him across the face.
She wanted to explain herself, but couldn’t. All Amy felt like she could do was grab Noah and leave Ephram’s apartment.


“Can we go see Ephram today?” Noah asked after getting dressed.
“No, um, I think we might have to leave today. I have some work at home to get done. It’s something I forgot about.”
“But you said we could stay two more days.”
“I know I did, but, honey, we can’t. New York is great, but it’s not home.”
“Is this because you had a fight with that man…Ephram?”
“Wait, what are you talking about?”
“I heard some loud noises and voices. Things were loud and it all stopped when you came to get me.”
I can never lie to my son Amy repeats to herself. “Honey, Ephram and I have a complicated history that just can’t be discussed or even put back together in one afternoon.”
“But you always tell me it’s not good to leave things unresolved.”
Amy was crying at how aware her son has become. “When did I say that?”
“I don’t know, but you say it a lot.”
“Well, it’s a very good thing to do.”
“Are things with Ephram resolved?”
Amy looked down at her vibrating cell phone to see Ephram’s picture appear on the incoming call screen. She sent the call to voicemail. “No, honey, I don’t think they are.”

Amy wrote Ephram a text.

We’re leaving today, I’m sorry

She turned the screen off and toast he phone in her duffle bag.


“Noah sure did love New York, it’s all he talked back when he was over the other day.”
“Yeah, the snow was gorgeous. Kind of like a perfect day in Hew York. “
“He also told me about a nice guy you two met along the way. Ephram?”
“Yeah, turns out we were destined to share a cab up to Central Park.”
“You three spent the day in Central Park?”
“Turns out his apartment is right across the street.”
“Seems like Ephram is doing okay then, pretty nice area.”
“It’s all company owned I think. It’s really nice though.”
“What aren’t you saying Amy?”
“I’m saying what you’re asking me.”
“When I mentioned Ephram’s name, I didn’t want to know where he lives, I want to know how it made you feel to see him again.”
“Too many feelings to count. I mean I married Peter, I’m always going to love Peter…it’s just if I still say I love Ephram does it mean that I never loved Peter?”
“No, it doesn’t. Honestly, and I don’t mean to discount Peter in any way, but I never felt the connection with Peter as I do when you talk about Ephram.”
“Mom, we were kids and it was so long ago?”
“Considering all you went through together in your won separate lives, I don’t consider you two kids. Ephram had to grow up quickly for Deliah after Julia died and Andy uprooted them to Everwood. Then Joseph pretty much dragging Ephram back to New York with him to have a piece of Julia. You can relate to that. And we all know what happened with Colin wasn’t easy. So no, I don’t see you two as kids in a relationship. You two had something…and you still do.”
“You make it sound easy like I can just tell Ephram I love him and we live happily ever after.”
“Maybe, but I’m just an old woman, what do I know?”
The doorbell rang, Amy found herself covered in cookie dough. “Mom, doorbell!”
“I’m upstairs, can you get it.”
“Figures, I’m covered in cookie dough and running through the house to answer the door to….Ephram?”

There he stood, hands behind his back, looking like the day he came back from Europe.

“Cookie dough?”
“Mom wanted to make some cookies…and why are you here? You live in New York.”
“And you live here and my family lives here.”
“So you came to visit?”
“Ephram stop with th-“

The kiss was more than magical. Amy hadn’t felt this way when a man kissed since the last time Ephram kissed her. When they finally broke apart, their breathing was labored.

“Tell me that meant nothing and I’ll leave, get back on a plane, go back to New York and you’ll never see me again.”
“Ephram, one kiss-.”

He kissed her again, rubbing his thumb against her cheek, just how he used to.

“Okay, two kisses…” She saw Ephram’s gesture and backed away. “No more kissing, I get your point.”
“i’m sorry the way I ambushed you back in New York, I didn’t mean to. I just never thought I would get the opportunity to get to tell you how I felt.”
“Ephram, I just can’t run off to New York, I have a son.”
“Come with me.”

Amy looked at her apron and hands.

“Cookie dough!? Hello! Crap, it is beyond freezing out here. Ephram Brown, what are we doing..and why are you…”

They looked at the sold sign on the old Brackerton house that thad been on the market less than a day.

“What is all about, Ephram?”

“Turns out, with the world of technology, you can record on a piano anywhere and email it.”
“Yes, welcome to two-thousand-and-nine, Ephram, still doesn’t explain.”

Ephram led Amy up to the front of the house, and walked inside. She was honestly just glad to be inside away from the wintry weather. He placed a gold house key in her hand and folded her hand into his two hands.

“Build a life with me, you and Noah. I’m not saying forget Peter or everything that’s happened in our lives. If you want to just be friends, I’m okay with that, just as long as I can be close to you.”
“But I have Noah….and Peter died and I just can’t let myself fall for anyone because they, it is a nice house. But I can’t just uproot everything.”

Ephram kissed her, just like the way he used to.

“I’ll wait. No matter how long it takes.”
“Might be a long time, I mean, I still a work in progress.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”

I see you when no one else can
I feel you when you're not there
I love you like no one else ever could
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Old 08-02-2020, 09:37 AM
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^ Thanks!

Added to OP.

Last edited by jediwands; 08-04-2020 at 12:31 PM
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Old 08-03-2020, 10:22 AM
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Originally Posted by break the window (View Post)
This story, very short story ...that brings a lot of Everwood to this story. I'm dedicating this story and my future stories to Alan. His passion for Everwood and comic books and damn near everything is why I wanted to put something out that showed truth and passion. A lot of scary real life stuff is going on in the world right now, so I hope you enjoy this little tidbit of a story and be able to put wear a smile...even if it's for a short period of time.

I'm still working on a really long...well, you know...novel of sorts that is really Ephram/Amy based and I just love the heck out of this story and I wanna do it right for so many reasons that go beyond Everwood. It's called "The Outsider" and it's like 20 some pages so far and I'm nowhere near done with it yet. Hopefully that'll be out soon.

This story below is called The Ring. It has Ephram and Amy, of course, also some really good Bright/Hannah moments too. Hope you enjoy

Again, the spoiler tag is put in there for the love scene. Some like to read the love scenes, some like to not. It's racy for network TV. So, click if you like, it doesn't take anything away from the story if you don't


The Ring

“Ephram, you didn't pack any warm clothes. It's going to be freezing up there.”
“It’s in the other bag.” He called out from the bathroom.

Amy could hear him shaking the razor on the edge of the sink. She did interrupt him accidentally shaving and still, to this day, she remembers how scared she was while Ephram still gets a laugh about it. Amy finds herself smiling at that too. All their moments, the good ones and the not-so-good ones make Ephram and Amy…Ephram and Amy. Although she may not admit it, Amy wouldn’t change a single thing. Madison. Okay, she may change one thing.

“All good?” Ephram asked for Amy to make sure he is clean shaven.
“Very handsome.” She kissed him on the mouth. “Now grab your shaving kit before you forget it and we walk out without it.”
“It’s only the weekend, I don’t think I’m going to become that grizzly in a couple days." He then remembered a few years ago they went for a weekend in Denver and got snowed in. For a week he was scratching his face for the amount of facial hair he had accumulated. “Never mind that thought, it’s going in the bag.”
“I think that’s everything.” Amy looked around the room and then she heard the front door open downstairs. “Oh, that must be Bright and Hannah.”
“I’ll go help them load the car…” Ephram said when struggling with the zipper. “And you help this do what it needs to do.”
“Okay.” She had a light laugh. This was their ritual. Ephram struggles with the suitcase and gives in for Amy’s help and she has it zipped and ready to go in two seconds. This time she was having the same trouble he was. “What is stuck…” She felt around and felt the sweater material that was caught on the zipper. “There, now that’s b…” Then her fingers felt an odd shaped object in the box. Making sure neither of them were grabbing non-essential items, she unzipped the back and saw the little blue velvet box. She stared at it, knowing exactly what the box had inside, but she dare not open it.

Ephram walked back into their bedroom with Amy facing him, holding the tiny box in her hand.

“Ephram…I know what this is…and I know in every tv show it’s this ‘what is this’ comment, so cutting out the middle question.”
“Um…” He cleared his throat and coughed, went silent and then spoke. “Bright.”
“Bright, what does Bright have to do with this?”
“Bright…he is going to ask Hannah to marry him.”

Ephram’s stomach dropped when he saw Amy’s face fall. They’d talked about marriage but not in a serious, let’s buy a house kind of way, although they had been living together for what any relationship to consider marriage as the next step. But, it was always more talking about in the far, far future. He grabbed the suitcase off the bed and didn’t look at Amy as he carried it out the room. This is going to be a long weekend he thought.


The foursome stopped at a gas station about an hour away from the cabin site. Everyone had been silent, mostly Amy sleeping on a pillow Ephram made sure to pack for her since car rides make her drowsy. Off an on, Amy would wake up and look at her brother and then look at Hannah. Sure they had been dating for a long time, not as long as her and Ephram, but a long time to consider marriage. But is Bright really ready to be a husband? Is Hannah really ready to be a wife and eventually a mother. Sure, they daydreamed about in high school, but for it actually be happening now…Amy’s brain started to hurt with the thought of the two of them settling down. Most of all, it was starting to break her heart to know that her brother knows when to ask the woman he loves to marry him but unfortunately her boyfriend hasn’t figured that out yet.

“Hey, gotta use the bathroom?” Hannah nudged Amy who started to moan and open her eyes. “We’re about ready to get out of here…wherever here is.”
“How long until we get to the cabin?” Amy asked in a raspy voice.
“Hey, long long until we get there captain?” Hannah called out.
Bright checked his map on his phone. “Two hours, give or take traffic. Gotta pee? Do it now…no side trips.”
And this man is ready to get married? Amy thought and then looked at Hannah who smiled at his words. Bright obviously has something Hannah likes that he doesn’t let anyone else know exists. Amy’s thoughts kept pouring in of how she couldn’t see her brother and Hannah be ready to start their lives together.

Amy got out slowly, stretched her legs and walked towards the public restrooms. She wrapped her arms around her waist, feeling the cold air going through her body. Amy was glad she packed the sweaters and got excited for all the bonfires and nature walking the four of them will do. Then her brain wrapped around the ring Ephram had in his suitcase he was holding for Bright…then her stomach started to feel queasy again.

Bright nudged Ephram. “What’s with Amy?”
“What do you mean? Amy’s fine, she just hates the cold weather.”
“It’s more than that” Bright gave Ephram a look “No, seriously, what’s going on with my sister.”
Ephram turned his phone off, looking at his friend, whispering. “She found the ring.”

They both glanced at Hannah for a second who was busying herself in journal writing.

“Oh crap, how’d she react.”
“There’s not enough of a hole in the world that would make her fall any lower. I wanted to cry for her.”
“She cried?”
“No, but she might as well have. So badly I wanted to propose to her right there with the ring I had to tell her was for you and…” Ephram nodded his head towards Hannah.
“Ouch.” Bright put his seat belt on and turned the key in the ignition as soon as he saw Amy exiting the convenience store.

Hannah put her journal away, ready to see where the journey took them next and all the pretty fall scenery she would get to see. Ephram looked back at Amy who simply placed the pillow under her head, against the window and went back to sleep.


Amy woke up when she felt the vehicle come to a huge stop. Looking around, she saw the cabin and smiled.

“I didn’t know it was this cabin.” She said aloud when opening the door.
“Still looks the same, doesn’t it?” Ephram said when he saw Amy stand beside him.
“Why didn’t you say it was our cabin?”
Our cabin?” He gave her an inquisitive look.
“Well, the cabin where we…”
Ephram smiled down at her blush colored face and whispered, “Yeah, the cabin where we made love for the first time.”
Amy rolled her eyes in embarrassment, looking back at Hannah and Bright to make sure no one heard what Ephram just said. “I wonder if the room is still the same as it was. I think my parents have rented this place out from time to time.”
“Bright and I checked this place out a few weeks ago to make sure everything was okay to stay for the weekend.” He kissed the side of her head. “And yes our room is still the same…I checked.”
“Wait, Bright doesn’t know about…”
Ephram shrugged, watching Bright and Hannah starting to collect some of the bags from the trunk. “Nah, Bright has no idea this was the place I gave you you first orgasm.”
Amy gasped and playfully shoved him. “Ephram Andrew Brown…”
Hannah smiled at the two of them. “Uh oh, must be trouble in paradise…all three names have been spoken.”
“Yep, that’s how half of County High knows all three of my names.”
“Well, that and given it’s a small town and you’re named after one of the town doctors.”

Ephram truly wanted to see how Amy would react to his suggest words. She had been in a funk ever since she found the ring in his luggage. He saw her smile for the first time all day, maybe the weekend wouldn’t be as long as he thought.


The night was magical. The snow had started to fall and the area was expecting seven or so inches by dawn. The only thing illuminating the downstairs was the fireplace as Hannah was reading Little Fires Everywhere on her Kindle and Bright was passed out asleep with a throw pillow clutched to his chest. She’d look over at him, smiling, feeling how her life, right now, if it were to be just like this, she wouldn’t ever have to worry about any sad days.

Upstairs, Amy and Ephram were enjoying each other’s company in a different way.


Amy snuggled up to Ephram as she felt the temperature in the room dropping. He wrapped his arm around, pulling her close.

“I can grab a shirt out of the bag if you like.” Ephram mentioned since he knew she was still naked from their love making.
“No, I just want to.” She kissed his shoulder. “be close to you…that’s enough for me.”


Amy half way woke up and felt the other side of the bed, which was empty and cold. She rose up, making sure to cover her bare chest with a sheet. Ephram had come back into the room, closing the door quietly. He had put on his white t-shirt and long pajama bottoms on and was starting to feel the chill. He didn’t have the heart to wake Amy and went to adjust the thermostat.

“The temperature dropped like ten degrees in the last hour and with the snow still falling…” Ephram looked out the window to see the near blizzard conditions covering the nearby cabins. “It’s going to get even colder.” He smiled at Amy covering up herself with a sheet. “As much as I love to see you naked, would you like me to grab you some pajamas.”
“No, that’s okay, I’ll get it.” Amy quickly ran over to the half open suitcase and grabbed her purple pajamas and underwear and quickly dressed. “Yeah, that is better.” She saw Ephram laughing and trying not to. “What’s so funny.”
“You…you getting dressed at record speed in a dark room.”
“I didn’t want to show everything.”
“Amy, we just spent hours making love and you’re worried about me seeing you naked?” He let out a laugh. “I cannot help but laugh at the irony.”
“Ha…ha! I know it’s silly, but it just makes sense to me.”
“As long as you’re happy, I’m happy.”
She looked up at him, only he outside cloudiness lighting up her face. “Are you happy…we me, I mean?”

He got back into bed slowly, pondering how to answer the question and more importantly, why he thinks Amy feels the need to ask that question.

“I don’t know how to answer that.”
“You don’t know how to answer if you’re happy…well that answers it right there.”
“Amy!” He raised his voice, filling the room and she stopped, her back still turned to him. “I don’t know how to answer that question because I don’t know why you feel you need to ask me that question.”
“You love me enough to make me feel special, to make me feel beautiful and to make love to me…” She looked up at him, tears surrounding her eyes. “But not enough to make me your wife.”

Ephram knew Amy was angry. He could only assume she was a little upset earlier, now, he knew she was mad. “Damnit!” He shouted wanting to kick something and then stumbled realizing he was still barefoot. It was best to let things calm down, Ephram knew Amy needed time.

A few minutes later, Bright came up the steps, knocking on the bedroom door.

“Everything okay…Amy just stormed outside…well, then she came back inside because it’s freezing and is on the indoor patio. What happened.”
He stared out and then to his best friend, feeling emotions he never felt before. “I think I really screwed this up.”
“Was this about this morning.”
“What else could it be about?” Ephram snapped and held his hands up in defense. “I’m sorry…I had it all and I think I could actually lose her this time.”
“You two always figure it out, no matter what. I’ve never seen two people who love each other more and are willing to fight for it.”
“She has every right to doubt every move I make at this point.”
“She’s still here…you haven’t lost her.”
Ephram had a sniffle and nodded. “Yet.”


The next night, the bonfire was raging and the firewood logs were crackling away. Amy kept starring at the flames. She just kept looking around, trying to find Ephram and kept landing her gaze on Bright and Hannah who seemed to be in each other’s world. This was their last night here and all Amy could think of was getting back home and looking for apartments. What if Ephram really didn’t want to get married? His own parent’s relationship was riddled with Julia’s affair and Andy’s constant absentee status. Was that what he expected out of life…was only being Amy’s boyfriend and Amy being his girlfriend enough.

She was startled by Ephram kissing her cheek and grabbing her hand in his.

“What are you doing?”
“Come with me.” He smiled.

Amy saw a little twinkle in his eye and wasn’t sure if it meant he was up to something or he had been crying as much as she had been. She gave Hannah a look who nodded to take Ephram up on his offer.

“Where are we going…where are you taking me.”
He knelt down. “Do you trust me?”
“Yeah, of course I do.” She replied quickly.
“Then come with me.” He placed a kiss on her lips and took her hand and guided her back to the house.

They were walking at a pace that allowed Amy to relive the events of the previous evening, smiling when remembering love making but also having a huge pain in her chest from the fight afterwards. She was so confused until she looked up and saw candles in their bedroom.

“You did all of this?”
He leaned in, held her face in his hands and kissed her. “I love you. Please, always know that I will never stop loving you.

Amy nodded, feeling the tears come. She wanted to hide her face so he wouldn’t see her cry but to her surprise, he lifted her chin with his two forefingers. He kissed a tear sliding down her cheek.

“You’re always beautiful to me, don’t ever hide that.”
“I’m sorry about last night, I…”
“Shhh…” He whispered kissing her lips, “let’s not think about that.”

They walked in, the candles filling the room with light and warmth at the same time.

Ephram led Amy to the edge of the bed, having her sit before him.

“I have a confession to make.” He backed away, Amy felt her heart beating faster as he walked towards the suitcase. “I lied to you the other day.”
“Ephram, what is this about…you’ve never lied to me.” Amy couldn’t help but feel nervous at Ephram’s words.
“My dad says little white lies don’t count…but…a little white lie turned into something else.”

Amy was amused by the conversation turning from a confession to something Andy Brown would say. She loved Ephram for his randomness. She didn’t know what to say or think when looking up to see Ephram holding the same blue velvet box.

“Oh…it’s the box.” Her spirit fell a little bit.
“Amy…this box…it holds something very special. It’s actually for you.”

Amy never wanted to jump to conclusions and definitely felt herself doing that this entire weekend. She just wanted to sit here, enjoying the moment, feeling the love Ephram has for her in their room.

Ephram sighed as he knelt down on both knees in front of her, holding both of her hands in his left hand as he held the box in his right.

“In this very room, many…many moons ago, you gave me a very special gift…you gave me you. We made love that night and I never…ever want to experience that moment with anyone else. No matter what happens in our lives, no matter what the future holds, I will always know that it will the best life we can possibly have because we will be together.” Ephram exhaled the breath he was holding and Amy did so as well, not realizing she stopped breathing for a second. “Yes, Amy Nicole Abbott, I am asking you to be my wife because I need you in my life and I want to be your husband and you are the only woman in the world I want to have children with.” Ephram took his eyes away from Amy’s to open up the ring box and heard her gasp. Julia’s ring fit Amy’s finger perfectly, as if it was designed to do so. “Amy…Nicole…Abbott, will you marry me.”
She started nodding quickly and saw that Ephram wasn’t moving. “Yes, oh my God, yes…”



Hannah was putting out the fire when she heard Ephram’s voice shouting from the balcony of their cabin.

“I’m guessing someone said yes to a certain question.” She turned around, Bright’s chair was empty and she looked over to see him standing, holding a blue velvet box.
He sighed. “I’m hoping that someone else will say yes to a certain question, too.”

Hannah could feel herself shaking as Bright knelt down, holding her hand.

Bright continued. “I love you, I’ve been in love with you ever since we made…ketchup children at that little restaurant.”

She let the tears fall when remembering their Ketchup children.

“You loved me for who I was in despite of who I was. You saw me when I didn’t want to be found…and you stayed with me when I still wasn’t the man you needed me to be. You make me want to be a better man and I am asking you, with my whole heart, to let me prove to you that I can always be the man you need me to be.” He opened up the box, showing her the emerald green and yellow diamond he designed specially for her ring finger. “Hannah Rogers…will you marry me?”
“Yes, yes…absolutely yes!”

Awe.......I love happy endings!!! That's why I watch Hallmark movies and so did Alan. So...I know that he would have loved this story that you dedicated to him, Patricia!

I felt so badly for Amy the surprise twist!!

I definitely have no willpower when it comes to spoiler Wow...Ephram is something else. You have to watch those quiet types. Insatiable! I sure hope this cabin has thick walls.

Thanks, your writing and loved reading this.

On to the next one!!
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Old 08-03-2020, 12:07 PM
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Originally Posted by everwoodfan52 (View Post)
Awe.......I love happy endings!!! That's why I watch Hallmark movies and so did Alan. So...I know that he would have loved this story that you dedicated to him, Patricia!

I felt so badly for Amy the surprise twist!!

I definitely have no willpower when it comes to spoiler Wow...Ephram is something else. You have to watch those quiet types. Insatiable! I sure hope this cabin has thick walls.

Thanks, your writing and loved reading this.

On to the next one!!
I'm really glad you liked it! I honestly forgot all about it Oh, and the spoiler tags, I think I blush when reading them. I just can't read the spoiler tags sometimes, they're just too much. But with Ephram, there's so much passion in that character that you can't help but just go there.

I really based it off of a Dawson's Creek episode when Joey found the ring in whosever suitcase and well, we know that story. I've always wanted to write a scene like that and end it on a positive note and I did.

Originally I was just going to have it be Ephram proposing to Amy and Ephram lying about the ring saying it was Bright's to give to Hannah. Then, I thought it would be a nice twist for the ring really to be Hannah's ring and Bright would be holding onto the ring that Ephram was to propose to Amy with.

I had no idea Alan watched Hallmark movies. There's so much I didn't know about him. I'm glad I dedicated something he would've liked. I'm working on something now, it's taking a long time because I want to do it right. I'm writing little stories to keep my ideas at bay and not add too much to the big story I'm planning.
I see you when no one else can
I feel you when you're not there
I love you like no one else ever could
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Old 08-03-2020, 02:39 PM
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Originally Posted by break the window (View Post)
I'm really glad you liked it! I honestly forgot all about it Oh, and the spoiler tags, I think I blush when reading them. I just can't read the spoiler tags sometimes, they're just too much. But with Ephram, there's so much passion in that character that you can't help but just go there.'re the one who wrote it. You can't blush!

I had no idea Alan watched Hallmark movies. There's so much I didn't know about him. I'm glad I dedicated something he would've liked. I'm working on something now, it's taking a long time because I want to do it right. I'm writing little stories to keep my ideas at bay and not add too much to the big story I'm planning.
That's the thing about Alan. He taste was so diverse! He loved Hallmark movies...especially the Christmas ones. So sweet. This is something we shared.
He sister even mentioned this in her Eulogy.
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Old 11-21-2020, 02:03 AM
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Here's a little short story that was actually able to keep short (shocking, I know lol)

The Christmas Ornament

“Daddy, look, a got a box from my penpal.” Ephram’s daughter Annabelle, came running into the living room, letting the front door swing open.
Ephram smiling while getting up to close the door, he looked down at her. “How do you know it’s from your penpal?” He knelt down to her level.
“It’s from Everwood, Colorado, do we know anyone else?”

“I guess you have a point.”
“Can we open it or do we have to wait until Christmas?”

Ephram saw the light in her eyes, he grinned. “Go ahead.”

Within seconds, Christmas paper was decorating the floor and Annabelle tore open the box.

“It’s an ornament!”
“It is, we can hang it on the tree.”
“Wait, there’s a note!” Annabelle handed the folded note to Ephram.
“Dear, Annabelle…I wanted you to have this ornament in exchange for the one you sent me. Then maybe, someday soon, we can meet up and exchange ornaments. Bye for now, Aiden.’
“That was very nice of Aiden.”
“Can we please, Daddy, can we?”

They both walked into the kitchen, Ephram starting dinner. Annabelle hopped up on the stool at the kitchen island.

“Can we…what?”
Annabelle rolled her eyes adorably. “Go to Everwood?”
“In the future, sure. Everwood is a small town, it probably won’t be hard to find Aiden.”
“We should go now…like tomorrow!”
“Annabelle, next week is Christmas, it’s no time to travel to a place where we don’t know anybody.”
“But you said it’s a small town, Aiden won’t be hard to find…everyone knows everyone else.”

Ephram forgets how smart his little girl of only eight years old is.

“I’ll think about it.”
“So that means no.” Annabelle hung her head low, getting off the stool.
Ephram walked around he island, kneeling down to his daughter’s eyes. “It meansI’ll think about it.”
Annabelle shrugged her shoulders. “Okay,” and ran upstairs.


“Mom, can we go to New York?” Aiden propped his elbows on the counter, while Amy was making dinner.
“Wow, New York, why there?”

“The Christmas tree! The Lights!”
“Yeah, but, we have lights here, Denver has really nice lights. Why all the way in New York?”
“I have a penpal there.”
“You have a what, where?”

Rose came sauntering in.

“I’ve been helping my grandson make friends.”

“Mom, he has plenty of friends here…he doesn’t need to make friends ten states away.”
“It’s eight, but that’s not the point. There was a class assignment to pick a state and he picked New York.”

“And why do I not know anything about this?”
“Because you were probably stuck reading the millionth manuscript of the day and not being a mother.”
“MOM!?” Amy raised her voice in complete shock.
“Grandma, she’s just busy.”

“You are never too busy to be a mother, Amy.”
“Grandma…it’s okay…she’s just busy.” Aiden repeated himself.
“Aiden, why not go up to your room and wash up for dinner.”
“I never wash up for dinner.”
“Well, today you do, go on up.”

As soon as Aiden was out of earshot, Amy turned her grim face back to Rose.

“How dare you accuse me of being too busy to care for my son.”

“It got your attention, didn’t it?”
“Then why do you need my attention for?”

“There was a school project last year where students picked a name out of a hat and that’s who their penpal was going to be. He’s been writing to a lovely girl in New York named Annabelle.”
“And why…again, do I not know about this? I’d love to be involved with this.”

“When would you find the time?” Rose shot back.
“When I would actually had been told about this.”

This was the round robin argument between Rose and Amy about Aiden. Aiden’s father, Thomas, was killed in the line of duty when a riot broke out in Denver. Aiden was only a baby, barely has any memories of his father. Amy isn’t sure if that’s a good thing or bad things sometimes. Her own memories of Thomas are practically unbearable…even with his death being almost seven years prior.

“Have you thought about cutting back your hours, not working on weekends.”
“Clients need me.”
“Clients can leave a message and get back to you on Monday.”
“I’ve always told clients they can always reach me, day or night.”

“What about you? What about taking care of yourself. Ever since Thomas died, you have not given yourself one ounce of reprieve.”
“How can I? Thomas did everything! He took care of everything. He made the down payment on the house, he made sure Thomas had the best school in Kent County, he made sure we were taken care of. I didn’t do anything and then what, I wake up one day having to be responsible for the house payment, all the bills and a private school that costs more than most ivy league colleges.”
“And you made it. The house is paid off, Aiden is in a better school that doesn’t cost as much as Harvard. You’re doing a good job.”
“Then why do I have my own mother telling me, in my. kitchen, that I’m failing.”

“I didn’t say you were failing.”
“Yeah, you did.” Amy cleared her throat and folded her arms. “It’s late, order from the new Chinese menu, Aiden’s been eating to eat there.”
Amy, I’m sorry.”
“I’m going to go and spend some time with my son, apparently it’s overdue.”


“Hey, buddy, what’cha got there?” Amy sat beside Aiden on his bed, he was looking at a toy magazine.
“It’s a keyboard, I really like it…think Santa can bring it?”
“We’ll have to tell Santa what you want, we’ll go this weekend.”

“Great, I’ll ask Grandma if she can take me.”
Amy fought back the tears of how her son was programmed to think. “No, Aiden, I’ll take you. We can go to the mall, do some Christmas shopping and then, you know, have some of that really greasy pizza you like.”
“Oh, from the corner pizza place?”

“You’d do that with me?”
“Of course I would…I would do anything for you, buddy.”

“Thanks mom, I’m going to go tell Grandma.”

“Oh, and tell her order double of the dumplings, I’m getting my appetite back.”

Amy’s phone rang, she immediate answered.

Amy, this is Dan Ableman, I’m thinking about investing in some properties west of here and I’d like you to put together a portfolio of how much profit I’d be making. Can I expect that report by morning.

Normally Amy would be at her computer before Dan would’ve finished the sentence, but Rose really struck a cord that made Amy think about how she’s spending her time.

“I’m sorry Dan, but it’s Friday evening and I won’t be back in the office until Monday morning. Please, send me an email with those figures and I’d be happy to have a portfolio ready for you by Tuesday afternoon.”

“Well, that is a done deal, thank you Amy.”
“Yes, have good night.”

Just in one phone call, Amy felt the weight of the world come off her shoulders…taking a drive to New York didn’t seem so bad now. With the way she’s feeling now, Amy just might want to run to New York herself.


Annabelle came back down the steps, feeling hungry and didn’t find any food on the table.

“In the garage, come on out here.”

Annabelle rubbed her eyes and thought she might be sleepwalking. Ephram was putting his suitcase in the back of the truck, smiling at his daughter.

“What is all of this.”

“I thought we’d take a road trip. You and I are on Christmas Break and I thought we could do a road trip.”
Annabelle shrugged. “But where would we go?”
“I hear there’s a place called Everwood that’s at the top of the list right now?”
“Really!? We can go?”
“Yep, waiting on you to pack your bags. We’ll be there in three hours.”
“Three hours to Colorado, we don’t have super powers, we can’t…” She looked at Ephram. “FLY!”
“Yep, flight leaves in thirty minutes, get packing.”
“Oh My GOD!” Ephram could hear her screaming when running back in the house. “What do I wear?”
Ephram laughed. “You’re only eight…going on eighteen, but you’re still eight.”


Ephram opened the door to the bakery.

“I saw your light on, still open…if not…”
Harold welcomed him in. “The light was still on because I still see people in town and I never want to turn my back on anyone. What can I get you.”
Ephram looked down to Annabelle who was rubbing her eyes, he smiled, looking back up at Harold. “I think just a coffee.”

“We have our peppermint spice for the holidays, you interested.”

“Sure, in honor of the festivities.”
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around here, where are you from?”

“I’m Ephram, this is my daughter Annabelle. We’re from New York, our flight just got in.”
“What brings you to our sleepy little town.” Harold place the to-go cup on the counter, punching in the numbers on the register.
“My penpal!” Annabelle suddenly popped up, smiling.
Harold looked at Ephram. “You flew your daughter all the way to New York for a penpal?”
“They’ve been writing to each other for over a year now and it is a nice road trip. We’re both on Christmas break.”

“Are you a teacher?”
“Music teacher for special education.”

“That is a rewarding career sir, I applaud you.” 

“Thank you. My father is neurosurgeon in New York and I started listening to how he’d talk about his patience and the brain seemed interesting. I love music, specifically the piano and music heals people.”

“Yes, it does.” Harold looked over to Annabelle. “Your penpal lives in Denver, I presume?”
“No, in Everwood, right here in town?”

“Who’s your penpal? We tend to know everyone around here.”
“Aiden Scott.”
Harold was almost knocked off his feet. “That’s easy…Aiden is my grandson.”
Ephram was visibly surprised as well. “Wait, out of all the shops in this town, I happen to run into my daughter’s pen pal from thousands of miles away?”

“What can I say, we’re a small town.”
“Can we meet him?”
Ephram swallowed his coffee, then spoke. “I think it’s too late and it’s getting cold. Our hotel is waiting for us to check in.”
“That’s the winter darkness for you. It’s barely dinner time. Why don’t you come by; stay for a minute, gives you a chance to finish that coffee.”
“We wouldn’t want to impose.”

“Nonsense, she’ll get to meet Aiden and you’ll get to meet my wife…the mayor.”
“The town gets even smaller.”


“How much Chinese food did you order?” Amy came downstairs, wrapping her wet hair up in a messy bun. She had convinced herself to take a shower and get rid of all the anxiety she was feeling from her conversation with her mother.
“Your father is bringing two guests, so I ordered enough for an army.”
“Yep, and the army from the next base.”
“You won’t go hungry.”
“I just hope they like Chinese food.”

“He checked, the man’s daughter hasn’t had Chinese food in ages. Apparently her father loves to cook and they don’t eat out much.”
“Wow, that’s like the exact opposite of us. The other day, Raymond at the deli wanted to know if he should put our usual order in the oven.”
“Small town, Amy.”

“He knows my food allergies, mom!”
“Okay, so we order out a lot.”

“That’s going to change too.”

“What, your eating habits?”
“Cooking at home more.”

“Honey, I applaud you wanting to change, but you aren’t very good in the kitchen.”
“Coming from my own mother, that’s pretty bad.”

Harold opened up the door. Cold drafty air filled the living room, having Amy rub her shoulders to get warm again.

“Who is this guest you were bringing by for dinner?”
“Not really a guest. The way Annabelle tells it, she and Aiden are practically related.”
“She’s here?!” Aiden practically ran across the room and gave Annabelle a hug.
“Safe to say they know each other.” Ephram spoke up, breaking the silence.
Harold saw the array of chinese boxes on the table. “Was there a sale going on, Rose?”

“Nope, just wanted to make sure everyone had enough on this chilly night.”
“Yeah, and the next neighboring town.”
“Sounds familiar.”

They all sat down. Naturally, Aiden and Annabelle were sitting next to each other in disbelief they were meeting. Amy and Ephram sat across from them while Rose and Harold sat on opposite ends of the table.


Ephram helped load the last of the dishwasher and was feeling a little guilt knowing that he and Annabelle had to be leaving.

“I have an idea.” Rose spoke up. “Why don’t Amy and Ephram walk around town a little bit….”

“it’s dark.” Amy interrupted, dryly. “And cold.”
“It will give Aiden and Annabelle time to get to know each other more and.” Rose whispered in Amy’s ear, “give you some time with a man.”

“Mother!?” Amy could feel her cheeks flushing red, looking around feeling that everyone heard Rose’s whispered words.
“Well, now that I’m totally humiliated, let’s go Ephram, make my other happy that I’m spending time with a man.”
“We don’t have to go.” Ephram looked between Amy and everyone else who seemed to be starring at him.
“Ephram, my mother is the mayor for a reason…you won't win this one. Let’s go.”


The two were now circling the end of town and reaching the bridge which separates the end of the town to the beginning.

“We’ve walked around town and you’ve talked about every piece of history about Everwood and I barely know anything about you.”
“Other than I need to be with a man, according to my mother.”

“My mom might’ve probably said the same thing…have a nice tie with a girl your own age.”
“She died a few years ago, car accident…drunk driver.”

“I’m sorry. Did Annabelle get to know her?”

Ephram nodded his head. “No, my mom died when I was in high school.”

“I don’t mean to pry, but it’s just you and Annabelle…what about Annabelle’s mom?”
“Sadly, that is one thing me and my dad have in common…we both lost wives in a car accident. Different nights, different circumstances…both gone in an instant.”

“Does Annabelle remember her?”
“Honestly, I don’t know.”
Ephram put his gloved hands in his pockets. “I’d like to think she does. But the more I tell Annabelle about her mom, I think she remembers them more of what I told her than actual memories.”
“What was her name?”

“Stephanie.” Ephram sighed.
“What about Aiden’s father?”

“Thomas Scott.” Amy could feel her face smiling again. “He was the sheriff in town. I could tell he always wanted to be in a big city…like New York City, but he loved me enough to agree that raising Aiden in a small town was better. So he took a Sheriff’s job in a small town named Everwood.”
“Where is he now.”

Amy sighed heavily. “You remember the riots in Detroit.” She saw Ephram nod. “Thomas jumped at the chance to reign law and order over Denver. No one can remember how it started, just that they wanted to finish it. Thomas never wanted to go up there and be the hero, he just wanted to go up there and prove to kids and families that they can have a good life, amongst a bad city.”
"What happened?”
“It was a quiet afternoon, no witnesses, Thomas was shot in the back, four times. The fourth bullet, hit him straight in the throat.” Amy was leaning against the railing of the bridge, remembering how she was told of the events. “The way Thomas was shot, he never saw it coming, no idea who it was. Just someone who hated the idea of a police officer trying to instill goodness. That’s what I was told by his commanding officer. Thomas said he would be along.” Amy swallowed the tears. “He went back to get a bag that was left…it wasn’t even his bag. They think he was planning to put it in lost and found for someone to come and claim it. He never made it back. They found him, dead, of course, in the middle of town…no witnesses, yet, it was in a neighborhood with every car parked at a house…no witnesses.”
“Wow.” Ephram sighed. “I’m really sorry, I can’t imagine the pain you went through.”

“Having Aiden helped. I see a little piece of Thomas in him everyday.”
“I see a bit of Stephanie in Annabelle too…I’m grateful to have my daughter.”

“I’m grateful to have my son.”

The snow started falling, in tiny little flakes.

“That’s our cue…better get back before it really gets going.”

“It’s just a little snow.”

“In Colorado, there is no little snow around here. It starts and within minutes, you’re stuck where you’re at.”
“Since you’re my tour guide, what’s he best way to get back to your house so I can get Annabelle and go to the hotel.”

“Where is your hotel.”
Ephram looked at the reservation on his phone. “It’s a B and B, The Mountaineer Inn.”
“Yeah, my grandmother runs it, her name is Edna.”

“And the two keeps getting smaller.”

“Yeah, you get used to it.”

“I don’t think I will, Annabelle and I are leaving tomorrow evening, our flight is at sundown.”
“So you really flew all the way from New York to Colorado just for a penpal?”
“I’d do anything for my daughter.”
“She’s very lucky to have you.”

“I think I’m the lucky one.”
“We’ll walk to the Inn and see how the snow is. If it gets too bad, I’ll just stay at the inn for the night.”
“What about Annabelle?”

“The kids are fine. Plus, my mother was pushing us out the door. I don’t think they’re worried about us coming back.”
“They didn’t look like they’d miss us.”


Edna came to the counter when hearing the bell above the door sound, she was almost sad to just see Amy coming in, but then saw a guest.

“Amy, and you have a visitor with you.”
“Yeah, Ephram Brown, he has a reservation apparently. I was walking him here from the house, snow started so I might just take a room myself.”
“You’ll have to share with Ephram, we’re all booked?”

“Grandma, you never book this place solid?”
Edna took swung the computer screen around, showing Amy all he rooms are spoken for. “Some are arriving alter tonight.”
“Fine, Ephram you renting two double beds, right?”
Edna chimed him. “He did but with overbooking, we’d had to put him in the suite.”

“The room you only use for honeymoon couples that has a heart shaped tub?”
“That’s the one.”
“No other rooms?”
Ephram took the key from Edna. “It’ll be fine.
“We’re two adults with one room, for one. night, we’ll be fine.”

They started walking, Amy stating, “It’s not that, it just feels like everyone in town wants me to shack up with the first penis that walks into town.”
Ephram cleared his throat. “Now I feel so much better.”

Ephram pushed open the door once it finally unlocked and was blown away by how many romantic elements were in the room.

“I might have to agree with you on the shacking up part.”
“Don’t get any ideas.”
“Don’t worry.”

Amy took her shoes off and got under the covers while in her clothes.

“You cannot possibly be comfortable.”

“No, I am not, but I’m not sleeping next to a stranger wearing nothing.”
“Two adults…a few hours sharing a room on a snowy night and we’ll probably never see each other again, so undress to your bra and…”
“Don’t say that word.” Amy interrupted with a deep stare.
“What…word?” Ephram was reciting the words in his head.
“Bra and other other word.”
“Yes…it’s so vile and disgusting.”
“What do you call them then?”
“Underwear. The clothes you were [/I]under[/I] your clothes.”
“Please stop!”
“It’s so much fun…pant…”. Ephram felt the pillow hit his side, he was impressed by her throw. “Nice throw.”
“Don’t try to get my on your good side.”
“So you’re on my bad side?”
“Whatever…I’m actually getting tired, so I am going to lay on my side of the left of the bed and try to get some sleep.”

Amy laid down comfortably but couldn’t quite close her eyes just yet from seeing Ephram undress down to his boxer underwear.

“Trying to catch a peek?”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, my eyes have been closed.”
“Sure…yeah, okay.”
“Goodnight, Ephram.” She yawned.
“Night sleepyhead.”


“Morning!” Both Aiden and Annabelle spoke to Rose when she came into the kitchen the next morning.
“Well, what is going on in here?”
“Breakfast,” Chimed Annabelle. “Aiden said you make pancakes, so we’re making pancakes.”
“Who taught you how to make pancakes.
“My dad, he’s a great cook.”
“These look pretty good so I’ll take your word on that one. Are any of those ready to eat?”
“Yep!” Aiden slid plopped three pancakes on her plate with a spatula. “Syrup’s on the table.”
“Alright, I’ll just sit over here and enjoy my breakfast.
“What sells good!?” Bright came into the kitchen, scratching his head, blinking his eyes to make sure his eyes were deceiving him. “Did we start auditioning for Chef, Jr.?”
“They do have talent.”

Bright mouthed to Rose…”Who’s the girl?”

“Annabelle, this is Bright, my son.”
“Want some pancakes, Bright?” Annabelle was mixing more batter.
“Actual pancakes?”
“Yep, on the griddle, uncle Bright.”
“Sure, I might never see the opportunity.”
“I make breakfast every morning for guests.”
“Yes, guests it’s all gone by the time I come in.”
“Breakfast is served until eleven, you don’t usually come downstairs until noon.”
“Yeah, there’s that.”

They were all sitting at the table eating their breakfast, Annabelle dropped her fork, startling everyone.

“I need to call my dad, make sure he knows where I am.”
“He knows where you are.” Aiden spoke up. “He left you here.”
“Oh, yeah, but I should call him anyway.”
“There is a phone right around the corner, next to the sofa.”
“Cool, be right back.”


Ephram reached for his phone on the nightstand. “Good morning.”
“Hi daddy, I wanted to call and check in.”
“That is very responsible of you, I’m glad you did.”
“When are you coming back?”
“In a little while. I’m going to take a shower here and be on over.”
“Is Amy still there with you.”
“Yeah, she is, she’s still sleeping though.”
“Let her know Aiden wants to talk to her when she’s awake.”
“I will do that. Have you been good for Mr. and Mrs. Abbott.”
“Yep! I made your famous pancake recipe, they all loved it.”
“Okay, I’m gad everything worked out and I’ll see you later on in the morning.”
“Bye, I love you daddy!”
“I love you too, pumpkin.”

Ephram reached back over to lay his phone back on the nightstand. He slid further back down into the covers inviting Amy cuddle back next to him. He kissed her forehead.

“We should get going soon, the kids are expecting us.”
The Kids, sounds like we’re really together.”
“Well, last night felt like we were.”
“I don’t know what happened.” Amy sat up, keeping her naked body covered with the sheet. “I haven’t been with anyone since Thomas and I kind of feel guilty about it.”
“Don’t feel like I’m cheating on my husband?”
“Yeah, just like I’m not cheating on my wife.”
“You know how wrong this is, right?”
“What if it isn’t?”
“Ephram, you’re visiting from New York with your daughter and you leave tomorrow, how does that spell anything but one-night-stand?”
“Because this didn’t feel like a one-night-stand?”
“Then what did it feel like for you?”
“Like the beginning of something.”
“How can it begin? You just up and move to a small town in Colorado.”
“Yeah…it can be that simple.”
“Don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?”
“Pretend we have a future, when we don’t.” Amy was getting dressed, thinking about what to say. “It’s not just you and me, it’s two kids who aren’t young enough to just accept everything that we tell them, they’re going to have questions.”
“Yeah, you’re right…I’ll get dressed and we’ll go.”


“You don’t want to go, do you?” Rose asked Ephram as they were cleaning up breakfast.
Ephram nodded.
“What happened between you and my daughter.”
“That’s what I want to figure out. Amy isn’t just someone you spend a few hours with and go back to normal life. She is the most normal thing I’ve had in a very long time.”
“Tell her that.”
“I live in New York, Mrs. Abbott, it’s not a quick drive around town.”
“But at dinner you said you can work anywhere, that your talent sticks with you.”

“Yeah, I did.”

“It looks like your daughter and my grandson are inseparable right now. I’d say you have a really big decision to make.”
“But to move Annabelle’s entire life because she found a penpal and I found…”
“Love?” Rose interjected. “I can tell there is something going on between you two and it’s not because of a couple of penpal letters exchanged between a couple of eight year olds.”
“You sound like my mom.”
“What would she say to this right now?”
Ephram was silent before answering. “She died a few years ago, Annabelle never got to know her grandmother.”
“How old were you when she died.”
“You’ve been on your own for a while considering the women in your life.”
“Seems like it sometimes. I never thought me and my father would have something like this in common.”
“What does your father do?”
“Dr. Andrew Brown. He’s the top neurosurgeon in New York.”
“Yeah, Time Magazine did a cover story on him a few years ago, I think it may have been right after your mother had died.”
“He did the interview a few months before she died. That’s why there’s a bit an ego in there. He was The Great Doctor Brown before it all changed. He had me and my sister to raise, entirely on his own.”
“I see he did a really good job.”
Ephram smiled. “Thank you.”
“Do you see yourself and Annabelle building a life here.”
Ephram looked outside, the snow still falling, the roads closing. He looked at the message alert on his phone. “I might get the chance to try it out. Our flight’s been delayed.”
“I think that’s someone upstairs trying to tell you something.”
“Is it such a crazy idea to pick up everything and move to a town I’ve only spent less than 24 hours in?”
“Would it be crazy not to?”


“Annabelle is sure happy the flight was canceled.” Amy nudged Ephram and they both looked at the kids fast asleep on the couch while a Disney movie was playing.
“She is happy here.” Ephram put the dried glass back in the cupboard. “Your mom asked me about staying here.”
“Really, why? Your life is in New York.”
“As I thought about it, the more I think that my house is in New York but my home might be here. My home is where my daughter is.”
“Aiden would definitely love that. THere’s not many kids his age around here that he likes to hang out with. I think Annabelle is about the only person I’ve seen him want to be around.”
“The more I think about it, the less crazy it sounds.”
“We still haven’t talked about our night together and what It meant.”
“What did it mean to you?”
“I think we were both looking for comfort in someone and found it in each other last night…as soap opera-esk as that sounds, that’s how I think.”
“At first, that’s what I wanted, but then second time, I just wanted you because I could feel your passion and your heart.”

Amy pulled Ephram into the side pantry.

“We had sex once—”
“Well, more than once, actually three times.” He started to giggle.
“But it was one night…can we build a life off of one night?”
“When’s the last time you felt something real like we had last night?”
“I know what you’re saying—“ Amy stood up straighter, letting the kiss go deeper.

Their lips parted, they both smiled and kissed again, both giggling, ending the kiss again.


Annabelle sat beside Ephram, sighing heavily.

“what’s wrong?”
“The snow is melting.”
“Yeah, and?”

“The snow is melting, all the airports will be open and we’ll have to fly back to New York.”
“Well, Annabelle.” Ephram put his arm around Amy. “What if I told you that we weren’t going to leave.”
“Like today or ever.”
“We’ll have to leave to get our stuff from New York, but I thought we might…stay.”
Aiden ran over… “Annabelle can stay?”

“Yeah, if Annabelle wants to stay in Everwood. It’s your call sweetie.”
“YAY!” Both Annabelle and Aiden were dancing in the living room.
“I think that’s a yes.” Amy nodded in agreement.
“Oh, and I made the offer.”
“On the house on Mason.”

Rose looked around. “An empty house, again.”
Harold saw Bright come through the front door. “Not entirely.”

I see you when no one else can
I feel you when you're not there
I love you like no one else ever could
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Old 11-21-2020, 08:09 AM
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Shocking!! LOL Looking forward to reading, Patricia! I'm sure it's fabulous!!
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