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AngelaiDanes 09-05-2006 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by M Danes
You hit it perfectly about Creek and being a "glass is half empty" thinker. I know that's where I get it from. Sad but true. I delayed watching so many shows like Everwood and Gilmore Girls because of Creek as well. I have a phobia of triangles because of that show, that's a fact! So strange how I allowed that show to mess with my head but there it is.... :embarrassment:

Awe its ok. Im sure if I invested 6 years I would have been exactly like you and become very mistrustful of shows. :(


I do believe that some of my fears about LL directly relate to my Creek experience such as being afraid that I invested in LL for this entire series, believing that they were meant to be, only for CL to end up together. That would be horrible and yes, extremely unlikely, but it's a thought in my mind, nevertheless. Like I said, the chances of this happening are remote and yet it still exists in my mind and will stay there until I see how everything plays out in the end. Thanks Creek.
No it makes total sense. I guess in my TV show experience I expect LL together, but only in the last 5 minutes. :rolleyes: Which I guess is still better than Dawson's Creek, but the easy way out IMO. All shows do that, and I hate it.


Never once has this idiot been painted in a good light, always dark and negative. That's why I'm convinced we've never been guided to root for CL ever, just the exact opposite. We should be cheering for Lorelai to finally be rid of that piece of trash once and for all.
Thats why I have to believe CL will not end together in any circumstance. They have been written as wrong for each other since the start. Everytime they get close it all falls apart. Deadbeat has always been written as a such a selfish moron I can't see how the writers would want us to like or even accept CL. :mad: Lorelai even after season 6 deserves better.

Thats not to say CL won't try this season, who knows now, but in the end I have to believe that LL are destined whether we have to settle for just an ending or not.

jediwands 09-05-2006 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by My Angelai
Awe its ok. Im sure if I invested 6 years I would have been exactly like you and become very mistrustful of shows. :(

Yeah. :(

You had the sense to watch an amazing show in Frasier instead which I find so incredibly awesome. :D I wish we talked back then, you could have saved me a ton of heartache and introduced me to a magnificent show as well. :D


No it makes total sense. I guess in my TV show experience I expect LL together, but only in the last 5 minutes. :rolleyes: Which I guess is still better than Dawson's Creek, but the easy way out IMO. All shows do that, and I hate it.
Yeah, totally. I can absolutely see how you would think that regarding the last 5 minutes based on your experience, for sure. It's ridiculous how shows do this, what the hell. Now with EA, sure it was like this but at least, thankfully, there was build up and incredible episodes preceding it you know? Also, with EA, they were such a unique love story, even with the two of them technically apart they were still always together if that makes any sense. And the good thing about them is they weren't broken up for that long before their final reunion as well which was great. They even slept together months after they broke up before they reunited as well. They were always "on the table" no matter what which was awesome.

But yeah, like Ross/Rachel on Friends they were apart for way too long, IMO and so ridiculous that it wasn't until the last couple minutes before the end of the series that they got back together and received the happy ending. I hope they don't make LL and the fans wait until this time as well... We might not get to see "their middle" but we sure as hell better see the last part of it and way more than just a "reunion". Better happen. Of course, it wouldn't surprise me if we get the last 5 minutes which will be so bunk.


Thats why I have to believe CL will not end together in any circumstance. They have been written as wrong for each other since the start. Everytime they get close it all falls apart. Deadbeat has always been written as a such a selfish moron I can't see how the writers would want us to like or even accept CL. :mad: Lorelai even after season 6 deserves better.
With you. You're right, the entire story dictates that no matter what CL cannot end up together and I think this is certainly the biggest thing we have going for us. There hasn't been a shred of hope for them, ever. Always have they been portrayed as NOT meant to be and the minute they push fate, fate fails them miserably which rocks. And so true about Deadbeat. This guy has been written as a clown since day 1 who hasn't shown any sign of changing, in fact, he is getting even more pathetic as he grows older. His maturity level is still at a teenage level, that speaks volumes. Such an immature, selfish moronic loser. This will never change. Never ever. Lorelai ending up with him would be a punishment, not a happy ending. Simply cannot happen.


Thats not to say CL won't try this season, who knows now, but in the end I have to believe that LL are destined whether we have to settle for just an ending or not.
Definitely. CL are famous for failing miserably and hopefully this time they can really go all out and show some huge destruction that's way beyond repair. Bring it on.

dragonflyinn 09-05-2006 11:44 PM

Thanks for the new thread, title fits perfectly :)

Lor-baby 09-05-2006 11:54 PM

Congrats for the new thread guys ^^
I'll be back later with some thoughts ;)

FuzzyCerts 09-06-2006 12:09 AM

Thanks for the new thread.

:woot: #40 threads of Dopey hate.

sidhe-seer 09-06-2006 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by FuzzyCerts (Post 11799498)
Thanks for the new thread.

:woot: #40 threads of Dopey hate.

wonder how long it will take to have more Neshbe threads than... BBs :lol:... this is something that DR should see! he could learn so much from it!

valeposh 09-06-2006 01:48 AM

Thanks for the new thread!! :flowers:
Dopey= :hammer_head:

Lor-baby 09-06-2006 02:21 AM

Hey silly me! I hadn't noticed that this is our 40th thread! :woot:
Congrats guys! :cheers:

Ok I've been finally able to read the last posts :)

First of all, Angela and Michelle, let me tell you that this "Luke/Lorelai" thing going on btw the two of you is cracking me up :lmao:
Now you call each other Angelai and M Danes? LMAO
You're the best :D


So with you on all of this minus Creek. I was heavily involved with this show as you know which almost drove me to the point of insanity LOL so I'm so glad you didn't have to experience this as well because, well, I like you so much. Thankfully you didn't waste 6 years like I did.

You hit it perfectly about Creek and being a "glass is half empty" thinker. I know that's where I get it from. Sad but true. I delayed watching so many shows like Everwood and Gilmore Girls because of Creek as well. I have a phobia of triangles because of that show, that's a fact! So strange how I allowed that show to mess with my head but there it is....
I do believe that some of my fears about LL directly relate to my Creek experience such as being afraid that I invested in LL for this entire series, believing that they were meant to be, only for CL to end up together. That would be horrible and yes, extremely unlikely, but it's a thought in my mind, nevertheless. Like I said, the chances of this happening are remote and yet it still exists in my mind and will stay there until I see how everything plays out in the end. Thanks Creek.
Exactly. Exactly. Exactly.
Dawson's Creek ruined my entire tv-shows-future lol
I will never give anything for granted ever again.
I invested 6 damn years on the meant to be couple (and the writers did led me along with their stupid anvils and interviews) only to get that ridiculous ending at last? What a waste of six years!
Not only I didn't get to see DJ together for more than few episodes here and there, not only the writers messed them up again and again with stupid contrived obstacles thrown in their way just to keep the "Will they, won't they" dynamic, but I didn't even get an ending?! What the hell!
The show revolved around the love existing btw Dawson&Joey (these words came out from the mouth of a PJer writer) and I couldn't even get an ending?!
I'm still so mad at Stupid (as Michelle loves to call him) ;) I can't even talk.

You expressed my fears very eloquently Michelle. They may sound stupid and all, but I feel the same way about GG and CLL.
After all they re-wrote history on DC, why couldn't they do the same thing on GG?
Yeah Angela was right.
DC did turned me into a major pessimistic. Sorry.:lol:


With you... Never once has this idiot been painted in a good light, always dark and negative. That's why I'm convinced we've never been guided to root for CL ever, just the exact opposite. We should be cheering for Lorelai to finally be rid of that piece of trash once and for all.

Originally Posted by Angela
Thats why I have to believe CL will not end together in any circumstance. They have been written as wrong for each other since the start. Everytime they get close it all falls apart. Deadbeat has always been written as a such a selfish moron I can't see how the writers would want us to like or even accept CL. Lorelai even after season 6 deserves better.

Thats not to say CL won't try this season, who knows now, but in the end I have to believe that LL are destined whether we have to settle for just an ending or not.
Very true.
That's what keeps me hoping and believing.
My irrational fear is still there though. Who tells me that the new writers won't try to re-write history? :look:

Yeah, ok I allow you all to shoot me now! :lol:


But yeah, like Ross/Rachel on Friends they were apart for way too long, IMO and so ridiculous that it wasn't until the last couple minutes before the end of the series that they got back together and received the happy ending. I hope they don't make LL and the fans wait until this time as well... We might not get to see "their middle" but we sure as hell better see the last part of it and way more than just a "reunion". Better happen. Of course, it wouldn't surprise me if we get the last 5 minutes which will be so bunk.
As much as I loved Ross and Rachel, having them suddenly being 'ready' to be together was stupid.
Ross and Rachel should have gotten back together way before.
I mean, what was wrong with them being together? What was so horribly wrong with watching their middle?
We saw Monica and Chandler falling in love, getting together, being together, staying together and getting married and for me as a viewer it was much more satisfying than watching R/R loving each other but not being 'ready' because of other people or events.
Don't get me wrong I LOVE Friends and R/R will always be my 3rd favourite tv couple, BUT watching Ross sleeping with another woman minutes after their break, watching him getting married to another woman or her trying to have a romance with Joey (gross!).. It was all way too frustrating.
We all knew they were in love. We all knew they belonged together.
I understand the need to keep a little of suspance and drama going on the show, but for God sake it was really necessary to wait 10 years???

*takes a deep breath*
sorry I'm in a ranting mood today :lol:


I guess in my TV show experience I expect LL together, but only in the last 5 minutes. Which I guess is still better than Dawson's Creek, but the easy way out IMO. All shows do that, and I hate it
That's what I'm expecting to see as well, and you're right: as sad as it is it's still a better ending that DC.
Not enough though.
R/R happy ending wasn't enough for me. I was happy of course but something was missing. I'm still pissed at THE CW for calling off Everwood 'cause I will never be able to see Andy&Nina together as a couple, so go figure..
God I should really get a life and get over this stupid tv shows :lol:

italian jj 09-06-2006 02:46 AM

Hi Neshbes :wave:
Thanx for the new it's already the 40th! :eek: :cheerleader: :woot:
The title is great :nod:

maplezbear 09-06-2006 04:46 AM

Thanks for the new thread. Great title... so true. Well any title about him is so true :lol:

Its awesome we are only 10 away from 50!

colorblind 09-06-2006 07:24 AM

when new season starts, i think that we will reach 50 in 2 days.

Lolabelle26 09-06-2006 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by beautifullauren (Post 11802603)
when new season starts, i think that we will reach 50 in 2 days.

Oh yeah. This thread will be over-flowing!

FuzzyCerts 09-06-2006 11:27 AM

Think so too.

dancer150 09-06-2006 12:21 PM

Hey Zut thanks for the thread. Do you think you could go back to the old thread, and update the first post?

jediwands 09-06-2006 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Lor-baby (Post 11800110)
First of all, Angela and Michelle, let me tell you that this "Luke/Lorelai" thing going on btw the two of you is cracking me up :lmao:
Now you call each other Angelai and M Danes? LMAO
You're the best :D

Hahaha LMAO!

Thanks so much, Barbara. Glad you like it. :D


Exactly. Exactly. Exactly.
Dawson's Creek ruined my entire tv-shows-future lol
Truer words have never been spoken as far as I'm concerned. With you completely. This is exactly how I feel. It's like a freakin nightmare in so many ways because no matter how much I want to ditch and forget about that horrible experience I can't. It stays with me regardless of time passing by, it will always exist. This seems so insane to talk like this about a show and how it could possibly have this profound, everlasting effect but it is what it is and anyone that has experienced what we have understands this completely.


I will never give anything for granted ever again.
I invested 6 damn years on the meant to be couple (and the writers did led me along with their stupid anvils and interviews) only to get that ridiculous ending at last? What a waste of six years!
Damn straight. A waste! And we're not talking just a few years, we're talking SIX FREAKIN YEARS. That's a long time! I remember how I basically organized my life around the show as well. People knew to leave me alone when that show was on which meant zero phone calls and certainly not going anywhere if I could help it. I literally planned that one night a week for six years around that show. God that sounds so ridiculous now! Especially because it was all for not. Investing in something I truly believed in and I did. I believed in the shows premise. Sadly, even right up until the end credits I honestly thought the premise woud ultimately rise high again and the ending that we had been spoon-fed as being a "done deal" the entire series was going to come true. Nope. Didn't happen. I dedicated six years for nothing. Nice. I'm so glad that my social life suffered so tremendously one night a week just for trash in the end. Awesome.


Not only I didn't get to see DJ together for more than few episodes here and there, not only the writers messed them up again and again with stupid contrived obstacles thrown in their way just to keep the "Will they, won't they" dynamic, but I didn't even get an ending?! What the hell!
The show revolved around the love existing btw Dawson&Joey (these words came out from the mouth of a PJer writer) and I couldn't even get an ending?!
I'm still so mad at Stupid (as Michelle loves to call him) ;) I can't even talk.
Exactly. And yeah, Stupid is so appropriate, isn't it? He honestly dictated the ultimate ending for the show. Yeah, yeah, supposedly Kevin made the final decisions, whatever. Don't buy it. Kevin relied on Stupid and Stupid was the one that told Kevin what the so called appropriate ending should be.

You hit something so perfectly... We didn't even get the correct ending. That SUCKED. At the very least they could have given us that so hey, maybe something about this show would have made sense in the end. Yes, the last couple seasons before the end were horrendous and DJ were dicked over in typical fashion BUT if we would have gotten the ending, AT LEAST the premise would have fit, at least sitting through those six years would have meant something because then you would realize you weren't going completely insane believing in something that really did exist in the end. Nope, even that didn't happen.

Stupid was the mastermind behind the failures of this show. He orchestrated everything. A job well done, dude. You should be proud. :rolleyes:


You expressed my fears very eloquently Michelle. They may sound stupid and all, but I feel the same way about GG and CLL.
Thanks and I'm glad you agree. :)


After all they re-wrote history on DC, why couldn't they do the same thing on GG?
Yeah Angela was right.
DC did turned me into a major pessimistic. Sorry.:lol:
Totally. :lol:

Seriously, that's exactly what they did on Creek, re-wrote history as if we, the fans, were a bunch of dumbasses just sitting there allowing it and they naturally expected us to go along with it without a fight. Wow, I love the respect we got, man. We were treated so beautifully. :rolleyes:

So yes, we saw firsthand how history that you think was solidfied doesn't mean a damn thing in the end sometimes and yes, we would be idiots with this knowledge to not worry about GG possibly doing the same and re-writing history as well. Maybe that's a terribly negative approach and well, what am I saying, of course it is, but at least I will be prepared for the worst case scenario this time around instead of being pounded and smacked in the face with it like I was with Creek. Nope, better be prepared for the punch so at least you're not surprised and hey, if it doesn't take place then cool, all the better. But being prepared is the smart thing to do.


Very true.
That's what keeps me hoping and believing.
My irrational fear is still there though. Who tells me that the new writers won't try to re-write history? :look:
Exactly. We've seen it before on a so called solid TV show, how are we to believe it can't happen on another? Especially with Rina joining the mix, who was directly involved with season 5 Creek AND who has stated repeatedly that she is a love affair going on with love triangles. God, this freaks me out so much. :eek: I hope to God she takes to LL like she did EA and then we won't have a problem. She treated EA with respect, lets hope she does the same with LL. But you can't help but be scared given the two things I listed with her involvement in Creek and her words regarding loving triangles. I'm certainly going to be on alert as a result.


Yeah, ok I allow you all to shoot me now! :lol:
I'm lining up right next to you and allowing the bullets as well. :lol:


As much as I loved Ross and Rachel, having them suddenly being 'ready' to be together was stupid.
Ross and Rachel should have gotten back together way before.
I mean, what was wrong with them being together? What was so horribly wrong with watching their middle?
We saw Monica and Chandler falling in love, getting together, being together, staying together and getting married and for me as a viewer it was much more satisfying than watching R/R loving each other but not being 'ready' because of other people or events.
Don't get me wrong I LOVE Friends and R/R will always be my 3rd favourite tv couple, BUT watching Ross sleeping with another woman minutes after their break, watching him getting married to another woman or her trying to have a romance with Joey (gross!).. It was all way too frustrating.
We all knew they were in love. We all knew they belonged together.
I understand the need to keep a little of suspance and drama going on the show, but for God sake it was really necessary to wait 10 years???
You just summed up my exact thoughts on RR and Friends so beautifully. Everything you said rings so loud and clear. So true. This show was also a comedy and I think the writers tried to make RR the "drama" of the show. It was overkill is what it was. Enough was enough, like you said, hello, 10 years?!! So not necessary. In my mind whenever it was known that RR were having a baby SHOULD HAVE BEEN when their permanent reunion began. Oh it probably should have happened way before this but CERTAINLY by the time Rachel found out she was pregnant with Emma, THAT should have been the time they started to permanently get back together. Instead, what did we see? Ahhh, a disgusting Joey/Rachel whatever you want to call it for absolutely no reason whatsoever! The actors involved hated doing it! So bunk they went there. That time should have been spent on RR coming together again! Ahhhhh, ridiculous.

Back to GG, I just hope CL can work out whatever stuff they need to work out and in a fast manner so that they can permanently separate FOR GOOD and finally get over their unhealthy, vicious cycle that they've been in since they were 16 years of age! Good God, time to move on! Lorelai, you're smarter than this, this guy hasn't been a father to your daughter her entire life! That, in itself, should be enough for you to permanently turn your back on him, let alone NEVER consider sleeping with him... :mad:

CL are a trainwreck and the only appropriate thing to happen is for them to run right off the tracks and crash and burn. Lets just see it happen early on.


*takes a deep breath*
sorry I'm in a ranting mood today :lol:
I also started to breathe now but I guess ranting was something I'm meant to be doing today! :lol:

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