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Old 09-28-2006, 10:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Jasmyn (View Post)
I loved this episode! It was great, and yay for MCSTEAMY!

But...the patients seemed a little too familar for me this week. The boy with the tree? Seemed like two people and pole last season. And the woman that wanted to live life to the fullest, was a little too much like the couple who wanted to live life. Of course there were big differences, but still, two similar patients in one episode, that's pushing it, in my opinion.

Actually the woman reminded me of the lawyer with the renewed doughnut obsession who was being treated for her seizures...remember, the one who asked McDreamy if he needed a good divorce lawyer? I did want some of her cake, though...
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Old 09-28-2006, 10:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Janos614 (View Post)
Actually the woman reminded me of the lawyer with the renewed doughnut obsession who was being treated for her seizures...remember, the one who asked McDreamy if he needed a good divorce lawyer? I did want some of her cake, though...

Haha, yay, I forgot about her. Maybe the lady tonight was a combo of the two of them. (Why is it always women who decide to be all "live for the moment" when they find out they are dying on Grey's?)
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Old 09-29-2006, 12:54 AM
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ok i know i'm a horrible horrible human being but i sneaked a peak on youtube when it was put on early this week... heee! and got to see just hours before it was removed...

but none the less... the episode ruled hardcore!... i think i'm so in love with McSteamy! its ridiculous... and Open Your Eyes played! thats my song! *SQUEE*
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Old 09-29-2006, 03:11 AM
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That episode was even better than the premiere in my opinion

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Old 09-29-2006, 03:17 AM
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Originally Posted by jessica20121984 (View Post)
That episode was even better than the premiere in my opinion
Agreed! I guess the premiere felt a bit lacking to me because they weren't in the hospital, but this episode rocked!
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Old 09-29-2006, 05:15 AM
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well that was the premiere... abc made them make the first one cuz they thought it would give away too much too fast
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Old 09-29-2006, 06:28 AM
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This was a fantastic episode ... but, I think last week felt more like a premiere ... and ABC was right to switch the order. But, this was such a fun episode. Great twists and turns ... and I'm glad Meredith decided not to choose, and is dating both. Nice touch. Also loved Cristina in this episode ... how Burke's mother is testing her. George/Callie were fun to watch ... she's becoming a fav. character. Less mopey Izzie was a good thing ... and Alex and that patient ... random much! The tree guy was such a weird case ... as was the guy telling the truth. Drunk Addison was the best part of the episode ... and that ending ...
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Old 09-29-2006, 10:48 AM
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Do we have a news thread going ? I know there is one over at 24 so since i didn't see one ill post a Ratings information on last nights show

"Grey's Anatomy" scored a 14.9/22 for ABC at 9 p.m., although CBS' "CSI," 14.1/21, had a narrow lead among total viewers (23.49 million to 23.31 million). NBC stayed in third with "Deal or No Deal." The final performances on FOX's "Celebrity Duets," 2.8/4, topped the season premiere of "Supernatural," 2.2/3, on The CW.

Again i am kinda new to Greys ,having seen -6 shows from the season 2 . All the ABC recaps helped a lot

Also ,unlike 24, you don't need to have seen every episode to understand who is who.

The whole Izzy baking stuff was so funny ,he way of dealing with her loss .Grey flipping the coin to see what man she goes out with .It is as if me a single guy, had to choose between two very attractive woman
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Old 09-29-2006, 02:49 PM
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This is the like the fourth time I'm trying to post my review, but board is spazzing on me .

My Review:

The Triangle of Hell(Meredith/Finn/Derek): At least to me it is because it's going to be predictable on how it ends. We know she's not going to be with Finn, and he is sadly a plot device. The only thing I like is that the writers did the "full circle" theme with it. Last season Derek was one with the decision, and now Meredith is. Meredith just bugs when it's romantic entanglements for me. I mean is that hard of decision to choose between these two guys . To choose between Derek a person who lied, called her a whore, dishonest, and just made her life miserable nearly all last year. And Finn who is patient, honest, and who brought your friend lunch that he barely he knows himself. Yea, tough choice . It's no brainer to me lol. I like Finn.

Derek & Addison: Nice to know where Derek's prioties are :rolleye:. At least two days has passed by since the finale. The following day after the premiere episode is when he wanted to talk to Addison, but in the premiere he talked to Meredith first. He didn't talk to Addison at all until after he talked to Meredith. If he knew he was going to end anyways, then he should have done already. Not say his profound love, which I think just occured because he feel threatened by Finn, to Meredith. What a McJackass . While some people are putting all this stuff on Addison. IMO Both Addison and Derek has acted childish throughout, and I thought it was very high-school to put the panties on the wall. Derek screwed up, and the marriage failure is on both their hands along with Mark and Meredith. There is a pie with four pieces of blame on Derek, Addison, Mark, and Meredith. Not one person should be blame. I feel sorry for Addison because Derek went beyond what she did. We know Derek was a cold husband in New York. We know he was never there emotionally. We know he stayed in the marriage out of guilt and responsiblity. He got his revenge by having long fling with Meredith in S1 (
), but once he had sex with Meredith again. He went lower then Addison. He can act all McSmug he wants, but I royally royally dislike his character. Not to mention he left the panties in his jacket...ugh .

Mark "McSteamy" Sloane: Omg....please drop the towel . that was a sight great to see in HD format . At least with you see what you get. He states the obivious, and he won't pull your chain. I hope he drives Derek nuts .

The Burkes-Great casting indeed. Preston's father was almost a complete image of him, and the way he talked and walk. It was so similar like Preston. Preston's mother has some traits that share with her son. I can see a little of Preston in both of his parents. Though his mother is really, really intimidating .

Christina-Ah, she was great in the episode. There are times I thought Preston's mother reminded me of Christina. Kinda goes with the saying that some sons fall in love with women that remind them of their mothers. I hope what his mom said about the selfish and selfishless traits of the Christina/Preston wasn't a foreshadowing. Hopefully, Christina's new emotions will open her eyes to it. Who knows .

"Bailey's on the warpath...not German warpath"

Callie/George:Callie was great in this episode. Her dancing was great. While us women got McSteamy all steamy out in the shower. My friend in Texas just loved seeing Callie dancing . It was nice of her to save Meredith's butt....again, and hey George got jealous lol. Maybe his feelings are start to grow within him about Callie . Looks like we have another SGH member living in the Grey's house now.

Alex-Ah....typical Alex lol. Why do I have feeling his tyst in the bathroom my come back to haunt him?

Bailey-I really loved her arc in this episode. I loved how they paralleled the father with Bailey. It was nice to see some accountability be taken place. Izzie took her accountability in "Losing My Religion", and it's nice to see it here by the teacher. She was funny, touching, and Nazi-like all in one episode.

Izzie-Aww...she's wearing Denny's sweater. Like I said earlier you can just see so much range in Katie's acting. Izzie's character is very verstaile because she has all these emotions compared to the other interns. There are so many sides to her, and Katie pulls them off great. She pulled off exhausted Izzie terrifically. Her walk in the bar was neat to see. Noticed how slow her walk was? Her spacing of her words as well. She was great considering how little we saw of her. I loved her scene with Addison. It was sweet because even though Izzie is going through hell she is still concern for others. She didn't want Joe to let Addison drive drunk. That was sweet, and to give muffins to Joe was nice as well. I can't wait to see what happens next week with her character since she is outside of the hospital afraid to go in.

Plus wasn't Joe a sweetie? Aww...the most objective and less judgemental character on the show. I mean I just melted when he said to Izzie "How you doing sweetie", and how he put a teardrop from Addison's eyes. I love his character. The kid with the tree stuck in him was neat to see .

Overall I really enjoyed this episode for setting things up for the season .
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Old 09-29-2006, 04:13 PM
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Originally Posted by IsabelAmandaEvans (View Post)
What a McJackass .

So, I enjoy this episode much more than last week crapfest. Last week was just way-too over the top and blah. This week felt like a Grey's Anatomy I love. Bailey was awesome like she was before she went "soft". I loved her speech to Izzie, my favorite moment of the episode. However, realistically Izzie would be in jail for doing what she did. But its a tv show so anyways.

Christina was hilarious tonight especially with Burke's mom. I loved the scene where Burke's mom calls her selfish and "why did you just call Miranda Bailey, a Nazi?". I hope we get to learn more about his dad though.

The tree boy reminding me of the pole people too. Considering also the writer who wrote "Into You Like A Train" wrote this one too.

Addison was hilarious drunk. Kate Walsh has been great so far this year. I hope this isn't her last season.

I really wish they didn't add Callie has a regular. Their trying to make her more likeable which she is compare to her weirdness last year but the cast is getting too big.

So, is McSteamy now a regular too? If he is, besides being extremely hot (that last scene wow!) when he was on last year the chemistry between Addison and him wasn't there and the actor (whose name I am blanking on) isn't a very good actor. Considering how strong this ensemble is, I wish they found a stronger actor.

Oh, and Alex sleeping with the patient was dumb but fun.

But a good episode hopefully gets Grey's back on track.

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Old 09-29-2006, 04:39 PM
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Why do you think Meredith and Derek didn´t kiss and Meredith and Finn did it?

I like the scene with the almost kiss but I prefer watched them kissing.
Addi: When he is here i´m just
Bailey: a woman who gets the hots for man candy and cheats on her husband."
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Old 09-29-2006, 04:42 PM
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Finally got to see it today and man did I love it. It was such a great ep!

Even though I wish Meredith would just pick, and pick Derek, it should be fun to watch them take her on dates. Hopefully that will help her make up her mind.

I loved everything with Cristina and Burke and his parents. It was just funny but it did make Cristina think. She did try at the end to be more unselfish.

Addison drunk was great! I'm glad her and Derek finally decided to admit that their marriage was over. The ending! Just a complete shocker!

Callie and George don't really interest me as much. That was probably my least favorite part of the ep.

I do hope Izzie goes back to the hospital to start working again. It was really nice of Bailey to come and say what she said and give her another chance.

Just a great ep. I just love this show!

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Old 09-30-2006, 08:48 AM
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That was an AWESOME episode! SO MUCH better than the finale!
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Old 09-30-2006, 08:54 AM
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This was a pretty good episode. I love the Meredith/Derek flirting. Damn Callie, walking in on them.

Addison drunk was not appealing.

And, Mark coming back is kind of upsetting. He's so unattractive, in my opinion. But, I like the Meredith/Mark interaction in the second season, so maybe that won't be too bad.
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Old 09-30-2006, 10:50 AM
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Originally Posted by thegreenlight (View Post)
This was a pretty good episode. I love the Meredith/Derek flirting. Damn Callie, walking in on them.

Addison drunk was not appealing.

And, Mark coming back is kind of upsetting. He's so unattractive, in my opinion. But, I like the Meredith/Mark interaction in the second season, so maybe that won't be too bad.
To see Addison go from fashion plate to complete schlub was a shock, but I thought she was very funny. Wildly attractive, indeed .

There's no chance that the woman Alex had sex with can get pregnant, right? She looked older but I couldn't really place her age.
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