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Old 04-28-2004, 02:54 PM
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Originally posted by Fairy_Angel:
Samantha M.
Interesting. I've heard of rugby but have never tried to play it. *giggles* Your right. I didn't ask whats under your clothes. Though have to say...could be a bit inticing to know... But hey, whatever you want to mention is perfectly fine with me. Depends on my mood. Mostly rock 'n' roll, techno, pop and hard rock. I totally hate jazz and rap. So what's your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
- Sammy
She was cool at least. I was crazy about techno but other than that we had similar tastes in music...

I'd have to say..I really like to take photos, alot. Also, cooking. That probably sounds stupid but thats the truth. What about you? Favorite food? Favorite color? Lots of questions, huh?

"One must always be careful of books," said Tessa,"and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us." -Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
[ICON CREDIT: sourburst]
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Old 04-28-2004, 03:05 PM
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Originally posted by JillyHalliwell:

She was cool at least. I was crazy about techno but other than that we had similar tastes in music...

I'd have to say..I really like to take photos, alot. Also, cooking. That probably sounds stupid but thats the truth. What about you? Favorite food? Favorite color? Lots of questions, huh?
Samantha M.

I rip open the letter and smile a bit. Then pull out paper and pen and start writing.


You cook? Holy, wow! That's a first. I've never really known a guy who could cook. They usually have us women do it for them. I should know, my dad has me cook our meals. He's a bit too lazy to do it himself. My favorite color is aqua blue, favorite food... hmm... anything that's native american, chinese, italian and I absolutely love home made cooking. Are your photos any good?

- Sammy
Van Helsing: This thing... man... whatever it is... evil may have created it, left its mark on it... but evil does not rule it. So I cannot kill it.
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Old 04-28-2004, 03:13 PM
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I smirked as I read the letter. Typical chick. I shook my head a little and clicked my pen then put the point on the paper and started writing.


Nice name. What's mine? Look at the bottom of this stupid letter. My hobbies? Nothing I care to tell about. Yeah that's right, I do nothing but sit about and 'live my poor exsistance of a life'. I'm sure you have one too.


I read the letter, glad to see this person seemed less than enthused, as I was. Didn't seem like a total freak. But I wasn't making that call yet.


Have what? A life? Of course I do. Very thrilling you know, country club's are just brimming with fun. Right. So, is the whle thing where the vast majority of your school is on drugs true? If so, it wouldn't be all that different from here. We just put on a good front, a master skill.



Joy. Another letter to respond to. After reading it, though, I decided maybe it wasn't all bad. Atleast not the awful person I'd classified myself getting paired off with. This seemed almost managable.


So Rich Kid's bored? How sad. Don't you guys like havea country club you could be at? Anyways, I've decided I will reply, mainly for the amusement factor I'll get from rich kid's whining about their oh-so-terrible lives. And I could use the grade.


I read the letter,well at least he's not a football player. I thought about what to say. Maybe something like -Dear Parker I am a Brookfields crack whore:ask me how?- I chuckled to myself, and started to write.

I'm Joon Winslow. I drive a 1964 VW Bus that I vented out myself. My dad's a mechanic and I've learned about cars and stuff since I was 4 and I was allowed to help put in my first pair of windshield wipers. Music is a must for me, but as my car suggests I'm more into The Doors, and The Beatles than alot of the newer stuff. I can't even roller skate. Love video games, but I'm more into RPG style stuff like Final Fantasy. I'm a dork, obviously, also am a huge fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer if that helps nail the coffin (ha,ha) on my geekdom. I guess I'll hear from you soon. Either that or I'll assume you got out on good behavior.

I read the letter, surprised by it. So we had some things in common. Not that this would make it 'fun', but definetly better. Probably.


Nice. I'm not huge with VW's, but it'd work. The Doors are genius, can't say the same about The Beatles. I can't roller skate either, really don't care to learn. Buffy doesn't make you a dork, she's hot. Good behavior? Hah. I've tried. Still doesn't let you out.


I laughed as I read the guy's response. He had actually answered my pompous questions. I'd kinda hoped for a girl, but this guy would just have to do, he seemed cool enough. I pulled out a pen.

I play basketball. I play the trombone. I drive a Dodge Ram truck. I'm on student goverment. My life isn't all that interestign, it's just kind of hectic. Sometimes I wish I could smoke weed because everyone I've ever seen who does seems so calm. So tell me more about your life.

So he wasn't a poiled brat, my frist impression. A little uptight, but seemed like he wanted to change that.


Wow. That's sort of sad. Trombone? Let me guess-was all this your parents idea? Same with student government? I doubt we have that here. Who knows. I'm not huge with all of our extracurricular crap. I'd send some weed, but who knows if teachers check this junk.

You can show up at my house
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We'll have that movie kiss we talked about
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Old 04-28-2004, 03:38 PM
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Originally posted by Fairy_Angel:



Okay, that would make sense. Dark chocolate has too rich of a taste to it. Well, you don't have to worry about my favorite color being pink. My favorites are black, red, and blue. Pink's an okay color. But I wouldn't say its my favorite. Non-fiction or fiction?



Definitely, fiction. With fiction, there is so much imagination and diversity. Besides, I get bored with all these non-fiction books that the lastest scientist releases out. So boring, I could fall asleep, but I better not. On to the next question... What's your favourite smell in the world?

i'll be the king,
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Old 04-28-2004, 03:59 PM
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Originally posted by *Sarahrooie*:
I'm not sure if it's the eyes. Even when you order cooked fish they normally come still eyed and everything. Possibly I just have this mentality that tells me that food should be cooked. Even thought I'm pretty sure that you get more energy out of raw food than the cooked stuff.
You listen to Hey Jude while you write? That's cool. I normally avoid it because it's quite embarrassing. It's not that it's a bad song or anything, it's just that it's odd.
But yes, we have a dog. And unfortunately the dog also got a Beatles related name (blame my father). So he's Ringo. Ringo the dog. Granted it's better than Paul, but it still might need a little bit of work.
I laughed softly to myself as I looked down at the letter. His dad sounded like someone fun to be around.
That's adorable. We have two dogs (dobermans, kinda sterotypical of 'rich' people I guess, but their actually red doberman's) named Butch and Sugar (don't ask me I don't know), I have three goldfish, my mom has an angelfish (named Prissy, who is somewhat sucidical and tries to jump out of the tank all the time) and I have four cats(Moby, Dody, Lady Di, and Queen Elizabeth), and two horses (Romeo & Juliet) who live at a public stable..Told you I loved animals.

Originally posted by QueenBitch:
Nice. I'm not huge with VW's, but it'd work. The Doors are genius, can't say the same about The Beatles. I can't roller skate either, really don't care to learn. Buffy doesn't make you a dork, she's hot. Good behavior? Hah. I've tried. Still doesn't let you out.
I made a face, who doesn't like VW's? I guess it's obvious that he doesn't. I shrugged slightly and started to write.
Well,the Doors are good but they were also uber-druggies (guess I'd rather die of an overdose than a heart attack with a ham sandwich in my mouth like mama cats, from the mama's and the papa's) . I'm not really a fan of Buffy because she's hot, but I guess she's attractive...her nose is alittle weird. I'm more into the ass-kicking supernatural fun of it. I started taking kickboxing lessons at the Y lately. Alot of fun.

"One must always be careful of books," said Tessa,"and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us." -Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
[ICON CREDIT: sourburst]
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Old 04-28-2004, 04:18 PM
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I made a face, who doesn't like VW's? I guess it's obvious that he doesn't. I shrugged slightly and started to write.
Well,the Doors are good but they were also uber-druggies (guess I'd rather die of an overdose than a heart attack with a ham sandwich in my mouth like mama cats, from the mama's and the papa's) . I'm not really a fan of Buffy because she's hot, but I guess she's attractive...her nose is alittle weird. I'm more into the ass-kicking supernatural fun of it. I started taking kickboxing lessons at the Y lately. Alot of fun.

I laughed a bit, then got out a piece of paper and my pen.


Isn't your school a lot of druggies? Just a rumor. Didn't think you'd agree about Buffy being hot. But she is. And the whole fighting thing is pretty cool, too. Weird. But cool. Kickboxing does sound fun.

You can show up at my house
Completely unannounced
We'll have that movie kiss we talked about
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Old 04-28-2004, 04:29 PM
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Originally posted by PJ_Believer:



Definitely, fiction. With fiction, there is so much imagination and diversity. Besides, I get bored with all these non-fiction books that the lastest scientist releases out. So boring, I could fall asleep, but I better not. On to the next question... What's your favourite smell in the world?



Yeah, I agree with you there. All that non-fiction stuff just doesn't do. And with fiction books you have plots. Vampires, werewolves, and other assorted things. My favorite smell would have to be the smell of rosemary leaves. That or thyme leaves. They smell really good. What about you?

Van Helsing: This thing... man... whatever it is... evil may have created it, left its mark on it... but evil does not rule it. So I cannot kill it.
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Old 04-28-2004, 04:39 PM
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Originally posted by QueenBitch:


Isn't your school a lot of druggies? Just a rumor. Didn't think you'd agree about Buffy being hot. But she is. And the whole fighting thing is pretty cool, too. Weird. But cool. Kickboxing does sound fun.
Druggies,huh? Well I knew that was a rumor...

Yeah, we have druggies here but I bet you do too. Our neighbors aren't that great and we have dealers who prey on the schools. It's all about trying to make money (that's probably the same everywhere). Rumor has it most of you guys have your heads stuck up their own asses. What would you have said if I agreed that Buffy was hot? Why is the fighting weird?

"One must always be careful of books," said Tessa,"and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us." -Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
[ICON CREDIT: sourburst]
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Old 04-28-2004, 04:45 PM
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I sent out the letter and looked over at Fenton."Having fun writing your letters?" I asked him as I layed my pen down on the top of the desk. I still wasn't getting over the fact that we got our minds figured out and just started to date. It made things so much more awquard because first off. I haven't even kissed him yet. And second off we have only been on one date.
"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate"- Pirates of the Carribean

"The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game"-Bringing Down the House
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Old 04-28-2004, 04:57 PM
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Druggies,huh? Well I knew that was a rumor...

Yeah, we have druggies here but I bet you do too. Our neighbors aren't that great and we have dealers who prey on the schools. It's all about trying to make money (that's probably the same everywhere). Rumor has it most of you guys have your heads stuck up their own asses. What would you have said if I agreed that Buffy was hot? Why is the fighting weird?

I guess our rumors were true, too.


Yeah, but I gues we keep things quiet. Or pay people off so they don't know. There's a lot of snobs, some people are alright. I gues I'd have been a little weirded out. The fighting isn't weird, it's the whole concept. Sort of a big universe in BuffyWorld.

You can show up at my house
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Old 04-28-2004, 06:02 PM
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I got the letter and looked at it. I spent most of my time doodling on the paper. Until finally I sighed and began to write.

Dear You
I guess since you told me your name I should tell you mine. It's Stosh. hand hurts now.


I looked around me at everyone who had already dove into the whole writting letters. I felt bad since I haven't even written my first on yet. I took out a pen and started to write whatever came to mind.

To Whoever
I've never been good at writing letters, so forgive me if it's unbelievably boring. I'm Samara and I'm sure you know I go to Ashbury. Don't worry, I'm sure not all of the rumors are true...but I am getting my new porche after school, daddy's buying it for me. [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img], I sure hope my humor comes across on paper. Oh well...

Samara Paris
Maybe, you have to let go
of who you were to become
who you will be.
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Old 04-28-2004, 07:38 PM
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Originally posted by PJ_Believer:

Yeah, I do know that we had nothing in common, even though you know nothing about me. You should really think about the person feelings before writing that nonsense you wrote. As you said, you had no choice, then why are writing then? Are they putting a pistol to your head? I highly doubt it. So, maybe you do have some pleasure writing the letter. Who knows? I don't really care. All I can say is bye for now.

- Riley

[ 04-28-2004: Message edited PJ_Believer ]</STRONG>

As I read Riley's words, I felt an anger rise within me. I also wondered whether this Riley was a guy or a girl. I wanted it to be a chick, but somehow, I just knew that it had to be a guy. Girls didn't talk about guns. And they didn't seem to be so angry. But who knows, maybe she's butch.


So it sounds to me like we have one thing in common: neither one of us wants to be doing this stupid project. So, we either need to figure out who to come to some kind of common ground, or we need to just write words back and for, nothing that means anything, just so that we can get credit for this stupid assignment, okay?


Originally posted by PuRiTy:
<STRONG>Dear Meredith,
My name is Gwen, I'm 17 and my father is dead. So we have something in common. I have had sex at school, but it was in the parking lot. How was it in the locker room? I've always kind of wondered, [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]
Was the guy cute?

I actually did liek your letter a lot. It's nice to know that maybe everyone at your school isn't so bad. To tell you the truth I think if I had the money I would want to go there. I hope none of my friends see this. So what's your favorite movie? And what's your favorite song? And just tell me a little more about yourself. This may not be so bad.
-Gwen Jacobs

I smiled upon reading her letter. Part of me wondered if it was true. She said she would want to go to Ashbury if she could afford it, yet she supposedly gets banged on school property. Well, we'll see.


Sounds like you and I are two of a kind, just on different sides of the world. And if you put the two of us together it sounds like we'd have a perfect family. Your mom and my dad. It sounds like a match made in heaven.... and I don't even know your mom.

So, yeah, of course he was hot. I won't even talk to guys who aren't. They have to great cars, too. There are a lot of loser guys at my school who I won't even give the time of day, you know? Do you have a boyfriend right now? Perhaps we'll have to go on a double date sometime. I can see a piece of your world. You can see a piece of mine. It sounds like great fun.

So, anyhow. Movies and music... currently, anything by Guster and Butterfly Effect. How about you? Want to know anything else?


Originally posted by CherryChica87:
<STRONG>Dear Jessica

[i] Looks like I am getting forced into writing this letter. At least you seem somewhat civil. I really don’t have a lot to say about myself. I attend school over here at Ashbury and I hate most of the people here because they don’t let others have a chance. I hate stuck up people. I used to play football but when I got into a bad fall I caused a shoulder problem and lost all chances of playing it again.

Now I really appreciate your offer of tutoring me but that would be really weird..don’t you think? I mean if any one found out over here that I was hanging out with a Brookfield Student I think I would get all tons of hell that I just don’t need. No offense to you or anything Maybe once we get to know one another we can get together behind our schools backs. *Laughing* Anyways. I like some poetry but I am a much more sports freak. Don’t get me wrong I love the intellectual stuff but it depends on my mood. I know I must sound like a total jock but I swear I am not. I unlike the other jocks at my school actually have a mind of my own.

Have you ever had the chance to meet a famous person before? I got to meet probably one of your favorite people or at least I hope so..Joshua Jackson. I met him over the summer when I was an extra on his set of a new movie he is filming. I thought that was the best thing in the world. Considering I have nothing else to look back to and laugh. I just have a horrible family life. Mabye in the future I can confide in you but right now I don’t feel as though I can because we hardly know one another. Well I have to go and pass this thing in. Nice talking with you.



I don't know what I had expected from the letter, and I don't for sure know to think of what it is I ended up with. He seemed nice enough... yet... at the same time... he seemed like a total jerk. But, that's kind of the way it is with guys. You can never know for sure what you're going to get.


Well, if you ever change your mind about the tutoring, the offer is still open. And I'd even be willing to tell any of your friends that I'm a university student majoring in whatever it is we're working on. So, not that I want to be a poser, but if I can help you... I will.

I've never met a famous person, but it sure sounds like I have a lot of excavating to do on you. I'd like to know who you really are, but I'm not even sure that you know who you really are. Perhaps eventually we will find out. I really hope you're willing to share that with me in the future.

I'm really sorry to hear about your injury. It must really be tough not to be able to do what you like to do. I coudln't imagine dealing with something like that. Is there anything else that you'd like to know about me?


Originally posted by ~¤ Impressions ¤~:
<STRONG>To Whoever
I've never been good at writing letters, so forgive me if it's unbelievably boring. I'm Samara and I'm sure you know I go to Ashbury. Don't worry, I'm sure not all of the rumors are true...but I am getting my new porche after school, daddy's buying it for me. [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img], I sure hope my humor comes across on paper. Oh well...

Samara Paris</STRONG>

I wrinkled my nose at the words that I read. I didn't exactly know what to think. It was supposed to be humourous and on some level, it was. It was also pretty rude, too. But, it's the assignment, so I'd do it. Write her back, that is.


So, are you really getting that new car? Cause if you are, I'd sure like to see a picture in the next letter. *Laugh* Hopefully you picked up on my humour, too. Because Brookfield students can be comedians, too.

Me, I drive a Citron. Don't laugh, okay? It gets me where I need to go. School and work, to an occasional party, and tooling around town with my friends. Gets the job done. And if I wreck, nobody will really care.

So, do you have any interests? Hobbies?

Write soon,

I cannot find the words to say I need you so
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Old 04-28-2004, 07:41 PM
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OOC: FAIT_Accompli: I post Ria's letter back on page two [img]smilies/look.gif[/img]

I looked at the letter. Great...maybe I'll just be weird like also and creep this guy out. Sounds good, I thought and went to writing.

My name is Fenton and I am a miniature giant space hamster. My best friend is the brave little toaster and I like to frolic with the luck charms guy whenever possible. Goat cheese is very earthy, did you know that? Most cats have no eyelaces. Now you get to respond to a letter full of insanity. Go you.

I had to laugh as I read what he wrote. So the guy's not a total loser. Good. I bobbed my head slightly to the music in my head. I had an annoying jingle in my head. I hate those things. I don't even know what a jingle it's for. Oh well. I tapped my pen alittle bit before I began to write back.


Heh, interesting name. I assume you're a guy? A very strange one at that if you are. You frolic with the lucky charms guy? Fun. I like to talk to vegetables and eat paper. FYI, I've heard Guinea Pig is good to eat.



They wrote back? He sighed. Oh great. This was not what he wanted. So he scribbled a reply in a minute.

To E
I wanted to make some funny comment about your name but I couldn't think of one. Sorry.

I bobbed my head to the music coming out of my headphone. Matellica are Gods. This guy this keeps getting better and better. This could actually turn out to be somewhat fun. Maybe. I played with my eyebrow ring for a moment before I put my pen to the paper and wrote back in my funky handwriting.

Not very creative are you? I'm smirking right now. This letter thing sucks.


I read the letter, glad to see this person seemed less than enthused, as I was. Didn't seem like a total freak. But I wasn't making that call yet.


Have what? A life? Of course I do. Very thrilling you know, country club's are just brimming with fun. Right. So, is the whle thing where the vast majority of your school is on drugs true? If so, it wouldn't be all that different from here. We just put on a good front, a master skill.


I ran a hand through my hair and tucked an annoying piece behind my ear as I read her letter. She seemed like she was a blonde. Damn I hate blondes. Red heads are more my thing. I let out a sigh and began to write back.


You believe what you want about the drugs here, I'm not gonna speak for the rest of the school. Althrough I'm not gonna lie, I've done 'em a couple times. No I'm not a druggie. I can't stay that about the rest of the school though. I should have figured you're school'd have drugs. All of you seem too perfect to no be on drugs.


[ 04-28-2004: Message edited Shiri S ]
It's just you & me, we got a thing they cant shake
Maybe, it's a little hard sometimes to take
But I'll tell you something, its a life worth living

Just so you know, I wouldn't give it up, no.
Jason Morgan & Sam Mccall
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Old 04-28-2004, 07:52 PM
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I ran a hand through my hair and tucked an annoying piece behind my ear as I read her letter. She seemed like she was a blonde. Damn I hate blondes. Red heads are more my thing. I let out a sigh and began to write back.


You believe what you want about the drugs here, I'm not gonna speak for the rest of the school. Althrough I'm not gonna lie, I've done 'em a couple times. No I'm not a druggie. I can't stay that about the rest of the school though. I should have figured you're school'd have drugs. All of you seem too perfect to no be on drugs.


So he probably hated me right about now. Great impression, Serena. Genius.


The exterior can be decieving. There's many things people wouldn't think about our school. We have our dirty little secrets--plenty of them. Possibly mor than your school.

You can show up at my house
Completely unannounced
We'll have that movie kiss we talked about
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Old 04-28-2004, 08:11 PM
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I was suprised at how fast she was writing. Now she just sounded as if I was getting her mad. I didn't like that not at all.Needed to patch things up.

Dear Jess
Well I was actually surprised to see your letter so quickly. I am really glad that I got stuck with someone that isn’t a total clam. I have been doing a lot of thinking and I just realized that I failed yet another English test. So maybe you could help me out and tutor me. I can pay you so it won’t seem so weird. Tell me what you think about it? Alright? Next letter will be longer…oh wait..I was wondering what you looked like..just to get a general idea.

"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate"- Pirates of the Carribean

"The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game"-Bringing Down the House
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