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Old 09-20-2006, 09:38 AM
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Lorelai tells Luke in 7.01 and tells Rory in 7.02.

At least, that's what I'm getting from it.
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Old 09-20-2006, 09:55 AM
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That's what I'm saying. I think some people forgot about that happening in the first episode. I assumed Lorelai's line "I slept with him!" is Lorelai telling Luke. I could be wrong, though, but that was my first instinct.
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Old 09-20-2006, 09:57 AM
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Originally Posted by lemon tart (View Post)
Well, I'm sorry if the white noise comment offended you, but what exactly else is the phenomina of people who post under multiple screen names on multiple message boards supposed to be called? That's what it is. It's people trying to create the impression that a particular opinion is the overwhelming normative for the entire fandom. Filling the vacuum trying to create an impression. And that may or may not be true.

Everyone's entitled to the singularity of their opinion. But you and I each remain a party of one, no matter how loudly we chose to shout our dissatisfaction. And just because anyone chooses to shout their dissatisfaction in multiple forums does not change the fact that they remain a singlular person.

There's no need to shut the hell up. If that's what I thought I would say it. You can have whatever opinion you want, and state it as firmly, harshly, diplomatically or incoherently as you wish, as I may as well. But you, and I, still remain a single person. We don't represent a statistical norm, or a great mass. We're not representative of anything but our own opinion. To try to create the impression we represent anything more than that is misleading and ungenuine.

No, I don't. But given the past of L/C it's a reasonable assumption. I could be completely wrong. But I could be right.

ETA ~ thanks blaab for trying to fill the breech, I was in a meeting and not able to answer myself.
Lemon Tart i think you hit the nail on the head. Funny how one person has an opinion that differs from the "majority" they are ridiculed into submission. Although I have read many posts that differ from my opinion or belief's i still respect their opinion. I fee that I have to constantly defend what I read into the show, everyone wants my head because I think this way or that way. I got skinned alive on a R/L board because they thought I was being anti-R/L. Funny how everyone wants to live in a bubble where everyone holds hands and skips around, and if you say something that offends someone, even pointing out the obvious, people start calling you anti this or anti that, yet when someone says they are so disapointed in the plot or story they threaten to abandon ship, why can't these people drown in silence??
I for one am a fan of the show, i come here to see what the buzz is about, maybe get some inside scoops I havent heard, or see the story through someone elses eyes. Do i have opinions? Hell yes, I know I am one of the few that likes the Christopher character, and accept his flaws. But if we are going to be adults, we are adults right? Then why can't someone say something that differs from this hidden majority? Where is this "majority" anyways? I come here just about everyday (don't post everyday)and its basically the same people here its not thousands of people, so there can't be a majority per se, more like a Kirk Poll than a Gallup Poll.
Now I like a good discussion and debate, seeing where everyone stands and why they think that way, actually backing up their belief with examples, sometimes making me rethink my stand, thats why i come here, not to hear people being told they can't have an original thought, heres a thought, if everyone agreed about everything on the show, what would be the purpose of coming here? As for people posting under different screen names, thats just doesnt make sense, if you have to become Sybill to have yourself agree with you, maybe you need to start watching Dr. Phil or get a good therapist.
"If you fear making anyone mad, then you ultimately probe for the lowest common denominator of human acheivement"----Jimmy Carter
~ ~"What the hell kind of spy school did you go to?"
Gilmore Girls: Guiltiest Pleasure #48
"Boom goes the Dynomite"

Last edited by charmed1NM; 09-20-2006 at 10:02 AM Reason: can't type, no coffee in system
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Old 09-20-2006, 10:05 AM
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OT, but the Season 6 DVD has no features and no "Gilmorisms."

Therefore, in honor of Amy and Dan and to put a bit more joy in this thread, I thought we could make our own Gilmorism list for Season 6. Anyone game?

I'll start.

"You've been gilmored."
"That's so 'Seventh Heaven' of you."
"I love you... and we are going to have lobster at our wedding."
Luke: "I just like to see you happy."
House: "If you're happy, I'm......."
House: "You do make me feel funny."
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Old 09-20-2006, 10:14 AM
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Originally Posted by psunyy28 (View Post)
That's what I'm saying. I think some people forgot about that happening in the first episode. I assumed Lorelai's line "I slept with him!" is Lorelai telling Luke. I could be wrong, though, but that was my first instinct.
The dialogue is different though - at least from what we've seen in the promos. Lorelai tells Luke "I slept with Christopher", and line in the audio promo is "I spent the night with Christopher last night".
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Old 09-20-2006, 10:14 AM
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Originally Posted by psunyy28 (View Post)
That's what I'm saying. I think some people forgot about that happening in the first episode. I assumed Lorelai's line "I slept with him!" is Lorelai telling Luke. I could be wrong, though, but that was my first instinct.
The audio promo sounds like Lorelai says: "I spent the night with Christopher last night."

As I recall, in the 7.01 TV promo, she tells Luke: "I slept with Christopher."

Most likely, the audio is Lorelai telling Rory. But could have misheard, or it could be EPB at work, or the wording when it airs could differ from the takes used in the either promo. All have happened before.


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Old 09-20-2006, 10:20 AM
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Not sure if anyone has thought/said this yet but I think a great scene for the fire pit would be Luke replacing the blue hat with the black. He sighs, places the blue hat into the flames and then walks toward the diner.
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Old 09-20-2006, 10:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Caf
Most likely, the audio is Lorelai telling Rory. But could have misheard, or it could be EPB at work, or the wording when it airs could differ from the takes used in the either promo. All have happened before.
She can't be talking to Rory, because at the end of 7.01, when Luke comes by with the loaded truck, it's the morning of day 2 'after the deed'. In the audio promo, Lorelai says "I spent the night with Christopher last night", so it's still day 1. I think she's telling Sookie.

Last edited by Bootie; 09-20-2006 at 10:40 AM
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Old 09-20-2006, 10:32 AM
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"Enjoy Wisteria Lane, you major drama Queen!" -Lorelai
"These could be the ones" -Rory
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Old 09-20-2006, 10:33 AM
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Yeah, I'd spec that the audio from the audio promo is Lorelai telling Sookie in the kitchen at the DFI. Right before she yells "Because I can't take this anymore!"
Lorelai: So you forfeit? Cuz, that's how it goes. If you don't play the game, then you forfeit.
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Old 09-20-2006, 10:47 AM
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great thread Gen
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Old 09-20-2006, 10:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Bootie (View Post)
No, it's not - they run into each other at an out of town market. It was filmed on location at a real market in Glendale, which is next to Burbank.
Thanks for the spoiler

OT - Stupid head cold, I got NO sleep and it's 4 in the morning here!

So why didn't this spoiler come out sooner, it's harder to control people on location.

Last edited by lancer1993; 09-20-2006 at 11:15 AM
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Old 09-20-2006, 11:09 AM
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double posts are like laps, they are an illusion - I blame my cold!

Originally Posted by Bootie (View Post)
The dialogue is different though - at least from what we've seen in the promos. Lorelai tells Luke "I slept with Christopher", and line in the audio promo is "I spent the night with Christopher last night".
IMO they are all from ep 1 but it's the EPB at work again!

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Old 09-20-2006, 11:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Bootie (View Post)
She can't be talking to Rory, because at the end of 7.01, when Luke comes by with the loaded truck, it's the morning of day 2 'after the deed'. In the audio promo, Lorelai says "I spent the night with Christopher last night", so it's still day 1. I think she's telling Sookie.
On reflection, I agree with you.


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Old 09-20-2006, 11:30 AM
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Originally Posted by lancer1993 (View Post)
Thanks for the spoiler

OT - Stupid head cold, I got NO sleep and it's 4 in the morning here!

So why didn't this spoiler come out sooner, it's harder to control people on location.

Yes, Thanks for the spoiler.

I hope you feel better Craig. It's no fun having a cold. Do you have Nyquil in Australia? Or Theraflu? Those are both good for sleeping when you're sick. Wow, I sound like a mom.
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