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Old 09-25-2013, 07:23 PM
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I love the new icon too. These two better make it with flying colors.
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Old 09-25-2013, 08:29 PM
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I finally get to read all your ppost and I want to than you for all the info! I love that Aaron keeps reassuring us JRPR fans.

Originally Posted by pmm349 (View Post)
I can't believe I never knew this fan forum for this couple was here!!!!!!!!! SO EXCITED, glad I am not the only huge shipper of PamRoss!!! These two have got alot of fans out there (not to mention TV critics and recappers who largely love them too)

I think I recognize some of y'all from Twitter or SoapChat

After reading through alot of the thread, I agree with pretty much what everyone has been saying.

Jesse Metcalfe in an interview two days ago at the Emmys said Christopher was getting a new love interest (which has got to be the ranch girl) - "I know that Christopher’s getting a new love interest. So that’s pretty exciting for me.”

Dallas Scoop: Jesse Metcalfe Teases Changes For Christopher Ewing, Talks Emmys Larry Hagman Controversy | Access Hollywood

And I read today how the show is casting the Joaquin/Nicholas character (which appears to be Elena's new guy) and he is described as:

He’s described as 35-40 years old, “a powerful billionaire businessman. Self made. Rough childhood. Raised himself up by his bootstrap. He’s charming, sophisticated, smart, cunning…Sexy but not pretty. He comes across as a good,
genuine guy, even though there are darker parts of his personality which he’s hiding. He also has a good sense of
humor and uses that take the sting off his verbal sparring. He should have an International-feel to him. Accent is
not important, in fact less is better, when it comes to accent…”

“Dallas” Casting for New Bad Boy Villain as First Season Ever without Larry Hagman Commences | Showbiz411

Lots of people freaked (myself included!!!) about the new ranch girl Heather being another one for John Ross, but not only is she for Christopher, but Aaron Allen on Twitter said she doesn't like husbands who cheat on their wives and it is "pure speculation" that she is for John Ross. I'm pretty sure she is NOT for him, because why would he publicly deny that. In fact, I am getting the vibe the ranch girl and John Ross are not going to like each other (think JR and Pam Ewing, in the original). Makes me wonder if Heather actually catches John Ross cheating with Emma, since they're all on Southfork. She might even be a friend towards Pamela Rebecca.

I'm also encouraged by some of Aaron Allen's tweets. The main one that helped me keep my faith in the couple was in the wake of the ranch girl news last week, this exchange took place on Twitter:

FAN #1:.......@AaronAllen227 talk us off the ledge! News of harem for john Ross has fans upset.

Fan #2:.........@AaronAllen227 All the spoilers indicate it's another female for John Ross. So ledge it is. Poor John Ross/Pamela fans!

There was NO RESPONSE so I tweeted to Aaron and these two others: @AaronAllen227 I was hoping to see a "don't jump" or "think twice about jumping" or "come down from there" lol

and Aaron said back: Don't jump :-)

While I don't always trust the writers, I am banking alot on that Tweet. Hopefully not too much lol!!

But two other tidbits he said over the past two weeks were: Sue Ellen and John Ross will go on quite a journey together in Season 3. Expect fallout from Season 2.

And about Pamela and Sue Ellen: There's a lot to be mined in that mother-in-law/daughter-in-law relationship.

So I think this shows that #1, Sue Ellen finds out Cliff was framed, #2, she doesn't like the direction John Ross is taking, and #3, she finds out about the cheating. I think she also serves as a counselor of sorts for Pamela, since they both seem to like each other and Sue Ellen knows better than anyone what she is facing/going through. I'm hopeful because I don't see the show sending John Ross on a "journey" with Sue Ellen, that ends up bad and dark and them hating each other....there must be a positive outcome reached in the end, even if it takes 15 episodes. In my opinion, Sue Ellen is going to be key for their marriage working out.

Josh Henderson also said in an interview back in July:

Question: Does John Ross have genuine affection and love for Pamela?

Josh Henderson: Absolutely. He loves Pamela, he does. But at the end of the day, he was taught how to do business one way and that was from JR and that was you can love a woman, she can be your wife but everyone is open game when it comes to business. And if you meet a woman that you feel you can manipulate, have in your pocket, blackmail, use her two steps ahead in the future, you do it. That’s all he knows. That’s how he was taught.

Question: Do you think that’s what Emma is to him? Business?

Josh Henderson: We don’t know. I think that in a way they understand each other a little bit when it comes to the parent thing. Obviously he’s got his stuff with Pamela which is like a Romeo and Juliet thing, the enemy’s daughter. And I think they understand each other always wanting to make their fathers proud and try to live up to their fathers’ expectations.

I think he relates obviously, to Pamela a lot of ways and to Emma a few ways, as well. If it’s real, we don’t know. If I had to guess, it’s just a move about business. That’s why you could see as soon as he entered that hotel room, he went straight for that bag she brought. What’s in that bag? We don’t know. But it’s something big.

Dallas Season 3 Teasers: Ann to Ewing Energies? John Ross to Spiral? - TV Fanatic

And I believe it is business too for those reasons, plus on Twitter Aaron Allen after the finale aired said the same thing. Doesn't excuse it or make it better, but it does explain it a bit for us.

To be honest, I think John Ross is going to cheat with Emma again. Maybe she blackmails him into it or he gets a thrill or their "deal" is ongoing, but I think it will continue for awhile. It will be discovered, probably quickly, since the show moves fast. Pamela will leave him/shut him out of her live...but still have to see him at work/yearn for him/be legally married to him. And I think in the end, he is going to want her back and finally admit his feelings for her. My #1 wish is for him to say onscreen, "I love you"....just to validate the feelings. I honestly believe we will see that, even if it takes most of Season 3. BUT I think he is going to cheat, drink alot, turn dark and moody and be in a bad place for awhile too....and I think what will cause him to be that way is not only JR's death hitting him, but Pamela pulling away from him too. In short, I think it will get worse before it gets better.

In the end, this is the show's most popular couple who just got married. Logic tells me they did not marry them just to divorce them so soon. They will want to milk the relationship for a long while. I won't be surprised if John Ross cheats again or if Pamela is a drama. But I think their feelings are real and we will see that come to light in season 3. To leave you with a positive tweet from Aaron Allen: The Dallas writers love hearing the fans' feedback! Can't promise we'll make everyone happy, but we try :-)

I don't know how much louder or more vocal fans of this couple can be, so if they are trying to make people happy, this is a good way to start

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Old 09-26-2013, 03:49 AM
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Originally Posted by SolveMyMystery (View Post)
I finally get to read all your ppost and I want to than you for all the info! I love that Aaron keeps reassuring us JRPR fans.
Well he's the only writer for the show I'm aware of on Twitter and he gives tidbits out and does live tweet some of the episodes as they air. The show is hearing into the pivotal season, the first without Larry Hagman, so it would make sense for everything that is working to be utilized 110% for the ratings. In my opinion, and it appears many others, John Ross and Pamela were a major part of what worked season 2. Aaron reassures us all and I believe him, but I don't think it'll be a pretty path to get to see what we want and many folks will begin to doubt the couple will make it. Hopefully as filming starts and more details trickle out, we will see more reassuring signs.

I'm willing to go on a dark journey for awhile, if in the end John Ross realizes his feelings, makes them known, and tries to win Pamela back. I just hope it won't be too late by then. Even if these two are the new JR/Sue Ellen, we knew JR loves Sue Ellen and had a son with her. The audience may know John Ross loves Pamela, but she doesn' least onscreen it was never shown. Plus John Ross is not as mean as JR, is gentler, and not as conniving....and Pamela is a lot stronger than Sue Ellen of the 1980s, so I don't think a brand new version will work.
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Old 09-26-2013, 05:10 AM
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Originally Posted by dwoods87 (View Post)
Love your new icon by the way!
Originally Posted by Sixonxnavade (View Post)
I love the new icon too. These two better make it with flying colors.
Thank you, ladies

I don't know Aaron very well but he better not be trying to calm down the JR/P shippers just to blow another hole in our ship in S3.

Last edited by collide into you; 09-26-2013 at 06:08 AM
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Old 09-26-2013, 05:59 AM
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Originally Posted by holding on to memories (View Post)
Thank you, ladies

I don't know Aaron very well but he better not be trying to calm down the JR/P shippers just to blow another whole in our ship in S3.
Well Aaron is usually honest when it comes to signaling something to look forward to, at least in my experience reading his tweets. But he also isn't going to warn us if something bad happens, since no one expected the S2 ending.

Honestly, I expect holes to be blown in the JRPR ship, then patched, then rinse and repeat. It may not always be cheating. Could be lying or plotting or a business deal gone wrong or other things like that....but this couple will never be a white picket fence one. But that is what makes them awesome too!!

I just think cheating has been done to death and is such a turn off to so many people. John Ross and Pamela have more than enough hurdles to overcome without tossing in either one cheating.
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Old 09-26-2013, 06:13 AM
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I've had too much experience with writers lying, so I really hope Aaron isn't like others and he's honest.

Of course there'll be obstacles, it'd be boring otherwise, but like you said, cheating is so overdone (this month I've witnessed 3 cheating storylines so I'm beyond tired of seeing the same thing on every show I watch), they really can come up with something else for JR/P.
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Old 09-26-2013, 06:55 AM
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Originally Posted by holding on to memories (View Post)
I've had too much experience with writers lying, so I really hope Aaron isn't like others and he's honest.

Of course there'll be obstacles, it'd be boring otherwise, but like you said, cheating is so overdone (this month I've witnessed 3 cheating storylines so I'm beyond tired of seeing the same thing on every show I watch), they really can come up with something else for JR/P.
Regarding Aaron, I know during S2, he would say things like "John Ross and Pamela fans should love this" or "Stay tuned" and after the finale he was trying to smooth the cheating over (if you could call it that) by saying Emma is business and he loves Pamela but marriage is complicated, etc. All fans now expect the marriage to be just like JR/Sue Ellen and the cheating BUT this may be his way of saying "not so fast" hang in there.

Obviously I could be misreading his meaning, but that is how I interpret it, after he also went out of his way to shoot down the notion Heather the new ranch girl was for John Ross, too. More hints and tidbits should further clarify this a bit over the coming few months as we wait.
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Old 09-26-2013, 07:10 AM
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^ I like the way you're thinking I know there are some similarities between JR/SE and John Ross/Pamela but I don't want these two couples to have the exact same story. If I wanted that, then I'd just go and watch the original Dallas.
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Old 09-28-2013, 12:56 PM
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Originally Posted by holding on to memories (View Post)
I've had too much experience with writers lying, so I really hope Aaron isn't like others and he's honest.

Of course there'll be obstacles, it'd be boring otherwise, but like you said, cheating is so overdone (this month I've witnessed 3 cheating storylines so I'm beyond tired of seeing the same thing on every show I watch), they really can come up with something else for JR/P.
I want more creative obstacles.
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Old 09-28-2013, 04:24 PM
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Yeah, why can't writers come up with anything other than love triangles/cheating?

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Old 09-28-2013, 06:05 PM
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Triangles seem to be slowly fading away. I wish the trend will hurry up and leave Hollywood.
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Old 09-28-2013, 07:11 PM
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Originally Posted by jules166 (View Post)
Yeah, why can't writers come up with anything other than love triangles/cheating?
Purely for the drama I guess.

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Old 09-28-2013, 07:40 PM
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Originally Posted by holding on to memories (View Post)
^ I like the way you're thinking I know there are some similarities between JR/SE and John Ross/Pamela but I don't want these two couples to have the exact same story. If I wanted that, then I'd just go and watch the original Dallas.
I don't think they are going to be a carbon copy because times have changed, but unfortunately the cheating part is still one of the most used storylines in this kind of shows.
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Old 09-29-2013, 10:04 AM
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True, it is, but I don't see the show lasting 14 seasons, so they should choose storylines more wisely, IMO.

I just want JR to grow up. He has already lost one woman because he was lying to her and he and Pamela have something really special going on, it'd be a real shame if he didn't fight for it.
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Old 09-30-2013, 03:49 PM
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They're back filming as far as I know

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