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Old 08-25-2009, 08:33 PM
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“Sleeping with who?” David couldn’t keep the edge of irritation from creeping into his voice. It was like talking to cowering riddle. What the hell was she talking about? “Who’s papers? Who? Sandy? The Adversary, who?” Aggravation aside he was beginning to feel bad. If indeed she had seen something worth seeing someone had made her pay dearly for it, poor kid. “Lyssa,” this time he spoke more soothingly. “Who was it? Whose papers?”

She had quite a lot of power in her little body. His cheek stung and on the foreign curve bloomed a light red crawl. She was seriously angry. Angry, he’d anticipated but this angry was a surprise. He shouldn’t have been for in essence he was stripping her of certain rights as sure as he’d been trying to strip her of her clothing. His surprise lasted only a minute as he offered her the contract. “No wedding ring, Annalise. I have a wife and when I count all my sins I really hope not to add polygamist to the list,” his eyes sparkled devilishly as he patted his side pocket producing a key ring with keys and a well worn Swiss Army knife. “Be prepared,” he offered it to her. “It’s the boy scout marching song,”

She smiled, bobbing as easily and naturally as would an apple on the surface of the water. “To make a long story short he grabbed someone he should not have grabbed and that person was very powerful.” Nik felt herself smiling. “And she didn’t like being handled,” She held out her hand to him. “You do swim, don’t you?”

“Now?” the concept of now was a crazy one. He could hardly handle it. The kiss had disturbed a balance in him, equilibrium. For the first time since he’d been tossed in the dinky cell he didn’t feel closed in. The wild western wynde sat comfortable in the moment, in the arms of a woman who knew him better than himself, he could not be contained. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “Get out of here, first and then…I don’t know,” he set his cheek against hers gentle. “Is that enough?”
I want to believe the past is done with us
the moment we are done with it
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Old 08-26-2009, 12:23 AM
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"And this isn't hurting me?"
He looked at clint with annoyance.
"I don't know what she said but I haven't been around because I can't give her a normal life...we didn't even go on a freakin' date like normal people..."
He shook his head.
"Trying to help the situation isn' what the hell am I suppose to do?"
He asked, then looked to where Violet had hidden.

"One must always be careful of books," said Tessa,"and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us." -Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
[ICON CREDIT: sourburst]
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Old 08-26-2009, 05:46 AM
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Oliver was right. They had to focus on getting out before anything else. Glenda just wished she could do something. After their kiss, she just wanted to be safe in his arms and just not think about being in the god awful place they were in. She looked at him and nodded as he placed his cheek against hers.
"Yes," she replied. "I suppose it is."

Clint shrugged. He wasn't sure what Max was meant to do. Well first of all, he could at least apologise for what he has been doing to her. Clint hated getting into other people's business but he sometimes couldn't help it.
"Have you talked to her about it?" he asked. "Maybe if you did, it might become clearer to her."
He looked to where Violet was hidden too. He didn't understand why she wanted to hide from him when she should be the one facing him. Max came all the way to the tavern, so she should at least hear him out.
"I don't think she wants to see you," he said. "But, you could try easing her out somehow."
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Old 08-26-2009, 08:57 AM
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"Funny, I could have sworn it was the march of death that's playing." One thing that did surprise Annalise was the fact of all things she may know about Loki, he never mentioned a wife. Not that Annalise wanted to know at this point. Who knows what other sick, twisted things he was holding back?

Annalise snatched the pocket knife from Loki's hand first. She couldn't believe what she was doing, herself. She didn't want to get suckered in to another scheme like she had gone through for the past three weeks. But with Loki and the seriousness of his blackmail, Annalise felt angry that she no longer had a choice.

With the knife, she gave the palm of her left hand a poke, enough to draw blood. She smeared her right thumb in the small puddle of blood before she took the contract that Loki handed to her.

The situation was insane, having gone beyond her control. Pressing her thumb to the parchment, Annalise had signed the contract in the same manner she had the first time around before handing it back to Loki.

"We should really be heading for the mayor's house." She took out a handkerchief from her coat pocket and wrapped it around her hand to stop the blood. If either of the two continued to indulge in this situation regarding the contract, she wouldn't be able to concentrate on playing the secretary with Loki posing as Sandy.

Both the voices and Clint rang through the wooden door. While Clint said something along the lines about Max having hurt her, Violet listened on as Max said something along the lines of how he could not give Violet a normal life and the brief details about what happened during their date. One of them that Violet (unknowingly) made the mistake of holding it at a place and time that children were running abundant.

It wasn't so much of what Max said but the way he had said it that had gotten to Violet. Maybe pursuing someone and the relative term of "dating" for someone like her was too late. Sure, she gets rough sometimes, especially with her customers, but there was always that last bit of hope. With Max's tone of how they couldn't go on a "proper" date, Violet wondered if Max hated her because of the situation that bothered him. That would have been a devastating blow since not only she had cared about him regardless, but that she had actually grown to love him.

With a soft sigh, Violet made sure both locks were secured so the two wouldn't come in. Once she was sure, she picked up a random liquor bottle from a newly delivered crate and popped open the lid, taking in three gulps. Under the dim light bulb, Violet noticed the label read "Tequila".

Just for once, maybe she could forget what happened that first date and simply remind herself where she stood among the fables. Maybe they (her regular customers and some fables) saw her suitable for the strip work that Mary does for a living. Or just someone there to serve drinks, especially at happy hour.

Drinking down halfway, through the bottle, Violet wondered if Max hated her just by the way he spoke.

Lyssa's mouth opened but as she recalled the sequence of events that have took place prior to her memory blocking that one particular incident. Her fingers scrunched up her hair tightly, breathing heavily from that small bit of memory.

"Papers...scribbles...everything to know...recordings. I...I made Sandy mad at me once a few weeks ago. I didn't mean to. I never got the chance to apologize." She reflected back on the incident of making the small comment of Sandy's new secretary being awfully and surprisingly young, Sandy had told her off, calling forth Lyssa's trust for Sandy in to question. Never once in the many years she had been seeing him for her phobias did Lyssa thought that way or question him on something of that sort.

The fact that Lyssa did not have the chance to apologize before Sandy left town had caused her in to states of anxiety, recluse, and depression. All those many years of seeing him for therapy only seemed to be for nothing.

With that one arm still holding on to the ledge, Adrian let out a small chuckle and clucked his tongue upon hearing Nik's story. "And I suppose you were he one behind with what happened to your husband?"

As far as swimming goes, Adrian had to admit, he never took swimming lessons. He could dive in to the water if he could, provided that certain things happen.

"I could if I would. Let's just say that I'm not exactly a good floater and that I could if both of my feet touched the ground."

Adrian's feet dangled above the tank grounds. Most of his victims were found in the shallow watery graves back at home. Unless, of course, they managed to float themselves in a deeper side of the lake, or even to another one.

Last edited by Lain; 08-27-2009 at 12:38 AM
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Old 09-02-2009, 06:08 PM
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Amass in a sea of emotions he cleaved a perfect memory out of this. Frozen amidst memories of capture, anger and guilt was a perfect realization – a part of him, no telling how big or small, was in love with his best friend. A feeling of rightness passed over him. He couldn’t place it tangibly but like a person sure they’ve seen a specter he was filled with the wondering awe of newness and opportunity. If this could be real, if this could be found than what other strangely thrilling things were possible? The perfection was abruptly lost, the scent of magic and shampoo dislodged by the sound of a gruff growl. It said nothing, after all Orcs were barely sentient, but it was angry nonetheless. It made a shooing motion, its talon hands looking like it was prying a great invisible door. He wanted them to separate. He looked at Glenda in silent question. Was now a time to chance a break?

Slavery was a useful past time. He’d always thought so. He tended to like slaves too, up to a point. Their grim devotion was usually much more fervent than those they served, which was not surprising. The rich on their knees wished and prayed more for increase in wealth, glory on their names, or fame. The wishes of the enslaved tended to be more grounded in survival. He looked at Annalise and had trouble conjuring up an image of her as one devoted to him. She loathed him with enough passion that lowering herself to her knees in worship of him was unheard of, slave or not.

She signed her named and he wondered if he didn’t like this better, this push and pull servicing of a relationship. She hated him, but she was attracted to him. She found him annoying but perversely, occasionally entertaining. And though she never let him get as far as he wanted she responded more now to his touch, a womanly suppleness in his arms. Perhaps this was a new slavery, one meant for a displaced god, not longer the shining princeling he once was but tarnished with the slime of mortality. “We don’t need to,” he said, slipping the contact away into the coat. “Unless you want to, I’ve accomplished everything I set out to accomplish today, no need to trouble the Mayor,”

On his knees before her, hands at his side to keep from shaking her, the scene looked much like a parody of romance. The boudoir stool was overturned, the glass from his mirror that was broken a few days prior had yet to have been replaced and she cried and he was on his knees before her. But this was no romance, not anything David knew how to grapple with. Some semblance of a story seemed to be coming together in her rambled words but the situations implied were vague. “Something happened at the office with Sandy. Did you see him doing something he shouldn’t have been? With someone who surprised you? “

“Oh no,” she said with a shake of her head. “He would not have been the kindest master but I’d have lived through it. I would never have hurt him. I would never hurt anyone like me, we are now so few in number. His was such a beautiful place, a beautiful home. I could have been content there,” she admitted. Floating over to him, she slipped a slender arm about his waist, trying to buoy him. “They say it happens in the Mundy world too, people marrying for convenience, it would not have been a bad life,”
I want to believe the past is done with us
the moment we are done with it
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Old 09-02-2009, 07:58 PM
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All this time, that bastard was going to the mayor's house to rat me out on what I did?? Annalise could feel her anger slowly building up. But with the contract signed and done, she was off the hook. Or at least as long as she had to keep up her end of the bargain and actually be "nice" to Loki. And knowing Loki, he was going to expect her to be open more to his advances.

Something even Annalise, with all the confidence she had in rejecting his intimacy and having replies with sharp wit, wasn't so sure she could pull off.

"Well, that is true. We don't need to trouble the mayor. Although I'm curious to see how Little Red is coming along. I can stand on the sidelines and you can er...check on her, I guess. Besides, there are a lot of Fables who were around while I was still alive so they wouldn't really know who I am."

Shaking her head, Lyssa began to breathe heavily. "All I can remember lunch with him after my appointment and I forgot something..." Lyssa laid there on the floor, afraid to move in case she might be attacked. While her hand was stretched out, she could feel a few fragments of the mirror she had shattered just within her reach.

Even if she had tried to remember it, she could never seem to fully recall it. And when she tried to, it had terrified her.

"Yeah, it's one of those. You get everything you want, all the elegance and glamor but your master will end up being a pain to deal with. Marriage can be the same way depending on who you would end up with."

Adrian kicked his legs in the water while one hand still remained on the edge of the tank. Normally, being inside a tank wouldn't be so bad but with his feet still above the ground, he could sink just by letting go.
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Old 09-02-2009, 08:34 PM
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He adjusted the new tie and tilted his head. “If you wish,” and as quickly as he had become irritated with actually having to go see the rascally bunch over in the mayoral penthouse he had another plan. “We can go their first,” he moved in closer, fingers playing at her waist. “And then I want to go pay a visit to the captives. Perhaps maybe you can play a part as well, as an unwilling captive, really test out those acting skills of yours. It could be great fun,”

He rocked back on his heels, careful not to get too close. He tried to keep his voice level, soothing, but as with anything he felt passionate about the need to do, to move, fidget even, was overwhelming. Right now he was passionately trying to extract information without sending the fragile girl back into furniture wreaking frenzy. “So, you went to lunch with Sandy…and then what? Back to the office, where you forgot something? Did you go back? Did you see something?”

“Stop fighting it,” she spoke of the water. “It’s still, it cannot harm you, besides which I wouldn’t let it harm you if it had a mind to do so,” Nik released her tentative grip, flattening herself on the top of the water, floating. “Relax, float on the top. You’ll see sir, you’ll see there is nothing to fear,”
I want to believe the past is done with us
the moment we are done with it
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Old 09-02-2009, 08:56 PM
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"It's only going to be for five minutes. Who doesn't like checking out what happens to their guinea pigs once in a while?" Annalise let out a chuckle, looking down as his fingers were going to her waist. Thankfully, the coat she was wearing had blocked him from reaching underneath that particular layer of clothing.

Why play the part of an unwilling captive when it kind of feels like I am one? She thought to herself in response to Loki's suggestion of playing the victim. "Why yes, yes it can be fun. But you know what they say? To pull it off, one does need inspiration from the other." Chuckling, she didn't resist when he rested his fingers on her waist. As a precaution, in case other Fables happened to be wandering about, she did not make much of a gesture except for discreetly poking at his stomach lightly. "And how do you suppose you'll approach the other captives looking like that?" She referred to his guise as Sandy.

For a few minutes, Lyssa didn't say anything. The room around her was silent, save for the quick rapping of her hand on the floor, recalling the way she maneuvered back in the hall to his office to retrieve her phone. It was only when her recollection of entering the room had made her tremble. Her hand slammed on the floor, not realizing that as she had done that, some fragments of the broken mirror that scattered had stuck to her skin.

Lyssa bit her bottom lip and began breathing heavily once more, whispering, "I don't want to remember what happened."

She twitched a few times before she began screaming once again. "I don't want to remember what happened. Please! Don't ask me about it!" This followed with Lyssa on the verge of sobbing as she grabbed the leg of the bed.

"Except I don't think I'll have enough room to do what you're doing." Adrian chuckled as he pointed out the back float that Nik was doing. It was ironic. Back at the homelands, one of the places Adrian would send his victims to their death was at the lake. Although he was willing to go in the water as long as his feet touched the ground, he wasn't exactly what one could call a swimmer.

Last edited by Lain; 09-02-2009 at 09:29 PM
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Old 09-04-2009, 06:20 AM
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Glenda seriously didn't know what to think or how to feel. Kissing Oliver just came naturally. Like her lips were made to touch his. They had been best friends for a long time and she didn't want to ruin that. It would hurt her if their friendship was ruined over a kiss. She hoped it wouldn't be though. Glenda gave him a weak smile. She saw Oliver look at her questioningly and she nodded hopefully thinking the same thing he was but she couldn't say a word.
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Old 09-07-2009, 08:35 PM
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She made a good point. He would have to change his guise before coming before Glenda and Oliver. If he went down as ‘Sandy’ it could add more dimensions to the twisty maze he was concocting but more complications as well. Besides which he was feeling tired in the costume already. His magic was not as strong as when he’d first fallen to earth and though a very sluggish decay he was loosing bits and pieces of it slowly, miniscule imperfections creeping into the guise. “I won’t go down with you. I’ll just send you down there, and watch on the feeds,” he said, staring ahead. “The imps and orcs would be more than happy to wall you, or anybody up. They’re getting restless…and mean,” he cautioned.

He watched her with rapt fascination, the fragile girl who seemingly felt no pain. Shards, little diamonds of glass collected in her palm which was soon tainted with bits of oxygenated blood, cerise in color, falling near her. He reached for her wrist but hesitated before taking hold of it. Touch seemed to set the poor girl off and though he pitied her he could not jeopardize the learning of anything that might yet prove valuable regarding the kidnappings.

He did not touch her, but fenced her in with the length of his body. “But you must, you must remember. It’s imperative that you remember, other peoples lives hang in the balance. “

She nodded. He was tall and she small, it was no wonder he’d looked at her so funny. “Relax, I can displace some of the water, make you buoyant and then you needen’t worry,” She closed her brown eyes and focused and power sluiced out of her much in the same way water did over skin.

It took a lot of effort to draw his eyes away from hers, eyes so blue in certain light they were violet, skin so supple and soft, how he had not noticed? “Get ready to run,” he said softly. “Don’t look back for me,”
I want to believe the past is done with us
the moment we are done with it
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Old 09-07-2009, 09:17 PM
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"NO!" Lyssa screamed, her fingers gripping on to the leg of the bed, unable to control herself. "Please...I don't want to remember. If anyone else found out...if Sandy finds out, he'll send me to the mad house. If not the mad house, they'll kill me. They probably still want to kill me. Please..."

Her voice trailed off, finding herself in a heave of sobs. Without a second thought, she leaned up against the creature, unsure of who or what it was, and sobbed against it. Along with that particular memory she had desperately tried to block out as well as the constant visions of wolves approaching and talking to her had gotten to her.

"So you're just going to leave me alone with those creatures?" Annalise wasn't quite amused at the thought, concerning that what she considered vile were like venus fly traps: If one doesn't feed them enough, they were bound to grow restless, which in turn will grow vicious. "Even if you know that there is a good chance that I would get seriously hurt by those things."

With the crosswalk giving them the signal to cross the street, Annalise tugged Loki by the shoulder and proceeded to cross the street. As far as she knew, David's house was only two blocks away. Or so she has read from the address in Sandy's personal book. "How long do you think you can hold out? It's not like we're staying there long."

The pied piper arched an eyebrow and watched as Nik appeared to be summoning...bubbles? Or that's what it seemed like. Nevertheless, Adrian slowly removed his hand from the edge of the tank and...well. It certainly was something to be floating in a tank of water. He always wondered what it was like to be immersed and floating rather than just being on a ship or boat and floating. Very different sensation indeed.

"Let me guess: You don't have a lot of company when you're swimming in the water, do you?"

Last edited by Lain; 09-07-2009 at 09:40 PM
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Old 09-07-2009, 09:40 PM
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OOC: Is Cinderella still up for grabs?
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Old 09-07-2009, 09:42 PM
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Ooc: I believe so. I'd love for you to come play with us!
I want to believe the past is done with us
the moment we are done with it
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Old 09-07-2009, 09:46 PM
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OOC: I've been following this RP for awhile and finally got the courage to ask if I could play Cinderella and maybe a Prince Charming.
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Old 09-07-2009, 09:47 PM
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Originally Posted by TeamLaFox (View Post)
OOC: I've been following this RP for awhile and finally got the courage to ask if I could play Cinderella and maybe a Prince Charming.
OOC: You're more than glad to join us! And if you feel lost or need to know where to put your characters, you could always ask and we could try to recommend something.
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