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Old 02-15-2024, 03:39 PM
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Felicity S1.E05 Spooked

This was a fantastic episode. I felt like it summed up the first five episodes. We also received the nucleus of friends in this episode, and it felt like the prior episodes gave us the foundation and build up. This episode also was a big turning point for Felicity and Ben. The interesting part and once again, I sound like a broken record, but feel such a spiritual connection between these two… the interesting part is the minute Felicity LET GO was right when Ben opened the door once again. Felicity reached a boiling point in this episode. She finally understood the fantasy of having something with Ben was ridiculous and wasted space because she was clinging without any full return. I still think she was feeling the spiritual connection between them. But at the same time, I’m all for spiritually connected things but unless it is working mutually and you feel good it’s kind of pointless if you’re always frustrated without any return. Finally… she let go and the minute that happened Ben opened the door and entered. She knew something was going on between them during that moment, their exchanges, the emotional connection, the physical attraction, the way they looked at each other, it was all there. But when he pulled back and acted like they were high school classmates, barely friends, without any sort of connection, she was done. She basically told him as much. What did he do? He delivered a beautiful necklace like the one she had in honor of her family that got lost during the robbery. The way he puts on the necklace is so powerful. She had him admitting she made him nervous, their connection grew stronger the minute Felicity stopped fighting so hard for it. More on this later.

Going back to the beginning…

I loved seeing Felicity and Ben walking carefree in NYC while adorably talking. Of course all good things must come to an end as they walk into Sean’s loft for a study session and are greeted by armed burglars. Yikes! Ben was attempting to protect her. So cute and even cuter when she told him no, meaning don’t focus on her, protect yourself. Felicity’s necklace… an heirloom from her grandmother is stolen, along with Sean’s Idea Book. I have to say… who the hell cares about that stupid book. The police show up and ask Felicity and Ben to check out mugshots at the station the next day.

Late that night, Ben stops by Felicity’s room to make sure she’s okay, when really, it’s clear that he’s not okay. Felicity’s excitement over this development is clear… a turning point in her mind. The next night, he calls again and she heads over to the loft, where they carve pumpkins and Ben finally opens up about his dad, an alcoholic and ticking time bomb. This entire scene is precious. Ben could naturally open up to Felicity, the looks exchanged, the attraction. It was so spiritual, because Ben initially hesitated as he randomly brought up his family situation. Notice it was Felicity that persisted and asked him more than once what he meant. It felt so spiritual. He then opened up to her, and it was just gorgeous. Sean ignorantly stumbles in, and ruins the mood, but not before Felicity makes plans to come dressed as the Bride of Frankenstein to match Ben’s Frankenstein at the upcoming Halloween party at the loft. I love this plan.

Felicity’s heads to Dean & Deluca to interview for a job with the manager. In perusing her resume, he askes about a former job, and she talks about working at a plus-sized clothing store. He looks her up and down and asks, “They didn’t hate you?” Confused, she replies, “Who?” He answers, “The fat women.” Javier is his name and I hope we see more of him. I mean, that comment wasn’t necessarily awesome but I can tell the character has potential. LOL.

Supporting characters are starting to develop their own storylines as well as the group dynamic forming. Elena, Julie, Meghan, Noel and Felicity all in the same room together (when Felicity returns to the dorm after the robbery) is just perfect. Meghan checking out the one side of the room and Elena catching her is hilarious! I truly feel chemistry between Elena and Noel, especially when Elena gives blunt thoughts on putting a Halloween witch decoration on her door. He decides to show her how fun Halloween can be by getting them matching costumes for the party: Subway uniforms. Oh, Noel. Okay, he is really charming in this episode. I knew I didn’t hate him. LOL.

Zach, a.k.a. The Pink Guy, asks Julie on a date to see The Exorcist, because he’s a film student, obviously… or weird. I don’t really understand why Julie wasn’t chill about the kiss. Sure, they weren’t mutually going in for the kiss together or anything and Zach was totally going for it but I didn’t really feel like it was a kiss that should have freaked her out. I truly don’t care about this pairing, however. No idea how this pairing/storyline ends but I assume the actor is just a guest character since he isn’t long-term and I won’t be bored much longer.

Felicity’s hair has looks so cool at the party. Ben decided to ditch the Frankenstein idea and go dressed as a member of Sean’s Rat Pack. Felicity is upset, rightfully so, and confronts Ben about why he’s acting so weird. He doesn’t take it well, surprise, and then we get to meet Drunk Felicity. I am glad she’s mad. She has a right to be because he was ditching everything like the police meeting, dressing up, even acting like she was not a friend. But it’s obvious his heart hurts over not feeling safe enough to fully let her in. So he goes for girls who don’t expect strings. He didn’t do anything wrong as far as kissing some strange girl. Where he messed up concerning Felicity was being cold and distant, and not even wanting to be friends at the party.

On her way to vomit (who doesn’t experience this at least once in college?) she sees him really smashed into the other chick and Elena meets a Tin Man named Blair, and he ends up coming home with her.

Felicity cries in her bed, where Noel, still wearing his Subway uniform which is cute, finds her. He gives her another one of his Noel Crane Motivational Speeches about how it will get better. “You’re this really strong and independent and beautiful woman,” he says, and then… she throws up in his lap. He recovers quickly, throwing his hands, still prepped for sandwich making, in the air: “No, it’s okay, I’m wearing gloves.” That was such a hilarious line and I really like Noel in this episode.

The next day, Noel gets to deliver another speech when he realizes Elena brought Blair home. “Just be careful,” he says, “I heard he doesn’t have a heart.” Love the call back to the classic movie. And I love them.

Felicity, still simmering over the party, awesomely goes up to Ben before class and accuses him of being scared of getting close to someone. This is the first time we see Felicity schooling Ben, and it’s MINT. Ben, exasperated, calls her out for judging him, and the whole scene is just so very them. It’s perfect. They are both right and the mutual fight is needed. I was proud of Felicity for being strong. Ben is right, of course, and Felicity realizes she’s been acting insane and needs to let the whole Ben dream go. FINALLY!

More Julie and Zach. There is something odd and/or creepy about these two. I haven’t figured it out yet but I wish Julie would turn her attention elsewhere.

Ben goes to find Felicity in her room, but she’s not there, so he asks Noel where he can find her. Noel, with a strong gaze, tells Ben that he doesn’t want to see Felicity get hurt, but ultimately he reveals that she’s at D&D. I actually thought it was very appropriate for Noel to give a stern warning to Ben there. Noel saw how hurt she was. Granted, there’s the girlfriend thing with Noel, and what he pulled. Still, he’s supportive and cares about Felicity. He knows she’s in love with Ben, at least I think he knows. But I didn’t see Noel out of line there or trying to manipulate it in his favor. He truly doesn’t want Felicity to get hurt and he knows how upset she was over Ben the night before. So I appreciate that he was being a good friend there.

Ben heads there and begs Felicity to talk with him so he can apologize for being a jerk. He admits that she was right–he pushed her away–and reveals that she makes him nervous and he gives her a necklace to replace the one that was stolen. All of this is perfection. Like I said, the minute Felicity lets go and essentially stands up to Ben because she knows they have something going on but if he’s going to be a child and run away from it, she’s not going to put up with it… the minute she is determined to just let go is right when Ben enters and it’s everything. Spiritual. He feels her pulling away, he pulls her way. It is like this spiritual cord that refuses to break. It may bend and even bend severely one way, but it will never break. The chemistry between them is off the charts.

Last Thoughts:

Noel was a great friend in this episode, and I love him for it. Not just with Felicity but Elena too.

Ben made some major strides in spite of his tendency to be the Great Avoider. The insight he shared with Felicity about his dad revealed his hidden depths, and his admission that Felicity makes him nervous shows a clear awareness that she may be a little crazy, but she’s good for him. And then there’s the necklace and the emotion wrapped in that gesture. They are scorching spiritual and intensely drawn to each other. It doesn’t matter what is going on with either of them, there will always be that pull. It is why Felicity has been a little crazy and it is also why Ben has been a bit skittish. They are figuring it out. It’s going to take a while. But that cord is here to stay.

Seeing everyone together in Felicity’s dorm room reminded me of how easy it was to hang out in college. Like, people lived just down the hall. That was awesome. I also think the show is giving insight into not thinking the group gathered just being a one shot deal. There is more to come.

Also, all of those fliers outside of the Film Society’s The Exorcist screening!!! Fliers are the wallpaper of college. Man, the nostalgia.

And then there’s Sean’s terrible joke when he sees Felicity’s costume: “Hey, Courtney Love, right?”

Elena: A couple years ago I was mugged… which really pissed me off.

^ Who was dumb enough messing with this brilliant woman.

- I loved seeing Felicity and Ben walking together randomly on the streets of NYC.

- The NYC detective had such a strong, classic NYC accent.

- The entire gang waiting for Felicity with Elena and Meghan bantering and bickering is everything.

- Ben’s roommate worrying about his stupid idea book then asking Ben if he tried to prevent the robbery was ridiculous.

Entertaining, and very important episode.

Last edited by jediwands; 02-15-2024 at 04:08 PM
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Old 02-15-2024, 04:26 PM
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Originally Posted by sporting (View Post)
Some of the later seasons aren't as strong but there are a couple earlier ones that I didn't absolutely love either.

The Joey and Rachel crap was stupid.
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Old 02-15-2024, 05:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Alexa (View Post)
Felicity 1x05

Don't remember this robbing storyline at all. But it brings Ben and Felicity closer which is amazing... Everyone worried for her was cute. I'll get back to them...
It brought them together while they both opened up.

I love how worried they were, even Meghan while she spied on Felicity’s space.

OMG Elena is so funny....

“I was mugged which really pissed me off.”

LMAO. I LOVE HERRRRRRRR. Her whining about Halloween was great too. Loved her confronting Noel in the bathroom about the witch on her door. lol. Their interactions were amazing this ep and had me shipping them lol.
She’s brilliant and really like Elena and Noel.

Not much of an opinion on Blair just yet but this line from Noel was so funny, “Just be careful. I heard he doesn't have a heart”. Cuz he was the tinman. omg lol.

Noel was GREAT in this ep (its just too bad he pissed me off so much in ep 4 lol) Him comforting Felicity was great too. He is so sweet if weren’t for that whole girlfriend thing lol. Noel threatening Ben was awkward though! But, it kind of established he liked her and made Ben aware if it too, which I liked.
100%. I thought Noel earned that moment. He’s been a great friend to Felicity minus the GF thing. Why Noel stepping up to the plate for Felicity during this moment was especially meaningful had to do with Ben. Ben was acting like Felicity wasn’t even a friend at the party as he was going through some things. So it’s almost like it was perfect timing… kind of a message to Ben like while justifiable you are a bit in your thoughts at the moment, still be a friend to Felicity.

Javier is here! Hilarious. Him calling 12+ women fat annoyed, but I will look past it because he's funny.
LOL. I love how clueless Felicity was during that moment.

Julie and the pink guy were a lot better this ep. I didn't get why Julie rejected the kiss the first time cuz she clearly likes him. They were kinda cute at the end though.
Julie overreacts to everything, big and small. She’s Julie. LOL.



Ben coming to see Felicity the whole ep was sweet. Him calling her and them carving pumpkins was adorable too. Poor Ben when he revealed his father makes him feel unsafe. I, like Felicity, wanted to know more about that whole thing and what he was going to say. But I like that hes slowly opening up to her.

I felt bad for Felicity at the party... had a feeling Ben wouldn't dress up. It also sucked for her to see him kissing someone but Felicity 100% overreacted… they are friends. She knows this... and He has a right to kiss who he wants like he said. Her wanting to basically cut off the friendship was annoying. So, he can't call her as a FRIEND? Because they went through something together? She always does this and it bothers me. She expects too much from him.

With that said, Felicity has a right to not be friends with Ben if she really likes him and thinks its too hard to be around him, but she doesn't need to be rude about it. She either needs to stop talking to him or she needs to accept that they are just friends.

Felicity ignoring him was a bit much but Ben going to apologize to her was so sweet and it shows he does care bout her feelings a lot, which is adorable. He didn't have to apologize frankly.

“I dont make you nervous”
“Yeah you do.”

SO CUTE!!!! Buttttt he really does send so many mixed signals. Him getting the necklace for her was so sweet. The part where the necklace dropped was a nice touch because it was a realistic thing to happen. Wish more shows would do moments like that. But i am a litle confused where this leaves them... friends then?

Also how great it is that like almost every ep ends with them? GREAT PROGRESS FROM THEM!!!!
So well said, you nailed it.

And right! They always get the most important moments (even when not sharing a ton of scenes in a particular episode), and typically the ending moments.
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Old 02-15-2024, 06:22 PM
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How would you rank the Friends seasons?
Jumping in here, am currently rewatching and ranking episodes so I can determine my order but from what i remember:

#1, #2.
Cant rank them specifically right now but I believe Seasons 3, and 4 were my favorites... It's hard to remember specifics but I remember thinking season 3 was so funny and I felt like the show was finally sort of coming into its own a lot. Loved the earlier RR episodes and relationship... Season 4 was great...I think I preferred it slgihtly because of certain storylines? I laughed a lot. But its hard to say one over the other right now...

#3, #4.
Can't decipher but seasons 2 and 8 were also very strong for me. There were some stand out episodes in season 8. I just remember laughing a lot this season. And there was a lot of fun Ross/Rachel moments this season. Loved the R/R stuff in season 2 and some individual storylines.

#5, #6, #7.
Seasons 5, 6 and 7. I personally am not the biggest mondler fan. I like them but i dont love them, so these seasons really focusing on them weren't my absolute favorite but they were still phenomenal! There were a lot of really amazing scenes and episodes in these seasons. They were also peak friends seasons to me.

Season 1. It def. had weak moments and wasn't as funny as other seasons, it was awkward at times but I still loved the show and it was a good start.

#9 + #10
Season 9 and 10... hard for me to say which was worse. Season was the season that focused a lot of Joey/Rachel which I hated. I did love a lot of the moments with Emma and still found the season funny but the JR stuff kinda brought it down for me. I did love the addition of Mike too. I didnt like the Chandler Tulsa storyline at all really. Season 10 I just remember disliking because I think I found it the least funny, the most boring, and I didn't love some storylines like the Surrogate storyline and Rachel almost moving away. It did feel like the show was finally running out of steam here. It was still good but I just didnt like it as much.

But I will have to rewatch and I'll probably change my mind again lol.
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Old 02-15-2024, 06:32 PM
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Great thoughts on the ep michelle, dont have much to add. I mostly agree.

I have to say… who the hell cares about that stupid book.
I kinda felt bad for Sean though. That would suck to have something you care about and spend time on get stolen... but, I dont think it was the appropriate time to bring it up with Ben still reeling from what happened.

then asking Ben if he tried to prevent the robbery was ridiculous.
THAT was annoying, I agree, like seriously Sean? He maybe didnt want to DIE. Jeez.

Ben was acting like Felicity wasn’t even a friend at the party as he was going through some things.
Why do you say this? I didn't get that impression at all. I think he was just chillin at the party. LOL... I dont think Ben was intentionally trying to avoid her, hes just doing his thing. She was kind of acting like they were supposed to go to the party as a couple, it was weird.

I personally think Felicity overreacteed and was being a bit cringey. She expects so much from Ben and he has never once promised her anything in terms of romance. Like, hes made it clear he views her as a friend and she keeps lettering herself work up all these expectations from him. It bothers me. If the roles were reversed and it was a guy doing to this a woman I would find it really annoying and creepy.

But its obvious he does feel something for Felicity because despite all these freak outs and weird things she is doing he continues to come back to her to talk to her and continues putting out weird signals lol. I think at this point Ben just really loves how much she likes him, it makes him feel really good.
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Old 02-15-2024, 10:18 PM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
How would you rank the Friends seasons?
Not sure except, but I think Seasons 7 and 9 would definitely be my bottom two
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Old 02-16-2024, 02:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Alexa (View Post)
Jumping in here, am currently rewatching and ranking episodes so I can determine my order but from what i remember:

#1, #2.
Cant rank them specifically right now but I believe Seasons 3, and 4 were my favorites... It's hard to remember specifics but I remember thinking season 3 was so funny and I felt like the show was finally sort of coming into its own a lot. Loved the earlier RR episodes and relationship... Season 4 was great...I think I preferred it slgihtly because of certain storylines? I laughed a lot. But its hard to say one over the other right now...

#3, #4.
Can't decipher but seasons 2 and 8 were also very strong for me. There were some stand out episodes in season 8. I just remember laughing a lot this season. And there was a lot of fun Ross/Rachel moments this season. Loved the R/R stuff in season 2 and some individual storylines.

#5, #6, #7.
Seasons 5, 6 and 7. I personally am not the biggest mondler fan. I like them but i dont love them, so these seasons really focusing on them weren't my absolute favorite but they were still phenomenal! There were a lot of really amazing scenes and episodes in these seasons. They were also peak friends seasons to me.

Season 1. It def. had weak moments and wasn't as funny as other seasons, it was awkward at times but I still loved the show and it was a good start.

#9 + #10
Season 9 and 10... hard for me to say which was worse. Season was the season that focused a lot of Joey/Rachel which I hated. I did love a lot of the moments with Emma and still found the season funny but the JR stuff kinda brought it down for me. I did love the addition of Mike too. I didnt like the Chandler Tulsa storyline at all really. Season 10 I just remember disliking because I think I found it the least funny, the most boring, and I didn't love some storylines like the Surrogate storyline and Rachel almost moving away. It did feel like the show was finally running out of steam here. It was still good but I just didnt like it as much.

But I will have to rewatch and I'll probably change my mind again lol.
Love your thoughts. I agree about seasons 3 and 4. S3 just had so many episodes where they all were so great in... I love the The One Where No One's Ready/Season 3, Episode 2. Prime example of how the chemistry and solid episodes are scorching with quality.

Love the rest of your thoughts. I am also with you about not absolutely loving Chandler and Monica. They were fine, but I did not ship them like Ross and Rachel. A part of me kind of got pissed Chandler and Monica got some things that I wish Ross and Rachel would have received earlier than their series finale endgame. But overall, it was fine. I just did not feel super attached to Chandler and Monica like I did Ross and Rachel.

The last two seasons... yes, they were not that good. When they decided to pick up the Ross and Rachel relationship for their series finale ending, yes, those episodes in S10 were mint. I think they sacrificed the comedy because structurally they had to set up Ross and Rachel and move the characters in general in specific directions.

Who did you like Phoebe with? David or Mike?
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Old 02-16-2024, 02:06 PM
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Originally Posted by stlavin95 (View Post)
Not sure except, but I think Seasons 7 and 9 would definitely be my bottom two
Makes sense.
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Old 02-16-2024, 02:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Alexa (View Post)
Great thoughts on the ep michelle, dont have much to add. I mostly agree.

I kinda felt bad for Sean though. That would suck to have something you care about and spend time on get stolen... but, I dont think it was the appropriate time to bring it up with Ben still reeling from what happened.
That's so true, I just hated how he asked Ben if he even tried to contained armed robbers. That was so inappropriate.

THAT was annoying, I agree, like seriously Sean? He maybe didnt want to DIE. Jeez.

Why do you say this? I didn't get that impression at all. I think he was just chillin at the party. LOL... I dont think Ben was intentionally trying to avoid her, hes just doing his thing. She was kind of acting like they were supposed to go to the party as a couple, it was weird.
Well, I don't know...

Look at the timeline:

They were bonding over the robbery, started having heart to hearts, and he opened up about his father, the necklace. Then they planned on dressing up for that party in the same way...

Then... he doesn't even show up at the police station, at the party he was chilling and all but did not wear what she thought he was wearing and he was acting a bit cold and didn't want to talk much.

I think partially she was kind of worried and wondering why he did not show up at the police station. I do not think she expected they were going to be dating or together but at least communication of hello, an explanation of why he wasn't at the police station.

Felicity is smart. She knew they were bonding and then he got a bit chilly and she wondered why. I think it was more emotional and as friends for her, not expecting in the same bed together that night.

I personally think Felicity overreacteed and was being a bit cringey. She expects so much from Ben and he has never once promised her anything in terms of romance. Like, hes made it clear he views her as a friend and she keeps lettering herself work up all these expectations from him. It bothers me. If the roles were reversed and it was a guy doing to this a woman I would find it really annoying and creepy.
I totally agree with this as well and Ben told her as much. Her expectations are massive. That is why Felicity pulled back like what the hell am I doing? I have to stop. So she did. She stopped. That is when Ben started coming her way...

It was a great moment for them actually. So I was glad they fought and had this boiling over because Felicity finally realized she had to let go. She did. He then came to her.

But its obvious he does feel something for Felicity because despite all these freak outs and weird things she is doing he continues to come back to her to talk to her and continues putting out weird signals lol. I think at this point Ben just really loves how much she likes him, it makes him feel really good.
Yes, and he's definitely confused as well. He doesn't really know what they are, but certainly isn't ready for anything heavy, even being best friends right now. He is confused but at the same time, knows there's a connection they have, always being brought together during certain moments he cannot figure out yet.

I mean, when he went to see her at her work... did he have to come with a new necklace? That was touching, very special, very emotional. He knows there's some sort of connection. At times he goes with it, at other times it scares him. But that was a very beautiful moment.

I loved their fight at the party though and then in class. Felicity finally STOPPED. That was when Ben was like... wait, you do not need to stop all the way though?

They are so cute and fascinating. I love them.
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Old 02-16-2024, 07:35 PM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Makes sense.

Don't really like either of those seasons
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Old 02-16-2024, 08:06 PM
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Originally Posted by stlavin95 (View Post)

Don't really like either of those seasons
What bothered you the most about them?
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Old 02-17-2024, 01:11 AM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
What bothered you the most about them?
Both seasons just bored me, not really a lot to rewatch in both of those seasons imo.
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Old 02-17-2024, 08:19 AM
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Originally Posted by stlavin95 (View Post)
Both seasons just bored me, not really a lot to rewatch in both of those seasons imo.

S9 has to be the worst for me due to Joey and Rachel. Nothing came of it but all those episodes leading up in S8 and early S10… but S9 was the most annoying. It was DUMB. None of the six wanted this crap. Matt, David and Jen especially were speaking out. I even remember Cox and Kudrow speaking out. It was lame. The writers/creators reassured them it would be nothing. What they don’t understand is way too much time was wasted on the unrequited feelings Joey thought he had, then Rachel, then Ross finds out and the second Joey and Rachel give it a try they cannot even go there because they aren’t feeling romantic and knew it was friendship. Not that I wanted them to feel anything but it was a reminder of how many episodes were wasted on this. On top of it all, I hate the theory that men and women cannot be just friends. Rachel moves in with Joey and he HAD to think he was falling for her. Ridiculous. If they wanted to spend time on another possible pairing they should have done Joey and Phoebe. It was jokingly hinted throughout the series. It probably would have been corny pairing off all six but do Joey and Phoebe instead of pointless Joey and Rachel only to have them find out they were better off as only friends. The Joey and Phoebe stuff at least would have made slight sense.
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Old 02-17-2024, 09:28 AM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Interesting. So I take it the books kind of show father and son as having similar personality traits and they never evolve. I definitely like how the show changed things up in this regard.
Exactly! I found the show made the better creative choice .


I just didn’t like that Isabel/Jesse stuff. I thought it was a complete waste of time. I much rather have seen her closer with Alex or even Kyle in the end. Her ending was fine in that at least Jesse didn’t go with them. I guess we are to believe that maybe Isabel and Kyle get together eventually.
Yes there was some dynamic between Kyle/Isabel but I saw them more as friends than anything else. Jesse/Isabel was not a couple I liked a lot as well .

Obviously I support LGBTQIA+. And while that’s cool some aspects of Alex remained true, I couldn’t watch Roswell New Mexico without Michael and Maria being authentic and based on the original. Nope. Hard pass.
Same. They also butchered Maria/Liz friendship. In that show Maria was closer to Rosa (Liz’s sister) than Liz and that for me is like a crime. I mean to screw up two iconic relationships is like talent .

Got it. Kyle and Tess could have worked eventually if she wasn’t evil, did not kill Alex and make Kyle forget what the hell he was doing while helping her with Alex’s body post-death. I could’ve seen that though if done the right way and Tess might have originally had bad intentions but turned for the better.
Yep. Most alternate universe fics do have Tess and Kyle and Isabel and Alex paired up .

That’s so weird about the S2 opinions.

And yes, Liz had two choices… losing Alex or telling him the truth.

100% Liz knew Alex did not kill himself. In the end, Liz was basically the hero. She saved everyone, put one to justice, went Nancy Drew and uncovered what happened to Alex.
I agree. Liz rocked in those episodes in conclusion . Yes she was a bit obsessed with it but I can see it driven by her guilt.
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Old 02-17-2024, 07:11 PM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
Exactly! I found the show made the better creative choice .

Yes there was some dynamic between Kyle/Isabel but I saw them more as friends than anything else. Jesse/Isabel was not a couple I liked a lot as well .

Same. They also butchered Maria/Liz friendship. In that show Maria was closer to Rosa (Liz’s sister) than Liz and that for me is like a crime. I mean to screw up two iconic relationships is like talent .

Yep. Most alternate universe fics do have Tess and Kyle and Isabel and Alex paired up .

I agree. Liz rocked in those episodes in conclusion . Yes she was a bit obsessed with it but I can see it driven by her guilt.
Way better creative choice. I’m typically in favor of anything based on a book series being fairly accurate or sometimes it can drive me crazy. LOL. However, if the change is for the better (like changing up father and son on Roswell) then I’m good with it.

Kyle had some feelings for Isabel but she didn’t return. I read an article where it can be interpreted as eventually they would since they were going with the other four but obviously it’s open to interpretation.

What?! Did the freaken remake want to assassinate Maria?! How do you have her not with Michael romantically or Liz as a BFF? That’s ridiculous and maddening. Like you said, it’s criminal. Wow. A major butchering.

That’s interesting.

I ADORED Liz in those episodes.
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