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Old 05-01-2005, 07:01 AM
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Taken by: *Sarahrooie*
Name: Michael Devlin
Age: Fourteen
How they feel: Michael has already decided that this will be the miracle that his family has been searching for, and that whatever happens, when this is over there will be no more talk of divorce.
Personality: Michael has always been the ‘good boy’. He is the sort of boy who will go out of his way to make sure that people remain happy, and that the status quo remains. Most people find Michael confusing, he is willing to act to help people but seems to care little for himself. In reality this isn’t exactly true, as Michael enjoys seeing other people’s happiness, and knowing that he’s done something well often means that he feels better. There are certain people who can be unnerved by Michael, mainly because he tends to stay quiet and listen a lot, meaning that he finds it very easy to pick up certain things about people, noticing changes in their personality, or picking up on tiny pieces of information.
History: Unlike Marshall, who has let the world know that he favours his mother to his father, Michael has no problem with his father; mainly because in order for them to continue to be the ‘normal’ family, Michael’s father needs to remain in the picture. Michael is perspective enough to realise that his parents’ marriage has never been perfect, but he’s always been very skilled at covering up the cracks; lying to those another him and himself that his parents are still as in love with each other as they were in the beginning and that their marriage was as stable as it always was. Michael pride himself on his background, his nice family and isn’t willing to let go of any of it, physically or mentally.
Relationships: --
Played by: Carter Jenkins

Taken by: *Sarahrooie*
Name: Kristina ‘Kris’ Tyler
Age: Eighteen
How they feel: Kris doesn't want to be here. The camp is the ultimate authority figure, and she'll do her very best to get out of this place. Nor does she believe that anyone else can help her through her grief.
Personality: Prior to Matthew's suicide, Kris Tyler had managed to gain herself the tag of 'trouble-maker.' But somehow she always seemed to been seen as nothing more than a slight annoyance. Her rebellion was nothing more than a teenage from a privilaged background attempting to divorce herself from the comfy ideals of her parents and while it may have lead to a few arguments between Kris and her mother, these always seemed to have been solved by the next morning. But after Matthew’s suicide all that changed. Kris was no longer just refusing to give in her homework, she now rarely attended school. And the rest of the clichés soon followed, Kris was rarely at home, and whenever she was there she seemed unable to do anything but scream at her parents. When Matthew died so did a little bit of Kristina, and so it now seems like the Tylers lost two children, and not just one.
History: The Tylers had the perfect life, and Kris had never really been aware of anything less than perfect And while she may have made the odd snide comment about her parents’ life, she knew herself that she would be unable to cope with anything else. And while she may have aggravated her parents quite frequently, as a family they always seemed close enough. And no more so than Matthew and Kris. Yes, the two fought from time to times, but they were siblings so it was impossible for them not to do so. But on the whole the two were almost as close as they could be, Matthew was Kris’s mentor. And while she may have been more rebellious than her brother would ever dream of being, the two of them were painfully close. So she has taken his death terribly.
Relationships: --
Played by: Skye Sweetnam

Taken by: *Sarahrooie*
Name: Jack Anders
Age: Thirty-nine
How they feel: Jack is still in shock, mainly because he believes that there would be no worse candidate for a father. And yet, he still feels like there should be some connection between him and his son.
Personality: Jack is the sort of man who seems to have forgotten that he’s a thirty-nine year old man. He’s the obvious mid-life crisis man; he surrounds himself with women half his age, drives a fast car, owns a bachelor pad and seems to do his best to avoid all responsibility. He somehow manages to be employed in his highflying job, which throws him about the world and most importantly, he doesn’t seem to care. He is a man built entirely of shrugs and apathy. It would appear to anyone looking at Jack’s life from the outside that he just doesn’t care. This isn’t really true; instead he just attempts not to care, because that looks far cooler than doing his best to cater to every whim of the people around him. Because Jack’s trying his hardest to keep up the kids, he wants to still look cool. Which means a lot of work, and not that much apathy.
History: Jack Anders was born Jacques Anders, his mother was French, his father American. Both considered themselves to be intellectuals and so Jack was raised in some sort of bohemian fantasy, where rules were frowned upon and discipline was considered stifling to a child’s development. Which is why his parents were quite confused when their son grew up into the sort of person they were supposed to hate, and even when out of his way to change his name to its English spelling. Although their upbringing probably helped Jack to turn into the man he became. Because there’s has always been little need for such things as rules in Jacks’ world, which is why he appears to have an awful lot of notches on his bedposts and an awful track record when it comes to relationships. In thirty-nine years he’s never had a relationship that lasted longer than five months, but somehow never really considered that he would become a father, which is why his current situation is rather confusing.
Relationships: --
Played by: Olivier Martinez

Other characters will be edited into this post. It's just taking slightly longer than I imagined as, wow, i'm tired.

Last edited by *Sarahrooie*; 05-01-2005 at 09:39 AM
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Old 05-01-2005, 08:29 AM
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I'll edit in the rest of the profiles here as I get them done.

Taken by: Broadways Buffy
Name: Gisella *Ella* Ramirez
Age: 19
How they feel: She wants her mother to be happy, but she is hesitant to let another man into her life, a man that's going to be her stepfather. She enjoyed when it was just her and her mother. She also doesn't enjoy how she's treated in the Jones house.
Personality: Ella could be described as a bit of a spoiled, only child, but that's what she is. Her mother always doted on her, giving her everything that she desired, within reason. She was always appreciative of her mother, though. Ella is sweet, but she can have an attitude, especially with anyone who tries to mess with her family or friends. She is a very loyal person to those she loves and cares about. She is also a very passionate person. When she cares about something, she gives it her all. She tries to have a positive outlook on life, but situations like this can change that outlook. Because of her background, she can come off as having a bad temper and attitude, but that's only if you don't get to know her.
History: Ella barely remembers her father, she was only three years old when her mother left him. She has small, brief memories about her father, but she doesn't even know how accurate they are. She never asks her mother about him, knowing it's a hard memory. Ella became a bit of a rebellious child as she grew up, watching her mother date man after man. She didn't quite understand until her teens that none of these men were her father, and that her mother just wanted to move on and be happy. Then one day she sat down and had a talk with her mother, and things were mended between them. Through high school, she got straight As, participated in many activities including Dance Team and National Honor Society. Ella is a very bright girl, her dream is to be a dancer, but she's planning to go to college to be a lawyer, because she knows it would make her mother proud. When her mother began dating Sean Jones, Ella didn't have a problem with it. She liked Sean, he was very sweet to her mother, and to Ella. And then they moved in, and she met his kids, and her feelings about the situation changed completely. She knew that it was hard for them too, but they treated her and her mother like the enemy. Ella barely spends any time in the house now, not wanting to be around them. She wants the situation to work, but doubts that sticking them in a camp will do any good.
Relationships: TBA
Played by: Jessica Alba

Taken by: Broadways Buffy
Name: Olivia Whatley
Age: 38
How they feel: Olivia is confused about the whole situation. She wants Brian to get to know his father, because she thinks he deserves a chance at getting to know him. She doesn't really understand the hesitance from both sides, but hopes that they can work things out.
Personality: Olivia has always been an independent woman. When she found out that she was pregnant with Brian, she didn't worry about being a single mother. Even though she is strong and independent, she is the kind of woman that can be walked on easily. She usually lets people in without thinking, and that's what happened with Jack. They didn't even have a relationship, it was just a fling, she let him charm her into bed, and she ended up with a son. She loves her son to death, and has always been there for him his entire life. She wanted to give him enough love and care that he didn't realize he didn't have a father. Saying that, I guess you can say she is a bit naive about some things. Olivia constantly feels that her son is smarter than fact, she knows he is. Sometimes he is more of a grownup in the family than she is, but she's working on that.
History: Olivia Whatley was born to Clarissa and George Whatley in Oakland, California. She had a normal upbringing, her parents were very loving, they were well-off finanically, and she was their only daughter. When she was a teenager, her mother developed breast cancer. Her mother was a fighter, but the cancer was too far along, and even with chemo and aggressive radiation, the cancer won. After that, Olivia and her father moved to San Fransisco. Olivia graduated high school at the top of her class, and went to college for accounting. Years after she graduated college, her father died, and Olivia was left on her own. She stayed in her father's home, and that is where she still lives. She found a good job, and was content with her life. Then one night, she met Jack. He was handsome and charming, and Olivia was lonely. He wasn't the type of guy to settle down, so after their steamy affair, Olivia found out she was pregnant. And she felt it was the best thing that ever happened to her. She had always wanted to be a mother, and she feels that she is a good mother. She knows she is not perfect, but everyday she looks at Brian and knows she must have done something good. Now, after all this time, she hopes that some kind of bond can form between her son and his father.
Relationships: TBA
Played by: Teri Hatcher

Taken by: Broadways Buffy
Name: Ethan Devlin
Age: 41
How they feel: Ethan loves his wife and children, but doesn't know if this will do any good in saving their marriage. He can't handle always being the 'bad guy' in family situations, and having his wife compete with him in being the kids' favorite.
Personality: Ethan can be an abrasive person. He can also be a very kind person. It just depends on if you get on his bad or good side. He always tries to keep his temper under control, but sometimes it can get out of hand. His wife never disciplines the children, maybe because she wants to stay on their good side, but Ethan knows that sometimes there has to be boundaries. Ethan also has a problem expressing his feelings. He isn't very emotional, at least on the outside. His history is to blame for his coldness, but he can't really help it. Maybe one problem is he has trouble showing emotion toward his wife and kids. He can tell them he loves them, but do they actually believe he does? Deep down inside he truly loves them, but doesn't really know how to express it.
History: Ethan was born and raised in England. His father was involved in organized crime, and not having a mother, Ethan was exposed to that growing up. He saw countless women leaving his father's bedroom night after night. He saw his father murder people. Ethan did not love his father, he almost hated him. On bad nights, his father would get drunk and take his anger out on his son. The beatings continued throughout his teenage years, until Ethan was old enough to escape from his father's wrath. He got a scholarship to the US for college, and got word a few years later of his father's death, and he didn't give it a second thought. He was actually relieved that that part of his life was officialy over. After he graduated, he started a business with a friend in New York City. That's where he met Veronica. He was a bit of a ladies' man, using and discarding woman as he pleased, but Veronica was different. One thing that intrigued him about her, is that at first, she turned him down. That caught his interest, so he continued to pursue her until she agreed. Not long after, they were married. It started out great, they had two children, and then things started to change. Their relationship just wasn't the same.
Relationships: TBA
Played by: Clive Owen
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Last edited by Broadways Buffy; 05-01-2005 at 05:10 PM
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Old 05-01-2005, 10:33 AM
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Taken by: Dimaranwen
Name: Daniel Tyler
Age: 45
How they feel: Daniel watched his wife slowly slip into an almost catatonic state, and his daughter is closed-off. Daniel finally realized that he couldn't fix his family on his own, and this is a big step for him, admitting that he needs help.
Personality: A mean-spirited individual during his 'golden years,' Daniel was definitely his father's son. He was well on his way to being an aggressive maniac, careless of everyone's feelings but his own. When he met Meghan, he slowly changed for the better. Daniel's cold heart was thawed, and he became a very caring person. However, old habits die hard. Daniel can still be aggressive, and he has a short fuse, which isn't the most stable combination. He's extremely protective of his family and their privacy, and following Matthew's suicide, Daniel lashed out at his neighbors and friends, striking the paparazzi if they came to snoop around. He has a hard time controlling his temper. He sees Matthew's suicide as a failure on his part as his father, and he's become increasingly paranoid, thinking everyone must be wondering what was wrong, what happened behind closed doors. Daniel has become more preoccupied with status and appearances, and the Tyler family has fallen from grace. They aren't perfect anymore, and Daniel can't stand it.
History: No one knew how to survive under pressure better than Daniel Tyler. His father, Patrick Tyler, expected Daniel to succeed at everything, especially football. Failure wasn't an option. An injury had ruined Patrick's own career as a football player, and although he moved on, he didn't fully relinquish his dream. He lived vicariously through his son, who struggled to please his father, no matter what. There was no buffer to dampen Patrick's obsession, since Daniel's mother, Kaitlyn Freeman, left Patrick a year after Daniel was born. Patrick and Kaitlyn were high school sweethearts, doomed to fail because of Patrick's aggressive, stubborn nature and Kaitlyn's flighty personality. Daniel barely remembers his mother, but Patrick filled in the blanks, blemishing his mother's name, which was never very good to began with. Daniel bore ill-will to all women for most of his adolescence, treating the doting girlfriends like trash. Until he met Meghan. She attracted his attention because she didn't swoon over him like the other dim-witted girls. She refused to date him, however, until the summer after they graduated. Daniel changed because of Meghan. He became a better man for her. Patrick was thoroughly displeased with the change in his son, for he saw Daniel slowly giving up football. Daniel never loved the sport, but he accepted a scholarship to play in college, interested in an education. Daniel earned a business degree, and he is in charge of his own department. Daniel left his father completely behind when he married Meghan, and they bought a house far away from their old town, leaving everything behind. Daniel had his own family. They soon had a son and a daughter, Matthew and Kristina. They were the perfect nuclear family, until Matthew committed suicide. Daniel still can't accept what happened. He had always been close to his son, although Matthew going away to college put a strain on their relationship. He can't understand, and he's not sure if he ever will.
Relationships: TBA
Played by: Viggo Mortensen
too little too late but we can't say no, it's too much to feel, tie my right hand to the bible.
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Old 05-01-2005, 11:21 AM
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Everyone has been added, now here's where we stand:

Counselors: 2/2 - done
Keating: 0/2 - Shiri S, Dimaranwen
Jones-Ramirez: 4/5 - Pixie Queen
Anders-Whatley: 2/3 - Broadways Buffy
Tyler: 3/3 - done
Devlin: 3/4 - Broadways Buffy
O'Riley-James: 1/4 - Sarahrooie, Shiri S, Broadways Buffy
Bryant: 2/3 - Pixie Queen
Jacobs: 2/4 - Broadways Buffy, Shiri S

By person...
Shiri S - need three
Dimaranwen - need one
Pixie Queen - need two
Broadways Buffy - need four
*Sarahrooie* - need one
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.
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Old 05-01-2005, 02:23 PM
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Make me feel like a slacker, why dontcha?
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Old 05-01-2005, 02:35 PM
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Moi? Never!

I'm gonna start working on banners soon, since families are starting to get completed...


Counselors: 2/2 - done
Keating: 0/2 - Shiri S, Dimaranwen
Jones-Ramirez: 4/5 - Pixie Queen
Anders-Whatley: 3/3 - done
Tyler: 3/3 - done
Devlin: 4/4 - done
O'Riley-James: 1/4 - Sarahrooie, Shiri S, Broadways Buffy
Bryant: 2/3 - Pixie Queen
Jacobs: 2/4 - Broadways Buffy, Shiri S

By person...
Shiri S - need three
Dimaranwen - need one
Pixie Queen - need two
Broadways Buffy - need two
*Sarahrooie* - need one
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.

Last edited by MoonSwirl; 05-01-2005 at 06:23 PM
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Old 05-02-2005, 03:15 PM
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Taken by: *Sarahrooie*
Name: Elizabeth 'Liz' James
Age: Forty-five
How they feel: Liz actually feels highly embarrassed that she is in this situation. Maybe because she kept her lover secret for such a long time, or maybe because her daughter has not automatically accepted her lifestyle.
Personality: Liz is the sort of woman that walks into a room and somehow manages to light it up. An eternal optimist Liz’s skills lie in allowing anyone to see the good in any situation. Including the situation that she has found herself in now. Because it could be worse, she could still be living a lie and be married to her husband. Of course it is possible that people might find these traits annoying, not everyone wants to be told that life gets better, nor do they wish to hear Liz’s chattering. And unfortunately Liz isn’t any good at censoring herself. If someone doesn’t like her, well then they’re jut going to have to put up with her, Liz changes for no one.
History: Elizabeth James knew that she would never have what others considered a normal life. Her upbringing was incredibly dull by anyone’s standard, raised by a mother and a father who expected her to go out into the real world and marry herself off. Which is exactly what Liz did. Eric James was apparently the perfect man, tall, dark, handsome, and yet Liz found that she wasn’t attracted to him at all. Mainly because Eric James was a man. Because by this time Liz had been made aware of the fact that she preferred to company of the same sex. But because of the way she was bought up she fought these urges and married her perfect husband, and had her perfect child. Unfortunately it was clear to see that their relationship was terribly flawed, quite possibly because Liz didn’t find her own husband attractive. After ten years of painful marriage the two divorced. But still Liz didn’t feel in the position to ‘out’ herself. At least not to any of the members of her family. Because to her own surprise Liz now felt in the position to date other women, hence the existence of Jenny. Liz and Jenny never really planned to have a relationship, but now are so in love that they both feel like they have to tell their children.
Relationships: --
Played by: Emma Thompson
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Old 05-04-2005, 03:49 PM
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#2 & 3-- done

Taken by: Pixie Queen
Name: Natalie Bryant
Age: 39
How they feel: Natalie does not like it, she accepts it and knows that it's there but still hates the idea of it nonetheless and is not looking forward to the camp, she's very opinionated and knows she doesn't like it mostly because of how Sam's life could become hers and she thinks Samantha deserves much better than her, infact she knows she does and she doesn't want to see her life wasted by this turn of events.
Personality: Natalie is very self aware, she's also very blunt and straightforward, if she doesn't like something she'll tell you, no questions about it. She's also very stern but has her moments of light heartness although she doesn't see them in this situation because of how similar it looks to her own life, and quite honestly.. that in it's self to her is very scary.
History: Natalie Bryant has always been a straight arrow, for the most part anyway, good family, friends and had a good head on her shoulders until her last year of high school when she fell hard for a football player named Marc Sands, she and Marc were completely gaga over one another until one day Natalie discovered she was pregnant. In short, her family disowned her, and Marc well.. he wanted nothing to do with her, obviously. That was when she was 18, so she got an abortion, the same thing happened to her in college dispite saying to herself that it was never going to happen again she was 22 then and 23 when she finally gave birth to Samantha. Now, she still has never been married, and occasionally dates, but some things she's willing to never tell Samantha although in this case she may have to.
Relationships: tba
Played by: Catherine Zeta Jones

Taken by: Pixie Queen
Name: Josephine *Joey* Jones
Age: 19
How they feel: She hates it, she has nothing against her father but this woman he's dating has another thing coming if she thinks she can come in and make everything "Happy". She doesn't want to go to the camp.
Personality: Joey is very quiet, she won't tell you when something is up with her. She;s been like that since her mother left, no disrespect to her father but some things you just can't discuss with your father.. or just don't want to She has her loud moments but those are extremely rare and when they do happen she means business, and isn't afraid to say something but that doesn't stay for too long before she goes back into her shell.
History: Joey was born to a loving family. That much she knew, she was a happy kid, especially since most kids parents around her where far from perfect. She liked the fact hers seemed perfect, at least until she got wind of her parents problems, she was the first one to find out even though she knew her father wanted to not tell her. Disappointed she hasn't been the same since and has been closed off, if anything part of why she won't accept this new family is because she's not ready and doesn't want to.
Relationships: tba
Played by: Bianca Lawson

Last edited by Pixie Queen; 05-04-2005 at 04:14 PM
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Old 05-05-2005, 06:36 PM
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Counselors: 2/2 - done
Keating: 0/2 - Shiri S, Dimaranwen
Jones-Ramirez: 5/5 - done
Anders-Whatley: 3/3 - done
Tyler: 3/3 - done
Devlin: 4/4 - done
O'Riley-James: 2/4 - Shiri S, Broadways Buffy
Bryant: 3/3 - done
Jacobs: 2/4 - Broadways Buffy, Shiri S

By person...
Shiri S - need three
Dimaranwen - need one
Broadways Buffy - need two

I reeeeally want to start this by Saturday night, so those with missing profiles, please get them in? Thanks...
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.
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Old 05-06-2005, 01:54 AM
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Taken by: ShiriS
Name: Keely James
Age: 19
How they feel: She hates hates hates it. She knows her mom is happy, but she just can't accept that she is happy with another woman. Not yet. It'll take her a while. She thinks this camp thing is pointless. It won't help. She wants to deal with it one her own. She doesn't want some stupid counsler person trying to help her. She doesn't need tips or anything like that. She's a little too indepent for her own good.
Personality: Keely has got a pleasent personality all the time and she's never loud. She's always a calm kind of girl. She takes things as they come. She's kind of a perfectionest. And an OCD one at that. Everything has to be in it's exact spot and everything has to be perfect, or else she'll freak out and go crazy. Her perfectionistic ways is probably by she doesn't like change. Ugh she dreeds change. She wishes that everything stay the same all the time. She knows she'll never get her wish but she tries her hardest to make it happen. She tries her best to keep everything the same. She has certain routines she sticks to and all that. Her life is perfectly planned out. She was thrown threw a loop when her parents divored and her mother came out of the closet. That was far too much change in her life. She didn't like it. She didn't quite know how to deal with it. She kind of shut her mouther out when she found out. Even thuogh she should be accepting her mom for her life choice, she can't do that right now. She doesn't want to deal with it even though she knows she has to.
History: Keely had that ideal life. Her parents were perfect. Her life was really perfect. That is, until her parents got a divorce. Then her perfect world came crashing down on her and she didn't like it. She sort of shut down when he parents split. They got joint custody of her. She just loves being shared. Really. Being at one house half the week and then one house the other. Oh yeah, it's really fun! That's complete and total scarcm right there. She hated going from house to house each week. Thankfully, now that she's over 18, she can stay where she wants how ever long she wants. Unfornatly for her, her father moved to another state so now it's hard to seem him so much. Which really sucks because with her mother just coming out of closet just recently, she would really love to have somewhere to say where she didn't have to deal with her mother lesbianism. She's been avoiding anything and everything having to do with the situation, which she'd been doing by starying away from home as much as possible. Her friends have been really nice in letting her sleep on their couches.
Relationships: tba
Played by: Shiri Appleby
It's just you & me, we got a thing they cant shake
Maybe, it's a little hard sometimes to take
But I'll tell you something, its a life worth living

Just so you know, I wouldn't give it up, no.
Jason Morgan & Sam Mccall

Last edited by Shiri S; 05-06-2005 at 02:14 AM
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Old 05-06-2005, 08:16 PM
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All done!

Taken by: Broadways Buffy
Name: Colton O'Reilly
Age: 17
How they feel: Colton is confused about the whole situation. He really can't fathom the fact that his mother wants to be with another woman.
Personality: Colton has always been wise beyond his years. Growing up, he was never really affected by the riff between his parents. He knew that they both loved him, and they never really fought, they just grew apart. He gets to see his dad, and spend time with his mom, so he is happy. Colton is practically the perfect son. He doesn't get into trouble, he gets good grades, and is actually at the top of his class. He has dreams of becoming a doctor someday. One thing that people always notice about Colton, is how much he thinks of others. He is more likely to think of someone else before himself. Especially with his parents. One reason he took the divorce so easy is because he didn't want to hurt his parents.
History: Colton has had a wonderful upbringing with two loving parents. He loves his mom and dad, and he is never embarassed to spend time with them. Throughout school, he has had many friends, he plays sports, he's just an all around good kid. When he found out the truth about his mother, it kind of threw his perfect world askew. He knew and accepted that there were people out there who decided that they would rather spend their lives with people of the same sex, but he never imagined it would be his mom. Concerned for her feelings, he didn't freak when she told him, he's just been sort of detatched from the whole situation. He doesn't know what to think about it yet, especially since they want to move in together. It just seems like an alternate reality.
Relationships: TBA
Played by: Kevin Zegers

Taken by: Broadways Buffy
Name: Bailan Jacobs
Age: 24
How they feel: Bailan is torn up inside at the thought of losing his father too. He is trying to be strong, for his siblings, and to make his father proud. He is also scared that he will mess up being responsible for his brother and sister.
Personality: Bailan, being the oldest of the Jacobs family, has always been a big brother to his younger siblings. He loves his family very much, and really never fought with either of his siblings. He helps them with their homework, and before the accident, he would help Saralyn with her sports. When his mom died, he felt an even greater responsibility to help his father look after the two youngest children. Bailan has always put his family before anything else. He was going to go away to school before his mother died, but put that on hold immediately after the accident. He didn't go to college, and now with his father's illness, he is working a full-time job to support the family.
History: Bailan was closest with his mother, he loves them both the same, but him and his mother always had a special bond. He was her first child, the first baby she held in her arms and sang to sleep with that sweet voice of hers. When she died, Bailan closed himself off from the world. When he realized that how he was acting wasn't helping his family deal with the grief, he snapped out of it. The day his father sat down and told him that he was dying, and that the family responsibility was left to him, he wanted to scream, he wanted to cry, he wanted to demand to know why he was losing both of his parents. He's only 24 years old! He's supposed to have a future, he's supposed to be there when his parents get too old to take care of themselves, and now he will never see that day. His father will never see him get married, start a life of his own, and that kills him. He would never show his grief in front of his family. He has to be strong, and he will be, for their sake.
Relationships: TBA
Played by: Dominic Monaghan
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Old 05-06-2005, 10:34 PM
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Taken by: Dimaranwen
Name: Sarah Keating
Age: Seventeen
How they feel: Sarah is convinced that nothing an help her. So she isn't exactly ecstatic to be at Walden.
Personality: There was a time when Sarah was an altruistic, charming, young woman with such ambition and enthusiasm for life. Change is inevitable, and with Adrienne, it came too early too fast. Her mother's premature death prompted that change. Amidst all the pain, she could only think of one question. Why? Her mother had been healthy for her entire childhood; why now; why when it was starting to get really interesting? All she could think about was how unfair it was. She feels angry with everyone and everything, completely abandoned by any higher power. Instead of seeking help or talking about her feelings of intense grief, Sarah isolated herself, abandoning the nearly perfect life she had worked so hard to build. The life she had built, however, was closely linked to her mother. Without her, Sarah has no life, no meaning. She's thought about taking the empty shell that was formerly a life. What would it matter? How could she go to hell, if there isn't even a heaven? Sarah lost faith in all religion, which was something her mother and her always found meaning in. Sarah has lost everything, and she believes there is no way she can get it back.
History: Sarah was truly her mother's daughter. She resembled Susan Keating in every possible way. Physically, she was almost a carbon copy, and they got along in almost every respect. Sarah and her mother did everything together. In place of a sister, her mother attempted to be a friend to Sarah, not simply a mother. Sarah had a good relationship with her father as well, but she simply didn't connect on the same level. She treated him with respect, loved him, participated in the typical 'father-daughter' bonding. Sarah and Susan had approached a time in their lives in which they engage in more mature activities and really learning about each other as adults. But her mother was weakening. Sarah could see it, but at her mother's request, she never discussed her mother's illness, no matter how much it pained her. Her mother was slowly dying of cancer, but her death didn't exactly become imminent until three months had come and gone. Chemotherapy was useless, and her mother wanted to spend what time she had left with Sarah, rather than in a hospital. When Susan died, Sarah felt completely lost. Her already weak bond with her father become virtually nonexistant as she detached herself from everyone that cared about her. Sarah knew that no one would be able to help her overcome her grief, so she preferred to be alone, rather than listen to or encourage people's useless attempts.
Relationships: TBA
Played by: Erica Durance
too little too late but we can't say no, it's too much to feel, tie my right hand to the bible.
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Old 05-07-2005, 03:00 AM
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OOC: I give you permission to bug my butt and help me with my last profile later

Taken by: ShiriS
Name: Dustin *DJ* Jacobs
Age: 17
How they feel: He doesn't want his father to die. He already lost his mom, does he really need to loose his father too?
Personality: They say being the middle child takes alot out on a person. That is such the case with Dustin Jacobs. He enjoyed being the youngest before Saralyn came along. He was the sweetest little child before Saralyn came. When she came though, he changed a little. He didn't like that he wasn't getting the attention anymore. He's one of those people who crave attention from everyone around him. He's not an attention hog or anything. He just likes attention and when Saralyn came around, he didn't get alot of it and he kind of resented his parents for that. He liked being the baby. Did they really need Saralyn? DJ went through the typical 'rebel to try and get attetion' stage when he was around 10. He never grew out of his stage because he noticed that it worked. Yes, that's why he is the rebel is today. To get attention. He's a rebel with a heart though because he loves his family and he grew to love his little sister, even though she got all the attention.
History: DJ was born the middle child. The often neglected child. That wasn't true with his family. His parents gave equal attention to DJ and both his siblings. Though he still felt the need to rebel just to get the extra attention that he needed. His little rebelion act somewhat cooled down when the accident happened. The greiving process was kind of long for him. In truth, he's still not over it but he acted like it didn't bother him any more after a while and he was back to his tough guy act. With everyone paying attention to Saralyn again, he got back into his rebel act to get attention. He started drinking a bit around that time. He didn't get the point that he was an alcoholic but he did fancy drinking to anything else in his life. He only does it casually really. He's not compulsive about it or anything. When he found out his father was dying, he started drinking more. Everything just hit him all at once and he kind of shut down. Got closed off. He barely talks anymore. He doesn't want to believe it's happening. He thinks it's all a big dream. Soon, his father will die and he'll be parently less. Oh yes, it's all a big dream.
Relationships: tba
Played by: Mike Lobel
It's just you & me, we got a thing they cant shake
Maybe, it's a little hard sometimes to take
But I'll tell you something, its a life worth living

Just so you know, I wouldn't give it up, no.
Jason Morgan & Sam Mccall
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Old 05-07-2005, 05:10 AM
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Wee! One more and we're there! Okay, so now I won't require that they're all in before we start, but start thinking about your relationships, okay? This means in relations to their family, eventual friends, (for parents) present love, (single parents (or soon to be single ) and kids) eventual love...

Depending on when that last profile comes in, we should be able to start in late afternoon
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.
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Old 05-07-2005, 04:43 PM
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Taken by: ShiriS
Name: Robert Keating
Age: 46
How they feel: He thinks this camp will be a good thing. It'll help he and Sara deal with Susan's death and it'll get him started up trying to make their relationship stronger. He's willing to try anything.
Personality: Robort is very high profile and he exppects alot from himself. He's a hardworker and he puts all his enegry into a job. He is definately one not to be a slacker. The day he is lazy and unbusy (with the exception of sleeping) is the day hell freezes over. Robert has all sorts of compassion for all sorts of people. He never judge anyone for being themselves. He never tells anyone to change. He just lets everyone be themselves. He's a firm believer in indivuality. Comforming to everyone's ideal 'image' is just not right in his eyes. Robert is the type of guy that would never hurt a fly and he always feels guilty when patients dye in his hands. He always tries his hardest to make sure they don't though. Always. Sadly, he knows more about his patients than he does his own daughter. In light of wha has happened though and being at this camp, is going to try and make up for all that he missed. He likes the saying 'If at first you don't succeeded - try, try again'. And he always does 'try, try' again. He does everything until he gets it right. Fail is not in his vocabulary.
History: Robert grew up in a family full of doctors. His mom was a pedaticitan and his father was surgen. His older brother became a doctor too so it's not no big surprise that Robert becaome a doctor as well. He truly loved helping people so being a doctor was the perfect profession for him. He met the love of his life while he was in med school. She was an art major and he had a few non medical classes with her. Her name was Susan and they were in love by the time she graduated. Since he had to stay in school a few more years, she stuck around to be with him. They ended up getting married after he graduated. They were very happy together. When Robert was 29, they had a little girl named Sarah. She was the apple of her daddy's eye but right around that time, Robert got employed as a surgeon at the local hospital. He was a very much needed doctor and though his work load started off small, it multiplied over the years until he was barely home at all with his wife and daughter. He became one of the best surgens in the world - just like his father - and he was always on demand. This, of course, resulted in him not being able to get close to his daughter like he wanted to. Just recently, his wife of many many years passed away. Robert had done everything in his power to help lessen Susan's chance of dying from cancer but there was nothing he could have done sadly. Now, with her gone, he had to put more focus on his teenage daughter and he knows that is going to be hard to make up for so many years that he lost with her wile he was doing this job.
Relationships: tba
Played by: Tom Cruise
It's just you & me, we got a thing they cant shake
Maybe, it's a little hard sometimes to take
But I'll tell you something, its a life worth living

Just so you know, I wouldn't give it up, no.
Jason Morgan & Sam Mccall
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