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Old 09-26-2013, 03:49 AM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: Sep 2013
Posts: 262
Originally Posted by SolveMyMystery (View Post)
I finally get to read all your ppost and I want to than you for all the info! I love that Aaron keeps reassuring us JRPR fans.
Well he's the only writer for the show I'm aware of on Twitter and he gives tidbits out and does live tweet some of the episodes as they air. The show is hearing into the pivotal season, the first without Larry Hagman, so it would make sense for everything that is working to be utilized 110% for the ratings. In my opinion, and it appears many others, John Ross and Pamela were a major part of what worked season 2. Aaron reassures us all and I believe him, but I don't think it'll be a pretty path to get to see what we want and many folks will begin to doubt the couple will make it. Hopefully as filming starts and more details trickle out, we will see more reassuring signs.

I'm willing to go on a dark journey for awhile, if in the end John Ross realizes his feelings, makes them known, and tries to win Pamela back. I just hope it won't be too late by then. Even if these two are the new JR/Sue Ellen, we knew JR loves Sue Ellen and had a son with her. The audience may know John Ross loves Pamela, but she doesn' least onscreen it was never shown. Plus John Ross is not as mean as JR, is gentler, and not as conniving....and Pamela is a lot stronger than Sue Ellen of the 1980s, so I don't think a brand new version will work.
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