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Old 09-26-2013, 05:59 AM
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Joined: Sep 2013
Posts: 262
Originally Posted by holding on to memories (View Post)
Thank you, ladies

I don't know Aaron very well but he better not be trying to calm down the JR/P shippers just to blow another whole in our ship in S3.
Well Aaron is usually honest when it comes to signaling something to look forward to, at least in my experience reading his tweets. But he also isn't going to warn us if something bad happens, since no one expected the S2 ending.

Honestly, I expect holes to be blown in the JRPR ship, then patched, then rinse and repeat. It may not always be cheating. Could be lying or plotting or a business deal gone wrong or other things like that....but this couple will never be a white picket fence one. But that is what makes them awesome too!!

I just think cheating has been done to death and is such a turn off to so many people. John Ross and Pamela have more than enough hurdles to overcome without tossing in either one cheating.
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