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Old 02-14-2024, 05:26 AM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
How many books are there? A lot or just a few?
I might be wrong but I think it was 10 books. The books are however more for teens. Katims did adopt the story for TV and changed the tune a bit. In this specific case I do think that Katims got influenced by the original material but definitely changed it and improved it even. For example Sherif Valenti started and remained as bad guy in the books. In the show I found the development of Valenti from bad guy that is chasing them to being confident and helping them and being thankful that Max saved his son poignant. That was a great story.
I believe same for Kyle - he remained the bad guy and we know that was not how the show did it. One good thing about the books is that Alex does not die and Tess does not exist. And I think in the books Alex and Isobel are thing where in the show it was more one sided than anything else.

The Tess versus Madison stuff.
Smack down. Sadly Everwood was not the type of show to have an easy way to kill Madison . But yeah I think we have the same reasons to hate both pregnancies. It just a baby is a permanent thing that would always be. It is not something that a teen girl can forget that easily. Yeah logically we know that it does not make sense to be jealousy of a baby but Liz and Amy were teens at this point. It is definitely a tough pill to swallow.

Same. I liked S2 a lot actually and like you said, those handful of S3 episodes were really good.
Yeah . I also loved when finally Liz broke down and told Max off for getting Tess pregnant and how he is hurting her and Kyle was there to tell Max to stop. I liked that scene because I could understand how Max felt guilty for what was happening, I was seeing how at this point it became too much for Liz and she snapped and how Kyle turned from her ex boyfriend to a good friend of her and the aliens in general. Kyle as a character had great development.

How would you break down Roswell shippers? Did most like both pairings, only one but neutral on the other, like one and dislike the other?
I was not part of the fandom when the show was airing but I don’t think there wars the way there in say OTH or Dawson because I think it was clear for all fans that the show was about Max/Liz and Michael/Maria. There is of course thread about Max/Tess and there are some people that ship them but I would not say that there was acting out, insults or all of that.

The thing that did create some divide is the whole Tess debacle as you said. Some fans really hate Max for what happened in Season 2 which fair. Others hate Liz for going after the aliens after Alex got killed. Again fair, to each their own. I personally sided with Liz on this and not Max. I do think that in Season 2 Max acted like a jerk - he not only treated well Isabel and definitely not Liz with what was happening once Alex died. I get that he did not want to accept responsibility but that’s not what Liz wanted. She did not want Max to say “it is my fault”. She wanted the truth and she wanted justice for her best friend because she did feel guilty as she introduced Alex to the aliens. Yes maybe Liz could have been more careful and think about the aliens but she was depressed feeling guilty for her best friend’s death. I think I can give her a pass for that.
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Old 02-14-2024, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
I might be wrong but I think it was 10 books. The books are however more for teens. Katims did adopt the story for TV and changed the tune a bit. In this specific case I do think that Katims got influenced by the original material but definitely changed it and improved it even. For example Sherif Valenti started and remained as bad guy in the books. In the show I found the development of Valenti from bad guy that is chasing them to being confident and helping them and being thankful that Max saved his son poignant. That was a great story.
I believe same for Kyle - he remained the bad guy and we know that was not how the show did it. One good thing about the books is that Alex does not die and Tess does not exist. And I think in the books Alex and Isobel are thing where in the show it was more one sided than anything else.
Interesting. Thanks for the background.

I liked that about both Sheriff Valenti and Kyle. Did Liz and Kyle date in the books before Max and Liz? Oh man why oh why did Tess have to be created in the books. That sucks so much about Alex. If Colin wanted to leave (that is why, right?) why not have Alex go away for a while or even in a coma, as long as he would live and return for the series finale and end up with the gang and Isabel. What makes it worse is Roswell New Mexico couldn’t even do the character of Alex more accurately which, ultimately, destroyed Michael and Maria too. Nightmare.

Smack down. Sadly Everwood was not the type of show to have an easy way to kill Madison . But yeah I think we have the same reasons to hate both pregnancies. It just a baby is a permanent thing that would always be. It is not something that a teen girl can forget that easily. Yeah logically we know that it does not make sense to be jealousy of a baby but Liz and Amy were teens at this point. It is definitely a tough pill to swallow.

Yeah . I also loved when finally Liz broke down and told Max off for getting Tess pregnant and how he is hurting her and Kyle was there to tell Max to stop. I liked that scene because I could understand how Max felt guilty for what was happening, I was seeing how at this point it became too much for Liz and she snapped and how Kyle turned from her ex boyfriend to a good friend of her and the aliens in general. Kyle as a character had great development.
So agree about Kyle. Also, I’ve never understood how some fans think Liz was a doormat at times with Max. I never saw it like that. I think she was vulnerable at times because of their soulmate/spiritual connection and the psychic abilities she was having. But she was never a doormat and like you pointed out she certainly got Tess and she also found a way to honor Alex.

I was not part of the fandom when the show was airing but I don’t think there wars the way there in say OTH or Dawson because I think it was clear for all fans that the show was about Max/Liz and Michael/Maria. There is of course thread about Max/Tess and there are some people that ship them but I would not say that there was acting out, insults or all of that.
That is good. Was the Max and Tess shipper fandom big?

The thing that did create some divide is the whole Tess debacle as you said. Some fans really hate Max for what happened in Season 2 which fair. Others hate Liz for going after the aliens after Alex got killed. Again fair, to each their own. I personally sided with Liz on this and not Max. I do think that in Season 2 Max acted like a jerk - he not only treated well Isabel and definitely not Liz with what was happening once Alex died. I get that he did not want to accept responsibility but that’s not what Liz wanted. She did not want Max to say “it is my fault”. She wanted the truth and she wanted justice for her best friend because she did feel guilty as she introduced Alex to the aliens. Yes maybe Liz could have been more careful and think about the aliens but she was depressed feeling guilty for her best friend’s death. I think I can give her a pass for that.
100%. I’m actually shocked people blamed Liz for this. I never once thought about it in that way. Max definitely had some jerky moments in S2, for sure. Tess in my mind is the only one to blame for what happened to Alex. Alex also wanted involved in the group. He would have died an emotional death if Liz and Maria kept him out. He was so persistent. Plus, Liz and Maria fought until they found out what happened and got justice while honoring their childhood friend.

Last edited by jediwands; 02-14-2024 at 05:20 PM
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Old 02-14-2024, 10:39 PM
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Old 02-15-2024, 01:54 AM
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I am feeling much better regarding my cold/flu. I am stiill a bit snotty but its not bad.

My knee on the other hand is such an annoyance. I am sad it didnt go away in the week because I will have to see a doctor tomorrow (who wont be able to tell me anything either). Not being able to dance in my classes (after my ankle is finally healed!) is very frustrating.

I'll post my felicity thoughts a day early now that Michelle has seen it!
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Old 02-15-2024, 02:09 AM
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Felicity 1x05

Don't remember this robbing storyline at all. But it brings Ben and Felicity closer which is amazing... Everyone worried for her was cute. I'll get back to them...

OMG Elena is so funny....

“I was mugged which really pissed me off.”

LMAO. I LOVE HERRRRRRRR. Her whining about Halloween was great too. Loved her confronting Noel in the bathroom about the witch on her door. lol. Their interactions were amazing this ep and had me shipping them lol.

Not much of an opinion on Blair just yet but this line from Noel was so funny, “Just be careful. I heard he doesn't have a heart”. Cuz he was the tinman. omg lol.

Noel was GREAT in this ep (its just too bad he pissed me off so much in ep 4 lol) Him comforting Felicity was great too. He is so sweet if weren’t for that whole girlfriend thing lol. Noel threatening Ben was awkward though! But, it kind of established he liked her and made Ben aware if it too, which I liked.

Javier is here! Hilarious. Him calling 12+ women fat annoyed, but I will look past it because he's funny.

Julie and the pink guy were a lot better this ep. I didn't get why Julie rejected the kiss the first time cuz she clearly likes him. They were kinda cute at the end though.



Ben coming to see Felicity the whole ep was sweet. Him calling her and them carving pumpkins was adorable too. Poor Ben when he revealed his father makes him feel unsafe. I, like Felicity, wanted to know more about that whole thing and what he was going to say. But I like that hes slowly opening up to her.

I felt bad for Felicity at the party... had a feeling Ben wouldn't dress up. It also sucked for her to see him kissing someone but Felicity 100% overreacted… they are friends. She knows this... and He has a right to kiss who he wants like he said. Her wanting to basically cut off the friendship was annoying. So, he can't call her as a FRIEND? Because they went through something together? She always does this and it bothers me. She expects too much from him.

With that said, Felicity has a right to not be friends with Ben if she really likes him and thinks its too hard to be around him, but she doesn't need to be rude about it. She either needs to stop talking to him or she needs to accept that they are just friends.

Felicity ignoring him was a bit much but Ben going to apologize to her was so sweet and it shows he does care bout her feelings a lot, which is adorable. He didn't have to apologize frankly.

“I dont make you nervous”
“Yeah you do.”

SO CUTE!!!! Buttttt he really does send so many mixed signals. Him getting the necklace for her was so sweet. The part where the necklace dropped was a nice touch because it was a realistic thing to happen. Wish more shows would do moments like that. But i am a litle confused where this leaves them... friends then?

Also how great it is that like almost every ep ends with them? GREAT PROGRESS FROM THEM!!!!
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Old 02-15-2024, 02:58 AM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Interesting. Thanks for the background.

I liked that about both Sheriff Valenti and Kyle. Did Liz and Kyle date in the books before Max and Liz?
I think yes.

Oh man why oh why did Tess have to be created in the books. That sucks so much about Alex. If Colin wanted to leave (that is why, right?) why not have Alex go away for a while or even in a coma, as long as he would live and return for the series finale and end up with the gang and Isabel.
And that reminds me there is no Tess in the books actually nor Royal Four. There are 2 or 3 additional aliens (all males) and some of them might have tried something with Liz but yeah no Tess in the books. As for Isabel/Alex I can see the point a bit - it was a bit too perfect for all of them to end up with each other. And the show never showed Isabel interested in Alex past friendship. But yeah I it sucked for us because for once we had real pure friendships between a girl and guy. I loved the friendship of Maria, Liz and Alex. It was so natural and authentic.

What makes it worse is Roswell New Mexico couldn’t even do the character of Alex more accurately which, ultimately, destroyed Michael and Maria too. Nightmare.
To be fair to them Alex background in the new show does have something from the books - the brothers, the military connection. However yeah I am all for LGBT and all of that but do not do it at the expense of one of the iconic Roswell couples. Just don't. Michael and Maria were iconic both in the books and the original show.

So agree about Kyle. Also, I’ve never understood how some fans think Liz was a doormat at times with Max. I never saw it like that. I think she was vulnerable at times because of their soulmate/spiritual connection and the psychic abilities she was having. But she was never a doormat and like you pointed out she certainly got Tess and she also found a way to honor Alex.
I don't think that Liz was a doormat. If anything one thing that Roswell show had done well is strong female characters. Liz, Maria and Isabel were not pushovers. Not at all. I get people wanting Liz to talk a bit more on how hurt she was for the whole Tess thing. It would not have hurt if we had 1-2 scenes more around that. And just Season 3 premiere was not that good. Like we go from Season 2 where they realise that Tess killed Alex and Mac got Tess pregnant to Liz helping Max commit a felony to save his son. Was not that a good transition. I do think they should have spent a bit more time on how hurt Liz is. Now granted you don't want it to be much as well because Max was hurt as well to see Liz and Kyle in 1 bed. Yes we know the truth but he did not and just because he knows later does not change his feelings at that moment.

That is good. Was the Max and Tess shipper fandom big?
Don't think so. And I think it all died once it was clear Tess killed Alex and wanted Max and the gang to be back so that Kivar can kill them to save her own a$$. I think people more like the idea of Tess before Season 2 finale and some people even like the potential of Kyle/Tess.

100%. I’m actually shocked people blamed Liz for this. I never once thought about it in that way. Max definitely had some jerky moments in S2, for sure. Tess in my mind is the only one to blame for what happened to Alex. Alex also wanted involved in the group. He would have died an emotional death if Liz and Maria kept him out. He was so persistent. Plus, Liz and Maria fought until they found out what happened and got justice while honoring their childhood friend.
Those are Max fans that don't like when fans point out that Max had his jerk moments in Season 2. So they turn the fingers to Liz back to kind of deflect. Tess indeed is the one that killed Alex. She bears the blame for that. Alex wanted to know what is happening with his friends because he cared about them. So yes sooner or later Liz would have to either tell him or accept that their friendship is over. Those were the only two options.

Liz was right that to look into IMO and if the aliens were behind her, she would have done things more calmly. They did not want to help so she did her way. Was it the best - most probably no. But without her, Max and Isabel would have been killed by Kivar because of Tess. So her being persistent is what saved them in the end. She was smart and she knew Alex enough to know he did not kill himself.
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Old 02-15-2024, 09:42 AM
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Originally Posted by stlavin95 (View Post)
Thanks for this! I love how you find these things.
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Old 02-15-2024, 09:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Alexa (View Post)
I am feeling much better regarding my cold/flu. I am stiill a bit snotty but its not bad.

My knee on the other hand is such an annoyance. I am sad it didnt go away in the week because I will have to see a doctor tomorrow (who wont be able to tell me anything either). Not being able to dance in my classes (after my ankle is finally healed!) is very frustrating.

I'll post my felicity thoughts a day early now that Michelle has seen it!
Glad your cold virus is better but sucks so much about your knee, especially since it impacts your work. Thankfully your ankle is healed even if the knee is the next challenge.

Great Felicity thoughts! Will respond and add my thoughts after work in a few.
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Old 02-15-2024, 01:57 PM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)

I think yes.
Interesting. So I take it the books kind of show father and son as having similar personality traits and they never evolve. I definitely like how the show changed things up in this regard.

And that reminds me there is no Tess in the books actually nor Royal Four. There are 2 or 3 additional aliens (all males) and some of them might have tried something with Liz but yeah no Tess in the books. As for Isabel/Alex I can see the point a bit - it was a bit too perfect for all of them to end up with each other. And the show never showed Isabel interested in Alex past friendship. But yeah I it sucked for us because for once we had real pure friendships between a girl and guy. I loved the friendship of Maria, Liz and Alex. It was so natural and authentic.

I just didn’t like that Isabel/Jesse stuff. I thought it was a complete waste of time. I much rather have seen her closer with Alex or even Kyle in the end. Her ending was fine in that at least Jesse didn’t go with them. I guess we are to believe that maybe Isabel and Kyle get together eventually.

To be fair to them Alex background in the new show does have something from the books - the brothers, the military connection. However yeah I am all for LGBT and all of that but do not do it at the expense of one of the iconic Roswell couples. Just don't. Michael and Maria were iconic both in the books and the original show.
Obviously I support LGBTQIA+. And while that’s cool some aspects of Alex remained true, I couldn’t watch Roswell New Mexico without Michael and Maria being authentic and based on the original. Nope. Hard pass.

I don't think that Liz was a doormat. If anything one thing that Roswell show had done well is strong female characters. Liz, Maria and Isabel were not pushovers. Not at all. I get people wanting Liz to talk a bit more on how hurt she was for the whole Tess thing. It would not have hurt if we had 1-2 scenes more around that. And just Season 3 premiere was not that good. Like we go from Season 2 where they realise that Tess killed Alex and Mac got Tess pregnant to Liz helping Max commit a felony to save his son. Was not that a good transition. I do think they should have spent a bit more time on how hurt Liz is. Now granted you don't want it to be much as well because Max was hurt as well to see Liz and Kyle in 1 bed. Yes we know the truth but he did not and just because he knows later does not change his feelings at that moment.
Yes, agree with all of this.

Don't think so. And I think it all died once it was clear Tess killed Alex and wanted Max and the gang to be back so that Kivar can kill them to save her own a$$. I think people more like the idea of Tess before Season 2 finale and some people even like the potential of Kyle/Tess.
Got it. Kyle and Tess could have worked eventually if she wasn’t evil, did not kill Alex and make Kyle forget what the hell he was doing while helping her with Alex’s body post-death. I could’ve seen that though if done the right way and Tess might have originally had bad intentions but turned for the better.

Those are Max fans that don't like when fans point out that Max had his jerk moments in Season 2. So they turn the fingers to Liz back to kind of deflect. Tess indeed is the one that killed Alex. She bears the blame for that. Alex wanted to know what is happening with his friends because he cared about them. So yes sooner or later Liz would have to either tell him or accept that their friendship is over. Those were the only two options.

Liz was right that to look into IMO and if the aliens were behind her, she would have done things more calmly. They did not want to help so she did her way. Was it the best - most probably no. But without her, Max and Isabel would have been killed by Kivar because of Tess. So her being persistent is what saved them in the end. She was smart and she knew Alex enough to know he did not kill himself.
That’s so weird about the S2 opinions.

And yes, Liz had two choices… losing Alex or telling him the truth.

100% Liz knew Alex did not kill himself. In the end, Liz was basically the hero. She saved everyone, put one to justice, went Nancy Drew and uncovered what happened to Alex.

Last edited by jediwands; 02-15-2024 at 02:02 PM
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Old 02-15-2024, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Thanks for this! I love how you find these things.
No problem
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Old 02-15-2024, 02:27 PM
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Originally Posted by stlavin95 (View Post)
No problem
Good stuff.
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Old 02-15-2024, 02:27 PM
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How would you rank the Friends seasons?
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Old 02-15-2024, 03:31 PM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
How would you rank the Friends seasons?
That's a great question. I'd have a think about it.
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Old 02-15-2024, 03:35 PM
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Originally Posted by sporting (View Post)
That's a great question. I'd have a think about it.
I don't think I've ever thought about it.
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Old 02-15-2024, 03:38 PM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
I don't think I've ever thought about it.
Some of the later seasons aren't as strong but there are a couple earlier ones that I didn't absolutely love either.
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