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Old 01-19-2009, 08:21 AM
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We did that with Italian accents at Italian class...I didn't realize there were so many Italian languages (plus some dialects are totally incomprehensible )

I got a reply back: "I am starting to consider that"

And since I saw Mamma mia, I think the 70s were even worse lol. I once saw some pix of my mum with her hair in the 1950s...oh my god I so don't want to know how she looked like in the 1960s
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Old 01-19-2009, 08:27 AM
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Hey, 60s hair was kind of cool... women's anyway

Hmm.. he definitely likes you

'kay guys, I'm off in a while, real life and all that... gotta get stuff to light a fire tonight and such
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Old 01-19-2009, 08:38 AM
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Ttyl Jen
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Old 01-19-2009, 08:58 AM
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Ttyl Jen

Dora, he's into you. Btw, are there many Italian languages??

My mum and dad both looked very funny in their wedding pics. They were so uncool.

I got to get off for dinner as well. See ya girls.
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Old 01-19-2009, 09:08 AM
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No, Veronica, not really...but they have so many dialects that differ so much from the formal one, that it almost seems as if there were...

Bon appetit

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Old 01-19-2009, 12:22 PM
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Ah! i got scared for a while.

Anyone thinking of watching Slumdog Millionaire? It releases this friday and im going to watch it. I was really looking forward to it and now that its won so many Golden Globes, everyone's going crazy here.
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Old 01-19-2009, 01:22 PM
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Veronica, someone mentioned that movie to me the other day. i forget what it was about, but i probably won't see it. Mairi and i are going to see Twilight again on wednesday and I want to see Bride Wars.

I kinda don't really like most laguages other than English. Well I've really only tried French and italian. There something comforting from knowing when you say the *insert object* that you don't have to wonder about gender and tense and all of that/ The is the no matter if it's the tea or the computer. Same with my *insert object*. It's always my mother or my father. Not mon this or ma that. Sorry if I have just offended basically everyone here, I guess I'm just lazy and language was never my thing. I kinda wish they started trying to teach us languages from nursary. If they brought in the basics and built on it people would learn and retain so much more. When i was picking subjects in secondary school I really wanted to learn Italian but we were never given an option. The year after i picked my subjects, they allowed italian as an option.

It snowed today. anyone else get snow. Jen?
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Old 01-19-2009, 01:43 PM
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Nope, no snow... at lerast not down here, but you can see it on the mountains around... the weather made a pathetic little 2 second attempt at snowing this mornign, then it gave up... so now it's just really really cold *teeth clatter*

I know what you mean about the whole gender thing, Karen I've had Spanish, German and a bit of French and obviously Slovak and all those have gender and tenses and stuff No fun. Plus it's confusing if say a ball in German is masculine in Slovak feminine and in Spanish neutral It's sooo much easier in English

OK, seriously, I'm freezing over here
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Old 01-19-2009, 01:58 PM
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English is anyday the least complicated language. But i agree that languages should be taught from a young age. Its not something one can pick up when they're old and used to the language they normally use.

I tried to learn French and made a very sad attempt to learn German but i gave up, and ended up learning only how to abuse and say Hello, Thanks, Bye and I Love you in those languages.

Karen, the movie is about a boy from the slums who wins a million bucks at a tv game show. It was shot in Mumbai, India, and the actors are Indian too.
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Old 01-19-2009, 02:12 PM
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I personally have always found Italian, French and Spanish the hardest to learn, although that was until I had Latin in high school and many things became logical. But Slovenian has no 'subjunctive' or 'congiuntivo' when you express a feeling and that made no sense to me for a while. We only have four tenses, out of which only three are used, that is past, present and the future. So at first it was also hard to grasp the concept of something like Present Perfect We have three genders and 6 cases and 4 conjugations for each gender (12 altogether) for nouns so I never had problems with such stuff but

I heard about that movie Veronica, I heard it's also going to be one of the favourites at the Oscar nominations...

I guess in Slovenia - at least for me since I am good in languages - it is good that we live in such a small country that you just have to learn some bigger language, English has become almost a necessity. So kids start learning already quite early and many already in kindergarden start learning also other foreign languages, you can't get a better job if you don't at least understand English, although in most cases you have to be able to actively use it in at least the type of environment and situations you are in...the older generation doesn't speak English as they didn't need it but many were taught Russian at school (60, 70+ aged people). It was actually always a struggle to retain our language with so many pressures from bigger nations around us, more than learning other languages being an issue.

I got some pix of Michael just before, if anyone would like to see I would PM them though, I don't want to show them in public just yet

Oh, and here it's raining so the lovely snow seems to be slowly leaving the building...bad rain, why can't it wait for a while longer...

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Old 01-19-2009, 02:14 PM
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Jen, that IS very confusing. I never expected them to have different genders in different languages. I thik the only time an object is given a gender in english is in a philosophical sense. I think.

The snow is lying!!!
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Old 01-19-2009, 02:24 PM
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Dora, PM me. Being happy for you, makes me forget the miseries of my almost extinct love life.

English is no longer the secondary language in our country. Its taught from the very start. Our national language Hindi is very tough to learn. Its like chinese or Japenese, it has a different alphabet altogether, which isnt derived from the English alphabet.

All this talk of snow, is making me feel a little left out.
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Old 01-19-2009, 02:55 PM
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I probably won't be all "Oh Yeah. Snow!!" When I have to go out in it tomorrow. If it's still there. It's due to rain at about 6am and then snow again around 3PM.
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The woman I want to spend my life with. The woman that I l o v e . Lois Lane, will you marry me"?
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Old 01-19-2009, 03:05 PM
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Karen: Snow is good when you're looking at it from the window or you're going out because you want to, but not really when you're trying to get somewhere on time

Can I have me some of that violin playing?

Dora: Can I get that PM, too

*goes to put on warm socks*
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Old 01-19-2009, 03:06 PM
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I was wondering whats that awful noise. But it helps.

It never snows here, and it will only when Global Warming gets really bad and the climate of the world goes crazy. So im ok without snow. Plus, i bet you all turn a little blue in the face. Blue isnt really my colour.
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