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Old 07-22-2020, 05:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Fuzzy Dunlop (View Post)
This is a really good point, actually. I wasn't even thinking about it, but yeah. She called Dev her father, even.
I agree, I never even thought about it in those terms, but yeah she totally was.
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Old 07-22-2020, 08:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Fuzzy Dunlop (View Post)
This is a really good point, actually. I wasn't even thinking about it, but yeah. She called Dev her father, even. I guess the explanation is that she's so upset that they stole her family from her when she was a kid that she still can only think of revenge even though she's been reunited with her family.
Possibly. But I felt like the time she was locked up with her mother she worked through some of that rage. Granted, that was a very short time to work through a LOT of grief and pain. But I also feel like she's not an idiot. She knows she's not going to get her way by exerting force. She's played the long game before. She's the one who had to talk Echo off the edge and explain their only shot was to win Orlando over and that it would be 5 years on Skyring before they would get to make their move. And she knew to do that cause she spent all that time with Dev. The girl has had to exercise more patience than most any other character on this show. Honestly, only character I can think of to rival her is Octavia being stuck in the floor all the time.
Well maybe the real God uses tricks, you know? Maybe he's not omnipotent. He's just been around so long he knows everything.
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Old 07-23-2020, 04:56 PM
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Originally Posted by kenni727 (View Post)
Possibly. But I felt like the time she was locked up with her mother she worked through some of that rage. Granted, that was a very short time to work through a LOT of grief and pain. But I also feel like she's not an idiot. She knows she's not going to get her way by exerting force. She's played the long game before. She's the one who had to talk Echo off the edge and explain their only shot was to win Orlando over and that it would be 5 years on Skyring before they would get to make their move. And she knew to do that cause she spent all that time with Dev. The girl has had to exercise more patience than most any other character on this show. Honestly, only character I can think of to rival her is Octavia being stuck in the floor all the time.
I agree that they’re all playing a long game against the Bardoans and playing it together, Hope included. It seems to me that there were two clear clues: Echo’s very pointed comment that the Bardoans were always watching, suggesting that everything they did was for show, and the long, otherwise weird shot of Octavia’s back tattoo during her sex scene with hottie scientist guy. Since that tattoo contains the code for retrieving Hope through the anomalyball, it seemed pretty clearly to hint at a plan to do so.

I’m curious whether they just wanted to put Hope out of harm’s way because they knew that she, unlike the others, couldn’t bury her emotions deep enough to pass the test, or whether there’s some other reason they need her separated from the group. Was there something on Penance they needed to retrieve? I’m hoping there’s a positive reason beyond protecting her for arranging to send her back there.
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Old 07-23-2020, 05:15 PM
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Originally Posted by BrooklynFan (View Post)

I’m curious whether they just wanted to put Hope out of harm’s way because they knew that she, unlike the others, couldn’t bury her emotions deep enough to pass the test, or whether there’s some other reason they need her separated from the group. Was there something on Penance they needed to retrieve? I’m hoping there’s a positive reason beyond protecting her for arranging to send her back there.
Me too, it seems rather simplistic if that’s the only reason why they sent her back. Either she needs to do something on Penance or retrieve something. A belonging of Orlando, perhaps?

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Old 07-23-2020, 09:47 PM
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Originally Posted by destroyer of worlds (View Post)
Me too, it seems rather simplistic if that’s the only reason why they sent her back. Either she needs to do something on Penance or retrieve something. A belonging of Orlando, perhaps?
What if Orlando isn’t dead, and she’s gone back to retrieve him? The whole Orlando storyline was weirdly emphasized, with those repeated shots of his chess game with the skeletons and the never-explained fact that he seemed to know about and care for Hope before he even met her. All that wouldn’t make sense if his story ended with his suicide as we were told.

The name Orlando refers back to a 16th century Italian epic poem called Orlando in Love by a poet named Matteo Bioardo. Bioardo .... not so far from “Bardo,” eh?

In that poem and its sequel Orlando Furioso the hero, Orlando, was a knight and right-hand man to Charlemagne, the Holy Roman Emperor. But then Orlando fell in love with a pagan princess, lost it when she refused him, went mad and abandoned his loyalty to the Emperor (and went on a killing rampage through Europe). Maybe the show’s drawing on this allusion? Orlando was a knight or disciple who lost his loyalty to his Shepherd because he fell in love with a pagan princess (Hope)? He went mad and faked his death (maybe using one of the corpses he’d collected) and now Hope’s going back to retrieve him and get his help against Bardo?

Anyway it’s late and I can’t sleep because real life sucks so that’s my hypothesis for now.
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Old 07-24-2020, 02:50 AM
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Orlando can't still be on Skyring because it's been at least three months on Bardo. He'd be long dead by now.
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Old 07-24-2020, 06:47 AM
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I like the idea of Orlando still being alive. I love when fiction alludes to other works. But I also think that may be beyond Jason. I'm not familiar with him doing that previously. The only other example of it in the 100 is the names of the main characters: Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia, and Wells. But pretty sure those were Kass's. Plus, Jason killed Wells off right away. Why give a character a significant name if you're just going to kill him? Think it's because Jason didn't care about the source of those names. It fit his story vs Kass's to kill Wells. Why? I will never understand.

Anyway, as Fuzzy said, Orlando can't be alive because too much time has passed. Although, do we know exactly what the time dilation is? I'm not sure we've ever been told exactly. Just had the feeling that the 10 years they serve on penance is only a matter of days on Bardo.

Which brings me to wondering how they figured that out. Was this something already known by the original Bardoans, the giant crystal people? Were they using the planet as a penal colony as well?

Also just makes me think how lame Cadogan's legacy is. He takes his people from one underground bunker to another. Like can he only control people when the planet isn't inhabitable and the people are forced to live underground? And with Bardo they've simply taken over what was left by another species. Any progress they've made is because they stood on the shoulders of giants. Which isn't a bad thing. That's how scientific advancement usually works. But this feels different to me. More like stealing. These people don't think for themselves. For all their purported progress, like those creepy test tube babies, they are actually stagnant. How long have they just been preparing for this war? Which they really seem to know nothing about?

I really can't stand Cadogan. Anders is just a puppet. A creepy one, but a puppet nonetheless. The ritualistic nature of them all raising their hands saying, "For the cause" gives me the heebie jeebies.
Well maybe the real God uses tricks, you know? Maybe he's not omnipotent. He's just been around so long he knows everything.
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Old 07-24-2020, 11:35 AM
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Speaking of time... was it not said that after Damocles the Earth will be uninhabitable for 10 years? With the time dilations of the different planets it would be possible for them to return to Earth at the end of the season?
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Old 07-24-2020, 12:07 PM
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It was supposed to be 10 years but in 6x01 we learn from Monty that the Earth isn't coming back. I suppose it possible that after 100s of years the Earth could finally recover. Don't know about that.
Well maybe the real God uses tricks, you know? Maybe he's not omnipotent. He's just been around so long he knows everything.
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Old 07-24-2020, 12:43 PM
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The time dilation must be pretty extreme because when Octavia went into the anomaly the first time, she was on Skyring for 10 years and then came back out on Sanctum within like 15 seconds.

But does that make sense with what we know now? Because she also went Bardo during those 10 seconds and Levitt had her in the m-cap and Bellamy "died" and everything. I figured that had been at least a couple of days. So the time on Bardo is definitely moving faster than Sanctum, but also a ton slower than Skyring. The mental shortcut I'm taking is 15 seconds on Sanctum = 10 years on + 5 days on Bardo. So like a second on Sanctum = a day on Bardo = a year on Skyring. Not exact by any means, but an approximation.
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Old 07-24-2020, 01:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Fuzzy Dunlop (View Post)
The time dilation must be pretty extreme because when Octavia went into the anomaly the first time, she was on Skyring for 10 years and then came back out on Sanctum within like 15 seconds.

But does that make sense with what we know now? Because she also went Bardo during those 10 seconds and Levitt had her in the m-cap and Bellamy "died" and everything. I figured that had been at least a couple of days. So the time on Bardo is definitely moving faster than Sanctum, but also a ton slower than Skyring. The mental shortcut I'm taking is 15 seconds on Sanctum = 10 years on + 5 days on Bardo. So like a second on Sanctum = a day on Bardo = a year on Skyring. Not exact by any means, but an approximation.
It's really crazy when you think about that.

And we have seen that one day on Nakara is three months on Bardo.

What if Orlando isn’t dead, and she’s gone back to retrieve him? The whole Orlando storyline was weirdly emphasized, with those repeated shots of his chess game with the skeletons and the never-explained fact that he seemed to know about and care for Hope before he even met her. All that wouldn’t make sense if his story ended with his suicide as we were told.
I think Orlando is still alive and will help Hope an the others at some point.
There's a reason why they never showed us his body.
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Old 07-24-2020, 02:49 PM
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It's weird how they made a point of "showing" us Orlando's body under that sheet before sending him to Nakara. Either it's awkward writing or there's a twist coming.
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Old 07-24-2020, 06:44 PM
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They showed us his body under a sheet? And a day on Nakara is 3 months on Bardo? Are we sure?

Ugh. I recall several episodes ago when we first saw Octavia on Bardo I felt like I was following the wonky timelines really well. But now I'm getting all sorts of confused.

I would love it if Orlando were still alive. Just not sure how that would be. Unless people from Bardo went back to get him pretty quickly. Cause he's definitely not still on Bardo for Hope to find when she goes.
Well maybe the real God uses tricks, you know? Maybe he's not omnipotent. He's just been around so long he knows everything.
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Old 07-24-2020, 07:13 PM
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Love all these thoughts, guys!

And I really hope there is something more to Orlando being "dead", otherwise why mention it more than once? Why show us a body?

Does anyone have that chart where they showed the timelines/time dilations for the planets? I can't find it.
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Old 07-24-2020, 07:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Fuzzy Dunlop (View Post)
It's weird how they made a point of "showing" us Orlando's body under that sheet before sending him to Nakara. Either it's awkward writing or there's a twist coming.
That's what I meant. They showed us a body, but we never got to see that it was really Orlando's body.
Then Clarke wanted to see his suicide note and the disciple guy wasn't really ready to give it to her.
I wouldn't be surprised if we would get a WTF!! moment with Orlando in the upcoming episodes.
Anders was Orlando's mentor. What if Anders wants to kill Hope and Orlando kills Anders to save her? That would be a really cool story.

And a day on Nakara is 3 months on Bardo? Are we sure?
I think so. The story when Clarke's group was on Nakara for maybe one day happened at the same time when Echo and the others got arrested on Bardo.
Clarke's group went through the anomaly to Bardo and I think it took them only seconds to get there. But Echo and the others already completed 3 months of disciple training when Clarke's group arrived on Bardo.

Does anyone have that chart where they showed the timelines/time dilations for the planets? I can't find it.
No, I haven't seen one. We still don't know anything about time dilation on Etherea and Earth
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