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Old 02-02-2017, 11:59 PM
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I am glad I got some Jughead. I really like that character. I liked that Betty made up with everyone by the end. Kevin is awesome Cheryl really makes a good bad girl for the show.
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Old 02-03-2017, 12:24 AM
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I loved this episode! I thought it was MUCH MUCH stronger than the pilot. It was more balanced, there was more stuff going on, the mystery was more interesting, AND on top of that, the characters were developed more.

My one critique is that we literally got no scene with Josie except her singing. I really hope that we get to see more of her soon because as the only black character on the show I think she deserves to be more in the forefront.

Archie was a lot better for me this episode than he was in the pilot. I didn't like the singing at all (that whole plot for him feels random and unnecessary)... but at the end he got a lot more interesting. I felt he had more of a purpose. But that could be due to all of his scenes with Jughead. That friendship is really sweet and I love that it got some focus. I love that Jughead confronted him and that Archie confided in him. they had major chemistry. i adored when Archie stood up to Reggie. And when he told Grundy he was coming forward. The Jughead/Archie apology at the end was the cutesttttt.

“We’re not gonna hug in front of this whole town.”

“As friends, right?”
“To be discussed, over many burgers, and many days.”

I love that Jughead was more prominent this episode as well. He is a great character. He has this nice moral compass but not in an annoying judgy way. And I loved that he was included in the core 4 scene at the end, that was such a great moment! The Jughead/Veronica tiny little interaction was a nice surprise for me. I didnt think much about them before but I really loved that interaction. I'd be down for a friendship or romance there for sure.

Ms. Grundy is gross. I'm sorry, but she is. Her and her dumb glasses annoy me. And I don't buy that she likes Archie at all, I think she was just playing him so he'd keep the secret. And its so weird that he calls her Mrs. Grundy and not her real name??? I really hope its over but I somehow doubt that. SIGH.

Betty actually kind of annoyed me this episode. Her crush on Archie is so annoying, it's making me dislike her. She was acting so irritating at the beginning! I loved when Veronica gave Betty that wake up call. I loved when she said most of the time the people we like dont like us back. Smart woman. But it seemed she sort of realized the truth near the end there. I will say, the Archie/Betty cheek touch was cute, we need more subtle moments like that and maybe just maybe I could support them. Oh and Betty's mom is the worst! To me, she's the most suspicious right now. but I can see it being someone like Archies dad or something. Maybe he and Mrs. Grundy were sleeping together too or something, idk.

Cheryl just isn't my favorite character. There's just something off about her to me. Like she's the typical bitch but also seems fake? IDK. The whole scene with Betty was so weird and slashy too? Like the way she was touching her face? And then when Betty said she was going to kill her, I dunno I found that whole scene super odd. We finally got some humanity from her near the end, the hug with Veronica was cute and her crying made me finally start to feel for her a little bit... but wtf was with her and her brother? The flashbacks showed them both in white about to walk into a river? Were they getting married or something? LOL. I'm definitely getting incest vibes there. And were they trying to commit suicide or something? I'm definitely curious what she meant by "he was supposed to come back" and also why shes being taken out. Maybe they slept together and her DNA was on him because of that? So twisted. And he died a week later than the fourth? Hmm... (Also did anyone find the Josie/Cheryl hug really weird?)

Kevin/Moose got a bit more development but very minimal. I hope they have an episode that is dedicated more to their characters coming up. Moose wanting to partner with him was cute, but I also liked that Kevin stood up to him.

Veronica continues to be the best part of the show for me. She's just so smart, witty, fun and cute. I just love her. I loved her dance moves, even though I must say, that cheerleading dance was AWFUL. Why wasn't Cheryl front and center and why didn't Veronica have pom poms? LOL. As a dance coach I think about this stuff! The Veronica/Archie scene was an awesome scene! I love their chemistry and I could totally get on board for a friendship. I love how genuine Archie was with Veronica, it was the first time in the episode I liked him. Even though the conversation was about Betty it was genuine and I like that Veronica was supportive and that there is no weirdness after their kiss.

AND BETTY AND VERONICA, I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START. By far they are the best part of the show.

-Loved when Veronica sent Betty flowers and wanted to apologize to her.
-Betty saying things were okay, then getting mad felt realistic, but I was so happy she came around in the end and told Veronica she was right for saying what she said about Archie. Veronica had some great wisdom in the episode.
-All the little looks between them during the cheerleading stuff was awesome!
-Betty watching when Veronica was hugging Cheryl and realizing what a good person Veronica was.
-Loved the end when Betty asked Veronica to get milkshakes and their scene in the cafe where they said they wouldn't let boys get between them. Man, they are adorable!
-Veronica confiding in Archie that she felt like meeting Betty was her destiny.

It's just obvious to me that Veronica is crushing on Betty. If they don't make that canon then I'm not sure what they are doing.
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Last edited by Alexa; 08-11-2017 at 02:27 AM
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Old 02-03-2017, 01:00 AM
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This might seem like nitpicking, but it's MS. Grundy, as she's unmarried.
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Old 02-03-2017, 01:28 AM
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I liked the second episode a lot as much as the first one.

I liked that Jug had more scenes so that I can finally get a read on his character. Loved what he said to Reggie lol. He spoke the truth when he was talking to Archie about Grundy.* Ms. Grundy is using him to keep him quite.

Archie needs to get over the whole Grundy as I'm not liking this story arc for this character. Loved how he took up for Jug even though he received a black eye in return.

Loved Veronica even more after this episode, she's definitely my favorite girl. I didn't like the way Betty was treating her. She didn't deserve it. It isn't no one's fault that Archie didn't see her in a romantic way, only as a friend.

Betty really irritated me in this one. I hope she can just move on until Archie sees her as a potential love interest, because her constantly being stuck on his character isn't doing her any favors.

Cheryl is the girl I love to hate but I still enjoy the character.

Again, I loved see the parents involved in their children's lives.

I love Veronica and Betty as friends, but I don't believe for a second that vow is going to hold up.

The Jason mystery is crazy, I can't wait to find out more. I'm left with even more questions.

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Old 02-03-2017, 02:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Alexa (View Post)
My one critique is that we literally got no scene with Josie except her singing. I really hope that we get to see more of her soon because as the only black character on the show I think she deserves to be more in the forefront.
ITA. I hope they don’t just keep her around as a Sassy Black Girl token minority who lacks screen time and inner life. And I missed her insulting Archie.

As for the rest of the ep,

The good:

Either I just didn’t pay enough attention or there was no unnecessary propping of Archie, Betty and Veronica. No multiple comments about how hot and tortured Archie is. No multiple comments about how perfect Betty is. No everyone bowing down to Veronica and her cheesy lines. Though she definitely shouldn’t have been center during the cheerleading performance.

Betty’s characterization seems to be going in the right direction. She seems increasingly tired of her sweet, nice girl persona. Loved her mixed feelings towards Archie and Veronica too.

Veronica continues to be very charismatic and likeable. This coming from someone who almost always finds the resident Good Bad Girl/Poor Little Rich Girl a snoozefest of a character.

Shipping B/V more and more.

Cheryl has a spider/bug brooch? Hate spiders/bugs myself but that’s kinda cute. Somebody on this show needs to not look bland. I continue to enjoy her character. Idc if she gets a positive development or not. So long as she entertains me, we’re good.

Feeling Jughead a little more this ep. I’m closer to accepting him as the resident broody loner I root for.

Every show like this also needs the resident sensible parent and Luke Perry fits the bill. Eventually I’ll even learn the character’s name.

Betty’s parents and Veronica’s mom got a little less plastic. Either that or I already got numb. It’s the CW and everybody is plastic.

The bad:

Archie still bores me. Hopefully that changes because I usually actually like the Artsy Angsty Kid.

They just had to have a Dumb Bully Jock character. Hopefully they humanize him and/or make him entertaining.

All the cheerleading and jocking tends to be my least fave part of trashy American teen dramas. Sometimes it gets more bearable (e.g. I stopped even noticing it a few eps into TVD). Sometimes it gets insufferable (e.g. I still want to throw tomatoes at OTH’s little super!cheeleaders and jocks, especially in s3). To be clear, I have nothing against high school kids who are into sports (and I consider cheerleading a sport). Just the way they are typically portrayed on trashy teen shows and movies.

The pedophile teacher and her “romance” with Archie. His angle is sympathetic enough, even if he's being a little dumb about her change of heart. He thinks he found a soul mate because he’s physically attracted to her and shares a bond with her over music. Hers is not. Being a music teacher in a small town might suck but no need to have sex with children to escape the boredom. And I get she doesn’t want to get caught (hence trying to make him keep quiet by playing into his romanticized view of their relationship) but she shouldn’t have put herself in this whole situation in the first place.
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Old 02-03-2017, 05:09 AM
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Reggie is mean in the comics sooo i guess they retained their character.

Anyway, Well, i was not really surprised that about Cheryl. She scares me in the very first episode.

I hope the Archie/Geraldine storyline ends soon. It reminds me so much of Pacey and Tamara in DC. And I distinctly remember not liking that plot.

I love Betty and Veronica! the actors really played their roles well, very convincing that they're meant to best friends. I know the very essence of Riverdale is a love triangle but i hope somewhere along the way they would not really focus on the triangle because Archie does not deserve the attention lol

Jughead Jones! I am so happy we get more scenes of him. And I like him. I think Betty and Jughead would be great together.

is cheryl and jason banging with each other?
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Old 02-03-2017, 06:49 AM
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People keep referring to Archie as this show's "main character", but from where I sit, it really is a true ensemble series where there isn't actually a singular protagonist.

This episode was freaking awesome. Between more Archundy stuff (I'm not going to apologize for digging their dynamic, as gross as some other people might find it), Beronica drama, more Jughead, and Cheryl getting humanized a bit, this really was the best "second episode" I've seen from a TV series in quite a while, and a great way to follow up on the events of the premiere.
I mean, besides Betty we've seen Archie more than any other character. I also think just based on the fact that this show is based on something called the Archie comics, one would assume, at least in the beginning, he is the main focus. I love Beronica, but the majority of their conversations so far have been about Archie.

Have you seen the maybe spoilers about Grundy/Archie, DigificWriter? I'd be curious to see your take on them.

I agree about the rest, happy to see more Jughead, and Cheryl not so crazy.
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Old 02-03-2017, 07:06 AM
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I thought this episode was an improvement from the pilot.

Still neutral on Archie. His character falls really flat compared to the others. I think the problem in this case is the teacher storyline. It is gettting too much focus right now and adds nothing to his character.

Betty's behavior towards Archie conflicted me because if the genders were reversed i would have been annoyed as hell by her reaction to the "friend zone". I think i sympathized more when arch told the 2nd grade story. She must still be hanging on to that. Still I really hope they don't do this with her character again.

Veronica is great. I cant believe this is CM's first role. She is so good.

Jughead delivered and is the reason why i think this episode was much better. The presence of this kind of character is needed. Cole could tone it down with the overacting a bit but otherwise JJ looks to be a great character with great chemistry with Archie which is important.

I kinda love Cheryl.
i'd rather have that moment and lose it
than die never having had it at all.
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Old 02-03-2017, 08:12 AM
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I think with Jughead more present in the second episode is a big factor because he is the one narrating the story.
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Old 02-03-2017, 08:22 AM
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Originally Posted by DigificWriter (View Post)
This might seem like nitpicking, but it's MS. Grundy, as she's unmarried.

this is honestly the last thing i care about

and not to be rude but really? i type up that entire post and thats the one thing you have to comment on? my grammar? lovely.
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Old 02-03-2017, 09:18 AM
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I liked the pilot but I LOVED this episode. I liked the flow.

Betty continues to be my favorite. I love her struggles and that scene with Cheryl had me at the edge of my seat. Lili is such a great actress.

I'm happy Betty didn't let Veronica off the hook so soon. Veronica knew how Betty felt and she and Archie knew Betty was RIGHT OUTSIDE THE ROOM! Like you can't buy forgiveness Veronica. You messed up and deserved to suffer a bit.

But despite that I do love the Veronica character. B/V is just magical. Veronica loves Betty and I love seeing her try so hard. That bond is my favorite of all the characters.

Jughead! The sass. I'm happy I saw more of him...wish the same can be said about Josie. Don't Bonnie Bennett her writers.

Archie is...decent. I like him more than the pilot but he's not interesting like the others. His story with grundy remains gross.

Cheryl is weird lol But I actually sort of like her more as she starts to let her guard down.

Shipping is still complicated. I want B/V before anyone else but that 2nd grade story and that cheek scene really makes me want A/B to happen at some point. Moose and Kevin I actually like...but now that Midge is in the picture idk. A/V still lack...something. There is chemsitry but no real bond for me to go yassss I ship it. It's just an attraction. I do love how their scene was only about Betty...cause once again Betty and Veronica before anything else.
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Old 02-03-2017, 12:41 PM
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The whole thing with Betty is not 'friendzoning' though. As someone who's been there, it's not easy to just snap back and go back to how things were. And I wasn't even as heavily invested as she is. It's going to take her time to get over the hurt, but she's moving towards it, which is important.

They're gonna have him date both at some point, I'm sure of it. A/B might even be endgame, well because.

Jughead made the show for me, I've always loved Cole a lot and I think his addition sealed it for me.
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Old 02-03-2017, 01:54 PM
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Jughead and Veronica have definitely become my favorite characters. Followed by Betty.

Liked seeing more of Jughead and Archie interacting, and I love the friendship between Betty and Veronica. So far I care more about the friendships than the ships.

I'm doubting my earlier guess that Cheryl may have killed Jason after this episode.
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Old 02-03-2017, 06:13 PM
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Watching the episode now.
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Old 02-03-2017, 08:21 PM
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The ratings for this don't seem that great.

I'm wondering if the preferred audience of the CW aren't really Archie fans? Maybe this would have been better off just as a no named teen soap?

I admit I'm past the target age for this have never read the comics, and actually thought the initial trailer was kind of dull. I only decided to watch when I saw that critics really liked it.

Maybe the younger people only watch online anymore?
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