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Old 03-04-2013, 06:03 PM
Elite Fan

Lennie1984's Avatar
Joined: Mar 2004
Posts: 49,128
{CaptainღSwan | Hook♥Emma} #46:"There’s always been a connection, some kind of “kindred spirit” element" - JMo

Welcome to the 46th
Hook & Emma

Appreciation Thread

▮ character i n t r o d u c t i o n

▮ Emma S w a n
~ ~ ~
▮ Hook ~ Killian J o n e s

“We should always have hope, as we've just learned.
That is obviously appearing where there are a lot sparks on screen, even though he's done
some pretty bad things on screen, and he's said some pretty, you know, suggestive things -
but there IS this spark there, and I think we are aware of that spark.”

Jane Espenson
▮ Emma S w a n
Admittedly, Emma Swan may seem like a rather unlikely savior. Raised
in foster-care, she has struggled most of her life just trying to track
down who she is herself, let alone rescue anyone else. However, her
strong moral compass and uncanny ability to know when others are
lying lead her to always try to do what is right. When her son Henry,
who she gave up for adoption as an infant, arrived and brought her
to the town of Storybrooke, there was no way she was going to abandon
him again. Although absent for most of his life, she is fiercely protective
of Henry, and would go to the end of the earth to care for him. And
while she might not have believed her son about magic at first, she
certainly does now. Fighting a dragon will do that. Now, finally reunited
with the parents she has spent her whole life searching for, Emma is
finding it harder than she thought to let her emotions out after a lifetime
of keeping them bundled away. Still, so long as she lets her heart be her
guide, she will never lose her way. ~ ABC

“I think that moment is the one when she realized she had to leave him up there,
because the fact that she would confide in him, that made her realize
‘I don’t like where this is going’ and
‘The last time I tried to trust somebody I got burned’”

Adam Horowitz, about the scene where Emma confesses to Hook that she was in love once.

▮ Hook ~ Killian J o n e s
Captain Killian Jones is a pirate, known for traveling all over and between worlds.
Little Is known about the past of this handsome swashbuckler. But when Milah
Fell in with his crew Rumplestiltskin begged Killian to release Milah back to him.
The Captain insisted that they duel for her instead. Rumple was too afraid to
risk a duel with the deadly pirate, so he left. Years later, after he had become the
new Dark One, Rumplestiltskin stumbled upon Captain Jones again. This time he
was more than happy to duel. Killian bravely fought a losing battle, but just as
Rumplestiltskin was about to tear out his heart, Milah appeared to make a deal.
She offered a magical bean to Rumple in exchange for Killian's life. Rumplestiltskin
seemed to accept, but when Milah admitted that she had never loved him, he
tore her heart out, killing her. Then he cut off Killian's hand to retrieve the bean
he held. Killian attacked Rumple with a hook, but it was not enough to hurt The
Dark One. The Captain swore he'd have revenge for the murder of his beloved
and for his hand. Rumplestiltskin taunted that he would never live long enough
to find a way to kill him. But Captain Jones had tricked The Dark One. He still had
the magic bean and used it to open a portal to Neverland, where he would never
grow old, giving him all the time he needed to plot his revenge. ~ ABC

▮ captain swan r e a s o n s w e s h i p t h e m
01. Because he'd never not fight for her.
02. Because their pasts and backgrounds parallel one another.
03. Because their love story will be epic, beautiful, wonderful, and phenomenal.
04. Because their story parallels Snow and Charming's story.
05. Because their love story has the potential to rival Rumpel/Belle's and Charming/Snow's.
06. Because their chemistry is undeniable and off the charts.
07. Because they both challenge each other.
08. Because he will never abandon her.
09. Because their love will be timeless.
10. Because they are kindred spirits. - Jennifer
11. Because she met her match in him. - Jennifer
12. Because Jennifer hopes Emma has some romance in her life and the person who will bring that to her we want it to be Hook.
13. Because they’re both thieves. They've come from troubled pasts. - Jennifer
14. Because they've both lost a true love. So, there’s a lot that they recognize in each other. - Jennifer
15. Because Captain Hook and Emma have had some really fun sort of different stuff this season, which has been nice. - Jennifer
16. Because they definitely sort of have a connection. - Colin
17. Because they have a very interesting dynamic between the two of them. - Colin
18. Because Emma is obviously a strong character, strong-willed, and Hook is Captain Hook, you know? - Colin
19. Because in some kind of weird way they respect each other. - Colin
20.Because they can see elements of themselves in the other person. - Colin
21. Because they have kind of a funny sort of relationship. - Colin
22. Because Hook likes himself a pretty lady and he’s also not afraid to stand up to Emma, which not many people do, really. - Colin
23. Because they both enjoy the banter that they have with each other. - Colin (And we enjoy it, too.)
24. Because even though she pretends not to enjoy their banter, he definitely does. - Colin
25. Because the challenge has sort of been set for Hook. - Colin
26. Because like many CS shippers, Colin said, “I’m interested to see what way it’s going to go.” - Colin about Hook
27. Because when Hook said, "I wouldn't have done that to you," he meant it. - Eddy Kitsis
28. Because there are people that you just choose. - Eddy Kitsis
29. Because I think he may care about you. - Cora
30. Because Cora told Hook about the savior (Emma) and we saw it as a sign that one day they would meet.
31. Because they helped bring the Hottest Sexual Tension of 2012 home for OUaT. - Buzzsugar
32. Because they have us "Hooked."
33. Because he sees her as more than a savior; he doesn't label her as such or concerns himself with it.
34. Because with him she is something of an open book.
35. Because they make quite a team.
36. Because he chose her.
37. Because they are equals.
38. Because he's being intrigued by her and that's the first step.
39. Because it was more than obvious that both were equally affected by one another in the more "serious" scenes they shared together.
40. Because Emma is struggling not cause she thinks he's a bad guy and she's too good for him but because she has her own issues to get over.
41. Because at this point we can see what Emma could bring to him as a whole, could make him think and care.
42. Because Hook thinks it's a nice touch and we all agree with him.
43. Because 2012 was amazing and 2013 will be epic.
44. Because 2013 will be their year and the year we will set sail.
45. Because 2013 will be the year of the (Captain) Swan!
46. Because she never forgot her first beanstalk and it was with him.
47. Because, as shippers, we have big hopes for them as a pairing and what they can bring to each other.
48. Because he is always a gentleman.... with her.
49. Because he was hoping it would be her.
50. Because they seek each other out.

51. Because we can't wait to see these two on our screens again.
52. Because we cannot wait for her to find out he's in Storybrooke.
53. Because we love to get spoiled with all that amazing Captain Swan fanart.
54. Because we all have our fingers crossed for new Emma and Hook scenes.
55. Because even a mention of them in January 6th's episode would be great.
56. Because when Emma grabbed Hook and he told her, "It's about bloody time," we all agreed with him.
57. Because he will never be done with her.
58. Because Emma isn't afraid of Hook. She isn't easily scared and Hook likes that about her.
59. Because even when they're legit fighting they still find ways to banter.
60. Because there's still a lot that neither knows about the other and watching them react with each other as they go along will be interesting.
61. Because on Emma's part it's about trust and for Hook it's about coming to terms with everything, including him realizing he's in love with Emma.
62. Because the love stories that takes a lot of time to develop are always the most beautiful ones to watch.
63. Because they were speaking of trust & abandonment in their first scene together, and those two things are very much at the heart of their relationship.
64. Because CS is a ship liked by the media and every social media networking site out there; and the writers have also praised the relationship.
65. Because we have faith in the writers.
66. Because they come from different worlds, but are one in the same.
67. Because he wouldn't have abandoned her on that beanstalk.
68. Because they where in the timeless love promo together.
69. Because we love all the Hook/Emma and Snow/Charming parallels.
70. Because we love all the Hook/Emma and Tangled parallels.
71. Because Emma/Hook meeting before we met Neal/Emma has to mean something.
72. Because she could be the light to his dark world.
73. Because they can save each other.
74. Because they're both stubborn.
75. Because they both love to wear leather.
76. Because beautiful is reserved only for Emma.
77. Because if a guy is willing to flirt with you even after being run over by a car, you know it's love.
78. Because she protected him.
79. Because even Rumple noticed what was going on.
80. Because she sat on his bed, watching him, until he woke up.

▮ captain swan wishlist - what we want to see happen between them on the show
01. Emma and Hook to have their first kiss preferably when they're having one of their verbal sparring matches.
02. Another scenario in which they work together and Emma begins to trust Hook.
03. To see some mutual trust start to peek over the horizon.
04. For Hook to earn Emma's trust.
05. Emma to fully trust Hook preferably by the end of Season Two.
06. For her to find out he's in Storybrooke.
07. Hook meets and talks to Henry while he goes to visit Emma.
08. Prince Charming and/or Snow White confront Hook about his "infatuation" with their daughter.
09. Everyone in town begins to notice the special bond between them.
10. Emma to defend Hook while everyone else is against him.
11. While they have one of their verbal sparring matches, Hook finally admits to Emma that he cares about her.
12. In an epic battle, Hook tells Cora that she was right about him choosing Emma. Then Cora gets obliterated by Hook or Emma.
13. For them to always choose each other.
14. For them to have their own theme.
15. For them to become canon.
16. For Emma to get interested in him and finally take a chance on him.
17. For there to be more silent hints in the show (the pirate key chain, Emma wanting to go to Neverland).
18. For Emma not to have an excuse in grabbing Hook a second time.
19. For Emma to be Hook's redemption.
20. For a Hook - Emma centric promo.
21. For Emma and Hook to be endgame.
22. For Hook, Emma, and Henry to visit Neverland together.
23. For them to meet each other halfway.
24. For Hook to struggle with his feelings for Emma and the eventual evolution of it.
25. For Emma to get over her own struggles so their relationship can progress even further.
26. That they'll have their first kiss by the end of 2013.
27. That the new year brings lots of CS goodies for us.
28. For Hook to take Emma and Henry on some grand adventure.
29. For their lives to be filled with obstacles, trials, and hardships, but for it to be also filled with love, laughter, and adventure.
30. For Hook to be a constant feature in Emma's life before progressing onto more romantic ground.
31. For Emma to keep Hook occupied cause she's the sheriff and she has to keep the peace.
32. For the writers to build a solid foundation of CS' relationship this season.
33. For the writers build CS up very carefully and very slowly.
34. For them to share a strong bond and rely on each other.
35. For them to learn a lot from each other.
36. For them to share true love's kiss.
37. For Emma to call him 'Killian'
38. For Killian to call Emma: my love.
39. For Emma to teach Hook how to drive.
40. For Emma to make a deal with Gold in order to save Hook.
41. For Hook to take Emma sailing on his ship.
42. For Hook to teach Henry sailing.
43. For Emma to be the one to find Hook after the car accident.
44. We would love to see both Charming & Snow's reactions to Hook and Emma's relationship.
45. For Snow to tell Charming that Emma and Hook deserve the same chance at love that they had, even though everyone seems against them.
46. For us to see more of that jolly, charming, good-looking, and confident side of Hook more often and hopefully Emma will bring it out of him.
47. For Emma to choose Hook as he has chosen her.
48. For them to heal each other.
49. For Jane Espenson to write more wonderful CS episodes like Tallahassee.
50. For the writers to show their journey from the beginning all the way to the end where they will be endgame.
51. Hook comforting Emma.
52. For Hook and Emma to lie on the deck of the Jolly Roger and watch the stars together.
53. Just before Emma is going to board his ship, Hook extends his hand and helps her on.

▮ captain swan s h i p p e r s
01. ElizaSparrow
02. Jamie Choate
03. KeepThisaSecret
04. Lennie1984
05. Darkdoll59
06. Moonlightstar
07. Nemapasara
08. Aurore59
09. ~Cydonia~
10. Serenachan
11. MaybeLove.
12. Wes&FredFan
13. Static Waves
14. KOUAT12
15. AllegraDante
16. Jennax89
17. Eireanne
18. IceKat055
19. Sixon_Love
20. foxyfreds
21. AragornsQueen
22. andrea0594
23. Jacquelyn
24. AlwaysCB
25. Dana ar
26. Nilicat
27. Vera-Sabe
28. Julien Suncrisbe
29. Deiaa
30. Donnasos
31. Moonauthor
32. skje
33. SNLostFan
34. Elena_1716
35. **bittersweet**
36. Leah_LL_Fan
37. The dreamer
38. hlgreenie
39. PrincessB
40. scififan2009
41. Bookworm25
42. Radames
43. princessintraining
44. mary ksand
45. MaryLouMoriarty
46. obisgirl
47. CassandraBlu
48. SNLostFan
49. Jensen_girl22
50. Green eyed stone
51. NotYourChick86
52. Angelcakes_UK
53. CappieTauLove
54. maryeemeeh
55. thesecretlie
56. Mirka
57. serena22
58. xNaley23x
59. poesia1910
60. xxxLP_TLAxxx
61. linsxx3
62. fallinrain
63. jasperann1978
64. Giuly
65. Maddie172
66. lil-terso
67. Sara Caffrey
68. Erry Berry
69. DefLeppardFan
70. the sunny flower
71. Bri53

72. Talkative One
73. crash land
Just ask to be added!

▮ captain swan s c e n e o f t h e m o m e n t

▮ captain swan l i n k s
~ F Yes, Emma and Hook
~ Hook Hearts Emma
~ Hook and Emma Livejournal

“I cannot comment (when asked about what’s ahead for Emma and Hook)
but I think you should keep watching, I think you’re gonna like it.”

Jane Espenson

▮ h o n o r a r y captain swan s h i p p e r s
Jane Espenson

Christine Boylan

Jennifer Morrison

Colin O'Donoghue
“They have a very interesting dynamic between the two of them because Emma is obviously a strong character, strong-willed, and Hook is Captain Hook, you know? So they have an interesting kind of back and forth.”
“Hook and Emma, they have a kind of… a funny sort of relationship. I think they, in some kind of weird way, respect each other because they can see elements of themselves in the other person.”
“I think they both enjoy the banter that they have with each other. Even though she pretends not to, he definitely does. I think there are very few women in Hook’s life who’ve ever gone, “Nope, not interested.” For him, that’s like, “Whoa.” The challenge has sort of been set.”
Meghan Ory
“We are going to find out more about the romance between Emma and Hook, which is very interesting.”
Adam Horowitz
“And it’s at that point we see that these two really work well together, they make a good team.”
The Enemies (Colin's band)

“You chose her.”
Kalinda Vazquez (@DJKidsparkle), 2.08 writer
"@Captain_Swan123 @danielthomsen “Thanks for the kind words. Keep watching on the [Captain] Swan front, you might be surprised at what happens!”
“Next week's episode will not disappoint. As far as Hook and Emma...things may not be as they seem!”

“They’re kindred spirits.”
Jennifer Morrison,

“They have a mutual respect.”
Colin O'Donoghue,

▮ Behind t h e s c e n e s

Jennifer on playing Emma
“Emma Swan is a deeply damaged woman, and a deeply conflicted woman. She is a survivor, and used to being a loner, and therefore a sucker for the underdog. Against her better judgement, she will compromise herself to fight for what is right and to help those in need. She is strong and aggressive, but her brokenness and her emotions are not buried far beneath her tough exterior. He first reaction to most things is anger, but she has spent her life trying to manage her temper. She is both rash and calculated, and is forced to deal with her instincts to protect her child, a child she believes she is not capable of mothering. In the simplest form, Emma is a list of contrasting qualities: she is hard and soft; she is intense and easy going; she is strong and vulnerable; she is safe and dangerous; she is logical and impulsive. It is exciting to play a character that is so deeply conflicted and fiercely compelled to fight for what she believes is right.” ~ ABC

Colin on playing Hook
“I was kind of - a little bit taken a back," Colin said of “Once” fans who have gone ga-ga for the blue-eyed hunk, and his youthful bad boy take on the famed fairy tale character. “Hook is a pirate and he isn’t someone you can easily trust. He is capable of lying and cheating to get what he wants. But he was sincerely in love with Rumplestiltskin’s wife and his desire for revenge is sincere. You can even say that Hook is particularly brave, because you need to be brave or crazy to pick an enemy as powerful as Rumplestiltskin. Since he is teaming up with Cora, I’d tend to say that he is a villain. He is obsessed with his desire for vengeance. So anyone who will be on his path will be in danger. He is very selfish because he only thinks about killing Rumplestiltskin and he would be very capable of sacrificing the entirety of Storybrooke to achieve his goal. Even Emma would not be able to stop him. She is entirely right to not trust him. Frankly, he does not deserve it… At least, not at this point of the story.” Still fans are seduced by his character. “That’s because people love anti-heroes, characters à la Han Solo capable of doing the good thing at the last moment. And also, thanks to Johnny Depp, the entire world has a thing for pirates. And let’s not forget that Hook is a big seducer. He is a sort of very sexy Don Juan who does not hesitate to use his charm to get what he wants.” ~ F yes, Emma and Hook

Jennifer on Captain Swan
“Yeah, it’s been really fun working with Colin and having Emma interact with that character because
they’re definitely kindred spirits. They’re both thieves, and they’ve come from troubled pasts, and they’ve both
lost a true love, and so I think that there’s a lot that they recognize in each other. So there’s that camaraderie
and also that combativeness with that right away. I’m hoping that Emma has some romance in her life. It’s
been awhile.” ~TV-line

Colin on Captain Swan
“I think that Hook is sincerely attracted to Emma. She has a big personality and an iron will which can only seduce him. They feel a sort of mutual respect because they are alike in many aspects.” ~ F yes Emma and Hook
“Hook and Emma, they have a kind of… a funny sort of relationship. I think they, in some kind of weird way, respect each other because they can see elements of themselves in the other person. You know what I mean? Like, Emma is no saint…. Yeah, so they are very similar. And it’s like you say, “Hook likes himself a pretty lady and he’s also not afraid to stand up to Emma, which I guess not many people do, really.” ~ TV-line

▮ future titles
Because "you never forget your first."
Because “Hook may be a worthy adversary, but [Emma] is just as worthy right back at him.” - Adam Horowitz
"We do it side by side." - Emma
Because he loves a challenge.
Because they have both loved and lost.
Because she could not take a chance that she was wrong about him.
Because he wanted her to trust him.
Because he is always a gentleman.
Because he had been waiting to take her in his arms.
Because he wants to know whether she has ever even been in love.
Because he thinks she is a tough lass.
From Timeless to Epic, according to ABC.
Because he thinks she is perceptive.
Because they make quite the team.
"I had no idea you had such a soft side." - Emma "I don’t. I just like a fair fight." - Hook
Because it's just the beginning.
Because we're the same you and I.
Because Hook has been watching Emma's world from afar.
"A bit of advice? When I jab you with my sword, you'll feel it." Hook to Emma.
From Neverland to Storybrooke, they are timeless.
"They have a funny sort of relationship." - Colin
"He’s also not afraid to stand up to Emma, which I guess not many people do, really." - Colin
Because Hook just got run over by a car & still comes onto Emma.
Because Rumple used Hook as a bargaining chip.
Because there are other parts still intact.
Because if a guy is willing to flirt with you even after being run over by a car, you know it's love.
Because she protected him.
Because even Rumple noticed what was going on.
Because she sat on his bed, watching him, until he woke up.
"I'd pick you." - Emma
"There are people that you just choose." - Eddy
"I think that Hook is sincerely attracted to Emma." - Colin
"They feel a sort of mutual respect because they are alike in many aspects." - Colin
If the curve of you was curved on me.
Just swanning around.
"There IS this spark there, and I think we are aware of that spark." - Jane Espenson
"You Choose Love" - Jennifer
"There’s an undeniable connection between them." ~ JMo
"Obviously there’s always been a connection, some kind of “kindred spirit” element" ~ JMo

“And it’s at that point we see that these two really work well together, they make a good team.”
Adam Horowitz, about the scene where Emma and Hook knock out the giant, in the “Tallahassee” podcast

▮ captain swan f a n f i c t i o n

~ Kindred spirits: Captain Swan ~ Caught in the crossfire ~ Drabble ~ Manners, manners ~ Second star to the right ~ Beautiful tragic love afair
~ Swan princess ~ Come back to me ~ Bad dreams ~ Within temptation ~ This isn't everything you are ~ Out of sight ~ I've got your number
~ You give me fever ~ The daring and the devious ~ You give me chills ~ Message sent ~ Finding you again ~ Desperate times ~ Linked ~Wide awake
~ Come and save me ~ I will always find you ~ I'd be so good to you ~ A pirate christmas ~ A kiss with a fist ~ Of drunkenness, jealousy and treasure
~ Dead man walking ~ Worth saving ~ Family resemblance ~ You can call me a thief ~ Unintended choises ~ Third time's the charm ~ Ogres or dinosaurs?
~ Good morning sunshine ~ Mistletoe ~ Untrustworthy pirate moonshine ~ I wanna know why you got me going ~ Thief ~ Let love in ~ In the pouring rain
~ Try something new ~ Dirty magic ~ Someday ~ The honorable thing to do ~ Open book ~ Hooked ~ Forget me not ~ Sunshine and rainbows
~ A lost soul never rests ~ Mistakes and repercussions ~ Hook, line and sinker ~ Anti-hero ~ When you wish upon a star ~ Tangled ~Delirium
~ (You want a) revelation ~ In the wake of tomorow ~ Where the storm blows us ~ My heart can't be taken, but it's all yours ~ Once upon a tangled
~ The end has only begun ~ Damage control

~ by Jensen_girl22 ~

“I think we’re going to see some romantic inklings between Emma (Jennifer Morrison) and Hook for sure.
We saw that last week and I’m sure that will continue.”

Meghan Ory, The Hollywood Reporter
▮ captain swan f a n v i d e o s
~ In my vains ~ No light, no light ~ Fear and loathing ~ Breaking your heart was never my intention ~ He changes her too ~ Give me love
~ Wicked game ~ Ho Hey ~ Open your eyes ~ Fix you ~ Take me home to my heart ~ Trying not to love you ~ Want to feel your pulse on my
~ I feel so close ~ Soulmates ~ Heartbeat ~ Try ~ Near to you ~ Falling slowly ~ Breakeven ~ The silence ~ Losing my memory ~ Hey beautiful
~ You look beautiful I must say ~ You're a hell of a woman ~ When he had me in his arms my feet never toutched the ground ~ In your avalanche
~ White blank paige ~ I see you ~ Holding and letting go ~ Soulmates never die ~ We're gonna make it ~ Poision + wine ~ You can make me whole
~ Can't take my eyes of you ~ Underneath ~ I see it in the stars, I feel it on the shore ~ Heartbeat ~ Light up the sky ~ Kindred spirits - 1
~ Kindred spirits - 2 ~ Trouble ~ Anywhere but here ~ I'm not perfect but I keep trying ~ I'm in love with a criminal

♥ 'And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds,
in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you' ♥
For All Eternity
Emma Swan ♥ Killian Hook Jones
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Old 03-04-2013, 06:03 PM
Elite Fan

Lennie1984's Avatar
Joined: Mar 2004
Posts: 49,128
Hook & Emma
Appreciation Thread

▮ The story so f a r

“You bested me. I can count the number of people who did that on one hand.”
2x05 ~ the Doctor
“As in Captain Hook?” “Ah! So, you've heard of me.”
2x05 ~ the Doctor

“I was hoping it'd be you.”
2x06 ~ Tallahassee

“You know most men would take your silence as off putting, but I love a challenge.”
2x06 ~ Tallahassee

“So, now you're gonna be a gentleman?” ~ “I'm always a gentleman.”
2x06 ~ Tallahassee
“It's about bloody time.”
2x06 ~ Tallahassee

“You would have done the same.” ~ “Actually, no.”
2x09 ~ Queen of hearts

“Normally, I prefer to do other more enjoyable activities with a woman on her back.”
2x09 ~ Queen of hearts

“When I jab you with my sword, you'll feel it.”
2x09 ~ Queen of hearts
“Hey, beautiful.”
2x12 ~ In the name of the brother

“You look good, I must say.”
2x12 ~ In the name of the brother

“I'd pick you.”
2x12 ~ In the name of the brother

▮ Captain Swan p a r a l l e l s

Captain Swan parallels analysis
~ The first time Emma sees Hook in...

Captain Swan parallels fanvideos
~ Kindred spirits - 1 ~ Kindred spirits - 2

“Yeah, isn't that what a spell book is?” “A book that has spells in it?”
Emma 2x09 ~ Queen of hearts
“I may be a simple pirate, but I know one thing: lakes have water.”
Hook 2x09 ~ Queen of hearts

“Please, just try to be patient and trust me.”
Emma 1x16 ~ Heart of darkness
“Try something new, darling. It's called trust.”
Hook 2x06 ~ Tallahassee

“There is this spark there, and I think we [the writers] are aware of that spark.”
Jane Espenson

▮ Captain Swan & Snowing p a r a l l e l s

Captain Swan and Snowing parallels analysis
~ Captain Swan and Snowing parallel list ~Another CS / Snowing parallel ~ You chose her

Captain Swan and Snowing parallels fanvideos
~ Like mother, like daughter ~ What if the storms end ~ Never let me go ~ Tousand years
“First beanstalk? Well, you never forget your first.”
Hook 2x06 ~ Tallahassee
“Have you ever stopped one before?” “Well, here's to new firsts.”
Charming 2x13 ~ Tiny

“You're a real gentleman, aren't you?”
Charming 2x13 ~ Tiny
“Giants can smell blood and I'm always a gentleman.”
Hook 2x06 ~ Tallahassee

“A potential love interest for Emma has been teased since the
season began, and it looks like Hook will definitely be her match. A
Hook and Emma romance has already been teased by the cast.”


▮ Captain Swan f a n m i x

O1 Snow patrol ~ New York
If you were here beside me
Instead of in New York
If the curve of you was curved on me
I’d tell you that I loved you
Before I even knew you
Cause I loved the simple thought of you

02 Pink ~ Try
Where there is desire
There is gonna be a flame
Where there is a flame
Someone's bound to get burned
But just because it burns
Doesn't mean you're gonna die
You've gotta get up and try try try

03 Tangled ~ I see the light
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you

04 Perfect stranger ~ Enemies
Might have known you'd be my savior,
when I'd fallen out of favor,
Might have known you'd be my savior
You saved this perfect stranger

05 The Airborne Toxic Event ~ Timeless
We are, we are,
We are timeless, timeless.
Everything we have, we have

06 Rihanna ~ Stay
Not really sure how to feel about it.
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can't live without you.
it takes me all the way.
I want you to stay

07 Rihanna ~ We found love
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place

08 James Vincent Mcmorrow ~ Wicked game
What a wicked game you play
To make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do
To let me dream of you

09 Oasis ~ wonderwall
Because maybe, you're gonna
be the one that saves me
And after all, you're my wonderwall

10 the Cure ~ Boys don't cry
I try to laugh about it
Cover it all up with lies
I try and laugh about it
Hiding the tears in my eyes
Because boys don't cry

11 Ed Sheeran ~ This
This is the start of something beautiful
This is the start of something new
You are the one who'd make me lose it all
You are the start of something new, oh

12 Matthew Mayfield ~ first in line
I'll give you all of me
I'll make you mine
If you'll take me and make me
Your first in line, oh

13 The strange familiar ~ Redemption
For everyone lost in the silence
For every one missing piece
For every will that is broken
No matter how dark it may be
There is redemption

14 Within temptation ~ All I need
Don't tear me down for all I need
Make my heart a better place
Give me something I can believe
Don't tear me down
You've opened the door now, don't let it close

15 James Vincent Mc Morrow ~ Higher love
Think about it, there must be higher love
Down in the heart and in the stars above,
Without it, life is wasted time.
Look inside your heart, I'll look inside mine

16 Racoon ~ Love you more
Cause I've been away too long
and every day I missed you more.
You look like you did before,
only prettier.
Every day I love you more

17 Phillip Phillips ~ Gone gone gone
And I would do it for you, for you
Baby, I'm not moving on
I love you long after you're gone.
For you, for you.

18 Linkin Park ~ Castle of glass
Bring me home in a blinding dream
Through the secrets that I have seen
Wash the sorrow from off my skin
And show me how to be whole again

19 Gotye ~ Heart's a mess
Your heart's a mess
You won't admit to it
It makes no sense
But I'm desperate to connect
And you, you can't live like this

20 Ron Pope ~ A drop in the ocean
A drop in the ocean,
A change in the weather,
I was praying that you and
me might end up together

21 The Fray ~ Look after you
It's always have and never hold
You've begun to feel like home
What's mine is yours to leave or take
What's mine is yours to make your own

“Yeah, yeah. And so I’m interested to see what way it’s going to go.”
Colin on Captain Swan, tvline

▮ captain swan T u m b l r p o s t s

CS episode analysis

2x06 ~ Tallahasse 2x10 ~ Queen of hearts part 1 2x10 ~ Queen of hearts part 2 2x11 ~ The outsider 2x12 ~ In the name of the brother
2x14 ~ Manhattan

CS fan analysis
~ Captain Swan feels ~ Going forward for CS ~ Reaons that I ship Captain Swan ~ Hook and Emma common traits ~ I don't know if this post make scense but...
~ Male / female archetypes musings ~ The progression of Hook’s feelings towards Emma ~ Intentionality in writing and the purpose of Milah in the CS love story ~ CS issues
~ Names really are a big deal to Hook ~ How Hook got Emma while Neal never really did ~ The major obstacle that’s keeping Hook & Emma apart
~ I was beginning to think she was losing her edge. Then she met Hook.

CS theories
~ The two swans ~ Opinions, Observations, Thoughts, Speculation & Theories for Hook & Emma’s Journey for the rest of the Season

▮ previous t h r e a d s

~ Captain Swan {Hook/Emma} #1: "As in Captain Hook?" "Ah! So you've heard of me"
~ Captain Swan {Hook/Emma} #2 ~ : Because she isn't taking her eyes off him for a second and he would despair if she did
~ Captain Swan {Hook/Emma} #3 ~ : "Is there hope for Hook/Emma?" "I don't see why not." - Jane Espenson
~ Captain Swan {Hook/Emma} #4 ~ : "They're kindred spirits." ♥ "They have a mutual respect." - Jennifer&Colin
~ Captain Swan {Hook/Emma} #5 ~ : "Normally, I prefer to do other more enjoyable activities with a woman on her back." - Hook
~ Captain Swan {Hook/Emma} #6: "She's met her match in him" - Jennifer Morrison
~ Captain Swan {Hook/Emma} #7: "You would've done the same." - Emma "Actually no." - Hook
~ Captain Swan {Hook/Emma} #8: Because she's his 'bean' - a symbol of something magical & full of hope
~ Captain Swan {Hook/Emma} #9: "they definitely sort of have a connection." - Colin
~ Captain Swan {Hook/Emma} #10: Because with him "[she] is something of an open book."
~ Captain Swan {Hook/Emma} #11: Because Hook & Emma did help bring Hottest Sexual Tension of 2012 home for OUaT" - Buzzsugar
~ Captain Swan {Hook/Emma} #12: Because love has been all too rare their lives
~ Captain Swan {Hook/Emma} #13: Because he chose her
~ Captain Swan {Hook/Emma} #14: "I think they both enjoy the banter that they have with each other." - Colin
~ Captain Swan {Hook/Emma} #15: "Even though she pretends not to enjoy their banter, he definitely does." - Colin
~ Captain Swan {Hook/Emma} #16: "Come. Everything we need is right in front of us." - Hook
~ Captain Swan {Hook/Emma} #17: Because maybe you're gonna be the one that saves me
~ Captain Swan {Hook/Emma} #18: Because they share similar scars and they could heal each other
~ Captain Swan {Hook/Emma} #19: Because she could be the light to his dark world
~ CaptainღSwan {Hook♥Emma} #20: "Hey, beautiful." - Hook
~ CaptainღSwan {Hook♥Emma} #21: "You look good, I must say." - Hook
~ CaptainღSwan {Hook♥Emma} #22: "Hide him! Find a room & hide him" - Emma
~ CaptainღSwan {Hook♥Emma} #23: "Or is there another attachment you'd prefer?" - Hook
~ Kindred Spirits {CaptainღSwan | Hook♥Emma} #24: "They can see elements of themselves in the other person." - Colin
~ Kindred Spirits {CaptainღSwan | Hook♥Emma} #25: I come to you in pieces, so you can make me whole
~ KindredSpirits{CaptainღSwan|Hook♥Emma}#26:They were from different worlds, different times, & yet they were the same
~ Kindred Spirits {CaptainღSwan | Killian 'Hook' Jones ♥ Emma Swan} #27: "I was hoping it'd be you" - Hook
~ CaptainღSwan {Hook ♥ Emma} #28: "She has a big personality & an iron will which can only seduce him" - Colin
~ Kindred Spirits {CaptainღSwan | Hook♥Emma} #29: "I see where your daughter got her gumption." - Hook
~ Kindred Spirits {CaptainღSwan | Hook♥Emma} #30: "If you were here beside me, instead of in New York..."
~ Kindred Spirits {CaptainღSwan | Hook♥Emma} #31: Because he thinks she is "bloody brilliant! Amazing!"
~ KindredSpirits{CaptainღSwan|Hook♥Emma}#32: And the whole world is on your case, I could offer you a warm embrace
~ Kindred Spirits {CaptainღSwan | Hook♥Emma}#33: There is desire in the perfect, beauty in the imperfect
~ Kindred Spirits {CaptainღSwan | Hook♥Emma}#34: "We're not broken just bent and we can learn to love again."
~ Kindred Spirits {CaptainღSwan | Hook♥Emma} #35: Because they are both adept at finding......
~ Kindred Spirits {CaptainღSwan | Hook♥Emma} #36: Because they are Wounded Souls
~ Kindred Spirits {CaptainღSwan | Hook♥Emma} #37: Because even ABC knows they are 'Timeless'
~ Kindred Spirits {CaptainღSwan | Hook♥Emma} #38: "Try something new, darling. It's called trust." - Hook
~ Kindred Spirits {CaptainღSwan | Hook♥Emma} #39: Because he thinks she will make a hell of a pirate
~ Kindred Spirits {CaptainღSwan | Hook♥Emma} #40: Because he is her "little flame of hope."
~ Kindred Spirits {CaptainღSwan | Hook♥Emma} #41: "From Timeless to 'Epic' 'Feels'! - ABC
~ Kindred Spirits {CaptainღSwan | Hook♥Emma} #42: "He reminds her of herself." — Jennifer Morrison
~ KindredSpirits{Hook♥Emma}#43:"She sees a lot of her own pain & loss in him, Inevitably, there is a draw to that."- JMo
~ Kindred Spirits {CaptainღSwan | Killian 'Hook' Jones ♥ Emma Swan} #44: Because he will find her in Manhattan...
~ Kindred Spirits {CaptainღSwan | Hook♥Emma} #45: "There’s an undeniable connection between them" - Jennifer

▮ picture o f t h e m o m e n t

♥ 'And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds,
in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you' ♥
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Emma Swan ♥ Killian Hook Jones
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Old 03-04-2013, 06:03 PM
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Captain Swan discussions at PaleyFest 2013


Jennifer and Josh at the Paleyfest about Captain Swan.

♥ 'And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds,
in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you' ♥
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Old 03-04-2013, 06:04 PM
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Guys we are so close to 50. !
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Old 03-04-2013, 06:06 PM
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TFTNT!!! I really need to know how to open one.
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Old 03-04-2013, 06:08 PM
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Its easy, just edit - copy and past onto new thread but take out the quote tags
♥ 'And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds,
in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you' ♥
For All Eternity
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Old 03-04-2013, 06:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Lennie1984 (View Post)
Its easy, just edit - copy and past onto new thread but take out the quote tags
Oh really it's that easy,lol?
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Old 03-04-2013, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Lennie1984 (View Post)
Its easy, just edit - copy and past onto new thread but take out the quote tags
That sounds super easy.

So I just watched that scene with the hook in the drawer and I put it in slow motion and I'm not sure if it is the scarf but it DOES match his frill on his cuff perfectly... I have convinced myself that what I seen the first time around is correct.
“Apologies mate. I believe you have something of mine.” ~ Hook

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Old 03-04-2013, 06:14 PM
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It’s like dynamite finally finding a match, baby when you look at me like that.
♥ 'And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds,
in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you' ♥
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Old 03-04-2013, 06:19 PM
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Tell Me How The Story Ends
Pretty good post.
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Old 03-04-2013, 06:20 PM
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Originally Posted by jasperann1978 (View Post)
That sounds super easy.

So I just watched that scene with the hook in the drawer and I put it in slow motion and I'm not sure if it is the scarf but it DOES match his frill on his cuff perfectly... I have convinced myself that what I seen the first time around is correct.
Yes it is

I think alot of ppl are convinced, i think i just need a confirmation lol

Also it makes you think why would she hide it with a cover up of a cloth, scarf lol
♥ 'And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds,
in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you' ♥
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Old 03-04-2013, 06:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Lennie1984 (View Post)
Yes it is

I think alot of ppl are convinced, i think i just need a confirmation lol

Also it makes you think why would she hide it with a cover up of a cloth, scarf lol
I know. It doesn't make sense to have any cloth in a drawer at the sheriff station... But a pirate always keeps a souvenir of the conquests. So, it makes sense if she kept it...
“Apologies mate. I believe you have something of mine.” ~ Hook

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Old 03-04-2013, 06:28 PM
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Originally Posted by jasperann1978 (View Post)
Tell Me How The Story Ends
Pretty good post.
I agree with it....

Emma needs to see he has moved on, as i said he had it pretty easy in terms of moving on and loving again, and to the extent of marrying someone.... and he was pretty affectionate with Tamara well both were IMO, he didnt feel uncomfortable

Emma had alot of walls she developed and trust coz of what situation she had been put in by him......

I do get that the writers acknowledge that they did love one another and so on..... but also get the sense thats its over, its a door shut in that department....

Emma in herself will realise or naturally will move on IMO, she has to.... i think the fact that she has this connection to Hook, it will pull her towards Hook, i mean what else can happen but that if you have this connection
♥ 'And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds,
in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you' ♥
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Old 03-04-2013, 06:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Lennie1984 (View Post)
I agree with it....

Emma needs to see he has moved on, as i said he had it pretty easy in terms of moving on and loving again, and to the extent of marrying someone.... and he was pretty affectionate with Tamara well both were IMO, he didnt feel uncomfortable

Emma had alot of walls she developed and trust coz of what situation she had been put in by him......

I do get that the writers acknowledge that they did love one another and so on..... but also get the sense thats its over, its a door shut in that department....

Emma in herself will realise or naturally will move on IMO, she has to.... i think the fact that she has this connection to Hook, it will pull her towards Hook, i mean what else can happen but that if you have this connection
I agree with that. I think it is natural for her to start moving on. Especially now that she knows that he had a 'reason' for leaving her and that he has moved on. So I think the connection she has will Hook will become a big draw for her. I can't wait to see it!!
“Apologies mate. I believe you have something of mine.” ~ Hook

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Old 03-04-2013, 06:44 PM
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Originally Posted by jasperann1978 (View Post)
I know. It doesn't make sense to have any cloth in a drawer at the sheriff station... But a pirate always keeps a souvenir of the conquests. So, it makes sense if she kept it...
It does make sense..... so i hope it is the scarf

Originally Posted by jasperann1978 (View Post)
I agree with that. I think it is natural for her to start moving on. Especially now that she knows that he had a 'reason' for leaving her and that he has moved on. So I think the connection she has will Hook will become a big draw for her. I can't wait to see it!!
Exactly she now knows there was a 'reason' for leaving (i dont think she will ever understand her needing to go to prison on the whole, neither do we, neither does JMo lol) and him moving on...

I think she needed these answers in terms why and what happened... and to move on the path of moving on herself, as you said the connection she has with Hook, will have to become a big draw for her.... I am hoping they both are drawn towards each other, coz they share this connection. Not even her and Neal share an connection!

I think once Emma if or ever finds out what the Seer told Rumpel.... she will further know why her and Neal had to meet, for a reason - which was making Henry..... that will hopefully be another confirmation to why and what happened
♥ 'And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds,
in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you' ♥
For All Eternity
Emma Swan ♥ Killian Hook Jones
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