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Old 08-18-2010, 07:43 PM
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Hot Seat #4:

Taryn is in the Hot Seat.

Some Gilmore Girls themed questions:

1. You've mentioned that you didn't like the final two seasons. What were some of the problems that you found with those two seasons?
2. Favourite of Rory's boyfriends?
3. Least favourite?
4. Rory losing her virginity to Married Dean: what did you think of that one?
“[People] talk to me about these characters as if they’re real, and they’re not real, but they’ve become real...I really think, shows like this one, you have an attachment to them. They’re like friends you check in on."
-Greg Berlanti on Everwood
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Old 08-18-2010, 09:02 PM
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Some Gilmore Girls themed questions:

1. You've mentioned that you didn't like the final two seasons. What were some of the problems that you found with those two seasons? The show lost its sparkle. The focus was no longer on the (often hilarious) day to day antics of the girls and the townies, instead it shifted to who is having what problems and who is avoiding whom and blah. It was depressing, and it became a drudgery to watch it every week.

2. Favourite of Rory's boyfriends? Jess, Jess, Jess, Jess, Jess. Logan grew on me after a while (though his butthead sidekicks never did - besides making me laugh every once in a while) but I always loved Jess. I spent many hours defending Jess on the TWoP board.

3. Least favourite? Dean. Ugh. I never saw him as the "perfect first boyfriend" - I thought he was kinda whiny and creepy from the beginning and he just grew worse as time went on. I found it disturbing how Rory had to always do everything she could to avoid a fight with him if he got the least bit jealous or upset over another guy (Tristan, Jess, Logan at the party...were there any others?) or even because she had a school function or something that cut into their "couple time".

4. Rory losing her virginity to Married Dean: what did you think of that one? Don't EVEN get me started. I know ASP was tickled that she got to knock Angel Rory off her pedastal with that one, but I wanted to throw things at the TV. Hard things. I never liked Lindsey, but the sight of the poor girl cringing and in tears when Dean was going off on her for answering his cell phone.....ooooh I just wanted to reach in a smack him really, really hard.
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Old 08-18-2010, 09:36 PM
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I just watched Jess' first episode, and all I'll say is I loved Luke pushing him in the lake, so I think we might just have to agree to disagree on #2. And #3. The other two, though, we're golden, hee.

Next theme: Everwood

1. Who would win in a fight: Andy or Harold?
2. What show did you think did a better job with the small town aspect: Everwood or Gilmore Girls?
3. Any controversial opinions on the show? (I love those!)
4. Who can you stand more: Amanda or Carl?
5. What episode would you show someone to make them fall in love with the show?
“[People] talk to me about these characters as if they’re real, and they’re not real, but they’ve become real...I really think, shows like this one, you have an attachment to them. They’re like friends you check in on."
-Greg Berlanti on Everwood
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Old 08-18-2010, 10:42 PM
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Hahaha, Taryn. I support your Gilmore Girls opinions! (But I suspect you'd already know that from our tendencies to vote similarly in the GG Tournament and all, heh.)
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Old 08-19-2010, 05:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Thief Of Love (View Post)
Hahaha, Taryn. I support your Gilmore Girls opinions! (But I suspect you'd already know that from our tendencies to vote similarly in the GG Tournament and all, heh.)


Next theme: Everwood

1. Who would win in a fight: Andy or Harold? A verbal fight - Harold. Fist fight - probably Andy. I don't think he'd hesitate to fight dirty.

2. What show did you think did a better job with the small town aspect: Everwood or Gilmore Girls? That's a good question, I read these questions this morning but took my time answering so I could think about this one for a bit. I think both shows did a fairly good job portraying small(ish) town life, but sometimes it seemed like GG was straining to remind us and/or make us believe that Stars Hollow was a small town, and there were times that they just tried too hard. (See: Cinnamon's Wake. As much as I loved that ep, it's absurd that a hundred people would show up to mourn the loss of a cat.) Especially since the Pilot showed a pop sign of almost 10,000...sorry Lorelai, but that really is not a teeny-tiny town LOL. I mean, where I grew up we had a population sign that said 317. Everwood had a more natural small town feel without trying so hard, to me.

3. Any controversial opinions on the show? (I love those!) Hmmm, I don't know. I guess it's controversial that I liked Tommy and believed that he wasn't dealing at the time that he met Amy; also that I never found Amy to be acting like a spoiled brat in S2 and was really angry at her parents for the way they treated her.

4. Who can you stand more: Amanda or Carl? Oh, gah. That's a tough one. As much as I hated Amanda's presence and the storyline around her, what Carl did to Nina emotionally was worse, IMO. She spent several years of her life wondering what was wrong with her that her own husband wouldn't even make the effort to be with her, and that is just wrong.

5. What episode would you show someone to make them fall in love with the show? The Pilot. It was a solid ep, start to finish, and set everything up so nicely.
"I want to be the example of what you can do, not the voice telling you who you can blame for your pain." ~ Dr. Ben Carson
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Old 08-20-2010, 03:27 PM
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2. What show did you think did a better job with the small town aspect: Everwood or Gilmore Girls? That's a good question, I read these questions this morning but took my time answering so I could think about this one for a bit. I think both shows did a fairly good job portraying small(ish) town life, but sometimes it seemed like GG was straining to remind us and/or make us believe that Stars Hollow was a small town, and there were times that they just tried too hard. (See: Cinnamon's Wake. As much as I loved that ep, it's absurd that a hundred people would show up to mourn the loss of a cat.) Especially since the Pilot showed a pop sign of almost 10,000...sorry Lorelai, but that really is not a teeny-tiny town LOL. I mean, where I grew up we had a population sign that said 317. Everwood had a more natural small town feel without trying so hard, to me.
I agree with that.

More Everwood questions:

1. What's your theory on where the heck Laynie went to?
2. Favourite season?
3. If you were a patient, would you go to Andy or Harold? Forget that one of them is free, hee, just as doctors.
4. What about Everwood makes it one of the only shows you post about regularly? (I'm the same way, by the way, and I'm always curious.)
“[People] talk to me about these characters as if they’re real, and they’re not real, but they’ve become real...I really think, shows like this one, you have an attachment to them. They’re like friends you check in on."
-Greg Berlanti on Everwood
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Old 08-20-2010, 05:09 PM
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5. Which Everwood male is most your type? (not the same as you...but the one you would be most attracted to).
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Old 08-20-2010, 10:26 PM
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More Everwood questions:

1. What's your theory on where the heck Laynie went to? I think she chose to go back to boarding school because her home life was just getting worse and worse - her dad was drinking again and her mom was out of it on her happy pills all the time - and she decided that her only chance at a semi-normal life was to just get away from everyone who saw her as that poor girl whose brother died.

2. Favourite season? Right now I don't know. I've only gotten thru the middle of S2 in my rewatch, and since I've only seen most of the eps once it's too hard to remember when everything happened.

3. If you were a patient, would you go to Andy or Harold? Forget that one of them is free, hee, just as doctors. Probably Andy. He, for the most part, wasn't condescending toward his patients like Harold often was.

4. What about Everwood makes it one of the only shows you post about regularly? (I'm the same way, by the way, and I'm always curious.) Because it's one of the only shows that I really care about.

5. Which Everwood male is most your type? (not the same as you...but the one you would be most attracted to). As odd as this may sound...Irv. He's fun, he's caring, he's dependable, he's good looking for an older man, he's got spunk, he's got a wicked sense of humor (I'll ignore that 'pretending to have another heart attack' prank for now ) and he learns from his mistakes -- Irv's the kind of guy I could see myself enjoying spending my life with.
"I want to be the example of what you can do, not the voice telling you who you can blame for your pain." ~ Dr. Ben Carson
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Old 08-21-2010, 07:30 AM
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1. When you said this up thread:

also that I never found Amy to be acting like a spoiled brat in S2 and was really angry at her parents for the way they treated her.
I couldn't agree more with you. Can you expand on this a little more regarding being angry with Harold and Rose? Again, I couldn't agree more with you.

2. How did you feel about the character of Madison as a whole?

3. What is the one storyline that you wish never would have transpired?

4. What friendship did you appreciate more, Ephram/Bright or Amy/Hannah?

5. Think of Amy and Hannah in general and what traits do you share (if any) with these two characters?
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Old 08-21-2010, 12:34 PM
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1. What's your theory on where the heck Laynie went to? I think she chose to go back to boarding school because her home life was just getting worse and worse - her dad was drinking again and her mom was out of it on her happy pills all the time - and she decided that her only chance at a semi-normal life was to just get away from everyone who saw her as that poor girl whose brother died.
I like that. I wish they had just said that when Laynie disappeared. It would make me feel a lot better about what happened to her!

1. What, for you, was the most loving relationship on the show?
2. What parent on Everwood do you most relate to?
3. Which parenting style on Everwood do you think most matches your own?
“[People] talk to me about these characters as if they’re real, and they’re not real, but they’ve become real...I really think, shows like this one, you have an attachment to them. They’re like friends you check in on."
-Greg Berlanti on Everwood
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Old 08-21-2010, 12:41 PM
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1. When you said this up thread:

also that I never found Amy to be acting like a spoiled brat in S2 and was really angry at her parents for the way they treated her.

I couldn't agree more with you. Can you expand on this a little more regarding being angry with Harold and Rose? Again, I couldn't agree more with you.

Well, my anger started out being focused on Harold because I couldn't understand why he couldn't SEE that Amy was truly struggling with real depression. I mean, he was treating her like he was a clueless, uninvolved parent who thinks if their kid will just stop hanging out with their loser friends they'll be fine and doesn't stop to really understand who their child is, and that's just not Harold, you know? He is like the opposite of uninvolved parent. I could understand a certain degree of denial about her depression but when he belittled her the way he did when he finally "agreed" to write her a prescription, that was it. That was the final straw. I hated him in that moment. And then Rose lost me when she went off on Amy when they all met with the minister for counseling. I thought Amy setting up a meeting for all of them in a neutral setting, with a non-family mediator, was a very good idea and they acted like she was throwing a hissy because they wouldn't buy her a new car or something, and totally ignored the whole point of the meeting. I really just don't understand them in S2.

2. How did you feel about the character of Madison as a whole? Guh. I just really, really had no use for her the way her character panned out. Maybe if she had never been Delia's babysitter and was just an older girl that Ephram met somewhere and fell for....or maybe if he had crushed on her and she returned his feelings but never did anything about it other than a regretted moment here and there....or heck, maybe if they had even made her in her mid 20s instead of barely 20 so their relationship would have been more of a real controversy instead of just him strutting about and her being embarrassed to be in public with him....but the way things stand, she was just acting stupid and childish in the way she treated him, and Delia got hurt in the process and it caused a delay in Ephram and Amy getting together and I just hate the whole thing.

3. What is the one storyline that you wish never would have transpired? I've harped on Andy and Amanda enough times elsewhere so I will skip that one for now and say - splitting Edna and Irv up. It's been too long since I've watched it to even remember why they split up or if anything useful came from the storyline, but they really didn't have very much time together (hadn't they only been married a couple of years when the show started?) since Irv died at the end of the show, and I just really don't see the point in having them split up for a while.

4. What friendship did you appreciate more, Ephram/Bright or Amy/Hannah? Eeek. Loved both friendships, and I think both relationships were very beneficial for the people involved. But since I think Bright showed the most growth over the series, and since hanging out with Ephram had a lot to do with that, I'll pick Ephram and Bright.

5. Think of Amy and Hannah in general and what traits do you share (if any) with these two characters? With Hannah, we share a lot of the same values and traits. I was the "smart one" in school that not many people took much interest in, but the people who did found that I was a very loyal, caring friend who took the time to really get to know them and go out of my way to be a good friend. She's a lot prettier than I am though. And like Amy, I tend to really pour myself out for the people I care about, even to the point of it being too much sometimes. I also tend to ignore the "rules" about who I'm supposed to befriend and stuff, I never got into dismissing someone just because they weren't part of the popular crowd or whatever.
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Old 08-21-2010, 12:56 PM
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1. What, for you, was the most loving relationship on the show? Oy vey. That's a tough one to answer. All of the relationships had their strong points and their weak points, both the romantic relationships and the siblings as well. But, I'll say.... Andy and Nina. Even though they were never a "couple" onscreen until the very end, they genuinely cared about each other from the beginning and had a remarkable friendship, and they were good for each other.

2. What parent on Everwood do you most relate to? Rose, aside from being the town mayor and all.

3. Which parenting style on Everwood do you think most matches your own? Nina. She's very domesticated, and does her best with the "wild child" she was given (mine is Nathan) even though he slap wears her out at times. I even had to go through five years of being a "single married mom" (hubby didn't live out of state or anything, but while he was in college and working two jobs there were times he didn't even have time to come home to sleep - he slept in his truck or on a friend's couch). And even though she doesn't always make the right decisions as a parent, she always does it with the best of intentions.
"I want to be the example of what you can do, not the voice telling you who you can blame for your pain." ~ Dr. Ben Carson
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Old 08-21-2010, 03:20 PM
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1. What characters are your family members most like (I think we've already got Nathan down from your last answer, hee)?
2. If you lived in Everwood as a youngster or now, which character would you be most likely to befriend first?
3. Which character would you probably get annoyed with first if you had to be around them on a regular basis?
“[People] talk to me about these characters as if they’re real, and they’re not real, but they’ve become real...I really think, shows like this one, you have an attachment to them. They’re like friends you check in on."
-Greg Berlanti on Everwood
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Old 08-21-2010, 04:20 PM
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1. When did you first start watching Everwood? From the Pilot or later on?
2. What's the story behind why you started watching Everwood?
3. How would you sum up the character of Colin and what he brought to the series?
4. How would you explain to someone who has never seen Everwood why they should watch the show?
5. Did you ever cry while watching Everwood and if so, what scene/s caused you to tear up?
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Old 08-22-2010, 01:56 PM
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1. What characters are your family members most like (I think we've already got Nathan down from your last answer, hee)? Hmmm, hubby is a younger (whiter ) version of Irv. Dana...maybe an odd mixture of Delia and Amy? More Delia though. She's got that mixture of tomboy and girlie girl thing going for her. Nate is a lot like Sam, as I said above, but also somewhat like Bright. He has a huge heart but sometimes the typical jerk attitude takes over. Jacob is a harder one to call. He's kind of like Delia in a way - very loving and innocent, but he's also very artistic so in that way he resembles Ephram.

2. If you lived in Everwood as a youngster or now, which character would you be most likely to befriend first? As a teen, probably Ephram. I don't think I would ever "fall" for him though - it would be more like his friendship with Hannah. As an adult, Nina. She would be fun to hang out with, but I wouldn't feel intimated around her like I would Rose.

3. Which character would you probably get annoyed with first if you had to be around them on a regular basis? Linda.

1. When did you first start watching Everwood? From the Pilot or later on? Pilot.

2. What's the story behind why you started watching Everwood? People would mention Everwood off and on at the GG board at TWoP, so when I saw that it was going to be shown on ABCFamily I set up the DVR to record it every day.

3. How would you sum up the character of Colin and what he brought to the series? Colin was a kid that had a magnetic personality. He could be a jerk at times, and was a typical teenager in a lot of ways, but he was also wise beyond his years. Good or bad, intentional or not, Colin's presence and death impacted every single person on that series in some way or another.

4. How would you explain to someone who has never seen Everwood why they should watch the show? Because it's an amazingly well acted series, with characters that you truly care about, and unlike many shows it ends with you wanting more - not because the storyline turned to crap and you want the chance to "fix it" in your mind, but because the people in the end were the same people you cared about in the beginning, only better. They ALL grew, and grew organically.

5. Did you ever cry while watching Everwood and if so, what scene/s caused you to tear up? Oh good Lord. I once said somewhere that EW is the only show that consistently left me in sobs, and that pretty much sums that up. Seasons 2 and on weren't as bad, but I'm not sure there was a single episode in S1 that didn't make me cry at some point the first tiime I watched it thru.
"I want to be the example of what you can do, not the voice telling you who you can blame for your pain." ~ Dr. Ben Carson
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