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Old 03-02-2010, 02:54 AM
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The twenty minute train ride seemed to have gone on forever, making stops in two other stations before she finally reached the other side of town. Due to the fact that it was after midnight, it had worked to her advantage in some ways. Early businessmen boarded the train to head for the main station to go to another state for work, And there was the occasional creeper who sat in front of the train.

Out of a whim, Violet flipped her phone open, noticing that she had gotten a voice mail. Standing there alone at the platform, she knew who it was from. Quite frankly, she had found herself debating for the first time whether she should hit the delete button before she heard his voice. Having listened to his voice mail, Violet shook her head to herself. She was the one that initiated this whole affair in the first place. Shouldn't he be mad at her instead? Did he really think he could easily pull her out of where she is that easily?

It was the only reason she had taken up the job at Candy Land in the first place: To get her mind off of everything. Off Max, off Clint...anything and anyone. And yet, to also (hopefully) fill that gnawing void inside of her. To feel needed and wanted. It was a little strange, but losing two people that she had trusted the most had slowly put her over the edge.

"Crazy ol' Violet." She laughed bitterly, having acknowledged that she was often rough with her customers, and to people in general.

Violet glanced at the wall clock, noticing that she was an hour early, at the very least. She took out two quarters from her pocket and went to the nearest payphone. At least Clint wouldn't recognize the number right away. Inserting the quarters, with hesitancy she dialed Clint's number, turning off her own phone in the process.

She listened to the phone ringing once, twice, remaining silent while her hand gripped on to the phone handle.
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Old 03-05-2010, 04:09 AM
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Clint was waiting anxiously for Violet's call. He didn't think she would, but he wanted to be optimistic. Alana still didn't know about that night and as long as it was a once off, she would be fine with not knowing. It wasn't as if it was a full fledged affair, it was just a one night stand. One that shouldn't have happened. Sighing, he almost gave up on her when his phone rang. Hoping it was Violet, he was disappointed when it was a number he didn't recognise. Answering the call anyway, he put his phone to his ear.
"Hello?" he greeted curiously.
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Old 03-06-2010, 05:12 PM
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Violet opened her mouth, almost tempted to speak. But instead, she stayed quiet, listening to him talk. Her hand gripped on to the phone handle as she listened to Clint wondering who it was that was on the other line. Violet recalled the voice mail he had left on her cel phone.

Why in the hell did Clint feel guilty about the one night stand? If Violet had not drunk herself silly that night, then the whole thing wouldn't have happened in the first place. She didn't remember every single detail, other than waking up in the nude with an equally nude Clint at her bedside.

Basically, he was unwillingly pulled in to the situation.

What's done was done, right? After all that, she couldn't take back what happened. In fact, since that night, she had been afraid to look at Clint in the eye or talk to him, save for the occasional business talks where she tells him the total of his tab. Letting out a barely audible sigh, she placed the phone back in its cradle. Time to head for the other job that was fifteen minutes away on foot.
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Old 03-06-2010, 06:14 PM
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He wasn’t softened by the feminine head on his shoulder, or that is what he told himself. He was still quietly seething but the fire had subsided from possibly nuclear to merely roaring. He sighed. “Are you a woman or not?” Loki asked, not teasing or mean, just inquisitive. “Are you an agent or not?” he continued before she could speak. “We are answer to someone but sooner or later you’re going to have to make up your own mind without someone giving you all the directions.” He took a deep breath, quickly so he could keep on before she said anything. “Because you might not like the ones they give you,” he said reasonably.

She tried to comprehend all the Adrian had said. First she thought on the issue of control. He was as controlled by his power as she was hers that was becoming clearer and clearer. He used his flute to satisfy some innate part of himself that would otherwise eat away at him. Had she not already felt kinship to him this would have engendered a considerable amount. His wasn’t as physical handicap as hers was but either way it was a cross to bear. She felt wonderful now, but that wouldn’t last and then the cross would be back heavy as ever.
The second thought chill of moving perturbed her but in comparison to the first was of little worry. It didn’t seem likely that Adrian would throw her out. He’d said they were ‘involved’ and in as much as she knew about male and female relationships that was a bit biding. Her little shoulders did quiver a bit at the subject transitioned into the last of his subjects – the dark man. She nodded, an equine motion, her neck long and white as a horse. “The man of the many faces,” she rubbed her wrists unconsciously. “And what is he to do with you, the flute, her or me?”

She froze. Fearing to move (what if she jumped?) or do nothing (then she surely would jump) Marian swallowed hard and spoke the first thought that came to her mind. “Lyssa no, no Lyssa, there are wolves that way, come back slowly this way, they won’t hear you,” she wiped sweaty palms on her slacks and swore to herself that she’d never again enter into a situation like this one. She would surely make a terrible mother. “

He splayed his fingers out, seeking grip but his nails only scratched the ally whilst being pulled. The force kept his head low and down and he could not see where he was going. Oliver heard his name being called, hysterical and high and screamed out his frustration but he could not get free, and his body slid around the corner, back into the light but away from the only light he wanted – Glenda.
I want to believe the past is done with us
the moment we are done with it
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Old 03-13-2010, 11:43 PM
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Ooc: Kris, Cat, we still playing?
I want to believe the past is done with us
the moment we are done with it
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Old 03-13-2010, 11:55 PM
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OOC: Mandy, we're still playing but right now, I'm on hiatus until the 19/20th due to a massive amount of assignments.
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Old 03-14-2010, 12:26 AM
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Ooc: Okay hun, just checking in.
I want to believe the past is done with us
the moment we are done with it
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Old 03-14-2010, 05:16 AM
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OOC: I'm still playing. I just dont know what to write
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Old 03-16-2010, 10:23 PM
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OOC: You think we should tie up the current storylines since we're nearing a new thread? Plus, with Cat also having a bit of a problem with what to do (which I'm going to PM her after I finish this post )....yeah.
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Old 03-17-2010, 04:04 AM
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OOC: Sounds great by me
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Old 03-19-2010, 04:15 PM
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Ooc: Sounds good to me, any idea on what we want to do about skip information?
I want to believe the past is done with us
the moment we are done with it
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Old 03-19-2010, 08:44 PM
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OOC: General storyline, I'm not entirely too sure. Although for character ones, I think I talked to Cat about one potential one for one of my characters going missing.

"...there are wolves that way"

And that was all Lyssa needed to hear to easily panic. Quickly backing away from the door, she ran around the room screaming and crying in terror. Her hands frantically reached out, grabbing air before she had ran in to the wall. Lyssa sat on the floor, sobbing, while banging her head lightly on the wall.

"What the hell is happening to me?" She said in between sobs. She muttered something if all of this had to do with what she saw "that day."

That day she had blocked out of her mind, afraid to replay that scene again.

After a few minutes, not sure if Marian was still around, she then asked. "You think Sandy's disappointed in me? All the visits for nothing."

She rested her head on the wall before saying, "I didn't mean to get him mad that day. I didn't know...that's all. Is that why he stopped coming around?" Her voice kept dropping the more she talked about Sandy. "I didn't mean to. Didn't mean to..."

The man with the many faces, indeed. That's mildly putting it on what Loki really is.

"Are you ready to find out?" He said in a serious tone. Adrian took a seat on the floor, resting his back up against the back of the sofa. When he saw that Nik was willing and ready to take in the story, he cleared his throat.

"You do remember that I had worked for the Adversary a long time ago, right? Before I had went rogue on them. Loki, I guess one could say he is a friend. Partners, maybe. I think of it as an acquaintance. We have our own goals but our ways of attaining them is quite similar."

Adrian stretched out his legs, eying Nik, watching to see how she reacted. "The wishing star, Astra...she is one of the Adversary's targets. Quite frankly, one of the high prized ones. Once they attain her, they could manipulate her to grant their wishes. The reason why I had captured her was to have a little fun, if you want to call it that. So far it seems to be working out."

Adrian chuckled at that statement, more of his amusement.

"Now you want to know how this involves you, I assume." The chuckles stopped, the seriousness returning.

"You, along with several others who are already imprisoned, are the targets of the Adversary. To secure your release, there was a deal made between myself and Loki: Have you in my custody, provided that I eventually give him the wishing star as well as doing him a few favors in return. One of them, I've done so far. Doesn't involve you, I assure you."

Adrian looked up at the stairs that led to door out of the basement.

"Knowing Loki, however, the guy's put out surveillance."

She sat back up on the bed, taking her head off of his shoulder. For the first time in a while, Annalise seemed to be uncomfortable. Almost like a little girl back in the days where she would be freezing in the cold alleyway, using matchsticks to survive. She bounced her feet nonchalantly off of the bed, thinking over the answer carefully.

In fact, Annalise was a bit surprised that Loki asked something like that. Was he thinking of going against the Adversary? Of course, she tend to do things her way when it came to her tasks and assignments, but she had them done, no questions asked.

"When I was brought back to life from them, it's as if I have to know how to do everything again. Lots of things to adjust to, especially since I've been gone way before the other Fables were born. Some things I still remember, some things I can pick up right away if it's a necessity. Growing up, I never had the chance nor the opportunity to know how to do some things. It's like needing someone to teach me all over again. I think the term is vessel...empty of those. It's like having to grow up all over again. Once I know what I need and could do, I can operate fully and freely." She glanced at Loki, but then quickly remembered the binding contract.

"Well, almost freely."

Letting out a small sigh, Annalise knew it was a stupid answer, but that's the only thing she could think of. Annalise made her way towards the window, looking out at the city lights and life below her.

Last edited by Lain; 03-19-2010 at 08:57 PM
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Old 03-21-2010, 04:54 AM
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OOC: Yeah, that SL is good. Hmm, what else though?
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Old 03-24-2010, 09:15 AM
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Ooc: Do you guys want to skip forward a set amount of time and develop new plots? I don't maybe a skip of like a year forward?
I want to believe the past is done with us
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Old 03-26-2010, 10:33 AM
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OOC: I already gave you an answer Mandy. Six months to a year is reasonable.
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