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Old 07-27-2003, 04:36 AM
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The Fang Gang Friendship - Because they're family.

We're Family - A fanlisting for the Fang Gang
Disenchanted - Fanlisting for Season 1 cast of Angel. Cordy, Doyle, and Angel.
Everlasting: The friendships on AtS

Classic Fang Gang Moments

Cordy:...I'm a lot stronger than those loser demon surrogates thought.
Angel: I'm starting to learn that.
Cordy: I learned something, too. I learned, uhm, - men are evil? Oh, wait, - I knew that. I learned that LA is full of self-serving phonies. No, - had that one down, too. Uh... sex is bad?
Angel: We all knew that.
Cordy: Okay. I learned that I have two people I trust absolutely with my life. - And that part's new.
Wesley (dabbing his handkerchief at his eye): Uh, some, uh - allergies. - Expecting

Cordy: We weren't going to let anything happen to you.
Wesley: No.
Cordy: Well, I mean, beyond the slavery and the severe beatings and stuff. Wesley came up with the key!
Wesley: But Cordelia came up with the key to the key! In a clinch moment.
Angel: You both did great. And - I think we did a - good thing here tonight.
Wesley: Yes. We set the captives free.
Cordy: Well, actually, didn't we set - a bunch of - demons free?
Wesley: Oh. Well. Technically - yes. -The Ring

Angel: My people, they are in the hospital. St. Matthews. One's in ICU, one's in the neuro-psychiatric Unit. They need protection while I hunt down the guy who put them there.
Gunn: He's gonna come after them himself or is he gonna send someone?
Angel: However he comes, he's not gonna get them. These people mean a lot to me.
Gunn: I'm getting that. -To Shanshu In L.A.

Cordy: You've been looking for two days. You need to relax and charge the brain cells. Here. Eat.
Wesley accepts it and looks over at Angel.
Cordy hands Angel the cup with the blood: You too. Don't be embarrassed. We're family. - To Shanshu In L.A.

Gunn: My name is Gunn. Angel sent me.
Cordy: Well, this is a little embarrassing. Please, come in. Come in. (Gunn walks in.) Wesley, you've heard Angel talk about Gunn. He's a great guy with a really fly street tag.
Wes: What's he fly?
Cordy: It's how they know you on the street, dorko. Gun. It really lets them know you mean business.
Gunn: It's my name. Charles Gunn. Two 'n.'
Cordy: Oh, lord, will no one shut me up? -Judgement

Angel: I-I saw the light at the end of the tunnel - that some day I might become human. That light was so bright, I thought I was already out.
Cordy: Yeah. We all got a little cocky, didn't we? - It's gonna be a long while - until you work your way out - but I know you well enough to know you *will*. - And I'll be with you until you do.
Angel: What about your inevitable stardom?
Cordy: I'm not saying I won't have a day job. -Judgement

Cordy: Well, yeah. Better just plan on having me I your life for a while. At least until you find some peace.
Gunn: Could be a while.
Cordy: That's okay. Helping people that's what me and my friends do.
Gunn: Well, lucky me.
Cordy: Hey. How about that thank you? - First Impressions

Gunn: Go on, English, make your move - because it'll be your last.
Both Wesley and Gunn raise their right fists, blow into them, then, simultaneously, cast their dice on the table on which we see a game board set up between them. Wesley slumps in defeat.
Gunn: And now I rule Europe, Australia and South America!
Wesley: "I still got Kamchakta.
Gunn: Three fifths of the world covered in water, the rest covered in me!"
Wesley: Shut up.
Gunn: Who's your ruler, baby? What's my name? Come on, English, say it: Gunn. -Blood Money

Cordy: You weren't scared?
Wesley: Oh, mother in heaven.
Gunn: Pants wetting, praising the lord to save me kind of scared. All right?
Cordy: But you did it.
Gunn: "No. We did it. All of us.
Wesley: All of us together.
Gunn: To us.
Wesley: To us.
Cordy: To us. -Blood Money

Gunn: Our new agency
Wesley: Wyndham-Price Agency.
Cordy and Gunn: The what?
Wesley: You don't like it? - It's classy.
Cordy: It's stuffy. - The Chase Agency! *That* has the right ring."
Wesley: Why?
Cordy: Because it's my name.
Gunn: Uh, Wes, Ms. Chase, alright, there is only one player here with a name that strikes dread in the demon heart.
Cordy: Gunn?
Gunn: Uh-huh.
Cordy: Oh, yeah, that is so original. I got a gun and my name is Gunn...
Wesley: Wyndham-Price is everything you need to...
Cordy and Gunn: Shut up! -Blood Money

Gunn: One desk? We're sharing?
Wesley: Aha! Things are looking up. I think I found the right wire. Ah!
All the lights go out.
Gunn: I'm so glad I met you guys. It's entertaining. Really. -Happy Anniversary

Cordy: Ah, no, because then I'd actually have to have some friends. I don't.
Wesley: That's not true.
Cordy: "You don't count.
Wesley: Thank you.
Cordy: You know what I mean.
Wesley: Things are gonna get better Cordelia... for all of us. You'll see.
Cordy: I'll call you tomorrow. See how you're feeling.
Wesley: That'd be nice. - Reprise

Angel: I wanna work for you.
Gunn: You wanna work for us?
Angel: Yeah. I do.
Wesley: Why?
Angel: Because I think I can help.
Cordy: How do we know we can trust you?
Angel: I guess I'll just have to earn that.
Cordy: No. No. No. No! Ahh. (recieves a vision) The usual big scary rising up in a housing project in Topanga, and - why is it that I am not on the floor this time?
Angel: I got you.
Cordy: Maybe *he* should drive? -Epiphany

Recommended Viewing
Cordy/Wesley/Gunn - We Are The Champions

Last edited by shutterbug579; 04-04-2008 at 02:33 PM
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Old 07-27-2003, 08:12 PM
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Awww....this thread has now made me all mushy. *runs to put on old tapes*
allison [♥ & ☼] argent
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Old 07-28-2003, 09:34 AM
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Aww, I've always loved the Fang Gang's group dynamic. All of the actors work so well off of each other.

As for my favorite moments between the Fang Gang, where do I start? I too, love the drunk singing in Caritas, and I also love the end of Expecting:

Cordy: "Guys, I appreciate all the concern, but I’m *okay*. I mean, it was an ordeal, but I got through it, - and I’m a lot stronger than those loser demon surrogates thought.”
Angel: “I’m starting to learn that.”
Cordy: “I learned something, too. I learned, uhm, - men are evil? Oh, wait, - I knew that. I learned that LA is full of self-serving phonies. No, - had that one down, too. Uh... sex is bad?”
Angel with a smile: “We all knew that.”
Cordy: “Okay. I learned that I have two people I trust absolutely with my life. - And that part’s new.”
Wesley takes a deep breath, then looks away dabbing his handkerchief at his eye: “Uh, some, uh – allergies.”
Cordy smiles at Angel, who looks back at her trying not to laugh.
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Old 07-28-2003, 08:05 PM
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Why are they called that?

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Old 07-28-2003, 08:14 PM
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Originally posted by Nini Legs in the Air:
<STRONG>Why are they called that?
Because Angel has fangs and a gang. And because rhyming is fun!

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Old 07-28-2003, 08:51 PM
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oh, duh [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]

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Old 07-30-2003, 06:48 AM
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Man, I missed the group dynamic in Season 4. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] But I loved the end of TSILA. I love the Wes/Cordy/Angel family and the Wes/Gunn/Cor and all the other ones.
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Old 07-30-2003, 08:16 AM
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The best friendship gang ever!!!!! It has always been the best with just 3 of them though.
The Wonders of me and my icons.

Buffy, 30 Rock, Grey's Anatomy, Veronica, Angel, Famke, Disney, Lost, X-Men, Scrubs, ER, and much more icons!
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Old 07-30-2003, 08:53 AM
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Stacy, I love, love your avie.

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Old 07-31-2003, 10:16 AM
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Yeah the friendship was the best. I loved s1&2 when they actually had interaction with each other. Those little moments in between fighting were truley amazing. What a difference in s4! I loved the end of TSILA as well. Also loved Expecting. God I can't wait for s2 to come out on dvd.
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Old 08-01-2003, 09:03 AM
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Originally posted by Nini Legs in the Air:
<STRONG>Stacy, I love, love your avie.

Thank you. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
The Wonders of me and my icons.

Buffy, 30 Rock, Grey's Anatomy, Veronica, Angel, Famke, Disney, Lost, X-Men, Scrubs, ER, and much more icons!
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Old 10-28-2003, 06:25 PM
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This is what I missed most about the show. This season just haven't been the same. It has always been Angel and the gang against the world and how they are working for W&H.

My favorite time will always be when it was just Angel/Cordy/Wes/Gunn. Before Fred came along and before the whole mess with Connor happened.
"So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause."
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Old 10-31-2003, 12:41 AM
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Originally posted by Kittie231:

My favorite time will always be when it was just Angel/Cordy/Wes/Gunn. </STRONG>
I definitely agree. I liked it best when Cordy was the only girl and it was like one of they guys but not.

When Fred came along it sort of screwed up the camraderie and then it started getting all love triangle-y which I didn't like so much.
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Old 10-31-2003, 01:30 AM
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Yeah, I agree, it was better before all the Wes/Fred/Gunn drama, now I just wish they would get Wes/Fred together and be done with it. They're drawing it out too long like they did with C/A and well you see where that got them.

I miss Wes and Angel looking out for Cordy like a younger sister or something. It was so sweet back then, of course really Angel was just jealous but I won't harp. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

[img]smilies/love.gif[/img]Nikki [img]smilies/sun.gif[/img]
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Old 10-31-2003, 11:33 PM
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I always loved the family aspects of the gang. Thats why I've pretty much objected to a lot of the inter-romance between them.

I've been watching s2 episodes and I'm just about to get into the eps where Gunn/Wes/Cordelia really bonded. Those were some of my favorite scenes from s2.

[img]smilies/love.gif[/img] Jenn
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