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Old 12-12-2013, 07:59 AM
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Originally Posted by holding on to memories (View Post)
I think she does, but the problem is he kept it a secret from her. Like the EP said, he's been living two lives.
I think she understands why he would have killed in the 50's not that he is systematically killing even now innocent people.

"damon killing sara is OOC. because is bull**** from the writers. and half of the fandom has this opinion. making him the villian after just 9 episoades is again bull****. you do this storyline at the end of a season not now. but clearly this smell as a stelena comeback very soon and people that think stelena is over are just naive.... "

I think its OOC also. We all know that he has no problems being the bad guy, but even just last season, he told Klaus, be bad with a purpose otherwise your just a dick, or something along those lines. Killing innocent people for something their ancestors did isn't a reason, IMO.

I just hate this.

"A lot of people think breaking up Delena now is good, and they'll get back together at the end of the season. I'm just mad at the way they're doing it. Retconning Damon is such lazy writing. "

I agree. But I'm also pissed because they are going to make Elena the bad guy. I've already been seeing it, with people saying, "Well Elena knew how Damon was before she got together with him. Its her fault"

Ooh, just saw this interview with Caroline Dries and it gives me hope for Delena

Fair to say that the future of Damon and Elena will be forever changed following the fall finale?

The dynamic will certainly change. Moving forward, it will continue to hit some speed bumps here and there. I think the audience will be surprised by what we do. I think it's one of my favorite parts of the show.

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Old 12-12-2013, 08:15 AM
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What is the overarching theme for the fifth season that has helped shape the arcs?

We knew that it would be a season of Elena dating Damon and what does it means to date the bad boy. And if you date Damon, you date all of his baggage too. You have to believe in him and be able to justify his backstory to even love him. A lot of it for Elena is meant to be this gray area: "Am I changing because of my boyfriend or can I find a way to bring the light out of him?" The gray area is what we were trying to go for thematically. We wanted to pay attention to Damon's backstory and deepen his history on the show. That's where we introduced Augustine. That also helps us connect him to Elena's college world.

This is an interesting season because usually there is one clear goal Elena and the others are working toward, but this time, there seems to be several different arcs, first with Silas and now Augustine.

That was intentional. We're five seasons in -- we learn a little bit every season -- and last year was the season of the cure, the year before that was the moonstone and the sacrifice. When we found that we were stretching that out over 22 or 23 episodes, the mythology gets so dense and hijinks-y that the audience is like, "Wait, what?!" So we were like why don't we break things down into chapters, a little cleaner, so we're not having springs pop out of our ears every time we're pitching something to the studio or the network or the audience. That's what we're trying to do. We wrapped up the doppelganger thing with Silas and Amara, but the travelers are still around in the ether. They still have an agenda that they haven't carried out yet. Not to say things won't come back that we haven't seen. They certainly will. But it's more about trying to make the stories have a beginning, middle and end. Have a conclusion.

What was the biggest challenge in implementing this new way of approaching the season? Was there a particular difficulty in transitioning out of the doppelganger story into the Augustine arc?

We knew in the first episode, we created this mysterious Whitmore vampire. Megan died mysteriously at the house, so we teed up the mystery. Now episode 10, we're starting to delve into what Augustine was doing and what Augustine doctors like Wes have learned from that history. It's all going to come full circle and we're going to answer those questions that were teed up in the premiere.

Last we saw, Elena wasn't in the best situation, being pinned down on the medical slab in Dr. Maxfield's lab. What can we expect when the fall finale kicks off?

Wes has taken what he's learned from the Augustine doctors of the past and is implementing his take on it. He, being the sophisticated scientist, hates vampires and is trying to build something he'll use on Elena. Whether or not that happens, it will have massive effects on the series so far. That's going to be a huge problem for our guys. Meanwhile, her relationship [with Damon] is up in the air a little bit because she's just learned that he's killed all of the Whitmore family, which is a horrifying thing to have done -- let alone, to have done while they were dating. "Who am I to be dating this guy? Can I save him?" Elena actually comes to -- having lived through what she goes through in episode 10 -- a surprising conclusion. The way she decides to move forward with Damon won't be what the audience guesses.

Is this causing Elena to question her own choices and decisions after learning about Damon's Whitmore murdering spree?

I think she has to. If she avoids it, Wes is there to remind her of everything Damon has done. Wes is justifying why he's so anti-vampire and Damon is the exact symbol of why he's anti-vampire. Elena has a lot to process, but at the same time, Elena's learning about other things of her past that shed a new light onto what Augustine is doing. She's torn. That's why [the episode] is called "Fifty Shades of Grayson." Nothing in our world is black or white; nothing is so simple as saying good versus evil.

Fair to say that the future of Damon and Elena will be forever changed following the fall finale?

The dynamic will certainly change. Moving forward, it will continue to hit some speed bumps here and there. I think the audience will be surprised by what we do. I think it's one of my favorite parts of the show.

How impactful is the Enzo reveal at the end of last week's episode in Elena's attempt at getting out of her situation with Wes?

Enzo comes in carrying 60 or 70 years of being tortured on the slab table and the last thing he remembered of Damon was that he had betrayed him. When Damon and Enzo meet face to face, which is something we're teeing up as a big moment in the episode, Enzo has a clear agenda with what he has to do but there are layers in their relationship. It's a complicated relationship. It will pull out interesting shades for Damon too. They're both very good together.

Does Damon actively try to redeem himself with Aaron for killing off his family?

(Laughs.) You would think that because they spend the episode together that Damon would make some effort to do that but I don't think it ever occurs to him.

Another pairing that has sprung up is Katherine and Stefan. When did that become a reality?

We've known since season two since they were first onscreen together one she was established to him as a villain, that their chemistry sizzled. They just had a different feel than Elena and Stefan. There's an element of danger to it. There's intrigue. You know it's a no-fly zone but that's what makes you want it more. It finally felt earned in this moment because he needed someone and [even though] she's such a villain, but she opened up and helped Stefan. Even though she has a clear agenda, which is "I want Stefan," there's something lovable about her too. I think the audience has embraced Katherine even more this season because she's been so fun and fallible. It finally worked in this moment. This episode will be about the fallout of when you sleep with the woman who has been your enemy for 150 years.

How much of a factor is Caroline knowing about Katherine and Stefan?

Well Caroline is not even in this episode, so it will be about who knows and who doesn't know. But in the 100th episode, it comes out in a surprising way.

Matt had a storyline with the travelers earlier this season, which seems to have ended. You mentioned that the travelers are still around so might that story line come back around? And if not, what can we expect for Matt?

That's always a possibility with Matt, but now it's more about him building a relationship with Nadia. We saw it in the premiere and we're going to tee it up again in this episode and the next episode. They have a very complicated relationship where he just has a big heart and he's human so and finds him lovable in a way. But at the end of the day, she has a very clear agenda and if she has to hurt him or betray him in any way, she's going to do it. X
Also, the much anticipated relationship between Damon and Elena takes a turn…oh and Damon becomes a dark and at times sadistic badass again!”

On Damon and Elena: “Time will tell like any relationship – but maybe Damon should date women maybe more his age… I mean isn’t there a dating site or a bar in Mystic Falls for 150+ year old hookups!?” X
Whatever, Ian.
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Old 12-12-2013, 08:33 AM
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‘The Vampire Diaries’ EP Caroline Dries talks Damon’s revenge, Delena’s future and more - Zap2it

And it turns out Damon hasn't really changed at all, now that we found out he's been killing Whitmores this entire time. How is that going to affect Damon and Elena's relationship? Is this the end of "Delena"?

It's obviously a lot for Elena to chew on when she found out. And she's going to continue to be digesting that when she's on this medical lab table that we saw her wake up on in Wes' weird makeshift lab. So she's trying to deal and come to terms with why he would do that or how she could be with somebody who was like that. And she actually has this surprising revelation at the end of how she decides to process that information and move forward with Damon.

Now let's talk about Stefan and Katherine's hook up for a bit, because that was hot. Please say we'll see more of them together?

Good, I'm glad you like that. We ended the last episode with Stefan and Katherine, after they had that cool story line where she's locked in the safe with him, they come together in this hot, awesome makeout scene leading to a night of hot makeouts and sex and whatever they did. And then we start the next day and Stefan's like, "What did I do? What if I have feelings for her, what does it all mean? What happens when people find out about it?" So episode 10 and even episode 11 is the fun of people finding out and how they react to it and how Stefan's going to deal with it. But it's definitely something we want to keep in the foreground of the show. It's not something that we're just going to put to bed.

A lot of "Stelena" fans were pretty upset about Stefan hooking up with Katherine, because they saw it as the end of "Stelena." Have any advice for those fans?

My advice to them would be to relax. Stop tweeting at me [laughs]. I will say that for five seasons the love triangle has been the heart of this show. Just because Elena's not with Stefan at this moment doesn't mean that the triangle isn't there in some way. So we're going to keep Stefan's love interest situation intact, whether it's Elena or somebody else, it's not like he's going to be lonely.

While Katherine may have some fun hooking up with Stefan, she's still dealing with her aging problem. How is her daughter Nadia going to help her?

Nadia has had one goal this entire season: to find her mom. Now that she's found her, she doesn't want to lose her. Katherine's taking the more vain route of, "I want to look good, I want to preserve my health and stay fit physically." Whereas Nadia's goal is, "I need to find a way to keep you from dying." She has more of a hail Mary situation going on.

With so many crazy things going down in the fall finale, what are you most excited for fans to see in the episode?

There's a scene at the end between Stefan and Katherine that is one of my favorite scenes because it is just so beautiful and wonderful. It's about forgiveness, and their history, and it's just really well-acted and well-directed by Kelly Cyrus, the director. I just really love it.

What else can you reveal about the fall finale and what's coming up on "The Vampire Diaries?"

I think we can safely say that Damon and Elena will be put to the ultimate test. Will their love survive or not? And we're also going to see a character die. One of the main characters. That's a biggie.
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Old 12-12-2013, 02:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Innocence (View Post)
A lot of people think breaking up Delena now is good, and they'll get back together at the end of the season. I'm just mad at the way they're doing it. Retconning Damon is such lazy writing.
You can say that again. What are the writers thinking?!
"why would a smart girl like you choose him?"
"because when i see him... i feel like i'm alive.
for the first time in my life, i followed my heart and chose him."
{taek su mi sun}
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Old 12-12-2013, 02:52 PM
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Damet, its killing me to think they will kill Katherine.
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Old 12-12-2013, 03:03 PM
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It can't be Katherine because she's around in episode 100. It's all about her so how would they kill her in ep 10? Unless they do and ep 100 is all flashbacks. Don't know but I hope they don't kill her cause she's really interesting this season. I don't think Delena will break up either, not from the way CD was answering her questions. She said how Elena proceeds is surprising, so breaking up would be what's expected at this point.
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Old 12-12-2013, 03:18 PM
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No, i think maybe in ep 100, idk.... i am terrified by this idea.

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Old 12-12-2013, 04:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Always Choose You (View Post)
What are the writers thinking?!
They aren't, obviously.
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Old 12-12-2013, 05:40 PM
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Originally Posted by natalias (View Post)
It can't be Katherine because she's around in episode 100. It's all about her so how would they kill her in ep 10? Unless they do and ep 100 is all flashbacks. Don't know but I hope they don't kill her cause she's really interesting this season. I don't think Delena will break up either, not from the way CD was answering her questions. She said how Elena proceeds is surprising, so breaking up would be what's expected at this point.
I really hope you're right, maybe the writers are just deliberately misleading us with their spoilers to make us freak out... I refuse to believe that they'd actually kill her off. Yes I suppose I am in denial, but for me, she's the main reason I watch TVD right now. She's just evolved so much this season and I don't want to see my favourite TV character die!
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Old 12-12-2013, 07:51 PM
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Originally Posted by natalias (View Post)
It can't be Katherine because she's around in episode 100. It's all about her so how would they kill her in ep 10? Unless they do and ep 100 is all flashbacks. Don't know but I hope they don't kill her cause she's really interesting this season. I don't think Delena will break up either, not from the way CD was answering her questions. She said how Elena proceeds is surprising, so breaking up would be what's expected at this point.
Isn't the fall finale AFTER episode 100? This is the mid-season holiday finale.
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Old 12-12-2013, 08:40 PM
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No I think this is the fall finally. Otherwise it would be called the winter finally
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Old 12-12-2013, 10:12 PM
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Are we on hiatus or is there one ore episode?
[Credit: Until Forever Ends]
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Old 12-12-2013, 10:42 PM
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The next episode is on january 23.
Hi, I'm Karin
I like Nian | Delena | Bangel | Spuffy | Dreamer
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Old 12-12-2013, 11:39 PM
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Thanks for bringing those over!


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Old 12-13-2013, 02:36 AM
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Maybe they'll bodyswap Kat with Nadia.
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