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Old 11-12-2011, 10:17 PM
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James Charming [John] & Snow White [Mary]

"I'll always find you".

“If you need anything—”
“—you’ll find me.”





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Old 11-12-2011, 10:42 PM
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Cory and Lea!
(just friends, but I love them)

Originally Posted by The_Void (View Post)
Yeah, it is absolutely amazing, even in those early stages. I remember the moment I fell in love with the show. It was the climax of the first episode, and President Bartlet's entrance.

Jed Bartlet/Life - If real Presidents were like him, the world would be a much better place.

YES! You should definitely watch Community. It is an absolutely fantastic show. I love every single character, the writing is ingeniously constructed, and it is one of the most daring and creative shows I've ever seen. Everybody should watch it.
I was saying that same exact thing about Jed to my boyfriend today, I made him watch the show with me (he loved it!)
Honestly though, every episode gets to me and with each episode I rediscover something new that I love about each character. It's all just so good.

Jed Bartlet/Life
Joshua Lyman/Life
Sam Seaborn/Life
CJ Cregg/Life
Toby Ziegler/Life
Leo McGarry/Life
Donna Moss/Life
Josh/Donna -
I forgot how great their chemistry was from the pilot episode on
The West Wing/Life

And thats what I've heard! So excited to start Community
"There's something real in there... maybe that's what scares you. "|| Milady;Milord
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Old 11-12-2011, 11:18 PM
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----> “I’m in the arms of my first love. The person I’ll always love. I love you, Scott Mccall.”
Because I love you
ღ - scott&allison
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Old 11-12-2011, 11:29 PM
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I don't really expect anyone to read this essay but idc. I've been rewatching S3 BL scenes and I haven't really posted about them in awhile and I just wanted to let it all out.


What can I say? They've been my favorite couple on TV for like 8 years now, before I even knew what shipping was. And they'll always be my OTP. Not the most perfect couple, but they were just real. Their storylines never had to rely on life and death situations, unrealistic drama or anything like that. It was just two people who struggled with normal things like trust, communication and insecurity. It's also the saddest thing about them. Brooke loved him with her whole heart but as hard as she tried to get past what happened in S1, she never really could. There were moments that she believed in Lucas' love for her, but something would always happen to make her question it again. Still, he was the first guy who ever told her she was good for more than just sex. Her insecurities were about so much more than just him, they stemmed from her parents. But Lucas was the first person to ever show her love and then he betrayed her in the worst way possible. One of their most poignant scenes in S1 is when she tells him she felt inferior to him the entire time they were dating. It's heartbreaking but that's how little Brooke thought of herself and how highly she thought of him. Now all of a sudden, she's seen a side to him she never thought she would and she proceeds to tell him that he's like every other guy out there, a liar and a cheater. But he's not really and she knows it. She knows he's a good guy and he messed up bad, and so when he extends his friendship to her a few months later, she takes it. He falls for her but she's with someone else so he keeps his mouth shut and is as much of a friend to her as he can be, until the time comes when he can finally tell her. She plays games with him because she's scared. It might not be anyone's favorite storyline, but they're teenagers. This is the first time she'd ever felt anything for a boy and he repaid her by cheating on her with her best friend. So she wants him to prove his love to her before she jumps into things with him. In the end, it was him forgiving her that allowed her to finally forgive him.

But Lucas did fight for her until he won her over. And despite all her insecurities, he never lost patience with her. He understood where they were coming from and did everything he could to reassure her. In the end it wasn't enough and Brooke ended things and put those walls that only he'd even broken down right back up, this time for good. She was cold to him, pretended not to care, and yet she went home and cried alone in her room. He never understood why she'd broken up with him, and eventually he grew tired of wondering and gave up. In a perfect world he'd have fought for her until she came back around but it didn't happen that way.

They were so complicated but in the end, it was the simple things that I loved about them. The fact that no matter what, they cared about each other and never stopped believing in each other. Lucas NEVER changed Brooke. She was always the same girl, she just needed someone to bring out the parts of her that she didn't show anyone. She needed someone to believe in her and show her what she's worth because she never had anyone in her life to tell her that. He developed feelings for Brooke when he saw her vulnerabilty in 1x08 and it's always been the part of her he loved most. Whether it be in 2x09 when they became friends or 3x09 when they got together... he loved the girl that put her walls down. She hated showing her vulnerability but it was the reason he loved her. "I don't like you guys to see me like this, vulnerable." - "That's how I always see you Brooke, and I think it's kind of beautiful."

That's why 4x21 will always be one of my favorite scenes. They've all graduated and she's scared. She's always been scared of failure and change. And he walks in and despite all they'd been through with the breakup, despite the fact that she'd treated him like crap and pushed him away... he'd been writing a book and had nothing but good things to say. He tells her she'll change the world, and a year later when he's feeling lost and worthless, she does the exact same for him. Nevermind the fact that he'd just kissed her and broken her heart all over again. She takes the time to let him know he'll change the world, then proceeds to throw herself into her work again to mend her broken heart because he's the one boy she would've lost it for, but she wasn't that girl for him. At 19, she'd already built a company, and she would've been content with keeping it small and having a family with Lucas. Instead, she ended up with a multi-million dollar company that was built from distraction and was left still longing for him. But it doesn't matter because she'd never tell him that, she'll just be his friend. And she still turns to him when things are falling apart. When she doubts her ability to be a mom, he tells her she'll be great. And when she struggles, he helps her. He takes care of the baby with her while she draws, they fall asleep together, he goes to doctor appointments with her, he sits with her when the baby is in surgery. Not because he has any obligation to her, but because he wants to. "We've been through a lot, you & me, but I wouldn't have made it through today or a couple other days without you."

And that was a throwback to S3 when she told him she wanted him to rescue her. He also thanks her for saving him. And nobody really knows if he's talking about when Keith died, or when Peyton broke up with him and she looked after him, or when his relationship with Lindsey fell apart and she was a friend to him... maybe it's all of those. But she'd always been there for him and she had saved him without even knowing it. Not by running through burning buildings or taking bullets for him, but just by being there for him. He also lets her know it's not just him that she saves, it's everyone. She has a beautiful heart and Lucas has always seen that.

They grew, both together and apart. The couple in S1 was so unlike the one in S3, and while they never dated in S5, you could see how they matured. They both grew up, and let the past go in order to just be there for each other. We saw a glimpse of what they could've been like as adults, when you took away the teenage aspect. Turns out they were very functional. These two never held each other back, they pushed each other forward. He helped her become that fiercely independent girl that owned a multi-million dollar company and she taught him to be the best person he could possibly be.

BROOKE: There are eighty-two letters in here.. and they’re all addressed to you. I wrote them all this summer. One a day, but I never sent them because I was afraid..
LUCAS: Brooke..
BROOKE: I was afraid of getting my heart broken again. Like before. ‘Cause you hurt me so bad and I was afraid to be vulnerable and I was afraid of you and the way that you make me feel and I know that doesn’t matter now, after what I did but I just thought that you should know. This is how I spent my summer, Luke. Wanting you. I was just too scared to admit it.
LUCAS: Brooke! I’m sorry. What you did with Chris… it’s OK.
BROOKE: It’s not. It can’t be. It’s too much to forgive!
LUCAS: Well that’s too bad, because I forgive you.
BROOKE: You can’t!
LUCAS: I just did. So you’re gonna just have to deal with it. I’m the guy for you, Brooke Davis. And I know I hurt you last time we were together but…
BROOKE: I love you.
LUCAS: I love you too. Pretty girl.

perfection is a disease of a nation
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Old 11-12-2011, 11:30 PM
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Tbh, I think they make me happier than any other ship of mine (or at least tied with Luke/Lorelai). My heart melts every time they're in a scene together; I literally miss SJ soooo much. Even more than JK, ngl.
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Old 11-13-2011, 01:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Cristofle (View Post)
Oh, Peter and Olivia.

The ship that literally transcends time and space.
Oh how I love me some Peter an Olivia. I need him to keep having dreams of her so I can have these nice moments to gush about.

Barney and Robin
Still very, very, very much love them.

I couldn't lose you
Carol and Daryl

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Old 11-13-2011, 02:38 AM
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to save your life, and you be honest with me, would you trust me to do it?
I would now. And I'm always honest.

» Steve Rogers ♥ Natasha Romanoff
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Old 11-13-2011, 03:41 AM
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As much as it was heartbreaking to see them "breaking up",they couldn't even say it out loud,this the way you write against.It's not their fault if something changed,it's Klaus's fault.They're both right and wrong,but their feelings is so clear that will never fade away.These two love each other and they'll conquer everyting.
Whatever the future brings, you are my light.
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Old 11-13-2011, 04:34 AM
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aww Sara I adore that BL post. They were amazing.

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Old 11-13-2011, 04:44 AM
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I love that BL post I was never very into OTH but the parts I did watch made me really really love BL and when I heard how things ended I actually decided never to watch any episodes beyond season 5!!

They had insane chemistry and great, realistic development and I really wish they could have had a happy ending together!!
Grissom/Sara Rick/Kate Kate/Sawyer Arthur/Morgana Felicity/Oliver Jack/Sam Ryan/Carrie Seth/Summer Shawn/Jules Dan/Blair
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Old 11-13-2011, 04:48 AM
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Originally Posted by dreamywriter19 (View Post)

That's the perfect OT3.

Castle: That coffee is for you by the way.
[Beckett picks it up, but there is nothing in it]
Castle: Uh, the other one. That’s—
[there is nothing in the other cup either]
Castle: That’s… I’ll make you another. I’ll make you one.
"The universe is made of stories, not atoms"


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Old 11-13-2011, 05:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Plucky Sidekick (View Post)
That's the perfect OT3.

Castle: That coffee is for you by the way.
[Beckett picks it up, but there is nothing in it]
Castle: Uh, the other one. That’s—
[there is nothing in the other cup either]
Castle: That’s… I’ll make you another. I’ll make you one.
Awwwwwwwwwww, they're so damn cute. Castle/Beckett FTW
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Old 11-13-2011, 07:28 AM
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Originally Posted by AlwaysBL (View Post)
I don't really expect anyone to read this essay but idc. I've been rewatching S3 BL scenes and I haven't really posted about them in awhile and I just wanted to let it all out.


What can I say? They've been my favorite couple on TV for like 8 years now, before I even knew what shipping was. And they'll always be my OTP. Not the most perfect couple, but they were just real. Their storylines never had to rely on life and death situations, unrealistic drama or anything like that. It was just two people who struggled with normal things like trust, communication and insecurity. It's also the saddest thing about them. Brooke loved him with her whole heart but as hard as she tried to get past what happened in S1, she never really could. There were moments that she believed in Lucas' love for her, but something would always happen to make her question it again. Still, he was the first guy who ever told her she was good for more than just sex. Her insecurities were about so much more than just him, they stemmed from her parents. But Lucas was the first person to ever show her love and then he betrayed her in the worst way possible. One of their most poignant scenes in S1 is when she tells him she felt inferior to him the entire time they were dating. It's heartbreaking but that's how little Brooke thought of herself and how highly she thought of him. Now all of a sudden, she's seen a side to him she never thought she would and she proceeds to tell him that he's like every other guy out there, a liar and a cheater. But he's not really and she knows it. She knows he's a good guy and he messed up bad, and so when he extends his friendship to her a few months later, she takes it. He falls for her but she's with someone else so he keeps his mouth shut and is as much of a friend to her as he can be, until the time comes when he can finally tell her. She plays games with him because she's scared. It might not be anyone's favorite storyline, but they're teenagers. This is the first time she'd ever felt anything for a boy and he repaid her by cheating on her with her best friend. So she wants him to prove his love to her before she jumps into things with him. In the end, it was him forgiving her that allowed her to finally forgive him.

But Lucas did fight for her until he won her over. And despite all her insecurities, he never lost patience with her. He understood where they were coming from and did everything he could to reassure her. In the end it wasn't enough and Brooke ended things and put those walls that only he'd even broken down right back up, this time for good. She was cold to him, pretended not to care, and yet she went home and cried alone in her room. He never understood why she'd broken up with him, and eventually he grew tired of wondering and gave up. In a perfect world he'd have fought for her until she came back around but it didn't happen that way.

They were so complicated but in the end, it was the simple things that I loved about them. The fact that no matter what, they cared about each other and never stopped believing in each other. Lucas NEVER changed Brooke. She was always the same girl, she just needed someone to bring out the parts of her that she didn't show anyone. She needed someone to believe in her and show her what she's worth because she never had anyone in her life to tell her that. He developed feelings for Brooke when he saw her vulnerabilty in 1x08 and it's always been the part of her he loved most. Whether it be in 2x09 when they became friends or 3x09 when they got together... he loved the girl that put her walls down. She hated showing her vulnerability but it was the reason he loved her. "I don't like you guys to see me like this, vulnerable." - "That's how I always see you Brooke, and I think it's kind of beautiful."

That's why 4x21 will always be one of my favorite scenes. They've all graduated and she's scared. She's always been scared of failure and change. And he walks in and despite all they'd been through with the breakup, despite the fact that she'd treated him like crap and pushed him away... he'd been writing a book and had nothing but good things to say. He tells her she'll change the world, and a year later when he's feeling lost and worthless, she does the exact same for him. Nevermind the fact that he'd just kissed her and broken her heart all over again. She takes the time to let him know he'll change the world, then proceeds to throw herself into her work again to mend her broken heart because he's the one boy she would've lost it for, but she wasn't that girl for him. At 19, she'd already built a company, and she would've been content with keeping it small and having a family with Lucas. Instead, she ended up with a multi-million dollar company that was built from distraction and was left still longing for him. But it doesn't matter because she'd never tell him that, she'll just be his friend. And she still turns to him when things are falling apart. When she doubts her ability to be a mom, he tells her she'll be great. And when she struggles, he helps her. He takes care of the baby with her while she draws, they fall asleep together, he goes to doctor appointments with her, he sits with her when the baby is in surgery. Not because he has any obligation to her, but because he wants to. "We've been through a lot, you & me, but I wouldn't have made it through today or a couple other days without you."

And that was a throwback to S3 when she told him she wanted him to rescue her. He also thanks her for saving him. And nobody really knows if he's talking about when Keith died, or when Peyton broke up with him and she looked after him, or when his relationship with Lindsey fell apart and she was a friend to him... maybe it's all of those. But she'd always been there for him and she had saved him without even knowing it. Not by running through burning buildings or taking bullets for him, but just by being there for him. He also lets her know it's not just him that she saves, it's everyone. She has a beautiful heart and Lucas has always seen that.

They grew, both together and apart. The couple in S1 was so unlike the one in S3, and while they never dated in S5, you could see how they matured. They both grew up, and let the past go in order to just be there for each other. We saw a glimpse of what they could've been like as adults, when you took away the teenage aspect. Turns out they were very functional. These two never held each other back, they pushed each other forward. He helped her become that fiercely independent girl that owned a multi-million dollar company and she taught him to be the best person he could possibly be.

Sara Amazing post BL aren't my OTP, but I'll always love them, what they were and what they could have been I love how they brought out the best in each other, how they simply wanted the other person to be happy and were always willing to help They're the best thing that came out of OTH.

That's the perfect OT3.
They ARE Which reminds me, this is the third time in a row that I have to bump their thread here in the Couples board. Someone please come and post with me
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Old 11-13-2011, 07:31 AM
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Old 11-13-2011, 08:06 AM
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Jack & Ianto

JACK: Ianto no! I never said it properly before!
IANTO: Does it need saying?
JACK: Yes it does. Ianto Jones....I love you.
IANTO: And I love you too, Jack.

I think what I love the most about Jack and Ianto is Ianto was right, it DOESNT need saying how they feel about each other. You just KNOW. They got a tragic ending but in my mind I know that Jack will never forget Ianto and thats enough for me.

"Its about who you fall in love with."

John Paul McQueen & Craig Dean

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