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Old 03-01-2004, 05:02 AM
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Hey girls!! [img]smilies/wave.gif[/img]

Jen, wow, your idea for your english coursework sounds great!! [img]smilies/thumbs_up.gif[/img] You know, some years ago, me and some friends had to do something similar for my literature class. It was about recording a tape making a radio programm or at least pretending to do it [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] It was not our idea though. Cos it was something the teacher made us to do but it was fun cos the 3 of us talked at the same time and no one could understand what we were saying [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] So I think your teacher is going to like your idea of recording advertisements for radio [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Let me know what your teacher says about it [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] Good luck,hun!! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Ell, hey, how you doing?? [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Sorry to hear you're only gettin a few hours of sleep at night cos that sucks.. Hope everything's ok!! Take care! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Jane, wb!! [img]smilies/wave.gif[/img]

Oh, btw, Jen thats for u too: Andrea is now in London!! She's been there for 3 weeks now if I remember well and she hasn't a computer over there yet so she cant get in here. But her sister told me that when she gets one she'll drop by to say hi [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Paty, holaaaa!!! Q tal?? Vaya partido el de ayer!! Yo no lo estaba viendo, solo escuchando...pero llegué a casa cuando ya habia empezado y me dice mi padre, va perdiendo 0-1 y yo [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] no puede ser...pero luego remontamos, como siempre [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Q guay, pq el Valencia perdió [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] y ahora somos mas lideres!
Sí q vi el anuncio de Beckham and company! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Bueno, lo ví en el telediario de la 1 q lo echaron como estreno y esta chulisimo!!! [img]smilies/love.gif[/img] A ver si lo echan x la tv ya y lo pillo otra vez! Y como dices tu, el Torres tb esta mu bien el niño!! jajaja. Anda q no sale bonic en el video del Canto!! [img]smilies/love.gif[/img]
Bueno, espero q te vaya todo bien!! Y a tu hermana tb!
A ver si tiene pronto el pc y se puede pasar x aqui..
Saludala de mi parte y q me alegro muchisimo q le vaya todo mu bien!!
Cuidate!! [img]smilies/hug.gif[/img]

[ 03-01-2004: Message edited dexa ]
Seth: I gotta say, last year? Better than this year [...]
Ryan: Maybe it's because last year was new.
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Old 03-01-2004, 12:02 PM
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Jen~ I threw up,that's why I got 3 hours sleep-I felt pretty fine but then all of a sudden I was ick and thne I just couldn't sleep but hen my morning I was fine [img]smilies/spineyes.gif[/img] Tee hee. [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] I just realised the first word I said to you was "I threw up",how poetic and ladylike of me.
[img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] I knew you'd be strange like me and daydream about the joys of bold and italics,I alway hand type them in too except when I put a name in bold,then I use the button. You know that may just been the strangest thing we've talked about yet. Oh and whislt I remember it I apolagise for any spelling mistakes cause I usually check it in word but for some reason it wont work.

I like cheese too but I can't eat lasagne since I threw it up once and it pretty put succeeded in putting me off for life [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] Do you like the sort of Fish and Chips that you get from the Chip Shop? I do and it's pretty cool 'cause like we only ahve them every once in a while and then they taste good btu if I ate them all the time I'd get really sick of them. Well I'm not really a big fan of chips either but I ahve them like a couple of times a week cause it's easy for my Mom when she gets in from work-we're to lazy to put the oven on. Speaking of Mom's,I ahve no idea what to get mine for mother's day-do you? I love having Juice with my cereal too,it's refreshing. Have you tried weetabix-Mini Crunch?

I'm glad you agree,my friends all thought that the red looked good but I thought the black looked really sassy. I reckon Toxic will get to number 1,it's had tons of air play. [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] I can just picture you dancing away to girls aloud with your hair scraped back,I've never been a fan of Girls Aloud to be honest-not really my cup of tea, mind you I don't drink tea so strictly speaking that sentance means crap!

You really do love cheese don't you babe? I guess My brother's girlfriend isn't the only Cheese-a-holic,I swear one day they'll have to set up a group CA(Cheese-a-holics anonymous)! Kinda has a certain quality about it doesn't it. SO what's your favourite sort of cheese,I really don't like French Cheese ,it tastes like rubber! DOn't tell me that's your favourite...

Lion King is my favourite Disney film of that kind Hakunah-matata(No worries) always cheers me up!Plus,I got one of my "catchphrases" from it,when the moneky hits Simba over the head and say "it doesn't matter it's in the past" I say that a lot and fair-do's. I say that all the time at the minute. Not sure how to spell it though?
Oh well the new Peter Pan film was quite good and the guy in it was sort of alright,it had Jason Isaacs in-you know Luscious Malfoy from the Harry Potter movies as Hook and he was really good. Are you a Harry Potter fan BTW?

Cool, now I can use whatsoever all the time now that I know I spelt it right. Slightly OT as to what we were talking about but my Friend Shaun bit my ear today [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]He’s so strange. My friends who we stay with in America when we go phoned up last night and were telling em about all these nice surfer boys out there. [img]smilies/eyebrows.gif[/img]

Oooh Max has one of those receding hairline things like Shane from Westlife;I could tell you wanted to know that fact. Both of them are leaving? Why? I heard Jay wants to come over here so I’m not really complaining. You watch H&A as well don’t you?

Okay, you’ve officially changed my POV on the whole incest/Dennis and Sharon business. I know he really does love her and she does need someone to take care of her but you make another good point about Vicki-Dennis and Sharon may not be brother and sister to each other but they most definitely are her brother and sister if you get what I mean. If only all men looked like Nigel Harman….

Yeah,I agree. Jen’s hair is sooo perfect, you know someone actually told me once that my hair was sort of like hers and that I could be on a L’Oreal Advert [img]smilies/glow.gif[/img] I was so happy! I thought you said you ahd funny shaped face, what’s wrong with Cat Deely’s? And you have similar sort of hair, how cool is that babe. What I love most about her hair is that it looks good wavy, straight, curly, up, down etc. How far off (style-wise) is your hair form her’s,like the cut and everything? Oh BTW next time you see her on CDUK look how different the two sides of her face are to one another.

You’re welcome for the comments, I only speak the truth! I have to admit though that “beauteous” is one of my best achievements( I came up with it myself) and it has a great effect on people which makes me feel proud and you should be proud if I call it you too, I don’t dish it around like Candy!

I don’t pretend to always look like completely groomed and fashionable or anything but I really wish I could give some of my friends a helping hand. They wear some strange stuff I’ll tell you that and they don’t chose clothes that are them they just follow the crowd and that bugs me. Mind you it’s not like I’m Miss. Individual so I can’t talk.

Erm well you didn’t know what we were talking about in this paragraph and to be quite honest neither do I so… yeah
I laughed my tushie off at you I try to spread a little laughter comment, it’s a very good motto And of course I think of you as a friend, you’re always cheering me up when I feel down and you listen to my ramblings which I know can be a little bore some so you’re pretty cool.

I don’t own a Busted Album either and yet I know all their songs of both albums [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] My best mate and my sister both like them so I hear it a lot. On their new album I like a track called Why? And one called £am I think. It’s either called 3am or outside your door-well they say both those lines a lot so I’m thinking it’s one of those. Have you heard that band called McFly?

Erm I hate to tell you but my sister’s under the impression that Matty has a girlfriend [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] But she didn’t know about Charlie so you might be in luck their girl. Don’t feel lonely hon, no boy is better than a dumb one. Well I don’t know if something’s going on between my sister and Dave, when she was tipsy she talked about him a lot and she has a picture of him in her room, admittedly along with other photos, but if my senses don’t deceive me then they like each other. He brought her the 1st Busted Album because she only had a copy.Aww….

I went on to to look up the Busted lyrics and it was actually a song called “When Day Turns Into Night” which got me going btu I checked out the lyrics for the one you said and they seem sad too. You know what I may actually face my demons and brave the album,here goes.

Ell xxx

[ 03-01-2004: Message edited EllsBells ]
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Old 03-01-2004, 12:08 PM
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Raquel~ I'm fine. I just think my stomach ate something it didn't really agree with so after I'd been sick I managed to get off to sleep. i'm in a really good mood at the minute how about you my dear?

Ell xx
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Old 03-01-2004, 03:51 PM
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Hey girls [img]smilies/wave.gif[/img] Hows everyone?

Raquel [img]smilies/wave.gif[/img] Awww thanks for the support [img]smilies/hug.gif[/img] Hehe. Your radio show sounds fun. Me and my friend use to spend hours at home when we were little recording tapes of fake radio programmes we'd made up. I was Betty Banana and she was Cilla Celery [img]smilies/spineyes.gif[/img] We were mad children. I'll be sure to tell you what my teacher says [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
OOoo and I totally forgot that Andrea had already left for London! I'm such a dumbass sometimes. Ooo i cant wait till she gets back and tells us all about it [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Ell [img]smilies/hug.gif[/img] A big hug for you. I'm so sorry you were ill. I hate throwing up [img]smilies/nono.gif[/img]

Hehe yeah only we would dedicate a whole paragraph to the bold and italic features [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] NP about spelling, I'm not a an english teacher, although I hate been known to be really picky about peoples writing. Don't worry though, I'll be nice with you [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img] [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Oh, I hate that. When a food makes you ill and so you go off it for pretty much the rest of your life. Oh no, I hate fish and chip shop chips. They're so fat and potato-y. [img]smilies/puke.gif[/img]
No, I haven't even thought about Mothers day. I usually get like a box of chocolates or a candle or something cliche like that [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]
Ooo no i've never tried weetabix mini crunch. Sounds like you're recommending them since you love weetabix so much.

Yeah Toxic will definitly be number one. When is it out? I know that Peter Andre beat Westlife this week (Woohoo hehe) but i wasn't sure when Britney's new single was out.
Hehe, no im not a fan of GA either but my friend liked them at the time so we just went mad for the eve. You dont drink tea? Well i dont drink it constantly but i dont mind the odd cup every now and then when im in the mood.

Hehe Yeah im a big cheese fan. Your Cheese-a-holics annonymous sounds great! I think you should be commitee leader and i'll be head cheese-a-holic.My fave cheese is probs just the usual cheeder. Or maybe mozerella (SP?) on pizza [img]smilies/drool.gif[/img]

Yeah I guess i do like 'The lion king' but i don't know if its my fave. OMG i love that bit when Rafiki hits simba over the head! [img]smilies/rotfl.gif[/img] It cracks me up just thinking about it! Rafiki is such a great...monkey (was about to call him a guy hehe)

Isn't malfoy played by tom felton...The younger boy with the blonde hair right? Or maybe you like the older dad Malfoy [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] I like the boy. I'm definitly not a Hazza Potter fan [img]smilies/nono.gif[/img] The books have never interested me (Never read a page) and the films are so crapply acted. I only saw them cos my friends quite like it and I fancy tom Felton ( as i said above) but the acting is absolutely appalling.

[img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] Shaun bit your ear? Hehe. He sounds strange...
Oooo when I've been to America before I haven't been able to take my eyes off the surfer boys! They're so fit out there and luckily for us girlies they go round topless most of the time [img]smilies/drool.gif[/img]

Hehe Yeah Max's hair is a bit funny looking but he's so lovely [img]smilies/sigh.gif[/img] Yeah Jay is leaving for the UK as far as i know and Taj is leaving too but I've no idea why [img]smilies/confused.gif[/img] Wouldn't mind him joining Jay over here though [img]smilies/eyebrows.gif[/img] I'm an occasional H&A person. Use to be a big fan when I was younger but now it coincides with 'The simpsons' at 6pm and my brothers like to watch that as we eat so I'm out numbered. I do catch it sometimes though.

Hehe glad i changed your mind about Dennis and Sharon. Oh I'm wishing with you too! If every guy looked like Nigel then I think id die from happiness (after snogging one of the looka-a-likes though of course [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] )

Oooo your hair must be gorgeous! I bet it could be on an advert. Their hair always looks so perfect [img]smilies/pout.gif[/img]
Well Cat Deeley is gorgeous and has perfect hair to suit her face but my hair never goes right. I could never look as good as Cat even if our faces are the same shape! [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] Yeah Cat's hair definitly does look good any way she does it. I guess it's kinda the same with me. I much prefer it up though but i'm told i look older with it down which is a compliment so thats good. Errr my hair is shorter than hairs. About september last year it was around the same length but then I had it cut. And where as hers is pretty much the same length mind has shorter layers round the back. But you know when she has it down and it looks natural, like she hasn't straightened it or curled it or whatever? Well thats what my hair is like when it hasnt been stlyed. Kinda kinky. (lol no raunchey meaning to that word)
[img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] Ok next time i watch CD:UK i'll study her face.
Hehe you're so funny with your little words.

Yeah I get ya about giving friends a helping hand. Sometimes things just don't suit them or they wear it the wrong way. Not saying i'm perfect but you always spot a mistake on someone else before you do on yourself.

[img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] Your ramblings are never a bore! As ive probably said many times before - I love to play agony aunt for the day. I'm always dishing out advice left, right and centre with my mates. Not sure if they want it or not but they get it anyways! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Yeah I've heard of Mcfly. I do like their new single but it is a bit too bubblegum pop-punk-roch type music. A bit cliche. I dunno. I guess it is only their first single but i woulda liked something a bit more deeper to really show if they had any talent first time round. But of course i'll support them cuz they seem like wicked guys and are Busted's mates so they can't be bad. also 2 of them are the new loves of my life so [img]smilies/drool.gif[/img] hehe. Speaking of the Mcfly boys. One of them called Dougie looks like this guy at this grunger club that i went to on friday (I spoke about it in other posts) who grabbed my ass as i was walking to the dance floor [img]smilies/blush.gif[/img] He was so gorgeous and such a good dancer (Even though he was dancing to Slipknot etc [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] ) I can't get him outta my head! [img]smilies/spineyes.gif[/img]

Yeah I know [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] I heard that girls had been sending death threads to Matt's GF. thats just horrible. It's not being a proper fan [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] And Charlie is going out with a 20 year old girl called Camilla that he dated in school but then she dumped him cuz they are a year apart in age. Silly girl. and now that he's famous she's automatically back on his arm. Looks a bit suspicious to me but hey, what can I do? Ugh and also Charlie thanks her on both the albums and calls her Camy-lou [img]smilies/puke.gif[/img] And 'Without you' ( the song off the 1st album that i love) was supposedly written about her [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img] Can you tell i dont like her? [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]

Awww Dave sounds like a well sweet guy! And also very into your sister! I hope they get together [img]smilies/in_love.gif[/img] hehe.
Aww yeah 'When day turns into night' is another slow, lovely track on the album. Hehe. Yay brave it out!!

Jen [img]smilies/angel.gif[/img]
Jinkys 'z Zoinks

It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this

It's all me, me, me
~* Blue Angel *~ is offline  
Old 03-01-2004, 04:26 PM
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hi girls!!
how are you??
I am very well!!
do you know something new from Beckam??

Raquel Hola guapa!! q tal todo? yo he estado unos días sin pasarme x el foro..xo ahora ya estoy otra vez!!
Ya ves ayer q mal rato el Madrid!! xo al final ganamos como siempre!! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] ademas ahora somos mas lideres!! q guay!! el barsa no has hecho dos favores seguidos!! asi siempre!! jejjeje!!
El anuncio es una pasada!! salen muy guapos!! el torres está muy muy bueno.. en el video si q sale guapo!! ya ves...hay cada uno x ahi..jejeje!!
Mi hermana está muy bien!! Ayer le di recuerdos d tu parte.. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Besos, y a cuidarse!!
*~Siempre llevaré a Rubén en mi corazón~*
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Old 03-02-2004, 03:12 AM
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Ell, Im fine thnx!! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Im glad you're ok now [img]smilies/hug.gif[/img] I hate trowing up too cos whenever it happens to me the following day Im all down and with my stomach upside down [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Take care [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Jen Im at home today! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] cos I have no classes but Im bored [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] cos its too cold outside to go somewhere [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] just 2ºC right now!! I want the sun back! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

I saw the new advert. of David and company on tv the other day [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] But I saw it once cos it was just shown in the sports news. But he was totally gorgeous!!! [img]smilies/love.gif[/img] And the ad is awesome!! All the players wearing medieval costumes and playing football. So great!! You have to see it [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Paty, hey!! Sii, hay q agradecerles al barça se "ayuda" jajja. pero en cuanto ya no nos beneficie mas, q pierdan tb [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]
Muchas gracias x darle a tu hermana mis saludos [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] Me alegro un monton q le este yendo bien!!
Yo, hay dias q tampoco me paso x el foro, pero hoy no tengo clases, pq hay congresos en la fac y con el frio q hace, es q a donde vas..asi q nada, aqui en casita [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Joer, es q hace 2 grados na mas!!! [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] Con lo bien q estabamos q en todo el invierno no habia hecho apenas fio y ahora en marzo, bam, toma helada jajaja. En fin, yo es odio el invierno [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
Ah, sabes lo q de los 2 partidos a R.Carlos de sancion,no? Joer, q cabrones!! [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img] Dicen q el Madrid va a recurrir...esperemos q al menos le puedan quitar uno, aunq ya se habran salido con la suya, pq no podra jugar la vuelta en casa [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]
Y a ver si lo del tobillo de Raul no es ná.

Bueno,te dejo Paty, x cierto, es tu nombre? Quiero decir, la abreviatura de tu nombre o tu nick? [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Cuidate!! [img]smilies/wave.gif[/img]
Seth: I gotta say, last year? Better than this year [...]
Ryan: Maybe it's because last year was new.
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Old 03-02-2004, 07:50 AM
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As I live and breathe
You have killed me
Yes I walk around somehow
But you have killed me
You have killed me
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Old 03-02-2004, 01:20 PM
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Originally posted by dexa:
Jen Im at home today! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] cos I have no classes but Im bored [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] cos its too cold outside to go somewhere [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] just 2ºC right now!! I want the sun back! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

I saw the new advert. of David and company on tv the other day [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] But I saw it once cos it was just shown in the sports news. But he was totally gorgeous!!! [img]smilies/love.gif[/img] And the ad is awesome!! All the players wearing medieval costumes and playing football. So great!! You have to see it [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]
Hey Raquel [img]smilies/wave.gif[/img] I was at home as well today (Tues) due to no classes. Weird coincidence huh? It was a little sunnier here in England today so I sat outside and did some homework in the garden which was pretty nice. But still a little cold!

Oooo I can't wait to see this new advert now [img]smilies/pinkie.gif[/img] These pics you're posting make it really suspenseful [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] I guess I'll just have to wait a little longer...

[img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] Oh my gosh, how sexy and inviting does he look in that pic you posted? [img]smilies/eyebrows.gif[/img] Hehe. So lovely [img]smilies/drool.gif[/img] Thanks!

Sandy [img]smilies/wave.gif[/img] Hey, how're you doing? [img]smilies/hug.gif[/img] More lurking I see [img]smilies/nono.gif[/img] Anything been happening with you recently? Tell all... [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Speak to you soon.

Jen [img]smilies/angel.gif[/img]
Jinkys 'z Zoinks

It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this

It's all me, me, me
~* Blue Angel *~ is offline  
Old 03-02-2004, 04:35 PM
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Hi girls! [img]smilies/wave.gif[/img]

Raquel Hola guapa!! q tal todo? yo muy bien xo hoy he empezado un cursillo d mates en la uni y es muy aburrido..ademas con el frio q hace!! haces bien en no ir a los congresos!! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
Mi hermana viene el finde q viene!! además se quedara xa la final d la copa del rey!! q al ser en barcelona iremos!! tengo muxas ganas.. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
Lo de Roberto es una verguenza, no se como se atreven!! nos odian x la envidia q nos tienen todos!! es una cosa increible!! xo bueno, callaremos las bocas!!
Y el barsa q pare ya de ganar, jeje!!
Besos, si q me llamo Patricia.
*~Siempre llevaré a Rubén en mi corazón~*
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Old 03-04-2004, 05:46 AM
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Originally posted by ~* Blue Angel *~:
Sandy [img]smilies/wave.gif[/img] Hey, how're you doing? [img]smilies/hug.gif[/img] More lurking I see [img]smilies/nono.gif[/img] Anything been happening with you recently? Tell all... [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Speak to you soon.
my mood isn't the best the last few days, but I'm okay. how about you?
we had carnival here in germany the last week...omg, this was such a great weekend. too much alcohol [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]
I can't remember everything...but it was really funny.

As I live and breathe
You have killed me
Yes I walk around somehow
But you have killed me
You have killed me
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Old 03-05-2004, 03:12 PM
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Originally posted by Sandy2004:

my mood isn't the best the last few days, but I'm okay. how about you?
we had carnival here in germany the last week...omg, this was such a great weekend. too much alcohol [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]
I can't remember everything...but it was really funny.

Awwwww I hope your mood inproves Sandy [img]smilies/hug.gif[/img] I've been great recently. Really happy, which I'm loving. I have no idea why.I'm just feeling comfortable with myself atm.
Wicked, your carnival sounds so cool! What is it for? [img]smilies/confused.gif[/img] Glad you had a good time!

Jen [img]smilies/angel.gif[/img]
Jinkys 'z Zoinks

It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this

It's all me, me, me
~* Blue Angel *~ is offline  
Old 03-07-2004, 05:47 AM
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Jen- My mood is better now [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] I don't know why, but sometimes I'm a kind of depressive.

carnival is an old tradition. It' not like the carnival in rio. here it's more like the carnival in cologne. everybody dress something up and just have fun.


As I live and breathe
You have killed me
Yes I walk around somehow
But you have killed me
You have killed me
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Old 03-07-2004, 09:50 AM
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Sandy [img]smilies/wave.gif[/img] Yeah I get ya. I have those depressive phases (usually at certain times of the month, if you get what I mean [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] ) and it's horrible.

Wow, the Carnival sounds really fun. Thanks for the link [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
We don't really have anything like that here in the UK, I don't think so anyway. Probably be too many riots and stuff here, people can be such hooligans sometimes [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Oooo btw: Is that the guys from Scrubs in your avater? I love JD! (it's JD right? [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] It sounds wrong when you write it down...)

Jen [img]smilies/angel.gif[/img]

[ 03-07-2004: Message edited ~* Blue Angel *~ ]
Jinkys 'z Zoinks

It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this

It's all me, me, me
~* Blue Angel *~ is offline  
Old 03-08-2004, 01:47 PM
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Posts: 92
hi girls! [img]smilies/wave.gif[/img]

how are you? i hope all is going well.. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Raquel Q tal todo? q hacía unos días q no me conectaba xo he visto q tu tampoco..
Tia, q mal lo d Roberto y una pua..espero q no nos tengamos q acordar d ellos!! xq sino mal...
sabes q Rubén se ha lesionado el hombro y ha ido a madrid xa q lo operen! pobrete!! espero q todo le salga bien!!
Como van las clases? yo harta de q sea Lunes otra vez... xo bueno..
Un besito.
*~Siempre llevaré a Rubén en mi corazón~*
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Old 03-08-2004, 02:40 PM
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~* Blue Angel *~'s Avatar
Joined: Sep 2002
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Hey Paty [img]smilies/wave.gif[/img]

I've been good recently. I went to London today, up to Camden Market. I [img]smilies/love.gif[/img] it there [img]smilies/sigh.gif[/img] How about you?

Jen [img]smilies/angel.gif[/img]
Jinkys 'z Zoinks

It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this

It's all me, me, me
~* Blue Angel *~ is offline  
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