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Unsung Hero 04-27-2015 01:10 PM

PassingShips {Cary&Kalinda} #42 -All the things that you wanted from me, all the things I should've given...make it go away
Welcome to the
Appreciation Thread
NO. 42

Honorary Shippers:

1. Matt Czuchry
2. Archie Panjabi
3. Blake Calamar
4. Diane Lockhardt
5. Alicia Florrick
4. Alan Cumming
5. Sophia Russo
6. Dana Lodge
7. Sandra Gonzalez

01. la bestia negra
02. Full Throttle
03. Eternal Flame
04. sLomo
05. cappie_lover99
06. LuHuntzberger
07. AlwaysHoldingOn
08. ln1
09. AllieCat60
10. snatches of sunshine
11. I Love Blondes
12. Justicerocks
13. .:DoDs:.
14. YellowRose
15. BoxingKangaroo
22Ace of Hearts
25. bad reputation
25. Carolina_ 78

[B]'Reminds me of my old High School' -Cary
'Reminds me of the schools I used to vandalize' -Kalinda
1x03 Home

'You're chipper, aren't you?' -Kalinda
'Dangerously chipper' -Cary
1x06 Conjugal

'How much would you imagine we have in common?' -Kalinda
I don't like to talk to people I've a lot in common with!' -Cary
1x06 Conjugal

'Okay I have a proposition for you. Find this person and I tell you what ever you want' -Kalinda
[...] -Cary
'And more' -Kalinda
'Okay you just saved Clarence Wilcox life' -Cary
1x06 Conjugal

'Listen I lose track here. What about my reward?' -Cary
'What reward?' -Kalinda
'No, no, you know our little words. Just let me think up some really embarrassing questions!' -Cary
1x06 Conjugal

'Okay, then the same thing goes for you. You're not mysterious. By the same logic, you're completely knowable.' -Cary
Cary, you and I have nothing in common. 'cause you and I are from different worlds.
And it's not just Mars and Venus. It's spaghetti and hydrogen. We're different categories. I'm knowable, but not just to you.' -Kalinda
1x10 Lifeguard

'Something you can't do yourself?' -Cary
'Poor little me, I need a man' -Kalinda
1x12 Painkiller

'Do you have a boyfriend?' -Cary
'No' -Kalinda
1x12 Painkiller

'Well, do you need some help with it? Because I know the gamer world.' -Cary
'Lucky you.'[COLOR="Green]-Kalinda[/COLOR]
1x20 Mock

'This is nice. Isn't this nice? No big case, no video games, we just did some good here.' -Cary
'Actually Alicia and I did some good. You just drove the car.'-Kalinda
1x20 Mock

'Smart' -Kalinda
1x23 Running


'Do you miss me?' -Cary
'What if I said yes?'-Kalinda
'I would say that sounds about right'' -Cary
2x03 Breaking Fast

"How do you like the prosectors office? It agrees with you. You look taller." -Kalinda
2x03 Breaking Fast

'If I were you, I would be careful' -Cary
2x06 Poisened Pill

"A lot of people leak to you." -Cary
"Yeah. Friends". -Kalinda
"Yeah. Well. They're gonna be scarce." -Cary
"Does that mean you as well?" -Kalinda
2x12 Silly Season

'Kalinda they are starting to suspect you because we are talking.' -Cary
'Kalinda please. I am not protecting myself, I am protecting you! Okay?' -Cary
2x14 Net Worth

'Welcome back to normal' -Cary
2x16 Great Firewall

'Are you comfortable?' -Cary
2x17 Ham Sandwich

'Cary was in on it, wasn't he? He knew what to ask you.' -Alicia
'Cary is a great guy!' -Kalinda
'Ohhhhhhhh listen to you. You and Cary sitting in a tree....' -Alicia
2x17 Ham Sandwich

'I need your help' -Kalinda
'Okay' -Cary
2x18 Killer Song


"Kalinda, you can fake somebody else, but you can't fake me" -Cary
"And what if I am not faking?". -Kalinda
"You tend to use people's feelings to further your investigations" -Cary
"You think that's what I did with you? Cary whatever I felt, I didn't invent" -Kalinda
3x03 Get a Room

"I don't like you being in my head" -Cary
"What?". -Kalinda
"I said I don't like you being in my head" -Cary
"Then get me out" -Kalinda
3x08 Death Row Tip

"What are we doing?" -Cary
"I have no idea" -Kalinda
3x08 Death Row Tip


“Cary, if they find out they'll fire you!" -Kalinda
“Did you tell them?" -Cary
“No." -Kalinda
“You didn't?" -Cary
“No." -Kalinda
“Thank you" -Cary
"Don't do it again. I am serious" -Kalinda
4x16 Runnin' With the Devil

“All in a day’s work," -Kalinda
“No. It wasn’t...wasn't in a day's work" -Cary
4x16 Runnin' With the Devil
“Cary, what do you want?" -Kalinda
[leans in to kiss her]
“No" -Kalinda
“Why?" -Cary
“Because you want more. And I can't give you more" -Kalinda
4x16 Runnin' With the Devil

'Be careful, Kalinda' -Cary
4x18 Death of a clientl

“Kalinda. The fourth years are starting our own firm, I want you to come with us" -Cary
“Sure.." -Kalinda
“Exclusively...They don’t value you here, we’ll value you." -Cary
4x21 A more perfect Union

“Don't ever do that to me again" -Kalinda
“Do what" -Cary
“Lead me on with a salary proposal and then go to Robyn." -Kalinda
“Kalinda..." -Cary
“Go to hell, Cary!" -Kalinda
4x22 What's in the boxl


“Kalinda, do me a favor?" -Cary
“I just did you a favor" -Kalinda
“Do me another?" -Cary
“I have to tell Will" -Kalinda
“Give me an hour head-start" -Cary
"I give you 30 minutes" -Kalinda
5x04 Outside the Bubble

“Haven't see you in a while" -Kalinda
“Yeah. It's been tough" -Cary
“Oh, come on, Cary. Look, just give me a second. Please?" -Kalinda
“A second." -Cary
"Uh...I am sorry" -Kalinda
“For?" -Cary
"For things ending poorly between us" -Kalinda
5x12 We are the Juries

"I miss you" -Kalinda
5x12 We are the Juries

“So, we're even now?" -Kalinda
“Yeah. Why`?" -Cary
“Then let's get a drink" -Kalinda
“So you can get one up on me?" -Cary
“No. 'Cause I want a drink" -Kalinda
“This isn't a good idea, Kalinda." -Cary
"I know" -Kalinda
5x12 We are the Juries

“You want to get me to talk, just say 'Talk'. Don't play games"
5x13 ‘Parallel Construction Bitches’

“Why were you giving me the silent treatment?" -Kalinda
“I can't trust you" -Cary
“Why not? I can't trust you either" -Kalinda
“That's true" -Cary
““Mutually assured destruction." -Kalinda
“Yep.." -Cary
5x13 ‘Parallel Construction Bitches’

Quotes by the Actors, Producers, Writers

"Yet, what really helped us is that Archie and Matt are adorable together. T
hey had this patronizing flirtation where Kalinda was like, white boy, suburbanite, jerk.
His growing up at the State's Attorney's Office,
she's thrown by that and finds him, if not desirably sexually,
at least desirable as an adult."Robert King

"Cary is very different with her, she is different with him and what that allows for is to see these two characters
in a unique way which I think the audience will really respond to"Matt Czuchry

“I’ve seen it grow into a mutual respect and admiration and a friendship.
My character has protected Kalinda in a lot ways when she’s been vulnerable" Matt Czuchry

"He's proven he's a great lawyer, and Kalinda's watched him get better and better,
They develop a friendship and you realize they have more in common than they first thought." Archie Panjabi

"On most shows, if they kiss the show is over.
In our show, it just began." David Zucker

"A lot of people responded to the Matt Czuchry and Archie Panjabi relationship.
I think we would try to show more of that and try to create even more drama there.
We felt that was slightly a backburner relationship.
It was there, but it didn’t cook as high as we could [have].
Robert King

"I hope they continue to develop its relationship with Cary, which I find really exciting."
Archie Panjabi

"There's something about Cary that is always very important to her"
Robert King

"They've had a moment. Whether that develops into something serious, who knows? You just never know with Kalinda."
Archie Panjabi

"That relationship is fun to watch, because you're never quite sure if they're going to help each other out or screw each other over."
Matt Czuchry

"kalinda and cary are so destined to shag dont you think?"
Alan Cumming

"I think the two of them are interesting together because they can be very professional with each other
and be fighting each other at opposite ends for a case.
But when they’re by themselves, they can sit down and have a drink together and actually have a lot of fun together.
It’s definitely an interesting chemistry. Rather than a love-hate relationship,
we call it a care-injure relationship.
Somehow they care about each other but they always end up injuring each other.
I think it’s probably because Kalinda’s not very good with relationships.
Everytime Cary opens up to her, Kalinda takes a step back, and then kind of misses him."
Archie Panjabi

"One of the things that Kalinda likes is when Cary is in take-no-prisoners mode.
When he is not the suburban white boy who sits back passively,
but someone who attacks something and is proactive," Robert said. "So, yes, Kalinda is attracted to that"
Robert King

“There are sparks between the two of them
and that’s really developed over the last four years.”
Michelle King

“They feel undervalued at the firm, so personally and professionally they’re on the same page
and I don’t think that has ever happened before.
So with that, anything is possible, in terms of being on the same page."
Matt Czuchry

“[They] are ships passing in the night, but in that specific case,
they were right there together, side by side, because Kalinda helped Cary out.”
Matt Czuchry

"The bottom line has always been
what's going to happen to Cary and Kalinda"
Robert King

"“Cary and Kalinda’s involment will continue, whether romantic, professional or [as] enemies”"
Robert King

"Kalinda was charging too much for Cary to take her
but she has great affection for him"
Robert King

"You always want to tease out these relationships and not spill your goods.
We didn’t intend to do anything other than leave the audience wanting more."
Robert King

"Kalinda and Cary have always had a history of will they or won’t they.
They’ve always had a history of mixing the personal and professional
throughout all four seasons.
With the second half of season 4, they were on the same page
in terms of personally and professionally.
That’s why you saw their personal relationship escalate.
They both felt slighted by who they were working for, and they felt a common bond in that area.
At the end of season 4 their not on the same page personally and professionally,
but I think they always find a way back to each other."
Matt Czuchry

""Because they're not working at the same place,
there may be a chance for more life for that relationship," he says. But won't Kalinda hold a grudge? Czuchry is optimistic.
"Certainly there are... fences that are going to need some mending, but they've been able to do that in the past,"
Matt Czuchry

""Let's put it on screen! Kalinda and Cary, let's make it happen!""
Matt Czuchry

"Kalinda is really fighting for Cary. In traumatic events,
you find out who your friends are and we see that Kalinda
wants to be there for Cary. I see their relationship growing
because of this traumatic event.
She’s there for Cary, she’s fighting for Cary
and that brings them closer together in a way we haven’t seen them
in the past five seasons.”
Matt Czuchry

"...because Kalinda trying to find a way to defend Cary. We see Kalinda fighting for Cary, and Cary needing her love and support."
Matt Czuchry

Previous Threads:

#1 - Sometimes you find friendship where you least expect it!
#2 - Because they have all we want: Good chemistry, snarky comments and good looks.
#3 - 'Cause we wouldn't mind seeing them working-out again!
#4 - Cause it were Matt and Archie who wanted them to get closer!
#5 - Because she calls him Stat. Boy and we like it!
#6 - Because Cary is not a guy who gives up easy, we count on it!
#7 - 'Cause Kalinda finally started to respect him!!
#8 - 'Cause on television 'nothing in common' means 'hooking-up' in the future
#9 -'Cause Cary misses her, and WOW, Kalinda misses him too..
#10 Because if not desirably sexually, she at least finds him desirable as an adult
#11 - "Cary has protected Kalinda in a lot ways when she’s been vulnerable." Matt Czuchry
#12 - Kalinda please. I am not protecting myself. I am protecting you!'
#13 - Welcome back to normal! ღ
#14 - "Right now it's friendship" Matt smirks "But friendship can grow"
#15 - 'Ohhh, listen to you- you and Cary sittin’ in a tree...' - Alicia, #1 CK Shipper
#16 -Because Kalinda is his only weakness, his very own kryptonite
#17 - "On most shows, if they kiss the show is over. In our show, it just began." DZ
#18-"Their scenes work because it doesn’t force the idea of attraction. It's just there." -MoT
#19 - "You guys really love your Cary and Kalinda, don't you?" TGW writers
#20 - Spaghetti&Alfredo - It's not just Yin and Yang, it's Spaghetti and Alfredo!
#21 - "I’ve seen it grow into a mutual respect and admiration and a friendship" - Matt
#22 - "There's something about Cary that is always very important to her" - Robert King
#23 - "Kalinda and Cary are so destined to shag dont you think?" - Alan Cumming
#24 - They had their up's and down's but in the end she never faked it with him.
#25 - Cause as much as he tries he can't get her out of his head!
#26 - "The bottom line has always been what's going to happen to Cary and Kalinda" - Robert King
#27 - Care-injured (Cary&Kalinda) #27 "Everytime Cary opens up to her, Kalinda takes a step back, and then kind of misses him"
#28 There's something about Cary that is always very important to her
#29 Because they might try to ignite the weird horny spark between them!
#30 - With him back at the firm, we definitely will keep this thread busy
#31 - Cause "Kalinda has better bust out her baseball bat to seek vengeance for this" charactergrades
#33 - "That non-kiss moment in the bar was just about the sexiest thing the Kings have given us"
#32 - "That non-kiss moment in the bar was just about the sexiest thing the Kings have given us"
#34 - "Kalinda probably has got a soft spot for him...she's nervous about things ending badly" Archie
#35 -
#36 - "Let's put it on screen! Kalinda and Cary, let's make it happen!" - Matt Czuchry
#37 - The off-screen days are finally over. After 1588 days, the wait is over. #asdfghjklö
#38 - "Look just give me a second. Please? Uh...I am sorry"
#39 - "I hope Cary is prepared for the roller coaster of emotions that is dating Kalinda Sharma."
#40 - "She’s fighting for Cary and that brings them closer together in a way we haven’t seen them in the past"
#41 - "I won’t disappear on you. I'll be here"

Future Thread Title suggestions:

~Because Cary and Kalinda are fan-favorite connection" - Entertainment Weekly
~ "Forget Will and Alicia. Team Cary and Kalinda all the way" - NYMagazine
~ "Something wicked is happening between Cary and Kalinda. Wicked chemistry, that is." Eonline
~ "If I'm 'shipping for someone on this show, it's Cary and Kalinda! MAKE OUT MORE" Avclub
~ Because 'Cary loves Kalinda' -tvfanatic
~ "Because they are one of the best will-they-won’t-they couples to watch." - avclub
~ "Cary and Kalinda forever, is what I’m saying." -avclub
~ "Raise your hand if you feel personally victimized by the show's writers for not even getting to see a kiss between the battling duo" eonline
~ "The amazing energy between him and Kalinda may have peaked for good" afterelton
~ "If anyone could resist the Cary head-tilt, I guess it would be Kalinda, but come on – she’s still a human." charactergrades
~ "In other words, showing love in the only nonviolent way she knows how. Lying. Awwww!" charactergrades
~ "I think the two of them together is dynamic and hot and complicated and everything this show does well" vulture
~ "I thought that non-kiss/seduction moment between Cary and Kalinda in the bar was just about the sexiest thing the Kings have given us in more than a year" vulture
~They have these moments where the sexual tension is thick enough to stop pulses

Moment of the thread

Mo Nighean Donn 04-27-2015 05:39 PM

Can someone just kill me and get it over with :bawl:

Unsung Hero 04-28-2015 02:26 PM

Matt's Mom is heartbroken too! :lol:

Mo Nighean Donn 04-28-2015 06:09 PM

Should we count her as a shipper too now? :lol:

Unsung Hero 04-29-2015 12:55 AM

She needs to be an honorary shipper :lol:

Mo Nighean Donn 04-29-2015 05:40 PM

Absolutely. :lol: She belongs there.

Unsung Hero 04-30-2015 08:24 AM

I want a screencap of her text messages :lol:

Mo Nighean Donn 04-30-2015 04:12 PM

You mean Kalinda's ? :lol:

Mo Nighean Donn 05-02-2015 05:55 PM


Unsung Hero 05-03-2015 06:31 AM

I am mourning :lol:

Mo Nighean Donn 05-03-2015 04:27 PM

I know :lol: I just wanted to give everyone a hug :lol:

sleepyhippo 05-03-2015 07:20 PM

I'm too sad to watch the remaining two episodes :(

Unsung Hero 05-04-2015 12:44 PM

When they talked about Kalinda. My poor heartbroken baby :hug:

Mo Nighean Donn 05-04-2015 05:08 PM

His face killed me :bawl:

Unsung Hero 05-05-2015 11:57 AM

This one?

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