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Old 02-02-2011, 11:52 AM
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Yeah I like some of it, when he goes all rap he loses me a bit. Its not my thing but I LOVE Justin Timberlake he is hilarious so I follow his work
Shelby, Did you watch him when he hosted the ESPYs a couple of years ago? He was hilarious.

An Inspirational Message From Leighton Meester
I can't watch the videos until I get home from work.

Gaby, speaking of do you feel about a Dan/Blair pairing?
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Old 02-02-2011, 12:21 PM
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Justin Timberlake
Originally Posted by Betty
Shelby, Did you watch him when he hosted the ESPYs a couple of years ago? He was hilarious.
OMG YES! He was the best host ever I really wish they would bring him back to do it again he is great!! They randomly have him doing spoof skits on SportsCenter sometimes and its always hilarious.

First Alan your avi is just.... Strasexual.

And yes that video is so AWESOME great stuff there! Lets do this Chucksters we have saved the show every year we can do it again!

Originally Posted by The Crow (View Post)
Hmm. I guess I read this scene differently than the both of you, because I didn't get that at all. I guess I'll have to go back and rewatch it.
It's hard to say for sure Sarah was going to leave but by the realization that came over her face it looked like she was about to agree with Mama B but then Chuck and Morgan crashed the party and well the rest is history.

Originally Posted by Alan
I'm gonna assume by 'Papa B' you meant Sarah's dad, not Chucks.
Haha yes sorry Papa Burton was around before Papa Bartowski so he got the label Papa B first!

Originally Posted by Alan
I do agree though: I think that it would mean the world to Sarah to have her dad walk her down the aisle. I know that they've gone down this road before somewhat with Ellie, but it would be a nice parallel to have Chuck/Sarah track down her dad for the wedding (and this time maybe the nuptials can happen without Jeffster being involved in any way shape or form). Plus, Gary Cole is awesome, so it would be great to have him back, even just for one or two episodes.
Yes it would be a bit of a repeat on the Ellie storyline but it would just further show how alike CS are. Yes they are VERY VERY different in so many ways but really when you look at it they are alike in more ways than people realize.

Originally Posted by Alan
I didn't really think that Bryce coming back was all that realistic either, but I just went with it because I was glad to see him again. It was more realistic than Orion coming back would be, because there is no shadowy organization stepping in to revive him, and there's no way he could have known that Shaw and company would be there to intercept Chuck and him, so having an elaborate death faking plan in place would be way too unbelievable.
Yes let me rephrase it was realistic for CHUCK I mean the whole premise of this show is unrealistic so going in to every storyline I have come to expect some crazy situation.(This past episode had that crazy spider thing WTF) I did think how they brought Bryce back was creative and I certainly didn't see it coming....Makes me want to go back and watch that episode it was the first WTF moment of CHUCK little did we know there would be oooo so many more to come!

But yes agreed bringing Orion back would be very unrealistic and too soap opray for my liking...believe me its hurts me to say that because I really wish they could bring Bakula back some how.

Originally Posted by Alan
I do support him coming back in flashbacks. Bryce too for that matter, but if Hilarie Burton couldn't come back for the OTH wedding because of White Collar, I doubt that Matt Bomer could be coming back to Chuck.
Yes I could see him coming back in flashbacks for sure because there are so many Orion secrets still left to learn I am sure. As for Bryce its true it will be hard to get him back and as for OTH that wedding episode was adorbs but I really wish Peyton could have been back for it.

Originally Posted by Alan
How awesome is it that he had an ice cream bar in his evil lair? Not only that, he had sprinkles on his ice cream. It's little touches like that that really elevate the character above any other villain that Chuck has had.
YES! Agreed! From the first episode he was in where he playes that bumbling handler to now when he is an evil psychopath I love him all the same....really hope they find a way to keep him around.

Originally Posted by Alan
How awesome was it that her jacket fit him like a glove? I agree about Sarah/Morgan scenes being great. It started with the scene where Morgan found Sarah getting orange juice in her underwear, and it's been comedy gold ever since.
"Ive been working out so Im not sure this will fit over my shoulders....Oh okay it does look at that."--Morgan
The look Sarah gave him like yeah okay buddy boy LOL I love these two!

Top 5 Couples

Originally Posted by Alan
This wasn't directed at me, but I wouldn't be me if I didn't butt into other people's conversations with my own thoughts.

At this moment, my all-time top five couples (that have actually happened) are:
Nice list and since you answered I figured I'd butt in too and throw mine in:

1. Chuck/Sarah(Chuck)- I have never been on a more heart wrechingly beautiful ride as I have with the CS relationship. Its hard to find a couple that has been through everything these two have. You know a couple and the actors that play them are brilliant together when they can cause the uproar of emotions they have with CHUCK fans. I will admit this show and this pairing affect me WAY more than a TV show should. And the best part is the ride is still going!

2. Ephram/Madison(Everwood)- I know I know Im in the minority but in another place in another time I think these two really could have been great for eachother. Having said that I know EA was always meant to be on this show but I still enjoyed EM while it lasted.

3. Tyra/Landry(Friday Night Lights)- I loooooved them on FNL, I just thought they were perfect for eachother. Tyra needed Landry and he needed her they were complete opposites yet the at the same time they were so alike.

4. Junior/Kris (Wildfire)- Not sure if anyone else watched this but it is one of my all time favorite shows and this couple was so great together. Another one of those couples that came from different worlds but when together they "completed eachother" Cliche and cheesy but thats how it was.

5. Liam/Annie(90210)- This one is a new development sorta...They have been on the show for awhile now but it wasnt until recently they FINALLY got together. Its another couple with people from different worlds but at the same time they get eachother better than anyone from their own world ever has. Seeing a theme here? Yeah I tend to fall for these type of couple because I think thats what I look for in real life as well its more realistic to me than the lovey dovey "Perfectly the Same" couples you see on so many shows.

Honorable Mention- Seth/Summer (The O.C.), Tami/Coach Taylor (FNL), Cappie/Casey (Greek), Dixon/Ivy (90210)
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Old 02-02-2011, 01:55 PM
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Hey, I support Ephram/Madison, but the way the show portrayed them kept them from being one of my all time favorites.

I watch 90210 from time to time, but I've never been that in to Liam/Annie because I have such a hard time liking Annie. The pairing I liked the most was Silver/Dixon, but I've been digging Silver/Navid, even though it is wrong of them to sneak around on Adriana.

If we had a list my all time favorite potential/UC couples, it would be as such:

1. Dan/Blair (Gossip Girl) - May end up happening, but I don't trust the writers to give it a fair shake.
2. Penny/Sheldon (The Big Bang Theory) - The writers are too scared to even contemplate this one, as evidenced by everyone even remotely involved with the show trumpeting about how Penny/Leonard is so awesome and Penny/Sheldon are like brother and sister and anyone who can't see that is basically stupid. Whatever.
3. Xander/Faith (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) - Faith wasn't really around enough to have a lasting relationship, but I always wanted them to get together (and a one night stand deflowering doesn't count).
4. House/Cameron (House) - Even though I don't really like House, and I did really like Cameron, I wanted them together. I wasn't alone either since their's still a pretty large H/C fandom out there.
5a. Dean/Jo (Supernatural) - Another case of the powers that be kowtowing to the vocal fanbase. In this case, it was a fanbase that didn't want either of the brothers with anyone. I still haven't forgiven the show for killing Jo off, especially in such a pointless way.
5b. Reid/JJ (Criminal Minds) - They toyed with the idea for a few episodes, but they ultimately took JJ in a direction that I didn't really like and ultimately wrote her off the show, causing me to completely drop it.

Runners up: Jeff/Annie (Community) since I don't think they have the balls to actually put them together, Jackie/Eric (That 70's Show), Peyton/Brooke (One Tree Hill), Summer/Ryan (The OC), and Weevil/Veronica (Veronica Mars)
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Old 02-02-2011, 03:08 PM
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My thoughts on Dan/Blair is that D/B seems so foreign to me, but I am intrigued to hear how it goes.

If I had to make a list, I think this is how it would go for me. They're not in any particular order.

My top five canon couples:
  • Emily/Maya (Pretty Little Liars)
  • Peter/Elle (White Collar)
  • Matt/Julie (Friday Night Lights)
  • Beth/Kim (Sugar Rush)
  • Sydney/Will (Alias)

My top five UC couples:
  • Brooke/Peyton (One Tree Hill)
  • Weevil/Veronica (Veronica Mars)
  • Fred/Willow (Buffy/Angel)
  • Sarah/Heather (Big Love)
  • Lily/Robin (How I Met Your Mother)
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Old 02-03-2011, 09:58 AM
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White Collar

Pretty decent episode. It wasn't the best thing ever, but it was a fun hour. We got some more insight into Neal's background. We got more bonding between Peter and Neal, and we got to see more of Neal and Mozzie's devious minds in action. Next week looks pretty awesome.

Friday Night Lights

Much like the final episode of Lost, I'm kinda worried that the writers can fix the mess they've created in the penultimate episode. Of course, like with Lost, I'm trusting that the writers can do it. It's sad to think that after next Wednesday there will never be another new episode of Friday Night Lights again. Brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.

After the episode last night, I busted out my season 1 dvds and watched the first 5 episodes. I've decided to try and rewatch the entire series before next Wednesday. We'll see if that'll happen.
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Old 02-03-2011, 12:57 PM
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Friday Night Lights
I know what you mean Alan next Wednesday will be a very sad day for me. Its hard to believe after 5 seasons its going to be over. I thought last nights episode set up some interesting will be fun to see how they are dealt with next week. My favorite part was that Tyra came back her and Tim were always kinda made for eachother they were just never really mature enough to make it work but now years later I think it could. The whole Coach Taylor and Tami situation is tough to watch but sooo realistic to what really goes on in a Football family. I have faith Coach T will make the right decision next week Tami deserves it.

I plan to have a FNL marathon myself because a certain someone on this going to start watching. This show kinda got the shaft from NBC with the whole DirectTV deal and everything but I guess it kept them around longer so I will take it. But its such an amazing show there reallys is nothing on TV like it and I will be very sad to see it go.
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Old 02-03-2011, 01:01 PM
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The whole Coach Taylor and Tami situation is tough to watch but sooo realistic to what really goes on in a Football family. I have faith Coach T will make the right decision next week Tami deserves it.
Oh, I hope theres no trouble for those two. I haven't watched this season yet.
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Old 02-03-2011, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by everwoodfan52 (View Post)
Oh, I hope theres no trouble for those two. I haven't watched this season yet.
Oh don't worry these two are as adorable as ever this season. I don't want to spoil you they just have some big life decisions ahead of them but its Coach Taylor and Tami...I know they will make the right one in the end. Never been a better parental couple than these two on TV IMO. So adorbs!
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Old 02-03-2011, 02:10 PM
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The Roommate

I was most likely going to skip this one in theaters until I saw Nina Dobrev on a now I'm probably gonna watch it.

That movie's like a WB/CW actor paradise: Leighton Meester (Gossip Girl), Danneel Harris (OTH), Alyson Milchalka (Hellcats), Nina Dobrev (TVD), Katerina Graham (TVD), Cam Gigandet (Jack and Bobby), Matt Lantner (90210), and Frances Fisher (Glory Days) all have ties to the channel.
Geralt: That scent. The moment I dread most every time you leave… is when it fades. When you’re really gone.
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Old 02-03-2011, 02:15 PM
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I noticed that in a preview I saw for it...I was like damn is this made by the CW or something.
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Old 02-04-2011, 07:54 AM
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Loved this episode. I've played more than one game of D&D in my life, and the first time I reacted pretty much like Jeff did. The only thing is, when Pierce is acting like a D-bag like he did throughout this episode, I really wonder why they keep him around.

Royal Pains

Evan is super-lucky that his hot, way too good for him girlfriend forgave him this episode, because he didn't really deserve it. Also, good riddance Emily Peck. I hope you never grace the screen again.

The Vampire Diaries

Truly an awesome hour of television. At the beginning of the season, who would've thought that this show would be so consistently fast-paced and excellent? Everything was hitting on all cylinders in this one: Damon's existential crisis is fun to watch; Elena chafing under all the well meaning protection stuff is fun to watch; the big vampire/werewolf showdown was awesome as well, as was the unexpected save by Elijah's witch. Caroline's imprisonment/torture was hard to watch, but Candice Accola was so great in this scene, as well as the subsequent scenes where she holds it together with Stefan and finally breaks down when Bonnie and Elena come over. I'd have never thought that I'd love Caroline this much, and I'd have never thought that I'd be wavering over to the Caroline/Stefan ship as much as I am.
Geralt: That scent. The moment I dread most every time you leave… is when it fades. When you’re really gone.
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Old 02-04-2011, 11:33 AM
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Yvonne StraHOTski
So this is the most hilarious thing I have seen in a long time. A company had an important news bulletin up on their site and as you go along its all business and professional until right at the end they are like "Oh yeah and now we can meet that girl from Chuck" Yvonne is taking over the world!

Here is the excerpt I am talking about:
Kabletown is thrilled to announce the recent acquisition of GE Sheinhardt NBC Universal. With this partnership comes the promise of high quality entertainment for our audiences, continued superior service for our customers, and the possibility of meeting the girl from "Chuck" for our executives.
Is that not classic? LOL ooo man anyway here is the link to their site and the page this comes from.
Kabletown - News

Friday Night Lights
Kristen from E posted this on twitter it has a couple interviews from Zach Gilford(Matt) and Aimee Teagarden(Julie) about the series coming to an end. I hope as the week goes on leading up to the series finale more interviews and such come out.
Texas Forever: The Stars of Friday Night Lights Say Goodbye
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Old 02-04-2011, 04:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Alan

Loved this episode. I've played more than one game of D&D in my life, and the first time I reacted pretty much like Jeff did. The only thing is, when Pierce is acting like a D-bag like he did throughout this episode, I really wonder why they keep him around.
Agreed about Pierce. Chang has the same problem, but at least Chang hasn't been in the group for very long and they all don't really seem to like him at all.

My favourite parts were Abed insisting that Hector the Well-Endowed was meant for Troy and them doing one of their handshakes and Annie and Abed's sex montage, with Troy writing down instructions of how Annie did the seducing.

Alison Brie made it even filthier in the behind the scenes video: Community - Ding Dong - Video -

Oh, and Troy saying that he wanted to play shoots and ladders! Best line of the night. Troy, Abed and Annie can do no wrong in my eyes.
“[People] talk to me about these characters as if they’re real, and they’re not real, but they’ve become real...I really think, shows like this one, you have an attachment to them. They’re like friends you check in on."
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Old 02-04-2011, 06:20 PM
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I will catch up here tomorrow morning before the soccer game, I promise.

I am watching FNL tonight. I'm on 1.04. I am having a blast watching this show. Such high quality... Everwood type of quality. Whenever others have stated as much I still never believed it could be possible but I changed my mind once I finally started tuning in. This show, along with Everwood, is in that 5% group of shows that are untouchable with that unique, to the roof quality. I know, to the disgust of Alex considering she bought me the season 1 DVD years ago, I delayed forever and now here I sit just starting to watch this amazing series with the series finale left until the show concludes for real... but I guess better late than never.
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Old 02-04-2011, 06:24 PM
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Yay I'm so glad you finally woke up and came to your senses! :slap: Thats for taking so long! But yes better late than never *squee* its going to be fun watching you go on this epic ride, just like with Chuck but they are completely different shows so FNL hit you with a different wave of emotions. I know you are going to love it!
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