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Old 04-25-2008, 08:26 PM
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they'll probably kill off maxie next... all we'll be left with is lulu
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Old 04-26-2008, 10:10 AM
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spoilers from

NOTE: Natalia Livingston's last scenes: May 1st (she's back briefly May 7th according to SOW

New Doctor in town, played by Jason Cook. Will he have ties to the Zaccharas or Sonny?

**Ian gets threats...mulitple threats and then, vanishes.

**The Crimson Launch party is something to watch! Will a secret spoil Kate's time?

**Sam needs more pain meds

**Jax wants to adopt the boys

**Kate and Ian share a secret, she finds out he's the shooter.

**Tracy wants Anna out of Port Charles!

**Sonny won't accept Kate's help and tells her he'll never change

**Maxie discovers missing money at Kate's Offices

**Emily and Nikolas share one last dance~look for flashbacks

**Max faces Sonny over sleeping with Diane

**Sonny and Kate make love

**Alexis decides to shut down the Haunted Star

**Luke stuns Tracy with his words

**Jerry tries to clean up his mess

**Spinelli saves the day!

**Max and Diane start meeting on the sly

**Patrick: open mouth, insert foot.

**Spinelli fakes it

Anthony and Luke have a drink and a talk

Jason starts to find out about Dr. Devlin's connections--all of them!

Claudia perjures herself on the witness stand

Diane can't get Alexis to co-counsel

Carly is told Michael needs long-term care

Claudia tries to take Sonny out on the town

Ric's not in as much control as he thinks he is!

Robin locks herself out

After witnessing Johnny go after Sonny, Lulu realizes she needs to let go

Tracey is worried about Luke's mob ties

Anthony goes to trial

Watch for: Great Nem scenes as Emily fades from Nikolas' mind..
why does everything have to be connected to the mob!!!
Spinelli: Sex is better than orange soda.
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Old 04-26-2008, 07:40 PM
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thank god for diane and max... if it werent for them i couldnt care less... they are soo adorable though!
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Old 04-26-2008, 08:12 PM
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Of course every new character who comes on GH must be connected to some mob

Gosh,they wonder why people don't watch GH anymore...grrrr
One day you're there and then all of a sudden there's less of you. And you
wonder where that part went, if it's living somewhere outside of you and you keep
thinking maybe you'll get it back and then you realize it's just gone.
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Old 04-27-2008, 12:42 AM
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Isn't it still one of he most watched soaps on TV?

thanks for the spoilers!
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Old 04-27-2008, 02:53 AM
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As much as I love Spinelli and Maxie and all the goodness that comes with them I cant be anything but ecstatic about JC joining the cast! Seriously, just having him and KS standing next to each other onscreen again would be enough for me

Unless he has a storyline with Lulu... just no
sorry about the blood in your mouth. i wish it was mine
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Old 04-27-2008, 03:32 AM
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what a sad day it will be when that happens... cause clearly, everything we dont want to happen does *groan*
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Old 04-27-2008, 07:59 AM
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spoilers from soapzone

Jason stands down a shooter.
Spinelli and Jason go after Ian, with Maxie hiding in the truck back there unseen. It won’t be a comfy ride.
Ian tries to make a break for it. Spinelli pretends his appendix is bursting to stall.
Johnny’s firing at Sonny only serves to deepen the mobster’s self-destructive spiral.
Sonny’s condition disturbs Kate and will lead her to a regrettable choice.
Kate tries to persuade Sonny to turn the other cheek.
Sonny pays Kate no mind about keeping peace.
Sonny and Kate make love, but nothing’s different in the difference between their viewpoints.
After Sonny and Kate make love, he informs her that he’s still on a mission and she’s free to give up on him.
Ian gives himself up to Kate as the guy who missed a hit and hit Michael.
As Kate is getting over this stunner, Ian proposes she buy him off with a million before he splits.
Kate will transfer Crimson funds for the transaction of buying off Ian, so Sonny will no longer have that ax to grind. But those missing funds will raise the curiosity of Maxie.
Sonny restates the necessity of Lulu losing Johnny.
Johnny makes Logan a witness to his threat to do fatal damage to Ric should Claudia meet with ill will.
Lulu can’t take Johnny’s not-so-nice inclinations, and endeavors to walk away from him for good.
Claudia ropes Jason into lending her a hand.
Anthony’s hearing begins in full swing.
Alexis says no to Diane asking her to be a co-counsel.
Claudia is called to take the witness stand, and blows total smoke the entire time.
Anthony comes calling on Luke.
Tracy is alarmed for Luke’s welfare should he be caught between two mobs.
Luke takes Tracy by complete surprise when he blurts out that he really does love her.
Lulu expresses her distaste for Johnny to Anthony.
Anthony strives to take back control of his mob organization, shunting Claudia aside.
Anthony works Trevor against Ric.
Alexis uses her lawyerly clout to close the Haunted Star.
Nikolas relishes being around Nadine, but it’s far from a romance. He says he likes her as a pal, but love is another matter.
Tumor Emily approves of Nadine as Nikolas’s pal, looking out for his best interests.
Nadine and Nikolas go horseback riding, and then she says she can prepare a lovely meal for them. Nikolas declines, desiring to spend the rest of the night with Emily for what he knows will be their finale.
Nikolas and Emily are dressed to the nines, like a prince with his princess, as they waltz together at Wyndemere, reminisce, and exchange I love yous. He swears to her that he will not let his life be in vain.
Sam makes known to Lucky that her body seems to have developed a tolerance to the painkillers’ effects, ‘cause they’re not doing anything for her.
Lucky takes tender care of Elizabeth.
Carly turns a deaf ear to Michael’s prognosis.
Jax indicates his desire to make Michael and Morgan his very own with Carly, through adoption.
Jerry attempts to cover his tracks.
Max takes up the Diane factor with his boss, Sonny.
Maxie undermines Lulu while toiling away in Crimson’s offices. But something goes awry.
Spinelli delivers Lulu and Maxie from a dilemma.
Lulu and Maxie continue to clash.
Patrick yaps to Coleman at the bar about how attractive Robin’s mom is, when Robin walks in, eyes glaring.
Anna reacts…oddly…to Robin having a baby. It’s more about Anna and the label of grandma.
Next week: Jason is a wreck… Jason pumps Ian for the truth… Jason takes up the matter of Ian with Kate, since he just discovered the two are associated in some way… Jerry controls Claudia… Anthony delights in aggravating the animosity between Trevor and Ric… Carly wants to handle Michael’s condition personally, going against the grain… Alexis looks askance at Jerry and Ian… Tracy uneasily notices a spark between Luke and Anna, and feels threatened.
Ingo Rademacher (Jax)—rumored to leave GH once his contract’s done in the not-too-distant future—has supposedly been so preoccupied with his fiancée and their baby on the way that he hasn’t been into his story on GH. According to SoapDish(4/23), “This leaves LW [Laura Wright/Carly] concerned and a little ticked. She's been trumping up TPTB for more Jason/Carly with the fallout from Michael coming.” Also from this same SD source: Greg Vaughan’s (Lucky) pushing for LuSam (Lucky and Sam), “He doesn’t want to go back to BH [Becky Herbst/Liz]. KeMo is busy with her nephew who's staying with her. She’s enjoying the downtime.” Then there is some drama reportedly rumored between Herbst and Sarah Brown (Claudia). “BH is peeved that Sarah is pimping Jason and Claudia. She doesn’t think she should post clips on her MySpace. BH is fighting hard to keep Liason [Liz and Jason] alive. SBu [Steve Burton/Jason] isn’t taking sides. He likes the action. He likes Sarah. He’s happy.”
oh god i hope this first one is wrong
Elizabeth reunites with Lucky, when the two of them learn Jake isn’t really Jason’s.

Brian Presley (ex-Jack, PC) to join GH as Elizabeth’s brother Stephen Lars Webber.

Ingo Rademacher (Jax) prefers to focus on his expanding family, wife to be and child to be, and live in Hawaii. That leaves no room for GH come contract time soon.
i really hope it is not true, or else i went through all that crap for nothing
the only way it will probably be true is if they decide to put jason up with someone else.
Spinelli: Sex is better than orange soda.
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Old 04-27-2008, 08:57 AM
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The old school shipper in me really wants the Liz/Lucky rumor to be true, but given how volatile the two have been with each other for years, the realist in me just doesn't see it happening.
Do you know it doesn't c h a n g e
The way i feel about y o u
At the end of the d a y ?
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Old 04-27-2008, 11:03 AM
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Ingo Rademacher (Jax) prefers to focus on his expanding family, wife to be and child to be, and live in Hawaii. That leaves no room for GH come contract time soon.

and appearantly Steve wants to retire from acting in a year?

I should've never gotten back into this show.
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Old 04-27-2008, 02:07 PM
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if that fcking sht is true about jake and jason and lucky and liz... i'll never EVER EVER EVER!!! watch this show again! we spent YEARS! dealing with that crap! please give lucky some dignity already!
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Old 04-27-2008, 07:24 PM
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But it's a soap. And it would be soapy, to find out after all this that Jake is really a Spencer by blood. I have doubts it will happen.

But it makes sense if they did. Maxie was very in Lucky's life initially when Liz was pregnant, and having DNA tests. Who knows, maybe she switched a test to make it look like Jason was the father.

Ric was also in the face of everything around that time.

So it could happen. It would be soapy for Liz to find out that she sacrificed everything, she lied to Lucky for months and basically played Lucky out to be a fool, only for Jake not to be Jason's.

Maybe Lucky can find out and sue for custody...on the basis he is actually the father and show Liz some comeuppance.

But it would be soapy and almost decent. I was a Lucky and Liz fan at one time, and deep down I would love for them to work out their issues if Liz breaks from her Jason worship, and the idea Lucky and Liz do have a child together. Could be good.

But I doubt it. I'll wait for it to ever happen!

But it is indeed soapy.
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Old 04-27-2008, 09:45 PM
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they past soapy five years ago... its craptastic now! there is good drama and then there is bs... i should have just stopped watching all together... damn jason and carly!
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Old 04-28-2008, 09:51 AM
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Ingo Rademacher (Jax)—rumored to leave GH once his contract’s done in the not-too-distant future—has supposedly been so preoccupied with his fiancée and their baby on the way that he hasn’t been into his story on GH. According to SoapDish(4/23), “This leaves LW [Laura Wright/Carly] concerned and a little ticked. She's been trumping up TPTB for more Jason/Carly with the fallout from Michael coming.” Also from this same SD source: Greg Vaughan’s (Lucky) pushing for LuSam (Lucky and Sam), “He doesn’t want to go back to BH [Becky Herbst/Liz]. KeMo is busy with her nephew who's staying with her. She’s enjoying the downtime.” Then there is some drama reportedly rumored between Herbst and Sarah Brown (Claudia). “BH is peeved that Sarah is pimping Jason and Claudia. She doesn’t think she should post clips on her MySpace. BH is fighting hard to keep Liason [Liz and Jason] alive. SBu [Steve Burton/Jason] isn’t taking sides. He likes the action. He likes Sarah. He’s happy.”
Are you kidding me?

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Old 04-28-2008, 06:25 PM
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I would still love for Jake to be Lucky's kid.

Wow, the spoilers are...interesting. Only word to describe them really.

Diane and Max and Maxie and part of the show the last two days. I never watched Days with KS and JC so I really do not want to see her with someone else now that her and Spin are so cute together. I think she needs a guy like Spin.
Lifer #1
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