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Old 07-27-2004, 08:30 AM
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So Eli, out of curiousity..which graphic did you vote for on the Jen board?
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Old 07-27-2004, 08:46 AM
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Aw, I hope Aya feels better soon, Indri.

I haven't voted yet, Katie. I can't decide. I figured I'll keep a track on the results so far and around Thursday I'll check which graphics have the most votes and if it comes down to a few I'll vote for the one I want the most of those and by then getting the graphic I want more. Who on earth puts so much thought into a thing like this? But it's so hard to decide. I need to think which color I want the most of the "leading" graphics as well. Which one did you go for?
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Old 07-27-2004, 03:45 PM
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Re: JGarner graphic.
I like options 3 and 5.

Indri, I hope your baby gets better and whee about the parties. Parties are fun.

Sam, I had a feeling that you would know the dance moves in that movie I love the dances in that movie, but the storyline was too cheesy for me.
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Old 07-27-2004, 05:03 PM
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I didn't like any of the JG graphics. I either thought the picture choices were poor or that the font was ugly or that the color of the graphic was ugly...or all three. Not that that should come as any surprise - I'm very picky about the details on most anything.

My life for the next 4-5 days


6 a.m.: Wake up. Shower. Dress (remember to dress warmly, as testing area is frigid). Try to eat. Try to be calm.

7: 30: Taxi to World Trade Center in downtown Boston.

9:30: Must be seated for exam. Morning Exam commences.


1:00: Lunch.

2:15: Afternoon Exam commences.

5:30: All done. Relieved at being halfway done; freaked out at being halfway done.

6:30: Arrive home. Eat.

7:30: Go over Massachusetts specific distinctions for 6 subjects (same 6 subjects tested on earlier in the day *without* the distinctions) and other major points in remaining 13 subjects for Thursday's exam.

11:00: Bed.


6:00: Same.

7:00: Taxi to WTC.

8:30: Seated for exam. Morning essay exam commences. 5 essays.

freakingoutfreakingoutfreakingoutohgoodyiknowthis onefreakingoutfreakingoutfreakingoutanother oneiknowfreakingoutgoddammitiknewishoudlhavegoneoverthat!

noon: Lunch

1:50: Afternoon essay exam commences. 5 more essays.

freakingoutfreakingoutfreakingoutohgoodyiknowthis onefreakingoutfreakingoutfreakingoutanother oneiknowfreakingoutgoddammitiknewishoudlhavegoneoverthat!

5:00: Exam over.

6:30: Arrive home. Eat.

8:00: Pack up rest of stuff. Try to sell rest of stuff (as have been trying to do for entire week).

9:00: Collapse. Drink beer in refrigerator.

midnight: Sleep. Or try to.


10:00 a.m.: Wake. Eat. Sit on couch and watch cable television.

1:00: Cable person comes pick up modem and receiver.

5:00: UPS man arrives to pick up remaining packages.

6:00: Look around apartment and be sad.

7:00: More sadness. Hug kitty.

8:00: Watch movie? Go out? Cry?

midnight: Sleep.


8:00 a.m.: Wake. Shower. Dress.

8:30 a.m.: Movers arrive.

10:30 a.m.: Movers leave (hopefully).

11:00 a.m.: Look at empty apartment. Feel nostalgic. Remember moving in and being excited. Trying not to cry. Hug kitty.

noon/1 p.m.: Leave (for the foreseeable future).


I may be back. I may not. But damned if I'm not going to miss this place. I love where I live (right outside of Boston, in Brookline), I love this neighborhood, I love my roommate and my cat and my apartment, I love the ice cream place down the street (so does Eli), Brookline Booksmith, the coolest independent bookstore in the world, and Movieworks (my local movie rental place) and the movie theatre 5 blocks away and so many other things. Seriously, these past 3 years have gone by so fast and it's just hard to believe that this chapter of my life is over. I know that it's entirely possible that I may end up back here (same for E and kitty), but for now, it's ending and that's just sad, because I've got a great thing going here. I'm so excited to be going home and to be seeing my family and parents and to just relax and feel not that much pressure while Isearch for a job, but at the same time, I'm devastated by all this change that I'm going through. Because I don't do change well. At all. No, really, it's not pretty. I nearly lost it last night and I can only imagine how I'll feel Thursday or Friday, once this exam is over. I know everything will be okay and fine and work out (or that's what I keep telling myself); I'm just going to miss this place so much.

Last edited by *bijal*; 07-27-2004 at 05:11 PM
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Old 07-27-2004, 10:53 PM
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*hugs* Good luck with your exams. I had no idea that they were that long. I hope your butt doesn't get sore from all the sitting.

Dude, I can't believe all the crap that has just been piled on you. Packing, studying, moving, saying goodbyes.. that is a lot to handle in such a short period of time. However, you will be with family soon and once you find a job, another chapter in your life will start. And you'll see kitty again too. *hugs*
Arrested Development - "Are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over — an analyst and a therapist. The world’s first analrapist."
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Old 07-28-2004, 12:59 AM
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Originally posted by yoshhh
but the storyline was too cheesy for me.
Oh yes, lmfao that movie is packed full of cheese. But hee, it's one of the few cases that I enjoyed it. Although some of the lines were sooo predictable. Ie... "Dancing isn't what these guys do... it's who they are" Bwahhh. Oh and the line about her seeing his soul or whatever But I'm so cheap when it comes to dancing movies, if the moves are good, the songs are good... lmfao I'll love it.

Besides...that dude from Eminems movie was in it, and he is easy on the eyes.

Aw, dude Bijal. That is one mega stressful batch of 3 to 4 days. I sooo hope it all goes well for you.

[rant] Okay, so as you know I'm back at Uni, and anyway we had Broadcast Journalism today, and arghhh. So the lecture was fun, and got to me totally excited for this semester. No exam. Two major assignments, but they are really interesting. So anyway I (we) get to my tutorial, and the dude that's taking our tutorial class, he;s French, and his English is soooo weak. Now this angers me soooo much, because it makes it so difficult to learn something that is so bent around language and writing etc, when the tutor who is teaching us can't pronounce half of what he is trying to teach us. I mean, kudos to him, he has had alot of experience etc, and is obviously successful, but thats no good to those of us who are trying to learn, but can't understand him because his English is really weak. It's ridiculous. Everyone in the class spent more time trying to figure out what he was saying, rather than listening and understanding. And I feel bad because I was getting so mad and then in the end just decided to not listen, and doodle on my boo etc, and he seems to be a really nice guy - I have no beef with him. But it just angers me, when they give us a teacher that can't speak English very well. Hmph [/rant]
Michael: Guess what, I have flaws. What are they? Oh, I don't know. I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I'll hit somebody with my car. So sue me. No, don't sue me. That is the opposite of the point that I'm trying to make.
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Old 07-28-2004, 01:22 AM
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That's the thing with the graphics for me as well. I mean, I thought all of them were pretty in their own way, but none of them stood out as "the one". All of them have something to nitpick, which makes it hard to decide.

Good luck on the exams! I'm probably too late, since you're on your way there in just a few hours. But good luck anyway. Stay calm and keep your cool. It'll be over soon. Good luck to E too. She's taking the Mass. bar as well, isn't she?

But man, I can't believe you're moving from Boston. All those places you mentioned. Man, even I'm gonna miss them. Now we can't go to those places if I come to visit you cause you won't be there. And yes, I love love love the icecream store. Jeez, should think I was the one moving. But it's still so saaaaaaaaad. *whines*

God, it's so annoying to have teachers who doesn't know the language they're teaching in properly. Have fun with that, Sam.

Last edited by Eliii; 07-28-2004 at 05:30 AM
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Old 07-28-2004, 04:42 AM
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Hey all

Bijal, good luck in your exams! I reckon you'll kick arse!

Sam, where did you go today? Quitter! Our broadcasting tute is sooo not going to be fun this semester! Argh, was it just me or did he just ramble on and on and on and on and on about himself for two hours?! And what was with not having a break?! And could he have spoken any softer???!!! I couldn't understand him either! I hate that class!!!

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Old 07-28-2004, 06:28 AM
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Old 07-28-2004, 08:01 AM
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Hey Leeann.

Although I haven't seen the graphics at the JG board... I have the same opinion on the ones at the Rachel Bilson board. They just don't seem as well done as the ones that exist for the boards at the moment. These look professional, the new ones, I hate to say it seem way amatuerish. You know?

Lmfao, Jen... I told you I couldn't hack anymore after that. I was so angry. I had to leave. But if it makes you feel any better... I almost got taken out by a massive semi-truck on the way home. Penis truck. Hmph. Nothing like a bit of karma. I was driving, and it went to change lanes or something, and didn't see me because it was like fifty metres LONG and I totally almost hit the curb and it was a 100km/h road. Grr. If you have as ass as big as that truck had... LOOK IN YOUR GOD DAMNED BLIND SPOT.

Man! Am I "rant girl" today or what?

On a happier note...whee. Just won a netball game. *does a dance* Victory is sooo fun.

Omg, the 'Joe Schmo' show is on. Dude, its soooo mean. Lmfao, what a "Truman Show" ripoff. Also, one of the "actors" in there, is from 'Cruel Intentions 3'. Lmfao, obviously she is in for one stellar career.
Michael: Guess what, I have flaws. What are they? Oh, I don't know. I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I'll hit somebody with my car. So sue me. No, don't sue me. That is the opposite of the point that I'm trying to make.
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Old 07-28-2004, 03:32 PM
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Hey, Lee. What's up, babe?

Saaaaam??? I love youuuuuuuu. Thank you so much for the Tim Tams. I got so excited when I saw the package I almost snapped. So I ripped open the box and Tim Tams flew everywhere. I'd probably lick those up from the floor if I had to, so I just picked them up and put them back in the box. We were outside on our terrasse, so all went well. And then my sister, mom and dad got to taste them as well. They liked. Hee. And the box is so big as well. Whee!

But what do you mean sending you my number? Don't you already have my number? I only have a landline phone when I'm home at my parents' house (still haven't gotten that far in my apartment) and I'm only here til Sunday. But was that the number you meant?
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Old 07-28-2004, 05:04 PM
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Sam, Eliiii!

I've missed y'all. FF hasn't been entertaining as of late. That along with the server problems causing me to be MIA. Just thought I'd mosy on in...gatecrash y'all's thread.
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Old 07-28-2004, 06:07 PM
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Thanks for all the good wishes, guys. Much appreciated.

So...One part down, one more to go.

So the first part of the exam (200 multiple choice in 6 subjects) wasn't as bad as I anticipated. There were still some "wtf" moments and definitely times when I'd narrowed it down to two choices and then wasn't sure, but overall, I feel okay. I hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass come November.

I'm invariably more nervous about tomorrow [read: freaked the ***** out] (the state specific portions - 10 essays, 19 possible subjects), but at the same time, after having to decide among A,B,C, or D, I'm looking forward to the chance to actually explain my thinking and reasoning.

All in all, I'm very tired, very mentally fried and can't wait until tomorrow to be over.
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Old 07-28-2004, 08:45 PM
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Originally posted by Eliii
Saaaaam??? I love youuuuuuuu. Thank you so much for the Tim Tams. I got so excited when I saw the package I almost snapped. So I ripped open the box and Tim Tams flew everywhere. I'd probably lick those up from the floor if I had to, so I just picked them up and put them back in the box. We were outside on our terrasse, so all went well. And then my sister, mom and dad got to taste them as well. They liked. Hee. And the box is so big as well. Whee!

Heyyyy. Yayyyy. So glad they got to you dude. Lmfao, I was beginning to wonder if they would ever arrive . And dude, did the Tim Tams really fly everywhere? Or is that like a metaphor for something? Lmfao.
BTW, if you ever want to branch out we totally have some new flavours that are DIVINE. We have White Chocolate Tim Tams, Choc Fudge, Caramel Fudge (best flavour EVER) and double choc. So, if ever you get the craving, just hollar.

But what do you mean sending you my number? Don't you already have my number? I only have a landline phone when I'm home at my parents' house (still haven't gotten that far in my apartment) and I'm only here til Sunday. But was that the number you meant?
Nah dude, I don't have your number. Lmfao. I have your address, but not your number. I don't have any number for you. So when you get the chance just PM or e-mail it to me. We haven't spoken in AGGGESSSS. And the same goes for you Bijal and Pea... it's been years dude. Hmph.

Dude, its weird lmfao, Jen and I are at Uni right now in the MegaLabs, side by side, typing on this thread. Yeesh. Freaky.

Bijal, I'm glad the first part went well. I'm sure the rest will be the same. I'm just in awe of you and Eli having those marathon exams. It's so insane. Lmfao. We only have two hour exams. Wheeee. But I guess thats the price you poor bastards pay for being smart.
Michael: Guess what, I have flaws. What are they? Oh, I don't know. I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I'll hit somebody with my car. So sue me. No, don't sue me. That is the opposite of the point that I'm trying to make.
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Old 07-28-2004, 08:51 PM
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Helloooo, yes I'm sitting right next to Sam ::poke:: Stupid Uni server wouldn't let me on! JERKS!

Ahh Tim Tams, :: Love those caramel ones and how they're all chewy and stuff. Send Eli some Sam!

Bijal, wow, you're like my exam hero. Good luck tomorrow!!

Our class starts soon, I should start making a move...
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