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Old 06-07-2011, 08:24 PM
ride the lightning
Fan Forum Star

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What’s a garden without guava?

Jack smiles at Kate. And as always, there’s so much going on
between these two.
But we’ll leave the audience wanting more and go to --
tree ;

6 The Shephards

Meaning of the name: One who cares for and guides a group of people;
someone that shows the way

The Shephard clan, not just a mere group of shattered and broken people, not just a fragmented family.
Though they are often separate, though they wander different paths, they all serve the same purpose,
to live up to their namesake, to be leaders, to give from their hearts. In the end, this family may be the key to it all,
the key to saving the island from darkness. But that’s an answer only Season Six can bring.
Ray Shephard

Meaning of the name: advice; decision protector
Ray or “Rey” in Spanish also means ‘king’.

He was only in one scene this season, and he didn’t do much, but with a few comments and some knowing looks, it really seemed like maybe Grandpa Ray knew more than he was letting on. His name in many ways is suiting; he seemed like someone Jack could come to, someone that Ray’s own son, Jack’s father, could never be to Jack. He was there to supply the thing that Jack had needed most, a pair of his father’s shoes; the ticket to get back to where Jack was destined to be. Could he have been on the island in the 1950s with the American army? Jack sure looked at that U.S. army photo on the island for quite a long time. Did it look familiar? These are some things hopefully Season Six will answer, and we all hope to see Ray again.

Dr. Christian Shephard

Meaning of the name: anointed, follows Christ

Christian is the enigma, the mystery in the puzzle. Is he a villain or a hero? A sinner or a saint? A liar or a leader? His whole adult life he was an alcoholic. He pushed his son, pushed him away and to a purpose, but what was that purpose? To become one of the world’s best spinal surgeons or was it something more? In death, Christian is seen wandering the jungle, a man donning white sneakers and a crisp suit, a man dressed in drab, dark clothing. But are they the same man? Christian has left instructions to several survivors, guided them, and led the way. But is he leading them to where they need to be? Or entangling them in a trap that they cannot foresee? He says he works for Jacob, but do we really know this is true? Could this story be winding down to a show-down between father and son? Only time can tell.
Margo Shephard

Meaning of the name: pearl

Margo hasn’t had much of a major role in the big picture of the significance of the Shephard family. Often she was neglected by her husband and resentful of her son, Jack, for driving her husband even further away. But after believing that Jack may have died in the crash, she welcomed him back with open arms, ready to forget all the pain that their family had experienced.
Dr. Jack Shephard

Meaning of the name: god is gracious
Also called Moses. Moses lead the Israelites out of Egypt and away from slavery.

He may be the key to it all. Once a man of science, insecure and afraid of the unknown, he is now a true man of faith, doing whatever he can to find his destiny. As the leader of the survivors, he made many mistakes, lost many people, and in many ways, lost himself. Ignoring his path, he went down another and found himself on the brink of death. But everything has changed now. To quote Jacob, all he needed was “a little push”, someone to believe in him. He found that with Kate, but being the unselfish and good-hearted man he is, he sacrificed the thing he wanted most, Kate, to erase all the mistakes he had made in the past. To get a second chance at doing things right. To save all those that had been lost. Next season we’ll discover more of Jack’s path and find out if he will ever get his happy ending.
Katherine Anne Austen

Meaning of the name: pure (first name); grace (middle name)

Austen is the last name of the famous novelist Jane Austen. Her female characters were often strong and independent, two qualities that Kate obviously possesses. With Austen’s heroines, true love often came with arduous struggles and numerous misunderstandings, but in the end, they always lived happily ever after.

Though she is not legally a part of the Shephard family, she was engaged to Jack and was raising his nephew, Aaron, and is now currently back on the island to find Jack’s sister, Claire. She first forged a major connection by delivering Aaron, a baby that may have a bigger purpose than we know. It was through actions like these that we learned to understand the person that Kate truly was, not the criminal, but the kind-hearted and giving woman who stood by her fellow survivors, and became the right hand man and support to their leader, Jack. Kate’s mother and father, bound in an abusive relationship, never gave Kate the support and love she needed; they never were able to show her what true love really was. But through the Shephard family, Kate found a purpose, a life; she found love. Will Kate be able to find Claire? Will she have a child of her own? Amongst these questions there is one constant; she will be there to help Jack find his destiny and purpose and fight beside him until the bitter end.
Claire Littleton

Meaning of the name: clear, bright (first name); small town (last name)

Unbeknownst to Jack until after he finally was able to bury his father, both figuratively and literally, a sister surfaced that he never knew existed, and yet knew all the same. Claire, unaware of her own father’s last name, never makes the connection, and is lost in the jungle, following the man she vowed never to see again and someone who may be dangerous to her own safety, Christian. Once regarded as someone good and pure, now she is something almost ghost like; unconcerned for her own child and calm and content with her new situation. Will she ever be reunited with her son? Will she ever find out that Jack is her brother? Is she alive? Or did she die in that explosion and become something else all together?
Aaron Littleton

Meaning of the name: mountain, shining light, messenger (first name); small town (last name)
In the Bible, he was the brother of Moses and often spoke for him when he was unable to.

There is still much to be learned about Aaron. When Claire was pregnant with him, a psychic warned Claire that her son must be raised by her and only her, so that he may be enriched by her goodness. In the event that she was unable to care for him, horrible things would happen. He spoke of another couple, one in LA, who could raise the child, one that may have very well been Jack and Kate. This is where the mystery begins. Born on the island, Aaron was later left by his mother and adopted by Kate. Jack, both his uncle and his father in many respects, was told that he was not meant to raise him….but could Charlie have been talking of another? In the end, it didn’t matter; Jack left, riddled by insecurity and doubt. Surprisingly Claire, appearing to Kate in a dream, pleaded with her never to bring “him” back. Was Claire talking about Aaron? Will Aaron be an important piece in the puzzle in the end? Or was he just an unfortunate child; a witness to this sad events?

Additional note: Jacob is the great-great-grandfather of Aaron in the Bible. Coincidence? Or Fate?

soundtrack ;


He didn’t want to remember that day he told her to stay behind, but she came anyway. He didn’t want to remember how it felt to see that bag being yanked off, her hair all a mess, to see the gun trained at her head, to see her trembling in that man’s grasp. Because that was the first time he had ever really felt out of control, not just because that man could kill her at any moment, with no remorse, no turning back. No, because in that moment, he realized how much he loved her, and from that there really was no turning back.


He didn’t want to remember a similar day when an identical bag was taken off her head. He didn’t want to remember how his heart hammered in his chest just at the sight of her, how frustrated he was that he couldn’t just reach out through that glass and wrap her in his arms. He didn’t want to remember yelling at her, at driving her away, for asking her to be so strong when she had come to him for help. He didn’t want to remember seeing her wrapped in Sawyer’s arms. Because that was the moment he realized, it wasn’t what he was, it was what he wasn’t that had brought them here.


He didn’t want to remember the day he walked out her door because he remembered a time when he would have done anything to make her feel better (what’s a garden without guava?), a time when he would have physically harmed anyone who had caused her pain (did they hurt you?). But, when he had looked at her with Aaron clutched in her arms, her face shining with the tears she had shed, he had known that he had been the one to hurt her, and that hurt worse than any beating ever could.


He didn’t want to remember the way her hand felt against his skin as she smacked him hard across the face. Because the slap wasn’t what had smarted; it was knowing that the pain she had tried to just cause him was only a fraction of the pain he had caused her. He had felt the tenderness of her fingertips as they danced lightly over his cheek and neck, tingling with the fire of her touch. But this was a whole new kind of fire, and now he just wanted it to burn until all that was left was ash that could be swept off in the wind.


But most of all, he didn’t want to remember that first day when she walked out of the jungle, dressed in white, just like an angel, his angel. Because he hadn’t realized the gaping hole in his life until she had sewn him back together.

….and then it was gone.

He just wanted to forget.

Fan Fictions + Jate Magazine

chemistry ;

"I have to savor that for every single day that I'm here.
Every single day that I get to be working with Matthew Fox,
because without him, Its gonna be damaging."

threads ;

#01 ; #02 ; #03; #04 ;
#05; #06; #07; #08;
#09; #10; #11; #12;
#13; #14; #15; #16;
#17; #18; #19; #20;
#21; #22; #23; #24;
#25; #26; #27; #28;
#29; #30; #31; #32;
#33; ; #34; #35; #36;
#37; #38; #39; #40;
#41; #42; #43; #44;
#45;#46; #47; #48;
#49; #50; #51;#52;
#53; #54; #55; #56
;#57; #58; #59


#100 ; #200 ; #300 ; #400 ; #500 ;
#600 ; #700 ; #800 ; #900 ; #1000 ;
#1100 ; #1200 ; #1300 #1400 ; #1500 ;

#1600 ; #1700 ; #1800 ; #1900


She wanted to remember that day when her world had fallen to pieces, when she thought she had gone crazy. She wanted to remember the way he grabbed her and brought her close, murmuring softly into her ear that she would be alright. She wanted to remember the feel of his stubble on her fingertips and the taste of his lips and tongue. She even wanted to remember running away. Because, even though the world was spinning and she didn’t know which way was up as she ran through what felt like an endless row of trees, she had known one thing for certain. She never wanted to run from him again.


She wanted to remember that night in the game room. She wanted to remember his indifference, even though it had chilled her to see him treat her so coldly. She wanted to remember how he relaxed to her touch, how he grasped her hand firmly in his, how he scanned her face with his haunted eyes. Because it was only then that she realized how her actions had affected him, that you can break someone’s heart without ever saying a word. And when he leaned down and whispered in her ear, so close his breath tickled her neck, she knew that even though he was distant, he would never abandon her (but I will come back here for you), and that was the first time in her life that she didn’t feel alone.


She wanted to remember the day they called for rescue. She wanted to remember the blister she got on the bottom of her foot from the rock in her shoe even though she had walked a full mile without even realizing it was there. She wanted to remember the way he tried to make her feel better about Sawyer when in actuality, she was upset because of him, because of the kiss he had shared with Juliet. She wanted to remember the kamikaze look on his face as he dove in and said those words (because I love you). Because she never thought she would have a second chance, but he had offered so much forgiveness that he trusted her with his heart.


She wanted to remember the year they lived together as a family. She wanted to remember the early morning coffee in the kitchen before he kissed her and went off to work. She wanted to remember the days at the park with Aaron when Aaron would squeal with laughter as he pushed him higher and higher. Aaron used to say, “Mommy, Jack can make me fly!”, and she never said it, but she always thought, “me too.” She wanted to remember the night he woke her up and asked her to marry him. Because she had never felt so loved as she had that night when he crawled into bed and brought her close, the last thing she saw before she drifted back to sleep being the shimmer of the diamond in the dark.


But most of all, she wanted to remember that first day when she walked out of the jungle and saw him. Because he had seen her. After so many years of trying and most of the time succeeding at being invisible, he saw her, every bit of her. And when he said “you’re not running now” she somehow got the feeling that he knew her better than she even knew herself. Months later, as she gripped a walkie in her raw hands, she had told him, “you fixed her, you saved her”, but she had really meant herself. Because on that first day, he had shown her all she could be, and day by day helped her to believe it. She wasn’t broken anymore.

….yes, yes I remember!

She never wanted to forget.

It’s funny how long forgotten memories sometimes float to the surface, even the ones that may have influenced us the most in our lives. A scar long ago faded still tells a story, even if the wound no longer hurts, even if the memory of the pain remains hazy at best.

It’s funny how life can change in the blink of an eye and yet still give us those moments where time seems to stop. When all there is is you and this other person and everything else just sort of fades away.

It’s funny how something as small as hope can shine as bright as a lighthouse in a storm, promising shelter and a reason to go on, when before all there was was darkness.

People always say love is blind, but in my experience, love is what opened up my eyes for the first time. It takes time to adjust to the brightness, but once you do, what you see is so beautiful, you never want to close them again.

There is always a light in the darkness, and all it took was one man to give me the eyes to see.

Yes, yes, I remember….


This is one memory I’ll never be able to forget.
Well I'm sure the guy's out there somewhere.
___ Maybe. But I'm scared to open up my heart like that again.
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