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Old 03-30-2007, 05:07 PM
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Can someone tell me who purchased the mirror from the character Liz Parkers room from Roswell the tv series? I remember seeing something a few years ago.
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Old 03-31-2007, 05:32 AM
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Sorry Jeremy No clue
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Old 03-31-2007, 12:32 PM
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Hey all!
I had some problems nevegating the site the last few days. Every time I wanted tio get into the thread the page would have closed completely..... Anyway that's over and I'm here now.
Tomarrow is my last day at work and them I get a week off! I missed sleeping in. It's gonna be fun!
Me and My sister are also going to go shopping tomarrow and maybe I'll have something new to wear for the holday (it's a costom to wear something new in every holiday) so that's gonna be nice.

podmommy, thank you for the happy Passover. It's one of my fave holidays because the whole family gets together. Tough with the food but it's so much fun seeing everyone.
I just loved the daffodils pic! It's really beautiful!

ML, hope you got all of the stuff you planed to do this weekend done. In case I won't stop by again b4 the holiday have a great happy peaceful Kusher Passover.

Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.----- Baz Luhrmann

You don't have to be crazy to be my friend.... But it sure helps!
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Old 03-31-2007, 08:12 PM
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Hey vB you have a great week off....youo've earned it!

this reminded me of HEA what do you guys think?
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Old 04-01-2007, 07:13 AM
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Our charoses is just chopped apples, walnuts, cinnamon, wine, and honey - not quite as exciting, but I make it every year and everybody raves about it - because it's one of those traditional foods that people only eat at that time of year.

We had a terrible time finding Passover stuff - the other store we went to had hardly anything either! And all the Passover baking chocolate/chocolate chips were gone (if the stores even ordered any - they order the wackiest stuff!) And they have so NO CLUE about it either - one store had boxes of hamentaschen and some other snack mix you can't eat for Passover, and another had out Hanukah candles - it was like 'well, this stuff is Jewish, maybe they'll want it for Passover'!!! We only got 3 boxes of matzah and usually buy 5 or 6, so I'll have to get more. But I went to a different store this morning and they had cases and cases of matzah, and a few different things I picked up. sigh. So we can go back there if we run out! I'm always afraid to buy too much matzah - or worse, too little and not have enough for the week! I'm so glad i'm taking the next few days off for Passover - much less stressful to have time to cook and clean etc etc.

LOL Poddy I think my hormones are settling down too - not noticing the cute guys like I used to. But I liked that Russian guy a few years back when the show started and we were having a Jason-drought. Anybody who reminded me the least bit of Jason was fair game for ogling! Oh, ITA about Heather Mills, I hated her for divorcing Paul and putting him through the wringer, and I'd heard many reports she was a total b**ch too, and I thought she'd lost her mind dancing on a wooden leg - but hey, she's terrific. Have to give her props for doing that, I think it was a terrific PR move for her - but I still think she's a witch and I totally side with Paul - the cute Beatle. He was my fave too! And he's aged very well. Still kind of cute.

Not sure I'm loving 'Wedding Bells' but what else is there to watch that time on Fri anyway? The people are just all so angsty and having crisis after crisis, it was starting to make me nervous. KaDee's hair looked really strange too - maybe that's why they dye it blond in an upcoming show? She is so beautiful and such an amazing actress - Jason must bust his buttons in pride every time he sees her show!

We watched 'The Prestige' - movie about magicians - we already watched "The Illusionist" - didn't like that either, but Prestige just creeped me out royally! Christian Bale is sort of creepy anyway. Both of those were strange movies! Magicians are basically pretty creepy too - they make a career out of tricking and fooling people!
Jason B is #1 with me
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Old 04-01-2007, 01:17 PM
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Hey ML...Oh we are so thinking alike on most things Yea I don't trust Heather either...but now I know what he saw in her cause till now I was like ..what's the deal she does resemble Linda a bit. He was such a dope tho about the prenup....that's all on him...his kids should be #1...just mho

There is always Matso in our super markets...all year...I guess you are in a very Catholic state but you would think Boston had a varied population being a big city....are you doing the big clean....all the food that is a no no in the garage type clean?

I have purple tulips and yellow daphodills and a few Easter trinkets(bunny,glass eggs I just bought etc) on my Kitchen island....nothing like when the kids were home but the flowers are such a looking out the kitchen window and seeing the daphs I planted at the edge of the woods blooming ....perfect for the Easter Bunny

I've only seen the pilot of wedding belles...I don't think it's gonna make it....hope JBs does way way better!!! The acting seemed good just not interesting enough...I loved the other wedding show...that's defunct now....called The Big Day...I loved it...found it very funny.

Wen Hope the sleeping has been better Do you get daphodills your way or is it too warm?


......this is a star made with matso if you look close

** can you tell I found a new GIF site?
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Old 04-01-2007, 09:25 PM
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Hello to all the JOFs & JITs!

My internet connection seems to be behaving now. I have the feeling that the problem was due to humidity on the exterior telephone whatevers rather then anything to do with my computer. Oh well. The joys of technology eh.

HAPPY PASSOVER to MyrnaLynne & Vered!

All the talk of tasty food is definitely making me hungry!

Wen: Good to hear that your Mother's birthday went well. Your family does do parties well.

[[[HUGS]]] because you have been having trouble sleeping sweetie.

You were in labour for over a week!

I have tested as almost sort of borderline diabetic a few times in the past... which is probably why I tend to get shakey dizzy and very cranky when I haven't had any food for 12 hours. Am trying to behave and eat less sugar and get more exercise, etc., etc. So hopefully when I go again for blood tests the results will be okay. Also now trying to avoid cholesterol.

I probably have been remiss about not getting a mamogram before now. The provincial government has sent me a bunch of reminders in the mail about how I should get a mamogram. That whatever started when I turned 50. I was talking to my older sister yesterday though and she said that in Manitoba they recommend that women get mamograms when they are over 40. But then she was surprised that I am being sent for a bone density test. Seems like doctors stress different types of tests in different areas.

That is cool that that guy in the grocery store told you that you are beautiful! Compliments are always nice to receive. Though I also probably would be wary of random strangers. Though if you ever meet up with him again... perhaps you could find out if you know anyone in common.

Great news that your son has found a permanent position!

It is very very annoying nowadays the way so many jobs have moved overseas! When I was having difficulty when my internet connection... it was totally obvious that I was talking to techies in India.

Also had to call a techie guy from HP a couple of weeks back. A guy who I actually have met in person... but when I called the local HP office and tried to find out his extension number... I found out that I was talking to someone in India!

Here's the pix of my younger sister and our dog Cokey when he was a puppy. Sort of blurry photograph. I definitely do need to get a scanner that works with XP.

Podmom: It's daffodil season here... at least in the stores if not outside. I bought some daffodils this afternoon that were on sale to raise money for cancer reseach.

The tulips that are in the garden in front of my apartment building are starting to poke their leaves out of the ground though.

As for belonging to the strange squishy world of having mamos... giggle. Don't have that much to squish. Which may have been why it didn't really cross my mind to have a mamo before.

Wonderful to hear that the test results were good. Hopefully your tongue is healing well sweetie.

Your OC marathon with Emily sounds like it was great fun. I also am going to miss that show.

MyrnaLynne: The wedding photographer guy does remind me of Jason.

Oh and I didn't take that photograph of Jason. Wasn't close enough to the stage to take photographs. Was on the balcony right by the rail. Had a very good view of the stage and of Jason's antics though!

Kara: Of course I remember you! Nice to see your pixels sweetie.

Jason did do theatre in Minneapolis. Have seen a copy of a his CV where he listed off the plays that he was in.

And as ML mentioned... it was obvious that Jason has had experience on stage by the way that he behaved... or to be more exact... misbehaved... when he was on stage at the Key Club with the other actors from Roswell.

And yep... I was one of the very many people in the audience who felt that Jason had looked right at me and gazed right into my eyes for a few moments.

Vered: That's was nice of your boss to give you a bonus for Passover.

Good to hear that your computer problems weren't serious.

Sorry to hear about your friend's father passing away. You are a very good friend to be there for her.

As for your boss driving you crazy... most boss tend to drive their employees crazy from time to time.

Fearless Leader:

[[[HUGS]]] about the overwhelming RL stuff!

Jeremy: I remember something about Liz's mirror... but don't remember who bought it. Perhaps D4E will know.

to all the JOFS & JITs!

Peace, Love and Roswell

Last edited by Maggie aka Sarah; 04-01-2007 at 09:34 PM
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Old 04-02-2007, 03:35 AM
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If my mom'll see me right now near the computer there'll be hell to pay! So I better do this quik!
Didn't really read anything but just skimed and scaned (there's a prazed I never thought I'd use again... brings me all the way back to elemantry-school) just soped by to say hey and thanks everyone wishing happy Passover! Thanks you guys!

Mags, it's always so wierd for me to see you call me Vered and not VB or VeronicB or watever.... but it's a good kind of vierd. it's fun.
Have a great Easter.... is te date here already? Not sure but have a great one if I don't see you b4 then.

Wen, I hope everything's ok with you. Does mom keep you busy? Tell to let you come in and play onc in a while.
Have a great Easter! If I don't see you7 b4!

ML, hope everything worked out at the end with all of the shopping and cooking. Have a great happy Kusher Passover!

podmommy That is one Flowerry house! It must be so beautiful! I wished fowers lasted longer at our place....
Have a great Easter!

Now I really have to go.... took me to much time already!
Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.----- Baz Luhrmann

You don't have to be crazy to be my friend.... But it sure helps!
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Old 04-02-2007, 05:31 AM
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What...Maggie stopped by?

Hey kiddo What a cute picture of your sis and Cokie!! I thought it was you until I read on...very cute

vB Glad you snuck on

hey ML...happy cleaning

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Old 04-02-2007, 05:42 AM
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came back to report(just heard it on our local news) that the Amish school where that awful shooting took place just opened their rebuilt school this morning....a few hundred yards away from the old building.....heart goes out to the kids...parents and teachers praying for them

Can't tell you how many times I've seen scenes like this driving by the different little school houses God bless those kids today and every day
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Old 04-02-2007, 06:11 AM
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sorry...I know this will be big but I found a new cap site so I have to try...let me know if you want me to take it off or if an occasional big cap is annoying

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Old 04-02-2007, 06:25 AM
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Old 04-02-2007, 06:28 AM
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The girl that runs that site said providing a link to the site is the way to go if you use her pix so here's the link Random Roswell Stuff thanks to her

for ML Didn't Tummy like that pic the best? Miss her

could I waste any more time this morning ackk off to the nordic track
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Old 04-02-2007, 07:26 AM
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My house is now officially kosher for Passover and I've disavowed all knowledge of the stuff hidden in boxes and under plastic bags, etc. This 'limbo' day is tricky when you can't eat the bad stuff but you aren't supposed to have matzah before the seder so - what to eat? I made everybody omlettes this morning. We go through 4 or 5 dozen eggs on Passover in a week! It's the cholesterol holiday. Think I need to bake some cookies or something.

Mr ML, typical of him, decided to take me out for an early birthday trip yesterday - went out to eat (before Passover) and looked at the science museum, where we hadn't been in years, and walked our feet off and I was too exhausted to do anything afterwards - but I had to clean up for Passover! Bad planning, but nice of him.

Maggie your sister and dog were both so cute. We have a neighbor who has a black English cocker and it is the most adorable, wiggly dog - just wags his whole body and is very lively and thrilled to see everyone. Cute dog. As far as mammos, I think the less there is to squish, the more uncomfortable it is - not to scare you! Oh, at the science museum they had an exhibit about x-rays and mammos etc, and they had these gel breasts to squish and look for hidden lumps! LOL! And then you could press a button and it would show a diagram of where they were (or if there were none) and if you'd guessed right. LOL!

Oh, I thought your daffodils and tulips were blooming outside already Poddy! I know your weather is far ahead of ours, but I didn't think it was that far. My flowers are like Maggies - just poking the first leaves up from the ground. But I can't wait. I planted a bunch of new ones last fall.

I've been so obsessing about Passover I forgot about Easter - Happy Easter next weekend! Such a nice springy candy-oriented holiday. :> Bunnies, candy and holiness - good combo!

Nice Roswell pix. Ah, such a sweet couple.

Yeh, guy as rich as a Beatle needs to watch out for his fortune. Never too old to be a fool for love, I suppose. Bad enough (evil) Michael Jackson bought up the Beatle song catalog and is now selling them off for TV commercial jingles. While he parades around Bahrain with his kids wearing veils. If that guy weren't rich, he'd be in the nut house.

I'm glad April Fool day was also Palm Sunday - I think people were too busy being holy to play too many mean tricks on each other. I think April Fool's is a holiday that's sort of fading away, except maybe among the grade-school set! Or maybe that's just wishful thinking because I had practical jokes!

Good news about the new Amish school. They are the coolest group of people. Would be difficult to be a member, but they are very interesting folks.

Not sure about Wedding Bells either, but heaven knows there are some really bad shows on TV that are renewed for seasons and seasons, so this pretty good one might have a chance! The ways of TV are a mystery, however.

Guess I should get back to cooking! Mr ML wants to buy more groceries but there's no room in the fridge for anything else!
Jason B is #1 with me
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Old 04-02-2007, 07:46 AM
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Hey ML Yea our daphs have been in bloom for about a week...some out some tulips yet.....magnolia trees in bloom,,,,,all trees budding with that reddish halo....going up to 70 here today after a cool few days....well enough of the weather up date.

Nice Bday fieldtrip...good for Mr ML Funny , eggs are pretty big at Easter too

Well, done with the nordic starting on the floor stuff but Rowell is on scifi so much nicer than ussual....the first eppis too Monsters on now

Jason plays sincere angsty good guy so well...he should be great on his new wonder they picked him after the reading!!!!

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