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Old 05-22-2012, 08:46 PM
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Originally Posted by AchrisL (View Post)

I started a story on the other thread and here is part 3. I think you will love the surpirse at the end.

Chapter 3

Rachel was holding unto Frank. She had told him in his ear that nothing happened with Portman; because as pissed as she was it was him she loved and wanted.
“I couldn’t do it Frank.”
She was still holding onto him, but slowly let go. Frank was smiling. His blue eyes locked on her brown ones.”
“Thank you, Rachel,” he said. She nodded her head slowly in acknowledgement. “I love you, too.”
She was relieved, but knew that he loved her when he nearly lay down his life to save hers, nevertheless, hearing it was very reassuring. She turned and looked at the jet waiting for her to return for take-off. She stepped back and looked at Frank, her face full of tears, she smiled and went back to the plane, within minutes Rachel was air borne.
Frank watched her walk to the plane and board, a piece of her would always be with him.
On the plane Rachel was very quiet. She stared out the window for most of the flight. The stewardess momentarily broke her thoughts by politely asking, “Can I get you anything? Perhaps, something to drink?” she smiled kindly. Her smile made Rachel want to cry, but her strong spirit kicked in.
“Yes, a scotch please.”
Rachel wasn’t really a drinker. But she had her first concert tonight and she had to pull it together. She leaned back in her seat, closed her eyes and his face was in front her hers.
Three Months Later
Rachel was due to sing at a Palladium, but electrical and plumbing problems delayed it by three days. She had been looking forward to it, but they could not have an electrical mishap and so she sucked it up.
She called Bill and the two talked and decided to go down and have a bite to eat.
It was quite in the hotel lobby which gave Rachel a sense of comfort. Her bodyguard joined them a few minutes later. He sat two tables away. Bill looked over and smiled. This guy was good as Farmer had promised, but Bill missed
farmer. Convincing him to protect Rachel turned out to be the best thing he ever did. Tony had come down and so the other BG went back to check the floor and surrounding areas.
Bill and Rachel both had roast beef, mashed potatoes and green beans. Rachel finished first.
“So you were hungry?”
“Yeah, it seems I was,” she replied with her usual spunk. Bill smiled.
“Excuse me,” she said getting up.
Tony saw her move and watched her, he started to get up. She walked over to his table. “I’m sorry Tony,” she said sincerely he was half way through his meal.
“I’m just gonna run to the ladies room.,”
“Rach,” he started, throwing down his napkin to go with her. She put her hand up.
‘No Tony, really if something looks strange I’ll yell my head off,” she walked away before he could respond.
Rachel went out of the restaurant and into a long hall; she saw the sign and continued to the door, she went in carefully, listening for any other life form. Farmer, she thought I’m picking up your ways, she smiled. She missed him. It hit her, today for some reason she couldn’t stop thinking about him.
She did her business, washed her hands and looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a light waist length coat and a scarf over her head. She opened the door and walked out with her head down, looking at the hotel carpet. Nice pattern she thought. When she knew anything she hit something. She started to apologize, and then she wanted to get away before she was recognized. She didn’t mind it she loved it actually but she was enjoying her meditation at the moment if it could be called that.
“I’m sorry,” she started in apologizing. It was her fault she should have looked up but when she came out no one was there. The figure was in front of her but saying nothing.
Finally, frustrated she moved back to walk around him but something made her look up. Standing in front of her was Frank Farmer!
you should really only put this in the Rachel/Frank thread since it's got nothing to do with Kevney at all. Anyway I loved this please continue. I can't wait for more.
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Old 05-22-2012, 09:23 PM
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Originally Posted by AchrisL (View Post)
If something breaks it will NOT be from Kevin. It will be leaked by someone else. Who? don't know, but someone in need of money and out to prove their are not the villian.

Anyway, hope all is well.


Will you be updating?
Yes, Achrisl, I will be updating convos. I'm on a business trip this week, so I won't have any time to work on Part 3 of 'Will You Be MY Rachel" until about Friday. But everybody knows how "Will You Be My Rachel Ends."

Originally Posted by OneMomentInTimwWhit (View Post)
I watched AH and apparently Julie Moran has known Kevin for a long time. Her husband is also an actor and he is in the Hatfield and the McCoys. Maybe that's why she asked him that question. I wonder what she has asked him off camera......

Next is Live With Kelly and then Anderson on Thursday.
That explains a lot. Maybe their previous association gave him an opening to put rumors at rest, and do so with somebody who he felt comfortable with, I dunno. I probably will take his long answer to mean the kiss was a movie kiss and nothing happened off the set. Well, even if nothing happened, he sure acts like a man who had mad feelings for her. And can you really blame him? The lady was adorable!
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Old 05-22-2012, 09:49 PM
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Originally Posted by GobSmacked82 (View Post)
Yes, Achrisl, I will be updating convos. I'm on a business trip this week, so I won't have any time to work on Part 3 of 'Will You Be MY Rachel" until about Friday. But everybody knows how "Will You Be My Rachel Ends."
Ah yes, Gobsmacked. We know how it all ends for them...but it's the journey that counts right? Btw, I loved your 2nd part to this convo - Whitney's endless questions about the making-out scenes and Kevin laughing at her naivety about movie magic is spot on.

That explains a lot. Maybe their previous association gave him an opening to put rumors at rest, and do so with somebody who he felt comfortable with, I dunno. I probably will take his long answer to mean the kiss was a movie kiss and nothing happened off the set. Well, even if nothing happened, he sure acts like a man who had mad feelings for her. And can you really blame him? The lady was adorable!
She was more than adorable, she was one of a kind!

Btw, I just saw a youtube video of Whitney mentoring some X-Factor contestants in UK. I love this video as it showed Whitney looking very healthy in 2009, and she had great advice for those contestants. She would have been a great judge for the US X-Factor show if she hadn't passed away.

Whitney Houston as mentor on X-Factor UK (2009)
Originally Posted by casual observer (View Post)

Actually, while he is not smiling in all the photos, he is smiling in some of them----just none where he's posing with CB alone. In this last zimbio batch--while he's smiling in some of the pics with various people, there are only 3 photos with her where there is even remotely a smile--in one he's interacting with someone else and slightly smiling--she happens to be standing near him and in the other two he's posing with cast members and she happens to be standing there as well. In every other picture--where it's just the two of them posing as a couple-- he looks like a man on death row. And I don't think it has anything to do with Whitney.
Yes, I looked through the rest of those photos on zimbio later and saw him smiling in some of them. You're right, it's only in those photos with CB that he had a very somber (I would describe it as "miserable" myself) expression on his face. That said, I've seen many photos of Kevin over the years and he usually doesn't like to smile when posing for photos (when he has to look directly at the camera), however in his candid photos, he's a lot more smiley and jovial. I don't think his not smiling while posing for photos with CB is due to him being unhappy with her....but she's not doing anything to cheer him up either, as she bores him (probably has to do with their wide generation gap - CB's too immature for him).

And thanks for reposting that snippet from an article where it talks about KC's kids initial dislike of CB. I remember reading that, but I took it to mean more that his kids were possessive of their daddy and were jealous of any woman who might steal him away from them - not so much their personal dislike of CB for her personality or something. I think KC's kids would have reacted the same way if he had been in a serious and long term relationship with Eva Longoria or Halle Berry.

ETA -- Okay, I've changed my mind after viewing the extra photos that you posted up - Kevin really looked downright grumpy and cold when he was standing next to CB! I have to hand it to you here,'ve definitely made your point. LoL. Now I'm thinking that maybe Kevin and CB had a big fight that morning before he attended the Hatfields & McCoys promo, and that's why he looked like he was still very upset with her. CB is pretending that everything is peaches on the home front with her fake smiles, but something might be brewing. Perhaps like Gobsmacked speculated, CB said something off-colored about Whitney and Kevin put CB in her place promptly.

Last edited by Shiroja; 05-22-2012 at 11:28 PM Reason: Added quotes
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Old 05-22-2012, 10:39 PM
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Chapter 3- continued


Rachel was astonished! She couldn’t believe it. He had been on her mind heavily today, but to see him in the flesh was more than she could have hoped for.

The feeling was mutual frank was delighted to see Rachel.

“What are you doing here?” she asked. “You look good.” She said running her hand gently over the area that had been hit with bullets.

“I’m good.” He looked at her knowing her focus was on the shooting and he said, “I’m fine.”

She looked up and smiled. “Are you working?”

“Yes, but my assignment starts in three to four days. So I figured I’d check the place out in advance and cool my heels.”

Back at his table, Tony noticed that Rachel had not come back. This fact was not lost on Bill Devany either. He looked at the exit door of the restaurant with concern; Rachel had been gone 15 mins now. Tony threw his napkin down and with haste left the restaurant. “Sir,” the waitress said, “just hold the hell on, honey I’m coming back I have to find my lady first.”

Bill noticed the look on the waitresses face and beckoned to her. She got instantly that they were all together. She nodded and went over to a corner table to give the couple there their menus.

Tony walked with haste down the corridor, but he went the wrong way and got panicked when he didn’t see her. He turned and went back realizing that he went the wrong way. He cursed under his breathe. Down the hall he saw a man with his back turned.


Frank recognized the voice and turned. Tony stopped dead and a wide smile covered his face. “Farmer!” he said happily, exceeding his hand for a shake. “Great to see you. Are you on the job?” he asked.

“I will be in a few days.” Frank and Tony talked a few minutes and Frank told him that his client would be here in three to four days and Tony told him about the mess at the concert hall where Rachel was to sing.

“Guys!” Devany’s voice was sharp. He had left to look for them; he was worried but got annoyed that they were standing in the hall rudely talking while he worried about their safety. When Tony moved away he saw Farmer. With the same warmth they greeted each other.

Frank went back to the restaurant and ordered dinner sitting next to Rachel. Tony had moved his drink over to the table and the four talked for 90 minutes. They all ordered dessert. When they had finished Tony and Bill made excuses to leave Frank and Rachel alone to talk. They took the elevator to the roof top terrace and looked out at the city before Rachel went and sat down on one of the lawn couches.

He looked at Rachel and smiled. “You’re tired,” he said.

She nodded in agreement, but she was so happy at seeing him, it was secondary.

“How’d you know?” she asked with feistiness.

“I know when you’re tired.” She laughed. He sat down but she noticed that he was rubbing his shoulder.

“What’s wrong?” she asked sitting up alarmed.

“It just aches sometimes.” The look of alarm on her face was un mistakable. She had a feeling this could happen.

“I’m okay, really,” he said.

“Are you?” she asked seriously.

“Yes. The doctor said it could take a year to heal. I massage it the best I can and then it works out.”

“Come here,” she said patting the space next to her leg. He sat down and she went around and started massaging his shoulder and arm. His jacket was in the way.

“I have to take my shirt off,” he said.

“Okay, let’s go. I mean I can massage and then go back to my room.”

He stood and extended his hand and she got up, the two went back to his room two floors up from hers.


Frank opened the door. He turned on the lights and the TV which was on low. It was a nice room with a small living room and the bedroom was a few feet away. She liked the lay out.

He took his jacket off and she saw the battle marks. She went to the restroom and washed her hands and he took his jacket and shirt off. He was wearing his t-shirt and looking at the news. As soon as she came back he gave her his un divided attention.

Rachel gently touched his bruised shoulder; she used the lotion and gently massaged his arm. Frank watched her silently. She was so beautiful.

After a few minutes she asked him. “How did that feel?”

“Perfect,” but then a pain hit him. She panicked and lost her footing landing in his lap.

“You’re not fine Frank! You’re still in a lot of agony.” The look of agony on her face made him happy and touched him.

She looked up with her face inches from him. He leaned in and kissed her the kiss should have a sense of normalcy, but Rachel felt over powered and her arm went around his should. They were kissing passionately. She broke the kiss.

She gently moved her left hand and caressed the side of his face. Frank picked her up and carried her to his bed. He placed her on the bed and removed his t-shirt. She got up and he removed her clothes starting with her jacket.


“Oh, God Frank,” Rachel said out of breathe. He was leaning her over, caressing her neck.

Then a panic hit her. She was scared of the answer but she had to know. She leaned forward. “What’s wrong? He asked.

She slumped against the mattress, eyes closed. She took a deep breathe.

“Frank do you regret this?”

He looked puzzled. “What?” he asked.

“Frank the last time we slept together you regretted it,” there she had said it, Might as well get it out there. The memory hurt her and made her angry because here she was again. This could be a repeat of the same thing and she couldn’t handle it. She had never known anyone like Frank before.

“Rachel,” he moved some hair away from her right eye. “I let my guard down..,”

She took a deep breath and the look of disappointment/disgust was on her face. She had to shield her heart and self-esteem.

“Listen to ME!” he said firmly. “I couldn’t let anything happen to you by letting my guard down. It’s what I was paid to do.”

She hissed. “But I would have never done it if I didn’t love you. Your life meant more to me. I didn’t regret it Rachel. I had to stop it in order to protect you. If I got careless you’d have been dead. I couldn’t live with that. It would have broken my heart beyond repair. "

Frank Farmer had taken a chance and put the unadulterated truth out there. He was temporarily frightened of the consequences.

“Then it was worth it Frank,” she said gently smiling at him. “I love you,” she said her arm going around his neck. She understood and it gave her a sense of peace. He was not trying to hurt her, but had to ensure her safety.

“I love you, Rachel Marron. I don’t work for you anymore so I’m gonna show you how much.”

The kiss was enough to send the orbit spinning.

“Frank I missed you so much. I couldn’t stop thinking about you today.”

“You couldn’t? Well, you thought me right in here,” he laughed. She loved that boyish look on his face.

“Frank, Portman kissed me, not in the mouth, but I stopped it. I couldn’t.”

He leaned and as promised started showing her how much. He kissed her face, her lips and neck, her mouth.

The love making was the most explosive thing she had ever experienced in her life. She never thought in life she’d ever find someone who really had the ability to look past the movie star and see her heart, but Frank did.

She was enjoyed every minute of his lovemaking. “Oh, Frank,” she sucked her breathe in. She grabbed the sheet squeezing until the circulation in her hand felt numb, then when she could move it caressed Frank’s back. His face was covered in perspiration.
When she opened her eyes she noticed that two hours had gone by. Frank was sleeping, snoring lightly. She smiled and drifted back to sleep.


He walked her to her room. After her bathe she went to bed, happier than she had ever been.

Two days later, Rachel and Frank met for breakfast. The three day concert she was scheduled to perform had to be canceled and so she was moving on the next morning back to California for a three night run. After the performances she would meet with her secretary and new PR person. Sy was gone and she didn’t miss him one bit. He had jeopardized the whole house hold for the sake of publicity.

She had also learned a lesson. She had s staff change, so far so good. She told frank that she canned Sy and why. He smiled. They were out for a brief walk.

“You never liked him did you?”

“No. he cared more about publicity. I got into it with him at the Mayan Club because he wanted to use the letters “for a million dollars’ worth of publicity”

Rachel stopped and looked in Franks’ eyes. “Well, that’s the end of him in my employ.”

They discussed Fletcher. Back at the hotel Rachel called to check up on him. He was busy with swimming lessons and wanted to get back to it. But when she told him that Frank wanted to say hello, fletcher was so happy he forgot about his lessons.
The two old friends talked for about twenty minutes. She took the phone back and gave him his directives.

“My guy comes in tomorrow,” he told her.

“I leave tonight,” she told him.

They planned for room service. Frank let Tony know that he would be spending some time with Rachel and not to worry.

“Not as long as it’s you, Frank,” Tony laughed.

“Good man,” Farmer said and hung up.


That evening at 7 p.m. they ordered dinner. Rachel’s plane was leaving at 11:30 p.m. they ate dinner and spent the next three hours making love.

It was for the books. They were connected in ways only the two understood.

When he made love to her the last time it was like the airport put worst. She had tears streaming down her face. He gently caressed her face. Rachel wrapped her arms around him, not wanting to let go, but had too. They took a shower together and Frank saw them off at the airport.

Fortunately it went first as the plane was ready to leave. That night at her mansion in Beverly Hills, Rachel smiled but cried herself to sleep. She was happy and sad. She knew this time she made never see him again, but it ended on a happy note and she wouldn’t trade it for the world.


Three months later

The weather had been foul the last few months and she had flu systems. She had to cancel some engagements, but it stormed so bad that only a few people came out.

She sang like it was 50,000 and left. After having a cough, stomach ache, body aches and the like, she finally went in for a physical.

A few days later she got the results in the mail. She had taken the sealed envelope with her. She was headed to Paris for a charity concert for the ambassador.

This was a long flight and so she took some Tylenol and ginger ale and slept all the way. She was so tired. Fortunately, she was going to have a business month, so much of the work would be done at her home.

They arrived at the Ritz and Rachel couldn’t wait to get too dressed and go eat. She ate dinner, but was feeling so tired and the head ache was killing her. She took some Tylenol, a bath and got in bed. She sat up and opened a letter from a patient at a cancer center she visited. The little girl-Nicole had cancer, but the treatment had been working and the enclosed pic showed a much healthier child. Rachel smiled. She placed it on the night stand and then on impulse grabbed the letter from her doctor. The usually mailed her a copy of her physical and blood work.

Rachel got up to use the restroom and threw up. She washed her face and hands, brushed her teeth and then remembered that the beef she had was rarer than she preferred. She had no intention on eating any more beef for the time being. She just felt so lousy. She dragged herself back to bed.

Three Days Later

The trip to Paris had gone well. Rachel was jet lagged. Long trips always gave her a headache after wards, but she pushed forward. She loved her fans and their admiration gave her the strength to do it.

But she still wasn’t feeling good. Members of the staff were ill. The cook had contacted pneumonia and the meals were catered in.

The following Monday, Rachel had a follow up with her doctor. She had received a call to come into the office because she was showing signs of being anemic.

Tony drove her over, while the other bodyguard stayed behind for Fletcher.
Once in the office Rachel was asked to lie down while she was examined. “Rachel, I want to check something.”

It was then that Rachel noticed this room had a lot more medical equipment. Oxygen, blood pressure monitors, a heart monitor and x-ray machine.

The doctor squeezed some cold jell on her stomach. “What do I need this for?” she asked. Then it hit her she may have an ulcer or something. Rachel was getting frustrated.


That night Rachel laid in bed, she had called her agent and canceled everything for the time being. She told her not to make any plans until she cleared it.

The following week, Rachel boarded a private plane to Paris, from there she would rest and the following day be carried to Switzerland. She had rented a private villa.

Fletcher would finish the semester of school and then join her.

Rachel had been warned and she was taking heed to that warning and removing any stress she could out of her life for the next year.

The following afternoon she had arrived at her new home in Switzerland and had dinner, called Fletcher and went to bed. She gently caressed her stomach.
Rachel Marron was three months pregnant.
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Old 05-22-2012, 10:51 PM
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Originally Posted by AchrisL (View Post)
Chapter 3- continued


Rachel was astonished! She couldn’t believe it. He had been on her mind heavily today, but to see him in the flesh was more than she could have hoped for.

The feeling was mutual frank was delighted to see Rachel.

“What are you doing here?” she asked. “You look good.” She said running her hand gently over the area that had been hit with bullets.

“I’m good.” He looked at her knowing her focus was on the shooting and he said, “I’m fine.”

She looked up and smiled. “Are you working?”

“Yes, but my assignment starts in three to four days. So I figured I’d check the place out in advance and cool my heels.”

Back at his table, Tony noticed that Rachel had not come back. This fact was not lost on Bill Devany either. He looked at the exit door of the restaurant with concern; Rachel had been gone 15 mins now. Tony threw his napkin down and with haste left the restaurant. “Sir,” the waitress said, “just hold the hell on, honey I’m coming back I have to find my lady first.”

Bill noticed the look on the waitresses face and beckoned to her. She got instantly that they were all together. She nodded and went over to a corner table to give the couple there their menus.

Tony walked with haste down the corridor, but he went the wrong way and got panicked when he didn’t see her. He turned and went back realizing that he went the wrong way. He cursed under his breathe. Down the hall he saw a man with his back turned.


Frank recognized the voice and turned. Tony stopped dead and a wide smile covered his face. “Farmer!” he said happily, exceeding his hand for a shake. “Great to see you. Are you on the job?” he asked.

“I will be in a few days.” Frank and Tony talked a few minutes and Frank told him that his client would be here in three to four days and Tony told him about the mess at the concert hall where Rachel was to sing.

“Guys!” Devany’s voice was sharp. He had left to look for them; he was worried but got annoyed that they were standing in the hall rudely talking while he worried about their safety. When Tony moved away he saw Farmer. With the same warmth they greeted each other.

Frank went back to the restaurant and ordered dinner sitting next to Rachel. Tony had moved his drink over to the table and the four talked for 90 minutes. They all ordered dessert. When they had finished Tony and Bill made excuses to leave Frank and Rachel alone to talk. They took the elevator to the roof top terrace and looked out at the city before Rachel went and sat down on one of the lawn couches.

He looked at Rachel and smiled. “You’re tired,” he said.

She nodded in agreement, but she was so happy at seeing him, it was secondary.

“How’d you know?” she asked with feistiness.

“I know when you’re tired.” She laughed. He sat down but she noticed that he was rubbing his shoulder.

“What’s wrong?” she asked sitting up alarmed.

“It just aches sometimes.” The look of alarm on her face was un mistakable. She had a feeling this could happen.

“I’m okay, really,” he said.

“Are you?” she asked seriously.

“Yes. The doctor said it could take a year to heal. I massage it the best I can and then it works out.”

“Come here,” she said patting the space next to her leg. He sat down and she went around and started massaging his shoulder and arm. His jacket was in the way.

“I have to take my shirt off,” he said.

“Okay, let’s go. I mean I can massage and then go back to my room.”

He stood and extended his hand and she got up, the two went back to his room two floors up from hers.


Frank opened the door. He turned on the lights and the TV which was on low. It was a nice room with a small living room and the bedroom was a few feet away. She liked the lay out.

He took his jacket off and she saw the battle marks. She went to the restroom and washed her hands and he took his jacket and shirt off. He was wearing his t-shirt and looking at the news. As soon as she came back he gave her his un divided attention.

Rachel gently touched his bruised shoulder; she used the lotion and gently massaged his arm. Frank watched her silently. She was so beautiful.

After a few minutes she asked him. “How did that feel?”

“Perfect,” but then a pain hit him. She panicked and lost her footing landing in his lap.

“You’re not fine Frank! You’re still in a lot of agony.” The look of agony on her face made him happy and touched him.

She looked up with her face inches from him. He leaned in and kissed her the kiss should have a sense of normalcy, but Rachel felt over powered and her arm went around his should. They were kissing passionately. She broke the kiss.

She gently moved her left hand and caressed the side of his face. Frank picked her up and carried her to his bed. He placed her on the bed and removed his t-shirt. She got up and he removed her clothes starting with her jacket.


“Oh, God Frank,” Rachel said out of breathe. He was leaning her over, caressing her neck.

Then a panic hit her. She was scared of the answer but she had to know. She leaned forward. “What’s wrong? He asked.

She slumped against the mattress, eyes closed. She took a deep breathe.

“Frank do you regret this?”

He looked puzzled. “What?” he asked.

“Frank the last time we slept together you regretted it,” there she had said it, Might as well get it out there. The memory hurt her and made her angry because here she was again. This could be a repeat of the same thing and she couldn’t handle it. She had never known anyone like Frank before.

“Rachel,” he moved some hair away from her right eye. “I let my guard down..,”

She took a deep breath and the look of disappointment/disgust was on her face. She had to shield her heart and self-esteem.

“Listen to ME!” he said firmly. “I couldn’t let anything happen to you by letting my guard down. It’s what I was paid to do.”

She hissed. “But I would have never done it if I didn’t love you. Your life meant more to me. I didn’t regret it Rachel. I had to stop it in order to protect you. If I got careless you’d have been dead. I couldn’t live with that. It would have broken my heart beyond repair. "

Frank Farmer had taken a chance and put the unadulterated truth out there. He was temporarily frightened of the consequences.

“Then it was worth it Frank,” she said gently smiling at him. “I love you,” she said her arm going around his neck. She understood and it gave her a sense of peace. He was not trying to hurt her, but had to ensure her safety.

“I love you, Rachel Marron. I don’t work for you anymore so I’m gonna show you how much.”

The kiss was enough to send the orbit spinning.

“Frank I missed you so much. I couldn’t stop thinking about you today.”

“You couldn’t? Well, you thought me right in here,” he laughed. She loved that boyish look on his face.

“Frank, Portman kissed me, not in the mouth, but I stopped it. I couldn’t.”

He leaned and as promised started showing her how much. He kissed her face, her lips and neck, her mouth.

The love making was the most explosive thing she had ever experienced in her life. She never thought in life she’d ever find someone who really had the ability to look past the movie star and see her heart, but Frank did.

She was enjoyed every minute of his lovemaking. “Oh, Frank,” she sucked her breathe in. She grabbed the sheet squeezing until the circulation in her hand felt numb, then when she could move it caressed Frank’s back. His face was covered in perspiration.
When she opened her eyes she noticed that two hours had gone by. Frank was sleeping, snoring lightly. She smiled and drifted back to sleep.


He walked her to her room. After her bathe she went to bed, happier than she had ever been.

Two days later, Rachel and Frank met for breakfast. The three day concert she was scheduled to perform had to be canceled and so she was moving on the next morning back to California for a three night run. After the performances she would meet with her secretary and new PR person. Sy was gone and she didn’t miss him one bit. He had jeopardized the whole house hold for the sake of publicity.

She had also learned a lesson. She had s staff change, so far so good. She told frank that she canned Sy and why. He smiled. They were out for a brief walk.

“You never liked him did you?”

“No. he cared more about publicity. I got into it with him at the Mayan Club because he wanted to use the letters “for a million dollars’ worth of publicity”

Rachel stopped and looked in Franks’ eyes. “Well, that’s the end of him in my employ.”

They discussed Fletcher. Back at the hotel Rachel called to check up on him. He was busy with swimming lessons and wanted to get back to it. But when she told him that Frank wanted to say hello, fletcher was so happy he forgot about his lessons.
The two old friends talked for about twenty minutes. She took the phone back and gave him his directives.

“My guy comes in tomorrow,” he told her.

“I leave tonight,” she told him.

They planned for room service. Frank let Tony know that he would be spending some time with Rachel and not to worry.

“Not as long as it’s you, Frank,” Tony laughed.

“Good man,” Farmer said and hung up.


That evening at 7 p.m. they ordered dinner. Rachel’s plane was leaving at 11:30 p.m. they ate dinner and spent the next three hours making love.

It was for the books. They were connected in ways only the two understood.

When he made love to her the last time it was like the airport put worst. She had tears streaming down her face. He gently caressed her face. Rachel wrapped her arms around him, not wanting to let go, but had too. They took a shower together and Frank saw them off at the airport.

Fortunately it went first as the plane was ready to leave. That night at her mansion in Beverly Hills, Rachel smiled but cried herself to sleep. She was happy and sad. She knew this time she made never see him again, but it ended on a happy note and she wouldn’t trade it for the world.


Three months later

The weather had been foul the last few months and she had flu systems. She had to cancel some engagements, but it stormed so bad that only a few people came out.

She sang like it was 50,000 and left. After having a cough, stomach ache, body aches and the like, she finally went in for a physical.

A few days later she got the results in the mail. She had taken the sealed envelope with her. She was headed to Paris for a charity concert for the ambassador.

This was a long flight and so she took some Tylenol and ginger ale and slept all the way. She was so tired. Fortunately, she was going to have a business month, so much of the work would be done at her home.

They arrived at the Ritz and Rachel couldn’t wait to get too dressed and go eat. She ate dinner, but was feeling so tired and the head ache was killing her. She took some Tylenol, a bath and got in bed. She sat up and opened a letter from a patient at a cancer center she visited. The little girl-Nicole had cancer, but the treatment had been working and the enclosed pic showed a much healthier child. Rachel smiled. She placed it on the night stand and then on impulse grabbed the letter from her doctor. The usually mailed her a copy of her physical and blood work.

Rachel got up to use the restroom and threw up. She washed her face and hands, brushed her teeth and then remembered that the beef she had was rarer than she preferred. She had no intention on eating any more beef for the time being. She just felt so lousy. She dragged herself back to bed.

Three Days Later

The trip to Paris had gone well. Rachel was jet lagged. Long trips always gave her a headache after wards, but she pushed forward. She loved her fans and their admiration gave her the strength to do it.

But she still wasn’t feeling good. Members of the staff were ill. The cook had contacted pneumonia and the meals were catered in.

The following Monday, Rachel had a follow up with her doctor. She had received a call to come into the office because she was showing signs of being anemic.

Tony drove her over, while the other bodyguard stayed behind for Fletcher.
Once in the office Rachel was asked to lie down while she was examined. “Rachel, I want to check something.”

It was then that Rachel noticed this room had a lot more medical equipment. Oxygen, blood pressure monitors, a heart monitor and x-ray machine.

The doctor squeezed some cold jell on her stomach. “What do I need this for?” she asked. Then it hit her she may have an ulcer or something. Rachel was getting frustrated.


That night Rachel laid in bed, she had called her agent and canceled everything for the time being. She told her not to make any plans until she cleared it.

The following week, Rachel boarded a private plane to Paris, from there she would rest and the following day be carried to Switzerland. She had rented a private villa.

Fletcher would finish the semester of school and then join her.

Rachel had been warned and she was taking heed to that warning and removing any stress she could out of her life for the next year.

The following afternoon she had arrived at her new home in Switzerland and had dinner, called Fletcher and went to bed. She gently caressed her stomach.
Rachel Marron was three months pregnant.
Yay! she's pregnant, can't wait to read what happens next and I hope she'll tell Frank soon. Please post your story in the Rachel/Frank thread as well because that's where it's actually supposed to be.
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Old 05-23-2012, 12:57 AM
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Hi you guys, I have been MIA but I have read some of the comments pertaining to KC's recent interviews and I do agree with the majority. I wish they would give the poor guy a break even though I know they won't and more than likely he's not going to be able to avoid those questions about her for quite sometime unfortunately. It's obvious that this whole ordeal had taken a toll on him; He looks very stressed and unhappy in many of those photos as someone pointed out. Also regarding the interview where he was asked about the kiss in TBG being something more, It's obvious Kevin totally went around that question without even answering the question that was asked at hand smh lol I understand why though, if he actually admitted to something happening he would be putting Whitney in a negative light which is something I know he would never want to do. I just feel like Kevin could do a better job at keeping these thristy reporters away; He throws hints & is slightly slick with his responses and that is what gets people wondering...for example, the supposed false statement that was put out there that he "didn't" say.....a man who didn't want too add any further speculation would've responded by saying something to the liking of "No, I didnt make that statement about Whitney. We didn't share that type of relationship that people are speculating about. I cared for her but not in that way, you know, Whitney was my friend. We shared a great friendship." that is the response of someone who doesn't want to bring anymore attention to that particular subject. I hate to say this but he's bringing some of this on himself in a way with how he responds to some of these questions. He circles around certain questions he's asked about her plus he doesn't really deny truth to some of the speculations about him & Whit and this is why I will continue to believe that there was something more between those two. He just can't come out and say that there was in public because it would be the ultimate betrayal to Whitney; this is just my personal opinion. I mean seriously if someone asks you if something more happened between you and your co-worker or if you felt something more for them and you DIDN'T, any normal person would directly and immediately just shut down any speculation.....he's not really doing that...IMO when a person avoids answering a question, there's some truth to it & if a person doesn't completely deny the fact that something was said or done.....there's TRUTH to it.....that's just how I feel.
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Old 05-23-2012, 03:39 AM
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Originally Posted by prettygirlA (View Post)
Hi you guys, I have been MIA but I have read some of the comments pertaining to KC's recent interviews and I do agree with the majority. I wish they would give the poor guy a break even though I know they won't and more than likely he's not going to be able to avoid those questions about her for quite sometime unfortunately. It's obvious that this whole ordeal had taken a toll on him; He looks very stressed and unhappy in many of those photos as someone pointed out. Also regarding the interview where he was asked about the kiss in TBG being something more, It's obvious Kevin totally went around that question without even answering the question that was asked at hand smh lol I understand why though, if he actually admitted to something happening he would be putting Whitney in a negative light which is something I know he would never want to do. I just feel like Kevin could do a better job at keeping these thristy reporters away; He throws hints & is slightly slick with his responses and that is what gets people wondering...for example, the supposed false statement that was put out there that he "didn't" say.....a man who didn't want too add any further speculation would've responded by saying something to the liking of "No, I didnt make that statement about Whitney. We didn't share that type of relationship that people are speculating about. I cared for her but not in that way, you know, Whitney was my friend. We shared a great friendship." that is the response of someone who doesn't want to bring anymore attention to that particular subject. I hate to say this but he's bringing some of this on himself in a way with how he responds to some of these questions. He circles around certain questions he's asked about her plus he doesn't really deny truth to some of the speculations about him & Whit and this is why I will continue to believe that there was something more between those two. He just can't come out and say that there was in public because it would be the ultimate betrayal to Whitney; this is just my personal opinion. I mean seriously if someone asks you if something more happened between you and your co-worker or if you felt something more for them and you DIDN'T, any normal person would directly and immediately just shut down any speculation.....he's not really doing that...IMO when a person avoids answering a question, there's some truth to it & if a person doesn't completely deny the fact that something was said or done.....there's TRUTH to it.....that's just how I feel.

Good points, prettygirlA. I agree with you all that it was very slick of Kevin to side-step the question about whether there was more to that passionate tarmac kiss other than movie magic and go off tangent, talking about what the kiss symbolizes for both their characters within the context of the movie. Julie Moran even suppressed a nervous giggle when she asked Kevin that question - like she knew it was not an appropriate question to ask him, but she couldn't help asking it. Obviously, the media is totally in the know that people are buzzing and speculating about KC and WH's relationship. LoL.

So, why doesn't Kevin clear the air and shut down all the speculations about him and Whitney once and for all by giving a straight answer, like you said? I can think of 2 possibilities. Either:

1) He is trying to ride on his new found popularity with Whitney's fans as long as possible and by giving these cryptic non-answers, the interest over him won't die down so soon, and some cynical people would say he is enjoying the free publicity. Kevin knows that he's got an honorary "pass" from the black community now for his moving eulogy for Whitney, as some joked on twitter. So why pour cold water when he can allow people to keep linking him and Whitney together?

2) He really did have a secret relationship with Whitney and doesn't want to lie by denying what they had. Yet, he can't right out spill the beans about their past either, out of respect for Whitney. Good guys do not kiss and tell. So he's dropping hints here and there, for the people who are interested enough in them to piece it all together.

I really want to believe it's the second possibility, because I don't want to think of Kevin Costner as being a calculating man. Also, he has always been consistent with his praise for Whitney. He's not one of those bandwagon jumpers who pretend to be devastated now that Whitney is gone but really couldn't care less about her while she was still here.
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Old 05-23-2012, 04:24 AM
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Originally Posted by prettygirlA (View Post)
Hi you guys, I have been MIA but I have read some of the comments pertaining to KC's recent interviews and I do agree with the majority. I wish they would give the poor guy a break even though I know they won't and more than likely he's not going to be able to avoid those questions about her for quite sometime unfortunately. It's obvious that this whole ordeal had taken a toll on him; He looks very stressed and unhappy in many of those photos as someone pointed out. Also regarding the interview where he was asked about the kiss in TBG being something more, It's obvious Kevin totally went around that question without even answering the question that was asked at hand smh lol I understand why though, if he actually admitted to something happening he would be putting Whitney in a negative light which is something I know he would never want to do. I just feel like Kevin could do a better job at keeping these thristy reporters away; He throws hints & is slightly slick with his responses and that is what gets people wondering...for example, the supposed false statement that was put out there that he "didn't" say.....a man who didn't want too add any further speculation would've responded by saying something to the liking of "No, I didnt make that statement about Whitney. We didn't share that type of relationship that people are speculating about. I cared for her but not in that way, you know, Whitney was my friend. We shared a great friendship." that is the response of someone who doesn't want to bring anymore attention to that particular subject. I hate to say this but he's bringing some of this on himself in a way with how he responds to some of these questions. He circles around certain questions he's asked about her plus he doesn't really deny truth to some of the speculations about him & Whit and this is why I will continue to believe that there was something more between those two. He just can't come out and say that there was in public because it would be the ultimate betrayal to Whitney; this is just my personal opinion. I mean seriously if someone asks you if something more happened between you and your co-worker or if you felt something more for them and you DIDN'T, any normal person would directly and immediately just shut down any speculation.....he's not really doing that...IMO when a person avoids answering a question, there's some truth to it & if a person doesn't completely deny the fact that something was said or done.....there's TRUTH to it.....that's just how I feel.
One thing to remember about Kevin is that throughout the years, he's never really been comfortable doing interviews. He's always said that's it's part of the job so you have to do them but we starts worrying about doing them a week out. And throughout the years, he's always talked around things he didn't feel comfortable talking about. He's always taken questions completely away from their intended target when he wasn't comfortable answering them. Whitney never made any relationship public so he would feel uncomfortable doing so.
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Old 05-23-2012, 04:27 AM
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Originally Posted by prettygirlA (View Post)
Hi you guys, I have been MIA but I have read some of the comments pertaining to KC's recent interviews and I do agree with the majority. I wish they would give the poor guy a break even though I know they won't and more than likely he's not going to be able to avoid those questions about her for quite sometime unfortunately. It's obvious that this whole ordeal had taken a toll on him; He looks very stressed and unhappy in many of those photos as someone pointed out. Also regarding the interview where he was asked about the kiss in TBG being something more, It's obvious Kevin totally went around that question without even answering the question that was asked at hand smh lol I understand why though, if he actually admitted to something happening he would be putting Whitney in a negative light which is something I know he would never want to do. I just feel like Kevin could do a better job at keeping these thristy reporters away; He throws hints & is slightly slick with his responses and that is what gets people wondering...for example, the supposed false statement that was put out there that he "didn't" say.....a man who didn't want too add any further speculation would've responded by saying something to the liking of "No, I didnt make that statement about Whitney. We didn't share that type of relationship that people are speculating about. I cared for her but not in that way, you know, Whitney was my friend. We shared a great friendship." that is the response of someone who doesn't want to bring anymore attention to that particular subject. I hate to say this but he's bringing some of this on himself in a way with how he responds to some of these questions. He circles around certain questions he's asked about her plus he doesn't really deny truth to some of the speculations about him & Whit and this is why I will continue to believe that there was something more between those two. He just can't come out and say that there was in public because it would be the ultimate betrayal to Whitney; this is just my personal opinion. I mean seriously if someone asks you if something more happened between you and your co-worker or if you felt something more for them and you DIDN'T, any normal person would directly and immediately just shut down any speculation.....he's not really doing that...IMO when a person avoids answering a question, there's some truth to it & if a person doesn't completely deny the fact that something was said or done.....there's TRUTH to it.....that's just how I feel.
I could NOT agree more with this, prettygirl! Part of me feels bad for him for having to deal with these intrusive questions, but part of me really thinks that it's his own answers that are fueling the fire. He's been asked outright if they were lovers (or told that people think they were lovers) at least twice (parade and now Julie Moran) and didn't deny it either time. The Julie Moran answer was just flagrantly ridiculous. If they had agreed on that question ahead of time so he could clear the record, well, he totally forgot to clear the record! If I were deposing Kevin, and I got that answer to my question, I'd say "Mr. Costner, you didn't answer my question. I'm going to have the court reporter read it back to you." And if he continued with his refusal to answer, well, I'd feel confident that at trial, the jury would find him to be an evasive and unreliable witness.

But Kevin is NOT under oath, and he has no moral or ethical obligation to reveal to a reporter, and therefore the public, the details of a highly personal relationship. So why not just deny it?

Originally Posted by Shiroja (View Post)

So, why doesn't Kevin clear the air and shut down all the speculations about him and Whitney once and for all by giving a straight answer, like you said? I can think of 2 possibilities. Either:

1) He is trying to ride on his new found popularity with Whitney's fans as long as possible and by giving these cryptic non-answers, the interest over him won't die down so soon, and some cynical people would say he is enjoying the free publicity. Kevin knows that he's got an honorary "pass" from the black community now for his moving eulogy for Whitney, as some joked on twitter. So why pour cold water when he can allow people to keep linking him and Whitney together?

2) He really did have a secret relationship with Whitney and doesn't want to lie by denying what they had. Yet, he can't right out spill the beans about their past either, out of respect for Whitney. Good guys do not kiss and tell. So he's dropping hints here and there, for the people who are interested enough in them to piece it all together.
Yup, it's one of these two things, Shiroja. I think (and hope) it's #2. Because I like Kevin, and he's been consistently adoring and loyal to her over the years. I don't think of him as an opportunist.

ETA: oh, and by the way, an outright denial at this point would not convince me that nothing happened. It would just tell me that he's ready to stop answering the questions. I think there's already ample evidence in the record showing that something went down with these two.

Last edited by zoe1990; 05-23-2012 at 04:49 AM
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Old 05-23-2012, 04:58 AM
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Originally Posted by zoe1990 (View Post)
ETA: oh, and by the way, an outright denial at this point would not convince me that nothing happened. I think there's already ample evidence in the record showing that something went down with these two.
I'm like you zoe if he denied it, it wouldn't change anything about how I feel about what really happened between them either.
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Old 05-23-2012, 07:57 AM
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Originally Posted by EricaCallieShipper (View Post)
I'm like you zoe if he denied it, it wouldn't change anything about how I feel about what really happened between them either.
Good morning & well said, ladies! I couldn't agree with you all any more. There"s really nothing he can say at this point ... at least in my mind ... that will ever convince me nothing happened between those two. I just can"t make myself believe that. As someone else has already said on here, KC has been consistently supportive, loving, & adoring over the last twenty years IN PUBLIC. I honestly feel as though he"s caught between a rock & a hard place right now ... he can"t come straight out & say "YES ... it"s all true. We were deeply in love with each other & it"s killing me that she"s gone", because that would be an outright betrayal of WH & of something they"ve kept intensely private for 20+ years, & on the other hand, he can"t bring himself to deny it outright because it"s simply the truth.
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Old 05-23-2012, 08:18 AM
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Originally Posted by teatrolafenice (View Post)
Good morning & well said, ladies! I couldn't agree with you all any more. There"s really nothing he can say at this point ... at least in my mind ... that will ever convince me nothing happened between those two. I just can"t make myself believe that. As someone else has already said on here, KC has been consistently supportive, loving, & adoring over the last twenty years IN PUBLIC. I honestly feel as though he"s caught between a rock & a hard place right now ... he can"t come straight out & say "YES ... it"s all true. We were deeply in love with each other & it"s killing me that she"s gone", because that would be an outright betrayal of WH & of something they"ve kept intensely private for 20+ years, & on the other hand, he can"t bring himself to deny it outright because it"s simply the truth.
Exactly right on! Now the only way I wouldn't believe it if he denied it is if he didn't love or show her support her all these years like if he only worked with her for like a short time (like I don't know a few weeks, a month) or if just they never even met or um if they never ran into each other after working together then I think I'd really have a hard time believing they were romantically involved with each other if it was implied, but it's the exactly opposite in every way and form and there's nothing that'll ever change that.
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Old 05-23-2012, 10:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Shiroja (View Post)
Good points, prettygirlA. I agree with you all that it was very slick of Kevin to side-step the question about whether there was more to that passionate tarmac kiss other than movie magic and go off tangent, talking about what the kiss symbolizes for both their characters within the context of the movie. Julie Moran even suppressed a nervous giggle when she asked Kevin that question - like she knew it was not an appropriate question to ask him, but she couldn't help asking it. Obviously, the media is totally in the know that people are buzzing and speculating about KC and WH's relationship. LoL.

So, why doesn't Kevin clear the air and shut down all the speculations about him and Whitney once and for all by giving a straight answer, like you said? I can think of 2 possibilities. Either:

1) He is trying to ride on his new found popularity with Whitney's fans as long as possible and by giving these cryptic non-answers, the interest over him won't die down so soon, and some cynical people would say he is enjoying the free publicity. Kevin knows that he's got an honorary "pass" from the black community now for his moving eulogy for Whitney, as some joked on twitter. So why pour cold water when he can allow people to keep linking him and Whitney together?

2) He really did have a secret relationship with Whitney and doesn't want to lie by denying what they had. Yet, he can't right out spill the beans about their past either, out of respect for Whitney. Good guys do not kiss and tell. So he's dropping hints here and there, for the people who are interested enough in them to piece it all together.

I really want to believe it's the second possibility, because I don't want to think of Kevin Costner as being a calculating man. Also, he has always been consistent with his praise for Whitney. He's not one of those bandwagon jumpers who pretend to be devastated now that Whitney is gone but really couldn't care less about her while she was still here.
I completely agree with you Shiroja, so very well said. A real man never kisses and tells and I definitely don't think KC is a bandwagoner. The love he has shown Whitney throughout the years is nothing less than genuine. When a man is that consistent as you said, its the real deal. My pick is definitely number 2 lol. I've never seen a married man so openly discuss the beauty and essence of another woman like that before in my lifeeee. I mean KC didn't have a problem openly discussing her in marriage #1 or #2 so I know he's being real. Plus I don't see him as a man that needs to use something like that to his advantage. He's a multi-talented man so he doesn't need to do that. That type of emotion he has shown since her passing can't be faked...the crying....the getting teary-eyed when he speaks about her...I mean he's a decent actor but lets be real, he can't pull that, his body language in that leno interview was telling..I noticed he was rubbing his knees alot & looked like he was holding on to that chair for dear life. He gets tensed when asked about her (understandable)...poor thing...

Originally Posted by bethanyr (View Post)
One thing to remember about Kevin is that throughout the years, he's never really been comfortable doing interviews. He's always said that's it's part of the job so you have to do them but we starts worrying about doing them a week out. And throughout the years, he's always talked around things he didn't feel comfortable talking about. He's always taken questions completely away from their intended target when he wasn't comfortable answering them. Whitney never made any relationship public so he would feel uncomfortable doing so.
I hear ya but I guess it just depends on the person and how you look at it. That's not the KC I've seen throughout the years. The KC I saw in the 90's and even in that 2006 interview certainly seemed very comfortable discussing Whitney and how beautiful she was and how "I kissed her once for America & once for myself". The man I saw never seemed to hesitate when he was asked about her, heck he even initiated the topic of Whitney many of times. Some tv personality even made an implication about his divorce to Cindy, which was very inappropriate, but he definitely didn't have an issues answering; spoke very direct and was able to clearly get his point across, so IMO I've really never seen him do that until now.

Originally Posted by zoe1990 (View Post)
I could NOT agree more with this, prettygirl! Part of me feels bad for him for having to deal with these intrusive questions, but part of me really thinks that it's his own answers that are fueling the fire. He's been asked outright if they were lovers (or told that people think they were lovers) at least twice (parade and now Julie Moran) and didn't deny it either time. The Julie Moran answer was just flagrantly ridiculous. If they had agreed on that question ahead of time so he could clear the record, well, he totally forgot to clear the record! If I were deposing Kevin, and I got that answer to my question, I'd say "Mr. Costner, you didn't answer my question. I'm going to have the court reporter read it back to you." And if he continued with his refusal to answer, well, I'd feel confident that at trial, the jury would find him to be an evasive and unreliable witness.

But Kevin is NOT under oath, and he has no moral or ethical obligation to reveal to a reporter, and therefore the public, the details of a highly personal relationship. So why not just deny it?

Yup, it's one of these two things, Shiroja. I think (and hope) it's #2. Because I like Kevin, and he's been consistently adoring and loyal to her over the years. I don't think of him as an opportunist.

ETA: oh, and by the way, an outright denial at this point would not convince me that nothing happened. It would just tell me that he's ready to stop answering the questions. I think there's already ample evidence in the record showing that something went down with these two.
LOL Zoe You made really good points that I totally agree with. Your post made me laugh and I love that example you gave about if he were being deposed. & Yes why not just deny it? Because there's some truth in there. & I also agree with you about the outright denial, its getting hot in the kitchen so I wouldn't be surprised if he eventually said nothing happened to cool down all the speculation. It's just too obvious to me that there was something more. That interviewer should have asked him if they had to do a lot of rehearsing for that kissing scene...I would've loved to see how he responded to that question. LOL
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Old 05-23-2012, 11:39 AM
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According to this article, Kevin finished the eulogy in a park on the way to the funeral.

Kevin Costner | Kevin Costner Finished Whitney Tribute On The Way To Her Funeral | Contactmusic
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Old 05-23-2012, 11:39 AM
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I doubt very seriously Kevin would use this to get Whitney fans. He is hurt by the lost. But it is good in one way that he is talking because he will remind people that this legend was a person with a heart and feelings. And for this the fans should get behind him. some of the media has tryed thier best to kill Whitney off anyway they can. E! news is no better I watch Rancic and I don't like some her reporting on alot of things. She is very much the gosspiy reporter bent on getting ahead. don't get me wrong I like her but I have noticed her behavior the last 3 yeaars.

By the way ladies, there was a CNN interview. Does any one have the link?
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