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Old 03-17-2007, 01:36 PM
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Kara! Nice to see you again!

I don't know - Jason looks as boyish and cute as ever in the latest pix with KaDee at that Wedding Bells party - with his hair cut short and an almost-clean shave (and his adorable Max sneakers).

Anyway, Welcome back!

Ugh, boy did we have a terrible snowstorm - started about 11 yesterday morning and snowed probably for 12 hrs straight - then it turned to sleet and then pouring rain, so deep snow, and sopping wet, soggy snow at that. What a mess. I walked the dog this morning and haven't set foot outside since! But it's getting time to walk him again (made my son walk him at lunchtime). I'm just crossing my fingers it doesn't get really cold and stay that way and turn into sheets of ice like the last storm we had on Valentine's Day - the ice hung around for a month! Hmm, what is it, that we only get storms on holidays this year!

I hope conditions have improved out there. Certainly must have put a damper on people's St Patrick's Day festivities (unless those consisted of drinking quietly in a bar someplace).
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Old 03-17-2007, 02:03 PM
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Originally Posted by MyrnaLynne (View Post)

I don't know - Jason looks as boyish and cute as ever in the latest pix with KaDee at that Wedding Bells party - with his hair cut short and an almost-clean shave (and his adorable Max sneakers).
He does still have that priceless "boyish fun" quality to him. But I just meant that now he also has that whole masculine essence to him that a man can only get with age. And he wears it so well! The older I get, the more I prefer a man with at least a teeny bit of age to him, to a one who can pass for a teenager. Y'know what I mean?

Just last week I was referring to Jason as adorable. Not in reference to the sneakers (although they definitely qualify), but to him at the Grove sighting with his digital camera taking pics of his beloved. How freaking adorable is that?! He's such a romantic!

It's good to "see" you again, ML!

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Old 03-17-2007, 02:30 PM
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Hi Everyone! Happy St. Patty's Day!

Hey Kara! It's so good to see you! Glad you popped in to say Hi! We (my son and I) met you at the 1st showing of "Happily Even After" where you stayed at Cherie's place. It's so sad that Cherie passed away. She was so full of life.

Are you working now? I remember you were unemployed when you went to see H,EA. I hope you are. Anyway, it's so good to see you posting!

MyrnaLynne, I really did have mixed feelings about that guy too... was he sincere or was he a whack-job? Well, I'll never know, but my instincts just lead me to be quiet about being divorced because he was a complete stranger.

Sorry to hear that Mr. ML Jr. has that rash around his eyes. Sending [[[Healing Vibes]]] his way for a speedy recovery.
Does your area have Saturday clinics or weekday after hours clinics so he could get it checked out without missing a day of work? I hope he gets to see a Dr. about it since the eyes are so delicate.

And that was really something about you being "psychic" about the Almond Butter! You've got some great radar! Don't ever ignore it...cause you may end up regreting it.

Can't hardly wait for HOUSE to come back on next week. From the previews, it looks really good!

I sure am missing HEROES tho'. We still have a long time to wait for it to come back on.

Well, the kids and I are going over to MOTHER's tonight for supper. She invited us, (more demanded that we come) for Corned Beef and Cabbage. I do love it, as does my No.2 son, but my Lainie doesn't, so MOTHER is making her a steak instead. (Can you imagine? A steak?) Don't know what's gotten into MOTHER but she's been a bit nicer since her birthday. I just hope it lasts!

Well, the dryer just went off, so I'd better get to those clothes... (grumble/groan) LOL!

Hugs to All,
JB's Obsessed Fan#64
"God never gives you more than you can handle.
I just wish He didn't have so much Trust in me."
...Mother Theresa

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Old 03-17-2007, 06:37 PM
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Happy St Pattys Day or night at this point

I have clothes in the drier too Wen .....we had steak as well for Em(I've never had corn beef and cabbage... I'd give it a shot,I like cabbage don't know about corn beef....looks fatty(meat fat creeps me out)......My Emilys last night home(our girls are on diff scheduals I guess) I'm feeling more sad than ever before about missing her I think it is finally really sunk in that my girls are gone (took me a while miss Dnial me) Thanks for the s and for too ML you guys are the best! Glad mom is all molified Wen hope that lasts for a while.

ML I know the ice we had nothing but sleet for hours and it is around 4 inches of frozenness ....we have all these robins(hundreds) covering the street ....desperately looking for food....depressing..hope it melts soon(btw flocks of robins move through here every fall and spring it's kinda weird) I hope Mr ML Jr is less inflamed...what does he touch at work?.....I am really glad the ice storm is done ,though with Em driving back tomorrow. Emily cried at this OC finale.....I think it was more the saying good bye to part of her youth than the show....I think there will be lots of tears at Gilmore Girls too

SO Wen I think it was cool that that man noticed your beauty...he must have great taste It must have been a nice ego boost regardless of possible creepyness...I'm choosing to think he is just the kind of guy that doesn't self edit and is nice and likes to say nice things

Yo eccentric one Great to see you and cool to hear you're working on some visual stuff! Good luck hunting and drop your finds off here!!

Sleep tight all especially you Wen
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Old 03-18-2007, 04:47 PM
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The storm wasn't that bad, once it stopped raining and the sun came out and (some) people shoveled. It didn't freeze up until last night, but cleaning off the car today was a pain - there was ice frozen solid over and under the snow.

Aw Poddy the poor robins! I hope we get a thaw soon. This last minute winter is a big pain. The ending of O.C. was pretty sad - both MLette and I miss it and miss the characters. She loves Gilmore Girls too - that's going to be sad when it goes.

Corned beef usually is extremely fatty, plus really really salty. Once a year it's nice but that's about it! Love the cabbage though - I like it with sugar sprinkled on it - or, these days, Splenda instead.

MLette and I had a great time yesterday. Mr ML Jr decided he needed some new clothes - which happens about as often as a solar eclipse - and the store had 60-80% off sales, and we had such fun hunting for stuff for him, and he got a bunch of new pants and shirts. He was really patient too - he absolutely hates clothes shopping and usually has no patience for it. Plus he is sooo picky about what he'll wear (athough it's not like he's a good dresser or stylish or anything). The only guy on the planet, I think, who doesn't wear blue jeans! He doesn't know what he's missing, they are so comfortable (and sturdy) ! He still needs a new pair of shoes (I noticed how shabby his old ones looked, while we were clothes shopping).

I told him to go to the Eye & Ear hospital, they specialize in eyes, but of course he didn't do anything about it, and wants to check with his own (useless) family practice doctor first. He needs to get referred to somebody - dermatologist, allergist - somebody! It is so weird he's so allergic to his company's new building!
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Old 03-18-2007, 06:30 PM
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Hey Everyone!

Poddy, The Corned Beef we had was very, very lean, fork tender, and delicious! We really enjoyed it! And of course we enjoyed the cabbage, carrots, and potatoes too! yum! And after church today, we had the left-overs for lunch! It was just as good today as it was yesterday! Yum!

That was nice of you to say that man had great taste. You are a Sweetie!

Awww, sorry Emily had to leave already. Yes, our girls are on different schedules. So, does this mean that Emily won't be home for Easter?! It's odd that she had Spring Break so early. Lainie doesn't start Spring Break until Good Friday.

MyrnaLynne, I'm glad the storm wasn't as bad as expected. Hopefully March will be true to it's history, and go out like a lamb with no more bad storms. (finger's crossed)

I'm glad to hear that Mr. ML Jr. is going to get that rash checked by Somebody anyway, even if it's his useless family pratice Dr., from there he can get a referral. Guess he likes to do things that are comfortable for him.
Poor guy, allergic to his new place of work.

And that's great that you and MLette had fun shopping for Mr. ML Jr. He sounded like a good sport too by letting you two help him pick things out, even tho' he doesn't like shopping. He's lucky to have you two to help him.

Maggie, Vero, Kara, FL, Liz, McAnt, Danie, TK, Mezzi, Sarzy, and to All the JOF's and JIT's

Hugs to All,
JB's Obsessed Fan#64
"God never gives you more than you can handle.
I just wish He didn't have so much Trust in me."
...Mother Theresa
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Old 03-18-2007, 06:51 PM
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Okay, the term JIT is cracking me up!

One of my nicknames is Jezebel. And I used to have Jezebels in Training. My little JIT's.

I know some of you guys are Mark Ruffalo fans. So I thought I'd pass along that he will be on Inside the Actor's Studio Monday night on Bravo. 8pm E/7pm C. I'm sure it's unlikely but I can't help me wonder if he'll mention anything about his friendship with Jason. I know, I know. Like he doesn't have other things to talk about. But still, I can't help my little delusions.
I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for mental exhortation. - Sherlock Holmes

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Old 03-18-2007, 11:53 PM
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Hey all!
Just stopping by to let you all know I'm still alive (and hardly kicking... ) I'm at work right now and taking a moment to stop by.
Aperently I was acting like a little drama-queen. The problem with my comp at home wasn't that sirious. Aperently all we needed was a new screen. And we've got it! I was pretty shocked we got it so fast. But we did and it's bigger! Wich means I can enjoy my Jason pics a lot more right now. Asoming I'll get to that.
The office move in going ok.... eccept the fact I'm exhusted by the day's end. Yesterday my "money" bos (the one in charge on the finence in the office) gave me an extra 300 NIS because of Passover and all of the hard work I did which makes me fill so apriciated! Even if it's not that much money... It's still money!
So back to the office move. The place is down right a mess! The walls are broken and some of the place is just filled with packges. Actually there are less now since the movers (who hardly do anything is you ask me) started moving some stuff down-staries, which is where the new office is. It looks pretty nice, wooden floors and all.
Oh and today there's the Brith for the secretarey's son. We're all invited and I can't wait to see the little guy! I really love babies so it'll be nice... even if he'll cry most of the time.

My day has just started here so I better do something so when my bosses get here it'll look like I'm really busy.

Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.----- Baz Luhrmann

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Old 03-19-2007, 07:00 AM
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vB glad your comp woes were minor and that you are back with us! Your boss sounds nice...what are NISs? Sounds like you are part of the "office family" already attending Brith and all Oiy the though of the brithness is making me cringe poor little bugger .....I don't know why it seems easier to me to do it when they are first born(I guess I've though that they are dealing with so many freaky,scary new sensations that it blends in but when it is 2 weeks(?) later they feel it more.....maybe way way back in the day they were letting the babies get stronger first.....tough on the grown up guys that had it done back then

ML What a cute picture...Mr ML Jrs mom and sis taking him shopping plus great bargains! Still waiting for the ice/snow to melt....some should today going above freezing and sun taking mom out to ac moore to get some photo albums to put all the old old pix of her fam in new albums to get them out of the bad old kind( the kind the mess pix up) hoping to distract and amuse her.....going to the grocery store too.....what an exciting life

eccentric thanks for the heads up about Mark....I do like him a lot, he seems so nice. I forget why JB and him knew each girlfriend ties? How is your image hunt going? JITs is kinda of a funny sounding name

Wen are you enjoying your flowers? I'm looking out the window at my frozen deck watching the naughty squirells eat my birdfood...little buggers at least they are cute .....just took a pic I'll try to post it soon Em is never home for Easter or her Bday for three yrs now ...and since she always has just gone back it makes no sense for her to come home....I have a feeling she'd rather celebrate with her friends turning 21 than mom and dad she is getting more serious about the bf me I'm praying that if he is the right one it works and that if he isn't that it ends sooner rather than later .....very interesting part of motherhood watching this stuff unfold......learn to watch and give opinions carefully.

squirell up date....2 more up but my card is full so no pic of that....the young ones crack me up they are more brazzen and when you yell at them they are very confused and slow to run

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Old 03-19-2007, 07:26 AM
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Veronic, nice that you got a bonus from the boss already! They must be happy with your work (and must be nice bosses). Moving is a royal pain in the you-know-where. I hope everything gets sorted out and you settle into the new space.

I think the last brit I went to was for poor Mr ML Jr. LOL, maybe this is what makes Jewish guys so nervous? For eight or 9 days life is pretty okay and then - yowch! (I just saw recently more evidence how healthy it is, that is even helps fight catching AIDS.) I know it's a big controversial decision for parents, but for Jewish people it's not really a yes or no option.

LOL, Poddy I love watching those frisky squirrels. They really seem to enjoy life, and have fun and have a sense of humor. And their courage and agility are just breathtaking sometimes, when they take those 'leaps of faith' from one branch to another tree - much like Jason's! LOL! But they are also a nuisance. MLette said she heard the patter of squirrel feet in the wall/roof near her room - they may have gotten into the eaves of the house again and need to be evicted! They also get into the garbage bags too. And we have a nut tree beside our house and in 26 years, we've never gotten one nut, because the squirrels eat them all every time!

It is hard, watching the girls find BFs and being very unsure they are such great choices, but knowing you don't control that sort of thing. Prayer seems like a good option! MLette's BF is a nice guy, but they're so different, too.

Nice idea to do photo albums with Viv and keep her occupied. I know when my grandparents died, they had enormous boxes filled with random photos, none of them labeled, a lot we didn't even know who the people were. sigh.

Thanks for the heads up on Mark Ruffalo, Eccentric One. He'll probably talk about having accoustic neuroma and about how much he loves his wife and kids. I don't know how he and JB got to be friends, but he's from Wisconsin and JB from Minnesota, so they are sort of midwest neighborly type guys. Doubtful he'll mention JB while being grilled by that weird dude on Actor's Studio - but I hope he does!

I was all set to go to the big Flower Show last weekend, but the weather was way too bad to go. And when the weather is bad, that's just when you can use a dose of beautiful flowers! Maybe I'll go next weekend, that's the end of it, it's only up for one week. It's supposed to stay above freezing this whole week, so I'm hoping all this snow and icy mess will melt away again SOON!
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Old 03-19-2007, 10:56 AM
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Hey all!
I'm home right now and I just love my new screen! Jason's pics are so much more..... well they're just more!
The office is mostly moved. Now all we have to do is unpack.... which is going to be a little complecated. Oh and all of the phone calls from the office are now directed to my cell-phone which is hell! I just closed it as soon as I left the office. It's gonna have to be like that at least untill tomarrow morning when the phone company will get there to fix the phones and fax.
Oh I know giving brith is an amazing expirience. If there's one thing I know I want it's to have kids! I just can't wait to find mr right and for him to do his job! I don't really grasp everything about it but I def know I want it!
Ok.... now some of the SO's are a little old but I'm still gonna do them.

Wen, I didn't think you're diskriminating between your kids fro one moment. It's just the way it is. My mom did different decitions with me and my sister. It didn't mean anything. Every child is just different.
I guess you're right that it's good to have my dad sense of humor aound too.
Thanks for the hugs!
Your no. 2 son sounds like the Nutty Proffesor! Which I guess makes sense if he's a giniouse....
I guess I can get why you didn't go a long with that man at the market... but I've once heard that Love is taking a chance. You're right he could have been a nut-job but he could have been a really nice man too. You didn't have to tell him you're divorced you could have just told him you weren't married or something. I get the fear I know I would have done the same thing you did but I'm just giving you something to think about for the next time.
I'm so happy to hear you had a good time at your mom's!

ML, I don't get the whole choosing to do a C-section either. It's wierd for m to choose to do a segery.
Sounds like you and MLette had a good day dressing Mr. ML Jr. I would pay to see that one.
Well I wouldn'ty say that. There's actually a groupe of parents over here who don't want to do a brith to their kids and incorage others no to do it too. It's wierd for me but since they're not religiouse I guess I can understand them.... I don't agree with them but I understand.
I hope your son's alergy is gon by now.

podmommy, I'm so happy to hear your tongue is ok! Just go to those tests and take care of yourself!
That's so nice to hear that you and Em were having fun together. I'm sorry she had to go back so soon. I guess you're just going to have to accept the fact you can't really stop time.
NIS is our coine over here. It means New Israel Shekel.
Well I know there are some babies who go thropught the Brith when they're older. Those are usually babies who were sick at or right after they were born. Just to make sure everything is ok with them because the brith is a sirious thing and it can cause problems. Moslms are actually doing it when they're 13 so that's much worse then a week or 2.

Kara, hey there! I remember seeing you post here and there! Great seeing you!
Thanks for telling about Mark being in The Actor's Studio! It can be really interesting hearing his prespective of things. I just dream of the day Jason will be in those shows! It'll be just so cool!

Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.----- Baz Luhrmann

You don't have to be crazy to be my friend.... But it sure helps!
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Old 03-19-2007, 12:24 PM
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Thirteen! Maybe this explains why the Muslims are so angry about everything?! I think doing it as a baby is better too. But it is a pain, and parents don't want to give their precious babies any pains, so I understand. It is hard to see them get vaccination shots too - and some parents try to avoid that, which I think is very stupid. I know I hated letting the doctor 'hurt' them when they were little!

Is a shekel like an Israeli dollar?

You have all the company calls coming on your cell phone! What a pain! I hope the phone company hooks up the new office soon.

Kids are great! I was very nervous about them, because I never even did babysitting and had no experience with kids, but you just love them, and you learn as you go along. That is also why parents treat kids differently - they have learned things and become older with each kid. My friend Beth was a first child and used to complain her parents were so strict with her, but the younger kids got away with everything! I always tried to be fair and equal, but as you say, they are different people and they need different things/have different likes.

We were pretty funny, hanging around outside the (open) door of the men's changing room at the store. Luckily he was the only man in there at the time!! I was having flashbacks of shopping with my mother, when she'd get me trapped in a trying on room and keep bringing more and more things to try and not let me out! LOL! You need to know when to stop shopping!
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Old 03-19-2007, 12:35 PM
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vB Thanks and I will keep an eye on it. Heavens to Betsy....13!!!! ML hit the nail on the head that might be the solution over there..ouch I know you will make a great mom! Hope you don't get too many calls tonight!!

ML I can't imagine uncircumsised(shiver) and you're right much healthier IMO ...short term pain...long term gain! Plus socially I think it would be hard for boys to look different.

Moms asleep in the chair....I'm trying to get up the gumption to do the nordic track ....guess I should

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Old 03-19-2007, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by podmom (View Post)
eccentric thanks for the heads up about Mark....I do like him a lot, he seems so nice. I forget why JB and him knew each girlfriend ties?
If my memory is to be trusted, they got to be friends because they were often auditioning for the same roles and kept bumping into each other. Just one of those "gee, I keep running into you...wanna talk while we wait?" sort of things I gather. I could be wrong though, so anybody feel free to correct me.
I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for mental exhortation. - Sherlock Holmes

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Old 03-19-2007, 08:28 PM
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Okay, I only watched the introduction (I fell asleep I'll have to watch the re-run early Friday morning), but this cracked me up. They were listing some of Mark's films.

Here's the majority of what was listed. Notice a Jason trend in them?
Windtalkers, Collateral, In the Cut, 13 Going on 30, Just Like Heaven, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

I was like "what are you listing, Mark's films or premieres we have pictures of Jason from?"

Originally Posted by podmom (View Post)
How is your image hunt going?
Sorry, I forgot to answer before. I'm good with the current images, but still haven't gotten up the energy to go through the backlog I had missed.
I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for mental exhortation. - Sherlock Holmes

Obsessed JB Fan #96 aka "Behrnut"

Just keep talking. I'll catch up. - Booth

Last edited by Eccentric One; 03-19-2007 at 10:23 PM
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