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Old 05-08-2005, 06:10 AM
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OOC: Alright, we’re (finally) starting this! So it’s early morning (like 9) and the counselors await the arrival of the eight families. There are eight other families there, but we won’t see them. So the families can start driving into the grounds. They park in a lot at a short distance from the cabins and other places. They must check-in with the counselors before going anywhere though.

Margot – tag David
I stood next to David, near the lot, clipboard and pen at the ready. The new families weren’t here yet, but experience told us they usually started arriving around this time, so we waited. I went through the checklists in my mind – again. The cabins were ready, the mess hall was ready to welcome them, and the other families had been informed. New arrivals always kind of strangely got me worked up. It was a complicated feeling. I was anxious to meet them and let them know we would help them with whatever they needed. At the same time, there was a roaming anxiety at whether or not we would in fact be able to help them. With all our training, we still couldn’t guarantee them a success at 100% - that was not a feeling I liked having. I looked over at David. He’d been with us for some time now, but he still felt a bit ‘green’ to me. Then again, they probably thought the same thing at my arrival. He was a nice enough guy, but we often clashed. It was light banter more than anything. We stayed civil in the presence of patients and that was about it. He was in charge of cabins one through eight, while I had nine through sixteen. I looked through my list as I looked up.

“The Jones-Ramirez, O’Riley-James, Anders-Whatley… that’s a lot of hyphenates. And Tyler… Will have to make sure the others don’t get at them too much. It’s not like we’ve never had anyone famous here.” I looked up at David. “How is your rock star fling by the way? Now that she and her kids are gone… having parting issues?” I gave a mock pout.

Ricky – tag anyone in the car

I sat there, between my sister and Ella, trying not to think about where we were going. It didn’t matter how many times they tried, how many therapists they tried to feed us to – I would never, never, see those two as my family, Ella and her mother. If it were up to me, it’d be Joey and me and dad and no one else. Were they really necessary? We were fine just the three of us before they showed up. Having them there, it was really a slap in the face. It was like having Joey and me wasn’t enough for dad. I couldn’t stand that idea, and having to wake up in my house and have Them still there every time only made things worse. So as usual I did my best to ignore them. I sat there, headphones on my ears and blasting the music, which made me somewhat happier, though I couldn’t forget where we were headed and so I couldn’t be completely happy. To do that, I would have to be back home again… and that wouldn’t happen. Dad and Mrs. Ramirez had their minds set on this. They would make us family no matter how much we fought against it. Well good luck, because I wasn’t about to make it easy for them.

Meghan – tag anyone in the car

”Meghan, Meghan, are you suing the school?”

That was the first thing I’d heard as I’d walked out of my car and my husband had come to usher me in past all the reporters. I didn’t understand what was going on. Why were they here? I hadn’t done anything; I didn’t have a premiere coming for a few weeks. And why would I sue the school? Daniel had gotten me inside the house and that was when I’d realized something was really wrong. The police were there. Kris was sitting in the stairs, crying. Frightened, I’d called out my son’s name… Daniel grabbed my shoulders and told me I should sit. He didn’t need to say anything, I already knew in that moment and I’d collapsed back into his arms. The memory of that day still haunted me, even now as we sat in the car with its tinted windows. I sat at my daughter’s side, but we were still on opposite ends of the bench. I gathered my jacket closer to me, feeling a chill. I kept my sunglasses on… didn’t want them to see… couldn’t let them see how my eyes seemed to be permanently red now. I hadn’t seen his body, but he was my baby… I could see it all too well, in my nightmares and my waking moments. What had we done wrong? Why, why would he do this? I reached for a tissue – again.

Jenny – tag anyone in the car

I focused on the driving, because at the moment it was the only thing I could do not to have to think about whether or not this was a good idea. What if it only made things worse. I loved Colton, I’d give my life for him. But I loved Liz too… and I didn’t want to lose her. Even Keely, who I’d known for a short time, I wanted her to be part of our little family. I’d always wanted to have a daughter, and she reminded so much of Liz. I sighed, looking at the road ahead. “Okay, it’s right up ahead,” I breathed, looking at Liz with a hopeful smile for a moment.

Kyle – tag Sam

The car ride had been pretty quiet. I’d tried to make conversation at the beginning, but that just hadn’t worked, so I’d kept quiet afterward. Finally we’d pulled into the campgrounds and Mrs. Bryant parked the car. I hurried to get out and go open the door for Sam. “Here we are,” I held my hand out to her with a smile. How had I gotten so lucky to have this angel as a girlfriend? And now we would be parents… it was incredible. Still things were awkward at the moment, mostly as our families tried to reconcile with the news.

Saralyn – tag anyone in the car

“Are there going to be a lot of other kids there, kids my age?” I asked, looking out the window. Seeing all these trees, ground, I just wanted to be out there, running around. I hated long car rides. I couldn’t move! Now I knew we were getting there and I was starting to get antsy. “I don’t want to be the only one there…”
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.
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Old 05-08-2005, 06:45 AM
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Do you ever get that feeling that other people know more about your life than you do? Because I do. How can I not when I fine myself surrounded my people hounding my mother in an attempt to discover something else about Matthew, about why he did... that to himself. And they expect us to know, like she's going to turn around and say 'yes, I'm a bad mother, that's what did it, please blame me, it's my fault.'

Sometime I do blame her, I think I blame her now, as she sits there, not that far from me, her eyes hidden by dark glasses. She claims she doesn't want anyone to see her tears, and I don't know why. I don't know why she attempts to hide her grief when I'm here, and I know that my cheeks are wet with tears. My nose is probably running. I look a mess. So what? It's not as if any of that matters anymore. I wouldn't tell her that thought. Now I think we just weren't talking. Her grief and mine weren't exactly the same, they didn't exactly work together. And then I'd scream and she'd cry some more and it wasn't helpful for anyone. So I just pulled my legs up under my chin and turned up the volume of my CD walkman. That way I could claim that I couldn't hear them, even if they knew perfectly well I was just ignoring them.


We were attempting to play happy families, which was odd because I knew that Keely was trying to think of the best way to kill Jenny and make it look like an accident. Thankful she was doing her best to be civil, quite possible because I'd begged her to do this that. But that did really just mean that she being quiet. That was what Keely tended to do. She might despise something, but she just kept quiet about it. Until she expodes and that would be want lead to homocide. "Oh, we're almost here. That's good, I really feel like I need to move my legs a bit." And also if we were out of the car we wouldn't be so close. Because I know that this was suppose to brin us closer, but I've often seen that pushing a group of people into a confinded space, say a car or somethin, was not the best thing to do. It just lead to tears and fighting.
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Old 05-08-2005, 07:08 AM
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I could tell Kris wasn't feeling too happy with me these days, and I hated it... I hated not being able to talk with my daughter... she was all I had left with Daniel. I didn't want to lose her, physically or figuratively. I reached over and gently placed a hand on her arm, hoping to get her attention. She'd turned her music up, I knew she wasn't feeling happy about going to the camp. I wasn't feeling a whole lot about it either, but we did have to try and do something. We couldn't keep living like this.


"You can shake your legs in just a few seconds honey," I smiled as we drove into the parking lot. "Here we are," I nodded as I turned off the car. I got out and went to the back to start pulling the luggage out of the trunk.
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.
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Old 05-08-2005, 08:19 AM
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This had to be one of the most miserable experiences of my life. I was stuck in the backseat of the car, sitting next to the boy who probably would throw me out onto the highway if he could get away with it. I had tried to be civil with them at the beginning, knowing the whole situation was hard for them, but Sean's children wouldn't even give me a chance. I was the enemy in a place that was now supposed to be my home. But I couldn't complain, because that would just cause more problems, and they would all probably see me as a whiny brat. That's why, I kept my mouth shut around them. It felt wrong that I didn't have the courage to speak freely around the people I was living with now. And was this camp going to make things any better? Deep inside, I hoped it would, because I wanted my mom to be happy, and I knew Sean Jones made her happy. But did I want to live like this the rest of my life? Clearing my throat, I glanced up to the front seat where my mother and Sean sat.

"How much longer?" I asked not in an 'Are we there yet?' annoying sort of way, just for the general information.


Everything was going to be OK. We were going to go to this camp, and the people there will help bring my family together. I know it. Sitting here next to the man who fathered my son, I knew it. I knew it because it had to be true, for Brian's sake. I was afraid this situation would hurt him even more if he wasn't able to form a bond with his father. I was also afraid that he would blame me for it. I had always wanted to give Brian everything he wanted to make up for him not having a father. I tried to be the best mother I could, which at the beginning, wasn't a very good one. But for what I lacked as a Mother, I made up for in love. I loved my son and would do anything for him, and if at the end of this trip he said he didn't think this would work, I wouldn't press anymore, because that's what he wants.

Looking back at my son, my pride and joy, sitting in the backseat, I smiled. "Brian, want me to put in another CD for you? We still have a while to go. Or we could play a game?"

OOC: Others in a bit.
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Old 05-08-2005, 03:08 PM
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The car ride had been so full of awkward silence and equally matched tension. But Sam appreciated the fact that Kyle had at least made a few attempts to make it better. When the arrived at the camp, there was a part of her that couldn't believe she was here. 'is this real?' She couldn't help but smile when Kyle opened the door for her. Chivalry was one of his most adorable qualities, among other things. She took his hand and stepped out of the car. She closed the car door herself because she wouldn't let go of his hand. She squeezed his hand gently. It is amazing how just holding his hand could make me feel safe.

Every few minutes he would glance in the review mirror at Richard and Josephine. Sean has always been very involved in his children's lives and he would like to think he knows them very well. But it didn't take a lot to see that they, along with Gisella, weren't happy. The road was somewhat well paved. It was just strange being in such a rural area, having grown up in the city.
"Not much longer"
He answered as he made a right turn. He always had a good sense of direction and within a few seconds they could see the camp.

He smiled and glanced at Saralyn in the review mirror.
"We'll find out soon enough bumblebee"
Looking back at the road ahead. He had called Saralyn bumblebee since she was a little baby. Mainly because she was always doing something. She wasn't the type of child who could sit still for even a second. He was her little bumblelbee.

He parked the car and turned off the engine. Saralyn was the first out of the car. Malcolm looked over to Bailan and gave him a reassuring smile before he stepped out of the car.

Standing near the car, Malcolm took a deep breath. Both to take in the fact that they were out in the middle of nowhere and to prepare him for what being here will mean for his family.

Brian sat in the backseat of their car. His biological father sitting the in the passanger seat, where he would normall sit. Though it was a small fact, it was something that, being in the position they were in, made his dislike this situation even more. 'If I were at him right now, I would be sleeping in my warm, comfortable bed. Not having a boring car ride to the middle of nowhere.' Most of the trip he just stared out the window. If it had been a normal trip he would hve brought ton of different things to keep him occupied. But that would conflict with his year-plan of not worrying about always having to be busy. But instead to relax and take things in. 'I'm starting to think that maybe I should go back to being busy.'
"It doesn't matter, I wasn't listening to it anyway"
He said without looking away from the window.

Veronica sat in the passanger seat. She and Ethan had gotten into another agrument the night before so there was still lingering tension between them. It was something stupid too. She knew it. But its those stupid little fights that seem to have grown more and more common through the years. She turned around and looked at Mars and Michael to see how they were. She turned back around a just looked at the road ahead of the car. She was full of thoughts of blame on herself. That she just somehow doesn't have what it takes to make their family whole again. Which was probably one of the reasons why she often gets defensive with Ethan for no real reason. She took a quiet deep breath to help her relax a little.
Maybe, you have to let go
of who you were to become
who you will be.

Last edited by Impressions; 05-08-2005 at 03:15 PM
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Old 05-08-2005, 03:35 PM
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I took a deep breath when Sean turned the car, and we could see the camp up ahead. Well this was it, we were here, and it was going to be interesting. I honestly wanted things to work out, but I had a bad feeling about this. It hurt me to think that they might not be able to work it out, and it might not work between Sean and my mother. I would see to it that my mom was not hurt again.


I frowned slightly. "Ok." I said, and turned back around. I had been trying to cheer Brian up on the whole trip, with no luck. I just wished that he would give his father a chance. Anytime I tried to talk to him about it, he got defensive, and refused to talk. I was hoping that the people at this camp could fix what I messed up.


The silence in the car was making me crazy. Veronica hadn't spoken to me since the last argument we had. They were becoming more and more common these days, and I didn't know what to do about it. I hated fighting, because I knew that it made the kids miserable. I also hated how Veronica was so self-righteous. She was never wrong, and that's where a lot of our problems started. I had a feeling that this camp might make it worse, if she has to take some of the blame for our problems. I wasn't saying that it was completely her fault, because I knew I was at fault too, but I was always the bad guy in our house. After a while, it gets tiring having to constantly defend your actions, and feeling like your wife is trying to turn your children against you. I couldn't take it anymore.

"We're almost there." I said to my family. "A few more miles."


I was in silence the entire car ride. I would simply just nod when my mother asked me questions, or shake my head when she offered me anything. I definitely wasn't OK with this. I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to have to spend my time at some camp for troubled families. It wasn't fair. We were fine until Liz came along. I never told my mom how I felt, because I could tell she was happy, but I just didn't understand. And I was angry, angry that she threw me into this situation without my consent. Angry that our lives were different now. I was fine with my life the way it was. Looking out the window, I heard my mother and Liz talking, we were almost there. I groaned under my breath. This was a nightmare.


The car ride was miserable. I couldn't stop thinking about what this meant for us. We were here to come to terms with the fact that our father was dying, that we, in fact, would be orphans. I felt like I had to cry all the time, but I could never allow myself to let those tears forward. I had to be strong, I had to make my dad proud, I had to be strong for Saralyn and DJ.

I realized we had arrived when my dad looked over at me and gave me a smile. He knew this was hard on me, and I didn't resent him for any of this. I just didn't want to lose him. When he was gone, I would have to be the adult, I would have all the responsibility, and I wasn't sure I was ready.

I got out of the car and joined my dad. I looked around and gave him a small smile. "This place looks nice.." I looked over at my sister. "Do you like it, Saralyn?"
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Old 05-08-2005, 03:47 PM
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I looked at Colton through the windows of the car and I sighed. I didn't want things to stay this way between us. Things used to be so good with us. I just remembered holding him in my arms when he was a baby, running with him when he'd learned to walk, playing basketball with him and his father. The day I told him about me and Liz, the spark in his eyes seemed to fade... I wanted to get it back, I needed to have it back, to have my son back.


"How are you feeling? Good?" I asked Sam, putting a hand on her shoulder. There were just no words for how much I loved this girl. and now here we were, about to become parents. I always wondered... would it be a boy or a girl... I almost felt like it would be a girl... that was always it. I'd gotten four sisters after all. But a boy would be so great too... a son. We could do so many things together me and him.


"Yeah!" I laughed, looking around at trees, the cabins. "Look Bailan, look! There's a lake! Can we go swimming later?" I spun from looking at my brother, my father, the lake. "Please?" I smiled. I had always loved to swim. Dad always said I'd swam before I'd walked. That was probably true. I'd been on the swim team for a few years now, though the accident had been a bit of a setback... B-but I got through it.
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.
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Old 05-08-2005, 03:52 PM
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"Of course you can go swimming later. In fact, I'd love to go swimming myself." I said, smiling. It was nice to see her happy. Any happiness in these times were precious. We just needed to enjoy the time we had left with dad, even though we knew there wasn't much time. I thought I had come to terms with it, but how can you ever truly accept something like this?
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Old 05-08-2005, 06:15 PM
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OOC: Parents coming later.


Her long brown hair hung around her face and she sat as near to the driver's side window as she could. She kept her eyes on her jeans, which she has been constantly picking at the whole car ride. She kept finding little pieces lint everywhere. Everytime she thought she had all the lint gone, she found more. It was bloody annoying. Even if there wasn't any lint, she found something imperfect about everything around her. It kept her occupied during the trip so that she didn't have to talk or look at anyone. It was better that way. "Goodie" She mumbled when she heard her mother say they were almost there. She frowned slightly and finally pushed her hair behind her ear.


He sat in the car quietly, his head slightly bobbing to the hardcore music playing into his ears through his headphones. He had barely said a word the whole drive. He occationally mumbled a lyrics or two, but other than that, he has been silent. He barely said a word these days. When the car stopped, he got out but he kept his headphones on but he turned down the volume a little. He stuck his hands in the pocket of his hoodie. His eyes looked around behind his sunglasses. He smiled the lightest when he heard his little sister excited. He looked around him a moment before leaning against the car, still slightly bobbing his head to the music.
It's just you & me, we got a thing they cant shake
Maybe, it's a little hard sometimes to take
But I'll tell you something, its a life worth living

Just so you know, I wouldn't give it up, no.
Jason Morgan & Sam Mccall
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Old 05-08-2005, 08:14 PM
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'a few more miles.' Replayed in her mind. She had no idea how she would make it a few more miles. 'ok just distract yourself.' She told herself. 'Ok instead think about the scenery.' She watched as the trees wized by. It almost seemed like Ethan was as in as much of a rush to get out of this car as she was, but not to the point where his driving became dangerous. In any event, her attempts as diverting her thoughts didn't work. 'I wonder what they will have us do at this camp.'

She looked at him
"Yeah, I'm ok"
She said but was obviously lying. The sound of her mother's car door closing was enough to bring all her attention to her mother. She could be very intimidating when she wanted to be. After noticing what she had done, Sam purposefully relaxed her body and walked a few steps away from the car to get a better view of the area.
Maybe, you have to let go
of who you were to become
who you will be.
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Old 05-08-2005, 10:19 PM
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She looked over at Ricky, offering him a small sembalance of a smile, but frowning immensly looking at Ella, she didn't like being seated back here anymore than she liked the idea of a cat being named 'dog' possible. She was trying to give Ricky some sort of comforting look but it didn't work out the way she wanted. She knew it didn't if she had her way she'd be alone with her Ricky and their Dad, she liked it that way, it was simple, she sighed headphones on her ears not paying attention to the current scenery.


He hated the way things were going, he hated going to this camp in all actuality but he grinned and bear it because if he didn't his life would be a farce. Maybe his life was already a farce, maybe people already knew that they weren't the perfect American family, but if they knew that they knew his whole family was a bunch of hypocritical liars, which was scary. To him at least he didn't know about Michael or his mother, he dd care about jhis father but he was more concered with his mother and his brother. He gave his mom a light nod behind the heaphones he wore giving her the signal he was doing okay and turned his head to look out the car window. "Great" He responded lazily to his father.

OOC: Natalie later, not sure what to post

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Old 05-09-2005, 04:47 PM
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"This place is so beautiful..." I looked around. I locked eyes with Mrs. Bryant for a moment and dared a smile. "Your mom isn't gonna look at me like I have the plague for the whole stay, will she?" I whispered to Sam.


"That's great, I can't wait!" I jumped about. I went up to my dad. "Daddy, if we have bunk beds, can I have the top one? Please?" I begged. Kids at school teased me because of how I acted around my brothers and my father. I didn't care. With them I could be whichever way I wanted and I liked that.
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.
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Old 05-12-2005, 09:43 PM
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Malcolm looked over to Saralyn.
"Bumblebee, you know what happens when you are on the top bunk"
He was referring to the fact that Saralyn tends to roll around a lot in her sleep and sometimes can roll off the bed. It was always safer for her to sleep on the bottom bunk but she was away of his weakness. She pouted at him slightly and he had to laugh in surrender.
"All right, you can have the top bunk"

Sam smiled, both from Kyle's comment and the fact that his breath had tickled her ear slightly. It made her tilt her head slightly. She turned and whispered into his ear.
"You're so cute when you're nervous"

When the car approached the camp, Veronica had to resist just flying out of the car once it had stopped. She knew it wasn't the best message to send her kids or her husband. When the car jerked slightly to a stop, she looked over to Ethan. Marshall and Michael stepped out of the car, but Ethan and Veronica stayed inside. In her mind, she was preparing herself, this would be the first step towards change. She was about to do something that she rarely, if ever has done. She looked down at her hands for a second but then she heard Ethan move, about to get out of the car. So she had to say to quickly.
"I'm sorry..."
She heard him stop but she continued to look at her hands for a second and then looked over to him.

"How far away is it?"
He asked, even though he knew the answer. He had been keeping track of the miles they have traveled in his head. It was just a habit that he had, to always have to find something to keep his mind working, even when he tried not to. He continued to look out the window. It was like looking out towards a place that you want to be but can never reach. He just wanted to get out of the tension filled car that they had been in, for what seemed like, an eternity. And this Jack guy didn't seem to be the most social guy in the world. 'I'm not about to be the one to try and start a conversation with him.'

He parked into the parking lot and turned the car off. He lingered for a second and then turned around to look at everyone.
"All right we're here"
And, as if it were a green light to go, all the kids opened the doors and were out of the car without a second thought. Sean looked over to Pita and smiled reassuringly. He reached over and squeezed her hand gently. They will somehow get through this and they will do it together. With that thought he opened the door and stepped out of the car.
Maybe, you have to let go
of who you were to become
who you will be.
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