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podmom 03-05-2007 10:38 PM

JOFs: Jason....we need to be healed..STAT!
We are Jasons older fans

6th Rock ~ Washington
AntarianFemale ~ Croatia
Alien Mom ~ California
Alien Dawn ~ Las Vegas
Behrfanny ~ Louisiana
BehrApple ~ Washington
Behry Nice ~ New Jersey
BehrlyAntarian ~ Canada
Butterflybehr ~ Australia
Cheriedreams ~ California
CosmicDream ~ Oregon
EccentricOne ~ Wisconsin
Eyes-Only4-Behr ~ California
FondaRoswell ~ Indiana
Hoodie ~ Illinois
IrishEyes ~ Pennsylvania
Jason's Angel~ Connecticut
Jean Hayward ~ Mass
Jero ~ Illinois
June R ~ UK
Kinsey ~ Texas
LongTimeFan ~ Ohio
Lori ~ Texas
LTL ~ Maryland
Luvbehr ~ Arizona
Lynxbehr ~ Houston Texas
Mamasita ~ Ontario,(Canada)
MaxiBehr ~ Muscat,Oman
MonicaAnn ~ Oregon
Mrs. Bear ~ California
MyrnaLynne ~ Mass
Podmom ~ Pennsylvania
Podwatcher ~ Nebraska
Sarah ~ Quebec (Canada)
Settled ~ California
Sirio ~ Roma Italy welcome :)
Shilohaura ~ Indiana
SilverFox ~ California
TexasRed ~ Texas
TigerEyes ~ Wisconsin
Tumble ~ (BC)Canada
UKSpaceGirl ~ London
Vicki~ LasVegas
WenLuvsJB ~ California
Wildbehr ~ Florida
Wildsphinx ~ S.Carolina
visiting poet ~ Noseedough

** As Noseedough so eloquently described us...and I quote**


Jason's Older Fans...

the Oogy Lady Clan..
emitting constant sighs..
by Jason..hypnotized...
seems they can't relax...
too hyped up over Max...
forget Oblivion...
there's 'Shooting Livien'...
and there's Even After...
Sherman Oak's for laughter...
and as we know so well...
there's always our Roswell

And don't forget the JITS! (JOFS in training)
Mezzi-NSW, Oz
Danie-VIC, Oz
Sarz-VIC, Oz
RoswellGirl67 -Virginia USA

Here's is a little splash of Jason so you can see what all the fuss is about

SO....... one and all ,,,the water is fine

Link to old thread >

podmom 03-05-2007 10:59 PM

Hi again.......Man ML,Wen and I have been down in the mouth!! ;)

sorry about the toophers and your nose too Wen.....hence the thread title ...been 2 steps forward one step back lately for us three :P

I couldn't see your pix vB :(

Mags Thanks hun....for hugs and BP advice.....I'm gonna get back to taking it tomorrow...I ended up getting really sick with a fever(not infection) so just today getting back to normal...whew....I took a tonge dump bum

Heroes was intense as usual....and the previews :eek: what 3 weeks :rolleyes: annoying

It's 1 am here so gonna try and get some sleep......see ya tomorrow :kiss:

WenLuvsJB 03-06-2007 12:43 AM

Thanks for the Great Start to the New Thread Poddy! :pinkie:
You choice of Jason Pictures are Outstanding! :in_love: :thud: I just LOVE those pictures of him! :love: (swoon) (dreamy sigh) :thud:

And yes, we definitely need Dr. Max to our rescue! (Unfortunately, when my computer crashed, I lost those Dr. Max pics.) :bawl:

Sorry to hear you developed a fever Poddy. :( Sending [[[Healing Vibes]]] your way so you'll feel better. :healing_hand: And of course, you are always in my prayers. :hug:

And Yes, Heroes were intense tonight! Darn that Sylar! :mad: And now we have to WAIT until April twenty-something! Aaahhhh!!!!! Why do they do this to us???!!! :furious: (Grumble, grumble, groan, groan!) Grrrrrrrr!!!

MyrnaLynne, Oh, I am so sorry to hear about the Dental Horrors you went thru' today! :eek: Poor you! :hug: I hope that Dentist didn't create work on that tooth, and I hope it will be fine. Sending [[[Healing Vibes]]] your way too! :healing_hand:

Vero, Sweetie, I can't see your pictures either. :( Maybe you could try to re-post them and then maybe they'll work?
Anyway, I'm so glad you and your family had a good time. :)

Maggie, Sending you [[[Hugs]]] just because. :hug: :)

As for me, I'm just as the same as this morn... UGH! But I'll live. UGH! LOL! Hopefully, all this will be over soon! ( I would say that I hope this would be all behind me soon, but that would be a terrible pun!) :blush: :rolleyes:

Hope Everyone has a Great Week, and a Healthy One at That! :)

Hugs to All, :hug:

MyrnaLynne 03-06-2007 09:05 AM

New thread! (Might add 'JOFS' to the title so the Jofers and Jits can find it.) Great job Poddy, love the photos - especially that one where he's so tan and handsome at the Grudge stuff - although that man hardly ever has a bad look! :blush: Just wish he'd lose that wool hat! :rolleyes:

The plot certainly thickened up on 'Heroes' last night - stuff is suddenly happening so fast - so of course - SCREECH - no more shows until April 23 - that's MORE than a month. :mad: I don't know how TPTB of these shows expect people to keep watching a show when it's here today, off for a month tomorrow. It has to be a really good show to bother keeping track of it. Oh well, our Monday nights will be free for awhile! At least 'House' is back tonight (I think). Dave Matthews is the patient! A Roswell connection. :D

It was ZERO degrees this morning, and so windy the trash and recycling people had put out was blown all up and down the street - what a mess! Oh well, guess it's that 'March wind.' We also had a big snow flurry last night - but the wind blew it all away again!

Aw, love that interview with KaDee talking about planning their wedding with Jason. Awww... I am just liking this gal so much. He picked a winner! :)

VeronicB 03-06-2007 09:37 AM

Hey all!
Sorry you guys can't see te pics.:( I'll try to post them again after the SO's.

Thanks for the new thread podmommy! you def picked some great pics!:drool:
Sorry to hear your tongue is still giving you a hard time!:hug: I do hope it'll pass soon!

Wen, :lol: well of cours it'll be over soon..... that is until next year.....:evil_lol:

ML, I def agree with you! I would like for him to lose that hat too! He has such great hair, why the hell would he want to hide it?:pout:
Sorry to hear abou the whacy weather where you're at.:hug:

Hope all of you guys with your tongues, teeth and mouths will feel better soon!:hug:

And as I promised.... here's the 2nd try at posting those pics:
Hope it'll work out this time.....

Dreamer 4 Ever 03-06-2007 09:59 AM

All fixed ;)

MyrnaLynne 03-07-2007 02:21 PM

LOL, great pix VB I love the toga, or whatever old-time costume it is too.

Wow, now 'House' is off again until nearly the end of April too! What is up with these TV networks?! No Heroes and no House and nothing on TV - well, except Jason's wife's new TV show of course. :D

Oh well, maybe somebody is trying to say to get a life?


"Down in the mouth"!

WenLuvsJB 03-08-2007 01:44 AM

Hey Everyone! :wave:

Great Pictures Vero! :pinkie: You gals look like you were having fun! :)

So, Is it Friday Yet?!!! This has been a tough Week. Feels like it should be Friday already! (sigh) I have been so busy that I think that I keep meeting myself coming and going! Geesh! :eek: I'm so tired that I'm humdrum. BLAH!

Well, after having a horrifically busy day, I took MOTHER out to dinner tonight for her birthday since it's actually today. But her Big Party is on Saturday with all of the family. It's suppose to be a beautiful day and about 80* on Saturday. :sun:

Can you believe my Bro' is still giving me grief about some of the details of the party?! I swear, I'm going to end up hurting him! :mad: (just a figure of speach) ;P

Anyway, he wants the Cake and the Presents brought to the Restaurant and then have everyone leave to go home from the Restaurant, but that's NOT what MOTHER wants, and Bro' doesn't understand this. (weary sigh)

The Plan is for Everyone to go to my No.1 son's place to have the Cake and Ice Cream and open Presents there, and not be on a time limit to visit and party. (We're all teetotalers tho', so it won't be wild partying.) :lol:
I mean really, how wild could a 75th Birthday Party get anyway?! :goof:

Anyway, I have another Hellish day ahead of me tomorrow at work... have to go in early and leave late... BLAH! Like I said, Is it Friday Yet?????

If I never see another Sports Physical again, it'll be too soon! But of course, they just keep on coming in, in droves! Aaahhhh!!!!!!

Thank you again Poddy for posting those Gorgeous Pictures of Our Jason. I can de-stress by just sitting here and stare at them and feel so much better. TG for La La Land!!!!!!

MyrnaLynne, I can't believe that they are taking HOUSE off again!!!!!! What the heck are they trying to do to us?!!!! :mad: And yes, we have to wait forever for Heroes too! :furious: Grrrrrr!!!!!

Do you watch Prison Break? OMB! The last eppie was soooo good! My niece of 17 got me hooked on it and that Wentworth Miller is such a cutie! And the guy who plays his Bro' ain't bad looking either! :eyebrows: But I digress... Anyway, they FINALLY revealed what was on "The Tape" and I nearly fell off the couch!!!!!! Only 2 more eppies left to the show, so I'm on pins and needles over that one too. But alas, there will NEVER be another ROSWELL.

Poddy, How are you feeling? Better I hope! :hug: I'm keeping you up-lifted in prayer Sweetie. :hug:

I'm feeling a little better... much better from the sinus infection, but still having the bad side effects from the antibiotic. BLAH! Oh, and my tongue is healing too, TG!

I should be getting to bed, so I'm calling it a night. :yawn:

Hope Everyone is having a Good Week. :)

Biggest Hugs to All, :hug:
Wen :sleep:

VeronicB 03-08-2007 04:20 AM

I'm all alone at the office rightv now..... So that's nice and quiet.:sigh:
I've stated p[acking today so that's been going ok.

I'm so happy you guys like the pics.:D Me and my sister def gotten close in the last caple of years, which is so much fun!:D

Wen, man! If my brother was like that I'd go insane!:eek: He really is dence about things he doesn't want to know isn't he? Sorry you're having such a rough time with him. But then I guess brothers will be brothers.:rolleyes:
:hug: I'm so sorry to hear you're have a tough day at work.:hug:
Hope your tongue is all better by now.

ML, sorry to hear you're not getting your tv shows.... again. :hug: That sucks!
That was a simple sheet. We made her a Roman empress.... I don't really think she came out empress but that's ok.;)
How's your tooth?

podmommy How's your tongue? I hope it's much better by now.

:wave: all

MyrnaLynne 03-08-2007 06:52 AM

I thought 'Wedding Bells' was pretty good last night - I guess they are showing the same one on Friday and then it's going to be on Fridays. KaDee is really the star of the show, I think! Very proud of Mrs Jason! :D Also glad to see Jason Katims involved in another nice show - but I think he's behind Friday Night Lights and that's a pretty big hit too (not that anybody watches it - heh).

Thanks, the tooth is okay - still debating going back to ask the (bad) dentist to smooth off the rough side of the filling. That guy must have been a student dentist or something! :rolleyes: I can't believe I didn't speak up, because I noticed right away the filling wasn't right. But I didn't. sigh.

I forgot that my gynie's secretary is also a Jason fan - I've been filling her in on my JB adventures over the years at my annual visits; sometimes I bring photos. I told her about him getting married recently and she said "Well, it had to happen sometime" and asked "Is she cute?" Well, of COURSE she's cute! LOL! She's married to the most gorgeous guy in the world! :blush:

Sorry your brother is being such a PAIN about Mother's birthday party - if he wants to do the work, than he can have a say it how it's organized! And it is HER birthday, what is convenient for her/would make her happy is more important that what he'd like - he sounds very self-centered. But aren't all brother? :rolleyes:

My dad turned 84 and my niece in California turned 17 yesterday - they have the same birthday, isn't that cool? :)

C'mon, Friday! LOL!

WenLuvsJB 03-09-2007 08:36 AM

Hi Everyone! :wave:

Grrrr! I can't sleep! :bawl: I think I've only managed to sleep one hour tonight. :( Boy, am I going to be dead on my feet by the end of the day, or by mid-day! :(

This no "sleep thing" is driving me crazy! :furious: And the thing is, I'm exhausted but just can't sleep. Argh!

I think it's because of all the stress in my life right now between work and my mother's birthday and my Bro'... it's all adding up! (sigh)

Hopefully once everything calms down, I'll be able to sleep again. ( I hope!)

Vero, that's really nice that you and your Sis have gotten close over the last few years. :) I don't have a sister, just the one Bro', but I've always wondered what it would be like to have a Sister.

MyrnaLynne, That's a tough call about whether to call that terrible Dentist again to fix your filling, or not. Good luck with that. :hug: I guess you'd have to really think about what the best outcome would be. Or is it time to start looking for a New Dentist? There's another option you might want to consider?

Oh, and :birthday: to Daddy ML & Niece ML! :party: :pinkie: That is cool that they were born on the same day!!! :)

My no.1 son was born the day before my Dad's birthday, and we use to celebrate their birthdays together when my son was little, BUT we Always had TWO cakes. (Dad use to insist on that!) :lol: Guess Dad was afraid that he would have little race cars or fire trucks on his cake! LOL!

And that's Great that your gynie's secretary is a Jason fan! :pinkie: I bet that makes your visit a little less stressful by talking about Our Jason! :)

I have my mammo appt today, (last appt of the day), Oh joy! (NOT!) Those are never fun. :no: They show no mercy, that's for sure. :(

Then the 1st week of April, I go for my annual ultra sound for them to check my stupid diseased ovaries. BLAH! I just wish they'd just rip them out already! Grrrrr! But of course they won't do that. :(

:wave: Poddy, & Maggie, and All the JOF's and JIT's! [[[HUG]]]

TGIF!!!!!! It's finally here!!! :yay: :pinkie: :slinkie: :blinkie:

Hope Everyone has a Great Day!!! :)

Biggest Hugs to All, :hug:

Maggie aka Sarah 03-10-2007 08:54 PM

Hello to all the JOFs & JITs! :)

I am loving the photographs of Jason & KaDee that were taken at the premiere party for Wedding Bells! :)

Podmom: Thank you for the totally awesome start to the thread! :)

Love the photographs of Jason that you posted. :)

[[[HUGS]]] about your tongue and getting a fever. :healing_hand:

Hopefully you are feeling better now sweetie. :hug: :hug:

Wen: Hopefully your Mother's Big Party went well and that the weather co-operated. :)

[[[HUGS]]] because your brother has been such a pain. Putting a time limit on the party and declaring that the presents and cake be brought to the restaurant is more then a tad controlling. Having the cake and opening presents at your son's place sounds like a perfectly good plan to me.

And hopefully your mamo went well. I have a mamo scheduled in June. Never had one before. Also have a bone density test scheduled. And had some blood tests this week. My doctor left me a message that he wants me to have a couple of the tests redone in a month's time. Will find out more details on Monday. I am guessing that he probably wants the glucose whatever redone... as I have had iffy glucose whatevers off and on since I was a teenager. Oh well. The fasting for 12 hours before blood tests is like torture to me though... as I love to eat... and tend to get very very cranky when I don't have food every four hours... which is part of the iffy glucose whatevers. :spineyes:

MyrnaLynne: That is annoying that that dentist did a sloppy job of your new filling. :hug:

That is cool that your Dad and your niece share the same birthday.

It is annoying that they aren't going to air House for a few weeks. The way the networks keep fooling around with when they are airing new episodes does make following shows very confusing at times.

I also watched Wedding Bells. Enjoyed the show. David E. Kelly and Jason Katims make a good team in my opinion. I have watched a lot of episodes of Friday Night Lights. It's a pretty good show. Lots of artsy camera work though. Seems to be trying to look like a documentary... or the video tapes of the Roswell table reading whatevers. Also I think that all the football stuff possibly turns off some viewers.... as the show makes more sense if you know at least a bit about football. Please note that the main reason that I know anything about football is because my Mother used to watch football... she actually even knew the rules. :spineyes: :D

Vered: Thank you for posting the photos of you and your sister. You and your sister look like you were having a great time!

That's cool that you are your sister get along well. :)

:wave: to all the JOFs & JITs! :)


WenLuvsJB 03-11-2007 12:33 AM

Hi Maggie! It's so good to see you posting! :hug:

Sorry to hear that you have to have some of your bloodwork redone. :( It's never any fun getting poked for bloodwork. :no: I hope your glucose levels aren't a problem. (finger's crossed)

And I too don't like to fast the 12 hrs that are required for blood testing. :no: I miss my coffee in the morning, and yes I get hungry too! That's why I try to be the 1st one at the lab when it opens... 1st one in, and then 1st one out!

Also, I'm diabetic so fasting for 12 hrs. makes my glucose levels drop really low and sometimes they go too low and I get the shakes, feel queezy, get the sweats, get dizzy, and feel like fainting, so I have to eat something right away right after the bloodwork is done.

Gosh, you are having your 1st mammo in June? Usually women get their 1st one at the age of 40, (earlier if there is a problem, of course). Good luck with that Sweetie. It's not fun, but so needed.

Well, let me tell you about MOTHER'S Party... :party:

It went really well! Everyone had a Great time, and MOTHER really enjoyed herself! :yay:

We did have the cake at the Restaurant, and it worked out fine. Then we all went over to my no.1 son's place and hung out there and MOTHER opened her presents there too, and we weren't rushed which was nice.

After all the stress and such, it all worked out in the end, and I didn't end up hurting my Bro' after all. ;P

MOTHER called me about an hour after we had dropped her off, to tell me what a wonderful time she had and she thanked me for everything! So, for her to do that, then she really did have a good time. :)

And Yes, I LOVE the pictures from the NEW BEHR SIGHTING!!! :pinkie: :hotpinkie: :blinkie:
He looks sooooo Good! :thud:

I'm really tired tonight. Hopefully I'll sleep

MyrnaLynne 03-11-2007 07:53 AM

:clap: Yay Wen that Mother's birthday was such a huge success - and for her to actually say Thank You and be appreciative sounds pretty major too. A good time was had by all (and nobody had to be killed - heh).

I can get the same way with low blood sugar, and I'm not even diabetic! My new doctor said they have some new blood test and I never have to fast for it again - wondering why he knows about this and nobody else does.

:eek: You've never had a mammo, Maggie! ? I started getting them on my 35th birthday (I've always been so paranoid about breast cancer - no idea why). They aren't fun (they are also downright bizarre), but good to have.

Jason and KaDee are the cutest couple on the planet! :D Love the new pix, love his shorter hair and cleaner-cut appearance. ( Kinsey must be pleased!)

podmom 03-11-2007 02:13 PM

:wave: Everyone

Weird I posted(or tried to a quick hi the other day and it didn't post :rolleyes:

I'm gonna do a little SO and see if it goes through :look:

Jenn thanks for JOFing us :D :cool:

I watched Belles too ML I thought it was pretty good.... Jasons wife did well.....I'll bet everyone knew this but I didn't and was excited to see that Jason Katims was producing it.....EM is home for spring break and we've been catching up on the shows and on one of them(maybe Heroes) I noticed David Nutter directed an episode...Roswell lives on ..kinda.

vB You and little sis are cuties!! Love the Toga.....I said to Em Halloween Crazy Astronout would be an easy outfit :goof: ;)

Wen Very glad mom had fun and you did as're mom is LUCKY to have you all!!!!!!! :hug: about blood sugar dropping yuckyness :P

Maggie First mammo?! OK good you're going...better late than never...welcome to the strange squishy mammo world ....:hug: it is a sisterhood of sorts ;)

Lets see if this posts

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