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Old 08-18-2004, 07:59 PM
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hmm... There are lots of anti characters threads on almost every board I've been too, epsecially Buffy and The OC. I guess some mods let them have it as long as it doesn't go over board. Hey its your call, though I personally don't see any harm init, epsecially when there are loads of anti-threads on this forum *shrugs*

Though I do agree what you said Mandy about Justin... his Ethan fiasco. I didn't like Justin when he was with Ethan, and I didn't like Ethan full stop. My view would be that... everybody did feel sorry for Justin, but in some levels I do agree with Film Lover Justin did have to put up with alot from Brian. But then again you can say that Brian helped him more ways than one, sure he didn't say I love you but he did alot for the boy.

See the way this thread is going is more of an argument on being pissed of at why Justin left, than Ethan. Ethan was in it for a short time. But truthfully I was more pissed of with Justin Leaving with Ethan.

Maybe if the thread title changed you know as for everyone to comment on their views on the Brian/Justin/Ethan traingle and break up.

Stefan: I remember you. We were friends.
Klaus: We are friends.

Last edited by Orton; 08-18-2004 at 08:07 PM
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