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Old 12-10-2006, 05:20 AM
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I hear voices in my head and you think you’re a freak?

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Old 12-10-2006, 10:40 AM
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That's why I need an announcement on the internet.
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Old 12-11-2006, 11:00 AM
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This way, yeah.. you need Hope you'll find it
I hear voices in my head and you think you’re a freak?

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Old 12-12-2006, 04:25 PM
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I'm glad you guys like the title.

Originally Posted by BehrItAll (View Post)

I would too. I am guessing in January.
I hope it will be January. For now we only have "the first quarter of 2007" which can be anything from January to March.

I just read something that makes me wanna see this film soooo bad:

She strips naked for some of the most explicit sex scenes ever seen in a mainstream movie - and is terrified of what her dad is going to think.

The shocking footage is so graphic Sienna admits she had to cover her eyes as she watched it on screen.

She said: "We wanted to make it realistic and I watched it thinking 'Oh my God, my Dad's going to see it!' And that was going through my head.

"But it was relevant to the story in that it's a movie about the 60s, and sex and drugs and rock and roll were a big part of that. We didn't want to hold back because it is a real film and it is a gritty film and there was a lot of shocking things and it wouldn't fit in the film if we had an unrealistic sex scene. It was always a bit uncomfortable but I think it was relevant to the story."

She added: "I think there were always concerns because it's a vulnerable position to be in but, because Edie really had a problem letting men in, it was such a significant moment for her.

"I also believe that there's nothing worse than seeing a sex scene where someone's got a T-shirt on because its unrealistic so I think that if you're going to do it, do it."

Edie was a privileged socialite who became counter-culture icon Andy Warhol's close friend and muse at his Factory art studio. She died at the age of 28. In the film, Sienna's steamy scenes are with Hayden Christensen who portrays a folk singer based on Bob Dylan, who had an affair with Edie but who the film makers have given another name for legal reasons.

Sienna said of Edie: "She fell head over heels in love with him and then had her heart broken. It was so sad."


There's tons of other news, I'll bring them over once I've processed it all. I'm feeling too lazy now.

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Old 12-12-2006, 06:29 PM
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wow..thats ummm...i want to see this movie on opening day and my folks said i could but what now..i don't know
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Old 12-12-2006, 06:32 PM
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Just don't tell them about this scene.
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Old 12-12-2006, 08:19 PM
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Ok fine we know she gets naked (Ok I'll stop)
but what about Hayden?
What of him do we get to see? I doubt it's anything full frontal too bad.

I wonder if that scene take place in the barn
Talk about a roll in the hay or Hay(den)
ok bad joke. I'm getting tired and delirious.
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Old 12-13-2006, 05:19 AM
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Well, if it's a very graphic and realictic sex scene, I think Hayden has to be quite naked too. I don't know about the full frontal though.

Judging by the trailer it could take place in the barn. Heh, roll in the Hay.

I'm not sure if the scene is actually gonna be so graphic. It could just be that Sienna's exaggerating a bit to get more publicity for the film. I haven't seen any of her other films but I read that she's been topless before so why would she be worried about her dad now. And also some people who have seen the film in advance (rough cut) don't recall the sex scene being "one the most explicit sex scenes ever seen in a mainstream movie". Unless it's one of the recently shot scenes.

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Old 12-13-2006, 09:44 AM
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wow...that is interesting news.... I don't know what to make of that explicit scene,I've seen Sienna in Alfie and in Casanova atleast and I don't remember any revealing sex scenes from either movie I don't know it can be that she's exaggerating and exlipicit can mean a lot of things to different people... I guess we'll just have to wait and see

Allthough I have no idea when this movie will get here...might be tempted to get it some other way

but roll in the Hay good one....
Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid.
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Old 12-13-2006, 12:36 PM
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I think that Sienna's statement is pretty unambiguous, she's supposed to strip naked and the scene is supposed to be realistic and graphic. That doesn't leave much to interpretation. How true that statement is, is another thing.

Well, there isn't much idea when it will get anywhere, apparently the limited release is now gonna be only in LA and there's been speculation if they're gonna make it by Dec 29th even in there.
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Old 12-13-2006, 02:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Cereal Killer (View Post)
Just don't tell them about this scene.
and have my mother yell at me ...i'm gonna be so dead ..but i guess i won't tell her ..even though she's the one that has to get me in
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Old 12-13-2006, 04:04 PM
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well that I understand is hard to misinterpret,stripping naked and all but what the scene is gonna be like for real or if there'll be one, I guess we'll see...

well LA is quite a small circulation area....for a movie that is...
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Old 12-13-2006, 06:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Cereal Killer (View Post)
Judging by the trailer it could take place in the barn. Heh, roll in the Hay.

I'm not sure if the scene is actually gonna be so graphic. It could just be that Sienna's exaggerating a bit to get more publicity for the film. I haven't seen any of her other films but I read that she's been topless before so why would she be worried about her dad now. And also some people who have seen the film in advance (rough cut) don't recall the sex scene being "one the most explicit sex scenes ever seen in a mainstream movie". Unless it's one of the recently shot scenes.
I'm thinking the barn.
i couldn't stop myself.

Yea, Different people have different interpetation of what is graphic.
And she did have a nude graphic sex scene with Daniel Craig in a movie so she as already shown it all.

What about NY?
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Old 12-14-2006, 04:12 PM
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Originally Posted by xXSTARwarsROXx (View Post)
and have my mother yell at me ...i'm gonna be so dead ..but i guess i won't tell her ..even though she's the one that has to get me in
Well, how are you supposed to know what kind of scenes this film includes?

Ok guys, here's the news about the awards buzz, problems and whatnot (I'm just gonna post everythig, I'm too tired to screen):

Despite the early awards season -- Oscar ballots are mailed out Dec. 26, before some would-be nominees even open -- the count of specialty pics rolling out between the weekend prior to Thanksgiving and New Year's continues to rise. This season, 38 films will roll out in an exclusive or limited platform. MGM alone will roll out nine films, including "Rocky" and "Home of the Brave." Many of its pics, including "Miss Potter," "Factory Girl" and "Bobby," come from MGM's output deal with the Weinstein Co.

Unfinished Film Has Oscar Written All Over It

Harvey Weinstein is famous for campaigning earlier, harder, and more successfully for Oscars than any of his filmmaking peers. But the "For Your Consideration" ads for Factory Girl that ran this week in Variety and the Hollywood Reporter may represent a new benchmark for claiming award-worthy status for a film that is, to all appearances, still very much in production.

With entire new scenes—not reshoots—still being shot in New York, most critics have still seen only limited footage of the movie, and the window for getting even a rough cut in front of them is rapidly closing. "You'd really better have a screening by the first week of December, or you're risking a lot of critics not being able to see it in time" for Golden Globe nominations, says Anne Thompson, deputy film editor of the Hollywood Reporter.

A spokeswoman for Weinstein, however, notes some critics have already "seen an early cut of the movie and given it high praise, especially Sienna Miller and Guy Pearce's performances. We don't think it's premature to start promoting the film for awards consideration."

Based on the story of Andy Warhol and Edie Sedgwick, Factory Girl has been dogged by delays and rumors of dissatisfaction on the part of its producers. But Thompson says the ongoing tinkering is not an automatic red flag as long as it is only "pickups" being shot and nothing more substantial. "Harvey knows what he wants, and he'll know what's missing, especially if he's aiming for the Oscars. And the Weinstein Co. has been known to play these things out very late in the day."

In Sienna Miller news, which we bring you because we know how much you care about her, it seems that her movie "Factory Girl," on '60s Warhol muse Edie Sedgwick, is in a bit of trouble.

Word is that Sienna's performance is great and has generated some Oscar buzz. But she's been recalled to the U.S. -- not Pittsburgh, thankfully -- to do some re-shoots to make the movie more compelling, according to The Sunday Times of London.

Re-shoots don't bode well for any movie, and the ones for "Factory Girl" are pushing the film right up against the deadline for Oscar contention.

We know how much Pittsburgh will be pulling for Sienna to get an Oscar nomination.

This year, there are several obvious Oscar contenders, based on their casts and directors alone. Films like Robert De Niro’s “The Good Shepherd,” which stars Angelina Jolie and Matt Damon; “The Good German” - in all it’s black-and-white glory - starring Clooney and helmed by Steven Soderbergh; the musical “Dreamgirls”; and biopics like “Factory Girl” and “Miss Potter.”


“Factory Girl,” Dec. 29

Sienna Miller plays Andy Warhol’s muse, Edie Sedgwick. She starts out a rich party girl who drops out of college in the 1960s and moves to New York, where Warhol promises to make her a star. But she eventually learns stardom isn’t all its cracked up to be.

Radar's Jeff Bercovici (i.e., "Fresh Intelligence") scans the "half-baked" Factory Girl Oscar-heat situation. My understanding is that the extra shooting was done in early to mid November, and that it's not that much of a problem to insert new scenes into an already- constructed feature. Still, Harvey Weinstein and director George Hickenlooper need to get cracking.

(Note: They refer to the 2nd article I posted)

Globe voters will see 'Factory Girl,' but SAG voters?

Kudos snoops have wondered lately: will "Factory Girl" really get out of the gate in time for the derby?

Studio chief Harvey Weinstein announced late this year that the Edie Sedgwick biopic would make a last-minute dash into the best-actress race, but production got stalled as Harvey demanded reshoots that were still going on weeks ago.

Reportedly, lovely Sienna Miller is so dazzling as Andy Warhol's doomed party brat that kudos seers believe she could pose a strong challenge to the many, ahem, mature gals leading that matchup now — like Helen Mirren ("The Queen"), Judi Dench ("Notes on a Scandal") and Meryl Streep ("The Devil Wears Prada"). After all, The Babe Factor — as you read here often at Gold Derby — is a major one at showbiz awards and could be a big factor with "Factory."

But as of early this week the movie still wasn't on the schedule for Golden Globe voters to see it before the early-December deadline for their nom ballots. Considering Globe voters saw "Apocalypto" and "Letters from Iwo Jima" over the past few days, the only major films still left unseen are "The Good Shepherd" (which they'll see on Monday) and "Factory Girl."

Yesterday the Weinstein Co. scheduled a screening next week with the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. Just in time. But what about "the shut-ins"? Legend has it that five or six senior members of HFPA aren't well enough to attend screenings, so must view everything at home on DVD. Considering that there are only 90 voters, 5 or 6 can make a big difference. They will not see "Factory Girl," "Good Shepherd," "Apocalypto" and a few other leading contenders. Tomorrow (Friday) Globe nomination ballots get mailed out.

So do SAG ballots. Harvey's Oscar soldiers are booking screening rooms madly to accommodate members of the nominating committee on both coasts, but there are more than 2,000 of them. Will enough see it in time? Ballots aren't due till Jan. 2, but showbizzers who vote for awards tend to vote early, usually within two weeks of receiving their ballots. Noms will be announced on Jan. 4.

Meantime, forget about the possibility of Sienna winning the New York or L.A. film critics's awards. Most of those voters will probably not see "Factory Girl" before balloting on Dec. 10 and 11. Those groups are too large, with widely scattered members, to get organized in time. The National Board of Review reveals winners on Dec. 6. That group is small enough for Harvey to hornswaggle into seeing it, but I don't know if his minions managed to set up a screening in time.

On the other hand, Harvey Weinstein is so convinced that "Factory Girl," and particularly its British star Sienna Miller, could get a real kick from the BAFTAs, that he bent every sinew to squeeze the movie under the wire. Last week, the Weinstein Co. guaranteed a Feb. 9 release to BAFTA even before it had finalized a U.K. distribution deal.

What's up with the Feb 9th release?

Two late entries, Sienna Miller for "Factory Girl" and Renee Zellweger for "Miss Potter," see their films debut in late December, so they may not show up on the critics' lists yet still compete for Oscars, the experts said.

Steph, here's the NY part:

The last-minute, going-totally-crazy efforts of the Weinstein Co. team to get additional shooting done on George Hickenlooper's Factory Girl (Weinstein Co., 12.29) only a few weeks ago and then hurriedly screen the film for all the year-end critics groups for possible awards consideration...the entire breathless bandwagon (Sienna Miller as Edie Sedgwick! Don't count us out! We're in the game!) has suddenly devolved into an east-coast farce.


I'm speaking of an hours-old decision to suddenly cancel the just-scheduled New York press screenings in lieu of a decision by Weinstein Co. distribution honchos to bypass the 12.29 release and not even open Factory Girl in New York theatres until sometime early next year, possibly as late as February.

Continue reading


December 9, 2006 -- "FACTORY Girl" - the hotly anticipated movie about 1960s "It Girl" Edie Sedgwick and the Andy Warhol scene - is having such a hard time getting off the assembly line, it won't even be released in New York until sometime next year.

The Weinstein Company had invited New York critics to a screening of the unfinished movie this week, but then disinvited them when the producers learned they wouldn't be eligible for awards from the New York Film Critics Circle.

Only pictures released in New York are eligible for the local honors, and Weinstein is rushing to open "Factory Girl" in Los Angeles before the end of the year to qualify for the ultimate goal - the Academy Awards.

"I feel somewhere between angered and dis-invested," movie industry blogger Jeffrey Wells said. "I've been feeling something genuine for this film for the last four months, but the handling of it over the last 24 to 36 hours has been erratic and close to embarrassing."

The movie, which stars Sienna Miller as the drug-doomed Edie and Guy Pearce as the platinum-wigged Warhol, has been vexed by so many problems and delays that director George Hickenlooper has been pushed aside, sources say.

Page Six previously reported that the crew was forced to reshoot some of the Pittsburgh scenes (or as Miller fondly called it, "S - - - sburgh") in New York.

One New Yorker who was asked to appear in the film said he was shocked it's already being screened because shooting hasn't even wrapped: "They've got me on hold for more scenes next week."

Scott Pellegrino, who promotes events through, attended a "Factory Girl" screening on Thursday and said it was "well-received." Another viewer said Miller's performance is "brilliant." Pellegrino's one complaint was that "uber-WASP" Hayden Christensen was cast instead of a Jewish actor as the Bob Dylan-based character.

Weinstein Company rep Sarah Rothman told us New Yorkers will finally get to see the movie in February when it opens nationwide - unless it gets delayed.

What's this nonsense about Hayden being "WASP"?

I'm really sorry about the long post, I realize it may be hard to read but try to get the necessary info out of it anyway.

I'll post other news soon, I don't wanna drag out this post any longer.

Last edited by Cereal Killer; 12-14-2006 at 04:45 PM
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Old 12-14-2006, 05:19 PM
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Sorry about the double post, I just want to get these posted. Remember, it's a no-no, though.

First, let's get a few more minor news out of the way:

Local seminary appears in three movies

STAMFORD — A Glenbrook Road facility that serves as a training ground for aspiring Ukranian Catholic priests also plays part-time host to Hollywood.

The influx of film crews and actors who have swarmed the region in recent months have made St. Basil College Seminary a motion picture fixture.


This month, "Factory Girl," a movie about the lives of Edie Sedgwick and Andy Warhol, completed shooting on campus.

Guy Pearce, Sienna Miller, Jimmy Fallon and Hayden Christiansen will star in the film that was shot primarily at the seminary, Goldrick said.

The crew used the gothic 1860's mansion as the stage for a ballroom; an exterior courtyard was shot to depict 1960s Harvard; and sound stages were built in the seminary's gymnasium where the crew filmed Warhol [Pearce] going to confession, Goldrick said. Another room was used as Warhol's studio, and was featured throughout the film, he said.

"They erect all the sets," Goldrick said. "If you went in there you'd see three separate sets, a bed with a phone, and things like that."

About 100 "Factory Girl" personnel completed about seven days of preparation and four days of filming at St. Basil's, Goldrick said.

Film fest picks opener

“Factory Girl,” a film starring Sienna Miller, Guy Pearce and Hayden Christensen portraying the 1960s “It Girl” Edie Sedgwick will open the 22nd annual Santa Barbara Film Festival on January 25, 2007.
Sedgwick was born in Santa Barbara’s own Cottage Hospital, and also died in Santa Barbara at the age of 28.
“We are pleased to be able to present ‘Factory Girl’ to launch this year’s amazing program,” said executive director Roger Durling in a statement. “This film, the story, the cast is right in line with our goal of being cutting edge as well as an all-encompassing film festival.
“It also seemed fitting given that Edie Sedgwick was not only born in Santa Barbara, but she died here as well.”
Sedgwick starred in many of Andy Warhol’s short films in the 1960s.
“Factory Girl,” directed by George Hickenlooper, shows the rise and fall of Sedgwick, “the blazing superstar who came to define both the glamour and the tragedy of our celebrity-obsessed culture,” according to a festival statement.
She was a descendent of Henry Wheeler de Forest, the president of the Southern Pacific Railroad and descendent of Jesse de Forest, who began the Dutch West India Company.
Sedgwick briefly worked as a model and appeared in Vogue and LIFE magazines.

And on to the big news:


December 14, 2006 -- BOB Dylan wants to send "Factory Girl" to the glue factory - charging the upcoming Edie Sedgwick biopic falsely suggests he was responsible for the Andy Warhol ingenue's suicide.

The famed folkie's pit bull lawyers have fired off a letter to producers Bob Yari and Holly Wiersma, and screenwriter Aaron Richard Golub, demanding the flick not be released - or even screened - until they see it to determine if Dylan, who they say has "deep concerns," has been defamed.

Sedgwick, played by Sienna Miller, was Warhol's brightest young star before spiraling into drug abuse and killing herself with an overdose of barbiturates in 1971. She got to know Dylan while living at the Chelsea Hotel, and legend has it they hooked up.

The original screenplay depicted the alleged relationship using Dylan's name, and suggested he dumped Sedgwick - which led to "her tragic decline into heroin addiction and eventual suicide," Dylan's lawyer, Orin Snyder, writes.

Although Dylan's name has been changed to "Danny Quinn" and the character is reportedly a composite of Dylan, Jim Morrison and Mick Jagger, Snyder says critics who've seen screenings say it's unmistakably Dylan. A trailer shows Quinn, played by Hayden Christensen, wearing Dylan's trademark harmonica brace and cap as he performs.

Snyder warns the filmmakers: "You appear to be laboring under the misunderstanding that merely changing the name of a character or making him a purported fictional composite will immunize you from suit. That is not so. Even though Mr. Dylan's name is not used, the portrayal remains both defamatory and a violation of Mr. Dylan's right of publicity . . .

"Until we are given an opportunity to view the film, we hereby demand that all distribution and screenings . . . immediately be ceased." The Weinstein Company, which is releasing the picture Dec. 27, had no comment. Neither did Yari or Golub.

Oddly, Lou Reed, who was part of the Warhol scene, is portrayed as "Lou Reed" by Brian Bell. But taciturn Reed isn't complaining - yet.

(They got the release date and the name of Hayden's character wrong... )

I'm gonna be so mad at Dylan if he steps between me and my sexy rockstar man! Haven't us fangirls gone through enough? Give us a break, Bobby!

ETA: The download link in the opening post has been changed to a larger version if anyone's interested in downloading it again.

Last edited by Cereal Killer; 12-14-2006 at 05:27 PM
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