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Old 08-17-2004, 11:59 PM
Film Lover
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Re: Justin's Temporary Insanity

Originally posted by Brianlvr_1
Ok, I thought of the idea to start a anti-Ethan thread. If there already is one, close it. If not, start posting!!!! I'll post more stuff on here tomorrow if the thread stays open.

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I think calling Justin's getting involved with Ethan "temporary insanity" is going too far. After the way Brian had been treating Justin -- pissing on his Rage drawings; getting him the world's tackiest and most thoughtless birthday present; cancelling their plans without bothering to explain why and instead telling him, basically, that "it's business and you're fcuking the guy who pays the bills"; and then, no sooner does Brian come back, but he puts his job on the line because his friend's lover is in the hospital, but won't even give up one night of anonymous sex when Justin is there begging him to please stay home -- after all this, I can hardly blame Justin for being seduced by someone who gave him a little affection; had conversations with him; complimented him ... actually showed up at the student art show.

I certainly think Justin was wrong for starting something with Ethan before leaving Brian, but Brian was hardly blameless. I don't blame Justin at all for leaving, or for spending a few months rejecting the side of his own personality that reflected his time with Brian.

In the long run, I think the time apart was good for both of them. Brian no longer takes Justin for granted, and Justin had time to grow up a little (I think he was still a child when he walked out on Brian, and that he was a man by the time he returned) and actually see Brian as a man. Justin no longer looks at Brian and sees "The Face of God", or the "Hero" who saved his life who he later literally turned into a comic book superhero. I really think a big part of the problem at the end of season 2 was that Justin thought too highly of Brian. He looked at Brian and saw perfection. So, if Brian was doing things that were thoughtless, or that came across as cruel, it couldn't possibly be because Brian was a flawed human being who sometimes screws up. It had to be an accurate reflection of Brian's true feelings for Justin. I think their time apart, and the fact that Brian still continued to take care of him (at least financially) after he left, gave Justin the perspective to realize that it simply wasn't true. That Brian wasn't "The Face of God", that he was a man who sometimes makes mistakes.

As much as I didn't care for Ethan as a character, I loved him as a plot device. I think he was essential in getting Brian and Justin to the place they are today.

ETA: You might want to put "The Anti-Ethan Thread" in your title, so the purpose of the thread will be a little clearer.
"I'm not antisocial. I just can't stand people." -- Justin from Queer as Folk

Last edited by Film Lover; 08-18-2004 at 12:08 AM
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