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Old 02-13-2017, 07:37 PM
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Originally Posted by The Apt (View Post)
Yes, I hate that they have to be put under like surgery. I wonder why they can't get around it if we can brush our dogs teeth? Maybe some dogs bite but for those that don't I wonder if being put under is necessary? When Buddy had his ultrasound several weeks back the Internist said she was going to do everything in her power to complete the ultrasound without sedation. Buddy cooperated! He was so cute, apparently he went right on his back and allowed her to shave his little belly and use the ultrasound machine without getting mad or moving at all. I was so happy when we returned and found out he didn't need the anesthetic for the ultrasound!

What did you do with Chance when he kept losing teeth? Was he eventually eating wet food or could he still eat dry? I hope Goldie keeps all her teeth and doesn't have the problems Chance had. My other two dogs lived long lives... one was an English Springer Spaniel and the other was a Lhasa Apso. Scooter (Springer) lived to be 15 which is quite old for a bigger dog. He never had issues with his teeth. Teddy (Lhasa) lived to be 14 and he had pretty good teeth too. Sometimes I just think it's either good luck or bad luck but I bet genes/certain breeds are more prone to issues with their teeth.
Buddy sounds like such a wonderful dog. He sounds like he's really easygoing, and our first dog, Andrew was like that. Chance was skittish and Goldie's pretty high strung. I also wish that they didn't need to be put under for teeth cleaning, but I think they use something to scrape off all the built up tarter, which probably can't be done if the dog is awake.

Chance was still able to eat dry dog food even after he lost most of his teeth. I think tooth loss in dogs is mostly genetic and certain breeds are more susceptible to tooth loss. Another character of Cocker Spaniels is the tendency to get Congestive Heart Failure later in life. That's what Andrew and Chance died from. We don't think Goldie is a purebred Cocker Spaniel like Andrew and Chance were because her nose is longer and her ears aren't quite as floppy as Cocker Spaniel ears usually are, so we think she's part Dachshund.
The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. - John F. Kennedy

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Old 02-13-2017, 10:21 PM
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Originally Posted by The Apt (View Post)
Working from home. Buddy's been sleeping practically all day! I think he is recovering from the situation too. He never sleeps this much. I ordered two more gates from Amazon just now. Now that he's sleeping with me more and more (he starts out in the crate but after 4-5 hours he wants by me and whimpers). The gates will be set up so he cannot leave the room I am in at night and certainly won't have access to getting stuck under the coach. LOL
I bet that he was scarred just like you . Makes sense to order more gates and to secure the place even more . Any idea when they will arrive?

Huge spiritual meaning! Look it up sometime. It's very spiritual. Wow, seeing both... that's some powerful stuff.
I guess yesterday was one of those days because later on I also saw 14:14, 15:15 and 22:22.

Though today I already saw 06:06, 07:07, 08:08. So maybe it's not just yesterday, but these days.
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Old 02-13-2017, 10:34 PM
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Originally Posted by The Apt (View Post)

I actually don't find her attractive at all.
Same here . I do however know that sometimes is not only about the way they look, it's the way she presences herself and I think that she was good in that.

Ick in fact. Problem is some men find her very attractive. I don't get it.
I think that she is good manipulator. I bet that she had the ability to make men like her. At least at first. She had problems keeping them because sooner or later they would see her really.

Gross. She literally was like a chameleon, changing herself for these men in her life. You said it perfectly. That's precisely what she was like. There's a pattern to it too... one of her exes was the hippie type... she turned into a hippie for a while. Another was into cult/new age stuff... she went there. Another one was older so she changed her look to this older, professional woman. With Travis, she immediately converted to Mormonism and as we know, simply becoming Mormon is not like one Christian faith going to another Christian faith... like a Lutheran turning Catholic. It's not that huge of a difference. But turning to Mormon IS a big deal. Some people don't even think Mormon is a Christian faith. It's just very, very different from other Christian denominations so to easily switch like that is typically a huge deal. Not for Jodi. She went there only because she thought it was another way to get to Travis.
For me personally is huge deal to change your religion based on having some sort of thing with someone. Their relationship wasn't near that serious for her to even think about this, let alone do it.

Do you think that this is a sign of some sort of disorder?

I've read every page of those chats, lol. They are authentic, or at least the ones found on Travis' computer. They were allowed in court too. I think she tried changing some things up from her side but the police/computer techs gained access to all the authentic ones.
This chat looks like from her computer - That's why I don't know if it's true or not. If it's true though I kind of sense that he felt emotionally empty and abused by her. At least it looks to me this way. It's like he knew that she is bad for him, but he also knew that he can't get rid of her.

Travis calls her a sociopath, he does say they are toxic, etc. Whenever he's angered it's always because she's manipulating him in some way. She would fake a text or an email to Travis acting like she was sending to another man to upset him. She was cold, calculated, manipulative.
I agree. For me personally that is emotional abuse. I know that people have hard time believing that woman can be abuser because most of the people think about physical abuse. The thing is mental abuse is not any less hurtful than physical abuse. And mental abuse is something that both genders could do quite well. And for me she did that.

I think so too. She wouldn't buzz off. After they broke up (when she found out he was cheating) instead of doing the normal thing and continue living in California what does she do? She moves to Mesa, Arizona, where he lives! She has very casual friends there only at that point too. No one does this. Travis told close friends he was extremely upset she moved to Mesa and found it weird. He knew she had a screw loose from the start. I wish he would have been stronger when she hadn't snapped yet and avoided all contact, period.
This is why while I understand that Travis was not the most upstanding guy out there (he did cheat) she was not justified at all. Sure getting cheated on sucks. I agree. And yes it's normal to be upset about it. But normal people take the hint that a person that cheats on them is not the one for them. They don't decide to move to the place the cheater lives and stalk them.

Now I do know what is cheating and I don't condone that, but fact is cheating is not breaking the law. Yes it's bad and hurtful and yes it's not fair, but it's not breaking the law. And even if it was, no one gets to be the judge that can decide when and how to punish people. There are laws about that.

I just feel like it wasn't easy for him to snap back because he was emotionally abused. That's actually quite typical for victims of such type of abuse. I think that he needed help. The professional kind to get rid of her. And I think that he didn't look for it because this is some sort of problem of our society. We don't tend to accept the fact that men can be victims of this too. And men don't feel free to admit such thing.
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Old 02-14-2017, 03:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Jerry D (View Post)
Buddy sounds like such a wonderful dog. He sounds like he's really easygoing, and our first dog, Andrew was like that. Chance was skittish and Goldie's pretty high strung. I also wish that they didn't need to be put under for teeth cleaning, but I think they use something to scrape off all the built up tarter, which probably can't be done if the dog is awake.

Chance was still able to eat dry dog food even after he lost most of his teeth. I think tooth loss in dogs is mostly genetic and certain breeds are more susceptible to tooth loss. Another character of Cocker Spaniels is the tendency to get Congestive Heart Failure later in life. That's what Andrew and Chance died from. We don't think Goldie is a purebred Cocker Spaniel like Andrew and Chance were because her nose is longer and her ears aren't quite as floppy as Cocker Spaniel ears usually are, so we think she's part Dachshund.
Good point about having to scrape off the tarter build up. I would imagine that could hurt a little. Too bad they couldn't give some sort of numbing agent like novacane instead. Then again, you're doing the entire mouth, plus you figure hours spent on doing teeth is another issue. It's much easier to sedate. It's probably safer than I'm giving it credit for but I worry about everything. I was nervous when Buddy got neutered and he was put under until they called and said he was awake, lol.

Yes, Buddy's pretty easygoing. He loves people so initially can get a bit enthusiastic when others are around until he calms down from excitement. But overall, and especially around us, he's very calm. When I work from home, he's always just chilling out next to me. I put his dog bed next to my desktop in the family room so more times than not, he's snoozing away right at my feet next to me while I work.

That's the one drawback in having a purebred... genetic diseases are very specific in certain breeds. That's one of the reasons I researched and picked the Havanese purebred. Genetic diseases aren't very common. Eye disease can happen and liver shunt but overall they are very healthy dogs for a purebred. But it's a fact crossbreeds who are well taken care of, can and often do live longer. My sister and brother-in-laws Cockapoo's have all been really healthy. As a result of Goldie most probably being a crossbreed, she'll get to skip the genetic diseases of a purebred and is going to be really healthy in the coming years.
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Old 02-14-2017, 03:33 AM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
I bet that he was scarred just like you . Makes sense to order more gates and to secure the place even more . Any idea when they will arrive?

I guess yesterday was one of those days because later on I also saw 14:14, 15:15 and 22:22.

Though today I already saw 06:06, 07:07, 08:08. So maybe it's not just yesterday, but these days.
The gates should arrive in the next few days. In the meantime, I stuffed the sides of the couch with pillows/blankets so he can't get back there. He tries and looks at me like I need to help him gain access. Not going to happen, Bud!

Wow, it's unreal how many number combinations you see. That's seriously incredible. Like I said, I've been seeing 11:11 since my Grandmother died years and years ago but never any other combination. You are certainly meant to see these combinations. It's a strong spiritual message going on.
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Old 02-14-2017, 04:06 AM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
Same here . I do however know that sometimes is not only about the way they look, it's the way she presences herself and I think that she was good in that.

100%. Excuse my language, but she comes across as sexual and easy. Some men are going to be attracted to that. She had a nice body and used it, too.

I think that she is good manipulator. I bet that she had the ability to make men like her. At least at first. She had problems keeping them because sooner or later they would see her really.
Exactly. Sociopaths have difficulty maintaining relationships. Borderline personality is something a psychologist for the prosecution diagnosed her with and it falls in line with this too. Every boyfriend she had cheated on her as well minus the one who was 22 years older than her. But the two others cheated and she secretly went behind their backs (reading their phones, checking their emails) to figure it out just like she did with Travis. So there was a clear pattern.

For me personally is huge deal to change your religion based on having some sort of thing with someone. Their relationship wasn't near that serious for her to even think about this, let alone do it.

Do you think that this is a sign of some sort of disorder?
Oh yes, it falls right in line with Borderline Personality Disorder that the psychologist diagnosed her with. The prosecutor after the cases were over said she had that and there's no doubt she was a sociopath too.

This chat looks like from her computer - That's why I don't know if it's true or not. If it's true though I kind of sense that he felt emotionally empty and abused by her. At least it looks to me this way. It's like he knew that she is bad for him, but he also knew that he can't get rid of her.
This was a legit chat because it was read by the lead detective, Detective Flores in court... this part:

Travis: I think I was little more than a dildo with a heart beat to you
That part and other areas of the chat were all read. What was not unfortunately allowed (to be read by the lead Detective) was the part where Travis says over and over again that he knows she slashed his tires. That was not allowed. However, the girl Travis was going to go to Cancun with was allowed to say Travis told her that "his crazy, stalker ex" slashed his tires and Lisa's (the girl he was seeing at the time) tires, along with the threatening emails she sent them, and the stalker-like behavior. The defense opened up a can of worms with Mimi Hall, the woman Travis had deep romantic feelings for, but she didn't return them, however, they were still very good friends and we're going to Cancun. So yes, through Mimi (because of what Travis directly said to her and she was allowed to repeat it thankfully!) all of that stuff was able to get out to the jury and that chat in particular you found was legit because portions of it was allowed to be read by the Lead Detective.

When you read these chats you can SEE how much she's playing him, manipulating him. In that chat Travis is telling her he knows she slashed his tires, Lisa's tires, is breaking into his Facebook and other accounts, and so much more. He sounds so screwed up too. Because he WAS a good guy and while he was addicted to the sex, it's clear he still wants to be nice to her even though she did all of these crazy, illegal things to him. She is so freaken horrible to him, and these chats are just such a prime example of her dirty work. She is disgusting.

I agree. For me personally that is emotional abuse. I know that people have hard time believing that woman can be abuser because most of the people think about physical abuse. The thing is mental abuse is not any less hurtful than physical abuse. And mental abuse is something that both genders could do quite well. And for me she did that.
Most certainly.

This is why while I understand that Travis was not the most upstanding guy out there (he did cheat) she was not justified at all. Sure getting cheated on sucks. I agree. And yes it's normal to be upset about it. But normal people take the hint that a person that cheats on them is not the one for them. They don't decide to move to the place the cheater lives and stalk them.

Now I do know what is cheating and I don't condone that, but fact is cheating is not breaking the law. Yes it's bad and hurtful and yes it's not fair, but it's not breaking the law. And even if it was, no one gets to be the judge that can decide when and how to punish people. There are laws about that.

I just feel like it wasn't easy for him to snap back because he was emotionally abused. That's actually quite typical for victims of such type of abuse. I think that he needed help. The professional kind to get rid of her. And I think that he didn't look for it because this is some sort of problem of our society. We don't tend to accept the fact that men can be victims of this too. And men don't feel free to admit such thing.
Totally. Travis was the victim of Jodi Arias well before she ultimately murdered him. She had the evil audacity to turn it around in her defense case and claim that he abused her which was an absolute load of garbage.
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Old 02-14-2017, 04:12 AM
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Originally Posted by The Apt (View Post)
The gates should arrive in the next few days. In the meantime, I stuffed the sides of the couch with pillows/blankets so he can't get back there. He tries and looks at me like I need to help him gain access. Not going to happen, Bud!
Good thinking! Ah now he wonders why you did it, but he will get used to it. He needs some time to forget about this type of playing and substitute it to something else.

Wow, it's unreal how many number combinations you see. That's seriously incredible. Like I said, I've been seeing 11:11 since my Grandmother died years and years ago but never any other combination. You are certainly meant to see these combinations. It's a strong spiritual message going on.
Unfortunately I still don't know why I see them. I know that somehow subconsciously I turn it on and off. Like if I think about it I see them. If not I don't see them. It's weird .
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Old 02-14-2017, 04:19 AM
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Originally Posted by The Apt (View Post)

100%. Excuse my language, but she comes across as sexual and easy. Some men are going to be attracted to that. She had a nice body and used it, too.

Exactly. Sociopaths have difficulty maintaining relationships. Borderline personality is something a psychologist for the prosecution diagnosed her with and it falls in line with this too. Every boyfriend she had cheated on her as well minus the one who was 22 years older than her. But the two others cheated and she secretly went behind their backs (reading their phones, checking their emails) to figure it out just like she did with Travis. So there was a clear pattern.
Unfortunately she went to the extreme this time. However as cruel as I will sound I think that she brought on herself the cheating. I don't even think that the guys saw it as cheating. I don't think that in their mind they were that serious about her. You know if you have friends with benefits type of thing with someone, it's not cheating to sleep with someone else.

In this sense I'm not even sure that Travis cheated on her because I'm not sure that he thought of her as his girlfriend and if he promised her so.
Oh yes, it falls right in line with Borderline Personality Disorder that the psychologist diagnosed her with. The prosecutor after the cases were over said she had that and there's no doubt she was a sociopath too.
She definitely was. She really is dangerous.

This was a legit chat because it was read by the lead detective, Detective Flores in court... this part:
Ah so it's legit.
That part and other areas of the chat were all read. What was not unfortunately allowed (to be read by the lead Detective) was the part where Travis says over and over again that he knows she slashed his tires. That was not allowed.
I assume it wasn't allowed because he had no proof of doing that. That's the problem with stalkers. You know that it's them but you can't prove it until it gets really bad for you.

However in this chat there is nothing about the slashed tires. The chat itself seems a bit weird. Like there are certain pieces missing. Not sure why, but this is not the whole picture. It's like she did it on purpose.

Also she has really weird way of talking and writing. Can't explain it. It's really weird and disjoint. Did she talk like that in the trial?

However, the girl Travis was going to go to Cancun with was allowed to say Travis told her that "his crazy, stalker ex" slashed his tires and Lisa's (the girl he was seeing at the time) tires, along with the threatening emails she sent them, and the stalker-like behavior. The defense opened up a can of worms with Mimi Hall, the woman Travis had deep romantic feelings for, but she didn't return them, however, they were still very good friends and we're going to Cancun. So yes, through Mimi (because of what Travis directly said to her and she was allowed to repeat it thankfully!) all of that stuff was able to get out to the jury and that chat in particular you found was legit because portions of it was allowed to be read by the Lead Detective.
That's good that they found a way to state this in the trial.

When you read these chats you can SEE how much she's playing him, manipulating him. In that chat Travis is telling her he knows she slashed his tires, Lisa's tires, is breaking into his Facebook and other accounts, and so much more. He sounds so screwed up too. Because he WAS a good guy and while he was addicted to the sex, it's clear he still wants to be nice to her even though she did all of these crazy, illegal things to him. She is so freaken horrible to him, and these chats are just such a prime example of her dirty work. She is disgusting.
I felt his desperation wanting to know the truth. Unfortunately in the chat it never gets clear what she did and what he wanted to know. She supposedly was writing him an email, but he wasn't OK with that email either. That's why I find something really weird with this chat. For some reason it's not said aloud what he wanted to say and I wonder why.

Totally. Travis was the victim of Jodi Arias well before she ultimately murdered him. She had the evil audacity to turn it around in her defense case and claim that he abused her which was an absolute load of garbage.
And I think that they never found proof of him abusing her.
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Old 02-14-2017, 10:09 AM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
Good thinking! Ah now he wonders why you did it, but he will get used to it. He needs some time to forget about this type of playing and substitute it to something else.
Definitely. I think why this got started so strongly is he loves playing with his toy balls... he looks like an intellectual out there watching the ball roll around... he loves sort of taking his paw and rolling it on the floor... he finds it absolutely fascinating. But he also loves playing "hide and seek" with his toy balls too... he loves putting a ball behind a chair or yes, a couch, watching it disappear and then having to go find it. He just loves it. So I think this couch business came as a result of wanting to roll his toy balls under the couch and then having to go find where they end up. Right now he's still going there under bar stools we have but I bet he wishes he could totally conceal the ball under that big, bad couch, lol.

Unfortunately I still don't know why I see them. I know that somehow subconsciously I turn it on and off. Like if I think about it I see them. If not I don't see them. It's weird .
Interesting. I don't remotely think about it either way, 11:11 just happens.
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Old 02-14-2017, 10:13 AM
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How is everyone doing?
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Old 02-14-2017, 10:24 AM
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Originally Posted by secretk (View Post)
I assume it wasn't allowed because he had no proof of doing that. That's the problem with stalkers. You know that it's them but you can't prove it until it gets really bad for you.

However in this chat there is nothing about the slashed tires. The chat itself seems a bit weird. Like there are certain pieces missing. Not sure why, but this is not the whole picture. It's like she did it on purpose.

Also she has really weird way of talking and writing. Can't explain it. It's really weird and disjoint. Did she talk like that in the trial?
No, she was cold and calculated in trial. She spoke like this perfectly versed intellectual. It was disgusting. It was important for her to sound professional. She tried hard to never allow Juan to get the best of her and as a result, it was her downfall.

Yes, the tire slashing from the chats was considered hearsay because Travis accused her multiple times but she never admitted to it. He also never reported it to the police. I think deep down he wanted her away from him and his life but still didn't want to get her in serious trouble. But Lisa Andrews, Travis' ex testified and said her tires were slashed, Travis' tires were slashed, and she received a threatening email from someone telling her she better stay away from Travis or she was going to hell. Lisa also testified that twice she was with Travis and one time the doorbell rang and they went to the door and no one was there. The next time she and Travis fell asleep while watching TV and the minute she wakes up she looks and Jodi is standing there (she got into Travis' house on her own) staring at them!

That's good that they found a way to state this in the trial.
Yes, amazingly (or stupidly) the defense asked Mimi Hall what Travis had told her about his stalker. To this day, the lead prosecutor (I just got finished reading his book on this, he uncovered so many interesting elements) has no idea why Nurmi, the lead defense attorney opened this up because that meant the prosecutor could ask Mimi specifically what Travis told her. Nurmi wanted to prove that it could have been anyone since Travis never told Mimi it was Jodi by name even if she knew who it was. However, everyone, the jury knew it was Jodi, so back on re-direct Martinez (lead prosecutor) was able to get every word of Travis' from Mimi Hall. It was great.

I felt his desperation wanting to know the truth. Unfortunately in the chat it never gets clear what she did and what he wanted to know. She supposedly was writing him an email, but he wasn't OK with that email either. That's why I find something really weird with this chat. For some reason it's not said aloud what he wanted to say and I wonder why.
It reminded me of light versus dark... Travis, as light, tried so hard to battle himself why he kept giving her chances and was nice even though she did these awful things to him. He just wanted the truth, he wanted her to admit her crimes and then he could maybe forgive her. She played a game with him... a sociopathic game. She didn't care. She just punished him for not wanting to marry her and considering her as a long time mate. It's really sad to see him stumbling with empathy even though he's so hurt and full of anger over what she had done to him... she was stone cold, still manipulating him every step of the way.

And I think that they never found proof of him abusing her.
Not one ounce of proof. Also, many friends and exes were interviewed and/or testified in court saying he was the perfect gentleman, never once verbally or physically abused any of them. Abusive people show patterns. Usually they don't just abuse one person only or maybe they abuse one a lot, but there's signs of being troubled others pick up. All of Travis' friends and exes said that same thing... gentle, wouldn't be mean to anyone. Jodi was proven once again to be a total liar.

Last edited by jediwands; 02-14-2017 at 10:31 AM
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Old 02-14-2017, 10:38 AM
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Originally Posted by The Apt (View Post)
No, she was cold and calculated in trial. She spoke like this perfectly versed intellectual. It was disgusting. It was important for her to sound professional. She tried hard to never allow Juan to get the best of her and as a result, it was her downfall.
Why do you think that in the end it was her downhill? I haven't followed the trial as it was happening so I don't know that much. Plus I can't explain it, but the more I read about it, the more I feel some sort of resentment towards her and some sort of empathy towards him. It's weird. I can't explain it properly.

Yes, the tire slashing from the chats was considered hearsay because Travis accused her multiple times but she never admitted to it. He also never reported it to the police. I think deep down he knew it was her. He wanted her away from him and his life but still didn't want to get her in serious trouble. But Lisa Andrews, Travis' ex testified and said her tires were slashed, Travis' tires were slashed, and she received a threatening email from someone telling her she better stay away from Travis or she was going to hell. Lisa also testified that twice she was with Travis and one time the doorbell rang and they went to the door and no one was there. The next time she and Travis fell asleep while watching TV and the minute she wakes up she looks and Jodi is standing there (she got into Travis' house on her own) staring at them!
If there is anything that stories like that teach us is that we should report stuff to the police. If he had reported her to the police there would have been legal ground for this to be discussed. But man this is so screepy.

Yes, amazingly (or stupidly) the defense asked Mimi Hall what Travis had told her about his stalker. To this day, the lead prosecutor (I just got finished reading his book on this, he uncovered so many interesting elements) has no idea why Nurmi, the lead defense attorney opened this hope because that meant the prosecutor could ask Mimi specifically was told by Travis. Nurmi wanted to prove that it could have been anyone since Travis never told Mimi it was Jodi by name even if she knew who it was. However, everyone, the jury knew it was Jodi, so back on re-direct Martinez (lead prosecutor) was able to get every word of Travis' from Mimi Hall. It was great.
Did Nurmi actually believed her? I mean is it possible that he sabotaged her and himself in the process?

So you did find the book interesting? I read that there was a book. What did you find interesting? I read that actually they still don't know the exact timeline of events. I am not sure that they even know how exactly she killed him. Come to think about it this is the reason why she stabbed him so many times and then shot him. She wanted to confuse everyone. Just like every other thing she did.

It reminded me of light versus dark... Travis, as light, tried so hard to battle himself why he kept giving her chances and was nice even though she did these awful things to him. He just wanted the truth, he wanted her to admit her crimes and then he can maybe forgive her. She played a game with him... that sociopathic game. She didn't care. She just punished him for not wanting to marry her and considering her as a long time mate. It's really said to see him stumbling with empathy even though he's so hurt and full of anger over what she had done to him... she was stone cold, still manipulating him every step of the way.
I have a friend that was emotionally abused by her ex husband. And honestly she was the same way. She wanted to know why. She left him and she wants to know why. That's why I saw the signs in him so clearly. I also saw her husband in action. I saw how he manipulated her and how he knew that he could do it with her. He never tried it with me. He knew that it wouldn't work for me. Long story short he needed a woman that would gladly want to be with him and let him take care of her. As a result basically he controlled her because she had no money or job and she didn't get along with her parents.

We tried to tell her to leave him, but she didn't listen. Luckily her wake up was when she gave a birth to a beautiful girl. She realized that this is not healthy for her baby so she took off. Like basically one day she just got her stuff and left the place while he was still at work.
They still keep in touch because of the kid and trust me he still gets to her. It's so sad. She is this nice girl and he just exploits it.

He was also into the whole finding young girls on sites and exchanging naked photos. She actually hacked into his site's account to check his chats with other women. It really is a sad story.

So yeah Travis and his words were like deja vu to me because I've heard those words.

Not one ounce of proof. Also, many friends and exes were interviewed and or testified in court saying he was the perfect gentleman, never once verbally or physically abused any of them. Abusive people show patterns. Usually they don't just abuse one person only or maybe they abuse one a lot, but there's signs of being troubled others pick up. All of Travis' friends and exes said that same thing... gentle, wouldn't be mean to anyone. Jodi was proven once again to be a total liar.
I am happy that she wasn't that smart to get away with it.
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Old 02-14-2017, 10:40 AM
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Hi, Shu! How are you?

Originally Posted by The Apt (View Post)
Definitely. I think why this got started so strongly is he loves playing with his toy balls... he looks like an intellectual out there watching the ball roll around... he loves sort of taking his paw and rolling it on the floor... he finds it absolutely fascinating. But he also loves playing "hide and seek" with his toy balls too... he loves putting a ball behind a chair or yes, a couch, watching it disappear and then having to go find it. He just loves it. So I think this couch business came as a result of wanting to roll his toy balls under the couch and then having to go find where they end up. Right now he's still going there under bar stools we have but I bet he wishes he could totally conceal the ball under that big, bad couch, lol.
You are right. Most probably it was related to his hide and seek game with the ball.

Interesting. I don't remotely think about it either way, 11:11 just happens.
Do you see it every day?

For me it's more like it happens once a day and if I think about it then it starts happening more .
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Old 02-14-2017, 10:43 AM
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I am okay. Keeping busy!
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Old 02-14-2017, 10:50 AM
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Michelle if you don't mind I will create OT thread and then we will figure out the title.

Guys please hold on posting until we create the thread .
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