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ianolito 03-27-2005 09:16 AM

T7S J/H Spoilers & Specs #30: It's all about the bucket!
That '70s Show Jackie/Hyde Spoilers & Specs Thread #30

:star: Episode Schedule
#720: Gimme Shelter March 30, 2005
#721: 2120 South Michigan Avenue
#722: 2000 Light Years From Home
#723: Take It Or Leave It
#724: Short And Curlies
#725: Till The Next Goodbye

:star: #720: Gimme Shelter

Official Synopsis:
On Jackie's graduation day, Eric realizes that he's spent the last year doing nothing, so he tries his hand as a chiropractor. But he snaps out of it when he almost cripples Donna. Meanwhile, Fez and Kelso go apartment hunting.

Spoilers: Courtesy of Alex
The episode begins with the gang coming back... (read complete post)

Guest Stars:
Jim RASH as Fenton

:star: #721: 2120 South Michigan Avenue

(read them here)
(some more here)
(and more here too)

Guest Stars:
Luke WILSON as Casey

:star: #722: 2000 Light Years From Home

Spoilers: Courtesy of jbshmdfb
Kelso and Angie breaking up. Angie getting a promotion... (read complete posts)

Guest Stars:
Megalyn ECHIKUNWOKE as Angie Barnett
Chris ELLIOT as High School Counselor
Tim REID as William Barnett

:star: #723: Take It Or Leave It

Spoilers: Courtesy of Sophie and Darbi
Relationship drama abound... (read posts here...and here)

Guest Stars:
Bret HARRISON as Charlie

:star: #724: Short And Curlies

Spoilers: Courtesy of Katie
Continuation from week before... (full spoilers here)

Guest Stars:
Bret HARRISON as Charlie

:star: #725: Till The Next Goodbye (season finale)

Spoilers: Courtesy of jbshmdfb
Red catches the gang in the 360 and they have a scene similar to when Eric was high in season 1 and the wall is moving except this time it's all 4 guys and there is special effects. Red punishes Eric by saying "I can't think of any worse punishment than letting you go to Africa". Red tells Eric "I love you" and they hug. Donna and Eric have a top of the Vista Cruiser scene and are still very much together.

Jackie bosses Kelso to bring her to Chicago. She doesn't get out of the car once there because she is depressed about not knowing anyone there. Kelso says "Do you want me to stay with you for awhile?". She says "It's like you are a mind reader. Tell me what I want next." He says "A burger served by someone who is born in America". She says "That's it" all happy and in the second take she hugs him.

When Kelso is back in Point Place after the Chicago ride he explains to the gang that Jackie is miserable. Donna says it explains why she called 4 times at her house, 3 times to say her outfit sucks. Kitty comes down the stairs saying she never realized when Jackie was living in Point Place how boring she really was but after 2 hours on the phone with her now she knows. She tells Eric that Jackie wants to talk to him which shocks Hyde. The phone call is hilarious. Jackie tells how she is sad not to be there for his goodbye and how special he is to her and he thinks she has a gun to her head. Then we only see Eric's side of the conversation. He says "You want to tell him how much you love him, miss him but you two didn't end on good terms?". He is looking at Hyde then screams "Dad, phone for you!".

Leo asks Hyde why he is so depressed but Hyde denies being depressed. Leo asks where "Loud Girl" is. Hyde says Chicago. Leo says "No wonder you are so depressed you love "Loud Girl" and she is in Chicago". Hyde says "Yeah maybe I do but the only reason I am admitting to it is I know you are going to forget". He asks Leo if he wants to work together like the old Fotohut days and run the store while he goes to Chicago. There, Jackie is reading a mag and she looks not that excited. Hyde knocks on the door, she says come in. She is wearing an unusual dress but Hyde ignores it. She asks why he is here and he starts to explain but she tries to get him away. At that moment Kelso opens the door wearing only a towel with a bucket of ice in his hands. He doesn't see Hyde who is behind the door. He then says "Jackie I checked. No one saw us doing it from the parking lot". He then sees Hyde and drops the ice. Hyde says "You are dead" and tries to get Kelso but only gets his towel and we see Kelso running naked and the audience coudn't stop laughing. First take ended with Kelso running after what Hyde said. Second take Hyde turned around and he and Jackie stared at each other.

Kelso and Jackie are the only one not there for Eric's goodbye. That is how Kelso got to Jackie before Hyde because Hyde wanted to be there for Eric leaving.

At the end of the eppy, Kelso is going door to door to find somewhere to hide or to cover himself. He enters in a room with two girls and you think he is gonna do a Kelso thing but ends up coming out wearing one of their dresses (not one that they were wearing) and leaving after that. It is fast speed and there is a music.

Guest Stars:
Bret HARRISON as Charlie

:star: That '70s Show returns next season.

:star: Remember to read and understand the Supplemental Rules For The Spoilers Boards.

Previous threads
#29: We wish we were dead.
#28: Spoilers...where are the spoilers?! The nails are gone!
#27: We're rapidly running out of fingernails.

VU&NICO 03-27-2005 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by ianolito
That '70s Show Jackie/Hyde Spoilers & Specs Thread #30

:star: Episode Schedule
#720: Gimme Shelter March 30, 2005
#721: 2120 South Michigan Avenue
#722: 2000 Light Years From Home
#723: Take It Or Leave It
#724: Short And Curlies
#725: Untitled

:star: #720: Gimme Shelter

Official Synopsis:
On Jackie's graduation day, Eric realizes that he's spent the last year doing nothing, so he tries his hand as a chiropractor. But he snaps out of it when he almost cripples Donna. Meanwhile, Fez and Kelso go apartment hunting.

Spoilers: Courtesy of Alex
The episode begins with the gang coming back... (read complete post)

Guest Stars:
Jim RASH as Fenton

:star: #721: 2120 South Michigan Avenue

(read them here)
(some more here)
(and more here too)

Guest Stars:
Luke WILSON as Casey

:star: #722: 2000 Light Years From Home

Spoilers: Courtesy of jbshmdfb
Kelso and Angie breaking up. Angie getting a promotion... (read complete posts)

Guest Stars:
Megalyn ECHIKUNWOKE as Angie Barnett
Chris ELLIOT as High School Counselor
Tim REID as William Barnett

:star: #723: Take It Or Leave It

Spoilers: Courtesy of Sophie and Darbi
Relationship drama abound... (read posts here...and here)

Guest Stars:
Bret HARRISON as Charlie

:star: #724: Short And Curlies

Spoilers: Courtesy of Katie
Continuation from week before... (full spoilers here)

Guest Stars:
Bret HARRISON as Charlie

:star: #725: Untitled (season finale)

Spoilers: Courtesy of jbshmdfb
hyde tells leo he loves jackie and gives him the store so that he can go to chicago to be with her. only when he gets there he finds her right after she slept with kelso.

Guest Stars:
Bret HARRISON as Charlie

:star: Remember to read and understand the Supplemental Rules For The Spoilers Boards.

Previous threads
#29: We wish we were dead.
#28: Spoilers...where are the spoilers?! The nails are gone!
#27: We're rapidly running out of fingernails.

What can I say guys? THANK YOU! And yes, it's not a song by an Elton John on alcohol, it's really ALL about that damn bucket, and you'll know why, believe me! ;)

Luna16 03-27-2005 09:54 AM

NICO - We're dying to hear your theory!!!

wildcherry 03-27-2005 09:58 AM


Ian - I can't believe you actually used that one! :lol:

NICO - Are you happy now? Are you ever gonna tell us this theory of yours?

janny 03-27-2005 10:03 AM

Haha, I like the title.

After giving this some more sad reflection and reading the rest of the posts on the previous thread, I am more solidified in my belief that there was no Jackie/Kelso sex. I think the goal of the writers was to pose the question of whether or not they did, which they accomplished through pretty standard TV cliffhanger ways: Jackie and Kelso having a talk about how they know each other so well, laying seeds of doubt on what we are to believe of things to come between them; Jackie and Kelso later wearing clothing that could easily be construed as post-coital attire; Hyde magically finding where Jackie is staying and showing up just in time to see said (potential) post-coital activity; Kelso saying a vague comment like I don’t think anyone saw us doing it; and then a bucket….

So that is that, no sex! (jk :) )

Also, I normally don't use the word coital but I saw it in an earlier post and thought, how fun :P .

VU&NICO 03-27-2005 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by wildcherry

Ian - I can't believe you actually used that one! :lol:

NICO - Are you happy now? Are you ever gonna tell us this theory of yours?

I can't tell my theory, sorry...I'm TOO afraid the writers will read that and maybe it's similar to what they've planned, and they could change their fact, it's a "positive" theory, and to me, the ONLY. Maybe, in private I'll share my ideas. But I repeat, trust me, you won't be disappointed...just believe ONE thing firmly...THEY DID NOT HAVE SEX.

wildcherry 03-27-2005 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by VU&NICO
I can't tell my theory, sorry...I'm TOO afraid the writers will read that and maybe it's similar to what they've planned, and they could change their fact, it's a "positive" theory, and to me, the ONLY. Maybe, in private I'll share my ideas. But I repeat, trust me, you won't be disappointed...just believe ONE thing firmly...THEY DID NOT HAVE SEX.

You could always pm me... ;)

farfalla_fille 03-27-2005 12:04 PM

LOL I love the title Ian!!

Nico can you PM me to? ;) ............ I am dying to know. Thanx :D

Luna16 03-27-2005 12:17 PM

Aww! Nico, you're gonna have to PM me too b/c I've been dying to know! I need something - anything - to keep my sanity!

VU&NICO 03-27-2005 12:59 PM

Thinking that J and K DID NOT sleep together is NOT wishful thinking...the writers of a sitcom must always create something FUNNY...yeah, it could be controversial, but it HAS TO BE funny, in primis. A J/K affair is not likely because it just can't create funny situations...on the other hand, a big MISUNDERSTANDING could create some funny plotlines, and controversial too. The word "controversial" does not always refer to something wrong, think about me it's more like something UNEXPECTED (well, EXPECTED BY US ZENNIES) is gonna happen, and this misunderstanding will be the "input" of a new and thank God funny storyline...don't worry, to me, since the season premiere, everything's will be allright.
No offense, but who thinks J and K slept together must have watched too many GUIDING LIGHT or MELROSE PLACE or DALLAS episodes, and doesn't know what a sitcom is.

Darbi 03-27-2005 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by janny
Haha, I like the title.

After giving this some more sad reflection and reading the rest of the posts on the previous thread, I am more solidified in my belief that there was no Jackie/Kelso sex. I think the goal of the writers was to pose the question of whether or not they did, which they accomplished through pretty standard TV cliffhanger ways: Jackie and Kelso having a talk about how they know each other so well, laying seeds of doubt on what we are to believe of things to come between them; Jackie and Kelso later wearing clothing that could easily be construed as post-coital attire; Hyde magically finding where Jackie is staying and showing up just in time to see said (potential) post-coital activity; Kelso saying a vague comment like I don’t think anyone saw us doing it; and then a bucket….

So that is that, no sex! (jk :) )

Also, I normally don't use the word coital but I saw it in an earlier post and thought, how fun :P .

Coital. Now that's a word that doesn't get enough usage. :nod: I like it. Maybe we should use it in the next thread title. :P

lu2x 03-27-2005 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by janny
Also, I normally don't use the word coital but I saw it in an earlier post and thought, how fun :P .

I liked that too, it made the all thing sound very professional! :thumbs_up:
And well, Nico is right there's something BIG and HUGE behind that bucket :drool:
(ehy,I mean misunderstanding, what you're thinking!)

ps:happy Easter everyone!

Eoyore 03-27-2005 01:50 PM

Nico I posted a pic of what I think you look like on the last thread.....did you see it? :D

Yes! Happy Easter! :bunny: bunny butt wiggle!

I LOVE the title of the thread! :lmao: It IS all about that dang bucket! If we could just figure out what IT is :sigh:

You know, I bet THEY don't even know yet......they won't make the decision whether they "did or didn't" till nearly the first taping of next season! :rolleyes:

janny 03-27-2005 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Darbi
Coital. Now that's a word that doesn't get enough usage. :nod: I like it. Maybe we should use it in the next thread title. :P

I concur! Posters of other threads would wonder what is going on over here :lmao:

And I was gonna say a new thread is such a long ways away though, but with the material the writers have given us, maybe not so :cool:

VU&NICO 03-27-2005 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Eoyore
Nico I posted a pic of what I think you look like on the last thread.....did you see it? :D

Yes! Happy Easter! :bunny: bunny butt wiggle!

I LOVE the title of the thread! :lmao: It IS all about that dang bucket! If we could just figure out what IT is :sigh:

You know, I bet THEY don't even know yet......they won't make the decision whether they "did or didn't" till nearly the first taping of next season! :rolleyes:

Happy Easter everyone!
Yes, Eoyore, I saw it...well...not exactly like me.... :D

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