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Old 04-07-2011, 10:35 AM
Extreme Fan
necklace's Avatar
Joined: Jan 2007
Posts: 2,750
The Freelancers {Eli ღ Clare} #76: Because Aislinn and Munro are what we like to call BSB - Best Shopping Buddies!

~Welcome to the 76th Eclare Appreciation Thread~

001. Nanatsuiro-Rainbow
002. Nekoshoujo
003. Aubsbobs
004. SupernaturalLuv
005. Tobiko
006. Janah
007. RickyandChucklover1
008. .*.~.Laura.~.*.
009. girlwithkaleidoscope_eyes
010. l3reeze
011. eclarelove
012. mikan-chin
013. regiusachan
014. JackieKelsoforever
015. Elifan
016. nike91391
017. AllyPorter
018. hannahe5
019. theninjapickle
020. aliteresa
021. stfu_itstess
022. Angelomi
023. ACharmingGirl
024. Coelina
025. kellibelli11791
026. vicious_boy
027. Toritrueblood
028. that's a bingo
029. ShineSoBright23
030. Janelle
031. NoSeriously
032. Darkchanter
033. hollyhysteria
034. Denmark
035. (*Rawrr*)
036. All_Star07
037. losersyoulove
038. Brustinluv
039. Sandrabear
040. juzcuz
041. Redlight-Electr0
042. eclipseofmyheart
043. Scribbled Pretty
044. MadisonNorthFan
045. MaritaSagen
046. ..:://MightyMouse\\::..
047. Penny Avenue
048. <3~ana_banana0217~<3
049. Kirdanjo
050. retrosmetro
051. ForeverDegrassiFan
052. PurplexMoon
053. Brittle_Star
054. kangawu12
055. DegrassiGrl17
056. -charming-
057. vanillaafroyo
058. deeniemaus
059. Fan_Girl
060. necklace
061. IloveEli<3
062. BlackHalo
063. sweet_solitude99
064. AubreyMarie
065. degrassijunkie
066. Emanified
067. Clandestine11
068. Aen06
069. JayJ
070. spasticsunshine
071. Nobantu
072. IxLovexEli
073. Molldollz
074. glow vomit
075. lovejonathanjackson
076. Magykal23
077. Lady Azura
078. .RainbowPiggies.<3
079. Helllo892
080. Kaetu
081. vballbabii3
082. BRITTKN33
083. Magykal23
084. l0velie
085. Eclare4life
086. EliGoldsLover(:
087. Allthatglitters
088. Liekomgz
089. droobles
090. wellplayedbird
091. kellibelli11791
092. Tri-eyes
093. SmiteTheBeast
094. writerdreamerbugg14
095. hot_vanilla
096. hello77
097. LivLovely
098. helloeinstein
099. RaichelAngelina
100. Eclare4ever<3
101. Infidi
102. gibsonrockstar
103. BreeSS
104. DragonNinjaAri
105. Iceroses<3
106. Ren---Eclaire-crazy
107. Swirls
108. Fiction
109. CBislove
110. mara_loves_cappie
111. X3LiSA
112. Eclare_love
113. LidelKewte
114. amberm1014
115. sellie_girl
116. kiga445
117. LSpell619
118. literarylolita
119. Sarita234
120. MTG11687
121. Jennywhatsername
122. mimi0295
123. Raw-im-a-taco
124. 21years
125. jessikah
126. pr_pearljam
127. xxzooyorkxx
128. briannashere22
129. xxbrittxx498
130. Emanfan642
131. xiboughtyoux
132. KatieCTalksALot
133. yummyricky
134. EClare_x3
135. Unicornline
136. reeex3
137. solitary gun.
138. pbandeli=life
139. FlybyNooN
140. MusicxJunkiex
141. NobleCaliber
142. writeroftomorrow
143. Shaunieface =]
144. Kwinks
145. StillHereWaiting
146. Holland Fan Forever
147. 12raerae94
148. cuckoobananas6
149. Eclare211
150. H.ardC.ore
151. dtng4ever

Ms. Dawes
Munro Chambers
Aislinn Paul
Stephen Stohn
Stefan Brogren
Sam Earle
AJ Saudin
Jessica Tyler
Landon Liboiron
Lauren Toyota
Chloe Rose

001. Because they are opposites.
002. Because their meeting was perfect.
003. Because Eli thinks Clare has pretty eyes.
004. Because they have almost matching hair.
005. Because Eli left Clare speechless.
006. Because their ship name is sweet like pastry... and so are they!
007. Because Alli knows Clare is in love with Eli
008. Because English partners make the best lovers.
009. Because it all started with a broken pair of glasses.
010. Because the entire cast and crew seems to ship them.
011. Because the whole fandom will relapse if, god forbid, Eclare should ever come to an end!
012. Because Stefan said directing Munro and Aislinn is easy.
013. Because they give Adam the runs!
014. Because "Which one of you wants to be Romeo?" "I will!"
015. Because Clara Edwin is an ingenue.
016. Because Eli likes Clare too much to just be friends with her.
017. Because all he can think about is getting her to kiss him.
018. Because Aislinn thinks Clare would even jump in front of a knife to protect Eli.
019. Because they're always there for each other.
020. Because they are like Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes (but only partnership wise)
021. Because he helped her with her writers' block.
022. Because she opened up to him about her parents.
023. Because her proving herself to him didn't end a disaster.
024. Because even though she allows him to interfere once in a while doesn't mean she'll always do what he says.
025. Because he doesn't expect her to be obedient.
026. Because it's his mission to get under her skin.
027. Because she worries about him.
028. Because we know he wanted to impress her, no matter how much he denies it.
029. Because she disapproved of his rivalry with Fitz.
030. Because even when he's writing, he can't stop teasing her.
031. Because their English project was a perfect excuse to get her to kiss him.
032. Because even thought he felt like he should distance himself from her, he couldn't
033. Because she understood.
034. Because they always solve their problems by talking.
035. Because she gave him time
036. Because he couldn't stop himself from kissing her.
037. Because he couldn't stand the thought of Fitz hurting her.
038. Because when they were in danger he thought about her safety.
039. Because he pushed her out of the way.
040. Because she kept him in the dog house for three weeks.
041. Because he thanked her for forgiving him.
042. Because their first date was something different.
043. Because he listened to her speech, while her parents were busy fighting with each other.
044. Because he made her happy when her home-life was falling apart.
045. Because he's serious about her.
046. Because she tickled him.
047. Because he wouldn't care for her parents if it weren't for her.
048. Because even thought he got burned, she won't be loosing him.
049. Because he helped Clare avoid Simpson by claiming someone else threw the stinkbomb.
050. Because Eli was surprised and happy when Clare mentioned about letting her parents meet 'her boyfriend'.
051. Because they got matching piercings~
052. Because Sam Earle says they're his favorite pastry dessert, despite Sam playing KC, Clare's ex-boyfriend.
053. Because despite their upbringings, they mesh so beautifully together.
054. Because their English teacher, Ms. Dawes, is obviously watching their relationship with amusement - almost as much as the fan shippers.
055. Because Clare apologized for using Eli (via Character Twitter).
056. Because we have a good feeling that Eli's folks will welcome Clare with open arms (and maybe an open door...?).
057. Because Eli dressed-up like a gentleman to meet Clare's parents.
058. Because despite Eli's difference with Clare's family (or at least Helen Edwards), he never once left the dinner table.
059. Because Sam almost baked an Eclare he was trying so hard!

REMINDERS: English Class // Headphones // Chuck Palahniuk // Cartilage Piercings // Fluffy Pink Pillows // Tacos

_x_The main couple of season 10
_x_Fun times with Adam
_x_Spontaneous first kiss

___Eclare writing a comic-book
___A nervous Clare and an amused Eli going for a ride in Morty the hearse
___Spontaneous but private kisses during their courtship
_x_A comfort scene
_x_Eli reading Clare's writing and complementing it, giving her constructive criticism

___Clare using metaphors to represent Eli positively in her writing, which he catches onto quickly and enjoys very much, followed by Clare denying it like crazy
_x_Clare nursing a bloodied up Eli after he takes that punch from the promo
___Eli and Clare passing notes in class, perhaps in the margins of the books they read
___Eli brushing Clare’s hair from her eyes, and/or vise versa
___A kiss where Eli holds Clare’s face in his hands
___A teacher asking the Eclare pair if they are paying attention in class, followed by Eli either:
a) firing a sarcastic comment that makes the teacher laugh
b) announcing to the class that, no, he was not paying attention because he was flirting with Clare
___Eli giving Clare some homemade trinket that’s kind of creepy (i.e. has skulls on it), but she loves it anyway
___A Clare/Darcy conversation about Eli
_x_A KC and/or Fitz jealously over Eli and Clare's relationship
___An extremely spontaneous kiss during a playful fight
___one night listening to music in his hearse, followed by a totally random kiss when listening to Clare's favorite song
_x_Eli teaching Clare to drive Morty
___A cute hand over the eyes "Guess who" scene
_x_Cute IMs/Texts
_x_Eli writing poems for Clare
___A 'jacket over her when she's cold' scene
___Eli give Clare a random *Wink* in the Degrassi hallways when passing her
___Slow dancing
___Rooftop picnic
___Studying in Morty

I've been a fan of Degrassi for a long time, but never really got invested in any pairings until Eclare. Even if you're not a fan of the couple, the chemistry between Munro and Aislinn is undeniable. For die-hard fans, they're able to draw you in and make you care for these two characters, and root for them, wanting them to be happy together. Clare and Eli complement each other, despite their many differences — but then, not many people can resist a good "opposites attract" story. They are, by no stretch of the imagination, a perfect couple. They have their problems, and will probably encounter rough patches and make plenty of mistakes. But what teenager doesn't? However, there's no doubt in my mind that they'll be able to pull through, time and time again.
-- Miranda (Lady Azura)

So why do I like EClare? No, not because of the "bad boy", "good girl" image, not because Eli is attractive, and not because they seem to be the "perfect" couple. I disagree with this last statement, and it is because of this that I find myself completely drawn to their relationship. The first time I saw these two interact, without knowing what they would become, I remember thinking there was something real here. These two have had their fair share of issues and arguments and while they may not know everything about each other, they are still learning. And every time they open themselves up to the other, they embrace each other a little more. There is something very honest in the way they balance each other out. I feel as if their chemistry comes across every time they interact. Whether it be in a kiss, a simple touch, or the way they look at each other. When they are together or holding each other, I can see them letting their guard down a bit more. Simply put, I love EClare for the way that they care about each other.
-- Katelyn (EClare_x3)

Eli and Clare... where do I even begin? Well I have always loved Clare and I wanted her to be happy… whether it is with KC or Declan or a new character they brought in. When I first saw the much music promo that came out in the beginning of May and we saw Eli/Munro for the first time, I would have never paired him with my Clare. If anything I thought he would be with Alli or something. Mostly cause I loved Klare. Then the shark in the water promo came out and I was like “Eli and Clare? Really? Huh” I was skeptical about them for a long time leading up to Better off Alone. I thought it was funny how they met and how he complimented her on her eyes but I wasn't sold on them. Then they became English partners and I began to like them. When Eli encouraged her to use her writing to help deal with her parents’ problems, it made me LOVE him. I am a writer too so that was a big plus in my book. Through the Boiling Point they had their ups and downs but through it all as they fell harder for each other, I fell harder for them. There is no way to deny that Aislinn and Munro have amazing chemistry; it so natural that you sometimes forget that Clare and Eli aren't real. Even though they are gonna definitely have some downs, I still have hope and faith that the love they have will conquer it and they will end up together. Cause what other couple is a sweet as Eclare?
-- Katie (KatieCTalksALot)

I love Eclare because they are different. Unlike most Degrassi couples they aren’t rushed and actually seem real. Plus how could you not love a couple who’s ship name sounds like a pastry. I always knew that Clare needed to date someone older, Charlotte even said so, I also thought she needed someone who didn’t care what people thought of him, Eli fits that description perfectly. In my opinion they are both really good for each other, Clare is Eli’s voice of reason and Eli is Clare’s rock. Eclare is very genuine, I really like that. As I always say Eclare is love, I really truly believe that. Eclare is everything love is suppose to be.
-- Nanatsuiro-Rainbow

Why do I love Eclare? To be honest, at first I wasn’t convinced by the idea behind this couple. Back when season 10 hasn’t even started yet, everyone seemed so excited for this couple. I on the other hand couldn’t help but be skeptical. I think that the first thing that got to me was the way this couple got together. It was by no means a pull of attraction ( although we all know very well that they were impressed with each other from day one) that brought them together. No, it was a silly request from the teacher. An assignment, that forced those two to interact and slowly form an unique friendship that later transformed into something more.

There’s no doubt in my mind that what those two share is both strong and genuine. Sure, they’re two really different people and sometimes it causes problems in their relationship, but they always fight to make it work and in the end it does. I think it’s the fact that they’re complete opposites that allows them to be so comfortable around each other. They don’t need to worry about how the other will react, because they already know that their opinions would more often differ from each other than not. They know, that no matter what, they will always be accepted.

I love the way those two interact. How they manage to mend perfectly together. Clare’s presence significantly calms Eli’s bad temper and brings out the gentleness and protectiveness. She brings him comfort and happiness. Emotion he doesn’t feel guilty about experiencing anymore. She on the other hand brings out the more confident side of her. I think it’s wonderful that he makes her feel good about herself. She’s no longer the timid and awkward girl she was in season 8 and 9. She grew up and she found a man who not only appreciates her but taught her to do the same.

Their relationship is far from perfect. They are far from perfect. The way Eli and Clare deal with their problems is far from smooth. Sometimes watching them struggle is painful to watch. Sometimes, I feel like perhaps it would have been easier if they just gave up. But that’s just it, nothing worth having comes effortlessly. Eli and Clare are only teenagers, it’s hard to expect them to know how to act, what decisions to make. They will make a lot of mistakes, those are crucial in the learning process after all. They will hurt, misunderstand and disregard each other many times in the future. That’s how it works. But as long as those two keep caring for each other, I won’t give up on them.
-- Kasia (necklace)

What I love about Eli and Clare, is their AMAZING chemistry. Starting from being each others pet-peeves to undeniable lovers. It all started when Eli complimented Clare's beautiful eyes. Then the next best thing happened. They became english partners. Blessing in disguise for the both of them. They skipped class one day and they both realized they had feelings for each other, and that's where it all began. Now they are dating, and even if they are hanging by threads, if they don't end it, it only makes their relationship stronger. This is why I LOVE Eclare.
-- IloveEli<3

Why do I love Eli and Clare? So many reasons! From their first scene together, I thought they were adorable. I had no idea i’d fall so in love with these two. I mean, of course they are majorly cute, no disputing that I don’t think. But besides that, they are deep and intense. They connected right from the start, felt comfortable enough to share their secrets. They have become so important to one another in the short amount of time that they have been in each others lives. They had instant chemistry, and they challenge each other every chance they get. Their relationship is more then just a high school crush, its real and mature but most of all its undeniable. I love how witty their dialogue is and how conscious they are of how the others feeling. Eli and Clare genuine, they work together, and just fit. I can’t see them with anybody else! I hope they are endgame, Eclare is forever!
-- Laura (.*.~.Laura.~.*.)

Confession: I came into season 10 a bitter Klare fan. KC and Clare had been one of my favorite couples in season 9 because their storyline was so well portrayed. But I could also see that they were better apart. Their separation led them on opposite paths that felt right for both of them. The breakup also gave Clare a chance to find herself. She discovered her love for writing, worked on the school play, and no longer felt pressure to fit in. I could tell this change was a good one for her but it wasn’t until season 10 started that I was able to see the real impact of what had happened. In season 10 Clare blossomed. She shed the old image of what people wanted her to be and decided to go after what she wanted. With this new attitude Clare attracted the true friends she always deserved: Adam and Eli.

Clare has always been a great friend, to Alli, to KC, to Connor, even to Jenna! But it wasn’t until she met our two favorite outcasts that she really started to belong. The relationship between this trio of “Misfits” is quite different from many of the superficial ones on Degrassi. You can tell that these three really care about each other, that they will always be there for each other, and that they would do anything for each other. And it was from that strong friendship- not some superficial attraction- that romance bloomed between Eli and Clare. We all saw it coming (the shark in the water promo was certainly a big clue) but I was not prepared for it. I had no idea I would come to connect with these characters and their relationship like I do. By the end of Better Off Alone I was already saying “KC who?” and after Try Honesty aired I knew I would support Eli and Clare for the rest of my life.

It hasn’t always been an easy road: for Eclare or for their fans. Still Fighting It was a hard episode for me to get through. I have always felt strange about couples when a dead ex was involved but Eclare was the first time I was really able to get past that. I could see that even though Eli stilled loved Julia- and that he would always love her- he was truly opening his heart to Clare. And in return, Clare did the same. She let Eli in like she had never let anyone in before. If anyone doubted that, Umbrella certainly proved it. That episode changed this couple for me in the best way possible. It made me realize that these two were forever. Maybe they will part ways at times, maybe they will only be friends at times, and they might even date other people at some point, but I know that they will always be there for each other. Even if they weren’t speaking, even if they were on bad terms, the bond these two have created will last a lifetime; that I am sure of.
-- Asya (Nekoshoujo)

I’ll admit I was a bit skeptical when Eli first came on the scene with his really creepy, “you have pretty eyes” line. At first, I thought Eli was going to be a complete “emo” stereotype and that I was just going to roll my eyes every time they were on screen together. But I was wrong. I was actually really pleased with Eli's character when he made his first, real appearance in Better Off Alone. He was kind of a jerk, but in a likeable way. He was funny and sarcastic, but not stereotypically angry, whiny, or cold/aloof like I thought he would be. He was a sweet kid with a warm personality. He had a kind of rogue charm and a thoughtful nature. The air of mystery surrounding him made him interesting and gave him a lot of potential. His character had a lot of energy. He was bold and didn't care what anyone thought. He was witty, with a sharp tongue and quick with his words. And even more, he’s stubborn and doesn’t know when the hell to back down. I'll be honest. During the Vegas Night dance, although I had taken Eli's side during most of the feud, I was pretty disgusted with Eli, as much as I love him. The scene where he put Ipecac in Fitz's drink displayed him in a deliberately nasty light. While giving Eli an unpleasant side certainly made his character more interesting, it's also there to make it clear that Eli is no saint and that he's not always thoughtful, tactful or mature, or even necessarily sane. He has moments where he's unlikable. But I still end up on his side at the end of it all because he's a good kid at heart. He's a pretty well-rounded character.

Clare on the other hand was a character I was already impressed with. She was already on her way to some excellent character development when season 10 started, and I’ve always loved Clare’s awkwardness, her sweet disposition, her strength to stand up for what she believes in, her confidence, and the fact that she‘s a little bit of a nerd. I love that she’s a pacifist and that she’s extremely intelligent. She always supports the underdog. She was the one to stand up to the Shep for Connor. She was the one who told Adam that he needed to be himself and that he shouldn’t have to change for anyone. She believed in K.C. and thought he was a great guy even when he was doubting it. She’s her own person and she doesn’t care what anyone thinks, which she’s proved time and time again. She fell apart a little when her parents divorced, but I’ve always liked that she gets realistic, truly identifiable storylines. She’s not perfect. She’s naïve to a fault and can sometimes make situations worse. She can get a little melodramatic, as we’ve seen. But overall, her good qualities are the ones that shine through. Not to mention she’s absolutely adorable and I totally have a girl crush on her (but that’s beside the point).

I loved them in Better Off Alone. The way they had so much chemistry and seemed to hit it off so well made me fall in love with the idea of a relationship between the two. I’ve always had a soft spot for Clare, and as soon as I saw how snarky Eli was, I knew he’d probably be one of my favorite characters. I liked the way their relationship developed. They started off as English partners who got under each other’s skin, but that quickly evolved into a friendship that was very convincingly and very beautifully developed in the background of other episodes. Their relationship wasn’t rushed. While everyone else was hooking up left and right, Eli and Clare took their time. They got to know each other a little bit before they started anything else. They seem to have an understanding between them. When Eli told Clare about Julia in Still Fighting It, Clare agreed to give him some time. When Clare asked to spend the night with Eli in Umbrella, Eli turned her away because he knew she wasn’t in her right mind. When Clare found out about Eli’s hoarding, she agreed to be there for him, in spite of the issues they had been going through at the time. And when Clare was acting out because of her parents divorce, Eli forgave her because he understood she was going through a difficult time. I’ve always had a thing for foil pairings. Eli and Clare are very opposite in some respects. Religion is a big difference between them as well as the fact that they don't seem to have similar opinions on conflict resolution. Even their appearances contrast one another. But they also share some things in common. They both love literature and writing, and most importantly, they share mutual feelings for one another. More important than them having things in common however, is the fact that they respect each others’ differences and don’t try to change one another. When it comes to religion, Eli accepts Clare’s beliefs and Clare doesn’t get upset simply because Eli doesn’t see things her way. There is nothing superficial or fake about their relationship. They care about one another, and I think Aislinn and Munro have excellent chemistry and that this plays off well when they’re together on-screen. Whenever Eli and Clare are together, I truly believe that their feelings for each other are completely genuine. There is a sincerity in the way they speak to each other and act around each other. They aren’t a shallow relationship. The way their feelings for one another are presented is very believable. Even their kissing scenes are just full of this intense, inexplicable, intangible something that is just so right. It's beautiful and there's something so dazed and longing in the way they look at each other as Eli and Clare and it comes across really well and just the way it was intended to, I think. You can tell Eli and Clare are crazy about each other just from the way Munro and Aislinn play them in their scenes together. Their romance is really sweet and soft, but also really passionate and raw in a way that still manages to be innocent, and I don't know of any other couple that's currently on the show that can pull off just that right amount of both that makes both the sexual attraction and the pure affection shine through simultaneously.

I liked that although they’ve been going through some seriously intense issues this season, they are there for each other. They stand by each other. And that’s another thing. I like that their relationship still represents what Degrassi is about - covering the issues. All of the conflicts they have faced this season have been very serious in nature (dealing with the death of a loved one, parents’ divorce, hoarding, and school violence). They each have their own separate issues, but they're there for each other and come together to support one another. Neither of them are perfect, and neither is their relationship. They have their flaws - some very ugly ones - but they care about one another anyway. Clare’s parents’ divorce caused her to act out, and Eli certainly did some very stupid, selfish things when it came to Fitz. But in the end, they get through those problems and bounce back as a couple. I like that the show makes the imperfections in their relationship conspicuous. It doesn’t try to play them off or treat them as if they should just be forgotten about. I can look at them and as a fan say that, yes, I see the flaws in their relationship, but in my opinion, the positives in the couple outweigh the negatives and are far more prevalent to me. This is what makes them great - not that they never have to deal with any issues or consequences or that things are always easy for them, but that they stick with each other and help each other through their troubles. This is not what makes them a "perfect" or "ideal" couple. This is what makes them a good couple. There are no episodes about EClare that have to do with insignificant, superficial fluff. No episode about EClare was ever just about EClare and their relationship problems. The episodes that they get their own plots in are about their relationship, but also always about some issues in their separate lives. It's always an outside, individual conflict that affects their relationship, like Clare's parents' divorce, or Eli's dead girlfriend and his subsequent hoarding. Sometimes EClare deal with their issues in an irrational manner. But they come out stronger together in the end. They have the strength and maturity to be there for each other when it’s necessary.
-- Kwinks

Last edited by necklace; 04-26-2011 at 11:07 AM
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Old 04-07-2011, 10:40 AM
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Thanks for the new thread! w00t!
Although I think we take the 75thread icons off of the OP now. We'll have too look forward to thread #100 now, I kid, I kid
laughing all the way~
Asya | Blacklist | ♥
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Old 04-07-2011, 10:46 AM
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Although I think we take the 75thread icons off of the OP now.
Yeah... I like how they look in the OP

Also, I guess we can cross those two off, eh?

___A KC and/or Fitz jealously over Eli and Clare's relationship
___Eli teaching Clare to drive Morty

We'll have too look forward to thread #100 now, I kid, I kid
Heh... if we wanted to change OP again we would probably had to start now, considering how much time it took us last time Good thing that it's perfect the way it is now
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Old 04-07-2011, 11:21 AM
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Hey, new thread!

I was just looking through the OP again. It makes me happy Everyone except me wrote such great testimonials.

Originally Posted by necklace (View Post)
yeah... I have my driving license test in an hour, I'm nervous
How'd it go?!
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Old 04-07-2011, 11:42 AM
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How'd it go?!
I actually had only theory today. I didn't want to do both on the same day because I'm the type of person who always stresses before any kind of exam. I passed it and chose the date for practical exam. That's going to be fun...

Oh going back to baby talk, I have a new UC couple, one that I'm behind only for purely superficial reasons. Yes I am that shallow (alos, I don't think they would mesh with each other). The couple is Alli and Eli.
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Old 04-08-2011, 05:25 PM
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It feels like thy're mocking us. Oh who am I kidding? They totally are
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Old 04-08-2011, 05:37 PM
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It feels like thy're mocking us. Oh who am I kidding? They totally are
They're getting such a kick out of this.

God, I'm so nervous about the Drop the World promo.

The thing is though, I shouldn't be, because I already know that they're going to break up. I've been preparing myself for it emotionally ever since they first started liking each other and I became invested in their pairing. But no matter how much preparing I've done, I can't help but feel that I'm still not going to be ready. Hell, I'm freaking out about just the promo!

To be honest though, at this point, I hope they do break up at the end of this season, because if they don't, then that means they'll still be together next season. Now, I would be very happy about this if it weren't for the fact that we know they both have potential love interests being introduced next season. If they're still together when this happens, then that means there's a higher chance of the writers breaking them up by having one of them dump the other for Jake/Imogen, thereby ruining their character and permanently ruining this pairing for me. If they break up now, and it's because Clare doesn't want to deal with Eli's craziness at the moment, then I can survive. If they break up because someone else comes between them, then it completely invalidates everything about their relationship and what I loved about them.

So if they have to break up, I'd rather it be now than have it be next season when the writers have the chance to put new love interests in the way. I don't mind EClare dating other people while they aren't together anymore, but I don't want them to leave each other for other people, you know?

Besides, the sooner they break up, then the sooner they can get back together (if they ever get back together ). I know, that logic is stupid, but it helps me cope.

Last edited by Kwinks; 04-08-2011 at 06:56 PM
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Old 04-08-2011, 05:47 PM
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God, I'm so nervous about the Drop the World promo.
I'm not, it can't possibly be worse than what I'm expecting, atually it can if it turns out that the episode is from Clare's plot. At least give me an Eli centric before you tear them to pieces...(I hate being so negative)
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Old 04-08-2011, 05:51 PM
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I'm not, it can't possibly be worse than what I'm expecting, atually it can if it turns out that the episode is from Clare's plot. At least give me an Eli centric before you tear them to pieces...(I hate being so negative)
I just edited my last post to explain myself.

But yes, I also want an Eli-centric plot.
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Old 04-08-2011, 06:30 PM
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................ o_______________________o

oh no.
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Old 04-08-2011, 06:36 PM
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But yes, I also want an Eli-centric plot.
It is from Eli's pov. Finally

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Old 04-08-2011, 06:44 PM
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on a whim here, but i think he's talking to/shooting julia's picture. cause remember how clare finds her picture and something ~strange~ has happened to it? or maybe they made that super obvious and my assumptions are a given. i'm tired. ):
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Old 04-08-2011, 06:48 PM
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on a whim here, but i think he's talking to/shooting julia's picture. cause remember how clare finds her picture and something ~strange~ has happened to it? or maybe they made that super obvious and my assumptions are a given. i'm tired. ):
Do people think that he's shooting to an actual person? To be honest I think that his stance alone is enough to tell that he's aiming for something that isn't moving.
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Old 04-08-2011, 06:53 PM
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Originally Posted by necklace (View Post)
Do people think that he's shooting to an actual person? To be honest I think that his stance alone is enough to tell that he's aiming for something that isn't moving.
nah, first time i saw it, i saw the trees in the background and figured it was just another tree. but i guess it is pretty obvious it's her picture. i dunno, like i said, i'm tired D:
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Old 04-08-2011, 07:56 PM
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When he yells "this is all YOUR FAULT!" maybe he's yelling in the mirror? Idk, just a thought... & when he has the gun and is shooting something, I'm almost 100% sure that he's shooting Julia's picture. Just a gut feeling...

@necklace: I am REALLY excited that this is in Eli's POV. I don't think I've seen something really Eli centered ever since Try Honesty, part one and two.
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