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Old 02-01-2021, 10:43 AM
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The Assistant Director [HC|HL] #11: "If this is a chance to apprehend Elizabeth it appears we may need to give each other the strenght to do it."

the assistant director
Harold Cooper | Harry Lennix
e l e v e n t h • a p p r e c i a t i o n • t h r e a d


Harold Cooper is the Assistant Director of the FBI Counterterrorism Division and head of the covert FBI task force assigned to pursue the criminals on Red's Blacklist. He had a particular interest in Reddington's past, and is willing to oblige Reddington's unusual requests due to this understanding of him. He was attacked and put into a coma by Berlin's agents. When Cooper regained consciousness, it is revealed that he has inoperable brain tumor. With the help of his friend, Attorney General Connolly, he entered an experimental drug trial. However, he has had to compromise his ethics and perform various morally dubious tasks for Connolly in order to stay in his favor and remain in the trial. After a few months Cooper discovers that he was never sick and that Tom Connolly set the whole thing up. After he witnesses Liz's murder of Connolly, he tells her to run, and later turns over his badge. Ressler interrogates him to determine his complicity in Connolly's murder, but eventually decides to release him. Cooper is told by Wright that in order for him to have the charges dropped against him, Cooper not only has to resign, but also take a desk job. Although he reluctantly does, Cooper is determined to help Liz clear her name and he teams up with Tom to find Karakurt. Later, Tom brings Karakurt to Cooper's house and they are forced to flee with Charlene when the Cabal sends a team to kill Karakurt. Charlene suggests they hide at their neighbor's cabin, admitting that she had cheated on Cooper with him. Cooper is reinstated as head of the task force after Liz is exonerated. Later, he separates from Charlene.

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The fans
01. LOSTCANDY | 02. Amyღ | 03. Matt logan | 04. Deep within me | 05. L i N d $ @ y
06. mycreativityuppedandleft | 07. Lauren Helen Graham | 08. ~MelBelle~ | 09. Miranda | 10. stlavin95
11. cherrypie12345

"The ones that let anger & emotion, prejudice & carelessness affect their behavior are every good cop's worst nightmare."

social media

"None of us are the people we were before this task force started. Before Reddington."

"I admire that about you, Harold. I know so many zealots, men and women who choose a side, an ideology by which to interpret the world.
But to get up every single day and do the hard work of deciding what to believe, what’s right today, when to stand up or stand down, that’s courage.
It’s been a privilege, to see firsthand why the people you lead love you the way they do." - Raymond Reddington

the reasons
Because he would do anything for his team.
Because he shares a past with Red we'd love to know about.
Because he isn't as black and white anymore as he used to be.
Because he's been played by Connolly, one of his best friends, as well.
Because he wanted to spend the last of his days with his family.
Because he's a moral code that we all are proud of.
Because he wasn't willing to leak classified information.
Because he tried to save Liz by trying to prevent her from shooting Connolly.
Because he told Liz to run.
Because he'll always be the AD and the head of the task force for us.
Because he considers Liz like a daughter to him.
Because he held a really nice speech at Liz's funeral.

"You didn't let him go. You put him in Reddington's debt, a place I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy."
"You've become more of a liability than an asset."

"But after what I did today, the truth is, I don't recognize myself."


future titles
"Family isn't about bloodlines. It's about commitment and love and a whole lot of faith."
"You want to play the angles? You want to leverage your friends and colleagues, at least have the decency to admit it."
"I'm out. I'm not leaking classified data, not for you, not for anybody."
"You once told me that I was the one person you completely trusted. I violated that trust. I'm sorry, Elizabeth."
"He was my hero, and the organization I’ve devoted my life to did everything in its power to destroy him."
"That’s why I devoted my life to it. To make sure that the Bureau never did to another black man what it did to my old man."
"If I ask you to leave then if I am honest, I'd have too as well."
"I'll tell you what we're not going to do. Let total strangers go after one of our own."

past titles
"I lost a dozen people today, Keen! This isn't on you, it's on me!"
"I've crossed my share of lines in this job. I've always told myself that wouldn't be one."
"Guess my principles aren't what they used to be. Neither are yours."
"I'm committed that no one under my command dies during the remainder of my watch."
"You've become more of a liability than an asset."
"The ones that let anger & emotion, prejudice & carelessness affect their behavior are every good cop's worst nightmare."
"But after what I did today, the truth is, I don't recognize myself."
"Harold Cooper. Here to see the President."
"Reddington is not the person you think he is. He's a much better person than you thought."
"If this is a chance to apprehend Elizabeth it appears we may need to give each other the strenght to do it."

previous threads
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 |
"when you love someone you have no control. that is what love is. being powerless." ♥
The Blacklist | #stripRessler
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