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Old 06-09-2015, 03:39 PM
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The Sleepy Hollow Game of Lists #1:

Hmmmmm....let's see if we can get some more activity and discussion on this board by playing a game! By lists, I mean Letterman-style top ten lists of various topics that we can have a discussion on. The number in a list doesn't matter either.

Here are some lists I'll throw out there. The idea would be to post one question and everyone who is interested add their responses. And like Letterman's lists, the count of from

Some lists we can do:

  • Top Five Scary Moments.
  • Top 10 Ichabbie Moments
  • Top 5 Funny Moments
  • Six Most Cringe Worthy Moments
  • Top 5 Evil Creatures

I'll start the first one:

Top 5 Scary Moments.

#5 - Andy being all creepy in Blood Moon. John Cho did that really well. Same when he confronted Luke when Luke was picking up takeout food a few episodes later. I hope there is a way for the show to get John Cho back.

#4 - In the episode Mama, when the nurse suddenly went evil and tried to kill Abbie. That was really well done actually. That episode was emotional but it had a Twilight Zone-ish, creepy vibe that ran through it too, which I liked.

#3 - The eyeballs bursting in the Sandman episode. Again, wasn't expecting it and the special effects were really well done for that. Creepy and stomach churning at the same time.

#2 - The Reavers in What Lies Beneath - creepy as heck and scary looking. The makeup job they did was awesome, what with the half decomposing and sliced up faces, and the staples and stitches that marked the faces. Well done.

#1 - Hands down, Moloch suddenly appearing in the mirror in the jail cell and then it's breaks. In that moment, I jumped, it was so freaky!

~ I like my Schadenfreude with a dash of smug and a side of snark ~
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Old 06-09-2015, 08:50 PM
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This sounds fun and great idea for discussion starters. Thanks for starting I'll add this thread to our board guide.

Okay for me:

Top 5 Evil Creatures

5. Moloch
He is the main villain and I can think of only a few times he's actually scared me throughout the show - but the fact of being terrified of him being released I place him at level 5 for evil creatures.

4. Ro'kenhronteys (Sandman)
Love this creature, the Sandman has always been a favorite evil creature for me and the show just brought out more. Plus he has a theme song, nuff said

3. The Kindred
A good guy who is evil looking, I had to add him to my list. He "could" go either way, whomever be the one controling him, but luckily he was on the team of the good at first and I just loved when he was awoken.

2. Mary Wells (The Weeping Lady)
Scared the crap out of me the entire episode. An echo of a woman's cry will forever give me chills, the Weeping Lady has that evil way to her that makes he want to feel sorry for her, but at the same time, you want her destroyed.

1. Abraham Van Brunt (The Headless Horseman)
Although season 2 didn't give him the full feel of the true Horseman as the past stories and season 1 portrayed he is still to me the most terrifying of the series. I know they will have more to bring out for this character in later seasons, and from the stories I've read for Headless throughout my childhood I look forward to them. He has to be my number 1 still.
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Old 06-10-2015, 07:32 AM
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This sounds fun and great idea for discussion starters. Thanks for starting I'll add this thread to our board guide.
Thanks ~Melbelle~ and thanks for adding it to the board guide! Much appreciated. Hopefully we'll get some activity in here.

As for my list of scary moments - I totally forgot The Weeping Lady!!

#6 - The Weeping Lady when she comes out of nowhere for Caroline and drags Abbie down into the water in the library. That was very creepy and well done too. Same with the character - the corpse-like bride with the black ragged veil and dress was creepy and very Miss Haversham-ish also. Honestly, I could have seen a two-part episode with her in it, to really build up tension and danger. Heather Lind does a great job as Mary Wells.

~ I like my Schadenfreude with a dash of smug and a side of snark ~
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Old 06-10-2015, 11:42 PM
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oh this sounds like fun. i'm gonna mull this one over and amend my post with an answer.

Top 5 Evil Creature.

Hmm. This was a challenge. I think for the most part the evil creature design has been pretty good. Some were of course better than other, but over all it's one of the points the show's been pretty consistent in. With that said here's my list.

5. Ro'kenhronteys - The Sandman. He was a simple designed creature and just the thought of someone invading my dreams like that is a very scary concept.

4. Ancitif. Now if a creature can scare our fearless Jenny Mills then you know you should be scared as well.

3. Moloch - Season 1 version. He was the scariest when he was viewed as a creature you couldn't see very clearly. Once he became clearer his scare factor diminished. He's mainly on here because he owned Ichabod. Honestly Ichabod deserved that hit. Can't blame Moloch for it.

2. Pied Piper. I thought his design was pretty scary. Plus he had was very handy with the sword. The fact that he preyed upon children was also why I have him on the list.

1. Headless Horseman. Whenever he appeared as Headless I was excited to see him. Any other time, not so much. Even still he's iconic and that's why he's on my list.
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Last edited by DarlaB; 06-22-2015 at 11:27 PM Reason: added my list
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Old 06-11-2015, 07:48 PM
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^look forward to it.
Originally Posted by HalcyonDays (View Post)
Honestly, I could have seen a two-part episode with her in it, to really build up tension and danger. Heather Lind does a great job as Mary Wells.
Same, I was hoping for a two parter to be honest, but it was great what we got.
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Old 06-12-2015, 08:16 PM
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I would have to think my list over more, but I know for sure my #1 choice would be Moloch in the mirror. Freaky as hell, especially with Corbin's voice over.

I hope the show returns to that kind of atmosphere.
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Old 06-13-2015, 10:04 AM
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I know I am going to forget some stuff so this list is just what I can remember. I stil can't bring myself to watch the season 2 episodes I have on my DVR...

Top Five Funny Moments

#5: Captain Irving calling Crane "Captain America" in the pilot, and Crane's like "Who?" His reaction is really funny.

#4: Though the episode itself was absolute crap, the only good part was the voting part of Deliverance. When Crane tries to follow Abbie into the voting booth, and she's like "what the hell are you doing" and pushes him back and they banter back and forth. That was a cute and funny scene also.

#3: The hardware store scene. Love it. Loved the way Abbie was pushing the cart around as she is leaning on it like a little kid, and the whole conversation actually, with Crane talking about building an explosive, then saying how old time stuff is sometimes better, then his "oh, batteries" thing. Love it.

#2: The Skinny jeans scene. The scene is awesome because of both Abbie and Crane. Abbie's facial expressions and comments are priceless and it's one of the times that she seems relaxed and not on guard, which I loved. But Crane's face when he steps out, and looking all out of place and uncomfortable was well done. And when he tries to sit down and can't because there are too tight! Hilarious. And I always get a kick out of Mison saying that those jeans really were uncomfortable around his *ahem* package. I guess we know why he never wears them. Hee.

#1: Crane flailing in the shower. I was torn between the skinny jeans and this one, but hey, naked Tom Mison trumps all, so it is number one. Mison is really good as physical comedy (I personally think) and this scene was quite funny. I'm also amazed that he didn't seem to hurt himself, because he could have fallen for real in there! I just wish there were some outtakes of this scene on the DVD, because you know - reasons *grin*


ETA: I just thought of the subject of my next list and putting it in here before I forget about it. Top Ten Best Flirty Moments!

~ I like my Schadenfreude with a dash of smug and a side of snark ~
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Old 06-16-2015, 01:12 PM
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those were great, some of those I completely forgot about. I love this idea just more to recall. I'm trying to think of my favorite flirty moments...
We could even do a list of Favorite episodes and relationships.
I can't explain what happened on that floor
but the music played, we held each other close
and we danced...yeah, we danced
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Old 06-17-2015, 07:44 AM
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Yeah, gotta narrow down the flirty moments - because they are so many - but just thought of a list of moments that made you think, "Well, that's strange..." or "that makes no sense..." or "this is kinda weird...".

This show did a good job with giving us relationship or otherwise scenarios that kinda made one sideeye or think "that's kind of strange" or certain logical realities were just kicked to the side. Basically a lack of continuity, a lack of focus and bad writing. And unfortunately, most most disliked character will have to be referred to here. This list is nitpicky and yeah, I know - it's Sleepy Hollow and I am overanalyzing, but hey - gotta do something during the hiatus.

Five Times Sleepy Hollow's Plot Did Things That Were Strange or Unusual (in no particular order).

#1: Crane's Funeral Outfit - I know time was of the essence, but damn, Katrina did not do right by Crane when she 'buried' him, in terms of giving him proper clothes to wear. As we know from Tempus Fugit and flashbacks, a proper gentlemens or military outfit is the billowy shirt, breeches, stockings, boots or shoes with buckle, vest (aka coat), overcoat (Crane's blue military coat), neckscarf and great coat (like a winter jacket). Yes they had to cast the spell quickly and get Crane in the ground, but come on - she couldn't have ensured her "love" was properly attired. In the hospital tent, Crane had no jacket on, but was buried wearing his blue coat. They had time since they obviously put the jacket on him. They had time when they moved the body from tent to burial chamber, dug the hole, put the body in the hole and cast the spell. Yet she doesn't ensure that her husband looks proper or at least is dressed properly. Strange as anything. I know I mentioned this elsewhere, but New York gets cold, yet the wife doesn't bother ensuring her hubby is dressed in a proper attire. No wonder I thought the marriage was BS from day one.

#2 - Jenny and Abbie Being Failed by the System - Anyone think is really strange that a couple of young girls, who are basically telling a crazy story, get essentially locked up??!!?? Kids say stupid stuff all of the time, and fantasize and act out and make stuff up. Yet, the authorities thought it was prudent to throw Jenny Mills into a psychatric facility, instead of getting her counselling. Being in a foster home, yeah I get because Mama Mills lost it, but really, that's how the police respond?? Dear god. If I were Jenny, I would want to somehow throw a class-action suit at the state for what they did. I get that it sets up drama, but kids say stupid things and make up stuff all of the time. You'd have to take the kids and put them through a series of tests to determine their sanity, and besides Moloch in the forest, nothing else would have flagged as "crazy." Violenting hauling kid!Jenny away and throwing her into Tarrytown was a big "what??" and a complete failure of the system (which I guess is realistic in some ways). But in this case, no.

#3: Corbin's Will and the Cabin - The cabin is a really cool set/place to live and perfect for Crane. It belonged to Corbin. If I remember correctly, Corbin's wife had died. So when he himself died, the cabin should rightfully had gone to his son, Joe Corbin. I mean, I would expect Corbin would have a will, because of his papers and research and taking care of his family. So why did the cabin not go to Joe?? Without a will, I expect it would have been sold off, or Joe could pay the inheritance fee and claim it. Instead, we are told that Joe's "inheritance" was a box with a bottle of some red goo. That's his inheritence? Damn, if I was Joe, I'd be pissed. Instead the cabin seems to go to the Mill's sisters - specifically Abbie. First, Joe was supposed to take over the family legacy, therefore he should have had the cabin and the papers within. Second, Abbie didn't know about August's research - only Jenny did. If the cabin was to go to a Mill's sister, it should have gone to Jenny.

#4: Lack of a Kid Before Jeremy - Why did Katrina never get knocked up way before Jeremy. I know some people have difficulty conceiving, or at that time were not together for a while therefore no opportunity to make babies. Also, with Katrina being a witch, I am sure there are potions and spells that could help prevent pregnancy, but considering we saw Crane as someone who loves kids, and we can speculate that they had been married for many years, and considering the time - I thought it strange that Crane himself would not wonder why he was not a father yet. The show never questioned it, never brought it up, etc. Since a male son was everything to many families, I am surprised they didn't at least reference more of his desire to have a kid, and why they didn't. Again, just strange.

#5: Katrina Not Wearing A Trinket Given to Her by Crane - Anyone find it weird that Katrina was never seen wearing a trinket that Ichabod himself bought her? Yes, we were told that because he picked up the "right" necklace for her (as opposed to the flashy ostentatious one Abraham picked out), that they were 'meant to be'. And it's a beautiful necklace, to be honest. But why is it that there was never any indication that Ichabod bought something ELSE like this for Katrina? Once she ended the engagement, she gave the emerald necklace back. Now, we were supposed to think that she was someone who didn't need flashy things (though that flashback to Fredericks manner told us otherwise) I cannot believe that she would not have had say a hat pin or a brooch or something given to her by Crane that should remind her of her husband and she would keep it on her, but we never got it, never got a flashback or anything. Strange, I tell you.

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Last edited by HalcyonDays; 06-17-2015 at 08:48 AM
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Old 06-17-2015, 03:45 PM
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That is an interesting list

Top 5 favorite episodes:

#5 For the Triumph of Evil
The Sandman episode, being one of my favorite episodes due to one of the first signs of true trust towards the witnesses (Abbie and Ichabod). A choice to either lose Abbie, a woman he has only known for a short time or to possibly sacrifice himself in order to save her, it was one of their biggest moments.

#4 The Sin Eater
The Introduction of John Noble, (Was one of my favorite characters, and wish they just stuck with him as the Sin Eater) The episode itself was deep and changing in both character development and story arc.

#3 Mama
The reason why we need more Abbie backstory episodes. This had a huge impacted on who Abbie is and why. Mama didn't have everyone involved in the episode and still was one of those episodes you can't forget. The storyline, and character development was enough to capture the viewers and remain with them.

#2 Weeping Lady
I was about to place this as my number 1 episode since I've used it a couple times already, but it remains my second favorite. Either way it's an episode that reveals a different side to the characters, plus the fact of how the Weeping Lady was connected to Ichabod's past was a dark twist that I quite enjoyed.

#1 Pilot
Why is this my favorite because it's what started it all. The most well-written episode to where I can only think of one character I didn't care for but everyone else was just -- I couldn't wait to get to know these characters. And that just says allot.
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Old 06-22-2015, 11:28 PM
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finally got my first list done. will work on the other ones.
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Old 06-26-2015, 05:20 AM
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Top 5 Sexiest Females on the show:

#5. Abby Mills

#4. Macy Irving

#3. Marry Wells

#2. Katrina Crane

#1. Jenny Mills
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