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Old 08-17-2004, 11:22 PM
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Brian/Justin/Ethan (Mostly Anti-Ethan, so if u loved him or his storyline, WARNING!)

Ok, I thought of the idea to start a anti-Ethan/Justin thread. Mostly anti-ethan, but Justin was involved in it so if you hated ethan, you probably didn't like Justin's choice in that situation either. If there already is a thread like this, close it. If not, start posting!!!! I'll post more stuff on here tomorrow if the thread stays open.

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Old 08-17-2004, 11:59 PM
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Re: Justin's Temporary Insanity

Originally posted by Brianlvr_1
Ok, I thought of the idea to start a anti-Ethan thread. If there already is one, close it. If not, start posting!!!! I'll post more stuff on here tomorrow if the thread stays open.

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I think calling Justin's getting involved with Ethan "temporary insanity" is going too far. After the way Brian had been treating Justin -- pissing on his Rage drawings; getting him the world's tackiest and most thoughtless birthday present; cancelling their plans without bothering to explain why and instead telling him, basically, that "it's business and you're fcuking the guy who pays the bills"; and then, no sooner does Brian come back, but he puts his job on the line because his friend's lover is in the hospital, but won't even give up one night of anonymous sex when Justin is there begging him to please stay home -- after all this, I can hardly blame Justin for being seduced by someone who gave him a little affection; had conversations with him; complimented him ... actually showed up at the student art show.

I certainly think Justin was wrong for starting something with Ethan before leaving Brian, but Brian was hardly blameless. I don't blame Justin at all for leaving, or for spending a few months rejecting the side of his own personality that reflected his time with Brian.

In the long run, I think the time apart was good for both of them. Brian no longer takes Justin for granted, and Justin had time to grow up a little (I think he was still a child when he walked out on Brian, and that he was a man by the time he returned) and actually see Brian as a man. Justin no longer looks at Brian and sees "The Face of God", or the "Hero" who saved his life who he later literally turned into a comic book superhero. I really think a big part of the problem at the end of season 2 was that Justin thought too highly of Brian. He looked at Brian and saw perfection. So, if Brian was doing things that were thoughtless, or that came across as cruel, it couldn't possibly be because Brian was a flawed human being who sometimes screws up. It had to be an accurate reflection of Brian's true feelings for Justin. I think their time apart, and the fact that Brian still continued to take care of him (at least financially) after he left, gave Justin the perspective to realize that it simply wasn't true. That Brian wasn't "The Face of God", that he was a man who sometimes makes mistakes.

As much as I didn't care for Ethan as a character, I loved him as a plot device. I think he was essential in getting Brian and Justin to the place they are today.

ETA: You might want to put "The Anti-Ethan Thread" in your title, so the purpose of the thread will be a little clearer.
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Old 08-18-2004, 02:03 AM
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I, personally, don't think we should even have "anti" threads. For any character or couple. That's how flame wars and fandom divisions start.

If you want to discuss Ethan or his relationship with Justin, that's fine, but don't simply create a place to bash him.
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Old 08-18-2004, 02:19 PM
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Originally posted by ~ Liz ~
I, personally, don't think we should even have "anti" threads. For any character or couple. That's how flame wars and fandom divisions start.
While I agree with that, and personally don't believe this board is into "anti" threads, I'll wait till I can discuss this with my co-mod to make a discision. I don't wanna say there can absolutely be no "anti" threads because there is no rule against them. However, this board has done fine without them, and I am concerned that any "anti" thread could create an animosity between fellow posters. Like I said, though, Alison and I will discuss this.
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Old 08-18-2004, 07:29 PM
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Well, where did leaving Brian get him??? Um....I'll tell you. It got Sunshine's poor wittle heart broken again. What got me is he bitched and moaned and complained and cried about how Brian treated him, and it took him forever to finally leave, and when the whole ethan thing ended, he came crawling back to the guy he obviously thought he was too good for. How about that?? Everyone thinks "aww, look how badly Brian treats him" well, I say that's bull****! If he didn't like the way Brian was treating him all along, he should've grew some balls and left sooner. And I don't feel this way because I'm a huge Brian fan (even though I am) because if Justin met Ethan, wanted to give him a shot, all that stuff...why didn't he just leave Brian to begin with before he ****ed that greasy haired fat ass fiddle player??? No, instead he did it behind Brian's back. I mean, Jusitn made those "rules" right? And who broke every single one of the first? JUSTIN! And who never broke one even when they weren't together? BRIAN! Now who's the ****head?? And they think Brian's an *******..they always make Brian out to be the bad guy and Justin to be the poor helpless victim in love! It makes no sense. At least Brian was honest about everything. He (AND MICHAEL) told Justin that Brian would never change...for ANYBODY! But noooo, all Justin is is a spoiled little rich brat who always got everything he wanted from mumsy and daddy and he thinks everyone should change for him! I don't think so!!! He needs to realize that life isn't always the way you want it to be. If he can't deal with that, tough luck, go back to the country club. Everything is always about him, it always happens to him...BULL ****ING ****! And even after they got back together, and Brian was opening up a little bit, appreciating Justin more, he had to go break even more rules with Cody!! Now, everyone, does Justin sound like a perfect little angel now???

And, as for never having an anti thread, there's a first time for everything right??

PS. If I sounded like a total bitch, I'm sorry, I'm really not, but I just have really strog opinions, ecspecially about the whole Ethan fiasco and Justin, and it just ticks me off when people try to defend him constantly. Sorry. And yeah, I'm going the tweak the title of the thread a little bit.
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Old 08-18-2004, 07:41 PM
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Well, where did leaving Brian get him??? Um....I'll tell you. It got Sunshine's poor wittle heart broken again. What got me is he bitched and moaned and complained and cried about how Brian treated him, and it took him forever to finally leave, and when the whole ethan thing ended, he came crawling back to the guy he obviously thought he was too good for. How about that?? Everyone thinks "aww, look how badly Brian treats him" well, I say that's bull****! If he didn't like the way Brian was treating him all along, he should've grew some balls and left sooner. And I don't feel this way because I'm a huge Brian fan (even though I am) because if Justin met Ethan, wanted to give him a shot, all that stuff...why didn't he just leave Brian to begin with before he ****ed that greasy haired fat ass fiddle player??? No, instead he did it behind Brian's back. I mean, Jusitn made those "rules" right? And who broke every single one of the first? JUSTIN! And who never broke one even when they weren't together? BRIAN! Now who's the ****head?? And they think Brian's an *******..they always make Brian out to be the bad guy and Justin to be the poor helpless victim in love! It makes no sense. At least Brian was honest about everything. He (AND MICHAEL) told Justin that Brian would never change...for ANYBODY! But noooo, all Justin is is a spoiled little rich brat who always got everything he wanted from mumsy and daddy and he thinks everyone should change for him! I don't think so!!! He needs to realize that life isn't always the way you want it to be. If he can't deal with that, tough luck, go back to the country club. Everything is always about him, it always happens to him...BULL ****ING ****! And even after they got back together, and Brian was opening up a little bit, appreciating Justin more, he had to go break even more rules with Cody!! Now, everyone, does Justin sound like a perfect little angel now???
um - your entire post just sounded more like a anti-justin than anti-ethan?

i totally agree with liz, btw.
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Old 08-18-2004, 07:44 PM
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um - your entire post just sounded more like a anti-justin than anti-ethan?[B]

You know what?? You're right! Very perceptive of you, you sure are one smarty pants sweetie!
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Old 08-18-2004, 07:59 PM
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hmm... There are lots of anti characters threads on almost every board I've been too, epsecially Buffy and The OC. I guess some mods let them have it as long as it doesn't go over board. Hey its your call, though I personally don't see any harm init, epsecially when there are loads of anti-threads on this forum *shrugs*

Though I do agree what you said Mandy about Justin... his Ethan fiasco. I didn't like Justin when he was with Ethan, and I didn't like Ethan full stop. My view would be that... everybody did feel sorry for Justin, but in some levels I do agree with Film Lover Justin did have to put up with alot from Brian. But then again you can say that Brian helped him more ways than one, sure he didn't say I love you but he did alot for the boy.

See the way this thread is going is more of an argument on being pissed of at why Justin left, than Ethan. Ethan was in it for a short time. But truthfully I was more pissed of with Justin Leaving with Ethan.

Maybe if the thread title changed you know as for everyone to comment on their views on the Brian/Justin/Ethan traingle and break up.

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Old 08-18-2004, 09:14 PM
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i totally agree with liz, btw
Why, thank you.

I know that all boards are different, but I think it's just silly to blatently bash a character or couple when there are people on the same board who support that character or couple. I don't know how it works in other fandoms, but the QAF fandom has proven to be very volatile at times. Since this board opened, we've been very "peace and love" and I'd hate to see that change.

Like I said, I'm not opposed to discussions or debate, so if that's what you want to do, go to it. Just don't make it "anti" - it alienates other people who might want to participate.

Either way, I await your decision Jen and Alison.
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Old 08-18-2004, 09:16 PM
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Change the title again, Lid?? lol. I'll think on it. I probably will though. And you're right, but if I called it an anti-justin thread, which is what it sounds like so far, then no one would even bother reading it at all. But I know what you mean and I'll tweak it some later on. Later girl!

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Old 08-18-2004, 09:17 PM
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Re: !!!

Brianlvr_1, I thought you were interested in a reasonable conversation, but it seems like you're really just interested in spewing a lot of curse-filled Justin-hatred.

People make mistakes. Brian made a huge mistake taking a seventeen year old child home in the first place, a mistake he very well could have (and probably should have) ended up in jail for if Justin's father had had his way. Brian's mistake wasn't just stupid, it was criminal, but Brian being guilty of statutory rape doesn't make me hate him. Brian being a total @ss to Justin for the vast majority of the first season didn't make me hate him, either. And Justin's relatively mild (or at least not criminal) mistakes certainly don't make me hate him. Expecially considering that Brian -- the person actually wronged by those mistakes -- understood where those mistakes came from and and forgave him.

If your whole point in starting this thread was to spread a lot of irrational bitterness about a child, who was already suffering a lot of emotional trauma after being brutally attacked, who entered into a relationship he thought he could deal with and later realized he was wrong, and who made a few mistakes as a result -- mistakes he later admitted to and made amends for -- then I have no interest in having a conversation with you.
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Old 08-18-2004, 09:51 PM
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Ok, first of all, as for him being a child...he isn't to me, considering I'm 15. Oh, and I know it seemed like I was completely bashing Justin but if other people can state their opinions, why can't I? And as for Brian should've been put in jail for it...first of all, Justin was 17, almost 18 which means Brian wouldn't have gone to jail at all...i looked it up. Plus, Brian didn't do anything Justin didn't want him to do and Brian didn't think he was under 18 before he brought him home. By the time he found out, he'd already given Justin a hand job, so he wouldn't have gotten in any more trouble either way, it didn't make a difference. And Justin is lucky as hell that Brian picked him up..cuz who knows what kind of freaks linger around Liberty Ave.?? And I don't see how QAF should be any different than One Tree Hill or anything else...if they can have anti threads, I don't see why I'm getting bashed for it! Anyways, y'all can just close this becuase I'm sick of arguing my point (although many of my opinions and statements are valid and undeniably true). I do enough arguing outside of the internet as it is with my parents...I don't need any more. So just close it or whatever. I'm trying to find out how to delete it completely but I don't know how. So, can someone tell me what I CAN start a thread about plz????
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Old 08-18-2004, 09:55 PM
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Also, I'm just saying...I'm a HUGE Brian/Justin shipper. They're all I write my fanfics based on. I just strongly disagree with MANY of Justin's actions. I mean, even Randy Harrison hates the Justin character...I wouldn't say I 'HATE' him. That's a strong word, but if the guy who portrays him can dislike him sometimes, why can't anyone else. I swear, I say one bad thing about Justin...ANYWHERE....and I get hounded on. Doesn't matter, I just wanna get this thread closed so I don't have to worry about it anymore.
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