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Old 04-04-2020, 12:42 PM
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Originally Posted by fulfilledღ (View Post)
The Girl Who Cried The Truth

Dear Diary,

Why can’t I tell everyone the truth? what is wrong with me? Everyone thinks that Madison was driving the car. That’s not the truth. I was driving the car. There wasn’t a cloud in the night sky, so they’ll know it wasn’t inclement weather that made the car run into the tree, throwing Madison thirty feet from the car. I didn’t know what to think. It’s not like we were close or anything. Sure, I liked her, but hey, everyone loved Madison Kelner. I liked her as much as I like getting stung by a bee. Not sure what everyone saw in her. I know what you’re thinking, I helped Madison get thrown from her car. I’m not sad that she died, but then again, I’m really sad that it all happened to her. That the last moments of her living in this world were being thwarted through the air and her head landing on the rock, cracking her skull open. No one really knows what happened. The only things people are talking about are how her body was found and what the coroner found during the autopsy. They don’t know the real story. Madison was a bitch! All she cared about was herself. I was in the car with her that night because she needed some responsible person to drive her home so that she could at least tell her parents she was being responsible. No one knows the real Madison Kelner. If they did, they may not be so sorry that she’s dead…I’m not.


“Dude, you are so late..” Bright looked at his watch and then back at Ephram. “You skipped like two classes.”
“Yeah, I’m hoping no one will notice, but I doubt it. So, do you have any ideas of how to explain why I’m late. You must have a million of them.”

“Usually I would let you have one of my special vaulted excused absence reasons, but you don’t need it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Word is there was a diary entry found on the school property that gives details on how Madison died..”
”Really, it’s been a year, I thought that was over.”

Bright remembered the party. “A year ago tomorrow. Tyler Braxton’s party. It was a rager, everyone was there.”
“So, what did the diary entry say?”

“Well, when trying to decipher the rumor mill, it seems that Madison wasn’t driving the car and she’s a terrible person, something like that.”
“Who would hate Madison? She always seems nice to me.”

“Not sure, but whoever it was, they definitely have an axe to grind when they wrote that entry.”

“And it was just a piece of paper floating around school..”
“Not sure, I’m just piecing together what everyone else is saying.”
“Wow, I could’ve missed the entire school day and no one would’ve noticed.”
Amy came running up to Ephram, kissing him hard on the mouth. “I would’ve noticed.”
”And I’m gone.” Bright started walking towards another hallway.

Ephram and Amy locked hands, continuing the walk to class.

“Bright said there was a letter found about the night Madison Kelner died.”
Amy shrugged. “Really? That happened like a year ago, who would bring it up now?”
“The letter was just found, I think. I don’t know much either, I just got here.”
Amy laugh, smiling. “What are you doing just walking into school anytime you want like you own the place.”
“Traffic from New York was crazy and I didn’t get in until early this morning….and I slept through my alarm.”
Amy wrapped her arm in his as they continued walking. “How was visiting your mom?”

“Good, I needed to visit her. It’s been a long time. Hey, why don’t you come with me next time I go.”
“Sure. Let me know when.”

Both Amy and Ephram stopped in their tracks when seeing the poster.

New details into the death of Madison Kelner have been discovered. If you have any information, please come by the principal’s office.

“I guess they’re reopening the case.” Amy read the sign.
“I guess so. I hope they find out what happened to her. The way she died, seemed really awful.”
“I’ve heard a lot of things, so I’m not sure what to believe happened to her.”
“We’ve got more things to worry about.”
“What’s that?” Amy let go of Ephram’s hand when they sat in their individual desks.
Ephram pointed to the black board. “History pop quiz.”

“Piece of cake." Amy grimaced. "Well, History, I know fairly well, it’s the now I have trouble with.”

Ephram took out his phone as the teacher walked into class, sent a text message and put it away.

Amy glances at her phone when the text message ring tone sounded. Meet me later at the house and I’ll help you forget about the now.


Amy walked into the library, walked over to the table Hannah was sitting at.

“What’s going on at that table, what is everyone signing?”
“Oh, no one’s signing anything, well, not really. They’re doing handwriting samples to figure out who the diary entry note belonged to. I already wrote my name down, you should go to, then we can study.”
“Oh, I’ll do it later. I have some good thoughts on The Scarlet Letter that I want to get down.”
“Sure, they’re having it every day until they get every single student. Kind of pointless if you ask me.”


“Like whoever wrote it is going to be honest about their own handwriting. No one wants to be found out about a diary entry. I want to know is how the diary entry ended up on the outside of the diary and why was it at school. I keep my diary locked up in my bedroom. It never sees the light of day, although I don’t write much in it…I tell you everything and what’s going on. So you’re like my diary.” Hannah smiled peacefully.
“I might as well get it over with.” Amy stood back up walking towards the other table.

She stood in line and stepped up to the table.

“Amy Abbott.”
“Middle Initial?”
“Amber, you’ve known me since I was in first grade, really?”
The lady looked up at Amy, with a serious face. “Middle Initial, please.”
“Geez.” Amy rolled her eyes, shrugging. “N as in Nicole.”

“Alright.” Amber wrote Amy’s full name on the list and handed her the clipboard. “Okay, Amy, write your name, in your own handwriting, on the line next to where I just wrote.”
“Sure.” Amy picked up the clipboard, put the pen to the paper and when she started writing, the pen wasn’t producing any ink. “Do you have another pen, this one isn’t working.”
“Oh, sure.”
“You’re making Amy Abbott produce a handwriting sample?” A fellow teacher approached Amber. “I’ve known her since the first grade, she wouldn’t have anything to do with this.”
“I’m just following the rules.”

“Rules? Amy knows the rules backwards and forwards, and probably better than you do. Just write a line through it, everyone knows Amy didn’t know do it.”
“Well, I guess you’re right. You’re excused Amy.”

“Are you sure, I mean, I don’t mind.”
“Nah, go on.”

Amy shrugged and sat down with Hannah, opening her notebook.

“That took a long time just to sign your name.”

“The pen ran out of ink and the teacher said I didn’t have to, so I didn’t. Apparently I’m the good girl.”
“Everyone knows that, not sure why you even went up there. I’m sure they’ll have a good laugh when this is over that you actually almost submitted a handwriting sample.”

“Hmm, maybe.”


“Come on, Ephram.” Amy giggled as he continued to kiss her neck. “We have to watch this movie for class.”
“We’ll watch it later.” He started to slowly slip his hand under her shirt.

A commercial came on from the local news, talking about the case of Madison’s death being reopened and now calling it a homicide. The TV was turned down enough to where the voices couldn’t be heard. Amy shrugged and turned the tv off.

“Not to spoil this moment of passion.” Amy paused when Ephram unclasped her bra. “But your dad and Delia could be home any second..”
“They’re in Denver, staying the night.”
He reached up, kissing her neck, Amy straining her voice., “but, Ephram.” She strained her voice.
He was panting. “What’s wrong?”
“The Couch?”
“What’s wrong with having sex on the couch?” Ephram nodded his head. “Wouldn’t be our first time.”
“I want this to be more than…” Amy shrugged, her face turning red, “more than just sex.”
“Like…making love?” Ephram caressed the side of her face.
“Yeah…I mean, it seems silly to ask because it’s always more than just about sex with us. I just…”
Ephram kissed her slowly, before saying, “let’s go to the bedroom.”


Ephram caught up with Amy in the hall, kissing the cheek.

“I missed you this morning, I thought you were going to stay the night.”
“I thought I was, but then I remembered I left my homework and with that pop quiz in History yesterday, I don’t want to be caught off guard again.”

“So, since it’s a three day weekend, we should go up to the cabin, you know, have a nice relaxing weekend.”
“There’s so much to do, though before school ends.”
“Amy, it’s our junior year. We don’t have to stress until next year.”
“I know, but I just want next year to be easy and stress free.”
Ephram pulled Amy into a hallway , secluded from everyone else. “What’s going on with you?”

“What do you mean, I’m fine, why are you asking?”
“Because you’re asking me three questions in a row and you’re jittery. Did drink any coffee this morning.”
“I don’t drink coffee.”
“I know that, that’s why I’m asking because I know how you get when you do drink coffee.”
“What are you my keeper now?”
“No, I’m your boyfriend who loves you and wants to know why you’re being crazy and maybe I can help.”
Amy lightened the pressure she realized was on her shoulders. “Ephram, I am o…k…, there’s no reason to worry about me.” She kissed him

Someone walking by tossed a flyer at them, Ephram catching it.

“Tyler Braxton is having his annual party. I guess his parents went out of town again.”
“Why is Tyler Braxton having another party, it’s he same thing every year.”
“Yeah and it’s the last party Madison was at.”
Amy sighed. “Well, maybe…maybe Tyler wants to start a clean slate. Not sure who’s going to show up since it is the last party Madison was at.”
“You wanna go?”
Do you? Amy asked, making a face..
“Yes, [I]I do[/]. I’m sure Tyler feels pretty bad about what happened last year and he needs support. Not sure a lot o people will show up anyway.”
“Why, it’s not like Tyler had anything to do with it.”
“Maybe? I mean Madison was drinking, everyone saw her and she ends up running into a tree.”
“Ephram, everyone was drinking. I think I saw Hannah stumble with Bright a couple of times.”

The class bell rang throughout the school.

Amy sighed again. “Back to reality.” Ephram pulled Amy into him, kissing her fully on the lips. “That was nice…what was it for?”
Ephram cleared his throat. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just told you that.”
“You can tell me anything, no matter what’s going on. You know that, right.”
“Of course, is there something you want to tell me?”
“No…I just love you and want you to be happy.” He smiled, grimacing a little.
“I am happy.” She kissed him back quickly and rushed off to class.


“And you are sure you got everyone’s signatures at County High.” Detective Ormanda questioned her partner. 

“Yes, we set up stations at the library, the auditorium, everywhere we knew all students would go to at some point.” Detective James verified.
“And no one was skipped, or got out of line?”
“Not any station I was working.”
“And we made sure everyone signed the correct line, there is no room for error?”
“Everwood only has one high school and there weren’t but so many kids at that party. Everyone was questioned?”

“Yeah and they all had the same story.” Detective James continued. “The same story as they recalled the same events, nothing was rehearsed. Madison Kelner was seen at the party and then left.”
“Had she been drinking.”

“I think it’s a safe bet to say yes, lots of red plastic cups everywhere the day after.”
“Let me see the signature list.”

Ormanda opened up the file and scanned her finger down every line of every sheet of paper. She stopped on one line.

“Amy Abbott, who is she?”
James looked at his computer records. “She is a junior at County High.”
“She didn’t sign her name.”
“She didn’t?”
“No, she did not. Mr. Masta, a teacher, was on duty that day from what’s written on this paper. Masta is a veteran teacher, he wouldn’t just skip anyone, would he?”
“I don’t think so. I will call up Ms. Abbott and have her submit a sample.”
“No, let’s not alarm her, just yet, she’s just a kid. I want to ask Mr. Masta for why Amy didn’t submit a sample when clearly, her name was written on the line.” Ormanda sipped her lukewarm coffee. “It’s obvious that Amy approached the table, she gave her name…her full name and just…walked away? I’m not buying that.”
“Alright, I’ll give Mr. Masta a call.”
“Okay, let me know what he says.” Ormanda nodded and headed back to her office.


Amy was sitting in her guidance counselor’s office after being called out of class. Recently, a lot of juniors were being called into the guidance counselor’s offices to prepare for the senior year and set up college resumes. Calmly Amy sat in the office, looking at all the degrees her counselor had. She was quite impressed.

“Sorry for the wait, Amy. It’s been crazy here this week.” Counselor Hetwood walked briskly into the office, plopping into her office chair.
“That’s okay, I got pulled out of class, so I’m grateful.”
Ms. Hetwood smiled. “I didn’t think you’d mind.”
“So, I’m not sure why I’m here, though.”
Ms. Hetwood seemed annoyed when trying not to roll her eyes. “Well, this is just a formality, but apparently when they were doing the handwriting samples last week, you didn’t sign.”
“Oh, they said I didn’t have to, according to the officer, or detective…whomever it was. Apparently, I’m a good kid.” Amy tried to laugh.
“Well, I agree, you are a good kid. But we all still need to follow rules.”
“It’s okay, I understand.”
“So, I don’t have their document, roster, paper thing. So if you could write your full name, Amy Nicole Abbott, right under the line where I wrote your name, you’re all set.”
“Sure.” Amy lifted up the paper and placed it on a book she took out of her bag. She wrote her name carefully, making, like always when it was her full name. Amy was always nervous when seeing her full name written out. Like she was in trouble at home and her mom would all out all three names to get her attention.”
"All done?”
Amy handed the paper back over. “Yep! All done!”
“Then you are good to go. I’m so sorry for interrupting your class for something so…preposterous. Thanks for understand, you are the good kid.”
“Thanks Ms. Hetwood.”


Hannah caught up with Amy in the hallway.

“So, what was the mysterious meeting you had to go to?”
“Oh, it was just there to submit the handwriting thing.”

“Wait, I thought everyone did that already.”

“I tried the other day we were in the library. The pen wasn’t working and Mr. Masta said I didn’t need to, that I was the most unlikely person to have written that letter.”
“Amy, you are the most unlikely person to have written that letter. Besides, you don’t keep a diary.”
“Yeah, I do.”
Hannah was surprised, caught off guard. “Wait, you have a diary. I thought you told me everything and Ephram…everything else.”
“I do, but you know, sometimes I want to work on some thoughts before telling you and Ephram.”
“Makes sense.”
“What are you doing this weekend?”
“Oh, yeah, Bright and I were going to Tyler Baxter’s party…for like a minute.”

“Really, Ephram wants to go too, but seems kind of morbid, don’t you think?”

“No, why. I know it’s the, I guess anniversary, of the night Madison died, but she didn’t die at the party.”
“Still, it’s the last place anyone seen her alive. That’s what everyone is going to be talking about. It’s a small town, nothing is never not talked about.”
“Then we can stay in our little circle or since it’s four of us, our little square like we usually do and say we where there.”
“You said you and Bright were staying there for a little bit, what else you two have going on.”
“I don’t know. Bright and I have decided to have one night, usually Saturday, totally dedicated to surprises. So we plan one thing, earlier in the evening and when that’s over, we just see where the night takes us. Sometimes we’ll go see a movie, get ice cream…get dinner or just hang out at the house and watch a movie. What are you and Ephram planning this weekend.”

“I think he mentioned something about wanting to go to the cabin this weekend, since Monday is a holiday…three day weekend.”
“Wow, that’ll be nice. Get away for a little while.” Hannah had a skip in her step. “Hey, wasn’t that the place you two had your first time together.”
Amy still blushed from that night. “Yeah, it was. The place is kind of special for us.”

“So that’s why Bright says that place is off limits for us.”
“Off limits?
“Yeah, it was strange. I suggested it and he was like a deer caught in headlights when I mentioned it. Like it was forbidden that I even mentioned it.”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t want to stay where my brother had sex either.” Amy looked and saw Hannah’s face fall. “Sorry, I’m a total idiot for mentioning Bright and…that.”
“No, Amy, it’s okay. Bright had other relationships before we met. From what I remember, when we first met, he was, I could say, scandalous around Everwood…for Everwood standards, that is.”
“Any change on that front?”
“As Beyonce would say, he’s gotta put a ring on it.”
“Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you reference a musician and you did a good job.”
“Thanks! I’ve been working on my pop culture references.”

“Well, my friend, it definitely shows.”


Detective James knocked on Ormanda’s office door.

“I have an update on the Kelner case.”

“Good, what did that teacher have to say.”
“Turns out that this Amy Abbot girl is the perfect kid that he didn’t have her sign.” James shrugged. “He said he apologized and would get Ms. Abbott submit a handwriting sample.”
“Good, and what else did Mr. Masta have to say.”
“That he apologizes and Everwood has never been though anything quite like this and will make sure to use better judgement next time.”
“Good, and when should we expect Ms. Abbott’s handwriting sample?”
“Right now.” James handed the sample over to Oramanda.

Ormanda put Amy’s handwriting sample beside the diary letter. She shrugged.

“I will send this to the handwriting expert to see if they can find any matches. If not…case closed.”
“I wish we had better news for her parents. For all they had to say, Madison wasn’t the person to drive at night, especially in the area…where she was found.”
“Was she driving?”
“She was the only one at the scene and was thrown from the car. Unless the car drove it self there, Madison was driving.”
Ormanda got up from her desk, and started to pace around. “It’s fairly impossible for a driver to be thrown from a vehicle and the steering wheel be perfectly intact. Did forensics have a point of impact on where the front windshield was broken?”
“The way Ms. Kelner was lifted out of the far with force, it’s hard to tell. The reports stated that the side of her body went through the windshield. But I agree, the car’s driver side wasn’t touched, it was more the center and passenger sides. So, maybe she wasn’t driving.”
“Then who would be driving. Did you get any finger prints from the steering wheel?”
“Noting conclusive. But it was below freezing that night, the driver was probably wearing gloves.”
“No fibers? Hair, skin…nails?”
“No. The car wasn’t wiped down, but you could tell the person wasn’t in there that long or was too nervous to really sink into the seat and get comfortable.”
“Good point! So it was someone that maybe Madison didn’t know very well. Madison wanted to be responsible and got someone to drive her home.”
“Maybe at first? The location was the car was not anywhere near the party nor near her neighborhood. I’m guessing she was having someone drive her somewhere else.”
“Great! See if the parents know of anyone who Madison hangs out with.”
“We did, right after the crash. Reid Bardem, her college boyfriend. But he has an airtight alibi. He was in a study group with five people…at least, that can vouch for him.”
“Well, another dead end. Every time we get a lead, something else kills it. I feel like the person responsible for this is right under our noses and we’re just not seeing it.”
James was rereading the report on the car. “Wait a minute.”
“What is it?”
“I found something.”


Ephram walked out onto the back deck of Tyler Braxton’s house. Amy was sitting atop the railing, shivering.

“Amy, it’s freezing out here. What are you doing.”
“I had to get some air.”
“Okay, now let’s go inside.”
Amy looked up at him, smiling and her eyes watering. “Ephram, I love you.”
He tilted his head, smiling. “I love you too, Amy…can we go inside.”
“Can you take a walk with me?”

They had been walking for about a mile, not saying anything.

“Amy, honey, I really love you, I do. But it is really cold out here.” Ephram saw the vapor pour out of his mouth as he spoke. “What did you want to take a walk for.”
“That night, it’s been eating at me and I keep thinking it’ll just go away and it hasn’t.”
Ephram stood in front of her, lifting Amy’s head up, tears escaping her face. “What night?”
“Last year, the night of Tyler Braxton’s party.”
“Okay.” Ephram held his breath, feeling in his heart, that whatever was going on with Amy, he promised himself he’d be there for her.
“I offered to drive Madison home.” Amy spoke deeply, all the events of the night coming back to her.

Ephram didn’t want to say anything. He wanted to, but he knew this wasn’t about him right now. He continued to hold Amy’s hand.

“She had been drinking and I guess I…I don’t know. It’s not like we were friends. I guess I thought it would be five minutes and I’d be back. The roads were slippery and it was a short drive.” Amy sighed, continuing. “So we got into the car and just down the street, Madison told me where to turn and as we kept driving, I realized that she wasn’t taking me to her house, but instead, we were taking her to her boyfriend’s house, Reid…something or another. So i went along with it. We were already in the car anyway. But then, I guess, then, Madison’s alcohol took over and she kept ragging on me about not being popular and that we only dated because you couldn’t have her or something. I wanted to turn around, go back, really, I wanted to go back in time and never offer to get into the car with her. But she kept telling me we were getting closer.” Amy swallowed, then continued. “We ended up on a dead end road.” Amy let go of Ephram’s hand and wiped the tears away on her face. It was so cold that the tears seemed to be freezing to her face. Amy folded her arms to keep warm and continued. “We didn’t have a cell signal so I went to a gas station so I could call someone with a truck to get us out of the ditch seemed to be stuck in.”

Ephram waited for Amy to continue but she stayed silent as they made the way back.

“What happened when you got back.” He asked softly.
Amy’s lips started to tremble and not because shew as cold, although the memory of the events always ran a cold chill down her spine. “I wasn’t able to find anyone that would come out to that part of town since I didn’t know where we were anyway. So when I went back, the car was gone, like vanished.” Her voice was trembling as she continued. “I thought she got into the driver’s seat and went to wherever she was going. I just walked home, it was just a few miles.”

“That’s why you disappeared on me.”
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know what to do. I just thought she ditched me for whoever she was going. I knew she didn’t like me anyway. Then when I found out she was killed and they found the car and Madison’s body…I didn’t know what to think. I mean, I was there, I could’ve stopped it, if I had just stayed, Madison would still be alive, everything okay be okay.” Amy stopped to catch her breath. “I don’t know what happened between me going to the gas station to the car sliding off the rails. But I was the last person to see Madison alive.”
Ephram backed from Amy, letting go of her hands. “It was you, you wrote the letter.”
Amy nodded, crying. “I did.”
“Why didn’t you tell anyone the truth?”

“Because, I honestly, I don’t know. I wasn’t there, but I left her alone, so I might as well of been the one to end her life…so I didn’t say anything. When the news announced that there was no evidence found and the case was going to be closed, I didn’t think there was a point to me saying anything.”
“If I’ve learned one thing from losing my mom and moving to Everwood, it’s that, it’s never too late.”
“I’m really scared…I mean, not saying anything makes me look more guilty, doesn’t it?”
“But the truth always helps. I’ll go with you, if you want.”
“Yeah, that would be nice.”
“Hey before we go inside…”
Amy turned around. “Yeah?”
Ephram placed a kiss on her mouth. “It’s going to be okay.”
Amy nodded nervously. “I hope so.”


Detective Ormando looked up to see Amy and Ephram walking into the precinct.

“Can I help you?”
“Yeah.” Amy sighed, tucking the hair behind her ears, standing up straight. “I need to confess something.”
“What did you want to confess to?”
Ephram placed his hands on Amy’s shoulders for reassurance as she began to speak. “I think I had something to do with the night Madison Kelner died.”
Detective Ormando’s eyes grew wider and hair stood up on the back of her neck. “Okay, let’s take your statement.” She saw Ephram walking with Amy. “Just you, your friend needs to stay behind.”
“Oh, okay.”

Ephram gave Amy a light kiss before she headed back with Detective Ormando.

“So, what information do you have about that night Madison Kelner died?” Detective Ormando asked.

Amy went over the details of what happened from when she and Madison got into the car up to when she returned from the gas station to see the car had vanished.

“I appreciate your honesty, but why did it take you a whole year to come forward.”
“Fear? Selfishness that I only cared about what happened to me. I wasn’t thinking about Madison’s parents and how they didn’t know anything.”
“We find that happens a lot in younger people.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I know you think you had a hand in Ms. Kelner’s death, but you didn’t? From the location of where the car was found, Ms. Kelner’s location and forensics in the car, the only thing you did wrong was drive on an icy road, which is not your fault…just more bad judgement.”
“What do you mean? I drove there, left her there, I’m guilty of something.”
“Yes, a guilty conscience and not coming forward sooner, yes. But those aren’t crimes in the court of law.”
“I don’t understand, I was there.”
“From what the forensic team and me and my partner put together, the car’s gear shift was not in park. I know, from the road you said you stopped on, you would have had to put the car in park, yes?”
“Yeah, I did, I didn't know where the emergency break was, I should’ve used that.”
“Ms. Abbott, you could put a car on chains hooked to a big rig, nothing is going to protect a car fro sliding against ice.”
‘So, if I put the car in park, how did it move?”
“Well, it had been raining combined with the snow and slush already on the ground, everything froze twice over. We gather that Ms. Kelner was going to move herself over to the drivers seat and didn’t want to slip on the roads outside. Upon moving, she must have involuntarily, moved the gear shift into neutral and the car started to move. Once the car started moving there was no way to stop it. So the car rolled by itself, and as you know, cars gain speed on a titled road. And, well, the rest is in the report which is now closed.”
“So I’m not guilty.”
“Not officially, but I think, based on the diary entry, you should talk to someone. Those were some very strong feelings you had to say about Ms. Kelner. I gather you didn’t like her, and that could be used as motive if Mr. and Mrs. Kelner wanted to press charges…in which they do not. They understand it was just an accident. They just wanted the truth and you provided that. You gave them peace of mind and I want to thank you for coming forward.” Detective Ormando stood up, walking towards the door.
“That’s it?”
“Yes, that’s it. We actually had already figured out what happened before you came in, we just didn’t have the whole story.”
“What happens now?”
“I talk to Ms. Kelner’s parents and relive of the worry about not knowing what happened to their daughter.”
“Tell them I’m sorry…that it took me this long.”
“They’ll just be relieved to know the truth.”


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