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  1. Music Junkies #2: B/C I'll always come running when you're in need, my friend.
  2. Joy Word Association#61: Words we associate with Joy? Look up synonyms for beautiful!
  3. TPBM #75: b/c TPBM can't get enough new pics of Joy!
  4. Pinoy Bethany Joy Thread #5: Because She Has A Voice Like An Angel!
  5. Joy Three Word Posters #11: It's really simple. We heart Joy! We heart Haley!
  6. Brazilian Thread #2 - Pq a Joy fica bem de qq maneira, já OTH...
  7. The Person Above Me #6: TPAM would die for new Joy music.
  8. I Never #16: Because we never like waiting for new Joy music!
  9. Joy/Haley 300 Word Story # 19: b/c adding 1 word at a time gives us quite the story!
  10. Literary Buddies(HJ)#5:They're bringing matching back! The latest? The matching wave!
  11. Hate It or Love It? #7: What's not to love love love about Joy?
  12. I Never #16: B/C we never like waiting for Joy's music
  13. Insane Lenzbians #29: A bad thing?! Insanity? No way! We're all about this insanity!
  14. Joy Word Association#60: Describing Joy? Get a cup of coffee, you'll be up all night
  15. Joy Anti ABC's #36: Trash? Ugly? Vain? Don't go there!
  16. TPBM #74- TPBM loves lots of NH scenes!
  17. Spoilers Thread #11: We're all about being spoiled! Lets hope the spoils continue!
  18. The Hot Seat #3: Think you can handle it?
  19. Joy Music #23: There's never gonna be anybody else for us but Joy!
  20. Joy ABCs #41 - Because we can't stop thinking of words to describe her!
  21. Joy Last Letter Game #8: Last?! Last?! She's not... Oh, well in this game! Awesome!
  22. Joy Word Association#59: Words we associate with Joy? Look up synonyms for fabulous!
  23. OT #16 BC we can talk Joy and get off topic all at once
  24. TPBM #73: TPBM wants a JJJ family picture now!
  25. I Never #15: B/C we never like waiting for new Joy news!
  26. This or That #18: Angst or comedic scenes for Haley? That's the idea. Game time!
  27. Joy Word Association #58: Talent - Joy - Beauty - Joy... It always comes back to Joy!
  28. Joy Anti-ABC's #35: She's not a ___ & she's not a ___ & definitely not a ____!
  29. August 10th - Happy Birthday, flash502 (Ashley)!
  30. Happy Birthday to All of the August Celebrants!
  31. The Energizer Bunnies #2-B/C Everyday is a slumber party for these two...except not.
  32. You know you're a Joy fan when... #2: When you watch a show just because she's on it!
  33. The Scotts #43: Nothing a little Sexual Healing can't fix!
  34. Joy ABC's #40: Yep, she really is all those things.
  35. The Person Above Me #5 - Lets see how well we know each other!
  36. TPBM #72: TPBM screamed when she saw Joy's new hair
  37. Fanart #11: It's Joy! Of course there's pretty art goodness all over this thread!
  38. Joy Music #22: The world's just a bunch of people loving Joy's voice!
  39. Joy/Haley Hangman #5: We can't wait for a new season of quotable Haley goodness!
  40. Joy Word Association # 57: Bethany-Joy-Lenz
  41. Joy Last Letter Game #7: b/c it's never ok for Joy to come last, except in this game!
  42. Insane Lenzbians #28: New season, new Haley scenes, new hair! Of course we're insane!
  43. Chad & Joy Thread #1- He's a man who desires truth and in his eyes she was perfect.
  44. I Never #14: b/c we've never liked waiting around for new pictures of our girl!
  45. Spoilers Thread #10: Spoilers starting now. No new Haley until January?! For shame!
  46. July 31st - Happy Birthday, girl wonder (Gem)!
  47. TPBM #71: TPBM wants filming pictures of the look Joy's going to have in season five!
  48. Joy Anti-ABC's #34: Oy, that's crazy talk! Fugly, Talentless, Ridic... Wha?! Nope!
  49. Joy Music #21: Ain't it funny how the time goes by talking about Joy and her music?
  50. Joy ABC's #39: So many words to describe her greatness!